国际服神秘之城 暗影迷踪踪,叫什么名字

暗影迷踪 破碎之命运 远古青铜剑-残骸
安佛拉斯的暴怒 万剑之王-西方之焰
戾波之尖啸 冰炎-波动剑 疫亡者的怨恨采纳吧
60粉暗影迷踪 65紫破碎之命运 SS系列····远古青铜剑-残骸
安佛拉斯的暴怒 万剑之王-西方之焰
戾波之尖啸 冰炎-波动剑 疫亡者的怨恨
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。> 流放之路暗影迷踪是什么技能 暗影迷踪有没有用 > 文章正文
  技能优点:降低仇恨度,转移敌方火力;加移速也让走位更方便;破隐一击的近战伤害会很高  技能缺点:转移敌方火力的能力,对已开启战端的情况无效,对boss基本无效;会消耗狂怒球  建议使用方式:  1级受伤+3级暗影迷踪(建议用在召唤bd上)  满级暗影迷踪+满级持续时间延长  注意事项:  1.转移敌方火力的能力,对已开启战端的情况无效,除非你真的是停止输出、让召唤物进行输出,累积到一定程度,才能真正转移怪物仇恨;仇恨转移能力对boss战也基本无效,仍然是需要诱饵图腾、巨石魔像的嘲讽,才能真正拉走boss仇恨。  2.以前,先祖战士长bd,可以先使用暗影迷踪,再放图腾,然后图腾的第一次出手会得到暗影迷踪的破隐一击输出加成,在3.0版本已取消这种对图腾的加成。  3.迷踪状态=相位转移状态,是无视碰撞体积,让你移动可以穿怪的。(这是个翻译问题,实际上迷踪和相位转移都是phasing,而本技能暗影迷踪则是phasing run,它的技能效果包括隐身效果和迷踪状态两个。)iPad下载的神秘之城暗影迷踪每次登录名字就退出怎么回事?_百度知道
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Lv.3, 积分 890, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
Lv.3, 积分 890, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
Tomorrow (Friday NZT) we plan to deploy the 3.1.2 update that introduces bug fixes and more! In the meantime, we've prepared an early look at the patch notes for this update to keep you in the loop!
New Features:
There's now a UI option called &Advanced Mod Descriptions& which shows additional information about items when you press Alt. It breaks down the mods of the item into separate prefixes and suffixes, shows their possible ranges and what tiers they are. Please note that the tiers shown include all possible base types. For example, if Tier 5 of a mod is the highest that can appear on a ring, then it'll be listed as Tier 5 rather than Tier 1 on that ring. We are looking to improve this aspect in the future.简单来说就是国际服也有高级物品属性这个选项了,按alt显示词缀Added new helmet enchantments for Bodyswap and Despair. These are available from the Divine Font in the Merciless and Eternal Labyrinths.在迷宫附魔中增加头部的“灵体转换”和“绝望”这2个技能的相关附魔Added a lightning explosion effect to the explosion caused by Inpulsa's Broken Heart.为“速度之力”这件衣服的闪电爆炸增加了一个特效Added effects that apply to your character while wielding Arborix, Augyre or Vulconus.当手持“阿伯瑞斯”“占星”和“火神锻台”时,为你的角色增加特效Volatile Dead now displays average damage, rather than damage per second.“灵体火球”现在将显示平均伤害,而不是dpsOverhauled the visual effects and audio of Lightning Strike in order to improve performance.改善“闪电打击”的特效及音效已提高性能Added the Multiple Traps Support gem to the quest rewards offered to the Shadow after killing Brutus.暗影角色杀死监狱长的任务奖励中增加了“多重陷阱”这个辅助宝石Highlighting has been improved when searching in the Map Stash Tab.地图仓库页中可以搜索高亮了Changed the colours of the text on tier buttons in the Map Stash Tab to match their respective maps.变更了地图仓库页中地图级别按钮的颜色,让其与地图颜色一致
Abyss League Improvements: Abysses can once again spawn in The Apex of Sacrifice and The Alluring Abyss.红门和绿门中会出现深渊了Lich bosses now spend less time idling and should generally be more aggressive.巫妖boss现在将比较少发呆,同时更具攻击性The ultimate skill used by Amanamu, Liege of the Lightless now deals less damage to minions and can now be triggered by sources such as totems and minions.暗光领主阿曼纳姆的终焉技能现在将对随从造成更少的伤害,同时可以被图腾和随从等触发Pitworms are now immune to Knockback.钻地虫现在免疫击退
Atlas and Map Balance: The Ice Flowers in The Constrictor Elder Guardian encounter now explode starting with the outside flowers followed by the inner flower.裂界守卫:约束的冰花爆炸,现在将从外向内爆炸Reduced the variance of the damage caused by the environmental lightning explosions found in the Manor of Madness. It still deals the same average damage.裂界守卫:寂灭地图中闪电爆炸的伤害值范围,造成的平均伤害保持不变Reduced the damage of Storm Burst projectiles used in the Pen boss encounter.隐晦牢狱boss战中裂风雷球投射物的伤害降低了Increased the damage of Storm Burst explosions used in the Pen boss encounter.隐晦牢狱boss战中裂风雷球爆炸的伤害提高了
Monster Improvements: Reduced the maximum range of Reliquarian's skills.降低了“守藏者”技能的范围Tweaked the effects and audio for a skill used in the boss encounter in Pillars of Arun.调整了阿尔伦神柱boss战中一个技能的视觉和声音效果Increased the visual size of Plated Parasites.增大“镀金寄生虫”的视觉效果
Prophecies: The Thaumaturgical History II prophecy can no longer trigger in Act 6's Western Forest.奇术史II这个预言将不会在Act 6西部森林触发The Visions of the Drowned prophecy is no longer available at higher levels.溺水者的视线预言将不会在高等级出现
Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where the &Prefixes Cannot be Changed& and &Suffixes Cannot be Changed& mods were able to be crafted onto Abyss Jewels.修正了深渊宝珠可以被加上“前缀无法改变”和“后缀无法改变”的bugFixed a bug where players were sometimes able to get too many enchantments from a Divine Font in the Labyrinth.修正了玩家某些时候可以得到太多次迷宫附魔的bugFixed a bug where the &Gain x% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity& Watcher's Eye mod was granting more Energy Shield than intended.修正了长老珠宝中“获得等同于最大魔力x%的额外最大能量护盾”词缀给予角色比描述更多能量护盾的bugFixed a bug that sometimes prevented completion of The Twilight Temple map.修正了“暮光古庙”这个地图有时无法完成的bugFixed a bug where all Corrupted Side Areas, Mission Areas, Daily Areas and some Act 10 areas could drop Maps higher than Tier 1.修正了所有孵化区域,任务区域,日常区域以及Act 10的区域可以掉落T1以上地图的bugFixed bugs (such as crashes) that could occur when playing in the Abyssal Depths in a map with an Elder Guardian in it.修正了在长老守卫出现的地图中进入深渊会导致程序出错的bugFixed a bug where corrupting a Shaped Tier 15 map could turn into an Unshaped Tier 11 Map.修正了瓦塑成T15的地图会将其变为未塑过的T11地图的bugFixed a bug where Ichimonji's &Allies' Aura Buffs do not affect you& caused Zana's protection field in The Elder encounter to not affect you.修正了“一文字”这个武器上“无法获得友方光环效果”导致在长老战中,扎娜的光圈无法保护你的bugFixed a bug where the &Socketed Gems are Supported by Level X Immolate& Elder mod was granting Burning Damage instead.修正了长老词缀“此物品上的技能收到X级献祭辅助”变成提供燃烧伤害的bugFixed a bug where the Grace and Discipline auras would not grant the life regeneration from the Unwavering Faith ascendancy passive.修正了“优雅”和“纪律”不会提供守护者的升华天赋“不动信念”描述的生命恢复的bugFixed a bug where Atlas base type items were sometimes able to drop from non-map areas.修正了异界地图特有物品底子在非地图区域掉落的bugFixed a bug where the Atlas would sometimes incorrectly display that a Map contained a Memory Fragment.修正了异界地图偶尔会错误的显示某个地图含有记忆碎片的bugFixed a bug where Shaper amulets could roll a mod which increased attribute requirements for gems and items. Divining existing items will now reduce those requirements.修正了塑界底子的项链有时会出现“装备和技能石的属性需求提高x”这个词缀的bug,用神圣石点一下会恢复成降低。Fixed a rare bug where a Legacy of Zeal bloodline packed spawned by a Null Portal could become immune to damage.修正了非常稀有的情况下,恶魔传送门生出来的带有某个血族词缀的怪将免疫一切伤害的bugFixed a bug where Agents of the Void could spawn on non-walkable terrain in various endgame Maps.修正了在一些endgame地图中,虚空魅影会在角色无法走路到达的地方出现的bugFixed a bug where the boss arena in the Ghetto Map was unreachable.修正了“赤贫居所”地图中boss竞技场地图无法进入的bugFixed a bug where the Leyline Map could sometimes generate more return portals than intended.修正了“荒凉原野”地图某些时候会出现多处一个回程传送门的bugFixed a bug where a path in the Castle Ruins map was blocked by a pile of stones.修正了“幽影遗址”地图中有一条道路被石块挡住的bugFixed a bug where the door in the Vaal Pyramid boss room would not unlock if the boss was killed by The Elder.修正了“瓦尔金字塔”boss房间的门在boss被长老杀死后无法打开的bugFixed a bug where resurrecting at checkpoint in The Temple of Decay Level 2 could sometimes spawn the player in unwalkable terrain.修正了在“堕欲之殿2层”死掉后在记录点重生的时候,会把玩家传送至无法动弹的区域的bugFixed a bug where skills that were removed from the skill bar would return upon changing instances while using The Poet's Pen.修正了使用羽毛笔的时候,将技能从技能栏取消后,更换区域时会回来的bugFixed a bug where you could perform attack skills while you had a disabled main-hand weapon, but an enabled off-hand weapon.修正了你在持有无效的主手和有效的副手武器的时候可以做出攻击的bugFixed a bug where searching the stash by &tier& would not highlight Shaped Maps.修正了在背包及仓库中通过级别搜索地图无法使塑过的地图高亮的bugFixed a bug where scrolling with the mousewheel in the Map Stash Tab was inversed.修正了在地图仓库页用鼠标滚轮会反方向操作的bugFixed a bug where map tiers and map bases were not highlighted correctly when searching in the Map Stash Tab.修正了在地图仓库页通过地图等级和地图底子搜索时无法正常高亮目标地图的bugFixed a bug where flasks that were clicked did not display a duration bar.修正了药剂被点击后无法出现持续时间条的bugFixed a bug where flask duration bars would not freeze if the instance was frozen by The Shaper.修正了当地图副本被塑界者定住的时候,药剂持续时间没有同样被定住的bugFixed a bug where skills that trigger when a player uses a skill were not triggering when throwing traps, placing totems or placing mines.修正了在放置陷阱、地雷、图腾时本应触发某些技能但却没触发的bugFixed a bug where Shakari, Queen of the Sands was able to get stuck in walls.修正了砂之女神沙卡丽会被卡在墙里的bugFixed a bug where Herald of the Obelisk totems could sometimes not be removed correctly.修正了一个血族词缀,当怪物死后变成放闪点技能的图腾,图腾有时不会正常消失的bugFixed a bug where Offering skills were not affected by some duration modifiers correctly.修正了奉献系技能有时不能受到影响持续时间的词缀的正确影响的bugFixed a bug where Arctic Armour could chill you when you take damage from the Eye of Innocence amulet.修正了极地装甲在你收到无罪之眼的伤害时会是你冰缓的bugFixed a bug where Arctic Armour was not supportable by Unbound Ailments.修正了极地装甲无法受到异常爆发这个石头辅助的bugFixed a bug where Explosive Arrows fired by Mirage Archers would not disappear in conditions where they could not explode.修正了由镜像射出的爆炸箭在没有爆炸时不会正常消失的bugFixed a bug where Ancestral Call was able to support triggered skills, such as Riposte.修正了先祖呼唤可以支持触发技能的bug,例如击刃Fixed a bug where the &x% increased Frenzy Damage per Frenzy Charge& enchantment would not apply to ailments applied by Frenzy.修正了“每个狂怒球可使狂怒伤害提高x%”这个附魔无法作用到通过狂怒施加的异常状态上的bugFixed a bug where the Phasing effect was not visible to other players.修正了其他玩家看不到你身上的暗影迷踪效果的bugFixed a bug where the effect on the player from Blood Offering was incorrect.修正了“血脉相连”这件衣服上的技能“鲜血奉献”的效果无法正确作用到玩家身上的bugFixed a bug where Cremation used by Ulaman, Sovereign of the Well did not remove corpses correctly.修正了弱言领主乌拉曼释放的火葬无法正确消耗尸体的bugFixed a bug where the buff icons for Physical and Elemental Thorns were not displayed correctly.修正了物理和元素荆棘的buff图标无法正确显示的bugFixed a bug where various monsters found in The Vastiri Desert were not able to be desecrated.修正了在贫瘠之地这个地图上的某些怪物无法被亵渎出尸体的bugFixed a bug where the Reliquarian monster was not able to be desecrated.修正了守藏者无法被亵渎出尸体的bugFixed a bug where the Vulnerability aura used in the Doedre encounters in Act 4, the Core map, and the Phantasmagoria map were still applying the older version of Vulnerability.修正了德瑞的脆弱诅咒光环依旧是使用旧版本效果的bugFixed a bug where some minions were able to deal damage with ground effects while the player was dead.修正了某些随从依旧能在角色死亡后通过地板技能造成伤害的bugFixed a bug where the Temporal Chains aura from Unending Lethargy as well as the Enfeeble aura from Litanius, the Black Prayer were invisible.修正了无尽之守的时光连锁光环,漆黑祈者丽塔纽斯的衰弱光环无视觉特效的bugFixed a bug causing the music in Acton's Nightmare to not stop playing when the bosses were killed.修正了轮回的噩梦中的音乐在boss被杀后没有正确停止的bugFixed a bug where some Oni-Goroshi dialogue would repeat itself.修正了一些新女神剑的对话会不停重复的bugFixed a bug where prices for point packs in Steam clients only displayed 1 decimal place.修正了在steam上的点数包价格只显示小数点后一位数的bugFixed a bug where items listed for trade with the Spanish client had Spanish translations for the price, causing trade sites to not understand them. Spanish items re-priced after this patch will now appear correctly in those sites.修正了使用西班牙语客户端,同时用西班牙语标价的物品在网站上无法被正确识别的bugFixed two client crashes, including the most common one.修正了两个客户端崩溃的bug,包括最常见的那个(压根没说哪个...)Fixed one instance crash.修正了一个副本崩溃的bug
崇高石 +50
总评分:&崇高石 + 50&
Lv.2, 积分 221, 距离下一级还需 379 积分
Lv.2, 积分 221, 距离下一级还需 379 积分
Lv.2, 积分 470, 距离下一级还需 130 积分
Lv.2, 积分 470, 距离下一级还需 130 积分
楼主厉害了 多谢分享
Lv.2, 积分 233, 距离下一级还需 367 积分
Lv.2, 积分 233, 距离下一级还需 367 积分
Lv.2, 积分 199, 距离下一级还需 401 积分
Lv.2, 积分 199, 距离下一级还需 401 积分
Lv.2, 积分 367, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
Lv.2, 积分 367, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
Fixed a bug where the &Gain x% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity& Watcher's Eye mod was granting more Energy Shield than intended.
然而我和朋友迷宫祭坛遇到双倍保佑,他能两次附魔,我却不能 这是BUG吗
Lv.2, 积分 561, 距离下一级还需 39 积分
Lv.2, 积分 561, 距离下一级还需 39 积分
Lv.2, 积分 75, 距离下一级还需 525 积分
Lv.2, 积分 75, 距离下一级还需 525 积分
Lv.2, 积分 124, 距离下一级还需 476 积分
Lv.2, 积分 124, 距离下一级还需 476 积分
哇 厉害了 多谢楼主分享
Lv.3, 积分 896, 距离下一级还需 104 积分
Lv.3, 积分 896, 距离下一级还需 104 积分
这修复的有点多啊& &修正了某些随从依旧能在角色死亡后通过地板技能造成伤害的bug 这个说的是什么东西
Lv.3, 积分 604, 距离下一级还需 396 积分
Lv.3, 积分 604, 距离下一级还需 396 积分
Fixed a bug where the Reliquarian monster was not able to be desecrated.
Lv.1, 积分 33, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
Lv.1, 积分 33, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
Lv.2, 积分 275, 距离下一级还需 325 积分
Lv.2, 积分 275, 距离下一级还需 325 积分
Lv.2, 积分 296, 距离下一级还需 304 积分
Lv.2, 积分 296, 距离下一级还需 304 积分
Lv.2, 积分 122, 距离下一级还需 478 积分
Lv.2, 积分 122, 距离下一级还需 478 积分
Lv.2, 积分 94, 距离下一级还需 506 积分
Lv.2, 积分 94, 距离下一级还需 506 积分
Lv.2, 积分 114, 距离下一级还需 486 积分
Lv.2, 积分 114, 距离下一级还需 486 积分
Lv.2, 积分 393, 距离下一级还需 207 积分
Lv.2, 积分 393, 距离下一级还需 207 积分
Lv.5, 积分 2536, 距离下一级还需 464 积分
Lv.5, 积分 2536, 距离下一级还需 464 积分
Fixed a bug where the Reliquarian monster was not able to be desecrated.
修正了守藏者无法被亵渎出尸 ...
Lv.3, 积分 604, 距离下一级还需 396 积分
Lv.3, 积分 604, 距离下一级还需 396 积分


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