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0:41:43 &&
0:37:35&&的原帖:应该看整个双层巴士的运力和事故数量,再与单层巴士比较,不能因为一次事故就轻易下决论,这不科学… 怎么不科学?&&同样的路段,同一个司机开,两种巴士,很大可能两个不同结果。&&双层重心高得多,那是肯定的吧?
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0:49:21 &&
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8:20:02 &&
0:49:21&&的原帖:第一时间,重要指示,全力救治,情绪稳定。。。香港真的是不想混了,居然不按套路发文。 … 的确有点不一样。特区嘛,要有点不同。
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8:30:56 &&
&&&&他并指出,巴士翻侧时,狭窄的车厢内部有部分伤者出现人叠人的情况,进一步增加救援的难度。为此,消防人员使用了切割车体的手段。&&&&香港消防处助理救护总长陈庆愉说,61名伤者有18位严重受伤,主要情况为头部、脊柱受伤,严重骨折及大量出血。死者主要为头部严重受伤。大部分死伤者都于巴士上层被找到。……… 所以,双层造成死亡率高。
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16:05:29 &&
&&&& 位注册用户,目前在线 268775 人&& &&&&中文论坛深水区&&&&首页&&&&凯迪社区&&&&猫眼看人&&&&[转帖]九巴惨剧 政府今委法官查巴士营运&&&&&&&&发布新帖&&&&跟帖回复&&&&Albert_Perth&&|&&只看此人&&&&开通会员 广告一扫而光&&&&楼主&&&&Albert_Perth 于
13:05:13 发布在 凯迪社区 猫眼看人&&&&刑责难逃 司机或控误杀&&&&警方新界北总区重案组正积极循多方向调查大埔公路夺命巴士意外,当中包括调查肇事巴士车长是否涉及误杀,完成调查后会徵询律政司意见。据知警方最快今日(12日)验车。有法律界人士指,误杀罪名门槛比不小心驾驶及危险驾驶导致他人死亡要高得多,相对地一旦罪成刑罚亦更高,最高可处终身监禁。&&&&涉事的三十岁姓陈九巴车长,因涉危险驾驶引致他人死亡及危险驾驶引致他人严重受伤,前晚(10日)被警方拘捕后,一直被扣查。据了解,有人保持缄默,并已有律师代表。警方会向涉事车长、巴士乘客以至目击者等录取口供,调查方向不排除包括车长是否涉误杀,完成调查后视乎所得证据及证人口供,徵询律政司意见,再决定是否起诉及起诉时所用的控罪。&&&&政府则指警方已就事件展开调查,不便评论,而九巴表示一个月内会向运输署呈交报告,至于早前提到会成立由法官领导的独立调查委员会作深入调查,不只调查事故成因,更会广泛检视公营巴士服务情况,工作范围将包括巴士行车安全、编更、车长工时和培训及营运监管等,政府今日会与司法机关联络,尽快处理,包括安排法官等。&&&&&&&&&&&&网上流传一张怀疑是肇事车牌LX9991九巴的黑盒数据图,其中一段约200米的路程显示为超速红线&&&&&&&&分享:&&&&有启发就赞赏一下&&&&赞赏
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16:47:46 &&
0:37:35&&的原帖:应该看整个双层巴士的运力和事故数量,再与单层巴士比较,不能因为一次事故就轻易下决论,这不科学第 3 楼
0:41:43&&的原帖:… 怎么不科学?&&同样的路段,同一个司机开,两种巴士,很大可能两个不同结果。&&双层重心高得多,那是肯定的吧?双层大巴重心比普通车还低,真的厂家专门设计的。
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16:49:32 &&
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16:54:04 &&
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16:56:59 &&
0:37:35&&的原帖:应该看整个双层巴士的运力和事故数量,再与单层巴士比较,不能因为一次事故就轻易下决论,这不科学第 3 楼
0:41:43&&的原帖:… 怎么不科学?&&同样的路段,同一个司机开,两种巴士,很大可能两个不同结果。&&双层重心高得多,那是肯定的吧?上层连个司机也没有,还有人敢坐,想想也是醉了
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17:14:30 &&
0:37:35&&的原帖:应该看整个双层巴士的运力和事故数量,再与单层巴士比较,不能因为一次事故就轻易下决论,这不科学第 3 楼
0:41:43&&的原帖:… 怎么不科学?&&同样的路段,同一个司机开,两种巴士,很大可能两个不同结果。&&双层重心高得多,那是肯定的吧?最应该讲的科学是:让把香港人压抑得变神经病的“黑恶势力”退出香港!还香港同胞自由、民主、法治的文明秩序!
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17:14:31 &&
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17:17:19 &&
0:37:35&&的原帖:应该看整个双层巴士的运力和事故数量,再与单层巴士比较,不能因为一次事故就轻易下决论,这不科学第 3 楼
0:41:43&&的原帖:… 怎么不科学?&&同样的路段,同一个司机开,两种巴士,很大可能两个不同结果。&&双层重心高得多,那是肯定的吧?第 8 楼
16:47:46&&的原帖:双层大巴重心比普通车还低,真的厂家专门设计的。&& // 双层大巴重心比普通车还低, …… 不太可能吧? 尤其上层也坐满乘客。&&//&&真的厂家专门设计的。 …… 不太可能吧?
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17:19:32 &&
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快速回复:[原创]香港双层大巴翻车18人死, 应该停止运营双层巴士
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> 17路模拟巴士汉化版
更新时间: 00:00:00
游戏大小:46.8 MB
17路巴士模拟是由Ovidiu Pop出品的一款策略经营游戏,你想成为一个真正的巴士司机吗?那就来玩最新的模拟游戏《17路巴士模拟》!现实的环境中,细节满满的大巴车,复杂的内饰会让你感觉像驾驶真正的巴士!驾驶巴士来完成所有的路线!创建自己的个性化路线。次世代的图形使得这款游戏是最好的模拟器之一。一种新的交通系统将让你享受驾驶是前所未有的。
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Curator Review
“巴士迷愛玩 OMSI 2 因為它的地圖和巴士Mod 和高層次的巴士模擬. 但它缺少1重要功能... - 多人遊戲.
Bus Simulator 18 有很多OMSI有的東西但它也有多人遊戲. 你可以下車離開你的巴士,並去坐你的朋友巴士或者像GTA一樣四處遊覽城市 (自由移動). 它也有一個巴士公司管理模式,讓你編輯和創建新的巴士路線.
Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo
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Includes 23 Steam Achievements
Title: Bus Simulator 18
Release Date: 13 Jun, 2018
Buy Bus Simulator 18
SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends 20 June
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Recent updates
Today we are happy to announce the official release of Bus Simulator 18. The gripping bus simulation game is now available here on Steam!To celebrate the release we have prepared a special launch offer for at least the release week including a 10% discount as well as a bonus interior for the Mercedes-Benz Citaro buses for you.Bus drivers who would like to try their luck with creating their own bus models, new maps, cities and other equipment will be happy to see the simultaneous release of the Bus Simulator 18: Modding Kit, which will be available free of charge for owners of the main game at the Steam Workshop!The Unreal(R) Engine 4 based modding kit will give modders the opportunity to create not only their own buses, decals, adverts and wraps but also completely new maps and cities. The finished mods can then be included in the Steam Workshop, where other players will be able to download and add them to their own game.Bus Simulator 18 - Modding-Kit: Steam Workshop of Bus Simulator 18:Link to our Modding-Kit manual:Your Bus Simulator 18 team
Dear community,In the current version of Bus Simulator 18, bus destination signs only support Latin letters. Umlauts and other special characters can’t be used or aren’t displayed correctly.If you play the game in a language other than German or English and discover strange strings in your bus destination signs, as a work-around you can rename the destination in the game’s route planner– but make sure to use Latin characters only!We're hard at work trying to create a more satisfying solution.The Bus Simulator Team
Special Offer
Limited time launch offer: Buy Bus Simulator 18 at launch and get 1 extra bus interior design for your Citaro bus!With this authentic bus interior DLC consisting of a new original color pattern for your seats and classy floor design you will be the next urban transport trendsetter. The DLC will visually upgrade the interior of your Citaro bus and also offer your passengers greater seating comfort.*Limited time offer. The Citaro interior will also be made available for purchase at a later time.
About This Game
Whether in the industrial or harbour zone, downtown, in the surrounding villages or the business park, in Bus Simulator 18, you experience up-close the exciting everyday life of a bus driver in a vast and freely drivable urban area. Get behind the wheel of your 8 original licensed city buses from the great brands of Mercedes-Benz, Setra, MAN, and IVECO and transport your passengers safely and punctually to their destinations, either solo in single player mode, or with friends in real-time multiplayer mode.As a bus driver in the 12 different districts, you’ll face the challenges of the traffic in a big city and everything that entails. Don’t be deterred by freak weather conditions, potholes, traffic jams, fare evaders, accidents, construction sites, night driving and specific passenger requests. On the contrary, take full control of your bus, earn money, gain a good reputation owing to your safe and punctual driving style and enjoy almost limitless driving pleasure in the authentic urban locations. Use the thousands of miles of virtual roads and streets to gain new districts, new buses and new customisation options.With the extensive modding support of Bus Simulator 18 there are no limits: create routes, build your own buses, create bus liveries, design new maps and share them with the community, or download and install the modding content available from the Steam Workshop to enhance your game experience.But drive carefully with the buses you build! Don’t cause any damage or accidents and watch out for the speed cameras located around the city, or it could have a negative effect on your reputation, not to mention your wallet.So, what are you waiting for? Your shift has already started!8 buses from 4 leading manufacturers are faithfully reproduced in meticulous detail, including the Mercedes-Benz Citaro K, Mercedes-Benz Citaro G, MAN Lion’s City bus, MAN Lion’s City CNG articulated bus, SETRA S 418 LE business, SETRA S 416 LE business, IVECO BUS Urbanway and the IVECO BUS Urbanway CNG articulated bus.In real-time multiplayer mode you can drive around the 12 districts and over 5.8mi? of routes in the freely drivable urban area with up to 3 friends and therefore promote your bus service.The updated progression system and the comprehensive management element, including route planning, the purchase and sale of buses, staff planning and numerous statistics will guarantee long-term game motivation.For novices and pros: you can play in a simplified or a realistic mode.Modding: let your imagination run wild and create routes, build your own buses, design bus liveries, create new maps and share them with the community. You can also download and install the modding content available from the Steam Workshop to enhance your game experience. Support for popular steering wheels, gamepads, Tobii eye tracking and TrackIR.Authentic bus sounds, extensive tutorial and passenger voiceovers in English and German to provide even more atmosphere. Control your bus in different weather conditions, both day and night.Customisation: fully customise your buses with different colours, patterns and advertising panels.Authentically reproduced cockpits of the 4 manufacturers, equipped with numerous individual functions.Smart traffic AI and a range of challenging traffic situations await you (bus station, night driving, construction sites, diversions, long-distance journeys, potholes, traffic jams, accidents and speed bumps, etc.).For a complete gaming experience, a variety of incidents in the bus, e.g. interior soiling and debris, special passenger requests, fare dodgers, loud music and cars parked in designated bus bays.Modern technology: The Unreal(R) Engine 4 provides a high level of graphic detail and stunning simulation quality.
System Requirements
Minimum:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 7/8/10 64-BitProcessor: Intel Core i3 with 3.3 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 with 3.2 GHzMemory: 6 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 (1GB VRAM) or AMD Radeon R7 360 (2GB VRAM) or higherDirectX: Version 11Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 6500 MB available space
Recommended:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 10 64-BitProcessor: Intel Core i5-4670 (4th gen.) with 3.4 GHz or AMD FX-8370 with 4 GHz or equivalentMemory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4GB VRAM) or AMD Radeon R9 290 (4GB VRAM) or higherDirectX: Version 11Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 6500 MB available space
(C) 2018 astragon Entertainment GmbH and stillalive studios.
Published and distributed by astragon Entertainment GmbH. Bus Simulator 18, astragon, astragon Entertainment and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of astragon Entertainment GmbH. &Mercedes-Benz& and the &three-pointed star in a ring& are trademarks of Daimler AG and used under license by astragon Entertainment GmbH. Manufactured under license from MAN. MAN is a trademark of MAN Truck & Bus AG. IVECO BUS and URBANWAY are brands of CNH Industrial. Manufactured under license from CNH Industrial. &Setra& and &K im Kreis& are trademarks of EvoBus GmbH and used under license by astragon Entertainment GmbH. Unreal, Unreal Engine, the circle-U logo and the Powered by the Unreal Engine logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States and elsewhere. All intellectual property relating to the buses and bus equipment, associated brands and images (including trademarks and/or copyrighted materials) featured in the game are therefore the property of their respective companies. The buses in this game may vary from the actual products in shape, colour and performance. All rights reserved. All other names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners.
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