
更新时间: 02:39
家长是孩子的第一任老师,由于自己文化程度低,在生活上能够照顾,但是在学习上却无能为力了,需要第二任老师来教育和关心; 其次,(1).班级和年级的家长会要经常开,让家长了解孩子在校的表现; (2).每次各科测验的成绩及时反馈给家长;和其他同学比较,升降明显; (3).要多与家长沟通,倾听家长和学生的呼声,取长补短; (4)学校应该把心里教育纳入一定的位置;
在学校教会学生怎样提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。 教会孩子怎样提高个人修养。 分层次,分领域教学。每个学生都有自己的一技之长,在自己的领域内有独到的见解。然后把各个领域内的学生组成一个小组,由最有领导才能的学生担任组长,解决各种复杂的问题和研究,每个小组有自己的集合讨论场所。定期交上小组研究论文,并由专家进行审核,从而判定学生各小组的学分,各小组学分满了才准许毕业。让他们有患难与共的意识,学会团队精神和解决各种问题的能力。在教学方面各领域内的学生只传授该领域内课程,其他的不教,但综合考试什么都考。这就要考验学生的教学能力了,怎样教会自己的小组其他人知识就成了关键。当然,考试对单个学生该领域的课程加强难度,而其他领域则相对容易一些。 实行连坐制,小组中只要有人不合格,该小组就不能升级和毕业。
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亲子教育在家庭教育中的重要性 小论文 1500字
浅析亲子教育的重要性 俗话说:“一岁看小,三岁看老,七岁定终生。”由此可见,早期教育对一个人的成长是多么的重要。幼儿早期亲子教育是20 世纪末期在美国、日本和我国台湾等地兴起的一种新的教育模式。它强调父母、孩子在平等的情感沟通的基础上双方互动,涵盖了父母教育和子女教育两方面。它是通过对父母的培训和提升而达到对亲子关系的调适,从而更好地促进儿童身心健康和谐地发展。下面笔者结合自己工作实际,就亲子教育的重要性做一简要分析。 一、亲子教育的概念及意义 1、亲子教育的概念 “亲子教育”是以亲缘关系为主要维护基础的教育,是看护人与幼儿之间的以互动为核心内容的亲子关系。所以“亲子教育”是以爱护幼儿身心健康、潜能开发、性格培养、习惯养成为目标,同时提高幼儿整体综合素质为宗旨的一种特殊形态的早期教育。具体地
建筑施工企业管理策略浅谈 中文摘要】 针对国际条件下建筑市场群雄争霸、硝烟弥漫的状况,作者对国内外建筑业的现状与市场竞争情况进行了较为深入的广泛调研,结合自己多年从事建筑企业管理与决策工作的经验,提出了国际竞争环境下我国建筑施工企业的管理方略,试图通过对我国建筑施工企业的管理理念改革提高中国建筑施工企业在国际建筑市场中的竞争力。 针对目前我国建筑施工企业管理中存在的问题,提出了改进的意见与建议,从安全管理体系、标准化管理体系、财务管理体系、成本管理体系、档案管理体系、二层项目管理体系、风险管理体系、服务竞争体系、工程造价管理体系、管理创新系统、合同管理体系、环境管理体系、机械设备管理体系、技术管理体系、经营管理体系、竞争对策体系、纳税管理体系、人力资源管理体系、施工垃圾管理体系、索赔管理体系
浅析旅游英语翻译教学中的文化差异处理 摘要:主张在旅游英语翻译教学中,从翻译目的论的角度分析旅游英语中的东西方文化差异,并用目的论来指导旅游资料的翻译,以此培养学生的文化差异处理能力。 关键词:旅游英语;文化差异;翻译 我国是一个拥有悠久历史的文化大国,数千年的发展给我们留下了丰厚的旅游资源,不仅有叹为观止的自然景观,更有蕴含着民族气息的人文景观,吸引着大批的外国游客来此旅游。但是,由于中西文化的差异,在某些方面又成为旅游的障碍,不同的思维模式和视角会造成不可避免的文化碰撞,给旅游活动的开展带来不少困难。旅游英语属于专门用途英语,学习旅游英语的主要对象是未来的导游,导游与游客进行交流,目的是引起游客在情感、观念及行为上的互动。游客对语言的理解会影响信息的传递,导游和游客由于中西文化的差异常常
《家庭教育周刊》,一份“好看实用”的报纸 创刊五年来,《家庭教育周刊》的内容和形式一直都在变化,为的是更好地满足家长的阅读需求,但不变的是“传播先进的家庭教育理念,推广科学的家庭教育方法”的宗旨,以及“好看实用”的办报思想。很多老读者说《家庭教育周刊》兼具时效性、资料性、可读性和实用性,满足了不同层次家长的需求。 最新的家庭教育信息 作为家庭教育专业报纸,家庭教育信息的传播是其重要功能。很多家长从《家庭教育周刊》上找到了他们当前最关心的教育新闻、最关注的教育事件以及他们没有想到的教育问题。 “现阶段,家庭教育方面的信息不多,一些综合类报纸或者网站,有关家庭教育方面的内容最多只是一个栏目,而且不够具体。《家庭教育周刊》因为专业显得更加全面、具体,我需要的家庭教育信息在上面几乎都能找到,大大方便
转载 摘要:飞速发展的网络时代已经悄然的影响着人民的生活、工作、学习,对新鲜事物总是充满好奇的青少年便成了网络时代的主力军,网络对青少年学生的优势有目共睹,但由于他们生理、心理的不成熟性和非稳定性,使得网络对他们的影响极大,且负面影响显得尤为突出。家长对网络的不了解和不恰当的教育使孩子上网失去控制。如何找到一条有效的正确使用网络的途径,本文就关于这方面的问题作一探讨。 关键词:中小学生 正确使用 网络 途径 在科技高速发展的21世纪,互联网的出现及飞速发展,社会已经进入了一个新的时代――网络时代。网络作为一个简便、快捷、信息量非常大的载体,正以不可阻挡之势影响、改变着人们的工作、生活、学习。据中国互联网发展统计报告指出(2008年1月)截至2007年12月,网民数已增至2.1亿人。中国网民数
在学校教会学生怎样提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。 教会孩子怎样提高个人修养。 分层次,分领域教学。每个学生都有...
这里有很多的,你可以找下有没有?我找了好长时间才找到的哦. 中文免费论文地址集锦 一、 综合类 1、蓝之韵论文...
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英语专业论文范文ContentsAbstract.................................................................IKeyWords................................................................I摘要......................... ...
Key Words................................................................I
I. A Brief Introduction about Two Concepts of Family Education..........2
A. American Family Education.............................................2
B. Chinese Family Education..............................................2
II. Two Different Kinds of Ways of Family Education......................3
A. Differences in the Cultivation of Children’s Independence.........3
1. The Cultivation of Children’s Independence in America...........3
2. The Cultivation of Children’s Independence in China.............5
B. Differences in the Cultivation of Children’s Interests............7
C. Differences in the Cultivation of Children’s Creativity...........9
D. Differences in the Cultivation of Children’s Psychological Health.9
E. Differences in the Cultivation of Children’s Fame.................10
F. Differences in the Cultivation of Relationship with Parents........11
III. The Different Results of the Two Kinds of Family Education..........12
Children are the hope of a nation, and family education is the elementary education for children. Many serious problems have appeared in our education system in recent years. Almost everyone has realized the importance of solving these problems and many people have presented a lot of valuable suggestions. There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture. And American family education is the most famous one among them. There are great differences in the concepts of education, methods of education and results of education between American family education and Chinese family education. This paper will analyze those differences from the three aspects, and will mainly analyze of the differences on cultivating children’s independence, interests, creativity, psychological health, fame and the relationship with their parents between the two kinds of family education. The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education. At the same time, the author hopes this paper can provide some helpful suggestions for family education.
F differences
【内江师范学院论文栏目提醒】:网学会员为需要内江师范学院论文的朋友们搜集整理了中美家庭教育的比较及启示 - 期刊论文相关资料,希望对各位网友有所帮助!
万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据中美家庭教育的比较及启示作者黄小勇 黄菜方 HUANG Xiao-yong HUANG Cai-fang作者单位武汉理工大学外国语学院湖北武汉430070刊名武汉理工大学学报社会科学版英文刊名JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYSOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION年卷期2009224被引用次数1次 1.许瑞华刘丰 从文化角度看中美家庭教育的差异期刊论文-现代企业教育 2006072.黄桂英李凤云 中美家庭教育的比较与启示 2007033.Lizza Pin黄磊 中美家庭教育的比较 2008084.李亚周侠 中美家庭教育的比较与启示期刊论文-苏州大学教育学报科教文汇版 2007025.赵燕 不同文化背景下的中美家庭教育比较 2005056.李子银 中美家庭教育比较分析及对策研究期刊论文-当代教育论坛 2007067.孙琼如 中美家庭教育的比较与启示 .期刊论文 葛树慧.Ge Shuhui 不同文化背景下的中美家庭教育――从《喜福会》引起的对中美家庭教育的思考 -中国电力教育200915 美国华裔作家谭恩美的代表作中的一章主要讲述了母亲用传统的中国家庭教育方法来教育在美国出生美国长大的女儿结果导致了一连串的冲突.本文在分析中美文化差异的基础上探讨了中美两国家庭教育的目的、教育内容、教育方式等方面的差别.2.期刊论文 张晓亮 浅析中美家庭教育的差异 -大众文艺201023 家庭教育是指在家庭互动过程中父母对子女的成长发展所产生的教育影响是整个教育事业的重要组成部分.中美两国由于在文化传统、观念意识、生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在诸多不同之处导致两国在家庭教育方面也存在着许多差异.本文将对中美家庭教育在教育目的、教育方式、教育结果三方面进行对比着重分析中美两国家庭教育方式在培养孩子独立性、兴趣、创造力以及父母关系方面的差异希望能找到一种比较科学优良的家庭教育方式.3.期刊论文 吴小林.肖静.冯世利 浅谈中美青少年的家庭教育 -内江师范学院学报 父母是孩子最好的老师家庭是孩子的第一所学校.由于东西方历史、文化差异的不同而造成中美两国青少年家庭教育的不同.因此正确的家庭教育是孩子成才的关键.4.期刊论文 梁延秋 浅析中美家庭教育风格的差异 -商情?科学教育家20084 本文针对中美家庭教育教育风格的不同表现来查找中美家庭教育风格不同的原因从而得出了中美家庭教育风格不同的教育结果.从中我们就可以看出人才培养的第一站应该是家庭而培养的效果是要取决于父母对小孩早期的投入和影响.借鉴其他国家在家庭教育中有价值的实践对走出我国家庭教育的误区将有很好的启发和警醒作用.5.学位论文 杨恒 中美家庭教育的跨文化研究 2007 自改革开放以来教育在世界范围内的重视达到了空前的高度。&&&&作为教育的最初级阶段家庭教育不论在理论还是实践上都取得了重大进步。&&&&家庭教育实践的丰富既为家庭教育理论研究提供了经验也对家庭教育的研究提出了更高的要求。&&&&随着中国经济的快速发展与独生子女家庭数量的不断增加越来越多的家庭教育问题出现了。&&&&众多教育学者在进行理论探究的同时都试图参照西方发达国家家庭教育的经验来解决我们的家庭教育问题。&&&&其中美国是个很好的参照物。&&&&自二十世纪八十年代以来关于中美家庭教育的比较就一直方兴未艾。&&&&它们从经济、政治、历史、文化和宗教各方面都作了深入的研究但基本上都是对两国家庭教育的差异性研究。&&&&本文对中美家庭教育的文化差异进行了研究。&&&&文章分为四个部分 第一章介绍了有关概念以及本文研究的理论依据着重强调文化与家庭教育的相互关系。&&&& 第二章介绍了本文的研究意义和研究方法。&&&& 第三章侧重文化方面对两国的家庭教育进行了历史背景、经济形态和文化传统方面的差异性分析。&&&& 第四章对两国家庭教育的相似性进行了探究并得出结论相似性同样也是跨文化研究的基础并对中国的家庭教育提出了建议。&&&&6.期刊论文 冯静 中美家庭教育比较及对我国家庭教育的启示 -新西部下半月20104 中美两国由于在文化传统、观念意识、生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在诸多不同之处导致了两国在家庭教育方面也存在着很大差异.借鉴美国家庭教育的做法我们应加强培养子女独立意识和能力平等的与孩子进行情感沟通要有意识地培养孩子的创造性.7.期刊论文 闵正威.李昊凤.MIN Zheng-wei.LI Hao-feng 文化差异对家庭教育的影响――中美家庭教育比较 -信阳农业高等专科学校学报2008182 教育是一种文化现象.传统文化的差异孕育了不同的家庭教育而不同的家庭教育反映着不同的社会文化内涵.家庭制度、价值取向、民族性格、思维方式是中美家庭教育文化差异的集中体现.借鉴美国家庭教育中的先进理念转变我国的家庭教育观念提升家长自身素质培养儿童的自信心和创造力营造平等民主的家庭教育氛围有着重要的现实意义.8.学位论文 杨志华 文化价值观视野中的中美家庭教育比较研究 2007 本文对文化价值观视野中的中美家庭教育进行了比较研究。&&&&文章指出在家庭教育目的上中国家庭教育由于受到群体本位意识的影响强调个体与整个家族的联系因此在教育目的的价值取向上倾向于家庭本位并形成了要求孩子通过掌握一定的文化知识和技能而“成才”的教育目的。&&&&美国家庭教育由于受到个体本位意识的影响在教育目的的价值取向上倾向于个体本位并注重培养孩子的社会适应能力在家庭教育内容上由于受不同的成功观的影响中国的家庭教育注重对孩子进行功利性的文化知识教育而美国的家庭教育注重对孩子进行生存和社会实践教育在家庭教育方式上群体本位意识和个体本位意识以及两国不同的家庭观导致了中美两国截然不同的家庭教育方式。&&&&中国的家庭教育方式为家长主导决定型美国则为民主型。&&&&9.期刊论文 郑维佳.Zheng Weijia 由中美家庭教育的比较看中西文化差异 -安顺学院学报2009115 教育是一种文化现象.传统文化的差异孕育了不同的家庭教育不同的家庭教育又反映着不同的社会文化内涵.本位主义的差异、价值取向的不同、民族性格的区别、思维方式的反差是中美家庭教育文化差异的集中体现.文章通过中美家庭教育的比较进一步阐述了在跨文化交际中由于中西方社会文化内涵的不同所产生的中西差异.10.期刊论文 李清杰 文化视野下的中美家庭教育比较 -新校园下旬刊20106 家庭教育是整个教育体系中不可或缺的一部分它对塑造儿童正确的世界观、人生观及良好习惯的养成和健康的发展起着关键性的作用.父母是孩子的第一任老师.可见家庭教育是非常重要的.由于中美两国政治、经济、历史文化的不同两国的家庭教育呈现出不同的教育模式.本文从文化的角度入手对两国家庭教育的目的、内容、方式、结果进行比较.呈现出文化差异对家庭教育的影响. 1.贺义辉 少儿英语家庭教育理论与实践探讨期刊论文-中国科技纵横 201013 本文链接http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_whlgdxxb-sk.aspx授权使用中北大学zbdxtsg授权号daae6ec2-c4c4-461f-9d2e-9efd00dac58e下载时间日
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一、中国父母十分重视社会适应性的教化,他 们往往按照既定的模式来培养子女,却常常忽视 了从孩子身心发展的特点出发来促进其成长。他 们“子成龙”“女成风”,更重视学业的倾望,认为孩子只要成绩好,什么问题都能解决。孩子 将来是否有出息,能否找个好职业,能否在顺境 中度过一生,这些就是父母教育的目的。基于这 种期盼,很多家长认为,父母对孩子的责任就是 让他们生活得更好。而美国的家庭则将孩子 独立性和自主能力放在一个重要的地位,着眼点在于培养孩子具有适应各种环境和独立生存的能 力。他们认为教育的目的不是准备谋生,而是准 备生存。他们所强调的足一种塑造心智的价值,一种与功利的或职业无关的价值。基于这种观念 ,他们十分重视孩子的自身锻炼,诸如劳动锻炼 、意忠的锻炼等,但最根本的是适应各种艰苦环境和培养劳动能力的锻炼。
中美家庭教育差异影响研究在中国出生、 成长, 又在美国生活了20 多年, 中美教育有巨大的差异,本书谈的是家庭教育,在此, 我就讲一点我觉得很重要的中美家庭教育的差别吧.美国父母一般都自己带孩子, 不要老人或保姆带孩子.为人父母者觉得教育子女是自己的责任, 他们宁可多吃些苦, 自己带孩子, 也不要老人或保姆带.而老人一般也不愿给子女带孩子.在中国,却有大量的家庭, 孩子主要是爷爷奶奶、姥姥姥爷或保姆带.美国人觉得自己的孩子应该自己负责, 自己的事应该自己做.客观上, 父母带孩子比起上一辈带孩子有很多好处,表现在: 代沟小、 更易做到严爱结合、 更贴近新时代要求等.目前,全球化背景下中美两国间经济交流更显频繁,全球经济文化日 益密切的交流与合作,教育显得非常重要.父母是子女的第一任教师,在孩子没 有入学之前,父母担任着全部的教育责任,家庭教育尤其重要.我国不少家庭的 教育存在着误区, 甚至成为一种顽疾, 严重地影响着青少年一代良好素质的形成. 本文试图通过对中美两国家庭教育相关方面的比较, 分析形成两国家庭教育差异 的原因,对走出我国家庭教育的误区将有很好的启发和警惕作用.我们不能断言 美国家庭培养的人就是理想中的现代人,但他们国家家庭教育中的合理成分;恰 恰是我国家庭教育所缺乏的.因此,美国家庭教育的一些实践,能为我国家庭教育的改革提供借鉴. 家庭教育是为人父母普遍关心的问题,也是一个社会热点问题.在当今竞争非常激烈的环境下,家庭教育已经成为全世界面临的一个重要问题,也是一个国家兴衰成败的关键所在.本文研究的意义如下:摘要:人们常说家庭教育可以被视为一种文化现象,我认为这是因为家庭教育在很大程度上会受到社会文化的影响.不同的文化也会产生不同的家庭教育,其中中国和美国就是一个很好的例子.中美有着不同的经济模式,历史背景以及不同的主导思想,这都会导致两国家庭教育之间的差异.( )届本科生毕业(论文)过程管理材料专 业 __英语______________________________学生姓名 _***_____________________________淘豆网网友近日为您收集整理了关于中美家庭教育差异论文英文版的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助.以下是文档介绍:* * * * 大学课程论文1* * * *大学课程论文(20**-20**学年*季学期)论文题目:parative study on familyeducation in america and china课程名称:跨文化交际策略与技巧任课教师:****班级:123学号:123姓名:123日期:20**年*2 月*0 日成绩* * * * 大学课程论 parative study on family educationin america and chinaabstract: in a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for thechildren . children are the hopes of a nation , and family education is the elementary education forchildren . there are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctivefeatures and is closely responsive to its culture . and american family education is the most famousone among them1. there are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education ,methods of education and contents of education between american family education and chinesefamily education . this thesis plete parative study from the differences , the reasonsand the results of family education between america and china . the author hopes to find a satisfiedfamily education method paring the differences between american family educationand chinese family education . at the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide somehelpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily androundly .keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around developmentmain body:.thedifferencesoffamilyeducationbetweenamericaandchina:1. the concepts of family education are different .the different education concepts between america and china lead children to receivedifferert education . in china , many parents only care about whether the children have a promisingfuture , a good job , a good life or not . based on these expectations , the majority of parents feelthat their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so thatthe children will not worry about anything in the future2. chinese parents would like to provideeverything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . in short , theywould like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . therefore, in theprocess of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to develop theirchildren’s intellect , except for caring children’s daily life . in order to make their children have agood performance in study , e outstanding , or even e a famous person in the future ,* * * * 大学课程论文3they would not let children do anything except studying . contrastively , american parentsgenerally believe that the growth of childeren must rely on their own strength and experiences.based on this concept , most american parents emphasize more to train their children’s ability ofindependence once they are born because they think that children should form a self-supportingwill and the capacity to live independently since their childhood . and the es from thetraining in the early age3.in the film 《 gua sha treatment 》 4, there is a scene that datong orderded his son toapologize to his boss’s son when his saw his son was fighting with his boss’s son . what’s more ,he slapped his son in the face when his son refused to apologize , which gave his boss aquite ashock . his boss became confused why the father would show the regret by striking his son . thisscene and the boss’s confusion reflect the different concepts between the two countries . traditonalchinese family education emphasize kindheartedness and bedience5, so we can say that chineseparents like datong in the film always want to model their children . on the contrary , americachildren have more rights of autonomy because their parents emphasis on justice and freedom inthe process of family education .2. the aim of family education are different6.the aim of family education is to foster the childeren to grow in some direction by familyeducation . it is the restrictive factor for the direction of family education , deciding the generaleffect of it . so the aim of family education is the core of family education and the fundamentalreason for the differences between the two countries on family education .there is an essential difference between two countrys’ aim of family education , with toexpect the child to e an outstanding personage and to hope the child to be prehensiveand independent person giving expressions to the difference . to most chinese parents , the aim isexpecting their child to be a “ dragon ”, which is “ wang zi cheng long ” in chinese . butamerican parents take hoping the child to be a man of ability which is “ wang zi cheng ren ” inchinese as their aim . for chinese parents, their aim is to do anyting to support their children to gethigh marks . what forms apparent contrast to it is , america parents give their children moretraining about improving abilities . they try to train their children to have the ability of adapting toenvironmental variety and the ability of living independently .3. the methods are different between america and china .* * * * 大学课程论文4the differences of concepts and aim cause the childen to be taught by different ways andmethods . in chinese family , affected by chinese traditional culture , parents educate children by“ control ” and “ seal ” type . there are three tips for it 7:(1) chinese parents prepare all things for their children in daily life . in chinese family ,children don’t have to do any housework .(2) chinese parents protect the children to excess in social activities . many children areprevented from exposure to the outer world because their parents worry about children’sbeing affected by bad things 8.(3) chinese parents have a rather strict attitude toward children’s study . parents regard thegrades as the only standard for future ess . “ tasks sea ” strategy is often used in study .chinese children are tired of doing many extra exercises .so chinese children spend more time in studying than doing other things . what aboutamerica children ? let’s talk about the famous film 《the pacifier》9. in the film , it may beunconcious , but shane wolfe had let the kids master many skills by training them during the timewhen he cared them . so american parents bring up their children by the method of “ letting go ”but “ not indulging ” to exercise children’s abilities of independent living .4. the different contents of family education between america and china .the differences of family education between the two countries are also reflected in thecontents of family education . although the contents of chinese family education can also devidedinto moral education , intellectual education , physical education and artistic education , butintellectual education has been the most important one since they go to school . however , thecontents of american family education is abundant , which pay more attention to the harmoniousdevelopment of language , emotion , knowledge and so on . it is so-called “ education forall-around development 10”..the reasons for the differences mentioned above:1. different historical background11china with a long histroy has a sort of cohesive and conservative sense of worth , which islack of spirit of adventure and innovative consciousness . there is a shortage of environment inwhich people can accept new ideas . by contraries , america is a nation of immigrants with a shorthistory , there remains so little traditional culture . with the influence of multi culture and sense of* * * * 大学课程论文5worth , it is easy to accept new thoughts and culture . so america children are better at taking risksand innovating .2. different economic formchina has a long histroy with a large population .therefore , there are so few opportunities tofind a job even a good job which can decide one’s life happiness . and getting high marks e a necessary condition to have a good job and future . the condition of econemy in americais better than that in china , so there are more employment opportunities in america . americanparents think profession is not distinguished whether it is noble or nidering as long as they cansurvive in society .3.different social conditionsso far , social security system and old-age care have not been perfect in china . manychinese parents take their children as their private possession in order to receive the children’sreturn , which is reflected in the methods of education . for this reason , their children’s high scoreshave e their origin of pride . but in america , there is a prosper development of econemy andsane social security system , so american parents don’t count on their children’s support . they seeeducating child to be an independent , conscientious and kindhearted person as their duties .4.different traditional culture12in china , people advocate collectivism which emphasize the collective interests moreimportant than personal interests . therefore , chinese parents usually replace children’s interestsby their own wills and thoughts . they design children’s future standing in the adult angle . what’smore , in chinese family , parents can raise their children in the lifetime . however , stressingpersonality , upholding individual development and caring about personal benefit are all the coresof american culture . rationalistic american parents insist that children after 18 years old shouldbe independent and not rely on their parents ..the results of two different kinds of family education13:the results of family education in the two countries also display obvious differences becauseof the differences of education concepts , aim , methods and contents . these are mainly reflectedin five aspects .1. ability of adapting to the society* * * * 大学课程论文6most ameican children can adapt to the society more smoothly than many chinese children .they can face and e setbacks more easily .2. ability of living pared with independent american children , chinese children have particularly muchrequirements and strong dependence ,and they always want to get others’ care .3. interpersonal relationshipsas a result of parents’ overprotection , chinese children have few ablities of personalinteraction . american children are opposite at this point .4. responsibility of supporting the oldgenerally speaking , many american children lack the sense of responsibility to support theirparents parison with chinese children .5. the relationship among family membersas a whole , the relationship among chinese family members is more harmony than that amongamerican family . the relationship of chinese family is very close , but in america ,familymembers look like separate individuals .. discussions and suggestions14:in this thesis , it is only a parative study on family education in america and china .of course , there is also distinctiveness on it . in addition , compared with chinese family education ,american family education also has its obvious shortage . so the aim of this thesis is not totally torepudiate chinese family education or wholly to accept american family education . in the end ,parative study on family education in america and china , the writer wants to cause reformideas of chinese family education in order to improve chinese education level .according to our country’s special circumstances, the number of one-child family is inglarger , so family education must be improved in the project of educational reform and developmentand family education must bined with school education and social education. therefore, it isnecessary to change traditional family education ideas .(1) chinese parents should educate their children in social environment , in other words , theyshould not only teach their children the knowledge of survival , but also the responsibilitiesfor the society .* * * * 大学课程论文7(2) chinese parents must cultivate their children’s consciousness of independence ,self-support , cooperation and the spirit of caring for others .(3) in china , education for all-around development should be vigorously advocated andimplemented effectively .(4) much can be learned from each other on the ways of family education for america andchina .in a word , family education is very important . with the development of society , all aspects offamily education needs to be improved .epilogue: this is the first time for me to write thesis in english , and i haven’t had enoughknowledge and experience , so there must be some ings . i will appreciate it that myteacher can be kind enoug to point the mistakes and help me to correct them . in the meantime , iwill study hard to know more about family education in america and china and make greaterprogress in the future .references :1.《浅谈中美家庭教育的差异》高维亮王丽艳(《科学时代》 .《学前儿童家庭教育(修订版)》李生兰华东师范大学出版社3.《美国家庭教育的启示》李盈(《教育实践与研究》. 《gua sha treatment》郑晓龙导演5. 《不同文化传统下中美家庭教育中的评价比较》唐梅(《世界教育信息》2007.4)(加标注 12)6.《论中美家庭教育的差异》曾芝兰(《太原师范学院学报》(社会科学版). 校选修课《…………》授课教师:……8. 《中美家庭教育的对比与分析》(《联合早报网》)9.《the pacifier》 adam shankman10.《中美家庭教育比较分析及对策研究》李子银(《当代教育论坛》2007.06)(加标注 13)11.sina blog “tingting and her mother ” http://blog./jenniferyuting12.《american family education》 ailin 中央编译出版社13.《east look , west see》 zhaihua 中图书店出版社14. 《中美家庭教育的六点比较》王乐(《家教指南》2008 年第五期)15.《北大批判-中国高等教育有病》薛涌江苏文艺出版社16.《造就小主人:教导孩子在做家务中养成勤劳、负责的美德》帕特丽夏 h斯普林科知识产权出版社* * * * 大学课程论文8 12 34 56 78 910 核心词:中美家庭教育差异论文(,版). ****大 学 课 程 论 文  成绩  * * * *大学 课程论文  (20**-20**学年*季学期)  论文题目 论文题目:a comparative study on family education in america and china 课程名称: 课程名称:跨文化交际策略与技巧 任课教师: 任课教师:**** 班 学 姓 日 级:123 号:123 名:123 期:20**年*2 月*0 日  1  ****大 学 课 程 论 文  a comparative study on family education in america and china  abstract: in a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the  children . children are the hopes of a nation , and family education is the elementary education f  
家庭教育是指在家庭互动过程中父母或长辈对孩子成长发展所产生的影响.它是整个学校教育和社会教育的基础,同时它对塑造孩子的价值观、世界观起着关键作用.中美作为东西方两个大国,人们的家庭教育观存在很大差异,如在父母和孩子的相互关系上,我国的家长大多数处于统治地位,而美国的家长更注重和孩子平等相处;在育儿观上,我国的家长都希望孩子出类拔萃,而美国的家长则更多关注培养孩子的个性,提高其创新能力;在教育方式上,我国的家长喜欢包办代替,而美国的家长则更注重提高孩子的动手能力,家长会拿出时间跟孩子以平等的态度进行沟通、交流,这些导致两国青少年各方面能力的差异,同时也反映出我国的家庭教育存在一些问题.本文试图以电视剧《家有儿女》和《摩登家庭》为例来探索中美家庭教育观的差异并剖析其原因,以期通过借鉴国外先进的教育方法更好地促进我国的孩子健康快乐地成长,提高孩子的综合素质,同时也更好地促进两国社会文化交流.一、中美家庭教育观的差异1.父母和孩子的相互关系受传统的孔孟之道的影响,在我国,家庭被看成是一个团队,有家长和规矩,家长代表权威,在家庭中处于核心地位,家长大都希望自己的孩子......(本文共计3页) &&&&&


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