
[xīng luó qí bù]
星罗棋布的意思:罗:罗列;布:分布。象天空的星星和棋盘上的棋子那样分布着。形容数量很多,分布很广。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油!!!
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棋 基本解释棋[qí]名:棋,国际象棋。名chess or any board game:棋。棋 汉英大词典棋[qí][名] (文娱项目的一类) chess or any board game:  例:国际象棋    (international)    下一盘棋        象棋    C    跳棋    C Chinese draughts棋 网络解释1. checkers:据中新社电 加拿大一组科学家用18年的时间,开发了堪称无敌的国际象棋(checkers)电脑程序---契努克(Chinook). 该组科学家宣称,没有人能够打败它;哪怕对手一步也不出错,顶多也只是取得和局.棋 双语例句1. 棋的解释1. Patrick Wolff-美国棋两度冠军,也会再度在会场蒙眼与所有挑战者对奕,他向我透露,他从来没有这样与四位以上的对手下棋,不过他今年会试着挑战同时对付五位甚至是六位对手,如果你也是个棋迷,记得到现场找 Patrick 挑战,但在下棋前记得要确定他的眼睛是否真的蒙住了。&&&&Patrick Wolff, twice US chess champion, will again be in the mall playing blindfolded against all comers. He tells me that he has never tried to play more than four games simultaneously while handicapped this way but might try to bump that limit to five or six this year. If you're a chess fan, take Patrick on -- but be sure to check his blindfold before your first move.2. 2. 这是一着聪明棋。。。&&&&It was a clever move.3. 但在围棋方面却还没达到这种程度,因为围棋有一种很玄妙的,以所谓形为基础的东西,高手往往从形就能直观判定形势和某一手棋的好坏,不需要计算。&&&&But had not reached this kind of level however in go respect, because go has one to plant very abstruse, it is fundamental thing with so-called form, ace often from form the stand or fall with respect to situation of can intuitionistic judgement and some skill chess, do not need consideration.4. 4. 2007年奥林匹亚数学及自然竞赛,已经进行完第一阶段的比赛,恭喜林郁翔(602)小朋友进入数学科的决赛,也恭喜谢育展(604)、吴蕙如(603)、吴岱霖(605)、张硕钧(503)、吴弼庭(504)、陈子宜(503),谢孟儒(503)、龚柏安(501)、李佳勋(505)、陈家棋(503)、黄旋凯(504)、谢孟轩(303)等十二位小朋友进入自然科复赛,谢谢辛苦指导的老师们,学校也将於9/26~10/5继续为小朋友进行集训课程,祝福他们在复赛中能脱颖而出,进而代表国家参加国际竞赛。&&&&The International Mathematics and Science Olympiad competition for Primary School of 2007 first run was held on Sep 16th.5. 她正和克蕾丝在下棋。&&&&Kless and she is in a chess game.6. 6. 那是一种博弈棋,两方棋子分有不同的用处,厮杀起来既考谋略又要细心,丹露在克蕾丝的攻势下溃败千里。&&&&It is a chess game, the pawn of the two parties have different points of usefulness, both to fighting strategy but also careful examination, Dan Lu Kless offensive in the defeat Trinidad.7. 案发当时凶手从她父亲的将棋磐上拿走了一枚王将棋子,因此她认为凶手可能是一名将棋棋手。&&&&Shion's parents were brutally murdered in front of her when she was 5 years old.8. 此系统平台主要分成二部份:(1)耳穴电刺激-采用两台Digitimer单相定电流刺激器组成,控制使其产生双相可调整频率和强度之定电流输出;(2)视觉刺激与脑波记录-视觉刺激采用电脑萤幕实现棋格翻转控制,脑波记录用NeuroScan公司所开发的脑波仪,记录电极放在大脑枕叶区之Oz、O1与O2位置。&&&&The developed system platform is mainly divided into two parts:(1) Acupoint stimulation- Acupoint stimulation uses two Digitimer`s single phase constant current stimulators, which can generate biphasic constant current output with adjustable fre (2) Visual stimulation and EEG recording- Visual stimulation uses a computer screen with pattern reversal displaying. EEG recording uses a Neuroscan`s EEG machine, where electrodes are placed on the Oz, O1 and O2 positions of occipital area.9. 9. 马晓春掷钱币猜输了,这盘棋只得让聂卫平先''。&&&&Ma'.''Xiaochun lost the toss and had to let Nie Weiping to start the game of''.10. 棋什么意思10. 如果营销经理持续表现不佳,那么公司的最后一步棋就是请他走,另找他人取代。&&&&If the marketing manager's poor performance continues, then in the last resort the company will have to remove him and replace him with someone else.11. 一些人认为西洋棋不仅是一种游戏而是一门科学。&&&&&&Some people think that chess is a science, not just a game.12. 他喜欢和他父亲玩西洋棋。&&&&&&He likes to play chess with his father.13. 基于HLA的防空导弹指挥控制棋型,由目标流产生、指挥控制、武器系统及显控等联邦成员组成。&&&&&&The command and control model of anti-aircraft missile, which is on the basis of HLA, is constituted of this kind of federation member: the generation of target streaming, command and control, and weapon system.14. 14. 葛兰:我正在看一本西洋棋手册。&&&&&&Grant: I'm reading a chess manual.15. 针对这一点,本文提出了两种解决的方法:将图像方差标准化,拉大棋糊边缘处的梯度值,或者通过设置sigmoid函数,将像素点所在区域的信息传递到梯度值中去,对梯度值进行调整,这样就能够设定合适的阈值,有效地将模糊边缘提取出来。&&&&&&In this paper, two methods are proposed to enhance the difference detector: enlarging the image gradient by using local image variance normalization preprocessing, and adjusting the gradient by setting sigmoid function to transfer some region information to image gradient. Accordingly, the appropriate threshold can be set for fuzzy edge detection.16. 911查询·英语单词16. 加拿大代表队给了当地的孩子们一些指导,并和新朋友们进行了一场腰棋橄榄球的表演赛。&&&&&&Canada's representatives gave some coaching tips and played an impromptu game of flag football with their new friends.17. 卡萨瑞和他的同伴必须比他棋高一招,而不是因反派的愚蠢而获胜。&&&&&&Cazaril and his compatriots are forced to actually outthink him rather than winning due to the villain's stupidity.18. 2.3每个国家棋协在任意组别里最多可以申报2名外加选手。8岁以下组参赛选手同样作为附加棋手参赛。&&&&&&3 At most two (2) additional players per category from one national Federation can also be registered.19. 安康市汉滨区旅游局阮岗侠局长发明的五行棋,以五行理念为根基,以相生相克为特色,棋法变换多样,寓教于乐,在下棋的同时即对中国传统文化进行潜移默化的了解,是一款独具特色的棋类佳品。&&&&&&There are varied methods of tra at the same time is an understanding to Chinese traditional culture.20. 岁退伍军人宴会秘书的免职,已经管理上海有四年之久,是一个决定性的以取得优势的开局棋法断言他的控制的不但匈牙利先生的一次移动示范他的决心抓住腐败而且已经是江泽明的 powerbase,他的前任和领袖对手的一个城市,几乎 20 年。&&&&&&The dismissal of the 59-year-old veteran party secretary, who has run Shanghai for four years, is not only a move by Mr Hu to demonstrate his determination to tackle corruption but is a crucial gambit to assert his control over a city that has been the powerbase of Jiang Zemin, his predecessor and chief rival, for almost 20 years.棋是什么意思,棋在线翻译,棋什么意思,棋的意思,棋的翻译,棋的解释,棋的发音,棋的同义词,棋的反义词,棋的例句,棋的相关词组,棋意思是什么,棋怎么翻译,单词棋是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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