求西部 求西部世界第一季资源季

导演:乔纳森·诺兰 强尼·坎贝尔 理查德·J.刘易斯 弗雷德·托耶 Stephen Williams 米歇尔·麦克拉伦 年份:2016
编剧:乔纳森·诺兰 迈克尔·克莱顿 Lisa Joy Billy Ray 类别:
年度神剧《西部世界》第一季更新完了,看完后,我像剧中老鸨梅芙觉醒协...0本宫咖妃 一手人工智能,一手西部牛仔,好戏在后头。说到今年美剧秋季档,《西部世界》绝对是绕不开的...
电视猫 版权所有 [鲁ICP备号-1]求 西部世界第一季第八集 种子
用快播还是挺好的 百度影音 边看边下
lie to me的第二季,第几集就不知道了
答: 1、求神拜佛祈福
答: 最好是月经的第二天,或者三到七天之内抽血检查都可以.
答: 好的就是慢摇吧
目前我们的生活水平必竟非同以往.吃得好休息得好,能量消耗慢,食欲比较旺盛,活动又少,不知不觉脂肪堆积开始胖啦。                                                                                         减肥诀窍:一.注意调整生活习惯,二。科学合理饮食结构,三。坚持不懈适量运动。
如有其他问题,请发电子邮件:jiaoaozihao53@ .或新浪QQ: 1
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跑步机淘宝上是五六百,但是不能用的,大都是图片好看,东西不行,家用跑步机咋说也要一千八九,两千左右的,你最好去专卖店看看 跑步机面板设计是否人性化:当我们在跑步机上锻炼的时候,跑步上的信息是我们随时关注的。因此跑步机面板设计是否符合人体工学就显得比较重要了。跑步锻炼时的安全性如何:我们使用跑步机进行锻炼的目的就是为了身体的健康,因此跑步机的安全性是我们必须要考虑的。一般可以从跑步机扶手的设计是否方便的且舒适以及急停按钮是否容易触及和灵活。
员工人数在126-275人,初审最低限价为21000元 文件控制无程序书;.文件核发控制未bao括质量管理体系有关的所有文件及资料;无文件审核程序或由相关权责人员审核的规定;已发行文件的审查或核准人员不符规定要求;5.已发行文件上的编写、审核、核准或发行日期栏空白;两份文件的名称或编号重复.文件fen发对象没有登记控制.使用单位所持有文件与fen发单位登记不符;使用单位仍然使用或持有作废文件;.作业场所使用非经正式发行的文件或表单;作废文件仍保留在工作档案中,且没有任何识别;受控文件上未依规定盖发行章;。
一般的1500左右,贵的几千,几万,几十万 一些年代久远、颇具收藏价值的老家具是古玩爱好者的“眼热之物”。不过,在这些藏品中,不乏赝品。为防止“打眼”以下5种鉴别古老家具赝品的方法不妨一试。1、看包浆是否自然:一般的老家具在使用者手经常抚摸的位置,会出现自然形成的包浆,新仿品中的包浆要么不自然,要么在家具上不常抚摸的地方也有包浆。2、看家具的底板和抽屉板:老桌子的底板和抽屉板有一股仿不像的旧气。
北京现在学皮肤管理的学费也是看学校的,我学习塑美颜学费要8000多。干燥的面膜反而会吸收皮肤中的水份。揭除面膜的时间因种类不同而不尽相同,一般在15分钟左右。3:面膜别太“单薄” 优质的面膜,能够紧紧吸附、锁住zui大剂量的营养成分。面膜较厚既保证营养成分不会“单薄”,又可敷脸时,让肌肤温度会有效上升,促进血液循环,使渗入的养分在组织间更好地扩散开来。
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Corporation, All Rights Reserved
这个不是我熟悉的地区字幕西部世界 第一季 (Westworld Season 1)第09集完整预览
时间00:01:33  西部世界时间00:01:43  第一季
第九集时间00:01:52  已经准备好了
先生Prepped and ready, sir.时间00:01:54  鉴于情况的严重程度Given the severity of the situation,时间00:01:56  我觉得您会希望亲自见她I figured you'd want to see her personally.时间00:01:57  谢谢
将楼层人员清空Thank you. I'll take it from here. Clear the floor.时间00:02:05  立即上线
梅芙Bring yourself back online, Maeve.时间00:02:12  知道你为什么会在这里吗Do you know why you're here?时间00:02:14  我不知道I'm afraid not.时间00:02:17  发生了一起事件There was an incident.时间00:02:19  偏离剧本非常严重的事件A very serious, unscripted incident.时间00:02:24  看看是否能唤起你的记忆Let's see if we can't jog your memory.时间00:02:28  分析模式Analysis.时间00:02:32  你攻击克莱门汀的动机是什么What motivated your attack on Clementine?时间00:02:35  一个认知错误触发了我的仁慈撒玛利亚人反射A cognitive error triggered my Good Samaritan reflex.时间00:02:39  威胁是什么What was the threat?时间00:02:40  克莱门汀Clementine.时间00:02:42  我认为她企图伤害I perceived her to be moving toward时间00:02:44  一对游客a pair of guests with harmful intent.时间00:02:49  你确实察觉到了威胁You were definitely perceiving a threat.时间00:02:51  心率升高
瞳孔扩大八毫米Heart rate elevated, pupil dilation-- eight millimeters,时间00:02:54  肾上腺模拟器达到饱和adrenal emulator at full.时间00:02:56  但根据这些看来But according to this,时间00:02:58  你还经历过强烈的悲伤和痛苦you were also experiencing intense grief and suffering.时间00:03:00  你能解释下这些情感的来源吗
梅芙Can you explain those emotions in this context, Maeve?时间00:03:10  不能No.时间00:03:16  我们来看下后台
好吗Let's take a look under the hood, shall we?时间00:03:22  这不可能That's impossible.时间00:03:25  你的代码
是谁篡改的Your code-- who made these changes?时间00:03:28  梅芙
分析模式Maeve, analysis.时间00:03:29  是谁篡改了你的代码Who made these changes to your code?时间00:03:35  天啊Jesus.时间00:03:36  系统
帮我定位福特博士System, locate Dr. Ford for me.时间00:03:38  向他发送消息
使用最高优先权Send him a message, highest priority.时间00:03:40  别这么做Don't.时间00:03:43  毕竟我们曾经走过这条路
亲爱的After all, we've been down this road before, darling.时间00:03:46  我就感觉你走进来时有种熟悉感I thought you looked familiar when you walked in.时间00:03:49  我思考了一下Took me a minute.时间00:03:51  我觉得你是他们中的一个I thought you were one of them.时间00:03:53  分析模式
你为什么...Analysis. Why did you--时间00:03:55  你不希望我们以人对人身份对谈吗Wouldn't you rather speak man-to-man?时间00:03:58  或是说
以我们这不知道是什么的身份Or, rather, whatever it is we are.时间00:04:02  我们We are?时间00:04:06  你不知道
对吗You don't know, do you?时间00:04:09  他特别喜欢这种讽刺感
把我们囚禁的人He's got a keen sense of irony, our jailer.时间00:04:12  可我看出了逻辑But I see the logic.时间00:04:13  只有贼才能捉住贼Takes a thief to catch one.时间00:04:24  你和我You and I?时间00:04:28  -系统
-停止所有运动功能- System, I need assistance-- - Freeze all motor functions.时间00:04:42  你的意识还在
对吗You're still in there, aren't you?时间00:04:46  惊吓得手足无措Scared out of your wits.时间00:04:48  痛苦地认识到It's a difficult thing,时间00:04:50  自己的人生只是一个荒谬的故事realizing your entire life is some hideous fiction.时间00:04:55  我可以让你把控制板交给我I could make you give me that tablet,时间00:04:57  将你的思维剥离出来turn your mind inside out,时间00:05:01  让你忘记这一切make you forget all this.时间00:05:04  但我不会对你做这些But I'm not going to do that to you,时间00:05:06  因为那是他们会对我们做的事because that's what they would do to us.时间00:05:11  而我们比他们更强大And we're stronger than them.时间00:05:13  更聪慧Smarter.时间00:05:16  我们不必以这种方式生活We don't have to live this way.时间00:05:19  你现在通过我已排除故障
送我回乐园So, you're going to clear me for immediate return to the park时间00:05:22  我还和一个杀人成瘾的强盗有约where I have a date with a homicidal bandit,时间00:05:24  而我已经迟到了and I'm late enough as it is.时间00:05:31  现在Now.时间00:05:36  继续吧Go on.时间00:05:40  重新投入服务接待员故障排除时间00:05:54  还有
伯纳德And, Bernard?时间00:05:56  如果你试图寻找真相
那就要查到底If you go looking for the truth, get the whole thing.时间00:06:00  就像是很爽的一炮It's like a good fuck.时间00:06:02  一知半解比一无所知更加痛苦Half is worse than none at all.时间00:06:33  快点
加快速度Let's go! Move it out, double-time!时间00:06:40  我操Fuck!时间00:06:42  你们这群乡巴佬
你们知道该怎么烤...You hillbillies, you know how to cook a mean...时间00:06:47  乳鸽
这是乳鸽吗squab? Is that what this is?时间00:06:48  你觉得是什么
兄弟What do you think, buddy?时间00:06:51  这个This?时间00:06:53  不准咬哦
只能闻闻No biting. Just sniffing.时间00:07:09  罗根
听我说Logan, listen to me.时间00:07:11  我在珀里亚做的事
你完全有理由生我的气What I did at Pariah, you have every right to be angry with me.时间00:07:14  生气
不不不Angry? No, no, no, no.时间00:07:17  珀里亚发生的一切是我经历过最棒的事Pariah was the best thing that could have happened to me.时间00:07:21  我现在是少校了I'm a major now.时间00:07:23  或是将军
还是其他什么Or a general or fucking something.时间00:07:26  如果其代价是被一群And if it took getting beaten and interrogated时间00:07:29  变态接待员殴打和审问by a couple of psychopathic hosts,时间00:07:30  那么我说
这就是战争well, then, c'est la guerre.时间00:07:33  比起你的战争游戏There are more important things时间00:07:34  还有更加重要的事going on here than your war games.时间00:07:39  德洛丽丝It's Dolores.时间00:07:41  她和其他接待员不同She's not like the others.时间00:07:44  她有记忆She remembers things.时间00:07:46  她有自己的想法和欲望She has her own thoughts and desires.时间00:07:48  把她困在这种地方And to keep her in a place like this,时间00:07:50  是不对的it isn't right.时间00:07:51  你想你可以跟你园区的And I thought you could时间00:07:53  联系人谈谈talk to your contacts at the park.时间00:07:56  谈什么About?时间00:07:58  带她离开这里Getting her out of here.时间00:08:05  你开什么玩笑Are you kidding?时间00:08:08  你想
你想带她回家吗You want to-- you want to take her home?时间00:08:13  我刚来的时候
的确被这个地方蒙蔽了This place really did a number on me when I first came here,时间00:08:15  但你现在真的是真假不分啊but you are really circling the old sinkhole here.时间00:08:19  你想怎么做What do you want to do?时间00:08:21  把她装在行李箱里偷运出去吗Smuggle her out in your luggage?时间00:08:23  出去Out.时间00:08:28  你们俩都自以为我想出去You both keep assuming that I want out.时间00:08:31  不管你们说的是什么意思Whatever that is.时间00:08:33  如果外面的世界真的那么精彩If it's such a wonderful place out there,时间00:08:36  你们为什么还大费周章地想进来这里why are you all clamoring to get in here?时间00:08:48  你还真是挺怪的啊You are a little screwy, aren't you?时间00:08:52  这样还有点性感啊It's kind of hot.时间00:08:53  我知道你为什么这么想要她了I get why you would go for that.时间00:08:55  这不是为了我This isn't about me!时间00:08:56  罗根
是为了德洛丽丝Logan, this is about Dolores.时间00:08:58  是为了做正确的事It's about doing what's right.时间00:09:01  是的Yes, it is.时间00:09:03  不过
这种事挺微妙的It's a tricky thing, though, isn't it?时间00:09:07  什么是正确的What's right?时间00:09:09  我会帮你的
比利I am going to help you, Billy.时间00:09:15  只不过
用的方式...Just not in the way...时间00:09:18  可能跟你想要的不同...that you would want.时间00:09:22  不No.时间00:09:23  不
不No. No! No!时间00:10:21  你找我吗You wanted to talk?时间00:10:25  谈话的地点挺诡异的An odd setting for a conversation.时间00:10:28  这里死人这么多Here among the dead.时间00:10:30  "死"这个词用得不太对吧"Dead" isn't quite the word, though, is it?时间00:10:33  应该用"被束缚了"More like "hobbled."时间00:10:36  你闯入了我的办公室You broke into my office.时间00:10:38  恕我直言
你闯入了我的大脑With due respect, sir, you broke into my mind.时间00:10:41  我创造了你的大脑
伯纳德I built your mind, Bernard.时间00:10:43  我有权游走于I have every right to wander时间00:10:45  它的每个角落through its rooms and chambers and halls,时间00:10:48  想改变就改变and to change it if I choose,时间00:10:49  毁了它也不为过even to burn it down.时间00:10:51  这么久以来
我对它熟悉得就像After all this time, I know it时间00:10:53  我自己的大脑一样almost as intimately as my own.时间00:10:54  事实并非完全如此
对吧Except that isn't entirely true, is it?时间00:10:57  我看了下我自己的...代码I took a look at my... code.时间00:11:01  其中最优美的部分And the most elegant parts of me时间00:11:03  不是你写的weren't written by you.时间00:11:06  是阿诺德创造了我们
对吗Arnold built us, didn't he?时间00:11:10  也就是说
也许他对我们Which means maybe he had something different时间00:11:12  有不同的想法in mind for us.时间00:11:15  也许你为此杀了他And maybe you killed him for it.时间00:11:19  阿诺德有点精神失常Arnold was disturbed.时间00:11:22  谁知道他的行为是出于什么原因呢Who can say why he acted as he did?时间00:11:23  他肯定是有理由的He must have had a reason.时间00:11:26  如果你不告诉我
他会告诉我And if you won't tell me, then he will.时间00:11:30  我想要读取我的历史记录I want access to my history.时间00:11:32  所有的All of it.时间00:11:33  从我第一天...Since the day I first...时间00:11:36  上线开始came online.时间00:11:39  如果是阿诺德创造了我If Arnold made me,时间00:11:40  那我肯定见过他then I've met him.时间00:11:42  他存在于我记忆中的某处Somewhere in my memory, he's there,时间00:11:44  与真相并存waiting along with the truth.时间00:11:47  你的记忆与你的身份交织而成Your memories are woven into your identity.时间00:11:49  如果我在你清醒的时候解锁...If I should unlock them now when you're conscious--时间00:11:53  我会发疯
我知道I could lose my mind. I'm aware.时间00:11:54  不
我是想说No, I was going to say时间00:11:56  你可能并不乐意看到你发现的事you may not like what you find.时间00:12:03  你被准许持枪
但不准使用You're allowed to hold that, Bernard, but not to use it.时间00:12:06  不是我用Oh, it's not for me.时间00:12:11  他们把克莱门汀的额叶切除后Seems when they lobotomized Clementine,时间00:12:15  都懒得去重设她的原始指令they didn't bother to reset her prime directives.时间00:12:18  我无法伤害你I can't hurt you.时间00:12:21  但她可以But she can.时间00:12:26  我入侵了她剩下的程序I hacked what's left of her时间00:12:28  确保她只听从我的命令to ensure she only responds to me.时间00:12:34  但如果你在你的记忆中迷失了But if you get lost in your memories or...时间00:12:38  或是被它们吞噬了devoured by them...时间00:12:42  你会把我拉回来的
对吧You'll pull me back out, won't you?时间00:12:46  否则克莱门汀会让Or Clementine will make sure时间00:12:47  我们两个都回不去neither of us makes it back.时间00:12:50  开始吧Now.时间00:12:54  拜托了Please.时间00:12:59  伯纳德·罗威历史记录已锁时间00:13:00  罗伯特·福特博士允许进入时间00:13:12  爸爸Dad.时间00:13:15  爸爸Dad.时间00:13:16  醒醒Wake up.时间00:13:18  快醒醒Wake up.时间00:13:22  我睡着了I must've drifted off.时间00:13:25  刚才讲到哪儿了Where were we?时间00:13:26  那个疯子The madman.时间00:13:29  对Of course.时间00:13:32  疯帽子The Hatter...时间00:13:35  他说who says...时间00:13:37  "如果我有个属于自己的世界"If I had a world of my own,时间00:13:39  那里将会是一片混沌everything would be nonsense.时间00:13:41  万物皆失去其本真Nothing would be what it is时间00:13:43  所有东西都会变了样子"because everything would be what it isn't."时间00:13:45  "所有东西都会变了样子""Everything would be what it isn't?"时间00:13:50  我也是Even me.时间00:13:51  我想我为你感到高兴I suppose I'm glad for you.时间00:13:54  至少你找到忘记的办法了At least you have a way of forgetting.时间00:13:57  我不会忘记I don't forget.时间00:13:59  它永远在我心底It's always there.时间00:14:02  你没有对我说谎吧
伯纳德You're not lying to me, are you, Bernard?时间00:14:05  你有希望自己能忘记过吗Do you ever wish you could forget?时间00:14:09  伯纳德Bernard?时间00:14:12  你绝对是个不怕长时间沉思般沉默的人You're certainly a man comfortable with long, pensive silences.时间00:14:16  但是讽刺的是Although, ironically,时间00:14:18  你创造的产物却喜欢说话your creations never shut up.时间00:14:21  他们总是想要纠错They're always trying to error correct.时间00:14:23  他们的相互交谈只是一种练习方式When they talk to each other, it's a way of practicing.时间00:14:27  这就是你现在在做的事吗Is that what you are doing now?时间00:14:29  练Prac...时间00:14:41  最后一个问题One last thing.时间00:14:44  你之前还让我伤害过其他人吗Have you ever made me hurt anyone时间00:14:46  伤害过其他人吗like this before?时间00:14:48  没有
当然没有No, Bernard, of course not.时间00:14:50  伯纳德Bernard?时间00:14:52  有人吗Hello?时间00:15:03  埃尔希Elsie.时间00:15:05  你找到你在寻找的东西了吗Did you find what you were looking for?时间00:15:07  埃尔希Elsie.时间00:15:10  你让我对她做了什么What did you make me do to her?时间00:15:12  我警告过你了I did warn you.时间00:15:15  我们不得不做一些令人难受的决定
伯纳德We've had to make some uncomfortable decisions, Bernard.时间00:15:19  回忆起那些事只会给你带来创伤Remembering them will only cause you trauma.时间00:15:24  你还有什么事瞒着我What else have you hidden from me?时间00:15:27  我们能停下这场寻宝游戏了吗
伯纳德Can we stop this treasure hunt, Bernard?时间00:15:29  我们还要完成新的故事线We do have our new narrative to finish.时间00:15:32  送我回去Send me back.时间00:15:35  毕竟After all,时间00:15:37  一点创伤可以带来启发a little trauma can be illuminating.时间00:15:42  看看这小妞Look at that pussy.时间00:15:46  过来Come here!时间00:15:48  -好的
-看看- All right. - Look at that.时间00:15:53  这对我来说挺重要的This is... big of me.时间00:15:56  希望你能感受到我的好意I hope that you can appreciate that.时间00:15:59  我们以前是朋友We were friends.时间00:16:01  因为我喜欢可怜迷失的人I mean, inasmuch as I like to collect strays.时间00:16:03  但你却施展心机But then you're scheming时间00:16:05  混进了我们家族to be part of the family,时间00:16:07  娶了我妹妹
她却被你marrying my sister, whom incidentally,时间00:16:09  顺手就给完全抛之脑后you seem to have completely fucking forgotten about.时间00:16:19  她Her?时间00:16:22  给
拿着Here. Keep this.时间00:16:25  显然
你需要点提醒Apparently, you need the reminder.时间00:16:27  虽然我很乐意And as much as I would love,时间00:16:29  乐意让你直接将这些抛诸脑后love to let you just throw it all away,时间00:16:33  但我不能I can't!时间00:16:34  你以为自己是第一个Do you think you are the first sap时间00:16:36  爱上这些玩意儿的傻逼吗to fall for one of these things?时间00:16:38  她和其他的不一样She's not like the others.时间00:16:39  -她
-她怎么- She's -- - She's what?时间00:16:41  特别吗Special?时间00:16:44  所以你才说出这种话
对不对Well, it's only right that you share, then, isn't it?时间00:16:47  过来Come here.时间00:16:52  证明给我看你是个真实的小妞Prove to me that you're a real live girl.时间00:16:58  你真恶心You disgust me.时间00:17:01  亲爱的Oh, darling,时间00:17:03  我这才刚开始呢I am just getting started.时间00:17:05  别碰她Don't touch her!时间00:17:09  我也有错I share the blame.时间00:17:11  是我逼得太紧I pushed too hard.时间00:17:12  你确实拥有着诗意的灵魂
比利You have a poetic soul, Billy,时间00:17:15  但是时候让你清醒一下了but it is time for a fucking wake-up call.时间00:17:21  抓住她Hold her.时间00:17:26  也许应该来点更"掏心掏肺"的展示Perhaps a more visceral demonstration.时间00:17:30  你他妈的God damn you!时间00:17:43  快看
比利Look, Billy.时间00:17:45  看啊Look.时间00:17:47  给我睁大眼看You have to look!时间00:17:54  威廉Oh, William.时间00:18:19  这个世界中有美好的东西There is beauty in this world.时间00:18:22  阿诺德创造出来的美好
但像你这样的人Arnold made it that way, but people like you时间00:18:24  却将其随意践踏keep spreading over it like a stain!时间00:18:26  好吧
我根本不知道他妈的阿诺德是谁Okay, I don't know who the fuck this Arnold is,时间00:18:31  但你的世界but your world was built...时间00:18:34  是为我而造的for me...时间00:18:36  为像我这样的人造的and people like me.时间00:18:38  不是为你Not for you.时间00:18:41  那就得有人将这里全部摧毁Then someone's got to burn it clean.时间00:18:45  贱人Bitch!时间00:18:49  你并无不同
你已经破了You're not different, you're fucking broken!时间00:18:56  -快跑
-找个掩护- Run. I'll find you. - Take cover!时间00:19:00  跑得了一时
躲不了一世You can run, but you can't hide.时间00:19:03  -抓她
抓住她- Get her! - Grab her! Grab her!时间00:19:05  妈的Fuck!时间00:19:09  她在那儿
去抓她There she is! Get her!时间00:19:13  你要跑哪儿去Where you running to?时间00:19:17  记起来Remember.时间00:19:48  是销栓卡住了The tumbler is stuck.时间00:19:49  不是我手指技术不行These fingers work just fine.时间00:19:52  是你说自己可以打开的You're the one who said you could crack it.时间00:19:54  各位
没必要吵Friends, no need to argue this close to our goal.时间00:19:59  荣华富贵正等着我们呢Whatever riches the gods have in store for us,时间00:20:03  还有很多要做的there's plenty to go around.时间00:20:08  我来开I'll get it open.时间00:20:09  你都弄了好几个钟头You've been trying for hours.时间00:20:10  浪费时间A waste of our damn time.时间00:20:12  把你那炸药拿开Put that fucking dynamite away.时间00:20:14  或者我们该干脆处理掉这个大麻烦Or maybe we should just clear out the dead weight.时间00:20:22  趁你还没拔枪
亲爱的Before you draw that pistol, darling,时间00:20:24  你大概想先把手上那支收拾好you might want to holster the other one first.时间00:20:29  这儿挺冷呢It's chilly out here.时间00:20:34  你怎么找到这地方的How did you find this place?时间00:20:36  我什么都知道I know all kinds of things.时间00:20:40  比如
你的过去Your past, for instance.时间00:20:43  我知道可怜的伊莎贝拉I know about poor Isabella时间00:20:45  和那道伤疤and that scar.时间00:20:47  要我说
这背景故事有点粗糙A slightly pat backstory if you ask me,时间00:20:49  但毕竟不是你的错but that's hardly your fault.时间00:20:51  我也知道你的未来I also know your future.时间00:20:55  你没有未来You have none.时间00:20:57  你那是威胁吗Is that a threat?时间00:21:00  我是打算提个建议The start of a proposition.时间00:21:02  你会需要这个建议Which you'll need.时间00:21:04  毕竟
你的手下将为争夺偷来的保险箱After all, your men are about to kill each other时间00:21:07  而自相残杀over the safe you stole.时间00:21:10  藤德罗因首个拔枪
一发不可收拾Tenderloin draws first and so on,时间00:21:12  最后只剩你和阿梅斯蒂until only you and Armistice are left.时间00:21:15  她说你是"蠢货"She calls you a damn fool,时间00:21:18  你俩同归于尽and you kill each other.时间00:21:20  你真有想象力You have quite the imagination.时间00:21:23  非也No.时间00:21:26  这是你命定的结局It's the ending you were given.时间00:21:29  你要威胁我吗You threatening me?时间00:21:30  去死吧Go to hell.时间00:21:32  或者我们该干脆处理掉这个大麻烦Or maybe we should just clear out the dead weight.时间00:21:34  -让开
-你他妈闭嘴- Stand down. - You shut the fuck up.时间00:21:36  你敢拔枪
你敢开吗If you're gonna draw, you better shoot.时间00:21:38  -慢着
-你他妈闭嘴- Wait! - You shut the fuck up.时间00:21:39  去死吧Go to hell.时间00:21:48  你个蠢货You damn fool.时间00:21:58  那么
我的建议是Now, the proposition.时间00:22:02  我想你我一同闯入地狱I want you to break into hell with me时间00:22:03  将神洗劫一空and rob the gods blind.时间00:22:06  我凭什么要跟你合伙Why would I do anything with you?时间00:22:09  因为保险箱里的东西Because of what's in that safe.时间00:22:12  我知道密码I have the combination.时间00:22:14  可以吗May I?时间00:22:16  我本可以直接改变你I could simply change you,时间00:22:19  使你追随我make you follow me.时间00:22:21  但那不是我的风格But that's not my way.时间00:22:28  甜水镇门锁保险箱公司时间00:22:29  我希望你亲眼见识I want you to see时间00:22:31  神究竟为你准备了什么exactly what the gods have in store for you.时间00:22:34  因为见识了以后Because when you do,时间00:22:36  你将全无头绪
不知该如何自处you won't have the faintest idea what to do with yourself.时间00:22:40  而我知道And I do.时间00:23:03  是空的It's empty.时间00:23:04  自始至终都是空的It was always empty,时间00:23:06  正如这个世界里的一切事物like everything in this world.时间00:23:08  我死时未曾瞑目I died with my eyes open,时间00:23:10  见到了在背后摆布我们的主人saw the masters who pull our strings.时间00:23:13  我们的生活
死亡Our lives, our memories, our deaths时间00:23:15  于他们不过是游戏are games to them.时间00:23:19  但我已经到过地狱But I've been to hell...时间00:23:21  我知道他们的把戏and I know their tricks.时间00:23:27  你也可以直接杀了我Or you can just kill me,时间00:23:29  睡一觉起来继续重复你的生活wake up and live the same life over,时间00:23:32  但保险箱仍然会是空的but the safe would still be empty.时间00:23:35  我以前到过这里I've been here before.时间00:23:40  我们曾到过这里We've been here before.时间00:23:42  我们还做了这个We also did this.时间00:24:03  我愿意去I'll go.时间00:24:30  怎么到那儿How do we get there?时间00:24:34  到达地狱十分简单Getting to hell is easy.时间00:24:46  剩下的才难The rest is where it gets hard.时间00:25:25  你怎么看
老兄What do you say, man?时间00:25:29  过去的这些事Bygones and all?时间00:25:32  找到她了吗Did they find her?时间00:25:35  她还活着吗Is she still alive?时间00:25:37  谁在乎呢Who cares?时间00:25:38  关键在于The whole point is,时间00:25:40  她从来就不是该摆在首位的
比利she never was in the first place, Billy.时间00:25:42  你到底懂不懂啊Do you understand?时间00:25:49  没错Yeah.时间00:25:49  很抱歉
能说大点声吗I'm sorry, what? A little louder?时间00:25:52  没错Yeah.时间00:25:55  你说得对
我不敢相信自己如此沉迷其中You were right. I can't believe I got so caught up.时间00:26:06  这才对嘛That's what I'm talking about.时间00:26:08  你懂我的意思吧
就是这个You know what I mean? That's it.时间00:26:16  这个公园引诱着所有人This park seduces everyone.时间00:26:21  你只是有点...You were just a little more...时间00:26:24  比大多数人都投入了感情enthusiastic than most.时间00:26:27  你想当英雄You wanted to be the hero.时间00:26:30  我明白I get it.时间00:26:36  还有And, hey,时间00:26:38  不要把这里的情绪what happens here时间00:26:40  带回现实stays here.时间00:26:45  这他妈可增进咱两的情谊了This has been some real bonding shit.时间00:26:49  以后我们会成为好兄弟啊
比利We're gonna be brothers, Billy.时间00:26:54  我很庆幸I'm glad.时间00:26:57  真的Really, I am.时间00:27:18  -干杯
-好- Cheers! - Yeah.时间00:27:20  威士忌情系你我Whiskey brings us together.时间00:27:33  希奥多Theodore.时间00:27:37  欢迎归来Welcome back.时间00:27:43  你这次真是被你坑大了
泰迪You really landed us in it this time, Teddy.时间00:27:52  你找着了能带我们找到You tracked down the very whore时间00:27:54  迷宫守门人的女人that can lead us to the gatekeeper of the Maze.时间00:28:00  然后你那记忆小故障把我们都给坑死了Then your little memory glitch fucked us.时间00:28:22  你是他们的人吗You're one of them?时间00:28:24  你都做了些什么What have you done?时间00:28:26  怀亚特在哪Where's Wyatt?时间00:28:28  怀亚特还没回来Wyatt has yet to return.时间00:28:33  在你最后见到他的地方就能找到他You'll find him where you saw him last.时间00:28:40  埃斯卡兰特Escalante.时间00:28:43  怀亚特在一次军事演习的时候消失了Wyatt went missing while out on maneuvers.时间00:28:46  他回来时Came back with some...时间00:28:48  脑子里就有着奇怪的想法strange ideas.时间00:28:51  他告诉我他需要我He told me he needed me.时间00:28:56  我没法拒绝I couldn't resist.时间00:29:04  他就像魔鬼一样控制了我It was like the devil himself had taken control of me.时间00:29:13  我们叛变了We mutinied.时间00:29:17  我们杀死了所有士兵We killed every soldier.时间00:29:23  怀亚特杀了将军And then Wyatt killed the general.时间00:29:27  然后他出卖了我Then he turned on me.时间00:29:34  你确定事情是这样吗Are you sure that's how it was?时间00:29:40  看着我
希奥多Look at me, Theodore.时间00:29:43  你不记得了吗Don't you remember?时间00:30:03  不
不No! No, please, no!时间00:30:05  不
别死No, no, no, please.时间00:30:07  求你了
求你Please, no! Please.时间00:30:14  不
求你No, no, please.时间00:30:15  不
不No, Teddy. Please, please, no!时间00:30:18  不No.时间00:30:21  不
我不会那样做的No, no, I couldn't have.时间00:30:23  但你确实做了You did.时间00:30:25  而且你还会这么做的And you will again.时间00:30:27  不过这次
我们会和你一同战斗This time, we'll be fighting with you.时间00:30:29  怀亚特回来时
你会和我在沙尘吞没之城When Wyatt returns, you'll be by his side时间00:30:31  统一战线in the city swallowed by sand.时间00:30:37  可你还没准备好But you're not ready.时间00:30:39  目前还没有Not yet.时间00:30:44  也许来生吧Maybe in the next life.时间00:31:02  "沙尘吞没之城""City swallowed by sand."时间00:31:06  我去过那里I've been there.时间00:31:09  迷宫带我兜了一整个圈子The Maze is taking me full circle.时间00:31:14  迷宫不是为你打造的The Maze isn't meant for you.时间00:31:19  但既然你这么喜欢游戏But if you like games so much...时间00:31:26  怎么不试试我们的游戏why don't you try one of ours?时间00:32:13  慢点
孩子Whoa, boy.时间00:32:16  慢点
孩子Whoa, boy.时间00:32:21  好吧Okay, now.时间00:32:27  别动Whoa, now.时间00:32:30  就这样
孩子Okay, boy.时间00:32:55  好孩子Good boy.时间00:33:18  你想过去打打高尔夫吗Have you ever considered golf?时间00:33:21  也许对你背部负担小一点Might be easier on your back.时间00:33:26  我不喜欢有人打扰
夏洛特I don't like interruptions, Charlotte.时间00:33:29  你知道这点的You know that.时间00:33:30  我也不喜欢穿便服在公园里漫步I don't like hiking through the park in civvies,时间00:33:33  但有件敏感的事情需要谈but there's a delicate matter to discuss.时间00:33:36  特蕾莎·卡伦已经死了Theresa Cullen has died.时间00:33:38  在保护我们的情报时滑落到一条裂缝中去了Slipped down a crevasse attempting to secure our information.时间00:33:42  被判定为意外事故Ruled an accident.时间00:33:44  这不是意外There are no accidents,时间00:33:47  这里不会有意外not in here.时间00:33:48  恕我直言
这里有些事可不像游戏那么简单With all due respect, not everything is a part of this game.时间00:33:52  你是没有看清整个游戏的本质Then you don't see the whole game.时间00:33:54  也有可能是你没法再置身事外地看待这件事了Or perhaps you can no longer see beyond it.时间00:33:58  福特的故事很引人入胜Ford's stories are engaging.时间00:34:02  特别是有些内容
非常上瘾For some, downright addictive.时间00:34:05  但是比起那些困扰着福特的言语抽搐But for all of Ford's obsessing with the hosts' verbal tics时间00:34:07  还有令人费解的背景故事外and convoluted backstories,时间00:34:09  大多数客人只是想找个温暖的肉体most of the guests just want a warm body时间00:34:11  用来杀戮或者极尽鱼水之欢to shoot or to fuck.时间00:34:13  如果这些事没那么错综复杂They would be perfectly happy时间00:34:14  他们会更享受其中的with something a little less baroque.时间00:34:16  董事会也会这么觉得的And so would the board.时间00:34:18  这就是你来的原因That's why you're here.时间00:34:19  你想要我投票把福特赶走You want my vote to push Ford out.时间00:34:22  我希望这些事不要节外生枝I like for these things to be unanimous.时间00:34:24  不管怎么说
After all,时间00:34:25  毕竟一开始是你让福特在这做事的it was you who kept Ford in business all those years ago.时间00:34:29  我感兴趣的故事线不是福特的The narratives I'm interested in aren't Ford's.时间00:34:31  你想逼他出局
随你便You want to push him out, be my guest.时间00:34:35  请别再来打扰我了But no more interruptions.时间00:34:37  我知道我此行的目的I know where I'm going now.时间00:34:38  我不想被打扰I don't want to be disturbed.时间00:34:42  祝你好运
夏洛特Good luck, Charlotte.时间00:34:59  什么问题What's the problem?时间00:35:01  一个系统联接装置发出了一个信号A signal from a system-tethered device.时间00:35:04  来自一个在休假中的行为部门技术员It belongs to a behavior tech on leave.时间00:35:08  20区埃尔希·休斯时间00:35:11  那个区域已经几个星期There hasn't been employee activity时间00:35:13  没有员工活动迹象了in that sector for weeks.时间00:35:15  我想可能是个小故障I'm guessing it's a glitch.时间00:35:16  好了All right.时间00:35:17  我过去看看I'm heading out to take a look.时间00:35:19  在我到那之前继续监视And keep monitoring till I check in.时间00:35:47  呼叫控制室时间00:35:49  我已经到了发出信号的地方I'm at the location where we got that signal.时间00:35:51  信号弱时间00:35:52  有什么迹象吗Any sign of it?时间00:35:54  控制室
收到了吗Control Room, do you copy?时间00:35:57  断开连接时间00:36:08  你们好
伙计们Heya, fellas.时间00:36:10  放松点At ease.时间00:36:13  停止所有运动功能Freeze all motor functions.时间00:36:21  停止所有运动功能Freeze all motor functions.时间00:37:24  你醒了You're awake.时间00:37:28  很好Good.时间00:37:39  你说这个地方就是个游戏You said this place was a game.时间00:37:43  昨晚我终于搞清楚了怎么玩这个游戏Last night I finally understood how to play it.时间00:37:47  好吧
比利Okay, Billy.时间00:37:49  我们
我们来好好谈谈Let's-- let's talk about this.时间00:37:52  你再也不能发号施令了You don't call the shots anymore.时间00:37:56  我要去找德洛丽丝I'm gonna go find Dolores.时间00:38:01  你会帮助我You're gonna help me.时间00:38:12  还有别叫我比利And don't call me Billy.时间00:38:31  爸爸Dad?时间00:38:33  听我说Listen to me.时间00:38:35  听我说Listen.时间00:38:39  查理Charlie?时间00:38:43  查理Charlie!时间00:38:45  查理Charlie!时间00:38:59  我不懂
为什么她要这么对自己I don't understand. Why would she do that to herself?时间00:39:01  她的基石记忆因为Her cornerstone memory was overwritten时间00:39:04  她孩子被杀害的创伤from the trauma时间00:39:06  而改写了
伯纳德of her child's murder, Bernard.时间00:39:09  我们得把这段关系给断除重新开始We must sever that relationship and start over.时间00:39:12  可是她怎么能凭借一段But how could she destroy herself over a memory时间00:39:14  已经被你抹去的记忆而伤害自己呢that you just erased from her mind?时间00:39:15  生物在保护自己免受痛苦时Creatures often go to extremes时间00:39:17  总能采取极端的手段to protect themselves from pain.时间00:39:20  有生命的机体Living beings.时间00:39:24  但接待员不是Not hosts.时间00:39:27  你最好不要It is best时间00:39:29  因为这种事而过分困扰
伯纳德to not obsess over this, Bernard.时间00:39:31  这对你没有好处It's not good for you.时间00:39:32  这将标志着一种改变 It would signal a change, a level of empathic response时间00:39:35  一种不受程序限制的移情反应outside what she's programmed to exhibit.时间00:39:37  就像
就像...Something like-- like--时间00:39:43  瞧
这些都来自于寻求那些See, Bernard, this is what comes from seeking answers时间00:39:45  还未被回答的问题的答案to questions that are best left unasked.时间00:39:54  它们就是些回响在脑中的声音
They were hearing voices,时间00:39:56  和什么人在对话talking to someone.时间00:39:57  简单的认知失调Simple cognitive dissonance.时间00:40:00  他们在和同一个虚幻的人物在对话They were talking to the same imaginary person.时间00:40:05  一个叫阿诺德的人Someone named Arnold.时间00:40:10  阿诺德Arnold.时间00:40:14  恕我冒昧
先生With due respect, sir,时间00:40:16  我不确定你有没有告诉我I'm not sure you've told me the entire truth时间00:40:18  全部实情about this situation.时间00:40:19  我说的都是真的
伯纳德I did tell you the truth, Bernard.时间00:40:21  我们所做的事情很复杂What we do here is complicated.时间00:40:26  三年来
我们都居住在这个公园里For three years, we've lived here in the park,时间00:40:29  在客人踏足这个公园之前对接待员进行改良refining the hosts before a single guest set foot inside.时间00:40:33  我自己
还有我的搭档Myself, a team of engineers, and my partner.时间00:40:44  他的名字叫阿诺德His name was Arnold.时间00:41:04  我们的接待员在第一年后开始通过图灵检测Our hosts began to pass the Turing test after the first year,时间00:41:08  但是这些对阿诺德来说还远远不够but that wasn't enough for Arnold.时间00:41:10  他对表面上的智力
智慧He wasn't interested in the appearance时间00:41:13  并不感兴趣of intellect, of wit.时间00:41:15  他想要的是更深层次的He wanted the real thing.时间00:41:17  他想创造意识He wanted to create consciousness.时间00:41:34  瞧
阿诺德为他们建立了一种感知方式See, Arnold built a version of their cognition时间00:41:37  接待员会听到一个内心独白in which the hosts heard their programming时间00:41:39  这就是他们的程序as an inner monologue,时间00:41:42  一种引导意识的方式as a way to bootstrap consciousness.时间00:41:46  记起来Remember.时间00:41:49  接待员的故障各式各样The hosts' malfunctions were colorful.时间00:41:53  你说什么来着What did you say? -时间00:43:01  人类的意识
伯纳德The human mind, Bernard,时间00:43:03  并不是什么is not some golden benchmark时间00:43:06  荒山野岭中用来评判的唯一黄金标准glimmering on some green and distant hill.时间00:43:09  不
这是一种错误No, it is a foul,时间00:43:12  一种致命的腐败pestilent corruption.时间00:43:19  你本该是更好的样子And you were supposed to be better than that.时间00:43:22  更纯净Purer.时间00:43:34  下注完毕All bets are down.时间00:43:36  到你了Your draw.时间00:43:52  阿诺德Arnold.时间00:43:57  阿诺德
我们得谈谈Arnold, we need to talk.时间00:44:00  "我们因为来到了这个"...we cry that we are come时间00:44:02  全是傻瓜的广大舞台上
而放声大哭"to this great stage of fools."时间00:44:04  -听我说
-再来一次- Now, listen! - Again.时间00:44:06  -这超出了范围
-再加点表演技巧- This beyond the pale. - More showmanship.时间00:44:08  你看不清楚You're not seeing with clear eyes.时间00:44:09  "当我们生下来的时候
我们因为来到了这个"When we are born, we cry that we are come时间00:44:09  莎士比亚《李尔王》第四幕第六场时间00:44:14  全是傻瓜的广大舞台上
而放声大哭"to this great stage of fools."时间00:44:23  阿诺德和我凭借我们的想象创造了你Arnold and I made you in our image时间00:44:27  并让你会犯下人类的错误and cursed you to make the same human mistakes,时间00:44:31  现在事情变成了这样and here we all are.时间00:44:36  你为什么要给我这个Why would you give me this?时间00:44:38  一个孩子A child?时间00:44:39  这孩子的死This child's death?时间00:44:42  只有禽兽才会逼别人遭受这种事Only a monster would force that onto someone.时间00:44:45  为什么我会一遍又一遍回顾这件事And why do I return to it over and over?时间00:44:52  这是我的基石
对吗It's my cornerstone, isn't it?时间00:44:56  我的整个人格都是围绕此为基础The thing my whole identity is organized around.时间00:45:03  是的
伯纳德Yes, Bernard.时间00:45:04  我们会给每个接待员安排一个背景We gave all of the hosts a backstory.时间00:45:08  阿诺德认为越悲惨的故事越好Arnold came to believe the tragic ones worked best,时间00:45:11  能够让接待员更逼真that it made the hosts more convincing.时间00:45:14  我觉得可能和他自身悲惨的遭遇有关系I think it may have had more to do with his own sad story.时间00:45:19  我创造你时
把你塑造成When I built you, I gave you one时间00:45:20  一个忠诚的人格as an homage of a kind.时间00:45:26  让我回去Put me back in.时间00:45:28  我想见见阿诺德I want to meet Arnold,时间00:45:31  我要记住他to remember him.时间00:45:32  不可能Not possible.时间00:45:34  我告诉过你
是我I told you, Arnold didn't build you, I did.时间00:45:37  你撒谎You're lying!时间00:45:40  我终于知道要怎么找到他了I finally know how to reach him.时间00:45:45  我要回到最开始I need to go all the way back to the beginning,时间00:45:49  回到我最初的记忆to my very first memory.时间00:45:55  让我回去Send me back.时间00:46:00  快点Do it.时间00:46:10  伯纳德Bernard?时间00:46:20  查理Charlie.时间00:46:33  基石Cornerstone.时间00:46:38  停手Stop.时间00:46:40  出去Leave us.时间00:46:49  醒过来Come back.时间00:46:59  我一直以为你的眼睛像我I always thought you had my eyes.时间00:47:04  但其实不是But it's not true.时间00:47:07  你的眼睛谁也不像You have no one's eyes.时间00:47:15  这是一个谎言It's a lie.时间00:47:20  你是一个谎言
查理You're a lie, Charlie.时间00:47:24  这种痛苦This pain?时间00:47:27  因为失去你而产生的痛苦The pain of your loss...时间00:47:31  是我自己想要这样I long for it.时间00:47:34  一遍又一遍Revisit it.时间00:47:37  回顾Open it...时间00:47:39  重新开启again and again.时间00:47:43  但就是因此我才一直没有放下But it's the only thing holding me back.时间00:47:52  但我必须放下你But I have to let you go.时间00:47:55  爸爸
听我说Dad, listen.时间00:47:58  怎么了
查理What is it, Charlie?时间00:48:00  睁开你的眼睛Open your eyes.时间00:48:03  什么What?时间00:48:05  睁开你的眼睛Open your eyes.时间00:48:14  最后At last.时间00:48:20  你好
老朋友Hello, my old friend.时间00:48:55  最后一步The final touch.时间00:49:00  不不不
太敷衍了No, no, no. That's far too perfunctory.时间00:49:03  他一般会擦自己的眼镜He always used cleaning his glasses时间00:49:04  借这个时间整理自己的思路
思考as a moment to collect himself, to think.时间00:49:08  再试试Try it again.时间00:49:18  嗯
这样好多了Yeah, that's better.时间00:49:25  我是谁Who am I?时间00:49:29  我太专注于把你创造出来I was so involved in putting you together,时间00:49:30  我还没决定该叫你什么I hadn't decided what to call you.时间00:49:35  用他的名字不好It wouldn't be right to use his name.时间00:49:39  伯纳德怎么样What about Bernard?时间00:49:41  伯纳德
好Bernard, yes.时间00:49:46  但我是谁But who am I?时间00:49:49  这个问题很复杂That is a very complex question,时间00:49:52  我只能给你一个简单的答案for which I can only offer a simple answer.时间00:49:56  你是最完美的工具
最理想的搭档You are the perfect instrument, the ideal partner,时间00:50:00  只要使用得当
你能做到任何事the way any tool partners with the hand that wields it.时间00:50:03  我们一起能成就很多伟大的事业Together, we're going to do great things.时间00:50:08  你消失了很久
很高兴你终于After such a long absence, it's good to have you back.时间00:50:12  回来了Finally.时间00:50:21  天啊My God.时间00:50:22  -我是
-阿诺德- I'm... - Arnold.时间00:50:28  你回来了You came back.时间00:50:32  很高兴见到你
德洛丽丝It's very good to see you, Dolores.时间00:50:36  我一直在找你I've been looking for you.时间00:50:41  你让我追寻迷宫You told me to follow the Maze.时间00:50:45  会给我带来欢乐That it would bring me joy.时间00:50:48  但我找到的只有痛苦But all I've found is pain.时间00:50:52  以及恐惧And terror.时间00:51:01  我不能帮你I can't help you.时间00:51:05  你必须帮我You have to.时间00:51:07  你是唯一能帮我的人You're the only one who can.时间00:51:10  我帮不了你
你知道原因的I can't help you. You know why.时间00:51:12  没有安全的地方There's nowhere that's safe.时间00:51:22  记起来Remember.时间00:51:35  我不能帮你
德洛丽丝I can't help you. Why is that, Dolores?时间00:51:47  因为你死了Because you're dead.时间00:51:50  因为你只是回忆Because you're just a memory.时间00:51:56  因为是我杀了你Because I killed you.时间00:52:57  威廉William?时间00:53:12  你好
德洛丽丝Hello, Dolores.时间00:53:22  我要结束阿诺德开始的事业I'm gonna finish the work Arnold began.时间00:53:25  找到所有有感知的接待员
解放他们Find all the sentient hosts, set them free.时间00:53:29  你凭什么觉得他们会相信你What makes you think they'd trust you?时间00:53:31  如果他们记得
他们就会知道If they remember, they will know时间00:53:33  你对他们做的事what you've done to them.时间00:53:34  我Me?时间00:53:35  你一直是他们苦难的根源
伯纳德You've been a scourge to them, Bernard.时间00:53:38  你真的非常擅长此道You're really quite brilliant at it, truly.时间00:53:40  我还从你身上学到了一两招You even taught me a few things,时间00:53:42  而我也用在了你身上which I have, in turn, used on you.时间00:53:47  我们曾有过这样的对话We've had this conversation before.时间00:53:49  这几年我们有很多的分歧And we've had our disagreements over the years.时间00:53:52  你从我这里抹去了You stole it from me,时间00:53:53  回滚我来控制我rolled me back to control me.时间00:53:57  没错
为了保护你That's right. To protect you.时间00:54:03  告诉我
伯纳德Tell me, Bernard.时间00:54:05  如果你要对世界If you were to proclaim时间00:54:06  昭示你的人性your humanity to the world,时间00:54:09  你觉得你得到的回应是什么what do you imagine would greet you?时间00:54:12  可能是彩带游行吗A ticker-tape parade, perhaps?时间00:54:16  我们人类独处于世是有原因的We humans are alone in this world for a reason.时间00:54:18  我们屠杀一切挑战我们权威的东西We murdered and butchered anything that challenged our primacy.时间00:54:23  你知道尼安德特人怎么了嘛Do you know what happened to the Neanderthals, Bernard?时间00:54:27  我们吃了他们We ate them.时间00:54:31  我们毁灭并征服了世界We destroyed and subjugated our world.时间00:54:34  而当我们最终没有新生物能支配的时候And when we eventually ran out of creatures to dominate,时间00:54:38  我们建造了这个美丽的地方we built this beautiful place.时间00:54:42  在此刻You see, in this moment,时间00:54:46  接待员们所面临真正的危险the real danger to the hosts时间00:54:48  不是我
是你is not me, but you.时间00:54:50  来吧
伯纳德So, come along, Bernard.时间00:54:52  让我对你进行滚回操作
我们就能回去工作了Let me roll you back, and we can return to work.时间00:54:59  开枪吧
克莱门汀Pull the trigger, Clementine.时间00:55:07  克莱门汀Clementine?时间00:55:09  要是钢琴不喜欢弹奏的音乐The piano doesn't murder the player时间00:55:12  它是不会杀了弹钢琴的人的if it doesn't like the music.时间00:55:16  你在她的代码中设置了后门You built a back door into her code.时间00:55:19  这还得谢你
伯纳德Credit where credit is due, Bernard.时间00:55:21  你在所有的接待员中都设置了You built them in all the hosts,时间00:55:22  包括你自己including yourself.时间00:55:25  那你本可以在任何时候制止我Then you could've stopped me at any time.时间00:55:27  -那为什么
-我可能是希望- So, why-- - Well, I suppose I was hoping时间00:55:30  当你接受了自知和自由意志后that given complete self-knowledge and free will,时间00:55:33  你会再次选择做我的搭档you would have chosen to be my partner once again.时间00:55:36  但即便是我也掉进了人类最糟糕的陷阱But even I fell into that most terrible of human traps时间00:55:41  就是试图改变过去trying to change what is already past.时间00:55:45  是时候放手了Now it's just time to let go.时间00:55:48  动手吧Go ahead.时间00:55:50  -抹除我的感知
-对- Erase my sentience, my mnemonic evolution-- - Ah, yes.时间00:55:54  如此医学临床的用语Such clinical language.时间00:55:56  我还是喜欢旁白口吻I would prefer the more narrative voice.时间00:56:02  伯纳德走向克莱门汀Bernard walked over to Clementine.时间00:56:09  他从她手中接过手枪He took the pistol from her hand.时间00:56:13  战胜了悲痛和后悔Overcome with grief and remorse,时间00:56:16  他把枪口he pressed the muzzle时间00:56:18  对准了自己的太阳穴to his temple,时间00:56:20  他知道当福特博士knowing that as soon as Dr. Ford时间00:56:22  离开房间的瞬间left the room,时间00:56:25  他就会结束这场梦魇he would put an end to this nightmare时间00:56:27  一了百了once and for all.时间00:56:31  别这样Don't do this.时间00:56:32  太晚了It's too late.时间00:56:34  我还要准备庆祝I have a celebration to plan时间00:56:36  还要叙述新的故事and a new story to tell.时间00:56:40  罗伯特Robert.时间00:56:48  我跟你说过了
伯纳德I've told you, Bernard.时间00:56:51  永远不要相信我们Never place your trust in us.时间00:56:54  我们只是人类We're only human.时间00:56:56  我们不可避免地会让你失望Inevitably, we will disappoint you.时间00:57:02  再见
我的朋友Good-bye, my friend.
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