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美国报税表格- 什么是1040EZ 1040A
17:18 来源:中华会计网校&& |
你分得清楚什么是1040EZ、1040A表格吗?美国税务不单是法令复杂,各种表格,也让人搞不清楚状况。填对表格,不但是义务,还可以帮助你顺利退税。如果真得弄不清楚,要怎么选择报税表格,国税局有出品多本报税小册子,其中外国人报税指南(Publication 519)、与美国税收条约(Publication 901),这两本可以快速帮助你了解报税基本知识。 不论你的身分是公民,还是持有各种签证的外国人士,只要在美国有收入,通通都要报税。每年1月底前,纳税人会收到各工作岗位寄给你薪资所得凭单,如果是全职工作者收到的就是W-2表,上面记录有收入总额以及被扣除的额和社会福利税额。 此外,在家工作或是 Part time 的人,如果单身没小孩只要用1040EZ form即可,有小孩的用1040A,自己有房子,每月付贷款的,就必须要填最复杂的1040表了。这些1040表只是总表,副表(Forms and Schedules)还有很多种。 简单来说,每一个人都要填写基本报税单1040 (或 1040EZ 或 1040A)。此外,在搭配其它的表格。
1. 1040表格 1040表格,是美国个人收入联邦税申。这份表格是报税人每年都会用到的基本表格。如果你的退税情况并不复杂,可以使用1040A或1040EZ表。1040A表,是1040表,美国个人收入联邦税申报表的简化表。 1040EZ:这个类型的报税单,条件是单身或者夫妻联合报税,没有依附人(dependent)。1040EZ也是申报个人收入最简化的税表。纳税人如果没有减扣税额、不需要调整总收入、只有纯工资收入、利息或者只有失业金收入,没有附属家眷就可选择该表。 如果你选择以传统的手写填表方式来报税的话,国税局IRS建议你采用最简单的报税表。 1040A:包含了多几样1040EZ表中没有的项目。如果你采用列举扣除法、申报多项负责的投资收入和其它收入时,则必须采用1040常规税表。如果你的缴税收入少于50,000美元,你不扣除减税项目,你可以使用这个报税单。 此外与1040表格一起使用的程序表清单还有: 程序单A (Schedule A):减税项目((itemize deductions) )。 程序单B (Schedule B):报告纳税的利息或超过400美元的股息(report taxable interest or dividends in excess of $400)。 程序单C or C-EZ (Schedule C或者C-EZ):报告一份企业的盈利和亏损(report profit or loss from a business)。 程序单D (Schedule D):报告资金的盈利和亏损(report capital gains and losses)。 程序单E (Schedule E):报告补充的收入和损失(report supplemental income and losses)。 程序单EIC (Schedule EIC):要求劳动收入税的减除额(claim earned income tax credit)。 【】
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电话:010-0Form 1040ezIRS Form 1040EZ & Instructions for Filing
IRS Form 1040EZ & Instructions for Filing
The IRS Form 1040EZ is one of the simplest and easiest of the three 1040 tax forms for taxpayers to fill out when filing their federal income taxes. This form is available to those who have a taxable income that does not exceed $100,000, don’t have any dependents to claim on their taxes, and use the filing status “single” or “married filing jointly”.
The form is one page in length and only includes four small sections that have to be completed. If you plan to file with IRS Form 1040EZ it is recommended that you use:
This will allow you to prepare and file your federal taxes for free.
Table of Contents
1040EZ 2017 Form Instructions
At the top of this tax form, like all of the other IRS tax forms, you will have to provide various personal information, which includes, but is not limited to, your name, address, and social security number. Keep in mind, your status has to be “single” or “married filing jointly”. You will not be able to claim any dependents, so the next section will be sources of income.
Sources of Income
The IRS tax form 1040EZ only allows you to report wages, salaries, tips, taxable interest that does not exceed $1,500, unemployment compensation, and Alaska permanent fund dividends. If you have other income to report such as alimony or dividends, unfortunately, you will not be able to file with this tax form. Instead, you will be required to file your federal taxes via Form 1040 or Form 1040A.
Once you finish filling in your information, the form will combine your allowable standard deductions and exemptions and deduct this information from your gross income to present your taxable income. Your taxable income is the amount that you have to pay taxes on. Keep in mind, when you file your federal tax return online, they automatically do the calculations for you.
Payments, Credits & Tax
The next section on
form 1040EZ is payments, credits and tax. This is where you put all of the tax payments you have made via your employer withholding money from your paychecks each pay period. You will find this information on your W-2, which your employer should have provided to you.
If you are eligible to claim the making work pay tax credit or the
you will also claim that in this section of the form. However, these are the only two allowable tax credits when filing with this tax form. After that is done, you will total your payments and credits before moving on to calculate how much tax is owed on your taxable income. When you file your taxes online, all of the credits will automatically be determined based on the answers you give to their simple questions.
Calculating Refunds and Amounts Due
If you find that your tax payments and credits are more than the amount that you owe, you will receive a refund from the IRS. You can use the
to see how you will receive. To receive your money the quickest enter your bank information and have it direct deposited. In the event, that you still owe taxes, you will want to pay the remaining amount with your tax return. Instructions on how to do so are on the tax form.
How to File a 1040ez for Free
TurboTax Absolute Zero became available on January 9, 2015. It enables taxpayers who file the 1040A and 1040EZ forms to do so for free. This is the case for both federal and state tax returns. No filing fees go to Federal, State, or any agency that files tax returns.
Those who make modest incomes tend to end up paying exorbitant fees to have their taxes prepared. Nonetheless their tax returns are fairly straightforward. With TurboTax Absolute Zero, filing fees are eliminated while you have the opportunity to get as large a refund back as possible.
There are no hidden costs for using the Absolute Zero. Taxpayers in compliance with the new Affordable Care Act laws or who want to claim the earned income credit will not pay extra. Outside tax preparers often charge extra fees for such things. Millions of Americans can therefore save on filing fees and on their taxes.
Qualifying for Absolute Zero
First, you have to file a EZ form. Americans with a taxable income of less than or equal to $100,000 are qualified to use these forms and claim standard deductions. Independent contractors, homeowners, and also Americans with medical expenses qualify to use these forms and file their 1040ez for free. . You can even file early and get your tax refund sooner than most taxpayers.
For example, TurboTax Online can
for you. Do you know how many risks of errors this reduces? Millions of tax refunds are delayed by weeks because of human error entering a wrong number or letter. If you use TurboTax to complete your income tax form, your tax return will be scanned for any potential errors or IRS audit triggers.
a when you file your 1040ez form to see how easy it can be. You can try the tax software for free because you pay nothing until you decide to print or file the tax return.
An Easy Way to File or Download Your 1040ez Form
If you’re looking for a simpler way to file your taxes, you might want to consider using e-file. Electronic filing is available from a number of companies, and it’s a free service for many taxpayers. Electronic filing on the Internet also has the added benefit of being much more accurate and secure than paper filing, and the online services are excellent at helping you get the best possible refund.
with TurboTax you get peace of mind that your taxes will be done right. With with the biggest refund possible. Guaranteed! You can also download the 1040ez tax form at our tax forms page at any time. These tax forms are available online for all taxpayers to use if you want to prepare and file your tax return by pen and paper.
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Contact Us选择1040EZ,&1040A还是1040表格
& 情形一:您的年龄必须是65周岁以下并且您双目没有失明。如果您的年纪超过65岁或者您有双目失眠的情况,您就不能用1040EZ表格申报了。
& 情形三,如果在申报联邦税的时候,您有dependents,在这种情况下,您就不能用1040EZ表格,因为在1040EZ表格上没有选项去填写您的dependents的信息,如果您没有dependents,你还是可以选择使用1040A表格或者1040表格。
& 虽然现在税务局采用了E-File,税务局的系统会根据您的情况,自动替您选择正确的表格,对那些还是喜欢用纸质表格申请报税的人,知道以上的情形还是很重要的,还有您要知道现在税务局不会再给您邮寄纸质的个税申报了表了,您可以在税务局的网站上订购您需要的表格,或者在当地的税务局办公
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。Popular 1040 Forms
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IRS 1040 EZ Form
This is the shortest of the IRS income tax returns. Often referred to as the 'easy form', the 1040EZ can only be filed by a taxpayer with no dependants. It is a simplified 6-section form. Due to its short nature, the 1040EZ holds a number of restrictions. The taxpayer(s) cannot have a taxable income over $100,000 and must take the standard deduction. Other restrictions include: must be 65 years old or younger, no adjusted incomes, single or married and filing jointly, claiming only the Earned Income Tax Credit, or didn't receive advanced EIC payments.
Note: You must have
to view the form below.


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