just survive汉化补丁 发邮件说Benefiting from Cheaters,封了7天,是什么意思?队友开挂还是啥??

Code for Distinguishing Agglomeration from Firm Selection
Replication files for 'The productivity advantages of large cities: Distinguishing agglomeration from firm selection'
by Pierre-Philippe Combes, Gilles Duranton, Laurent Gobillon, Diego Puga, and S&bastien Roux
This site distributes and documents computer programs that implement the estimation methodology developed by Pierre-Philippe Combes, Gilles Duranton, Laurent Gobillon, Diego Puga, and S&bastien Roux in their article , published in Econometrica 80(6), November -2594.
Firms are more productive on average in larger cities. Two main explanations have been offered: firm selection (larger cities toughen competition, allowing only the most productive to survive) and agglomeration economies (larger cities promote interactions that increase productivity). If selection is tougher in larger cities, fewer of the weaker firms will survive there. Stronger selection should thus lead to a greater left truncation of the distribution of firm log productivity in larger cities. If agglomeration economies are stronger in larger cities, all firms located there will enjoy some productive advantages, with perhaps some benefiting more than others. Stronger agglomeration effects in larger cities should thus lead instead to a greater rightwards shift of the distribution of firm log productivity in larger cities. To the extent that more productive firms are better able to reap the benefits of agglomeration, agglomeration should also lead to an increased dilation of the distribution of firm log productivity in larger cities. While these properties should hold generally, the paper provides a nested model of selection and agglomeration that helps interpret the empirical results.
The article then develops an empirical methodology to estimate the extent to which the log productivity distribution in larger cities is left-truncated (evidence of differences in selection effects) or dilated and right-shifted (evidence of common productivity advantages) compared to the log productivity distribution in smaller cities. This is applied to French establishment-level total factor productivity data.
While the administrative establishment-level data used in the article cannot be posted here, we make available the computer code required to implement our empirical methodology. We also provide an anonymized data set with ordinary least squares log total factor productivity estimates that can be used to replicate the baseline point estimates in the article (the log productivity data provided are regression residuals, so no actual data for individual establishments is being revealed). More generally, the computer code is written so that it can be easily used to apply the same methodology to find the combination of left-truncation, shift and dilation that, when applied to one distribution, best approximates a second distribution. A detailed description of the methodology is available in the
and in the
that accompanies it. Researchers interested in accessing the complete source data need to obtain permission from France's Comit& du secret statistique. The Comit& can be contacted at . The relevant forms and details on the
can be found at the
The files needed to implement this methodology are available for download from this site as a zip file:
. This contains:
A SAS program that estimates the combination of left-truncation, shift and dilation that, when applied to one distribution, best approximates a second distribution: cdgprmainprogram.sas. The program has been tested to run properly on versions 9.2 and 9.3 of SAS in both Linux and Windows.
A second SAS program: cdgprmacros.sas. This program contains all the core routines and is called by cdgprmainprogram.sas.
Establishment-level log total factor productivity data that, together with the two programs provided, can be used to replicate the baseline point estimates (bottom rows of table I and table II) in the article 'The productivity advantages of large cities: Distinguishing agglomeration from firm selection', in SAS data format: cdgprdata.sas7bdat. These data include three variables:
nident: a unique code for each establishment created specifically for this file with no particular meaning.
cat: a code taking value 1 if the establishment is located in an employment area with below median employment density and taking value 2 if the establishment is located in an employment area with above median employment density.
tfp_ols: Anonymized ordinary least squares log total factor productivity estimates for each establishment.
The same establishment-level log total factor productivity data in comma-delimited ascii format: cdgprdata.csv.
The output produced by cdgprmainprogram.sas when run in SAS 9.3 on 13 February 2012, which corresponds to the results in the article: resultscdgprdata.sas7bdat.
A copy of this documentation: readme.html (the latest version can be found at ).
Usage with the included replication data
To replicate the baseline point estimates in the article 'The productivity advantages of large cities: Distinguishing agglomeration from firm selection', download the zip file , uncompress it, and place all the included files in the same directory (e.g., c:\yourdirectory). Edit line 15 of cdgprmainprogram.sas so that it points to the directory where you placed the files in your system. For example:
%let basedir=c:\ /* base directory */
Run cdgprmainprogram.sas in SAS. This will produce as output a SAS data file resultscdgprdata.sas7bdat with 6 rows and 12 columns. The 12 columns are:
name: name of the variable on which the estimation is being run (tfp_ols when using the provided data file).
shift: indicator variable taking value 1 if, for that row of the output file, the shift parameter A is being estimated, and value 0 if the estimation is being run with the constraint A=0.
dilation: indicator variable taking value 1 if, for that row of the output file, the dilation parameter D is being estimated, and value 0 if the estimation is being run with the constraint D=1.
truncation: indicator variable taking value 1 if, for that row of the output file, the truncation parameter S is being estimated, and value 0 if the estimation is being run with the constraint S=0.
A: estimated value of the shift parameter, A&&, or 0 if shift=0.
D: estimated value of the dilation parameter, D&&, or 1 if dilation=0.
S: estimated value of the truncation parameter, S&&, or 0 if truncation=0.
R2: measure of the goodness of fit R2 = 1-M(A&&,&D&&,&S&& )/M(0, 1, 0) .
obs: total number of observations being used in the estimation.
criteria: the criteria being minimized M(A&&,&D&&,&S&& ).
n1t: number of observations in the first distribution (source data observations with cat=1), after applying the estimated transformation. In rows with selection=0, this corresponds to the actual number of observations with cat=1 being used. In rows with selection=1, this is lower than the actual number of observations with cat=1 being used whenever S&&&0.
n2t: number of observations in the second distribution (source data observations with cat=2), after applying the estimated transformation. In rows with selection=0, this corresponds to the actual number of observations with cat=1 being used. In rows with selection=1, this is lower than the actual number of observations with cat=1 being used whenever S&&&0.
The 6 rows correspond to the following cases:
shift=0, dilation=0, truncation=0. This is the baseline case with no transformation, useful to see the difference between the untransformed distributions as reflected in the value of the criteria, as well as the actual number of observations in each distribution being used in the estimation.
shift=1, dilation=1, truncation=1.
shift=1, dilation=1, truncation=0.
shift=1, dilation=0, truncation=0.
shift=0, dilation=0, truncation=1.
shift=1, dilation=1, truncation=0.
This reproduces the point estimates of table I and table II in the article. Standard errors are not produced automatically because this requires access to the full establishment-level data used to estimate log total factor productivity, since the standard errors also need to account for variation in the productivity estimation stage of the methodology. See the section on computing standard errors below in this page for a description of how to do this.
Usage with other data
The code provided can also be used to find the combination of left-truncation, shift and dilation that, when applied to one distribution, best approximates a second distribution. The source data set to which you wish to apply the methodology, in SAS data format, needs to be specified in line 16 of cdgprmainprogram.sas. For example:
%let data= /* source data set (extension to be sas7bdat) */
This must include the following variables:
nident: a unique code for each establishment, unit or individual in the two distributions.
cat: a code taking value 1 if the establishment is located in an employment area with below median employment density and taking value 2 if the establishment is located in an employment area with above median employment density.
o these (unlike the other two variables, nident and cat) can be named freely but the names need to be specified, separated by spaces, in line 15 of cdgprmainprogram.sas. For example:
%let variables=var1 var2 var3 var4; /* variable name (or variable names separated by spaces) */
Each variable name needs to have less than 50 characters. When more than one variable is included, the estimation is performed for each of them successively, and a single result file is produced with all the results. The name of each variable is used as an identifier.
Whenever one estimates firm-level productivity, measurement errors are likely to result in a few extreme outliers. To minimise the impact of such outliers in our estimates we exclude the 1 percent of observations with the highest productivity values and the 1 percent of observations with the lowest productivity values in each employment area density class. It is important to trim extreme values in both classes to avoid biasing the estimate of S. In other applications, it may advisable to trim a different percentage of extreme observations. This can be set in line 18 of cdgprmainprogram.sas. For example, to trim 2% instead of 1% on each extreme of each of the two distributions:
%let trim=2; /* defines the percentage of observations to be trimmed on each extreme of each of t set 1 for 1%, 2 for 2% etc */
Running cdgprmainprogram.sas in SAS will produce as output a SAS data file resultsyourdata.sas7bdat (if your source data set is named yourdata.sas7bdat), with 6 rows for each of the variables you specified and the same 12 columns described above.
Calculating bootstrapped standard errors
Standard errors of the estimated parameters are bootstrapped drawing observations for some establishments out of the log productivity distribution with replacement. For each bootstrap iteration, we first reestimate log productivity for each observation employed in the iteration, and we then reestimate A&&,&D&&,&and S&& . Finally, we use the distribution of estimates of A&&,&D&&,&and S&& that results from all bootstrap iterations to compute the standard errors. Given that cdgprmainprogram.sas can be run on multiple variables simultanously by editing line 15, one can make the first variable be log productivity estimated with all establishments, and then specify another 100 variables with bootstrapped log productivity estimates. Calculating the standard deviation of the estimated coefficients across the 100 bootstrapped iterations with the same values of the shift, dilation, and truncation indicators yields standard errors.
Combes, Pierre-Philippe, Gilles Duranton, Laurent Gobillon, Diego Puga, and S&bastien Roux. 2012. The productivity advantages of large cities: Distinguishing agglomeration from firm selection. Econometrica 80(6): .最近收到这样的邮件太多了,不知道他们到底什么意思? - 外贸心情 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
UID 947421
福步币 2 块
阅读权限 25
From Sgt.frank white.Compliments.
Good day and compliments, I know this letter will definitely come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through it carefully as the decision you make will go off a long way to determine my future and continued existence.
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Sgt.frank white, a US Marine Sgt. serving in the 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment that Patrols the Anbar province, Iraq. I am desperately in need of assistance and I have summoned up courage to contact you. I am presently in Iraq and I found your contact particulars in an address in my search for a confidence reputable and reliable&&person that can receive the fund in question and invest it properly in any good business .
I am seeking your assistance to evacuate the sum of $18 million (eighteen Million U.S Dollars) to the States or any safe country,as far as I can be assured that it will be safe in your care until I complete my service here.
This is no stolen money and there are no dangers involved.
Some money in various currencies was discovered and concealed in barrels with piles of weapons and ammunition at a location near one of Saddam Hussein's old Presidential Palaces during a rescue operation and it was agreed by all party present that the money be shared amongst us.
Click this link below
This might appear as an illegal thing to do but I tell you what?
No compensation can make up for the risks we have taken with our lives in this hellhole.The above figure was given to me as my share and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a British contact working with the UN here (his office enjoys some immunity)
I was able to get the package out to a safe location entirely out of trouble spot. He does not know the real contents of the package as he believes that it belongs to an American who died in an air raid, who before giving up trusted me to hand over the package to his close relative. I have now found a secured way of getting the package out of Iraq for you to pick up. I do not know for how long I will remain here, as I have been lucky to survive 2 suicide bomb attacks by Pure Divine intervention.Note you can contact my wife name Mrs Alice white
with this number Brooklyn New York US + .
This and other reasons put into consideration have prompted me to reach out for help. If it might be of interest to you then Endeavor to contact me and we would work out the necessary formalities but I pray that you are discreet about this mutually benefiting relationship.
Please reply your mail to me via ( )
Respectfully,Sgt.frank white
United States Marine Corps. IRAQ
As an internationally recognized, Prudential provides permanent financing for the purchase or refinance of stabilized multifamily and specialized properties in affordable rate. We structure and facilitate all kinds of loan to both private and corporate bodies. Your name, amount needed, duration and contact number is all we need.&&
Contact, RICHARD.G
gold and diamond seller
We are small mining company and also represent the marketing&&interests of several other gold mining cooperative groups and have been contacted in respect of gold business on your behalf We therefore present this offer to you for your immediate consideration towards along term business relationship.
I am the direct mandate for the seller.I’m looking for serious buyers who would like me to help them get the quantity and quality they need at a moderate price.I work with buyers in three procedures,(1)Buyer travel to GHANA to purchase the Gold(no advance payments),(2)I go through all the conference calls,emails,contracts and others and link the buyer directly to the seller before traveling to GHANA (no advance payments)(no advance payment).for more information pls contact.
We trust to have a long-term business with you and
look forward to hearing from you.
Dearly Beloved,
I am Lady Sylvia Stroher, suffering from cancerous ailment. I was married
to Sir stroher a English shipping tycoon notable for his great
wealth, influential extended family, and charitable activities all his
life before his death. My husband died after a protracted illness in May
11th, 2008. Our life together as husband and wife lasted for about three
decades without a child.
My late husband and I made a vow to uplift the down-trodden and the
less-privileged individuals in the society, as we both had passion for
those people who can not help themselves due to physical disability or
financial predicament. I can adduce this to the fact that we both needed a
Child from this relationship, which never came. When my late husband was
alive he invested in stocks the sum of Twenty&&Million Pounds Sterling
(20,000,000.00 GBP), which were derived from his vast investment in
capital market with a Security Company here in UK and named me as the sole
beneficiary of this trust funds upon his demise.(all records are kept with
my family lawyer).
Presently, this funds is still with the Security Company. Two weeks ago my
Doctor told me that I have limited days to live, due to the cancerous
problems that i have been suffering from. Though what bothers me most is
the stroke that I have in addition with the cancer. Hence, with this hard
reality that has befallen my family and me, i have decided to donate this
funds to you and i want you to use this gift which comes from my late
husbands effort to establish a charity home called &Stroher Charity
Foundation& for the upkeep of widows, orphans, destitute, the down-
trodden, physically challenged children, barren-women and persons who
prove to be genuinely handicapped financially around you, as it is often
said that blessed is the hand that giveth.
I took this decision because I do not have any child that will inherit
this money and my husband relatives are bourgeois and very wealthy persons
and I do not want my late husband's hard earned money to be misused or
invested into ill perceived ventures. Also i do not want a situation where
this funds will be used in a worldly manner, hence my reason for taking
this bold decision. I do not need any telephone communication in this
regard due to my deteriorating health and because of the presence of my
husband relatives around me, as i am currently bedridden in my husband
Family house here in England and do not receive any visitors
unless approved by my late Husband Brother, my late husband immediate younger
brother. I do not want them to know about this development in order to
safeguard this bequeath.
So, i want you to Contact my family lawyer Barrister Jones Shealy (ESQ)
with this specified email address:
and tell him
that I have WILLED this funds to you by quoting my personal reference
number Law/chamber/solicitors/rt/sth/WILL/, as i have earlier
authorized him to issue a Letter of Authority in your favour to the
Security Company handling this stocks by telling them that I have WILLED
this funds to you for a specific purpose and good work. He will also
endorse my WILL, where you will be named as the sole beneficiary of this
trust funds. Please ensure to provide for him all that he may require to
finalise this arrangement, and make sure you maintain a confidential and
cordial relationship with him even in my absence, because he is a very
trust worthy and caring person.
My happiness today is that I lived a life worthy of emulation and i want
you to be kindhearted all through your life. Please, assure me that you
will act just as I have stated herein, as i hope to hear from him soon
that you have contacted him with his personal email address that i have
given to you above. Hence, he is currently waiting to receive your reply.
your beloved Sister.
Lady Sylvia Stroher
UID 1202809
福步币 1 块
阅读权限 0
来自 NBA联盟
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UID 1332306
阅读权限 60
来自 广东佛山
UID 947421
福步币 2 块
阅读权限 25
There is an issue with the World Bank Creditors in the amount of $12.5 Million Dollars directed in cash credited to file KTU/ /03,at your email address which has now been reverted to the AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK OF GHANA a couple of hours ago due to the Recent Homeland Security Act which prevented large sum of money.
In view of several efforts already made by us to contact you for the following reasons based on the new account submitted to this office on your behalf.
(1) My Office desks have just received a sworn affidavit from Mr. Maxwell Taylor of Germany to re-route your payment( 12.5 M) into a new bank account number as stated &VACAP& Federal Credit Union, 1700 Robin Hood Road,Richmond, VA 23220.Account number 32501.of Mr. Maxwell Taylor.
(2) Please, confirm to our department if you have instructed Mr. Maxwell Taylor to appoint an attorney/agent on your behalf thereby asking that he receive cash Remittance on your behalf.
(3) It has come to our notice that you are Being contacted by unauthorized individuals with respect to your Compensation but unfortunately this office is not aware of your Unofficial dealings and warned that it is at your own risk.
Best Regards,
Mr. George Dede,
Protocol Officer.
It's my pleasure to contact you for Inheritance fund of $8.5m which I intend
to Establish in your country.Furthermore,The only assistant I need is a honest
foreign partner for assistance to act as a new beneficiary of the fund. Please
respond with positive comments,I wait your response.Here is my Email
From : Philip thomas
You are a beneficiary to the WILL of the late Gianni Agnelli, He left the sum of sixty Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars , Please contact his lawyer on
for more information.
In Conjunction with the International
Monetary Fund OCHRE,
Senior Human Rights Officer,
On international payment department.
Dalais Wilson, CH 1211 Geneva 10,
Switzerland .
Date: July-05-2010,
Attn: Sir/Madam
Beneficiary with African and European Countries *Sequel to the meeting held with all the African over the payments the Africans Leaders own beneficiaries,that it be paid to them via AU account with the supervision of the International monitoring fund.{IMF}unit in London UK.Your file is among those with us,but the IMF London unit has the right to appoint any bank no matter the country or place to make the payment on their behalf,bear this in mind. No more contact with the previous persons you are dealing with.Your payment of USD$14.3M dollars was among the petitions and complains we have received from all parts of the world against African countries,the way they are delaying their beneficiary’s fund. Some petitions we received made it known to us that some beneficiaries have loose all they have achieve in the life time due to the way Africans are asking them to pay one charge or the other in regards of their payment. The UNITED NATIONS FOUNDATION out the total sum of USD1.5bil
lion to compensation all SCAM VIC
Best Regards,
Mr. John Chang,
For: Dr Frej Fenniche,
Senior Human Rights Officer,
United Nations Switzerland .
UID 963174
积分 18097
帖子 15542
福步币 22 块
阅读权限 80
UID 947421
福步币 2 块
阅读权限 25
Farmers in the USA are currently looking for farm workers from around the
globe (Both Male and Female) using the service of USA Labor Department.
The Monthly salary is $15,950. If you are interested in this jobs offer,
kindly contact reply back with your resume on this email:
Note: Job may include using hand tools such as knives, hoes, shovels, etc.
Duties may include tilling the soil, transplanting, and weeding, thinning,
picking, cutting, sorting & packing of harvested produce. May set up &
operate irrigation equip. Work is performed outside in all weather
conditions (Summertime 40+ degree weather) & is physically demanding
requiring workers to bend, stoop, lift & carry up to 50 lbs on a regular
basis. Please reply as &I want to be a farm worker& as your subject
Best Regards,
UID 947421
福步币 2 块
阅读权限 25
原帖由 风中的叹息 于
16:03 发表
我简明的说一下意思就是希望你上当 这么低级的骗子,我真不知道是出自中国人还是外国人之手
UID 947421
福步币 2 块
阅读权限 25
UID 947421
福步币 2 块
阅读权限 25
This is to inform you of the release result of the ASIA PACIFIC&&
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Name: Benny Riswan
Asia Pacific Lottery Organization
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Provide him with the information below:
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7. Nationality:
8. Country Of Residence:
9. Telephone Number:
10. Fax Number:
11. Draw Number above:
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Lottery Officer
Mr John sherma
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Mr Philippe Tomblaine
Hi, I had already sent you this email without any response from you. I am Sgt. Ken Holland of the US Marine in Ba'qubah,Iraq. We have the sum of $15,500,000.00 we made from some Crude Oil deal that we want you to help us to receive. Since we are working here on Official capacity we cannot keep this funds hence my contacting you. If you are interested, do get back to me so that i can give you further details. Sincerely, Sgt. Ken Holland
UID 1029434
福步币 1 块
阅读权限 120
UID 947421
福步币 2 块
阅读权限 25
原帖由 无痕少爷 于
16:07 发表
其实就是大骗子.......经常收到...... 可是我收的太频繁了,每天都有几十封。这正常吗?
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