
> 一切向钱看 盘点史上十大开发成本最高的游戏作品
一切向钱看 盘点史上十大开发成本最高的游戏作品
发布时间:14-07-17 17:17
8、《GTA4》(GrandTheftAutoIV) &
制作成本:1亿美元 &
《GTA4》同样是由R星游戏公司发行的一款围绕犯罪为主题的开放式视频游戏。故事发生以美国洛杉矶及其周边地区为原型的城市洛圣都(LosSantos),该地点其实是基于现实地区中的洛杉矶和加州南部而制作。 &
该作的花销情报来源于制作人莱斯利-本泽斯(LeslieBenzies)的一次采访,预计《GTA4》的总制作成本大约在1亿美元左右,而该作在推出后的24小时销量就达到了惊人的360万份。 &
扫描二维码或添加微信号:love52pk 关注“52PK游戏网”
尽管现在已经出现三家高质量的VR头显厂商,我们本应该处在VR发展的全盛时期,但VR市场上存在一个令人悲伤的事实:盈利仍然是一个触摸不到的梦想。最近, Eerie Bear Games的Joe Radak 在Medium上发了一个帖子警告从业者们,如果现在去开发VR游戏的话,很有可能血本无归。这是一个值得注意的警告。Radak的益智游戏Light Repair Team#4是HTC Vive上推荐的游戏之一,而且在Steam上的评价也很不错。尽管有些帖子说这个拼图游戏有点太简单了,Radak自己也说只要70分钟就能通关。不过这个游戏也不算糟糕,毕竟一次下载Radak就能收费8美元。很多游戏开发者常常认为,一个两人组开发团队( Eerie Bear Games正是如此)在家里开发出一款游戏就能挣钱了。但到目前为止,Radak已经在这个游戏上损失了3万6千美元。所以,Radak发帖的目的是警告后来者不要太想当然。虽然游戏的95%的部分都是由Radak自己完成的,但他在帖子里描述了如果把游戏推荐给Valve和Oculus大概需要多资金。最便宜的可能是服务器了,三个月只需30美元,四个月需要支付人工成本4万美元,开办公司需要3500美元,调试两个曲子需要3000美元,合计4万6千美元。对于租了办公室的开发者来说,还有别的费用需要考虑,两台电脑就需要3000美元,办公室需要500~5000美元,甚至每个月的网费都要110美元。除此之外,Eerie Bear Games还需要向政府缴纳税款,向Epic Games提供使用虚幻引擎的版税,以及在Steam销售给予Valve公司的分成。“如果以全价7.99美元售出后,我们拿到手里的只有5.2美元”,Radak说,“所以,我们需要卖出5602套才能挣钱的预估是错误的,至少得卖到8949套才行,而且这个数字还是我们在家里,用自己的电脑工作的基础上估计的。”
发布时间: 10:57:12
medium_goldbars(from ongamedesign)
Why do games cost so much to make?
This was an FAQ I got from a lot of people, most recently from Youtuber Rebellion3112. My most recent attempt to explain it got so long that I thought it might just be better to post it here so that everyone can enjoy (and so in the future I can redirect people here and lazily continue lazing about).
Everyone thank Rebellion for sharing. (Thanks, Rebellion).
So let’s get started. It is REALLY hard to explain this without going into a ton of detail, but here’s how it works in the simplest possible explanation (and this is still really long):
Ignoring for a second how hard it is to make a good game, let’s just focus on how much it costs to make all the “things” (assets) that go into a game. We’ll assume that everything you try goes right the first time you try it, that you make no mistakes and get everything done precisely on time.
If you’re an average development studio in a place like Los Angeles or San Francisco, it costs a lot just to keep your doors open and your lights on (rent, insurance, employee benefits, power, government fees, bank interest, etc). But let’s ignore that and just assume that all costs $0.00 somehow.
Normally you have to look around for a while and try to get a publisher to pay you to make a game for them. During this time, you’re making no money and every month you’re still paying bills. But for now, let’s assume that somehow you already have a game deal, so you have $0.00 losses before you even start.
A note: the publisher has people working for them who cost money, too. For the sake of our example, let’s assume they don’t exist and cost $0.00.
So now you’ve got a deal with a publisher where they pay you a certain amount of money each month in exchange for you making a game for them. Usually, the amount you get changes every month (it costs more to make a game in the middle and at the end then it does at the very beginning), but let’s assume that somehow you’ve already done all that cheap pre-production work for $0.00 and all you have to do is the expensive production work.
Development deals of this type usually pay the development studio a generic amount of money per month for every employee that the developer has that is actively developing the game. Anyone your company has that isn’t a developer, like HR, IT, Lawyers, QA Testing (sometimes), CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, etc… don’t count in that amount that you get. So for the sake of this example, we’ll assume that every single person working at your company is a developer.
According to the 2011 Game Developer Magazine salary survey, the average salary for the four most basic development roles: Design, Programmers, Art/Animation, and Audio is about $81,000 per year (or about $6,750 a month). Remember also that this amount is probably including money the developer doesn’t get that goes to state and federal income taxes, social security taxes, or benefit deductions (which can take about 30%-40% of that number away).
Now you need to figure out how many developers it takes to make your game. This depends on how big your game is and a number of other things. These days, it can take hundreds of people to make a big-budget AAA title, but let’s take a smaller one: We had around 70 developers (probably more) actively working on Ratchet and Clank 2, so we’ll go with that number.
70 developers at the average of $6,750 each will cost you $472,500 per month that you’re making the game.
How long does it take to make this game of yours? That depends on the game you’re making. These days, it can take 2-3 years to make a AAA high-quality game, but the shortest time I’ve ever personally seen it done (factoring out pre-production) was about 9 months for Ratchet and Clank 3. Voila! It just cost you more than $4,250,000 to make all the things that go into your game!
Well what if we imagine that the game your company is making is an inexpensive phone game or a facebook game? You could make that with a team of maybe 10 people with 3 months (not counting pre-production time) if you’re really booking it. That’s more than $200,000! And remember, this is all JUST to pay your employees to make the things that go into your game.
Keep in mind that, as I already pointed out, this is not including any extra costs incurred besides those employees making things that go into your game — extra costs such as Marketing, Customer Support, Publisher QA, Certification, User Testing, Packaging, Shipping, Servers and IT, PR, Human Resources, Taxes, Government Fees, Accountants, Lawyers, Retailer/E-Retailer costs, and so forth (Gamestop or the Apple Store get about 30% of the sticker price).
All of these (and the countless other things I didn’t mention) bring a ton of value to the table, and are worth spending money on — so you can imagine how expensive things can get once you get out into the real world, but this might help explain a part of it.
So I hope that helps illustrate why games are so expensive. If you have any questions, just let me know in the comments and I’ll try to answer them.()
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