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Skin your Windows& desktop interface with WindowBlinds&
WindowBlinds Comparison
Key Features
Apply custom skins to your desktop
Add backgrounds, textures and colors to skins
Choose your own skin fonts
Design your own skins with SkinStudio
WindowBlinds enables you to make your desktop interface uniquely yours! Customize the start panel, taskbar,
window frames and control buttons! WindowBlinds enables users to customize desktop interface themes called skins to personalize
the look and feel of their desktop.
Download additional animated wallpapers from our
Visual styles
Select from the many skins included with WindowBlinds or choose from thousands of skins available for download at
Alternative skins
Select skins have multiple sub-styles that can be applied to suit your personal tastes. You can also save your style combinations as presets for quick access later.
Modify skins
Personalize any of the default Windows themes or any skins downloaded from
Easily change which fonts your skins use.
Make your skins the center of attention or allow them to blend into your backgrounds.
Find a great skin, but want to change the color scheme? WindowBlinds enables instant color changes from its configuration menu.
Personalize any skin by applying one of the textures included with WindowBlinds or use one of your own creations.
Explorer Backgrounds
Tired of looking at those boring white Explorer windows? Customize them with unique Explorer backgrounds.
Easy set-up
We have simplified the configuration menu to make personalizing your desktop quick and intuitive. Instantly preview your selections and adjustments before you apply them to your desktop.
Once you are happy with the changes you have made to your skin, save it by creating a preset. Presets enable you to access previous customizations and apply them to a skin quickly. Love tweaking your creations? Presets can be updated and deleted.
Randomized skins
WindowBlinds enables you to change skins randomly at timed intervals. Your desktop will never be boring again when you are greeted with a new skin every time you logon.
Per application skinning
Choose skins for each of your application types. For example, WindowBlinds enables your word processing software to use a different skin than your design programs. Exclude applications from WindowBlinds or choose other compatibility settings to fit your style.
Design your own skins
Each purchase includes SkinStudio, the powerful companion application for WindowBlinds that enables you to create your own skins. Edit controls, start menu, taskbars, Explorer windows, fonts, colors backgrounds and more with SkinStudio.
Easy to use
Customize only the parts of the Windows interface you want to change and SkinStudio will do the rest. This makes it easy for inexperienced users to create a great skin quickly. Advanced users can still enjoy designing every aspect of the Windows interface.
Skin included with WindowBlinds A simple and elegant style enhances any desktop.
Skin included with WindowBlinds Make your desktop look like another operating system.
Skin included with WindowBlinds Universal (modern) applications also receive new style options.
Older WindowBlinds can still be used and look good.
Relive the good old days of Windows 7.
Exciting skins are available at WinCustomize.com.
Many styles included and available for download.
Instant color changes to fit your style.
Adjust transparency and opacity.
Personalize any style by applying textures.
Carefully select, or randomize wallpapers.
Change settings to adjust how styles interact.
Customize the look of your desktop today
System Requirements
Windows 10/8/7
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I have been stuck with this for a while and don't seem to get around this.
I am trying to read the contents of an URL as a string from an URL, But i get a weird
Error -> Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)"
fetchedString = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"www.example.com/iphone"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
// if there is something wrong with the URL
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error -& %@", error);
What am I doing wrong? I tried using getting as NSData as well, but I get null back.
Yes, the URL is missing the scheme: "http://".
"Error -> Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256"
For the error code check the :
NSError codes in the Cocoa error domain.
NSFileReadUnknownError = 256,
"Read error, reason unknown"
Not that the error definition is very helpful. :-)
Also do not check if error is nil to determine if there is an error, check the return value for nil. error is not guaranteed to be nil on successful execution.
I had a similar problem accessing files located on my device.
I followed
and used [NSURL fileURLWithPath] instead of [NSURL URLWithString] - this worked!
If you're using sandboxing in your app, you might want to check that com.apple.security.network.client is set to YES. It's in the the General tab of your Target in Xcode 5 under
Network: Outgoing Connections (Client)
Also be aware that if you see a code 257 when trying to reach a file:/// url, that's also probably because of sandboxing, but this time rather the File Access part. Because I didn't want to open it to anything else than `com.apple.security.files.user-selected.read-write'
User selected files
I preferred to use
and use http://localhost:3000 when in Debug mode.
I got this error (Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256) as soon as our ssl certificate expired. that may not help you but could help someone else.
More reasons that might be causing this specific error:
SSL is misconfigured on the server
The server redirects (301) the http URL to https (see #1)
also uses this code for blocked requests.
I got the same error. The above marked answer is perfect. But in my case, I had the "http://" in the url but had to add the port number in the url request since there is a service running on a specific port that is actually responding to your request.
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