steam上帝国时代2 steam现在这个价格合适吗

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《手机帝国》是一款国内工作室制作的模拟经营类游戏。与其名字相同,玩家将在游戏中以手机为主发展公司、设计手机型号、外观、开展发布会,最后赢得收益,这一切的步骤流程看起来与现在各大手机品牌的公司流程安排的相差无几,有兴趣的玩家可以尝试在游戏中建立自己的手机帝国。游戏简介《手机帝国》是一款以“造手机”为题材的高自由度单机模拟经营游戏。你扮演一名回到2001年的创业者,因为独到的眼光拿到了神秘投资人的启动资金,进而创立了一家可能改变世界的科技企业。游戏从2001年开始到2035年结束,你将从研发最早期的九宫格智能手机开始,一直到研发可完全独立使用的AR智能眼镜结束。在这35年时间里,你将亲历、见证、推动智能手机波澜壮阔的发展历程,并有机会把你的公司发展成为世界第一的科技企业。游戏玩法《手机帝国》的核心玩法是研发更好的图纸、升级更牛的科技、打造更强的团队、研发更好的手机、赚取更多的利润,如此循环。而“如何用人”是整个游戏的精髓所在,根据员工的能力、天赋和技能,把合适的员工放到合适的岗位才会发挥出其最大潜能。员工的配合还会触发团队突破效果,这是一个可以让玩家突破科技限制从而创造奇迹的新机制。游戏攻略活跃型: 直接、宏图大略、团队合作、感性、幽默领袖型: 直接、宏图大略、个人能力、感性、严肃完美型: 直接、可见目标、个人能力、理性、幽默自我型: 委婉、宏图大略、个人能力、感性、幽默理智型: 委婉、可见目标、个人能力、理性、幽默怀疑型: 直接、可见目标、团队合作、理性、幽默助人型: 委婉、可见目标、团队合作、感性、严肃成就型: 直接、可见目标、团队合作、理性、严肃和平型: 委婉、宏图大略、团队合作、感性、严肃理智型: 委婉、可见目标、个人能力、理性、幽默显示出色:视听+流畅;性能强劲:性能+流畅;拍照不错:拍照+功能;续航较长:续航+质量;系统好用:易用+功能;手感舒服:重量+手感;外观漂亮:美观+材质;机身轻薄:厚度+重量;安全放心:质量+安全;聪明智能:易用+智能;视觉冲击:视听100+流畅;性能优异:性能100+流畅;拍照专家:拍照100+功能;续航持久:续航100+质量;交互专家:易用100+功能;手感极佳:手感100+重量;高端时尚:美观100+材质;轻薄至上:厚度100+重量;安全专家:安全100+质量;智能专家:智能100+易用;视听盛宴:视听100+流畅100;性能怪兽:性能100+流畅100;摄影大师:拍照100+功能100;超长续航:续航100+质量100;交互大师:拍照100+功能100;极致手感:手感100+重量100;颜值爆表:美观100+材质100;极致轻薄:厚度100+重量100;安全大师:安全100+质量100;智慧无限:智能100+易用100)特色系统?独特的游戏题材《手机帝国》可能是目前唯一一款可以“造手机”的单机模拟经营游戏,在这个游戏世界里你将有机会创造奇迹,将你的公司从无名企业发展成为全球瞩目的科技帝国。?新颖的竞争体验为了模拟更真实的商业环境,游戏中存在大量不断更新的竞争对手,玩家可以和他们友好合作共同发展,也可以为了争夺优秀人才而展开挖人大战。?大量的随机事件为了营造更好的“世界感”,游戏中设定了在大量行业事件、世界事件、危机事件、幸运事件、员工事件、新闻采访等等,等待你做出自己的选择。?丰富的图纸游戏中包括65种完全不同的手机图纸和超过100种手机外观,从九宫格键盘手机到全面屏、折叠屏甚至包括了未来的AR智能眼镜,大量的神秘图纸等待你来发掘。?海量的科技游戏中有大量可供升级的科技,各种配件均可不断升级。另外在你资金充时,甚至可以自主研发性能逆天的CPU和体验更好的操作系统,并支持自定义名称。?独创的说服系统在人才招聘方面,游戏中加入了极具特色的“说服”系统。想要获得顶级人才,你需要根据对方的人格类型,采用不同的沟通技巧的来说服对方,才能将其招致麾下。?等待你探索的其他内容游戏中还包括信用评级、企业收购、员工养成、外包模式、情报系统、公司战略等诸多其他游戏内容等待你来探索。最低配置操作系统: Windows 7(64),Windows 8(64),Windows 10(64)处理器: 2 GHz Dual Core内存: 2048 MB RAM图形: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory存储空间: 需要 500 MB 可用空间声卡: 兼容DirectX声卡游戏测评这是一款写实题材的模拟经营游戏,其贴合了现在最为实际的商业发展。如今的手机已经是每一个人不可或缺的生活必需品了,如何将手机卖出去,吸引到顾客的眼球是一个很大的问题。每一个品牌的CEO都在挣扎,不想要成为第二个诺基亚。你将在游戏中从一个小小的公司起家,经历其每一个阶段的工作和困难,设计迎合大众需要的产品,成为商业巨头...创造出属于你的手机帝国。然而,到了那个时候,就是大众迎合你设计的手机了。主播试玩
手机帝国 Steam版
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Title: Age of Empires II HD
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Recent updates
30 January
If you like hearing audio taunts, don’t forget to turn them on in the Options Menu! With the latest Patch update the &Allow Audio Taunts& setting will now save and function correctly like the other settings on that screen.
24 January
Patch 5.7 is now live and thank you for participating in the Open Beta! Your continued support ensures that every build is ready for live release, we are very excited to bring these changes to the full community. The new discussion thread can be found
and we look forward to hearing your feedback! Thanks and have fun!Below are the issues that have been addressed in this 5.7 Patch:General Community Bug Fixes:Addressed a desync found when file transferring custom mapsAdvancing through replay chapters should no longer cause a desyncVisibility settings should no longer cause a desync Pressing escape/enter in the lobby password text field should now function correctlyCo-op teams should now display correctly in game and on the post-game screensCo-op players should be able to ready correctly on the first tryRestore game and save lists should now correctly show DLC requirement iconsAudio taunts setting now saves to the players profile correctlySome localized text clipping issues were addressedLobby Improvements:Players should no longer be able to join fake lobbiesPlayers should now correctly time out if attempting to join an invalid lobbyPlayers should no longer crash when excepting an invite from a custom campaignPlayers should now correctly cancel joining a lobby even when selected quicklyLobby should no longer crash when kicking players who are in the Tech TreeLobby settings should now remember the team random optionLobby settings should no longer appear blank after disabling DLCsLobby names should now scale in font size based on title lengthLobby button sound effects should now play when changing namesLobby reset button now has a sound effect when pressedLobby data set icon should now maintain the correct icon on subsequent loadsLobby browser custom scenario setting has been added to the game type filterLobby browser location setting now has the any option at the topLobby browser location setting should no longer appear blank after selecting resetLobby browser standard victory filter should now function correctlyGameplay Improvements:Starting a game with mods should no longer encounter a rare crashUnder attack text notifications now play a chat soundVillagers should now lure animals to the town center more frequentlyTrade carts should no longer lose their gold when pressing the stop hotkeyLock teams should now disable tributing to enemy player in single playerGarrison unit UI button should now be the correct sizeTreaty warnings should now be displayed when building inappropriatelyTech tree should now close correctly after opening it with F2Campaign objective window tabs are no longer too lowCampaign intro slides audio no longer becomes misaligned when using alt tabCampaign Honfoglalas now has the correctly objectivesCampaign Dos Pilas no longer has a gate that disappears after the first objectiveCampaign Dracula 4 and 5 now have correct enemy player coloursCampaign Bapheus no longer triggers diplomacy after killing Bey MetinBalance Improvements:Condottiero now have unique armor class (only resisting bonus damage from gunpowder units, not from other anti-infantry attacks)Condottiero -1 pierce armor (from 1 to 0)Condottiero -1 attack (from 10 to 9)Elite Battle Elephant cost increased from 800f 500g to gElite Battle Elephant research time increased from 80s to 100sMalay Battle elephants 30% cheaper (rather than 25%)Elite Karambit -1 attack (from 8 to 7)(Elite) Battle Elephant blast radius -0.1 (from 0.5 to 0.4)(Elite) Camel Archer -5 HP (from 60/65 to 55/60 without Bloodlines)(Elite) Camel Archers -2 armor vs Camels (from 2 to 0)(Elite) Camel Archers -2 armor vs anti-cavalry archer attacks (from 2 to 0)(Elite) Camel Archers -2 attack vs Rams (from 2 to 0)Ethiopians lose the free Halberdier upgradeHowdah cost +200f (from 200f 300w to 400f 300w)Howdah effect reduced from +1/+2 armor to +1/+1 armorArquebus increases projectile speed of Bombard Cannons and Bombard towers by +0.2 (from 0 to 0.2, used to be 0.5 prior to patch 5.2)Organ Gun +1 spread damage (from 1 to 2)(Elite) Arambai -0.05 speed (from 1.35 to 1.3)(Elite) Arambai -1 attackElite Arambai -2 armor vs anti-cavalry archer attacks (from 2 to 0)Slavs farm bonus now properly works after researching Wheelbarrow and Hand CartChatras effect increased from +30 HP to +50 HPEagle Warrior training time +3s (from 32s to 35s)Eagle Warrior -0.05 speed (from 1.2 to 1.15)Anti-camel bonus increased for all anti-cavalry units (except camels)Malians lose free Gold Shaft Mining
About This Game
In Age of Empires II: HD Edition, fans of the original game and new players alike will fall in love with the classic Age of Empires II experience.
Explore all the original single player campaigns from both Age of Kings and The Conquerors expansion, choose from 18 civilizations spanning over a thousand years of history, and head online to challenge other Steam players in your quest for world domination throughout the ages.
Originally developed by Ensemble Studios and re-imagined in high definition by Hidden Path Entertainment, Skybox Labs, and Forgotten Empires, Microsoft Studios is proud to bring Age of Empires II: HD Edition to Steam!
System Requirements
Minimum:OS:Windows Vista, 7, 8 Pro+ Processor:1.2GHZ CPU Memory:1 GB RAM Graphics:Direct X 9.0c Capable GPU DirectX(R):9.0c Hard Drive:2 GB HD space
Recommended:Additional:900x600 minimum display resolution
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