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Findbugs is a static analysis tool for Java project CruiseControl supports Findbugs well integrated. This article describes how to Findbugs integrated into CruiseControl. The first step: increase Findbugs to Build file In the Ant's Build file, add: &
Ask: do with the Tomcat server, why is and localhost access through a page, the result is not the same?
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Suppose queuea and queueb. Stack: into the queue by the queuea The stack: 1. If queuea.size& 1, queuea elements of the queue to queueb, but queuea keep an element, and a queue 2. If queuea.size = 1, queuea the queue 3. If queuea.size = 0, and queueb.
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1, Description: Copy table (only copy the structure, the source table name: a New Table Name: b) (Access available) Method 1: select * into b from a where 1 && 1 (only for SQlServer) Method 2: select top 0 * into b from a 2 Note: Copy table (copy th
Need to develop an Eclipse plug-ins recently, Google a bit, in the IBM developerWorks find many excellent articles on the Eclipse plug-ins also have a basic understanding of the development hereby share ~ 1, development of Eclipse plug-ins 2, using E
Powerdesigner use proposals 1 . Powerdesigner use proposals 1.1 The use of business rules (Business Rule) For some business logic that may appear in multiple tables, the proposed package as Business Rule, This makes it easy to reuse the business logi
If a computer manufacturer, it maintains a database of product information machine and accessories. To save the whole product informa to save the parts supply information sheet called parts. Pc table in a field used to describe t
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Appendix: Some ways to remove ^ M 1, cat filename1 | tr-d &\ r&& newfile 2, sed-e &s / ^ V ^ M / /& filename& outputfilename 3, vi: Open the file using vi 1. Press ESC key 2. Input:% s / ^ M / / g OK ^ M is to use &CTRL-V CT
import java.util .*; / ** * Generate a random number of non-repetition algorithm. * * @ Author Zhao Xueqing, Java Century Network (java2000.net) * * / public class T { public static void main (String [] args) { / / You are free to produce seed, but c
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JS calculated by the position of the mouse on the page is not difficult, as long as a good grasp of the difference between the browser can easily calculate the mouse position. ( This is the DEMO ) Windows (visual browser window) on the page like a ho
Using REST, Ajax and Apache Geronimo Construction for the Twitter and Google Maps, mashup Description: Exploring the use of Apache Geronimo, REST-based protocols and data from various sources to build mashup applications using the skills and technolo
Development Environment: JDK + Eclipse Java EE + ADT + android SDK JDK: 1, environment variables -& New java_home -& installation path 2, Environment Variables -& Edit path -&% java_home% \% java_home% \ jre \ bin (path variable is the me
Continued&& /******************************************
update the code to adjust a place, lowUsn settings. ******************************************/ Step four: Get the basic information file USN Journal MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/
In the &Advanced Bash Scripting Guide& on an example with redirection, random access to files through the shell, but that method under the Unix sh No matter, he wrote one of the following examples: #!/bin/sh #randRead.sh echo
[Source]: http://blog.csdn.net/SQL0815/archive//1388932.aspx The following is specified in the Oracle database structure to export to PowerDesigner (PD) in the method, practice makes perfect: Prerequisites: 1. Existing Oracle database sun88
Description: JDBC statements in processing In JDBC applications, JDBC statement object for sending SQL statements to the database server. A statement, a connection object associated with the application and the communication between the database serv
JSP environment is the most popular Tomcat5.0. Tomcat5.0 itself contains a Web server, if it is tested, no need to Tomcat integrate with IIS or Apache. Built-in Tomcat Web server under test can be Jsp. Before installing Tomcat5.0 need to install JDK
DimensioneX 网站 : http://www.dimensionex.net/ DimensioneX是一个大型多人游戏引擎.它以浏览器为基础的图形多人游戏.用户只要通过他们的浏览器玩游戏.它运行于有Java功能的Web服务器上. 功能和特点在线游戏功能:用户可以通过网络同时连接 兼容任何浏览器:用户不需要下载任何东西 多媒体:用来使游戏现实图形,图标,信息 音频支持:声音和音乐可用于游戏添加活力 保存游戏功能.玩家可以保存,回来继续他们的游戏 可定制的外观,图形按钮,兽皮和活动 支持
这篇文章主要介绍了Javascript动态加载CSS文件的2种方法,经常使用和非常实用的方法,需要的朋友可以参考下 最近做一个项目,需要javascript动态插入样式,结果以前的方法失效了!查了2个小时的原因竟然是自己手贱,这个最后再说! javascript插入样式在前端开发中应用比较广泛,特别是在修改前端表现和页面换肤的时候.最近做的这个任务是用户在别人的站点上点击一个按钮,就会在别的站点页面下插入一个脚本,执行,这其中包含了样式的插入. 一般情况下javascript动态插入样式有两种,
目录 简介 优点 缺点 快捷键 注:由于Macromedia2005年被Adobe并购.故此软件现以为Adobe旗下产品. 简介 Dreamweaver是美国MACROMEDIA公司开发的集网页制作和管理网站于一身的所见即所得网页编辑器,它是第一套针对专业网页设计师特别发展的视觉化网页开发工具,利用它可以轻而易举地制作出跨越平台限制和跨越浏览器限制的充满动感的网页. DREAMWEAVER.FLASH以及在DREAMWEAVER之后推出的针对专业网页图像设计的FIREWORKS,三者被MACRO
这篇文章主要介绍了Yii框架调试心得--在页面输出执行sql语句,需要的朋友可以参考下 我们使用:yiidebugtb来调试(因为用他界面比较美观,不影响界面其他元素). 1.下载yiidebugtb,并且放入到 application.extensions.yiidebugtb 目录 2.修改main.php,加入如下代码: 'log'=&array( 'class'=&'CLogRouter', 'routes'=&array( array( 'class'=&'CFileLo
Less Framework 网站 : http://lessframework.com/ Less Framework 是一个 CSS 网格系统,用来设计自适应网页,包括 4 个布局和 3 套字体预设置,所有都是基于单个网格的. 授权协议: MIT 开发语言: HTML/CSS 操作系统: 跨平台
SwiftHTTP 网站 : https://github.com/daltoniam/SwiftHTTP SwiftHTTP 简单封装了 Swift 语言中的 NSURLSession ,简化了 HTTP 请求操作. 示例代码: var request = HTTPTask() request.GET(&http://www.oschina.net/&, parameters: nil, success: {(response: AnyObject?) -& Void in i
使用Ajax传递中文参数,如果不对参数进行处理的话,传到后台会变成乱码,解决方法很简单,需要的朋友可以参考下本文 使用Ajax传递中文参数,如果不对参数进行处理的话,传到后台会变成乱码,经测试可以使用如下方法 这里是以jquery.autocomplete插件中获取输入框中的数据传到后台为例: 注意要对中文使用encodeURI编码两次 extraParams: {q:function(){return encodeURI(encodeURI($('#keyword').val()))}} 这里
有个小项目中,用到了linq to sql,既然这样,想必需要做多条件组合查询了,虽然我对表达式树的研究也只是寥寥地,但除此方法,似乎别无他法,只好硬着头皮研究一下. 本篇适合于规模较小的数据量,对于大数据量,需要用另外的方式,见下一篇 首先,从网上搜,是必不可少的,大概了解了一下linq 多条件组合查询的方向,就开始动手了,首先,写一个委托的方法: private bool GetCondition(FeedBack fb) { bool boolResult = int f_ty
本篇文章主要是对互斥量mutex的简单使用进行了介绍,需要的朋友可以过来参考下,希望对大家有所帮助 几个重要的函数: #include &pthread.h& int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex, const pthread_mutex_t *restrict attr); //初始化mutex int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); //如果mutex是动态
javascript,php获取函数参数对象的代码,需要的朋友可以参考下. 例如: function say () { alert (arguments[0]+'说:'+arguments[1]); } say ('fanglor','fanglor is a boy !'); 结果:弹出 fanglor 说:fanglor is a boy ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
其实主要是用在一些用户比较反感的重复的广告,例如弹出,或有点代码需要24小时执行一次,都可以用,脚本之家整理. function jb51tuitan(){ if (getCookie('jb51popped')==''){ //要执行的代码或一些操作 setCookie(&jb51popped&,&ok&); //写入cookies表示已经执行过了. alert(&ok&); } } jb51tuitan() function setCooki
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