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lovemecc倾情奉献关于 dota 中的英文词汇及来源摘要:本文介绍了 dota 中的一些主要英文词汇,并且对魔兽背景及西方文化都 有一定的涉猎,重点在于帮助大家了解游戏中的主要英文及其背后的文化内涵, 使大家在玩游戏的同时能够得到更多的思考。 关键词:英语词汇,魔兽,dota,西方文化,词源目前在中国最流行的游戏莫过于魔兽世界和 dota,毫不夸张地说中国的 dota 玩家至少在 200 万以上,众所周知 dota 是基于魔兽争霸的一个地图,魔兽争霸 又是美国暴雪娱乐公司于 2003 年推出的一款单机游戏,因此游戏的原始语言为 英文, 尽管我们对它进行了汉化但是这并不足以填补东方文化及西方文化间巨大 的沟壑,举一个很简单的额例子,魔兽争霸中有一个叫奇美拉的单位,英文为 chimera,其实它是一种希腊神话中狮头, 羊身, 蛇尾的吐火怪物,在汉语中并无 对应, 因此采取了音译的办法来翻译,但恐怕但多数中国玩家都不知道奇美拉到 底是什么生物,故本文的目的就是使大家了解游戏中的英语及其背后的文化深 意。 本文将分为两大主要部分即英雄部分和道具部分,本文的重点在于讨论游戏 中的英语及其文化,而不是游戏攻略所以不会花很多篇幅介绍魔兽和 dota 的一 些基础知识,所以对 dota 不太熟悉的同学请参考百度百科对魔兽争霸及 dota 的 解释,这将有助于你理解本文的意思。 注:技能及英雄名称按住 ctrl 双击即可访问原始链接。 版本 6.71b第一部分:英雄篇Kunkka 俗称船长,音译为昆卡,又叫 Daelin Proudmoore,人物模型来自于魔兽战役中 吉安娜的父亲。事实上 Kunkka 是自 6.51 以来 dota 载入图的作者名字, icefrog (dota 地图作者)为了纪念他故赐予了船长这个名字,职业名字为 admiral,原 意为舰队司令,很好理解 admiral 即为 admire 的变形,舰队司令即为大家敬仰的 人物。Torrent Using his unparalleled knowledge of the sea, Daelin is able to summon a blast of water at a targeted area. After 2 seconds a fierce torrent of water lovemecc倾情奉献erupts from the ground, the stream blasting enemies caught in the AoE into the sky, dealing damage and slowing movement speed by 30%.Torrent 本意即为洪流,最常见的就是 BT 下载了,即 bit torrent ,通俗的理解就 是点对点的信息流,比较好的阐释了这一网络传输协议的本质。技能解释中的一 些词汇,summon 召唤,魔兽中的召唤生物就叫 summon creature。unparalleled 源自 parallel,平行的,这里指无与伦比的,很常用的一个数学词汇。Blast,爆 炸喷出,冰魂的大招是这个词,颇为形象。Fierce 激烈的,猛烈地。Erupt,喷出, 喷发,名词 eruption。AOE,area of effect 范围效果,一般只有范围杀伤效果的 技能。Deal 这里指造成伤害,后面会大量见到这个词。 TidebringerDaelin's legendary sword Tidebringer is infused with the very power of the sea. Akin to the ebb and flow, Tidebringer passively grants the hero increased damage and large AoE cleave for a single strike every once in awhile. Tidebringer,中文为潮汐使者,很好理解。技能解释中的一些词汇 legendary,传 奇般的,源自名词 legend,传奇。Infuse 注入,灌入,fuse 融化,熔断,保险丝。 Akin 类似的。Ebb 退潮,flow 涨潮,类似的词汇 convex 凸面的,concave 凹面的。 Wax 月圆的,wane 月亏的。Cleave,劈开,cleavage,裂缝,也可指乳沟(很形 象) 。 X Marks The SpotIn order to make an assembly for his troops, Admiral Proudmore targets a hero and marks its current position on the ground. After a few seconds, the hero will instantly return to the mark. 中文为标记,用 X 来标记地点,spot 这个词想必大家非常熟悉,在生活大爆炸中 sheldon 总会对别人说 “That is my spot” 这里的 spot 即为地点的意思。 Assembly, 聚集,动词 assemble。Troop 本以为一大群人,引申为军队的意思。Instantly, 形容词 instant 立即的,速溶咖啡 instant coffee。Current 当前的,流动的 Ghost Ship lovemecc倾情奉献The admiral summons the mythical ghost ship S.S. CoCo to the battlefield. Allies are doused in Captain CoCo's Rum, inebriating them for 10% bonus movespeed and numbness to incoming damage, causing them to feel only half of the pain now and half after the Rum wears off. Enemies, pirates and scurvy knaves are dashed on the rocks for damage and a brief stun when the ship crashes. Ghost Ship 幽灵船,很好理解。Mythical 神话的想象的,名词 myth 神话。douse 侵入水中, 让我想到 quench, 淬火, 笔者的专业词汇。 Inebriate, 酒醉的。 Bonus, 分红奖励,各种游戏中都很常见,有一个相关的词 bingo,源自宾果游戏,口语 中表示猜中了或者达到了某种任务目的玩过 imba 版的可能比较熟悉,roshan 秒 杀你时会出现 bingo 字样, 这里顺便说一下 imba 来自于 imbalance 的缩写人们通 常说成阴霸。Numbness 麻木,形容词 numb 麻木的,rum 朗姆酒,pirate 海盗, 盗版的,走私的。Scurvy,坏血病。knave,流氓,也可指扑克中的 jack,扑克牌 中 J,Q,K 指的是 jack,queen,king,分别指仆人,王后和国王。最有名的 jack 恐 怕就是泰坦尼克号中的那个了, 不正是下等的仆人吗?英文电影中的人物名字都 有其深意,例如 这个杀手不太冷中 的杀手 leon,源自于 lion 狮子,冷静但却勇 敢。沉默的羔羊中的变态医生 hannibal 源自于 cannibal,指食人肉的人。还有很 多大家可以自己去挖掘。?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Affiliation: Sentinel 第一个词表示隶属关系源自于 affiliate,第二个 词原意为哨兵,dota 中指近卫军团。天灾军团 scourge,原意为鞭 笞,灾难。黑客帝国中电子乌贼就叫 sentinel。 Attack Animation: 0.4 / 0.3 攻击动画,animation 源自于 animate, 使有生气 Damage: 47 - 57 攻击力 Casting Animation: 0.4 / 0.51 施法动画,cast 在游戏中指施法的意 思 Armor: 2 护甲, mail 也可指护甲, 如锁子甲 chain mail , 板甲 plate mail 后面详述 Base Attack Time: 1.7 基础攻击间隔, Movespeed: 300 移动速度,即-MS Missile Speed: Instant 弹道,指从出手到造成伤害之间的时间,近 战均为 instant Attack Range: 128 (melee) 射程 melee 原意为混战,这里指近战 Sight Range: 1800 / 800 视野白天/夜晚此项内容后面英雄不再赘述 lovemecc倾情奉献Dota 中的英雄介绍用词极为高级,每一篇都是值得好好欣赏的英文美文Daelin Proudmoore is a fearsome opponent in nearly any situation. His passive ability, Tidebringer, causes his sword to splash out massive damage over an area when he attacks, making him not only a constant threat in the lane, but a excellent damage dealer later in the game. Through the deadly combination of X Marks the Spot and Torrent, he can also pick off his fleeing enemies at will. He??s not at a loss in large His ultimate summons the legendary ship S.S. CoCo, which empowers his allies with rum and crashes into enemies, causing massive devastation. This ruthless admiral leaves none alive, least not dry! Fearsome 令人畏惧的。Opponent 对手源自于 oppose 反对。Splash 溅射,dota 中的溅射均为这个词。 Massive 大量的源自于 mass 指一团东西, 另有弥撒的意思。 Constant, 连续一致的。 lane, 巷子, dota 中的三条分路即为这个词。 Combination 联合, 源自于 combine, 联合。 Pick off 摧毁。 Flee 逃跑。 Clash, 撞击, titan clash 诸神之战,泰坦神之间的碰撞。Ultimate,最终的,这里指英雄的大招,通常可 以缩写为 ult。Devastation 毁灭。Ruthless 无情的,源自于 ruth 同情怜悯。Of all the allies in the Sentinel's ranks, only one, is known by as many names and is feared in as many lands. Called Capt. CoCo by his mates, Jacksparrow by others, The Legendary Mariner by some, but only a select few know his real name and what it stands for. He can harness the powers of the depths to conjure torrential geysers that blast his enemies into the air. His elegant blade is sworn to the Seas and with each mighty swing it ebbs like the tides. Using a watery form of spacial magic, he can bring you back to your original destination. The Captain now sails towards the Scourge lands, aboard his Phantom vessel boosting the spirits of his comrades with his fabled Rum, paving the way for the victory of the Sentinel. He is Kunkka, Master and Commander of the seven seas. Rank,排名。Mariner 航海者,marine 海洋的,海军陆战队员,星际中的人族机 枪兵就叫 marine。Harness 马具,动词利用的意思(文邹邹的用法,不过下面你 会看到很多这样的词,体味一下高雅的英文)。conjure,恳求,变戏法。Geyser, 间歇喷泉。Elegant 高雅的。Blade 刀刃,刃甲 blade mail 。mighty,有力量的, 源自 might 力量,能在队伍中胜任所有位置的人就叫 almighty,全能的。顺便提 一下, 后期叫 carry, 辅助 support, 游走杀人叫 gank , gank 来自 gangbang kill 的 缩写 gangbang 意为轮奸。 Spacial 空间的, phantom 幻影, PA 幻影刺客 phantom assassin,assassin 刺客,所有刺客缩写都以 A 结尾,即为这个词 Vessel 容器,导管,舰船。Pave,铺路。Boost,提升。Comrade 同志,亲密战 友。 Torrent lovemecc倾情奉献? ? ?Ability Type: Active 技能类型,主动 Targeting Type: Area 目标类型,范围 Ability Hotkey: E 技能快捷键Using his unparalleled knowledge of the sea, Kunkka is able to summon a blast of water at a targeted area. After 2 seconds a fierce torrent of water erupts from the ground, the stream blasting enemies caught in the AoE into the sky, dealing damage and slowing movement speed by 30%.? ? ? ? ? ? ?Level 技能等级 Mana Cost 魔法消耗 Cooldown 冷却时间即 CD Casting range 施法距离Area of Effect 即 AOE,范围效果 Duration 持续时间 Allowed Targets 允许目标单位?Effects 效果? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1 120 12 seconds
second Enemy units 120 damage, 30% slow 2 120 12 seconds
seconds Enemy units 180 damage, 30% slow 3 120 12 seconds 1500 lovemecc倾情奉献? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?200 3 seconds Enemy units 240 damage, 30% slow 4 120 12 seconds
seconds Enemy units 300 damage, 30% slow 此项内容后面英雄不再赘述Rexxar 职业名 beastmaster,Beast 禽兽,master 大师,合起来即为兽王。人物模型源自 于魔兽对战英雄兽王,魔兽战役中他也出现过,并且名字就叫 rexxar Wild AxesRexxar hurls his two axes outward, which then intersect and return to him. Each axe can only damage a unit once. 直译野性之斧。Hurl,猛掷。Axe 斧子。Intersect,横断,横切,sect 为词根切的 意思。 Call of the WildRexxar calls upon wild beasts to aid him. The duration, strength and number of beasts increases per level. Previous summons are removed upon casting. 直译野性呼唤。Summons 这里指召唤生物 Inner Beast lovemecc倾情奉献Releases the inner beast inside nearby allies, passively increasing their attack speed. 意译野性之心。Release 释放。 Primal RoarThe Beastmaster looses a deafening roar which deals damage and stuns its target. Enemy units near the roar wave take minor damage and have their movement speed and attack rate reduced. Due to the force of the roar, all units between the Beastmaster and his prey are shoved aside, creating an open path. Loose 松的,释放。Deafening,震耳欲聋的,deafen 使 聋,源自于 deaf 聋的。 Roar 咆哮。Stun 眩晕,顺便提一下,减速叫 slow,高爆发叫 nuke,原意为核武 器,致残叫 disable。Prey,猎物,动词捕食。Shove,猛推,这个词在欧美色情 小说中指 OOXX 中的那个动作,大家自己意会。The Beastmaster is a very well-rounded fighter, with many tactical options available for all types of combat. Although his physical attacks are melee, he can throw his axes at long range to slice through enemies, dealing lethal damage. His Primal Roar can turn the most organized defense into chaos, allowing the Beastmaster and his allies to move in for the kill. His summoning skills serve as effective support for his blitz-style combat. Rexxar's agile Hawk flies above the battlefield scouting for enemies, and the powerful slowing abilities of his Quillbeast's spines give him time to finish off fleeing foes. A skilled Beastmaster is a deadly foe, capable of fighting any enemy on any terms and crushing them to a pulp. well-rounded 多才多艺的。Tactical 策略的,源自于 tact,策略。Slice 切,薄片。 Lethal 致命的,源自于 lethe 希腊神话中的忘川河,中国有孟婆汤,西方有忘川 河,这点中西方有了契合。Primal,原始的,主要的,源自于 prime。Chaos,混 沌,混乱。混沌骑士 CK,chaos knight 。blitz 闪电战,源自德语。Agile 敏捷的, 魔兽中英雄的三种属性, agility 敏捷 strength 力量 intelligence 智力。 Hawk 鹰。 Scout,侦查,魔兽和星际中都很常见。Spine 脊椎,quillbeast,指的是那只豪猪, quill 指鸟类的羽管,也可指豪猪的刺。Foe,敌人,古英语,后面将大量见到。 Crush,压碎,crushing 决定性的。Pulp,果酱。 lovemecc倾情奉献A wandering vagrant of the Mok'nathal, the fabled half orc-half ogres of legend, Rexxar and his mighty blades have joined the cause of the Sentinel to better protect the natural world around him. A friend of beasts, Rexxar flails and tears at his enemies with unsettling savagery, even going as far as hurling his axes in the manner of boomerangs at his enemies to better his chances at victory. Truly a warrior of the living planet that thrives around him, the Beastmaster is an ally to be counted on when he is needed the most. Wander,游荡,徘徊。Vagrant,流浪的 fable,寓言。 orge 食人魔。Flail 鞭打, 原意指打谷用的连枷。Unsettle 使不安定,settle 安定。Savagery,野蛮蛮荒源 自于 savage 野蛮的。Boomerang,回旋镖。Warrior 勇士 thrive 兴盛。Bradwarden Centaur 意为希腊神话中的半人马,warchief 可以理解为战争首领。至于他的名 字 Bradwarden 则是来自于 DA 论坛 Salvatore 的小说 《The Demon Spirit》 Taur 词根牛的意思,taurus,金牛座,tauren 牛头人,牛头人酋长 TC。 Hoof Stomp。人物模型来自于战役中的半人马。Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units. 战争践踏。Hoof Double Edge 蹄子。Stomp 跺地。Slam 猛地一击The Centaur summons a tremendous amount of inner strength and releases a very powerful attack. It can only be done at melee range, and it damages both the Warchief and the enemy unit. 双刃剑。Edge 边缘,很形象的翻译。Tremendous 巨大的,极好的。Range 范围 ReturnThe Centaur Warchief immediately counters every attack against him with a swift strike. lovemecc倾情奉献反击。Swift,迅速的 Great FortitudeThe Centaur Warchief's mammoth body is capable of absorbing great amounts of punishment. 坚毅不屈,fortitude,源自于 fort 堡垒,词根为加强的意思,如 fortify,值得注 意的是 fortress 也可指堡垒,尤指那种潜在内部的堡垒,ress 为后缀表示女性, 男性凸出一部分,女性凹进去一部分,大家能理解了吧。Mammoth,巨大的, 原意为巨型猛犸象。 Capable, 有能力的。 absorb, 吸收。 Punishment, 源自 punish 惩罚。The Centuar Warchief's toughness and survivability are legendary. The best place for this tank of a hero is in the center of combat, where his close range skills and massive vitality can be put to use. The Warchief's Hoof Stomp can incapacitate any enemies foolish enough to go toe-to-toe with him for several crucial seconds, giving the Warchief and his allies time to finish them off. The Warchief can also deliver a single lethal blow at the cost of some of his own life with Double Edge, but due to his Great Fortitude, the tradeoff is much worse for his target than for him. In addition, the Warchief's passive Return skill deals damage to attackers, making bringing this beast down a difficult and risky proposition at best. Toughness,艰难,源自于 tough,困难的,通常外国人口语中会说 tough 而不是 difficult。Survivability,耐受性,源自于 survive,存活。Tank 魔兽中指肉盾,玩 wow 的人一定很熟悉。Vitality 活力,源自 vital 生命的,重要的。Incapacitate, 使 没有能力,源自 capable 又能力的。Crucial 关键的,词根为 cru,表示十字 型。Deliver 送达。Blow 一击。tradeoff 折衷。Risky 冒险的。Proposition,主张 意见。Gifted with a tremendous body and an ever-growing fortitude, Bradwarden's courage is only matched by the size of his heart. Prophesied as a savior by the oracles of his tribe, Bradwarden is the living token of the allegiance of the centaurs to the Sentinel. He swings his axe with massive force, sometimes even hurting himself when doing so. The ground trembles every time he slams his hoof and his reflexes are i allowing him to retaliate just after being attacked. Bradwarden is decided to fulfill his destiny, and he knows that the upcoming battle will become his ultimate challenge. lovemecc倾情奉献Gift,天分。Prophesy 预言。Savior 拯救者(怎么用这么土的词)。Oracle 神谕, 著名的甲骨文公司就叫 oracle,为什么中文叫甲骨文呢呢?当年发现甲骨文的时 候, 我们初期的翻译工作者为了让外国人更容易理解这些东西就把甲骨文翻译为 oracle bones 即为代表神谕的骨头,一个典型的讨好外国人翻译例子,还有龙 (dragon)和凤凰(phoenix)这里就先不详述了。后来 oracle 公司觉得中文甲 骨文这个名字挺不错的,就这样叫了。Tribe 部落。Token,象征。Allegiance 忠 诚 allege 宣称断言。Tremble,颤抖。Reflex 反射。Surpass 超越。Retaliate,报 复还击。Fulfill 实践,履行。Destiny,命运。Upcoming,将要来到的。Raigor Stonehoof 撼地神牛,很形象的翻译。Shaker,撼动者。Stonehoof 大概是石蹄部落的意思。 人物模型来自于兽族的牛头人。人物模型来自于对战兽族的牛头人FissureSlams the ground with the Raigor's mighty totem, causing the ground to crack open front of him, damaging opponents and leaving an impassable crevasse for a period of time. Fissure 原意为裂缝,地上划出一道裂缝,即为沟壑。Totem,图腾。Crack 裂开。 Impassable,不能通行的。Crevasse,也为裂缝之意(一段话中表达同一个意思 用两个不同的词,汉语中也经常这样)。 Enchant TotemEmpowers the totem resting on Raigor's back, causing it to deal extra damage on the next attack. Enchant,使迷惑,chant 词根唱歌的意思,cant,暗语,chant 咏唱,enchantress, 迷惑人的女人,即女巫,小鹿职业名就是这个。Totem,图腾。 Aftershock lovemecc倾情奉献The power of Raigor casting a spell causes the earth to shake below him, dealing additional damage and stunning. Aftershock, 余震。 Spell 魔法, 咒语, 还有 mage 可以指魔法如 AM, anti mage 敌 法师,对战中 aAM,archmage 大法师,arch 词根表示主要的。 Echo SlamRaigor sends shockwaves shooting through the ground, dealing damage and ricocheting to nearby targets for additional damage. Echo 回音,slam,一击。Shoot,射击射中。Ricochet 子弹反弹。Additional 额 外的,附加的源自 add 添加。Although the Earthshaker is a strength hero, his real power lies in his spells. With a well-placed Echo Slam, Raigor can single-handedly level an entire team of enemies if they are foolish enough to bunch together. His Fissure spell is very versatile. While it deals decent damage along with a stun, it also creates an impassible wall of rock for several seconds. A skilled Earthshaker can use this to his advantage, blocking enemy movement and trapping hapless foes between a rock and a hard place. Enchant Totem gives him a significant damage boost for one attack, and his passive Aftershock ability causes a minor stun and damage effect under him every time he casts one of his spells. Although he is one of the more difficult heroes to use to his full strength, he is also one of the most deadly heroes in skilled hands. Bunch 一捆一束,这里指团结一起。Versatile 多才多艺的,多变的。Decent,得 体的,适当的。Block 阻碍。Hapless 不幸的,hap 即为幸运的意思。Trap 设陷 阱。Significant 显著地,源自 sign 记号。Minor 小的,major 主要的。In the barren-lands, tales spoke of tauren sages reaping the essence of dirt. Their consciousness melds with the brown beneath them. The loam becomes the conduit of their mental thought and reality. These warriors were feared for they could summon massive ruptures at their mere whim. So tremendous was their power that their magic leaks out of the earth violently with every spell. Sadly these sages mysteriously faded from the land. When the World Tree was threatened, couriers lovemecc倾情奉献searched for these mighty ones but found just one. A young adept, Raigor Stonehoof, seeks battle to weave new tales of these shamans. Barren,贫瘠的。Tauren 牛头人,sage 先贤,智者。Reap 收割。Dirt,泥土,脏 土,dirty 脏的。Consciousness,意识。Meld 融合。Beneath,在 之下。Loam 沃土。Conduit,管道。Mental 精神的。Rupture 割裂,血魔的大招。Mere 纯粹 的,whim 突发奇想。Leak,泄露。Violently 激烈的。Mysteriously 神秘的。Fade, 凋零,褪去。Courier,信使,dota 中小鸡就是这个词。Weave 编织。Shaman, 萨满。Purist Thunderwrath Omni,前缀表示全部的,如 omnislash,无敌斩。Knight 骑士。Purist 纯粹主义 者,thunder 雷霆,wrath 愤怒,巫妖王之怒 wlk,wrath of the lichking。这名字 大概表示他是一个纯粹的正义之士,对邪恶有着雷霆一样的愤怒,符合其人物原 型,即对战中著名的人族圣骑士阿尔萨斯。 PurificationInstantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units. Purification 净化,源自于 pure 纯净的。Heal 治疗,魔兽中奶妈就叫 healer。 RepelCreates a powerful divine ward that blocks most magic from affecting a target unit. Repel 驱逐。Divine 神圣的。Degen AuraGreatly degenerates the movement and attack capabilities of units that stray too near. lovemecc倾情奉献Degen 是 degenerate 缩写,gen 词根产生之意,generate,generation,de 表示 负面含义,aura 字面意思是氛围,气氛,源自于希腊神话黎明女神 aurora,音译 为欧若拉, 歌曲欧若拉讲的就是这个女神。 魔兽中光环类技能均为这个词。 Stray, 迷途的。 Guardian AngelGrants all nearby friendly units near physical invulnerability and increases hit point regeneration greatly. Guardian 守卫的的,guard 守卫。Bodyguard 保镖。Vulnerable 脆弱的, invulnerable 无敌的。 Regeneration 恢复, 神符 rune 各种神符 haste, 加速, double damage 双倍,illusion 幻像,invisibility 隐身。hit point HP 生命值。A noble hero through and through, the Omniknight uses his powerful support and healing abilities to turn the tide of battle. Purification, a direct healing spell, instantly heals a large portion of the targets life. However, it doubles as a powerful offensive ability, dealing massive damage to all foes surrounding the target being healed. Repel allows the Omniknight to make a target ally immune to most spells for an extended period of time, although it makes them unable to be targeted by Purification. Enemies who try to escape Purist's holy wrath will find it difficult to flee from his Degeneration Aura, which passively slows the movement of all nearby foes. Finally, his Guardian Angel can single-handedly turn the tide of any battle. This powerful protective spell grants all allies within range near-invulnerability to physical damage, as well as rapid healing. His peerless support skills in the heat of battle make the Omniknight an invaluable member of any team. Noble 高尚的。Offensive 激怒的,offence 激怒。Surround 环绕。Grant 给予。 Rapid 迅速的。Peerless 无与伦比的,peer 贵族,同辈。Invaluable 无法估量的。A former member of the Order of the Silver Hand, Purist has joined the Sentinel to avenge the death of the Order's leader, Uther the Lightbringer. Trained by Uther himself in the ways of the Paladin, Purist brings the power of the Holy Light to the battlefield. He can purify the souls of allies, harming any nearby Scourge in the process. Able to protect allies from harmful unholy magic, the mere presence of a man of the Holy Light atrophies any nearby enemies. In times of dire need, Purist can call upon God himself to protect him and his allies. Former,之前的。Avenge 复仇。Uther 洛萨,魔兽史人物。Unholy 不洁的,holy 神圣的, holy shit 也可以说 holy crap 或 holy smokes 表示惊讶, 比 omg 要流行。 lovemecc倾情奉献Mere 仅有的,纯粹的。Atrophy 营养不良,troph 词根表示营养。Dire 可怜的, 悲惨的。Mangix Brew 酿造,brewmaster 酿造大师。Pandaren 熊猫的。Mangix 取自魔兽 TFT 的 一个附加战役,貌似就是卡尔踩绵羊才出来的那一个。人物模型来自于对战中的 熊猫酒仙。 Thunder ClapSlams the ground, dealing damage and slowing the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy land units. Thunder 雷电,clap 拍击。Slam,砰的关上。 Drunken HazeDrenches an enemy unit in alcohol, causing his movement speed to be reduced, and causing his attacks to have a chance to miss. Drunken 喝醉的,haze 模糊。Drench 使湿透。 Drunken BrawlerGives a chance to avoid attacks and to deal 2x critical damage. Brawl,打架。Critical 致命的,暴击都是这个词。 Primal SplitSplits the Pandaren Brewmaster into elements, forming 3 specialized warriors, adept at survival. If any of them survive until the end of their summoned timer, the Brewmaster is reborn. Split 分裂的 散开的。Element 元素。 lovemecc倾情奉献The Brewmaster uses the ancient art of drunken fighting to bash his enemies to a bloody pulp while surviving even the most deadly attacks with ease. Thunder Clap deals a lot of damage to nearby enemies while slowing them significantly, giving the Brewmaster time to bash their skulls in with his drunken brawling skills. If an enemy seems too dangerous the Brewmaster douses them with Drunken Haze, which causes the majority of the target's physical attacks to miss their mark. Heroes who rely on physical attacks will find the Brewmaster nearly impossible to damage when he uses Drunken Haze and Drunken Brawler. In addition, even if the Brewmaster does seem to be in danger, he can split into three powerful elemental aspects with Primal Split. Each individual elemental panda is a dangerous fighter with their own unique abilities. The Brewmaster is a difficult enemy to defeat, and should be engaged only with overwhelming force. Bash 重击。 Bloody 血腥的 。 pulp 果酱。 Skull 头颅。 Elemental 基本的。 Overwhelming 势不可挡的。Power overwhelming 星际无敌秘籍。Mangix originates from a deeply hidden and secret society located on the obscure island of Pandaria. He lived a sheltered life in his home within the Stonetalon Mountains, but even the far, golden reaches of Pandaria were affected by the dark hand of the Scourge. The elders heard the cries of the innocent, and saw the blood of the slain, and so, they agreed to send one elite warrior, hoping to turn the tides of battle and restore the Great Balance. What they did not know was that the local barkeep had trained for this very moment his entire life. Originate 源自于,origin 来源。Obscure 模糊地。Shelter 隐蔽处。Talon 利爪, druid of talon。猛禽德鲁依,druid of claw 利爪德鲁伊。innocent 无辜的。Slain, slay 过去式,slay 屠杀。Elite 精英,CDEC 全称 China Dota Elite Community(中国 dota 精英联盟),warrior 战士。Barkeep 酒吧老板。Sven Rogue 盗贼,wow 中的一个职业,knight 骑士。Scandinavian 是斯堪的纳维亚 半岛,位于欧洲西北角,其濒临波罗的海、挪威海及北欧巴伦支海,与俄罗斯和 芬兰北部接壤.Sven,在 Scandinavian 地带的语言中,Sven 是一个名(first name), 寓意是&年轻的勇士&。 Storm Bolt lovemecc倾情奉献Targets an area around an enemy unit and releases a magical hammer dealing damage and stunning enemy units. Bolt 表示急逃,拴上门的意思,bolter,奥运会 100 冠军,就是快速之意。至于 storm bolt 大家自己意会吧。 Great CleaveSven strikes with such force that all nearby enemies take damage. Cleave 劈开。 WarcryWith the righteous anger of one wielding Justice, Sven lets loose a mighty Warcry, heartening his allies for battle. Sven and nearby allies gain movespeed and increased armor. Righteous 正直的。Wield,运用。 God's StrengthSven gets pumped up! Adds bonus damage for 25 seconds. 来自瑞典的健身运动员的一句污名昭著的话&I want to pump *clap* you up!&。终 极技能(&Sven gets pumped up! Adds bonus damage for 25 seconds.&这下 sven nb 了,获患上额外的伤害 25 秒)的说明都来源于此。Sven is all about getting pumped up. His skills allow him to deal a lot of area of effect damage to several targets at once. Storm Bolt is a powerful damage spell, which stuns both the target and all surrounding units for several seconds, allowing Sven to catch up and deal with them. His Warcry ability helps, giving Sven and nearby allies a temporary movement speed and armor bonus so they can charge quickly and fearlessly. Sven's foes should be especially fearful of his powerful physical attacks. God's Strength pumps Sven's damage up to very high levels, and Cleave turns every lovemecc倾情奉献attack into an area of effect strike. Although his gameplay is fairly straightforward, Sven should not be underestimated. The best course of action when faced with a fully pumped Sven is to run. Temporary 暂时的。Underestimate 低估,estimate 估计。Pump 水泵,涌出。A follower of the great God of Order, Paladine, Sven has sworn to uphold the rights of all. Born of a Knight and a Night Elf and ostracized since birth, Sven has lead a solitary existence of meditation and training. He has come out of his wanderings determined to guard the innocent against evil. Armed with his blessed cleaving blade Justice, and harnessing the power to strike down his enemies with the might of God's Strength, Sven's wrath toward the unjust is a sight to behold. Uphold 支持。Night elf 暗夜精灵,orc 兽族,human 人族,undying 不死族。 Ostracize 排斥摒弃。Solitary 单独的孤独的。Meditation 冥想。Wander 徘徊。 Evil 邪恶。unjust 不公正的 behold 观看Tiny 就是&藐小&的意思,由于不学 Ulti 极小,所以有了这个名字 ,这个名字没有特殊意 义,只因为他&伟岸&的身材。 giant 巨大的, 著名的自行车品牌捷安特就是这个词。 AvalancheBombards an area with rocks, stunning and damaging enemy land units. Avalance 本意雪崩。Bombard 炮击 轰击。 TossTiny grabs the nearest unit, friend or foe, and launches it at a location. Upon landing, the unit deals damage in an area. It also receives an extra 20% of the area damage itself, or more as your size increases. Toss 仍,掷。Grab 抓。Launch 发射。 Craggy Exterior lovemecc倾情奉献Tiny's body is made of solid granite, causing great pain to those who attack it. Whenever a unit within 300 range attacks Tiny, there is a chance that they will be stunned for 1.2 seconds. Crag 悬崖,craggy 陡峭的。Granite 花岗岩。Exterior 外部的。 Grow!Greatly increases Tiny's power and size, but does so at the cost of his attack speed. Increases Toss's damage, and slightly improves Tiny's movement speed. Slight 微小的。Although his name seems fitting at first, over time Tiny the Stone Giant will grow both in size and strength. His immense strength allows him to grab the closest enemy and toss them through the air towards a target unit. Combining this with Tiny's Avalanche spell gives him incredible area of effect damage. However, Tiny is also extremely dangerous in one on one situations. With proper timing Tiny can Toss an enemy who is taking damage from Avalanche, and if the target lands back in the Avalanche they will take double damage. This is often enough to instantly kill more fragile heroes, although tougher heroes should be wary of engaging the Stone Giant as well. Tiny's Craggy Exterior can occasionally stun close range attackers, giving him time to escape or punish them with his crushing blows. If possible, it's best to keep this mobile mountain at arm's length. Immense 广阔的。incredible 无法置信的,fragile 脆弱的,frag 碎片。Wary,谨 慎的。Occasionally,偶尔的。Punish 惩罚。Crush 压碎。Looming from the rocky crags of Ashenra, the stone giants are born from the mountain itself. Tiny, a newly born giant, although small in size, has the strength of a hill. With his supreme strength, he is able to launch anything into the air, including huge amounts of soil to cause avalanches around his enemies. Because of his craggy exterior, enemies have a hard time attacking him. Over time, Tiny's body will grow bigger as the magnetic forces deep inside his granite heart pull rocks and soil to his rugged stone form. lovemecc倾情奉献Loom 隐约出现,织布机。Rocky 岩石的。Supreme 高大的。Magnetic 吸引的。 Rug 地毯,rugged,崎岖不平的。Cairne Bloodhoof Tauren 金牛座。Chieftain 酋长。人物模型来源于魔兽战役,卡琳-血蹄听说过吧, 在 WC3 中太有名了,你可以去战役里找. Echo StompCalls upon the spirit of his ancestors to join him in an earth-shattering echo, rendering nearby foes unconscious. The spirit and Tauren Chieftain both deal 80 damage in the area, the Spirit dealing magical damage and the physical form dealing physical damage. Unconscious enemies will wake if they get hit. If the spirit is separated from you, it will still perform its part of the spell. 1.4 second cast time. 回音击,stomp 跺地。Ancestor 祖先。Shatter 粉碎。Render,报答呈递翻译。 Separate 隔离。 Ancestral SpiritThe Tauren Chieftain sends forth his guardian ancestor to bring ruin upon his foes. While separate from the Chieftain, the spirit will mimic his movement and damage any unit it passes through. When it rejoins the Chieftain, it grants him bonus damage and movement speed for each enemy it has struck. 先祖之魂,ruin 破坏。Mimic 模拟的 Natural OrderThe Tauren Chieftain uses wisdom gathered throughout the ages to reduce everything to its most basic level. Removes base Magic and Physical resistance. 自然秩序,wisdom 智慧。Gather 聚集。Resistance 抵抗 Earth Splitter lovemecc倾情奉献Using his mighty axe, the Tauren Chieften rends the very earth itself, sending a jagged crack under the feet of his enemies. After several seconds the earth implodes, sending his foes tumbling inwards. Any unit caught in the implosion will take damage based on their maximum life and have their speed slowed for a short time. Implodes after 3 seconds. Deals 35% of a unit's maximum HP. Splitter 裂开。Axe 斧子。Rend,撕碎扯破。Jag,难以控制的一阵。Tumble,翻 滚摔倒。Implosion,内爆。Maximum 最大值,minimum 最小值。The Tauren Chieftain is a strong physical damage dealer who can disable and destroy many heroes at once with his spells. Most of the Chieftain's abilities revolve around the guardian spirit which aids him in battle. Using Ancestral Spirit, Cairne can temporarily separate the guardian spirit from himself. While the spirit is separate, it causes damage to enemies it strikes and mimics the Chieftain's movement and Echo Stomp ability. When the spirit and Cairne rejoin, he gains a boost to his physical damage and move speed, the strength of which depends on how many enemies the spirit collided with. This makes him a very dangerous physical attacker, especially combined with his offensive aura, Natural Order. This ability reduces the base armor and magic resistance of all nearby units, giving the Chieftain's attacks and spells a significant boost to their damage. His final ability is called Earth Splitter, a powerful area of effect spell which can cause severe damage and disable many enemies at once. Since it takes a few seconds to have any effect and is easy to dodge on its own, it's best to combo this ability with either Echo Stomp or allied disabling spells. However, if multiple enemy heroes are hit by this ability, it generally spells their doom. Revolve,旋转。Collide 碰撞。Severe 激烈的。Dodge 闪避。Combo 连击,街 机游戏中常见。Doom 末日Since ancient times it has been prophesized by the Tauren elders that a Chieftain will come, strong as the mightiest warriors and wise as the eldest shamans. After many years of wandering the sacred lands, seeking wisdom from his forefathers, Cairne Bloodhoof has proven himself as the long awaited hero. Cairne carries with him the spirit of his mightiest ancestor, and now the ground shakes with the combined strength of the Chieftain and his guardian spirit. No physical nor magical barrier can reduce the power of his enchanted halberd, the weapon used by his guardian in ancient times. Such is the power of this axe that it can split the very earth itself. lovemecc倾情奉献Seeking revenge for the ravaging of his homeland, Cairne will soon bring his wrath upon the Scourge. Prophesize 预言。Elder 年长的。Sacred 神圣的。Forefather 祖先。Await 等待。 Barrier,阻碍关卡。Halberd 戟。Ravage,毁坏蹂躏。Rooftrellen Rooftrellen 我不太明白,如果你背过单词的话,Roof 你会知道是&房子/车的顶的意 思&.而 Rooftree 则是&屋顶的栋梁&的意思.可能是一个合成的词,因为 Trellen 与 Trellis 很相似,Trellis 是“棚架&的意思。Treant 应该是 tree 的形容词,表示大树 的保卫者。 Nature's GuiseChanges a target friendly unit's appearance so that it blends in with the forest. It becomes invisible to enemy eyes, but it must remain near a tree, or the Guise is lost. Guise 伪装。Appearance 外观。 Forest SentinelSummons a forest spirit at the target location. The Sentinel will act as a passive, invisible watcher until the Treant Protector activates it. While active, a sentinel will unleash a powerful attack on the first enemy who strays too close. Activate 激活。Leash 栓狗的绳子。Unleash 释放,后面会大量见到。 Living ArmorMagically creates an armor of vines around a friendly unit, protecting it from harm and healing wounds. Vine 藤。Wound 伤害 Overgrowth lovemecc倾情奉献Summons an overgrowth of damaging vines and branches. Prevents all nearby enemies from moving or attacking and deals damage to each. Overgrowth 过度生长The Treant Protector's main focus is helping allies and absorbing damage, although his Overgrowth spell is one of the most powerful offensive abilities in the game. Rooftrellen can buff both his own and his allies' armor and hit point regeneration to very high levels with Natural Armor, and if that isn't enough to keep them safe he can turn them invisible with Nature's Guise. As long as they remain near a tree, they will remain hidden. Eyes in the Forest give Rooftrellen the ability to spy on his enemies. Although most of his abilities are defensive in nature, the Treant Protector's offensive power should not be underestimated. Using Overgrowth he can entangle all enemies in a large area around him, dealing lots of damage and stopping their movement for several seconds. In addition, the Treant Protector is no slouch in combat himself, with a powerful physical attack and near unstoppable constitution. Much like nature itself, this hero should not be underestimated. Buff 源自于 buffalo 北美野牛,buff 原意黄牛皮,热心的意思。魔兽中表示有益 的状态,反义词为 debuff。Spy 侦查 entangle 纠缠 tangle 纠缠。Slouch 胜任于。 Constitution 构造。A treant of immense age and wisdom, Rooftrellen was merely a sapling during the invasion of the Burning Legion. Having grown powerful over thousands of years, Rooftrellen has lent his considerable might to the Sentinel cause. An omnipresent force in the forest, he is capable using his power over the forest to hide his allies. Rooftrellen is aided by the forest itself, providing him with a thick living armor of vines and entangling nearby foes in a deadly embrace, allowing Rooftrellen to pound his victims to dust with his massive gnarled limbs. Sapling,幼苗。Invasion,入侵,invade 入侵。Burning region 燃烧军团,跟 wow 扯上关系,如果魔兽和魔兽世界是正史的话,dota 的背景就是同人小说。暴雪 的游戏通常都会有很全面的世界观。Considerable,相当大的。Omnipresent 无 所不在的。Thick 厚的。Embrace 拥抱。Pound 撞击。Dust 灰尘,CS 著名的地 图 dust2 。gnarl,节 榴。Limb 肢 lovemecc倾情奉献Io 精灵守卫 Io,了解希腊神话的玩家可能很熟悉这个名字的来源。埃欧是希腊神话 中, 众神之首宙斯的爱人之一。 后被天后赫拉施法变成了小母牛, wisp, 小精灵。 貌似诸神之战中有个女的也叫 IO,说实话这部片子拍的水平很差,乱改一气, 台词简单没有内涵。同样是美国人做出来的东西差距怎么就这么大呢。 TetherIo tethers himself to an allied unit, granting both units bonus movement speed. Any enemy units that contact the tether will be stunned. The tether will break if it stretches beyond 900 units. Lasts 12 seconds. Tether,纤绳。Stretch 伸展 SpiritsIo summons 5 ancient Spirits over the course of 6 the Spirits dance around Io in a circle to protect him. If an enemy hero moves close enough to touch a Spirit, the Spirit releases its life energy in a burst, damaging and slowing all enemies in a 300 area of effect. Non hero units only take minor damage upon touching a spirit and do not cause them to explode. Explode 爆炸,强调外爆。 OverchargeIo draws on more energy than he can safely handle, granting him bonus attack speed, but draining 2.5% of his current HP and MP per second. If Io is tethered to an ally the bonus attack speed is also granted to that ally. 过载,charge 可以表示充电的意思。Drain 汲取 RelocateIo temporarily relocates himself, along with any tethered hero, to the target location for 12 seconds. lovemecc倾情奉献Relocate 重新定位。Coming soon.Originally nothing more than a lowly spirit of the trees, Io dwelt peacefully amongst his kind in the Great Forest. As the Great War spread across the land the creatures of the forest were forced to defend their home. The desire to protect his kin awoke power in Io he had not known he possessed. He discovered he was able to connect his life force to another creature to strengthen them or help them flee by instantly transporting them out of harm. Io became known amongst his people as the Guardian Wisp, a protector of the Spirits. All other spirits swore to assist him and can be summoned to his side to aid him in his battle. Uninterested in the battle between the Sentinel and the Scourge, Io fights only to protect his people. Dwelt, dwell 过去式,表示居住。Possess 拥有。Transport 运送。Assist 协助, assistant 表示助攻。Razzil Darkbrew 地精炼金术师 Razzil Darkbrew Razzil 来自单词 Dazzle(眼花,目眩),意思好像是& 使惊奇&.Darebrew 一般是毒药制造者的别称.职业名字 alchemist 就是炼金术士。 Alchemy 炼金术 Acid SpraySprays high-pressure acid across a target area. Hostile units who step across the contaminated terrain take mixed damage per second and have their armor reduced. Spray 喷射。Hostile 有敌意的。Contaminate 污染。Terrain 地形。 Unstable ConcoctionRazzil brews up an unstable concoction that he can throw at an enemy hero, to stun and deal damage. lovemecc倾情奉献Unstable 不稳定的,stable 稳定的。Concoct 混制。 Goblin's GreedThe Goblin converts the creep's corpse into gold. You get more gold for every extra creep you killed in the last 20 seconds. Goblin 哥布林,greed 贪婪。Convert 转换。Creep 本意为匍匐爬行,dota 指小 兵。Corpse 尸体。Creepy 猥琐的。 Chemical RageThe Alchemist causes his Ogre to enter a chemically induced rage reducing base attack cooldown and increasing hitpoints and regeneration. Slightly improves movement speed. Chemical 化学的。Orge 食人魔。Induce 招致 导致。The Alchemist is a difficult foe to handle, but if left to his own devices he can amass enormous amounts of gold at an alarming rate. His Acid Spray covers a large area with toxic chemicals, which deal physical damage and reduce the armor of any foe caught in the cloud. Attempting to fight the Alchemist while in an acid cloud is foolhardy at best, especially if he uses his Chemical Rage transformation skill. Chemical Rage drastically increases the life, regeneration, and attack speed of the Alchemist, transforming him into a deadly fighter. Possibly his most dangerous skill, however, is Unstable Concoction. Although it takes some time to charge, Unstable Concoction results in one of the longest stuns in the game and causes a good deal of damage. Although the Alchemist can be annoying to fight, it's best to keep a close eye on him. Goblin's Greed directly increases the amount of gold the Alchemist gains when killing creeps, and as he kills more the bonus increases. Unless kept in check, this Goblin/Ogre combo can cause a lot of mayhem late in the game. Device 装 置 。 Amass 聚 集 。 Enormous 数 量 众 多 的 。 Foolhardy , 鲁 莽 的 。 Transformation 转变形态。Drastic 激烈的。Annoy 烦恼。Mayhem 大破坏。Having enlisted under the ranks of the Sentinel for mere personal gain, the Alchemist's quest for amassing wealth to fund his research is a tireless and relentless one. Both sadistic and cruel in his methods, this heartless Goblin cares not what lovemecc倾情奉献means he must resort to for a sizable bounty. Whether he chooses to paralyze his foes with toxic concoctions or drench them in corrosive acids, Razzil Darkbrew remains steadfast in his calm, calculated approach, despite their constant wails of agony. Enlist 征募。Tireless 不疲倦的。Sadistic 性虐待的,SM 的 S 就是这个词,M 表 示 Masochism 性受虐的。 Cruel 残忍的。 Method 方法。 Heartless 残忍的。 Resort 求助于。 Sizable 相当大的。 Paralyze 麻痹。Toxic 有毒的。 Corrosive 腐蚀性的, corrode 腐蚀。 Steadfast 坚定地。 Calculate 计算, calculator 计 算器。Approach 方法 达到。Wail ,哀嚎痛哭。Agony 极大的痛苦。Constant 连续不断的。这篇真难。Rigwarl Bristle 本意为硬的毛。Bristleback 刚毛后背。Rifwarl 没查出来什么意思,人物 模型来自于魔兽战役。 Viscous Nasal GooCovers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor and movement speed. Casts on the same target are cumulative Viscous 粘液的。Nasal 鼻子的 goo 粘液。Snot 鼻涕。Cumulative 累加的。 Cumulus 积雨云。 Quill SpraySprays enemy units with quills dealing damage in a 625 AoE. Deals 30 extra damage for every time the unit was struck by a quill in the last 10 seconds. Quill 羽管。 BristlebackRigwarl covers his back in spines, causing him to take reduced damage. Automatically releases a quill spray whenever his rear receives 250 damage. lovemecc倾情奉献Spine 脊椎。 WarpathEverytime Rigwarl casts a spell, he works himself into a fury. Movement speed and damage increase on repeated spell casts. 战意,warpath 本意为出征之途。Repeat 重复Although his spells seem very weak at first glance, Rigwarl is a bad hero to underestimate. Quill Spray, Viscous Nasal Goo, and Warpath all provide relatively small effects when used only once, but each ability stacks when cast multiple times. Enemies of the Bristleback will soon find themselves covered in goo and shredded by constant quill fire if they aren't careful. Quill Spray deals increasing damage with each cast on the same target, and due to its low cooldown and mana cost it can be very deadly over time. When Rigwarl sees that his enemies are sufficiently weakened, he can move in for the kill with Viscous Nasal Goo. This ability slows the target and reduces their armor, increasing the damage of Quill Spray and Bristleback's physical attack and making it impossible to escape. Furthermore, casting spells puts Bristleback on the Warpath, which increases his movement and attack speeds as he uses his abilities. Bristleback's signature skill, and where he gets his name, is his near invulnerability to attacks that strike his back. All attacks and spells that come from behind him will be heavily reduced and cause additional Quill Sprays. Engaging a strong Rigwarl who is facing away is almost always a pointless exercise. Weak 弱的。 Glance 一瞥。 Stack 叠在一起。 Shred 碎片。 Signature 签名。 Pointless 无意义的。The quillboars were never interested in the affairs and wars of other races, but one knew that the Scourge would eventually descend on their lands if left unchecked. Entering the ranks of the Sentinel for the sole reason of the preservation of his tribe, Rigwarl brings primal instincts to the never ending battle. Each time he releases a flurry of quills or a glob of slime, he works himself into a frenzy that increases his effectiveness drastically, and should he be in danger, his bristle back would shield him from further harm. A perfect demonstration of the abilities that even lesser beings can unleash. Quillboar 刚毛猪。 Eventually 最终的。 Desencd 下降。 Preservation 贮存。 Tribe 部 落 联盟 ally 。instinct 本能 有同名电影。Flurry 一阵的。Glob,一滴。Slime 粘 稠物。Frenzy 狂热。Shield 盾牌。 lovemecc倾情奉献Rattletrap Rattletrap 本意为嘎嘎响的,很形象。Clockwerk 指发条装置,应该为 work 这里 不知道为什么拼成 werk。 Battery AssaultDischarges high-powered shrapnel from openings in Rattletrap's clockwork upon a random nearby target dealing minor magical damage and ministun every 0.75 seconds. Lasts 10 seconds. Assault 袭击, 是 CS 中另一个著名的地图――仓库。 Discharge 放出。 Shrapnel 霰 弹 火枪的一技能。Random 随即 游戏中常用。 Power CogsThe Clockwerk Goblin ejects pieces of inner core to form a circular barrier around himself, trapping nearby units with him. These cogs require 3 attacks from an enemy to be destroyed before their expiration time. If an enemy unit with mana goes near an element from the outside it gets shocked for some HP and mana and is knocked back. An element powers down if it shocks a unit. Cog 齿轮 。eject 射出 ejection 射精。Expiration 呼气 期满。 Rocket FlareFires a fast moving missile at a target area on the map, revealing the targeted area. Upon impact it damages enemy units at a 575 AoE explosion. Falre 闪光的。Missile 导弹 reveal 显露出。Impact 冲击影响。 HookshotFires a grappling, piston-like attachment at a unit or location. It will latch on the first, non-neutral enemy target it encounters, pulling you to it. Any lovemecc倾情奉献enemies whom you collide with while being reeled toward the target will take damage and will be stunned. Hook 钩子 hooker 妓女,很形象的说法。Neutral 中立的。Encounter 碰见。 Grapple,努力应付。Piston,活塞。Reel,卷轴,卷筒。A robotic terror, the Clockwerk Goblin is one of the most deadly ambush heroes in the game. Enemies who aren't careful will soon find themselves trapped and shredded by this tiny mechanical Goblin. The Clockwerk Goblin is at his most dangerous when he is right on top of his target. Using Battery Assault, he repeatedly damages and stuns an adjacent foe, and with proper positioning his Power Cogs can trap a single enemy nest to him, pushing others away. This combo is quite lethal to fragile heroes. To aid in finding and getting next to enemies, the Clockwerk Goblin has Rocket Flare and Hookshot. Rocket Flare sends a missile to anywhere on the battlefield, causing some damage and giving the Clockwerk Goblin vision of the targeted area for several seconds. Hookshot fires a chain which latches onto enemy units, causing damage and a stun. However, the primary purpose of Hookshot is to pull the Clockwerk Goblin to the target, putting him in perfect position to unleash his deadly Battery Assault and Power Cog combo. Good awareness is the best counter to this deceptively small mecha-Goblin. Robotic 机器人的。 Ambush 埋伏 。 adjacent 附近的。 Latch ,锁上,拴上。 Deceptively 欺骗的。The by-product of Goblin technological weapon research during the old War, Rattletrap the Clockwerk Goblin was shut away into storage for countless decades until the Sentinel found and reactivated him. Combat-wise, this goblin's capabili his body is stocked with a huge array of armaments that destroy targets both near and far with ease. His trademark wrench can even extend itself like a grappling hook, allowing him to pick off individual targets with pin-point accuracy. By product 副产品。Storage 储存。Countless,数不尽的。Bound 界限 跳跃。 Armament 武器。Ease 轻松。Trademark 商标。Wrench 扭拧。Extend 延伸。 Individual 个人的。Knight Davion 翻译为龙骑士,其实 dragon 翻译为龙就是一个错误,大家如果看过欧美的动画 片就知道 dragon 出现的剧情是“很久很久以前,有一个国王有一个美丽的女儿, 一天公主被邪恶的 dragon 抓去, 于是国王就声称谁能救出他的女儿谁就能娶她, 于是出现一个勇士和 dragon 大战三百回合,终于将 dragon 制服,救回了公主, lovemecc倾情奉献然后两个人幸福的生活在一起”dragon 完全是邪恶的象征,和中国象征吉祥的 龙完全是两码事, 和上文提到的原因一样,我国早期的翻译工作者为了让西方人 更好的理解我们的文化就采取了这样的译法。只要形象相似就可以。Dragon 的 形象在魔兽中很多体现,魔兽中最大的中立生物黑龙,红龙就是其代表。那个龙 曾经将我的人族骑士吞进去让我很是恼火…至于龙骑士则是西方骑士小说中那 种能将龙制服并骑在龙上的人物。同理凤凰的翻译也是如此,下面讲到凤凰时会 详述。 Breathe FireBreathes fire at enemy units, dealing damage. Breathe 呼吸。 Dragon TailDavion bashes a melee-range enemy target with the fury of a dragon's tail swipe. Stuns the target and deals minor damage. 翻译为神龙摆尾,颇具中国特色。Bash 重击。Swipe 挥击。 Dragon BloodGrants Dragon Knight blood from his ancient ancestral dragon heritage, which increases health regeneration and armor. Heritage 遗传 Elder Dragon FormTransforms the Dragon Knight into a powerful elder dragon. Elder 年长的Knight Davion is a powerful warrior who calls upon his draconic heritage to augment his already fearsome combat abilities. He has two powerful offensive skills: Dragon lovemecc倾情奉献Tail and Breathe Fire. Dragon Tail allows him to stun a single enemy target for several seconds, and Breathe Fire taps into his inner dragon to unleash a powerful area of effect attack. This potent offense is supported by Davion's Dragon Blood passive skill, which makes him extremely difficult to kill by boosting his armor and hit point regeneration significantly. Combined together, these abilities make the Dragon Knight a tough, versatile fighter. At higher levels, the Dragon Knight gains the ability to transform completely into dragon form. The abilities and strength of the dragon form increase with levels. At maximum level, Davion transforms into a mighty blue dragon with an area of effect cold attack, which drastically slows all enemies caught in the freezing blasts. Along with his natural combat skills and toughness, this makes him an extremely dangerous foe. Draconic,这里指龙的意思实际是严厉的意思。Augment 增加。Passive 被动的。Abandoned and forsaken as a child, the Half-bred Dragon Davion sought refuge from the evils of the world, and from the uncontrollable power growing within himself. His search led him to the doorstep of a mighty Druid, who taught him to tap into the massive energies that lay concealed in his blood - a tribute to his ancient Draconian heritage. A master swordsman, Davion smites his foes in his raging frenzy transforming at will into an Elder Dragon of destructive fiery rage to crush all those that threaten to vanquish his new home. Abandon 放弃。 Forsake, 放弃。 Sought seek 的过去式。 Refuge 避难所。 Doorstep 门阶。Conceal 隐藏。Tribute 贡物。Smite 猛击。Raging 极端的。Vanquish 击 败。Magnus 源自一个德国物理学家 Heinrich Magnus,他发现了一种被称之为 Magus effect 的物理现象。这个因为半人猛犸的终极技能&两极反转&像 Magnus effect 那样发 挥作用。Magnataur,mag 表示大,taur 表示牛 字典里没有这个词 大家自己 意会。 ShockwaveA wave of force ripples out from the Hero, causing damage to land units in a line. 冲击波。Ripple 涟漪 lovemecc倾情奉献EmpowerGives an allied unit bonus damage and Cleave. Cleave 劈开 SkewerMagnataur rushes forward, goring enemies on his massive tusks. skewer 串肉钎,skew,歪斜。Gore,用角撞伤。Tusk 象牙。 Reverse PolarityThrough some unknown property of matter, the Magnataur sucks all nearby enemies to a location in front of him and stuns them with a powerful slam, dealing damage. Reverse 反转的。Polarity 极点。Suck 吸吮 英语中骂人常用,suck 有口交的意 思。The Magnataur's primary role is using his powerful Reverse Polarity ability to ensure his team's victory in battle. With proper placement, a single Reverse Polarity can change the outcome of a team battle and potentially win the game. If combined with other area of effect spells, Reverse Polarity can destroy an entire enemy team. However, Magnus himself is no pushover in combat. Using Empower and Mighty Swing in conjunction gives him a very strong physical attack capable of damaging multiple bunched up units, perfect when used after Reverse Polarity. In addition, Magnus has an area of effect spell of his own: Shockwave. Due to its relatively low mana cost and cooldown coupled with its high damage, Shockwave is an effective tool for harassing enemies in a lane and finishing off damaged foes. Although the power of Reverse Polarity tends to overshadow his other skills, Magnus is far from a one-skill hero. Primary 基础的主要的。Victory 胜利。Outcome 结果。Pushover 容易击败的对 手。Conjunction 联合。Bunch,一串一束。Overshadow 遮蔽 lovemecc倾情奉献Maybe the most tremendous being on the Scourge, Magnus is a power to be reckoned with. Trained from birth to become a potent warrior, he is now at the peak of his strength. The Magnataur's giant axe can cleave paths through his enemies, and create a bone-breaking shockwave that ripples through the ground. Further strengthened by a demonic magic that enhances his attacks, he can crush enemies with shocking ease. His greatest power, though, is the ability to create an immensely strong magnetic field, sucking in helpless foes to meet their end. Reckon 召唤。Peak 顶峰。Enhance 提升。Huskar Husk 是荚壳的意思。Huskar 不懂来源。Sacred 神圣的 warrior 战士。 Inner VitalityMagically unlocks the potential regenerative power within a target unit, healing its life force based upon its primary attribute. If the target is below 40% it will heal faster. Inner 内部的。 Vitality 生命力 vital 生命的 重要的。 Potential 潜在的 potent 有 力的 潜力的。Attribute 属性 归因于。 Burning SpearUsing his own life force to set them aflame, the Sacred Warrior can cause his spears to deal stackable damage over time as they impact the foe. Spear 矛。Aflame 燃烧的。Stackable 可叠加的。 Berserker's BloodHuskar feels each of his wounds and channels the pain, increasing attack speed and damage for each 7% missing health. First bonus starts at full health. lovemecc倾情奉献Channel 排解 Life BreakHuskar reaches into the well of his own life force to heavily damage an enemy. The target takes damage equal to 50% of its hp. Slows target by 50% for 5 seconds. Huskar pays a certain percentage of his hp to cast this. Well 井。Huskar is unique in being the only strength hero with a regular ranged physical attack, giving him the advantages of a ranged hero and the survivability of a strength hero. Although he is a powerful force at all stages, Huskar is especially dangerous early in the game when his Burning Spears can quickly decimate any foe. Huskar can find his life quickly drained away by this ability, and must be careful to balance harassment and defense. Due to his Berserker's Blood passive, Huskar is at his most deadly when he is injured: as he gets more and more damaged, he gains damage and attack speed. Combined with his Inner Vitality healing spell, Berserker's Blood can quickly turn what may have appeared to be a losing situation into a resounding victory. His powerful Life Break ability emphasizes this suicidal fighting style, causing immense damage to both the target and Huskar himself. However, while Huskar increases in power the more damage he takes, it is unlikely that his unlucky target can say the same. Unique 独特的 survivability 存活力。 Decimate 大量屠杀。 Harassment 骚扰。 Resound 反响。Emphasize 强调。Suicidal 自杀的。The Trolls of the Darkspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Stranglethorn Vale, are considered by many to be the most savage race of creatures to ever grace the battlefield. This reputation is well earned by their Sentinel representative Huskar, who's abilities revolve around shortening his own lifespan to spear his foes to burning pieces. Considered a blessed martyr by his people, the Sacred Warrior is not afraid of death, and will even run towards it willingly, sometimes desperately, in order to bring the Undead Scourge to an end. Troll 巨魔。Exile 流放的。Vale 山谷。Lifespan 寿命,span 跨度。Martyr 殉道。 Desperate 绝望的。 lovemecc倾情奉献Crixalis 沙王 sand king 最好理解。Crixalis 取自单词 Chrysalis,是&蛹&的意思,猜测而已。 BurrowstrikeThe Sand King burrows into the ground and tunnels forward, impaling everything above him, then resurfaces. Burrow 钻地。Strike 袭击 CS counter strike 。tunnel,地下通道。Impale 刺穿, empale 另一种拼法,小强的一技能也叫这个。Resurface 重新回到表面。 Sand StormSand King creates a fearsome Sand Storm. The storm blinds his enemies and he becomes invisible to them. The storm also causes his opponents to take damage. Opponent 对手 Caustic FinaleEach of the Sand King's attacks injects a deadly venom that causes the target to explode violently on death, dealing damage in an area. Caustic 灼烧的。Finale 终曲,翻译为腐尸毒,很奇怪。Inject 注射 venom 毒素 violently 剧烈的。 EpicenterSends a disturbance into the earth, causing it to shudder violently. All caught within range will take damage and become slowed. The closer to the epicenter, the more damage taken. epicenter 本意为震中心。Disturbance 打扰。Shudder 战栗发抖。 lovemecc倾情奉献The Sand King emphasizes area of effect damage more than most. All four of his abilities can damage multiple foes at once. Burrowstrike, his mainstay, damages and stuns targets in a line. In addition, when using this ability, the Sand King burrows to the target location which sets him up for additional attacks or spells. This can get him into trouble though, and to help evade counter attacks Crixalis uses Sand Storm. While active, this ability makes the Sand King invisible in the middle of a swirling storm of dust. Although he is unable to move while remaining invisible, nearby enemies will take damage as long as they remain in the storm. The Sand King can finish off groups off units with his Caustic Finale passive skill, which causes a deadly explosion every time he kills a unit with his physical attack. Epicenter, arguably Crixalis' most deadly ability, creates a pulsing earthquake centered on his location. When combined with Burrowstrike, this ability is often fatal to fragile heroes, and leaves tougher enemies wounded and limping for safety. Mutiple 多倍的。Mainstay 主要枝干。Evade 避免。Swirl 漩涡,打转。Arguably 争论的。Pulse 脉冲。Fatal 致命的。A guardian of the ancient Nerubian Kingdom of Azjol-Nerub, Crixalis fled to the deserts of Kalimdor in an attempt to escape the genocide of the Lich King. The harsh climate transformed this warrior into a master of the earth, able to tear the skin off his foes with vicious sand storms. Those unfortunate to succumb to his potent toxins are condemned to violently burst apart in a cloud of noxious fumes. Sensing his growing power, the Lich King sought out Crixalis and, unable to sway him, slew him in battle. Summoned to aid the Undead Scourge, the heart of the Sentinel quivers each time the ground trembles beneath them. Nerubian 地穴族都叫这个。Genocide 种族灭绝。Harsh 刺耳的。Climate 高潮, orgasm 女性性高潮。Tear 撕裂。Vicious 邪恶的。Succumb,屈服 toxin 毒素。 Condemn 谴责。Burst 爆发。Noxious 有害的。Fume 烟雾。Slew slay 过去式。 Quiver 颤抖。Barathrum 魂裂人,很好理解。至于 barathrum,在拉丁语中的意思是:地下世界。同时 WoW 中也有裂魂者这一角色,他的英文名就是 Barathum. Charge of Darkness lovemecc倾情奉献Barathrum takes a few seconds to charge up, then charges at his target , merging with the shadows at high speeds. Upon leaving the shadows, Barathrum shocks his opponent into an immobile state for some time. Enemies can only see the buff indicator when he is near his target. Darkness 黑暗。Merge 融入。Immobile 不动的。Indicator 表明显示。 Empowering HasteCauses the Spiritbreaker to swing his weapon faster with higher movement speed, allowing him to deal extra damage. His presence increases the movement speed of nearby allied units. Presence 在场。 Greater BashGives a 17% chance to bash enemies across the ground, doing more initial damage and damage as they skid. Skid 侧滑。 Nether StrikeMoves you next to your target doing extra damage. Performs a greater bash hit. Casting range improves per level. Nether 阴间的下面的。True to his name, the Spiritbreaker is excellent at crushing the fight out of an enemy target. His skills are focused on disabling and killing a single enemy hero, making him much more effective in ambushes and one on one situations than large team battles. The Spiritbreaker generally opens with a Charge of Darkness, which allows him to charge from any point on the map towards the target, increasing in speed as he approaches his target. Upon arrival, he delivers a crushing stun, giving him time to follow up with his other active ability: Netherstrike. Netherstrike is a short range teleporting attack, which knocks the target back and deals massive damage. The Spiritbreaker's two passive skills supplement this combo. Empowering Haste is a aura which significantly boosts the movement speed of the Spiritbreaker and nearby lovemecc倾情奉献allies, as well as providing him with a damage bonus based on his movement speed. Greater Bash is partly what makes the Spiritbreaker so feared by lone enemies. Upon connecting a Greater Bash, the Spiritbreaker deals extra damage and knocks the target back, stunning and disabling them completely. With Charge of Darkness, Greater Bash, and Netherstrike, hapless targets of the Spiritbreaker's attention are often dead before they can so much as lift a finger in retaliation. Excellent 杰出的。 Deliver 交付递付。 Teleport 远程传送, tele 表示远。 Supplement 供给。Retaliation 报复。An outcast of the Spirithoof clan, Barathrum retreated in shame to the Ethereal Plane, feeding off wandering souls to sustain himself, and wandered aimlessly for centuries, alone and miserable. Found and recruited by the Lich King, Barathrum's uncanny speed and wraithlike powers have now been unleashed upon the Material Plane, his lantern able to project nether energy into enemies, sending them backwards with sudden force. With the ability to close the distance between himself and a target in seconds, Barathrum the Spiritbreaker is more than a match for anyone. Outcast 放逐。Retreat 退却。Ethereal 天空的,飘渺的 ether,以太,原意指天 空,也可指乙醚,古代哲学家认为天空中充满以太这种物质。Aimless 无目标的。 Miserable 可怜的。 Recruit 招募。 Uncanny 不寻常的。 Wraithlike 幽灵般的 wraith 幽灵 wraith band 幽灵系带。Lantern 灯笼。Leviathan 潮汐猎人 Leviathan 根据圣经旧约中所述,Leviathan 是海怪,一般都会与恶魔 撒旦联系起来。利维坦常与另一种怪物贝希摩斯( Behemoth )联系在一起。 职业名 tidehunter 很好理解。 GushSummons a spirit of the tides to damage an enemy unit. Reduces the movement speed by 40% and armor of the enemy unit. Lasts 4 seconds. Gush 原意为喷涌。 Kraken Shell lovemecc倾情奉献Creates a thick armor shell around Leviathan that protects him against attacks. Additionally, this ability removes negative buffs when he has taken significant damage. Kraken 北海巨妖,大家是否还记得诸神之战中海王放出的那个妖怪就叫 kraken 。技能名字就叫海妖外壳。Nagative 负面的。 Anchor SmashLeviathan swings his mighty anchor with a vengeance. Gives a 25% chance to deal bonus damage to nearby enemies. Anchor 锚。Smash 击碎。Vengeance 复仇。 RavageSlams the ground, causing waves of spikes to ring the hero in all directions. Deals damage and stuns. Ravage 毁灭。Spike 长钉,后面大量见到。A massive sea monster of incredible strength and toughness, Leviathan is a real tank. Using his Gush skill, he can slow and damage a single target while reducing their armor, allow the Tidehunter and his allies to pummel the target to a pulp. To aid his close combat skills, the Leviathan has a powerful Anchor Smash passive skill, which gives him a chance to unleash a devastating area of effect spin with every attack. A target of Gush who is hit by an Anchor Smash or two is in deep trouble. To protect himself while chasing down and smashing enemies, Leviathan has a second passive: Kraken Shell. This ability reduces all damage from physical attacks by a set number, allowing th


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