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保存至快速回贴23被浏览4,288分享邀请回答【另:文末有这个网站所有音效文件下载方法】【另:强烈安利上面这个网站,资料非常全,而且是根据官方更新即时同步的】Earthshaker(撼地者)First Blood…and you had better get used to it.Sven(斯温)Ha ha ha! First blood is a knight's great honor.Tiny(小小)First Blood…from a stone. Ha ha ha ha!First Blood! Better yours than mine.Kunkka(昆卡)First blood, and here come the sharks.Beastmaster(兽王)First blood, Hereaheh!Dragon Knight(龙骑士)First blood, heh heh heh he heh hah.The dragon draws first blood.Clockwerk(发条技师)First Blood! Ha ha ha ha ha!Omniknight(全能骑士)First blood! An offering to the Omniscience.First blood! And may the All-knowing one bear witness, hehehaaha!Huskar(哈斯卡)First blood! The gods were right to place their trust in me.Alchemist(炼金术士)First Blood! We're off to an explosive start!Brewmaster(酒仙)Shall we call this off and have a friendly round?First blood. Well, that was quick.First blood! I'll drink to that.Who is that? Show yourself!(unused)Treant Protector(树精卫士)First blood! From a deep-cut notch, the red sap flows.Io(艾欧)………………(是个没有台词的音效= =)Centaur Warrunner(半人马战行者)My hooves run red with first blood.The first of many bloodings.Timbersaw(伐木机)First blood! I cut you, and I split you, and I killed you! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Bristleback(钢背兽)Well, if it ain't first bloody blood.A little blood? First thing in the morning, Hah Hah haha!Well, look who's first.Tusk(巨牙海民)First blood! And that is how we do things in the north! Ha ha ha ha ha!That was first blood? I barely touched you! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!First blood! Now who wants to be second?Elder Titan(上古巨神)May this blood run deep to heal the world's wounds.You were the first to leave this plane.Legion Commander(军团指挥官)First blood stains the banners!First blood for the Bronze Legion!First blood for the Bronze Legion!(unused)First blood has been spilled!Earth Spirit(大地之灵)In war, a fool's first lesson is his last.(10% chance:They die so easy.How soft they are.)Phoenix(凤凰)………………(又是没有台词的音效)Axe(斧王)Ha ha, the blade of Axe has tasted first blood!Axe will whittle them down one by one.Pudge(帕吉)First Blood! Have I got juice on me chins?Sand King(沙王)First blood on the sand strikes the perfect note.Slardar(斯拉达)First blood, ehha hehee!Tidehunter(潮汐猎人)Blood in the water, time to feed!Wraith King(冥魂大帝)First Blood! I've still got it!It is only right that First Blood should go to your king!Lifestealer(噬魂鬼)First blood! And let there be no end to it.Night Stalker(暗夜魔王)First blood.First blood, first feast.Doom(末日使者)First blood, heh hah hah!Spirit Breaker(裂魂人)First blood! Hehaha!The first of many a blooded enemy.Lycan(狼人)First Blood! Ha ha hah! But far from the last.First Blood! I am the alpha wolf.Chaos Knight(混沌骑士)First blood, hehehahahah.How quickly chaos spreads.Undying(不朽尸王)First blood! They sing the song of death!!Magnus(马格纳斯)Ah, first blood, and so much more shall soon be spilled!Abaddon(亚巴顿)First Blood! An offering worthy of the House Avernus.Anti-Mage(敌法师)First blood! Hahahahahahaha!Drow Ranger(卓尔游侠)First blood, and a point well taken.Juggernaut(主宰)Last of my kind but first in this.Mirana(米拉娜)First blood! It was ours all along.Morphling(变体精灵)First Blood! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!Blood in the water!Phantom Lancer(幻影长矛手)First blood! Let our great combat begin!Vengeful Spirit(复仇之魂)That was but a first taste of revenge. Nn ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!Riki(力丸)(居然没有)Sniper(狙击手)(居然也没有)Templar Assassin(圣堂刺客)First blood! There's nothing more mysterious until it has been spilled.Luna(露娜)First blood! For Selemene and for the Dark Moon!Bounty Hunter(赏金猎人)First Blood, bagged and tagged.Ursa(熊战士)Hah-hah! My claws are red with the gore of first blood!Gyrocopter(矮人直升机)First blood! Now that's how it's done, kids! He he he he he!Lone Druid(德鲁伊)First blood! The end is set in motion! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!Naga Siren(娜迦海妖)First blood, this is why I came to the surface.Hahaha, first blood! That sets the perfect note.Troll Warlord(巨魔战将)First blood, last word.On to my next victim.Nyaheh heh, first blood, last word, I got it all.Ember Spirit(灰烬之灵)First blood! I am on fire! Ha ha ha ha ha!(unused)First blood! In flames!(10% chance:First blood is toast.)Bloodseeker(嗜血狂魔)First Blood! The Twins shall not thirst for long!Shadow Fiend(影魔)First soul swimming in First Blood sauce!First Blood…sauce for the soul.First Soul is more my sort of thing.Razor(剃刀)irst Blood, and the atmosphere's electric!Venomancer(剧毒术士)Ah, First Blood. He he he.First Blood, he he he he he he.First Blood is the sweetest.Faceless Void(虚空假面)First blood, hehehehaah!Phantom Assassin(幻影刺客)First blood!First victim!Viper(冥界亚龙)First blood.(unused)First blood, with a poison twist.Clinkz(克林克兹)First Blood. I'm on fire!Broodmother(育母蜘蛛)First blood, first bite!First blood goes to mother!Weaver(编织者)First blood, heha!The first thread is cut.Spectre(幽鬼)First Blood!Meepo(米波)First blood! Hey everyone's gotta start somewhere. Nha ha ha ha!Nyx Assassin(司夜刺客)First blood, heheah hah heh!First blood, heheah hah heh! Nyx, Nyx.In the name of Nyx, the first assassination is complete!Slark(斯拉克)First Blood! I've been wanting to say that since this all began.Medusa(美杜莎)First blood, and it came so easily.First blood -- I like to start with dessert.Terrorblade(恐怖利刃)First blood, hmm heh hmm hm.Sinner and saint bleed alike.The first sacrifice has been paid.First and foremost.Arc Warden(天穹守望者)First blood.First blood. And so the Great Unification commences.The Dire have shed first blood.(unused)The first blood of the Radiant is shed.(unused)First blood.Crystal Maiden(水晶室女)First Blood, and it's already icing over!Puck(帕克)What's this? A fascinating substance.First Blood! It shall be duly noted.Storm Spirit(风暴之灵)I accept this honor on behalf of storms everywhere!Windranger(风行者)First Blood! The Windranger gets there first!Zeus(宙斯)Mine by right as well as by might.Lina(莉娜)First Blood! This one's gonna be a scorcher!Shadow Shaman(暗影萨满)(没有……)Tinker(修补匠)First blood!First blood! He he ha ha ha ha ha.Nature's Prophet(先知)First blood, hahahahaah!Enchantress(魅惑魔女)First blood! Ha ha ha ha ha!First blood! Ah ha ha!Jakiro(杰奇洛)First blood, ha! And plenty for both of us!Chen(陈)That was my first conversion!First blood, hahahaha hahaha!Silencer(沉默术士)First blood, last words. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!Ogre Magi(食人魔魔法师)First Blood! You got some on you.First Blood! Did you mean to do that?Rubick(拉比克)First blood? What is this? I came here to be tested!Disruptor(干扰者)First blood, I thought I saw that in the forecast.My fleetstryder's tracks run red.Stryghor's tracks run red.Stryghor's tracks run red.(unused)Keeper of the Light(光之守卫)First blood! My quest begins auspiciously!Surely there was blood before that one? I can't quite remember.Skywrath Mage(天怒法师)Those who tangle with the Skywrath risk a fall from starry heights.(10% chance:I would give all this, and my blood too if it meant the Skywrath Scion were restored!)Oracle(神谕者)First blood! Out of fifty possibilities, that was my preferred.First blood! Oh ho ho!Techies(工程师)First blood? Uh, I only see a crater. Awww.. No blood?First blood! Start with a bang!(10% chance:First blood? Uh, I only see a crater. Awwww.. No blood? Nope.)Bane(祸乱之源)First blood! Ohoho, let this nightmare never end! Aha hahahahahahah!Lich(巫妖)(没有……)Lion(莱恩)(还是没有……)Witch Doctor(巫医)(没有……)(V爹是不是不待见这几个英雄= =)Enigma(谜团)First blood, a fundamental principle of warfare.Necrophos(瘟疫法师)First Blood! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Warlock(术士)First Blood. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Queen of Pain(痛苦女王)First blood! Just a little, he he he.Death Prophet(死亡先知)First blood. I foresee a great deal more.Pugna(帕格纳)Ah, first blood to Pugna.Ah ha! First Blood!Dazzle(戴泽)First Blood! Ha ha ha ha!Leshrac(拉席克)First Blood!This is well begun!Dark Seer(黑暗贤者)(80% chance:I cannot believe that worked.(20% chance:First blood, heh heh heh.Batrider(蝙蝠骑士)First Blood, right off the bat! Ha ha ha!Ancient Apparition(远古冰魄)First blood!Cold blooded!Invoker(祈求者)First blood, as indeed I am first in everything!Outworld Devourer(殁境神蚀者)First Blood, hm hm hm hm hm.Let them take this as an omen.Shadow Demon(暗影恶魔)First blood. Ah ha ha ha ha.With this blood I seal my promise of Dominion!Visage(维萨吉)First blood. More shall come.Winter Wyvern(寒冬飞龙)First blood comes with the first breath of winter.【音频文件下载方法(以英雄台词为例)】点击开头的链接进入主页,点击任意一个英雄头像,进入英雄资料页英雄资料页的英雄背景故事下方有一个“Responses”超链,点击就可以进入这个英雄所有台词展示页,这个页面提供了英雄所有台词的文本和音频试听左键点击播放键就可以试听对应台词配音下载方式:1.右键点击播放键,选择“目标另存为”就可以下载这句台词的音频文件2.如果1不可用,可以在页面右键选择“审查元素”,按ctrl+F,将想下载的台词文本复制到搜索框回车,元素会自动定位到这句台词的位置,直接复制对应位置以mp3为后缀的整条链接就可以下载另外,页面左边栏的cosmetics栏里面的music一栏,点开是所有音乐包,可以用同样方式下载手机铃声短信铃声什么的,用这些就好玩了~(我短信铃声是TK杀人之后的biubiubiu,每次都会在公共场合引来围观= =)112 条评论分享收藏感谢收起31 条评论分享收藏感谢收起后使用我的收藏没有帐号?
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