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Plan your day for the royal wedding - Saturday 19 May 2018
The royal wedding is fast approaching, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead have lots of information about how to make the most of this special day. Get parking plans and a royal wedding visitor guide by visiting their website:
The B Positive choir
The B Positive choir, created by NHS Blood and Transplant, is made up of people whose lives are affected by the lifesaving power of blood. For more info visit:
the Patients Association
For more information on the Patients Association and number for the helpline. You can visit:
Listen to the mystery WWII recording
Can you help find the couple behind our lost WWII recording?Get in touch via
and email:
Human Circuit
Regarding an item we featured on a so-called “Human Circuit” on the 18th April we would like to make the following correction:-If the circuit made in the film had been an ordinary wire circuit, using metal wires to conduct electricity, then ‘Free Electrons’ would have been correct. However this was not an ordinary circuit, it used an ‘ionic solution’ (salt /water) and, therefore the flow of electricity is made up of ‘ions’ and not ‘free electrons’.We apologise for the error.
Royal Voluntary Service
To find out more about the hidden histories of a million wartime women, visit the Royal Voluntary Service website:
NHS health app
The NHS are currently in the BETA stages of testing and approving health apps and hope to have their site live from late summer. If you would like to download an NHS health app please find them on their website:
BBC Action Line website
If you have been affected by mental health issues, please look at our BBC Action Line website:
Help and information - modern slavery
For more information on what you can do if you suspect that you, or someone you have come across, may be a victim of modern slavery and in need of assistance:National Crime Agency Modern Slavery Helpline: Salvation Army
Paddington Red Watch Firefighters
Find out more about Paddington Red Watch Firefighters who are running the London Marathon to raise money for people in the Grenfell community.
DIY SOS announces build for the Grenfell community
If you have a skilled trade and would like to volunteer, or you're a company and would like to donate product to help with the DIY SOS Grenfell build, visit this link to find out how you can get in touch via email:
Beach Clean
If you would like further information on getting involved in a beach clean in your area or to help to keep Britain tidy and plastic free, you can visit one of these websites:
How to check your testicles or breasts for signs of cancer
The Real Full Monty aims to inspire men and women to make vital checks that could save lives. But how do you actually perform a self-examination? Find information in these videos:
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
For more help and advice on Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) please visit the below websites. BDD Foundation Mind NHS
Baroness Newlove - Victims' Commissioner for England & Wales
Baroness Newlove is keen to hear your experiences of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. You can contact her via the Victims’ Commissioner’s website at
by 30 April 2018.
Info on the Government’s draft Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill
The government today have launched a consultation seeking views on measures to be included in the Government’s draft Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill, they want to hear from anyone to gather views on how to put a stop to domestic violence. Find out more information by If you have been affected by domestic abuse, you can seek help and advice on who to contact through
Items for sustainable plastics
Find out more about the Items for sustainable plastics, as part of the conversation on the UK producing non plastic alternatives.Greenearth Food packagingCupclubColourform
Big Spring Beach Clean
Find out how to get involved in the Big Spring Beach Clean by clicking the websites below:
NHS information on Multiple sclerosis
To find more information on Multiple sclerosis, visit the MS page on the NHS website. Click here -
BBC Music’s The Biggest Weekend
For tickets for BBC Music’s The Biggest Weekend, you can visit the website below:
Advice on social care
If you’re looking for advice on social care for the elderly and how to complain if you’re not satisfied with the service, follow the links below.Click for - Click for -
The People’s Fridge Project
For more information on The People’s Fridge project and to find a community fridge near you – click
The best and worst of life online
The internet is amazing. But it can also be tricky.T his CBBC film shows, things you see and hear online can hurt your feelings, confuse you, or make you unhappy.This doesn’t mean you need to be scared. You need to be prepared.Watch the film, here.
Download the Sport Relief App to take part in the Billion Steps Challenge
To find out more about how you can get involved with Sport Relief 2018 visit: Sport
Relief app is brought to you by Comic Relief (Charity Projects (no 326568)) and
not the BBC.
BBC launch new website: Own It - for Safer Internet Day
To help raise awareness of Safer Internet Day the BBC have launched a new website to help young people tackle online life in a confident and empowered way. Check out 'Own It', right here:
NHS organ donor register
If you want to sign up to the NHS organ donor register, you can visit:Anyone
wanting to have their say on the organ donation government consultation can do
so by going to this website:
Find out how to become a plastic free community
Find out how to become a plastic free community, by visiting this website:
Missing People
If you have been affected by our story about missing persons, the charity
is here to help. If you are thinking of leaving home, if you’re away from home right now, or if somebody you know is missing, you can call or text for free and in confidence on 116 000, or email .Visit the charity here
Further details about adoption
If you are an adoptive parent or thinking about adopting and would like further details on information discussed on the show it can be found here:Adoption UKPAC-UK – The Agency for Adoption and Permanency SupportA guide for parents and carers on the needs of adopted and permanently placed children can be found:Guides for school staff on meeting the needs of adopted and permanently placed children can be found here:
Western Union fraud refunds
If you believe you were a victim of fraud and you made a wire transfer through Western Union between January 1, 2004 and January 19, 2017, you may be eligible for a refund. The deadline for applications is 12th February 2018. Some guidance and help on how to fill in your application can be found here:
Inside every prison, immigration removal centre and some short term holding facilities at airports, there is an Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) – a group of ordinary members of the public doing an extraordinary job.If you would like to volunteer as an IMB you can apply via the website:
Parkinson's Disease SuperSmellers study featuring Joy Milne. Find out how you can help by reading this article by the -
Blood Donation
At this busy time of year, blood donations can drop significantly. The following websites are good starting points for where to go in your local area to donate much needed blood over the Christmas period.
- Over the Christmas period donations drop by 20%. The most needed blood type is O-positive.
If you recognised any of the lost teddies featured in today’s show, see below for details on how to get them back from lost property.
If you have lost a teddy at any other airports not featured in today’s show and therefore not mentioned in the list above, please get in contact with the airport directly.
The Forth Hope
If you’d like to learn more about its journey to the Amazon, and the work that dentists like Shona Mason are doing on board, you can visit their blog
Claiming medals
If you watched our film with Nicky Campbell and his mother & want to see if you could find the medal that you never received, then these links may be of use and provide further information.
Croydon Moped Robbery
If you have information regarding the Croydon Moped Robbery that featured on tonight’s show (Thursday 19th October), the Metropolitan Police’s advice is to contact 020 .
If you have information regarding the jewellery seen in the studio in tonight’s show (Thursday 19th October), the Metropolitan Police’s advice is to contact the police’s non-emergency number: 101 and quote “Hounslow CID”.
For more information on adopting and foster care, visit the websites below
Bereavement & PTSD
If you watched our film on the police, bereavement & PTSD and were affected by any of the issues we discussed, there are various organisations that can help. is available 24 hours a day.helps those suffering from PTSD or other severe stress related conditions.
Minimum Wage
The One Show has been looking at the problem of employers underpaying their staff. If you want to check YOUR hourly rate you can visit the .
If you need help or advice with regards to your pay, you can also go to .
Diesel Pollution
The One Show has been investigating the high levels of pollution on UK roads, if you want to know more about air pollution in the UK, visit website for more in-depth information including latest pollution levels.
How to become an organ donor
Find out about organ donation and add your name to the NHS Organ Donor Register – one day you may be able to save lives.
Check a charity's credentials
The Government's Charity Commission registers and regulates charities and ensures that you can support them with confidence by checking online.
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