
[信息|角色|综合|其他|娱乐]Sentry—— 强大神奇的自定义NPC扩展! [内附教程][全版本]&-&Minecraft(我的世界)中文论坛 -
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[信息|角色|综合|其他|娱乐]Sentry—— 强大神奇的自定义NPC扩展! [内附教程][全版本]
Sentry for Citizens 2
Citizens 2 [公民 2]
本帖最后由 SotrForgotten 于
01:48 编辑
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02:03 上传
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02:03 上传
有了它,你可以创建守卫、保镖、小兵、BOSS等等 尽可能发挥你的想象力!
甚至媲美NPCMOD!需要注意的是Sentry的功能是围绕攻击性角色展开的,需要铁匠神马的 就没用了~
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01:40 上传
分队伍,分怪物种类、特定玩家 甚至是分权限组 并且支持Factions、Towny、War和SimpleClans插件的队伍。
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01:40 上传
然后/plugins 看看是否正常运作
创建 使用Sentry的NPC 如下:
使用命令:& &/npc create NPC名字 --trait sentry
或者分开输入:& &/npc create NPC名字&&然后再输入/trait sentry
注意~ 这个trait sentry 是必须的 否则就无法运用sentry了
图文全教程 & 命令及参数
嘛.. 开始之前几个基础命令是必须要会的:
[好吧这个教程也包含citizens的 基本上是一条龙..]列出所有NPC&&/npc list
选中一个NPC[代码用上面那个看]&&/npc select NPC代码
于是我们用/npc create 名字 来创建一个人形NPC。关于皮肤~&&皮肤是随玩家ID而改变的,如有需要可以用skinme的于是我创建了一个wataro [NPC生成位置就是你的位置]
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01:43 上传
然后嘛,先来两件装备再说~&&输入/npc equip 打开装备编辑器
拿好要给他的装备,直接右键就好 [表示同时自己也会穿上orz]
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01:47 上传
PS:如果不想要了,就空手右键 于是会有一堆节♂操掉出来~
Q:NPC呆呆的怎么破..& & A:输入/npc look 他就会自动看向旁边的人了~
Q:还不是呆呆的站在那里!& &A:baka~ 继续往下看吧
于是我们输入/npc path 来设置一下他的移动诡迹orz&&
[baka:出来一串红字怎么破QAQ& &&&A:装备编辑器都还没退出!再输入一次/npc equip ]
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01:54 上传
于是出来一堆英文 , 关键的大概就是:
好了我们输入 /trait sentry&&先激活功能&&[没变化就对了,表着急]
先来学会两条命令:添加敌对目标 /sentry target add 参数添加忽略目标 /sentry ignore add 参数
[baka:参数是神马能吃么?& &A:看下面咯~]
下面是全部支持的攻击识别参数,可以自行调配~填到上面的命令里就行了entity:all全部实体. (不包括忽略的)entity:ownerSentry NPC的所有者entity:TYPE任何类型的怪物 [TYPE 写上怪物类型]entity:monster全部怪物entity:player全部真实玩家player:Name特定玩家 [Name 写上名字]entity:npc全部NPCNPC:Name特定NPC [Name 写上名字]group:Name指定权限组名称 [Name 写上名字,你没看错就是ess那个权限组]team:Name特定计分板团队 [Name 写上名字]town:Name特定城镇的全部成员 [Name 写上名字,Towny插件支持]nation:Name特定国家的全部成员 [Name 写上名字,Towny插件支持]nationenemies:Name特定国家的敌人 [Name 写上名字,此项不能作为忽略添加]faction:Name特定派别的全部成员 [Name 写上名字,Factions插件支持]factionenemies:Name特定派别的敌人 [Name 写上名字,Factions插件支持]warteam:Name特定队伍的全部成员 [Name 写上名字,War插件支持]event:PvPNPC会自动攻击范围内的其他玩家event:PvENPC会自动攻击范围内杀死动物或怪物的其他玩家event:PvNPCNPC会自动攻击范围内攻击其他任何NPC的玩家event:PvSentryNPC会自动攻击范围内攻击其他SentryNPC的玩家
举个栗子,我要让NPC打其他人 但是不会打一个叫miroto的人 [也可以理解为队友],于是:添加敌对目标 /sentry target add entity:player
添加忽略目标 /sentry ignore add player:miroto
[baka:输错了怎么破& &A:把命令里的add换成remove 就可以移除参数了~]
列出敌对参数&&/sentry target list
列出忽略参数&&/sentry ignore list
清空敌对参数&&/sentry target clear
清空忽略参数&&/sentry ignore clear
(citizens 自带的talk的对话功能,如果不要求发出警告 可以用talk,相对这个简单些)
当玩家走近时可以设置NPC发送警告消息和打招呼的消息, 会告知玩家NPC是否是友好的。(默认关闭)
打开警告需要WARNINGRANGE 的值大于0。(废话)
例如 Hello,&PLAYER&;在游戏里就会变成 Hello, 我的名字。
&baka:怎么删除信息?&&A:文本改为& && & & &(空无一物)就好了&
如下 设置信息:
/sentry warning '警告信息文本'
/sentry greeting '问候信息文本'
NPC太渣,怎么设置血和攻击呢?于是 又一个表 _(:з」∠)_参数默认值可控范围备注health201-2000000生命值,MC默认20点。armor00-2000000护甲,减少(吸收)所受伤害。 [10点护甲就将会变得非常肉, 这个和装备无关] [PS~举个栗子,钻石剑7点伤害,我设置2,那实际受到只有5点]strength10-2000000攻击力~,每次攻击所造成的伤害点数, 与武器和对象无关。 [PS:1点=半格血]range101-100范围,这是NPC所能够识别目标的范围。过高容易影响服务器性能。它与射击范围一类的无关。speed1.00.0-1.5移动速度~ 使用命令 /npc speed 来设置 [PS:玩家默认速度是1,过高影响服务器性能,官方推荐0.7,适中0.8-0.9]attackrate2.00.0-30.0每次射击间隔,对近战武器无效。最高效果为 0.5 (一秒两次).healrate0.00.0-300.0自动治疗点数,少于1还勉强可以接受。设置为0关闭。nightvision160-16夜视,在黑暗中观察目标的效率。默认值16 就已经意味着他的夜视效率很高了。以此类,越低就越夜盲. 如果玩家偷偷的过去(shift?),那么会更难被发现。respawn10-1-2000000死亡自动复活秒数,设置为0会阻碍正常复活,设置为-1则不会复活。 [PS:不知为何我这边默认的是-1,而且也会自动复活,而且感觉不是以秒计算的(更长),欢迎反馈]warningrange00-50NPC自动警告/打招呼的范围,不能超越 range 的范围。 设置0禁用。follow40-32保镖NPC的跟随距离。
参数有了,怎么用? 看下面
设置方法:/sentry 参数 值
查看当前值并显示相关帮助:/sentry 参数
显示各方面的详情:/sentry info
举个栗子,设置NPC一次可以打我2格血:/sentry strength 4附表(是 / 否&&=&&true / false)参数默认值备注dropsfalse是否掉落身着物品 和 少量经验。killdropstrueNPC击杀怪物后,怪物是否掉落物品和经验invinciblefalse开启此项NPC将进入无敌模式(无限血), 被攻击会回击、同时显示被攻击动画。retaliatetrue开启此项 NPC会对任何攻击他的实体 进行回击。如果他作为保镖,但是他人主人攻击了他,他仍然会去攻击主人。criticalstrue控制NPC是否能暴击和躲避(miss),设置为false 代表仅运用普通伤害。mountfalse 骑乘控制。 具体请看条目(待译)targetabletrue设置NPC是否会被周围的怪物生物攻击。
这里的东西一样是通过上面那条命令來设置~举个栗子,设置NPC一次可以掉落:/sentry drops true
使得NPC可以参与PVP、PVE甚至PVNPC(NPC手持的物品决定NPC的职业& & (比如剑是远程 弓是近战 &误orz&(这里还给出了另外一种装备方法/sentry equip [item|none]& & 并不实用故不做介绍_(:з」∠)_(懒),&&/npc equip替代即可)
什么!? 你以为只有近战/远程之分? 且往下看& & (勿吐槽职业名字~)(此处的职业可在配置文件中自定义)
默认手持物品职业类型备注BOW (弓箭)Archer
(弓箭手)拥有上古长弓和刽子神箭的第14届鹰眼射手传承人! 误)拥有能够在五十米外瞄准并射中一只鸡的技术&&&官方是真的这么写= =&REDSTONE_TORCH_ON
(红石火把)Pyromancer I
(纵火新人)第27届FFF大赛的入门级选手 挥舞手中的魔法长杖喷射火球(瞎bb中,下同TORCH (火把)Pyromancer II
(职业纵火)燃烧吧! 27届FFF大赛的精英选手 喷射能引燃大地的飓火BLAZE_ROD
(烈焰棒)Pyromancer III
(纵火专家)低调 低调.. 这个在27届FFF大赛上鲜为人知的人物已经掌握了霹雳の神火球&&真是极其厉害的SNOW_BALL (雪球)Ice Magi
(冰雪牧师)第88届雪人魔法传承人 自称与寒冰为兄弟,能够在25米外投掷雪球并减缓敌人速度EGG (蛋)Bombardiers
(炸弹人)来自轰炸第3旅的新兵。 传说中深藏不露的一只巨大的 身着西装的鸡... 误) 大约25的射程POTION (药水)Witch Doctor
(巫医)连自己都不敢喝自己配出來的东西 第九届巫医传承者能够配置各种组合的药水。 无论装备的是什么药水 他投掷出的总是随机的,射程约25PAPER (纸)Stormcaller I
(暴风学徒)需要将魔法咒语写在卷轴上來记忆的第99届暴风召唤师传承人能够使用某科学的暴风螺栓攻击单一的敌人!BOOK (书)Stormcaller II
(暴风召唤师)第99届暴风召唤师传承人中的精英!可以唤起史诗般强大的闪电从天空击杀多个敌人。这闪电的伤害由天气掌控 因此和NPC的攻击力无关。BOOK_AND_QUILL
(书与笔)Stormcaller III
(暴风掌控者)很少有人敢直呼其名的第三强大的暴风召唤师。 他那强大的螺栓能够发出立即杀死任何生物的暴风电极,无论是否接触、无论有多少血或者有什么装备;&&特别要小心!ENDER_PEARL
(末影珍珠)Warlock I
(初阶术士)第667届术士传承人中的最低能者。通过灌输他们的终结魔法水晶动能的力量 将目标投抛到天空中!SKULL_ITEM
(骷髅头颅)Warlock II
(高阶术士)中阶的术士,拥有能够施放爆炸凋零魔法的颅骨。Anything else
(民兵)所有的军队都需要他们。全能人物! 无论是栅栏、花甚至是鱼都能被他够胜任地使用。误)
这些权限是对于 /sentry 命令的
嘛.. 搬完全部还需要一段时间,先放这吧点开下面链接选择下载(一般是选最新版本,除非MC版本出入比较大 因为上下兼容)
1.8+新版本请前往构建页面: http://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Sentry/& & (1.8不够稳定 各位凑合用吧~)
v. 1.8.6 05/25/15
Update for MC 1.8.6
Update for MC 1.8.3
v. 1.8.4 build 2
Update to work with Denizen updates.
Update to work with factions and Denizen updates.
Update to work with Bukkit for MC 1.8
v. 1.8.2 build 3
Update to work with Bukkit for MC 1.7.10
v. 1.8.2 build 2 06/13/14
mini-update to patch compatibility with latest Denizen dev builds
v. 1.8.2 03/24/14
Update to work with Bukkit for MC 1.7.8 -& (EDIT: then to 1.7.9 as well)
v. 1.8.1 03/24/14
Update to work with Bukkit for MC 1.7.5
整这种东西好累的说.... 自己去下载页下载吧~
v. 1.8.0 12/10/13 download
Re-work guard targeting. Guard target no longer needs to be in range of Sentry when set (if its a player). You should no longer need to go find your bodyguard if you get separated and log out.
Fix mounted sentries not attacking correctly.
Add targeting support for minecraft scoreboard teams. (via TEAM:NAME) (War teams are now specified via WARTEAM:NAME)
Move respawn location when /npc copy is used.
Fix event targets not firing when in a worldguard or other pvp-protected situation.
v. 1.7.1 11/07/13 download
Update to work with Bukkit for MC 1.7.2
v. 1.6.1 11/07/13 download
code formatting work
v. 1.5.4 11/07/13 download
mini-update to fix compatibility with the new build of Citizens
v. 1.5.3 9/20/2013 download
Update for craftbukkit 1.6.4
v. 1.5.2 8/27/2013 download
Add targetable option to prevent mobs from attacking sentries. (this used to be done via /npc playerlist but that stopped working in mc 1.6)
Fix Denizen actions not using correct killer when projectiles involved.
v. 1.5.1 8/3/2013 download
Sentries properly remember their spawn location.
Lots of little fixes to mounted sentries Mounts don't take damage from guard target
Mounts move at 2x the /npc speed of their rider while patrolling and 2x the /sentry speed of their rider while attacking.
Rider animation syncs up with the mounts better.
Mounted bodyguards will properly teleport (requires VERY latest Citizens2 builds)
Mounts are properly deleted when sentry is killed with respawn -1
v. 1.5 7/29/2013 download
The Calvary has arrived! Sentries can now have and be mounts! See the #Mounts section
Disable death animation to prevent client-side ghost drops
Fix compatibility issue with latest builds of Denizen
Sentries always use 'old' pathfinder.
Fix health not saving.
v. 1.4.1 7/9/2013 download
Compatible with 1.6.2
v. 7/4/2013 download
(Mostly)Compatible with 1.6.1 and Citizens 2.0.9
Compatible (only!) with Denizen .9
v. 1.3.7 7/3/2013 download
Sentries can now optionally be immune to damage from things on their ignore list.
Sentry projectiles will go though* things on their ignore list. (*some accuracy loss may be observed)
Sentries will properly ignore event: targets if the perpetrator is on the ignore list.
Bodyguards can optionally NOT follow damage protection (for compatibility with modifyworld and other annoying plugins.)
Fix default config.yml (put quotes && around your default targets and ignores!)
Compatible with Factions 2.0.X
v. 1.3.6 5/21/2013 download
Added configurable follow distance for bodyguards. Use /sentry follow [0-32]
Fix crash in Denizen DIE command.
Sentry now removes the Denizen 'Health' trait as it conflicts on a sentry. This should fix some bugs relating to health and re-spawning.
Added several Denizen 'actions'. see the Advanced Usage section.
No longer using NMS code for max health & 20. should be more compatible with other plugins.
v. 1.3.5 5/7/2013 download
Add KillDrops option to remove the item and exp drops from Sentry kills.
v. 1.3.4 5/4/2013 download
Update for 1.5.2
v. 4/9/2013 download
Fix sentries not dying with Denizen installed.
v. 3/21/2013 download
Fix error on sentry death if Denizen not installed.
v. 3/21/2013 download
Change packages for craftbukkit 1.5.1
v. 1.3.3 3/19/2013 download
Compatible with Craftbukkit 1.5 and Citizens 2.0.8
Fixed Sentry not loading if Denizen .76 is still installed.
v. 1.3.2 3/14/2013 download
Compatibility with Denizen 0.8 and latest Citizens2 (Note that this will NOT work with Denizen 0.7x)
v. 1.3.1 1/19/2013 download
Compatibility with cb 1.4.7
v. 1.3 1/17/2013 download
Use with CraftBukkit 1.4.6r0.4 and Citizens2 2.0.6 build 663
Compatible with Denizen .8 and .76. The commands and triggers are the same, but the example scripts will not work with .8 until updated
Sentries will no longer retaliate to the projectiles of other NPCs. If this behavior messes up your setup, let me know and I can make it an option.
Workaround for bodyguards not teleporting with their owner.
New event target: PvE. Use to attack players who attack mobs/animals.
API: Sentries will always raise a NPCDeathEvent upon dying regardless of the die-like-players setting. Modifiing the item list in the NPCDeathEvent will modify the items the sentry drops.
API: Sentries should now have valid last damage cause and killer set.
Memory and CPU optimizations.
v. 1.2.6b 12/22/2012 download
Compatibility with CraftBukkit 1.4.6r0.1 and Citizens2 2.0.6
v. 1.2.5 12/20/2012 download
Compatibility with CraftBukkit 1.4.5r1.0 and Citizens2 release 2.0.5
v. 1.2.4 12/9/2012
Compatibility with latest builds of craftbukkit (1.4.5 r0.3) and citizens2 build 606+
v. 1.2.3 11/27/2012
Compatible with craftbukkit 1.4.4 - 1.4.5 r0.2 and citizens2 build 597.
Compatibility fixes for Chunk Unload settings in citizens2. Active bodyguards should no longer die if their owner teleports too far away.
Regular sentries will not try to respawn if the chunk at their spawn location is unloaded.
v. 1.2.2 11/14/2012
Bow draw and sword block animations implemented - Thanks dotblank!
More Towny support: use the NATIONENEMIES: target to automatically attack enemies of the specified nation!
v. 1.2.1 10/29/2012
Update for 1.4.2... NOT compatible with cb 1.3!
Added Warlock level2. Fires wither skulls. be sure to update your config.yml to support them.
Added many default mob attacks. Blazes, enderdragons and ghasts shoot fireballs. Withers shoot wither skulls. Snowmen throw snowballs. Witches throw harm potions. Skeletons shoot arrows. Creepers explode. Some of this is not working 100%. Creepers may not respawn correctly and skeletons are not currently 'equippable'
Fix named players on the ignore list.
v. 1.2 10/24/2012
All toggleable options (invincible, drops, retaliate, criticals) can be explicitly set via /sentry [option] true/false
The FriendlyFire option has been removed totally, sentries will never deal damage to or receive damage from bodyguard owners or other bodyguards of that owner. (which was the default behavior anyway)
Fix elemental immunity when Invincible was also set.
Changing a Sentry's weapon will cause it to switch attack types immediately instead of on the next target.
DIE command will now properly honor the setting of RESPAWN, DROPS and DieLikePlayers.
Fixed drops not working if RESPAWN was set to -1.
v. 1.1.4 10/15/2012
Critical hit chances and messages can now be configured or disabled in the config.yml. Please update your config.yml or criticals will not work at all.
Note that as of citizens2 build 465 all mob types can attack. All hail our new sheep overlords.
v. 1.1.3 10/15/2012
Fix death trigger not going off if respawn set to -1.
Added support for SimpleClans. Use the CLAN: target or ignore.
Added Npcdeathowner Trigger. This denizen trigger runs when the sentry-denizen dies using its OWNER as the target player.
v. 1.1.2 10/14/2012
Fix NPCDeath trigger. Preliminary code in place to separate out death trigger to optionally run script vs NPC owner instead of killers.
v. 1.1.1 10/12/2012
Bodyguards who have lost their owner will not take damage or engage in combat until the owner returns/logs in.
Stray sentry projectiles should not harm invulnerable basic NPCs.
Lots more optimizations for target finding. If you still experience low TPS with sentry you will have to increase the LogicTicks in the config.yml. If you can profile the server and let me know what exactly is causing the problem that would help.
Small fix with pathfinding ranges.
v. 1.1 10/10/2012 Note that this update adds several new items to the config.yml. These will not be added automatically. See the Configuration page for new items.
Several changes aimed at increasing performance: Target checking code has been reworked to make less pointless calls if the Sentry isn't set to target a certain category. The biggest culprit, I think, was some permissions plugins are VERY slow at returning the groups information. Sentries will now only query groups if they have a GROUP: target or ignore set. Same for Towny, Factions, War, and EVENT: targets.
Also added a option in the config.yml to specify the frequency that Sentries look for targets. Default is 10 ticks (twice per second). increasing this number would decrease server load but also make sentries less responsive and slow the maximum firing rate.
Added Stormcaller Level 3. These crazed wizards call forth lightning so powerful it instantly vaporizes anything it touches, even those things otherwise immune to damage. (hint: creative-mode players)
Now parses '&' as a valid color character in warning and greeting messages. Changed default messages to red/green.
Added options in the config.yml to support 'extended' armors. Also allows disabling specific armor types. Only works with /sentry equip (not /npc equip)
v. 1.0.3 10/2/2012
Fix copied Sentries' target/ignore lists being 'linked' to each other. Probably wont fix existing sentries, only newly copied ones. To fix existing Sentries open the citizens saves.yml and delete the YAML anchors and references on the Targets: and Ignores: nodes on each Sentry.
v. 1.0.2 9/28/2012
Fix towny/factions/war support.
v. 1.0.1 9/27/2012
Fix Witchdoctors (they got drunk and lost their recipe book, we found it though)
Switch to new default teleport action, should fix server hangs near ladders and waterfalls.
v. 1.0 Release! 9/21/2012
Workaround to allow bodyguards to cross worlds.
Workaround for weapons breaking.
Maybe fix server crash teleporting around ladders.
I'm pretty happy with the feature list and stability of Sentry at this point, so this is 1.0. There's a few things still not working (like speed) but these are not fixable with Sentry and should be addressed in future builds of Citizens2.
v. beta 9/20/2012
Introducing the 667th Brigade: the Warlocks! These artisans of ancient arcane arts prefer a solitary lifestyle deep in The End. Probably because they smell bad. Recently several of their number have come to the mortal realm and SentryCorps has integrated them. Rumor is more powerful Warlocks may be on their way as well!.
Be sure and add the Warlocks to your config.yml to enable this new attack type.
Fixed lvl1 pyromancers' over-zealous use of actual fire.
Other minor bugfixes.
v. beta 9/17/2012
War support. use the TEAM: target to automatically attack War players.
Fix item drops
Added server-wide option to make Sentries 'die' like they used to pre v0.9.5. false by default.
Added server-wide option to set the amount of EXP sentries drop on death if Drops is turned on. (yea yea.. you want it per sentry.. I know)
v. 0.9.9 beta 9/15/2012
Added command: equip
Added targets: event:pvnpc, event:pvsentry
Changed some logic regarding pvp: Bodyguards should now honor pvp-protected areas, they will not take or deal damage to players or retaliate when left-clicked in a no-pvp zone. This ONLY applies to bodyguards, lookout-type sentries can still perform their duties in pvp-protected areas. You should still not bring a player-hostile bodyguard into a pvp-protected area.. it will run away and annoy people.
All invincible sentries will not retaliate, no blood no foul.
Fixed config bug for default strength and pyro3
v. beta 9/13/2012
Configuration is here!
Sentry now has a config.yml! You can:
Set default stats/options/targets/texts for new Sentries.
Customize the item that each type of sentry uses (matches only ID for now, id:data.. soon). Can also disable certain Sentry types.
Add Armor, Strength, and Speed buffs to various armor and weapon types. So your players can buff up their sentry without access to /sentry stat commands!
Apply ANY potion effect(s) to ANY weapon sentries use!
See Configuration Once the bugs are worked out of this new stuff. Sentry will be released as 1.0.
v. 0.9.7 beta 9/11/2012
The Peacekeepers have arrived! Give your sentry the event:pvp target and it will attack players that damage other players in its range.
Fix for Factions targets.
Fix for NPC targets.
Some fixes for bodyguards. They still don't like being taken across worlds. Think its a problem in citizens2 core.
v. 0.9.6 beta 9/10/2012
Known issue: changing worlds with a bodyguard will throw console errors. Working on fix.
Known issue: If there is a NPC on the server named after a Player, the player may be detected by the NPC: target.
Split out NPC: targets from PLAYER: targets.
Sorta fix for Factions.
Minor bugfizes
v. 0.9.5 beta 9/8/2012
Bodyguards will maintain a respectable distance.
Sentries will try to not stand in fire if they can help it, tends to void the warranty on their bowstrings.
v. 0.9.4 beta 9/7/2012
Fixes for stuck actions, requires build 334 of citizens2 or higher.
Better help for targeting and guard commands.
v. 0.9.3 beta 9/2/2012
Health is no longer limited to 20, should be able to use any value without external mods.
Implemented 'stuck' actions. Sentries should teleport to their guard targets or waypoints if they get stuck. If a Sentry gets stuck trying to path to a hostile target it will give up (and teleport back if it has waypoints) This functionality may still be a little buggy.
Fix mob aggression.
Stormcallers are now immune to all Lightning. Pyromancers are immune to all Fire. Witch Doctors are immune to all Poison.
v. beta 9/2/2012
Fix error from very fast healing
Fix error? from denizen hook.
v. 0.9.2 beta 9/2/2012
Compatible with latest Citizens2
v. 0.9.1 beta 9/1/2012
Through constant exposure Witch Doctors and lvl3 Pyromancers are no longer hurt by their own attacks (unless friendly fire in on.)
Accuracy improved for thrown potions.
v. 0.9.0 beta 8/31/2012
For the first time in 100 years, the venerated Order of the Stormcallers has descended from their monastery on the top of Mt. Creeperhorn. They have come to join their brethren in SentryCorps and share a century's worth of arcane secrets to push back the tide of evil sweeping the land! See #Equipment for details Wielding potent scrolls and ancient tomes the Stormcallers bring forth lightning to smite their foes!
The Stormcallers have taught the Pyromancer brigade to focus their chi and summon more powerful Fire!
The SentryCorp Ice Magi have learned to infuse their balls of ice with freezing power!
The secretive Witch Doctors have begun mass producing their potions of war. They make a mighty fine root beer float, too.
v. 0.8.9 beta 8/28/2012
Fix target, ignore, guard, warning and greeting commands to properly handle spaces.
Change damage event priority: All sentries should deal and receive damage independent of any PVP protection plugins, since they are not, by definition, players.
v. beta 8/27/2012
Removed upper limit on respawn.
Removed upper limit on healrate to allow faster healing. Heal rate is still the number of seconds between heals of 1hp but all values between 0.0 and 1.0 are now valid. So a heal rate of 0.5 is 2hp per second. A healrate of 0.1 is 10hp per second. a healrate of 0.01 is 100hp per second.
Fixed error if vault not installed.
Made Vault registration delayed for compatibility with slow perms systems.
v. beta 8/23/2012
Sentries take less knockback based on armor. Also honor the .5 second invulnerable period after hits that other Minecraft entities enjoy. This should make fighting them much more difficult and rewarding.
Removed the upper limit on health, strength, and armor. This is for compatibility with other plugins. Vanilla craftbukkit users should still use 1-20 for health, and 0-10 for strength and armor.
v. 0.8.8 beta 8/21/2012
Due to pending litigation, all Citizens SentryCorps personnel have been sent to Public Relations training. APPARENTLY some people were upset that Sentries were attacking people with no warning.
Added commands warningrange, warning, greeting See #Warn/Greet Fixed sentries giving up on retaliation targets after a few seconds.
Other bugfixes.
v. beta 8/20/2012
Fix group ignores.
Added valid target: entity:all
v. 0.8.7 beta 8/20/2012
Added command: ignore
Added target entity:owner
v. 0.8.6 beta 8/20/2012
Added Target Reassessment
When Sentries have an active target, every few seconds they will glance over their shoulders at other possible targets and switch if one has gotten closer. Stab me in the back once, shame on you, stab me in the back twice, shame on me. Added Denizen Command: LIVE
v. beta 8/19/2012
Minor fixes to perms, info, debugging info.
v. 0.8.5 beta 8/17/2012
Support for Factions. Use FACTION:FactionTag to target memebers of that faction.
Added Towny Nation support. Use NATION:NationName to target memebers of that Towny Nation.
v. beta 8/16/2012
Last-second heals will no longer allow a sentry to jump back into the fray after death, naked.
Sentries forget their target on death, shouldn't smack people nearby on respawn anymore.
v. 0.8.4 beta 8/15/2012
KNOWN ISSUE: Sentries with a single waypoint can cause VERY bad lag, either remove the single waypoint or make 2 waypoints until we can correct the issue.
Corrected in Citizens2 build #288 KNOWN ISSUE: Human-type NPCs cannot path up stairs or half-blocks
Corrected in Citizens2 build #291 If a Sentry NPC is owned by 'server' anyone with the 'citizens.admin' permission can run sentry commands on it. (if they also have the required Sentry permissions)
v. 0.8.3 beta 8/15/2012
Fix for group checking with some perms plugins.
Default pathfinding range much larger.
v. 0.8.2 beta 8/15/2012
Sentries will now take most forms of environmental damage:
Armor will be applied against damage from Cacti and TNT. Sentries do not drown or take fall damage (yet) Sentries that die from the environment will still run Scripted Death scripts if at least one player directly damaged them.
v. 0.8.1 beta 8/14/2012
Changed arrow-cleanup method. Should work better.
Small group permissions compatibility fix.
v. 0.8.0 beta 8/13/2012
Built in Towny support. (Thanks TerraNetworkOrg!)
Sentry does not require Towny, but if you use it you can add a &TOWN:TownName& target to your sentries and they will target players from that town. Added in a hack to periodically remove bugged arrows when no players are around. Hopefully this is temporary.
v. beta 8/12/2012
Fix Sentries not checking GROUP targets.
Checks for world groups first then global groups if no world groups found. Should be compatible with more perms systems.
Sentries will forget their attackers if they heal back to full health. (This only applies to Scripted Deaths)
v. beta 8/12/2012
Fix for doppelgangers on /citizens reload
Sentries set to not drop equipment also don't drop EXP.
v. 0.7.9 beta 8/11/2012
Added animations to projectile shot and healing. Added sound effect to blocked hits.
Workaround for Ranged Sentries not pathing after respawn.
v. beta 8/11/2012
Fix for denizen change. Fixed 2 NPEs.
v. 0.7.8 beta 8/10/2012
Full permissions system for each command in /sentry. See Permissions
v. beta 8/10/2012
Integration with Denizen. Now you can trigger scripts on a Sentry's death. Long, drawn-out, guilt-ridden death speeches are go. see Sentry and Denizen for more info.
Minor bugfixes.
v. 0.7.6 beta 8/8/2012
Added command: healrate
Sentries can now heal back health over time.
v. 0.7.5 beta 8/7/2012
Added command: spawn
All /sentry commands may now be run from the console.
Sentry damage is now independent of the weapon equipped. Damage is now equal to the sentry's Strength. The default for new Sentries is 1. If you already have Sentries created be sure to set the Strength, the old default was 0.
Lots of bugfixes to speed, pathing, guarding, damage, arrow physics.
v. beta 8/7/2012
Bugfixes all over.
Bodyguards will no longer take damage from other bodyguards guarding the same target. (unless friendly fire is on... and if FF and Retaliate are both on.. they will attack and kill each other (merc's have a temper.))
Bodyguards are more persistent. If you get separated from your guard move within its Range and it should start following you again. Remember where you parked your bodyguard!
Known bugs: Sentries sometimes take multiple hits.. note sure if Sentry or Core C2 problem. Bodyguards may lose their target.
TO DO: keep bodyguards from trying to stand on top of you and each other.
v. 0.7.4 beta 8/6/2012
known bug: cannot target individual hostile monster types, will fix soon
Added commands: respawn, guard, nightvision, friendlyfire.
Archers have gone back to basic training and can now shoot moving targets with deadly accuracy.
Arrows now a move little faster, archers have more range.
Sentries can be set to not see targets in dark conditions. Sneaking makes players harder to see. Thief missions Go!
Sentries can be set as bodyguards. (note this is not currently persistent and may have bugs)
v. 0.7.3 beta 8/4/2012
Added command: attackrate
Pyromancer sentries no longer shoot themselves in the face.
Tweaked the projectile physics and firing system.
Respawn fix and other bugfixes.
v. 0.7.2 beta 8/4/2012
Removed ignore-cone, All Sentries now use Line-Of-Sight to select targets.
Archers no longer stare at the spot of the last enemy.
Code re-arrange.
v. 0.7.2 beta 8/4/2012
Added commands: range
Sentries ignore a cone of space directly below them. This is to stop archers from shooting at their feet.
Fixed sentries being unable to target some mobs such as ghasts.
Archers with targets out of range no longer drop arrows at their feet.
v. 0.7.1 beta 8/3/2012
Added commands: info, armor, strength
All combat (ranged, player-npc, npc-npc, mob-npc) goes through the same calculations for armor, strength, and critical hits.
Sentry no longer creates a folder or config.yml. All options are stored within the Citizens saves.yml.
More bugfixes and cleanup.
v. 0.7.0 beta 8/2/2012
MC 1.3.1 Compatible
Added commands: invincible, retaliate, drops, criticals
Added ability to shoot bows and projectiles.
Sentries respond to damage from arrows.
Lots of bugfixes and minor updates.
v. 0.5.6 beta
Now working with the new builds of C2.
v. 0.5.5 beta
Fixed bugs.
v. 0.5 beta
Added the ability to specify targets.
Added the ability to set the Health and Speed of a Sentry.
'Stuck' Sentries now respawn after a while.
Fixed the death handling.
Fixed Sentries remembering their guard location on a restart.
v. 0.3 beta
Added ability to kill the NPCs. Swords kill faster. Built-in chance of criticals, etc.
Fixed targeting code, should be more efficient now.
Implemented respawning sequence.
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08:09 编辑
掉落的话 貌似只是身上的装备和手里的东西,(等我翻配置看看能不能改)&
我草  NPC新玩法
掉落的话 貌似只是身上的装备和手里的东西,(等我翻配置看看能不能改)
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08:48 编辑
""以及"我的世界"为Mojang Synergies AB的商标。本站与Mojang以及微软公司没有从属关系。


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