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【全国总经销】VioletDesign Black Knight 黑骑士电容话筒 防震
货号: 8e98c5bdb8
商品库存: 15 件
英国Audient iD¥1999.00总库存10件YAMAHA Stein¥2450.00总库存10件YAMAHA Stein¥1420.00总库存10件【特价促销】Focusr¥1790.00元总库存10件本店所有设备实物图片,享有独家版权所有,敬告一些不良商家请勿盗用我司图片,如有发现将向淘宝发起维权投诉!(我司已备份原始图片资料,请勿存在侥幸心理)&我司以成为爱沙尼亚 黑骑士话筒全国 总经销 欢迎各地经销商到我司洽谈批发业务!&特别说明:&这个品牌的所有系列话筒均为欧盟原装进口纯手工活,产地:拉脱维亚&做工相当的精细 用料超级考究音质出众!!!&目前经过对比测试 秒杀5000元以下所有话筒的音质!!!&有对比小样可旺旺或是QQ索取&!!!买话筒送国产防震架一只!!!&售后升级服务开始:&Violet-Design Black Knight&黑骑士电容话筒&,自国内开始销售到现在,得到了所有用户的好评和认可。为了更好的服务于黑骑士话筒的客户,我司做了很多的努力,与厂家沟通协调。升级黑骑士话筒的售后服务。详情如下:prefix = o &1:从2011年12月开始,我司要求厂家&更换了黑骑士话筒的包装,全部采用单独木盒,内用全海绵封闭式包装话筒,外部纸盒包装。以确保运输安全以及话放的防潮性能提高。&&2:从2012年12月开始,所有我司黑骑士话筒的客户,享受2年的延长质保,加量不加价。由于这个品牌的话筒机械部分工艺很精密,复杂。如果不是厂家专门的技术人员的话,打开后很容易造成损坏,故我司与厂家工程师交流学习。现已掌握话筒的原理及维修技术。这样客户就无需担心维修后的声音不如话筒原始声音好的问题。也不会对话筒造成机械上的损坏。&3:在收到货1周内如出现产品的质量问题,提供免费换只全新的话筒,人为因素以及不可抗力因素除外(如自行摔坏,受潮,电源原因导致烧掉等等。。)不在免费包换范围,按正常保修处理。&特此说明!(2011年12月前得所有黑骑士话筒客户同样享有这样的升级服务)具体详情请电话咨询我司售后部门。0431-周小姐----------------长春华东数码音频有限公司拥有最终解释权---------------------售后声明:凡在我公司购买黑骑士话筒的客户,请保留好话筒的包装配件。包括话筒的说明书以及保修卡(保修卡需盖有我公司公章及ID号)。如果没有加盖我司公章的保修卡,一律不提供任何售后服务。有质量问题需要退换货的客户,请保持话筒的所有配件、说明书、以及保卡齐全,无破损。否则不予以退换。本公司不以&不喜欢&&不美观&&不好听&等客户的主观判断和感受作为退换货的理由,请大家购买之前仔细看实物图片听话筒小样,斟酌购买。&&在不改变话筒位置的情况下,能通过转动话筒唛头改变录音位置及录音角度。 &The Black Knight&使用大尺寸双振膜,精心的设计和真实的声音的拾取具有透明的高频,平稳的中频,浑厚有力的低频响应。 单一心型指向。上面的图片提供一些The Black Knight的频谱表,如何使用麦克风录音决于许多因素的-声源和房间的墙壁,外部麦克风前置放大器的质量,房间体积,反射,混响,话筒的距离和角度从输入阻抗的电子式,麦克风电缆长度和质量等,这些都是艺术家和工程师所考虑的!描述&&The Black Knight&是根据真实双膜片大型静电振膜。 最高品质6微米Mylar镀金膜片,坚固的黄铜极板。 它提供更快的瞬态脉冲响应,最小声音着色,更好的低频响应,支持振膜进行大动态音频的录入。 每个振膜的参数都经过仔细测试,性能达到最佳水准。单向心形拾音模式有效地减少了室内空气噪音,正面对准声源入射角是有效和普遍的录制方法。 头部可旋转话筒头可以很方便的调整录入角度。麦克风头部由黄铜制作的格栅网滤波器,可最大限度地减少内部共振频率,保持高透明度和良好的声音。如果你使用它录制人声, 可以选用外置过滤器和防喷膜这样效果更佳。内部固态前置放大器是基于A级全分离式变压器电路设计。 该电路设计达到了最高的音频标准,提供线性音频频率范围,高动态,低噪音,和非常低音频失真。&The Black Knight&需要优质和稳定的48 V幻象电源。 它可以从外部麦克风前置放大器和调音台输入或从不同的幻像电源供应。 有的设备,虽然额定为48伏特幻想电源,可能因质量的原因,供应不足和/或不稳定幻像电源,导致失真和衰减的现象。&The Black Knight&有紧凑抗震性很好的防震架。坚固的设计有效地降低隆隆声,外界声波干扰和共振,外部防震架可供选择。我们推荐使用我们的高保真麦克风镀金连接线,以最大限度地降低外部噪声,信号损失,最大限度地保证质量。 该电缆可供选择。&The Black Knight&麦克风可提供匹配的立体声均衡立体声录音。&应用:&The Black Knight&话筒是专为录音室设计。能够捕捉声乐,钢琴,吉他,鼓,打击乐,弦乐,自然声和许多其他声音。麦克风也可以成功地应用于专业扩声,在广播和电视演播室,在电影和视频行业,项目工作室和家庭录音,以及许多其他应用。声乐&The Black Knight&能极真实的录制人声。 对准声源15厘米的距离效果最佳。钢琴&The Black Knight&能录制极优异的钢琴声。 使用一对麦进行立体声录音。 正确的麦克风放置是最重要的因素。 最好的方法就是用你那敏感的耳朵去仔细倾听找出最佳的放置方法。声学吉他&The Black Knight&能很好的录制-金属弦声和古典吉他尼龙弦的吉他。放置的位置很重要。开始,我们建议对准吉他的琴颈录音,在那里加入话筒,约10厘米的距离。使用一对或以上的立体声录音话筒。电吉他&The Black Knight&的优异性能让吉他过载和失真时的音色干净明亮,适合录制柔和爵士乐。 麦克风放置在5至10厘米的扬声器中心,以获得更多的频率,或移动至边可得到更多的声音细节, 我们建议对准扬声器振膜,避免低频率的模糊,较大的扬声器距离将增加更多的空间感、使得高频更加柔和。还有很多拾音方法,让你去发现和挖掘。鼓&The Black Knight&脉冲瞬态响应快,高清晰响亮的声压能很优秀的处理鼓录音,尤其是小鼓,开擦及叮叮叉。 最好的距离在鼓边5至10厘米,但你可以尝试不同的位置和角度。 麦的距离远,将增加环境声。 一个较小的距离将增加低频声源和与其他声源分离。 你可以使用一对麦克风录制立体声,可达到满意的声音效果。打击乐像鼓录音&The Black Knight&麦克风能透明的录制所有种类的打击乐得到干净真实的声音。 在25厘米的距离是最好的录制距离。 近距离将增加更多的细节。 较大的距离将增加空间的氛围,融合自然色调。弦乐&The Black Knight&能录制很好的弦乐乐器。25至40厘米以上距离对准琴桥为小提琴和中提琴录音。10至20厘米的距离放在琴桥前面是很好的低音提琴和大提琴录制距离。铜管风乐器能录制很好的铜管风乐器 对于单簧管和高音萨克斯管的录制距离为10至30厘米。 对于长笛麦克风放置中等以上。 10至50厘米的距离是小号,长号,圆号,大号和其他铜管乐器的最佳录制距离。规格:&传感器类型静电式工作原理压力梯度传感器有效的振膜直径27毫米频率范围20赫兹到20千赫兹指向性单向 - 心型指向输出阻抗50欧姆额定负载阻抗1000欧姆建议负载阻抗& 500欧姆负载灵敏度欧姆33毫伏/帕S / N比率CCIR 468-3加权76.5分贝S / N比率依据DIN /651 A加权87.5分贝-A等效噪声级依据DIN /A加权6,5分贝,A最大声压级为1000欧姆负载总谐波失真0.5%134分贝内部前置放大器的动态范围128分贝幻象电源管脚2&3的卡侬头+48伏(+ / -4v)消耗电流&2 mA时输出接口3针XLR,镀金卡农头信号极性对膜片上的压力产生电压的XLR正极性引脚到引脚相对#2#3尺寸1208*44毫米重量450克&可选配件VSMD复古风格的蜘蛛型弹性防震架PSM的弹性防震架GSM的紧凑型垂直位置防震架06与600 XLR3对称麦克风电缆连接器&!!!买话筒送国产防震架一只!!!&&&&THE BLACK KNIGHT uses large size dual diaphragm capsule VD27 and is designed for detailed and neutral sound - with transparent highs, smooth midrange with minimal presence and close to flat low-end response. It has unidirectional cardioid polar pattern.&&The Black Knight& uses a large dual-diaphragm, side-terminated, condenser capsule. It possesses a natural musical sound with transparent highs, smooth midrange with a subtle vocal presence bump at 3kHz, flat low-frequency response and a unidirectional cardioid polar pattern. The acoustically open transducer head minimizes internal resonances and reflections so that even the most minute sound details are authentically captured. An integrated swivel-mount allows for fast and handy positioning of the transducer head. The internal phantom powered preamplifier's Class 'A' fully discrete transformerless circuit provides very high output, flat audio-response and ultra-low distortion and noise. Gold-plated contacts on the output connector provide a noise-free connection.This microphone is in a totally different league than most other products at the same price point. The Black Knight is a very accomplished and well-balanced design, offering real value for money, and would make an excellent first mic for anyone setting up a home studio on a reasonable budget, easily delivering quality results from any source&&THE BLACK KNIGHT& is based on dual diaphragm large size true electrostatic capsule. Highest quality 6-micron Mylar film active diaphragm is sputtered with our special formula of gold mixture, and tensioned on precisely made brass backplate. It provides faster transient impulse response, minimum sound coloration, better low frequency response, and lets capsule to handle louder sound pressure levels. Each capsule is carefully checked for all parameters and measured in an anechoic chamber for optimum of performance.Unidirectional cardioid polar pattern effectively reduces ambient studio noise, but the frontal incidence angle is optimally wide. Integrated heada?#8482;s swivel mount leta?#8482;s you possibility to position microphone head without stand adjustments. The microphones head-grille is made of brass mesh as very open acoustic filter that minimizes internal resonance effects and keeps high frequencies and sound transparency unaffected. Please us studio pop filter to protect diaphragm if you use it on vocals.The internal solid state preamplifier is based on class-A fully discrete transformer-less electronics circuit, built using the best quality selected components. The circuit is designed under the highest audio standards and provides linear audio frequency range, high dynamics, ultra-low self-noise, and very low audio distortion of all types.a?#339;THE BLACK KNIGHTa?#157; requires quality and stable 48 V Phantom power. It is available from external microphone preamplifier and mixing console inputs or from separate phantom power supply units. Some units, though rated as 48 volt sources, may supply inadequate and/or unstable phantom power, which can result in distortion and degraded performance. Please check your phantom power source under real microphone load.a?#339;THE BLACK KNIGHTa?#157; is coming with compact external elastic shockmount. Rugged microphone construction effectively reduces stand rumble, outside infrasonic interference and mechanical shocks. The large external elastic studio shockmount is available as option.We recommend using of our audiophile quality microphone cables with gold plated contact connectors to minimize external noise, signal loss and maximize contact quality. The cables are available as option. Under the special order &THE BLACK KNIGHT& microphones are available in matched stereo pairs to provide balanced stereo recordings.OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESVSMD-BK - vintage style spider type elastic studio shockmountBKS - spider type elastic studio shockmountPSM - elastic any position studio shockmountGSM - compact vertical position studio shock mountPF-DC-B a??Dual-Cone Metal-Mesh pop filterVMC-06 - symmetric quad microphone cable with XLR3 connectors 6m&&Transducer typeelectrostaticOperating principlepressure gradientDiaphragm's active diameter27 mmFrequency range20 Hz to 20 kHzPolar patternunidirectional - cardioidOutput impedance50 ohmsRated load impedance1000 ohmsSuggested load impedance&500 ohmsSensitivity at 1000 Hz into 1000 ohms load33&mV/PaS/N Ratio CCIR 468-3 weighted76.5 dBS/N Ratio DIN/IEC 651 A-weighted87.5 dB-AEquivalent noise level DIN/IEC A-weighted6,5 dB-AMaximum SPL for 0.5% THD at 1000 ohm load134 dBDynamic range of the internal preamplifier128 dBPhantom powering voltage on pins #2 & #3 of XLR+48 V (+/-4 V)Current consumption&2 mAOutput connector3-pin XLR male, gold plated contactsDimensions208 mm x 44 mm 450 g&------------------------------------&&&&&&&&&&&&&The Black Knight sounded great on anything I put it in front of. The swiveling head is the most convenient feature I've ever seen on a mic.&Connor SmithThe Studio Files&&If you own a home or project studio, Black Knight would be a great choice for your primary vocal mic (but you'd get the added bonus of it being great on almost any source).&Connor SmithThe Studio Files&&a?#339;The Black Finger has been great on hi hat and all kinds of percussion overdubs. Ia?#8482;ve also used it on acoustic guitar with great success.a?#157;&John PaternoProducer / Mixer / Engineer(Bonnie Raitt, Faith Hill, Joan Osborne, Los Lobos)THE BLACK KNIGHT& microphone is designed for the recording studio needs. It is capable of capturing vocal, piano, guitars, drums, percussion, strings, wind and many other sound sources. The microphones can be successfully used in professional sound reinforcement systems, in broadcast and TV studios, in movie and video industry, project studios and home recording, and many other applications.&The Black Knight& microphone has a very detailed and uncolored sound. It is perfect for overheads, acoustic guitar and many other instruments as well as vocal applications. The swivel mount head allows for easy minor re-positioning, without adjusting the stand. It is an excellent solution for broadcast studios, film and video production, sound reinforcement and other professional applications. It has a very open, single layer head grill so use of a pop-filter or foam windscreen is recommended when working the microphone closely.VOCALS&THE BLACK KNIGHT& is great on vocals. Use them 3 to 15 cm from capsule to get best results. Use studio pop filter of foam windscreen to additionally protect capsule diaphragms.PIANO&THE BLACK KNIGHT& gives excellent results on piano. Use a pair for stereo recording. There are many methods with close miking, distance miking and combined miking. The result depends highly on piano player and instrument individuality and room's acoustics. The right microphone placement is the most important factor. The best method is to find it by your own ear - go and listen.ACOUSTIC GUITARSa?#339;THE BLACK KNIGHT& is giving excellent results on both - metal string acoustic guitars and classical nylon string acoustic guitars. Right placement is the most important factor again. We recommend beginning with facing the microphone to guitars' neck, where it joins body, in some 10 cm distance from it. Use a pair or more microphones for stereo recording.ELECTRIC GUITARS&THE BLACK KNIGHT& gives excellent results for all - dynamic and bright clean amp sound, for aggressive lead guitar overdrive and distortion sounds, and for warm jazzy tones recording. Place the microphone at 5 to 10 cm from the center of a loudspeaker to get more upper frequencies, or move the microphone toward the cone edge to get fuller tone with more mid and low frequencies. We recommend orienting a microphone diaphragm under some angle with a loudspeaker diaphragm to avoid low frequency peaks. Larger distance from the loudspeaker will add more air and room acoustics and soften high frequencies. There are endless methods of combining close miking, distance miking, miking from a backside of an open speaker box, experimenting with different room acoustics, etc.DRUMS&THE BLACK KNIGHT& fast impulse transient response, crystal clear highs and loud SPL handling make it excellent for the drums recording, especially for snare drum, overhead and hi-hat. The advisable distance is 5 to 10 cm from a drum rim, but you can try different positions and angles. A bigger distance will add more air, environment and naturalness. A smaller distance will increase the low frequencies and separation from other sound sources. You can use a pair as overhead microphones. There are different methods to record drums - from one pair of stereo microphones for right balanced drum kit in an optimal acoustics room until several microphones on each drum kit unit.PERCUSSIONSLike the drum recording &THE BLACK KNIGHT& microphone gives transparent, clean and real results in all kinds of percussions recording. The distance of 25 cm is the best to start. Closer distance will add more details, tone and separation. Larger distance will add room ambience, naturalness and blending with other instruments.BOWED STRINGSa?#339;THE BLACK KNIGHT& is an excellent choice for recording all kinds of bowed string instruments. The distance of 25 to 40 cm above the instrument bridge is preferable for violin and viola. The distance of 10 to 20 cm in front of bridge is right for double bass or cello.BRASS AND WINDThe smooth, natural tone of &THE BLACK KNIGHT& microphone makes it the best choice to record saxophone and other brass and wind instruments. For the clarinet and the soprano saxophone use the microphone 10 to 30 cm above the horn and lowest pads. For the flute place the microphone above the middle of the instrument. Use 10 to 50 cm distances for the trumpet, the trombone, the French horn, the tuba and other brass instruments.&&英国Audient iD¥1999.00总库存10件YAMAHA Stein¥2450.00总库存10件YAMAHA Stein¥1420.00总库存10件【特价促销】Focusr¥1790.00元总库存10件本店所有设备实物图片,享有独家版权所有,敬告一些不良商家请勿盗用我司图片,如有发现将向淘宝发起维权投诉!(我司已备份原始图片资料,请勿存在侥幸心理)&我司以成为爱沙尼亚 黑骑士话筒全国 总经销 欢迎各地经销商到我司洽谈批发业务!&特别说明:&这个品牌的所有系列话筒均为欧盟原装进口纯手工活,产地:拉脱维亚&做工相当的精细 用料超级考究音质出众!!!&目前经过对比测试 秒杀5000元以下所有话筒的音质!!!&有对比小样可旺旺或是QQ索取&!!!买话筒送国产防震架一只!!!&售后升级服务开始:&Violet-Design Black Knight&黑骑士电容话筒&,自国内开始销售到现在,得到了所有用户的好评和认可。为了更好的服务于黑骑士话筒的客户,我司做了很多的努力,与厂家沟通协调。升级黑骑士话筒的售后服务。详情如下:prefix = o &1:从2011年12月开始,我司要求厂家&更换了黑骑士话筒的包装,全部采用单独木盒,内用全海绵封闭式包装话筒,外部纸盒包装。以确保运输安全以及话放的防潮性能提高。&&2:从2012年12月开始,所有我司黑骑士话筒的客户,享受2年的延长质保,加量不加价。由于这个品牌的话筒机械部分工艺很精密,复杂。如果不是厂家专门的技术人员的话,打开后很容易造成损坏,故我司与厂家工程师交流学习。现已掌握话筒的原理及维修技术。这样客户就无需担心维修后的声音不如话筒原始声音好的问题。也不会对话筒造成机械上的损坏。&3:在收到货1周内如出现产品的质量问题,提供免费换只全新的话筒,人为因素以及不可抗力因素除外(如自行摔坏,受潮,电源原因导致烧掉等等。。)不在免费包换范围,按正常保修处理。&特此说明!(2011年12月前得所有黑骑士话筒客户同样享有这样的升级服务)具体详情请电话咨询我司售后部门。0431-周小姐----------------长春华东数码音频有限公司拥有最终解释权---------------------售后声明:凡在我公司购买黑骑士话筒的客户,请保留好话筒的包装配件。包括话筒的说明书以及保修卡(保修卡需盖有我公司公章及ID号)。如果没有加盖我司公章的保修卡,一律不提供任何售后服务。有质量问题需要退换货的客户,请保持话筒的所有配件、说明书、以及保卡齐全,无破损。否则不予以退换。本公司不以&不喜欢&&不美观&&不好听&等客户的主观判断和感受作为退换货的理由,请大家购买之前仔细看实物图片听话筒小样,斟酌购买。&&在不改变话筒位置的情况下,能通过转动话筒唛头改变录音位置及录音角度。 &The Black Knight&使用大尺寸双振膜,精心的设计和真实的声音的拾取具有透明的高频,平稳的中频,浑厚有力的低频响应。 单一心型指向。上面的图片提供一些The Black Knight的频谱表,如何使用麦克风录音决于许多因素的-声源和房间的墙壁,外部麦克风前置放大器的质量,房间体积,反射,混响,话筒的距离和角度从输入阻抗的电子式,麦克风电缆长度和质量等,这些都是艺术家和工程师所考虑的!描述&&The Black Knight&是根据真实双膜片大型静电振膜。 最高品质6微米Mylar镀金膜片,坚固的黄铜极板。 它提供更快的瞬态脉冲响应,最小声音着色,更好的低频响应,支持振膜进行大动态音频的录入。 每个振膜的参数都经过仔细测试,性能达到最佳水准。单向心形拾音模式有效地减少了室内空气噪音,正面对准声源入射角是有效和普遍的录制方法。 头部可旋转话筒头可以很方便的调整录入角度。麦克风头部由黄铜制作的格栅网滤波器,可最大限度地减少内部共振频率,保持高透明度和良好的声音。如果你使用它录制人声, 可以选用外置过滤器和防喷膜这样效果更佳。内部固态前置放大器是基于A级全分离式变压器电路设计。 该电路设计达到了最高的音频标准,提供线性音频频率范围,高动态,低噪音,和非常低音频失真。&The Black Knight&需要优质和稳定的48 V幻象电源。 它可以从外部麦克风前置放大器和调音台输入或从不同的幻像电源供应。 有的设备,虽然额定为48伏特幻想电源,可能因质量的原因,供应不足和/或不稳定幻像电源,导致失真和衰减的现象。&The Black Knight&有紧凑抗震性很好的防震架。坚固的设计有效地降低隆隆声,外界声波干扰和共振,外部防震架可供选择。我们推荐使用我们的高保真麦克风镀金连接线,以最大限度地降低外部噪声,信号损失,最大限度地保证质量。 该电缆可供选择。&The Black Knight&麦克风可提供匹配的立体声均衡立体声录音。&应用:&The Black Knight&话筒是专为录音室设计。能够捕捉声乐,钢琴,吉他,鼓,打击乐,弦乐,自然声和许多其他声音。麦克风也可以成功地应用于专业扩声,在广播和电视演播室,在电影和视频行业,项目工作室和家庭录音,以及许多其他应用。声乐&The Black Knight&能极真实的录制人声。 对准声源15厘米的距离效果最佳。钢琴&The Black Knight&能录制极优异的钢琴声。 使用一对麦进行立体声录音。 正确的麦克风放置是最重要的因素。 最好的方法就是用你那敏感的耳朵去仔细倾听找出最佳的放置方法。声学吉他&The Black Knight&能很好的录制-金属弦声和古典吉他尼龙弦的吉他。放置的位置很重要。开始,我们建议对准吉他的琴颈录音,在那里加入话筒,约10厘米的距离。使用一对或以上的立体声录音话筒。电吉他&The Black Knight&的优异性能让吉他过载和失真时的音色干净明亮,适合录制柔和爵士乐。 麦克风放置在5至10厘米的扬声器中心,以获得更多的频率,或移动至边可得到更多的声音细节, 我们建议对准扬声器振膜,避免低频率的模糊,较大的扬声器距离将增加更多的空间感、使得高频更加柔和。还有很多拾音方法,让你去发现和挖掘。鼓&The Black Knight&脉冲瞬态响应快,高清晰响亮的声压能很优秀的处理鼓录音,尤其是小鼓,开擦及叮叮叉。 最好的距离在鼓边5至10厘米,但你可以尝试不同的位置和角度。 麦的距离远,将增加环境声。 一个较小的距离将增加低频声源和与其他声源分离。 你可以使用一对麦克风录制立体声,可达到满意的声音效果。打击乐像鼓录音&The Black Knight&麦克风能透明的录制所有种类的打击乐得到干净真实的声音。 在25厘米的距离是最好的录制距离。 近距离将增加更多的细节。 较大的距离将增加空间的氛围,融合自然色调。弦乐&The Black Knight&能录制很好的弦乐乐器。25至40厘米以上距离对准琴桥为小提琴和中提琴录音。10至20厘米的距离放在琴桥前面是很好的低音提琴和大提琴录制距离。铜管风乐器能录制很好的铜管风乐器 对于单簧管和高音萨克斯管的录制距离为10至30厘米。 对于长笛麦克风放置中等以上。 10至50厘米的距离是小号,长号,圆号,大号和其他铜管乐器的最佳录制距离。规格:&传感器类型静电式工作原理压力梯度传感器有效的振膜直径27毫米频率范围20赫兹到20千赫兹指向性单向 - 心型指向输出阻抗50欧姆额定负载阻抗1000欧姆建议负载阻抗& 500欧姆负载灵敏度欧姆33毫伏/帕S / N比率CCIR 468-3加权76.5分贝S / N比率依据DIN /651 A加权87.5分贝-A等效噪声级依据DIN /A加权6,5分贝,A最大声压级为1000欧姆负载总谐波失真0.5%134分贝内部前置放大器的动态范围128分贝幻象电源管脚2&3的卡侬头+48伏(+ / -4v)消耗电流&2 mA时输出接口3针XLR,镀金卡农头信号极性对膜片上的压力产生电压的XLR正极性引脚到引脚相对#2#3尺寸1208*44毫米重量450克&可选配件VSMD复古风格的蜘蛛型弹性防震架PSM的弹性防震架GSM的紧凑型垂直位置防震架06与600 XLR3对称麦克风电缆连接器&!!!买话筒送国产防震架一只!!!&&&&THE BLACK KNIGHT uses large size dual diaphragm capsule VD27 and is designed for detailed and neutral sound - with transparent highs, smooth midrange with minimal presence and close to flat low-end response. It has unidirectional cardioid polar pattern.&&The Black Knight& uses a large dual-diaphragm, side-terminated, condenser capsule. It possesses a natural musical sound with transparent highs, smooth midrange with a subtle vocal presence bump at 3kHz, flat low-frequency response and a unidirectional cardioid polar pattern. The acoustically open transducer head minimizes internal resonances and reflections so that even the most minute sound details are authentically captured. An integrated swivel-mount allows for fast and handy positioning of the transducer head. The internal phantom powered preamplifier's Class 'A' fully discrete transformerless circuit provides very high output, flat audio-response and ultra-low distortion and noise. Gold-plated contacts on the output connector provide a noise-free connection.This microphone is in a totally different league than most other products at the same price point. The Black Knight is a very accomplished and well-balanced design, offering real value for money, and would make an excellent first mic for anyone setting up a home studio on a reasonable budget, easily delivering quality results from any source&&THE BLACK KNIGHT& is based on dual diaphragm large size true electrostatic capsule. Highest quality 6-micron Mylar film active diaphragm is sputtered with our special formula of gold mixture, and tensioned on precisely made brass backplate. It provides faster transient impulse response, minimum sound coloration, better low frequency response, and lets capsule to handle louder sound pressure levels. Each capsule is carefully checked for all parameters and measured in an anechoic chamber for optimum of performance.Unidirectional cardioid polar pattern effectively reduces ambient studio noise, but the frontal incidence angle is optimally wide. Integrated heada?#8482;s swivel mount leta?#8482;s you possibility to position microphone head without stand adjustments. The microphones head-grille is made of brass mesh as very open acoustic filter that minimizes internal resonance effects and keeps high frequencies and sound transparency unaffected. Please us studio pop filter to protect diaphragm if you use it on vocals.The internal solid state preamplifier is based on class-A fully discrete transformer-less electronics circuit, built using the best quality selected components. The circuit is designed under the highest audio standards and provides linear audio frequency range, high dynamics, ultra-low self-noise, and very low audio distortion of all types.a?#339;THE BLACK KNIGHTa?#157; requires quality and stable 48 V Phantom power. It is available from external microphone preamplifier and mixing console inputs or from separate phantom power supply units. Some units, though rated as 48 volt sources, may supply inadequate and/or unstable phantom power, which can result in distortion and degraded performance. Please check your phantom power source under real microphone load.a?#339;THE BLACK KNIGHTa?#157; is coming with compact external elastic shockmount. Rugged microphone construction effectively reduces stand rumble, outside infrasonic interference and mechanical shocks. The large external elastic studio shockmount is available as option.We recommend using of our audiophile quality microphone cables with gold plated contact connectors to minimize external noise, signal loss and maximize contact quality. The cables are available as option. Under the special order &THE BLACK KNIGHT& microphones are available in matched stereo pairs to provide balanced stereo recordings.OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESVSMD-BK - vintage style spider type elastic studio shockmountBKS - spider type elastic studio shockmountPSM - elastic any position studio shockmountGSM - compact vertical position studio shock mountPF-DC-B a??Dual-Cone Metal-Mesh pop filterVMC-06 - symmetric quad microphone cable with XLR3 connectors 6m&&Transducer typeelectrostaticOperating principlepressure gradientDiaphragm's active diameter27 mmFrequency range20 Hz to 20 kHzPolar patternunidirectional - cardioidOutput impedance50 ohmsRated load impedance1000 ohmsSuggested load impedance&500 ohmsSensitivity at 1000 Hz into 1000 ohms load33&mV/PaS/N Ratio CCIR 468-3 weighted76.5 dBS/N Ratio DIN/IEC 651 A-weighted87.5 dB-AEquivalent noise level DIN/IEC A-weighted6,5 dB-AMaximum SPL for 0.5% THD at 1000 ohm load134 dBDynamic range of the internal preamplifier128 dBPhantom powering voltage on pins #2 & #3 of XLR+48 V (+/-4 V)Current consumption&2 mAOutput connector3-pin XLR male, gold plated contactsDimensions208 mm x 44 mm 450 g&------------------------------------&&&&&&&&&&&&&The Black Knight sounded great on anything I put it in front of. The swiveling head is the most convenient feature I've ever seen on a mic.&Connor SmithThe Studio Files&&If you own a home or project studio, Black Knight would be a great choice for your primary vocal mic (but you'd get the added bonus of it being great on almost any source).&Connor SmithThe Studio Files&&a?#339;The Black Finger has been great on hi hat and all kinds of percussion overdubs. Ia?#8482;ve also used it on acoustic guitar with great success.a?#157;&John PaternoProducer / Mixer / Engineer(Bonnie Raitt, Faith Hill, Joan Osborne, Los Lobos)THE BLACK KNIGHT& microphone is designed for the recording studio needs. It is capable of capturing vocal, piano, guitars, drums, percussion, strings, wind and many other sound sources. The microphones can be successfully used in professional sound reinforcement systems, in broadcast and TV studios, in movie and video industry, project studios and home recording, and many other applications.&The Black Knight& microphone has a very detailed and uncolored sound. It is perfect for overheads, acoustic guitar and many other instruments as well as vocal applications. The swivel mount head allows for easy minor re-positioning, without adjusting the stand. It is an excellent solution for broadcast studios, film and video production, sound reinforcement and other professional applications. It has a very open, single layer head grill so use of a pop-filter or foam windscreen is recommended when working the microphone closely.VOCALS&THE BLACK KNIGHT& is great on vocals. Use them 3 to 15 cm from capsule to get best results. Use studio pop filter of foam windscreen to additionally protect capsule diaphragms.PIANO&THE BLACK KNIGHT& gives excellent results on piano. Use a pair for stereo recording. There are many methods with close miking, distance miking and combined miking. The result depends highly on piano player and instrument individuality and room's acoustics. The right microphone placement is the most important factor. The best method is to find it by your own ear - go and listen.ACOUSTIC GUITARSa?#339;THE BLACK KNIGHT& is giving excellent results on both - metal string acoustic guitars and classical nylon string acoustic guitars. Right placement is the most important factor again. We recommend beginning with facing the microphone to guitars' neck, where it joins body, in some 10 cm distance from it. Use a pair or more microphones for stereo recording.ELECTRIC GUITARS&THE BLACK KNIGHT& gives excellent results for all - dynamic and bright clean amp sound, for aggressive lead guitar overdrive and distortion sounds, and for warm jazzy tones recording. Place the microphone at 5 to 10 cm from the center of a loudspeaker to get more upper frequencies, or move the microphone toward the cone edge to get fuller tone with more mid and low frequencies. We recommend orienting a microphone diaphragm under some angle with a loudspeaker diaphragm to avoid low frequency peaks. Larger distance from the loudspeaker will add more air and room acoustics and soften high frequencies. There are endless methods of combining close miking, distance miking, miking from a backside of an open speaker box, experimenting with different room acoustics, etc.DRUMS&THE BLACK KNIGHT& fast impulse transient response, crystal clear highs and loud SPL handling make it excellent for the drums recording, especially for snare drum, overhead and hi-hat. The advisable distance is 5 to 10 cm from a drum rim, but you can try different positions and angles. A bigger distance will add more air, environment and naturalness. A smaller distance will increase the low frequencies and separation from other sound sources. You can use a pair as overhead microphones. There are different methods to record drums - from one pair of stereo microphones for right balanced drum kit in an optimal acoustics room until several microphones on each drum kit unit.PERCUSSIONSLike the drum recording &THE BLACK KNIGHT& microphone gives transparent, clean and real results in all kinds of percussions recording. The distance of 25 cm is the best to start. Closer distance will add more details, tone and separation. Larger distance will add room ambience, naturalness and blending with other instruments.BOWED STRINGSa?#339;THE BLACK KNIGHT& is an excellent choice for recording all kinds of bowed string instruments. The distance of 25 to 40 cm above the instrument bridge is preferable for violin and viola. The distance of 10 to 20 cm in front of bridge is right for double bass or cello.BRASS AND WINDThe smooth, natural tone of &THE BLACK KNIGHT& microphone makes it the best choice to record saxophone and other brass and wind instruments. For the clarinet and the soprano saxophone use the microphone 10 to 30 cm above the horn and lowest pads. For the flute place the microphone above the middle of the instrument. Use 10 to 50 cm distances for the trumpet, the trombone, the French horn, the tuba and other brass instruments.&&
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