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'Selfie' named by Oxford Dictionaries as word of 2013
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The Pope posed for this picture with youngsters in August, with the resulting selfie going viral
"Selfie" has been named as word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries.The word has evolved from a niche social media tag into a mainstream term for a self-portrait photograph, the editors said.Research suggested its frequency in the English language had increased by 17,000% in the last year, they added.
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Media caption"Selfie" is the word of 2013, but the BBC's Lucas de Jong quizzes people on the streets of London as to the meaning of other shortlisted words
Other shortlisted words included "twerk" - a raunchy dance move performed by Miley Cyrus - and "binge-watch" - meaning watching lots of TV."Schmeat", meaning a form of meat synthetically produced from biological tissue, was also a contender.
The word of the year award celebrates the inventiveness of English speakers when confronted with social, political or technological change.In 2004,
the word of the year was "chav", in 2008 it was credit crunch and last year it was "omnishambles".To qualify, a word need not have been coined within the past 12 months, but it does need to have become prominent or notable in that time.Selfie is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as "a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website".Its increase in use is calculated by Oxford Dictionaries using a research programme that collects around 150 million English words currently in use from around the web each month.This software can be used to track the emergence of new words and monitor changes in geography, register, and frequency of use.Selfie can be traced back to 2002 when it was used in an Australian online forum, according to Oxford Dictionaries.
Image caption
The Obama girls take a selfie
A man posted a picture of injuries to his face sustained when he tripped over some steps. He apologised for the fact that it was out of focus, saying that it was not because he was drunk but because it was a selfie.This year, selfie has gained momentum throughout the English-speaking world, helped by pictures such as one of the Pope with teenagers that went viral.
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Media captionOxford Dictionaries online editor Richard Holden explains the choice of "selfie" as word of the year
Judy Pearsall, editorial director for Oxford Dictionaries, said: "Social media sites helped to popularise the term, with the hashtag #selfie appearing on the photo-sharing website Flickr as early as 2004, but usage wasn't widespread until around 2012, when selfie was being used commonly in mainstream media sources."Selfie was added to the Oxford Dictionaries Online in August, but is not yet in the Oxford English Dictionary, although it is being considered for future use.Other words that were shortlisted included "showrooming" - examining a product at a shop before buying it online at a lower price - and bitcoin - a digital currency in which transactions can be performed without the need for a central bank.
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扫描下载二维码From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
System 7 (codenamed "Big Bang" and sometimes retrospectively called Mac OS 7) is a -based
computers and is part of the
series of operating systems. It was introduced on May 13, 1991, by
It succeeded , and was the main Macintosh operating system until it was succeeded by
in 1997. Features added with the System 7 release included , personal , , , and an improved user interface.
"System 7" is often used generically to refer to all . With the release of version 7.6 in 1997, Apple officially renamed the operating system "Mac OS", a name which had first appeared on System 7.5.1's boot screen. System 7 was developed for Macs that used the
line of processors, but was ported to the
after Apple adopted the new processor.
The development of the Macintosh "Systems" up to
followed a fairly smooth progression with the addition of new features and relatively small changes and upgrades over time. Major additions were fairly limited, notably adding Color QuickDraw and
in System 6. Some perspective on the scope of the changes can be seen by examining the official system documentation, . This initially shipped in three volumes, adding another to describe the changes introduced with the , and another for the
These limited changes meant that the original Mac system remained largely as it was when initially introduced. That is, the machine was geared towards a single user and task running on a
based machine of extremely limited . However, many of the assumptions of this model were no longer appropriate. Most notable among these was the single-tasking model, the replacement of which had first been examined in 1986's "Switcher" and then replaced outright with MultiFinder in System 5. Running MultiFinder normally required larger amount of RAM and a , but these were becoming common by the late 1980s.
While additions had been relatively limited, so had fixes to some of the underlying oddities of the system architecture. For instance, to support a limited form of multitasking, the original Mac OS supported small co-resident programs known as
which had to be installed into the using special tools. If the system were able to support multiple tasks, this one-off solution would no longer be needed — desk accessories could simply be small programs, placed anywhere. Yet, as MultiFinder was still optional, such a step had not been taken. Numerous examples of this sort of problem could be found throughout the system.
Finally, the widespread adoption of hard drives and
led to any number of new features being requested from users and developers. By the late 1980s, the list of new upgrades and suggested changes to the existing model was considerable.
In March 1988, shortly after the release of System 6, technical middle managers at Apple held an offsite meeting to plan the future course of Mac OS development. Id features that seemed simple enough to implement in the short term (like adding color to the ) were written on blue cards, longer-term goals like true multitasking on pink cards, and "far out" ideas like an
on red cards. Development of the ideas contained on the blue and pink cards was to proceed in parallel, and at first the two projects were known simply as "blue" and "pink" (including ). Apple intended to have the "blue" team (which came to call themselves the "" after characters in ) release an updated version of the existing Macintosh operating system in the
timeframe, and the "pink" team to release an entirely new OS around 1993.
As Blue was aimed at relatively "simple" upgrades, the feature list reads to some degree as a sort of "System 6, corrected". In the underlying OS, a number of formerly optional components were made mandatory:
32-bit , supporting so-called "true color" imaging, was
it was previously available as a system extension.
A new Sound Manager , version 2.0, replaced the older
APIs. The new APIs featured significantly improved , as well as higher-quality playback. Although technically not a new feature for System 7 (these features were available for System 6.0.7), Sound Manager 2.0 was the first widespread implementation of this technology to make it to most Mac users.
System 7 paved the way for a full 32-bit address space, from the previous 24-bit address space. This process involved making all of the routines in OS code use the full 32 bits of a
as an address—prior systems used the upper bits as . This change was known as being "32-bit clean". While System 7 itself was 32-bit clean, many existing machines and thousands of applications were not, so it was some time before the process was completed. To ease the transition, the "Memory" control panel contained a switch to disable this feature, allowing for compatibility with older applications but rendering any RAM over 8 MB unusable.
System 7 made MultiFinder's
Furthermore, a number of oddities in the original System, typically included due to limited resources, were finally changed to use basic underlying OS features:
Trash was now a normal directory, allowing items to be preserved between reboots and disk eject events instead of being purged.
"" (small pieces of INIT code that extended the system's functionality) were relocated to their own subfolder (rather than in the root level of the
itself as on earlier versions) and they could be installed or removed at the user's will simply by moving these "extensions" to or from the folder and then rebooting the computer. There was an auto-routing feature for extensions, control panels, fonts and Desk Accessories where they could simply be dropped onto the System folder. The system would detect the type and automatically place the moved files in the appropriate subdirectories. On reboot, the System would read the files and install the extensions, without the user having to do anything else. Additionally, all extensions and panels (see below) could be temporarily disabled by holding down the shift key when booting up. Later versions of System 7 offered a feature called "" which simplified the process of enabling/disabling individual extensions. Extensions were often a source of instability and these changes made them more manageable and assisted trouble-shooting.
Similarly, the
became the Control Panels folder (found in the System Folder, and accessible to the user from an alias in the Apple menu). The control panels themselves became separate files, stored within this directory. Control panels are essentially system extensions with a user interface.
(previously home only to desk accessories pulled from "DRVR" resources in the ) now listed the contents of a folder ("Apple Menu Items"), including aliases (see below). Desk accessories had originally been intended to provide a form of multitasking and were no longer necessary now that real multitasking was always enabled. The desk-accessory technology was deprecated, with System 7 treating them largely the same as other applications. Desk accessories now ran in their own process rather than borrowing that of a host application.
Under System 6, the Apple Menu contained both a list of desk accessories, as well as a list of running programs under MultiFinder. In System 7 the list of active programs was re-located to its own Application Menu.
The system also offered a wide variety of new features:
Personal . Along with various
improvements for
setup, System 7 also included a basic file sharing server allowing any machine to publish folders to the AppleTalk network.
Aliases. An
is a small file that represents another object in the . A typical alias is small, between 1 and 5 KB. Similar in concept to
and , an alias acts as a
to any object in the file system, such as a , an , a , a , a
or removable medium or a . When , the computer will act the same way as if the original file had been double-clicked. Likewise, choosing an alias file from within an "Open"
would open the original file. (Unlike the path-based approach of shortcuts and symbolic links, aliases also store a reference to the file's catalog entry, so they continue to work even if the file is moved or renamed. Aliases have features of both
found on -based systems. All three are supported on .)
Drag and drop. Document icons could be dragged with the mouse and "dropped" onto application icons to open in the targeted application. Under System 6, one either double-clicked on a document icon to open its associated application, or one could open the desired application and use its Open . The development of the drag-and-drop paradigm led to a new concept for some applications—such as —whose main interactions were intended to be via drag and drop. System 7.5's
expanded the concept system-wide to include multiple data types such as text or audio data.
"Stationery", a
feature that allowed users to save often-used document styles in special format. "Stationery-aware" applications would create a new, untitled file containing the template data, while non-aware applications would immediately show a
asking the user for the file's name.
, a widget-identification system similar to .
for automating tasks. While fairly complex for application programmers to implement support for, this feature was powerful and popular with users, and it remains supported as part of .
. Supporting AppleScript was a new
model for "high-level" events to be sent into applications, along with support to allow this to take place over an
. This feature permitted
"published" by one application to be imported ("subscribed to") by another, and the data could be updated dynamically. Programmers complained that the
was unwieldy, and relatively few applications ended up adopting it.
outline fonts. Up to this point, all fonts on the Macintosh were bitmapped, or a set of bitmapped screen fonts paired with ou TrueType for the first time offered a single font format that scaled to any size on screen and on paper. This technology was recognized as being so important that a TrueType extension for System 6 was also released, along with an updated
capable of installing these new kinds of fonts into the System 6 System file.
A newly colorized . Although this feature made for a visually appealing interface, it was optional. On machines not capable of displaying color, or those with their display preferences set to monochrome, the interface defaulted back to the black-and-white look of previous versions. Only some widgets were colorized—scrollbars, for instance, had a new look, but buttons remained in black and white.
System 7.1 marked the advent of System Enablers, small extensions that were loaded at startup to support Macintosh models introduced since the last OS revision. Under System 6, Apple had to introduce a number of minor revisions to the OS solely for use with new hardware. Apple introduced an unprecedented number of new Macintosh models during the System 7 era, leading to some confusion over .
System 7 was the first Apple operating system to be available on , although it shipped on a set of 15 floppy disks initially. Unlike earlier systems, System 7 itself did not come bundled with major software packages. Newly purchased
computers had System 7 installed and were often bundled with software such as ,
and . Later, the
family added various
including , , ,
and . Since System 7 was introduced before the Internet came to popular attention, software such as ,
were not included at first, but was later available on disk from
and bundled with books such as 's [ Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh.
machines also included , a graphing calculator. System 7 also includes
networking and file sharing software in the form of system extensions and control panels.
The basic utilities installed by default with System 7 include
(which was replaced by
in later versions) for basic text editing tasks and reading
documents. Also available on the additional "Disk Tools"
for disk repair and
for initializing and partitioning disks.
Later versions of System 7, specifically System 7.5 and Mac OS 7.6, come with a dedicated "Utilities" folder and "Apple Extras" folder including: , ,
Extras and
Movie Player. More optional extras and utilities could be manually installed from the System CD.
System 7.1.2 is the first version of the Macintosh System Software to support Apple's new -based computers. 68k applications which had not yet been updated to run natively on these systems were
transparently (without users' having to intervene) by a built-in . , which contained the code necessary to run natively on both PowerPC and 68k systems, became common during this time. This process was similar to the distribution of
System 7.0 through 7.1 offered a utility called , which could access the contents of - and -formatted floppy disks. System 7 Pro, System 7.5 and up shipped with , previously a separate product, which allowed the system to mount FAT-formatted
on the desktop in the same manner as regular Macintosh disks.
disks were read as PC DOS disks, due to fact that OS/2 used the FAT file system. At this time, Macs could also read and write UNIX file systems with the help of extra software.
System 7 allowed users to access PC networks and allowed communication via TCP/IP and other compatible networking stacks. Actual PC software compatibility, however, required third party software such as SoftPC, which allowed some MS-DOS and early Microsoft Windows programs to run, or Connectix , which allowed the Mac to run Windows via full PC emulation.
Other PC compatibility solutions took a more native approach by running Windows and MS-DOS by using x86 expansion cards with an x86 chip on the card. Apple offered some systems configured this way, marketed as "DOS Compatible"—a card with dedicated x86 CPU and RAM was used, while the Mac hard drive, sound subsystem, networking and input provided services to the PC. The PC could run simultaneously with the Mac, and the user could switch between the two in a fashion similar to a . The earliest of these systems were 680x0 based systems running System 7. System 7 provided the support for accessing the PC volume from the Mac through its own PC Exchange software, and actual control of the PC hardware was accomplished by way of control panels.
At the time of its release, many users noticed that performance suffered as a result of upgrading from
to System 7,[] though newer hardware soon made up for the speed difference. Another problem was System 7's large "memory footprint": System 6 could boot the system from a single 800k
and took up about 600
of , whereas System 7 used well over a . It was some time before the average Mac shipped with enough RAM built in for System 7 to be truly comfortable. System 7 was the first system release that could no longer be usefully run on floppy-only systems. Although most Macintosh models sold at the time included a hard disk as standard equipment, owners of older models were required to upgrade by buying either a new Mac or external
hard disk drive if they wished to run System 7.
In order to take advantage of System 7's virtual memory feature, a Macintosh equipped with a
is required. The Motorola 68030 CPU has one built-in, and one can be added to the motherboard of the 68020-equipped . The other Macintosh model using an '020, the , cannot use virtual memory. Apple introduced the '030-equipped
shortly after System 7's introduction. Despite the newer processor, the LCII retained the earlier model's 16-bit bus and did not perform any faster than the LC it replaced.
Despite these setbacks, System 7.0 was adopted quite rapidly by Mac users, and quickly became one of the base requirements for new software.
The engineering group within Apple responsible for System 7 came to be known as the "", named after the blue
on which were written the features that could be implemented in a relatively short time as part of Apple's operating system strategy. In comparison, the pink index card features were handled by the Pink group, later becoming the ill-fated
System 7.0 was the last version of the Macintosh operating system was available for no charge and could be freely redistributed. Although System 7 could be purchased from Apple, the cost was nominal and considered to only cover duplication and media. It was common for Macintosh dealers to allow customers to use the store's demo machines to copy System 7 install disks for the cost of a box of floppies. CD-ROM magazines such as Nautilus included System 7 on their disks. After Mac users downloaded thousands of copies of System 7 from the online services (AOL, CompuServe and GEnie), Apple surveyed the services and based on this popularity started selling the Mac OS as a retail product with System 7.1. Apple continued charging for major operating system upgrades until the release of
Soon after the initial release of System 7, the 7.0.1 minor update was released in October 1991. A patch called "System 7 Tune-Up" also followed, which fixed the "disappearing files" bug in which the system would lose files and added "minimum" and "preferred" memory allotments to an application's Get Info box.
In August 1992, the 7.1 update was released. This was the first version of the system software that Apple charged money for. Of this change,
System 7.1 was remarkable for another reason, too: It was the first system software update Apple didn’t give away. You had to buy it, much to the fury of user groups and online services that had gotten used to making each new system release available to everybody. Backing down in the face of the protests, Apple eventually offered the System 7.1 upgrade kit to user-group and online service members for less than $30. But the writing was on the wall: Apple was jealous of Microsoft, system-software superstore to the world. Many wondered if the upgrade was even worth it. System 7.1 incorporated a huge number of changes, but the vast majority were deep-seated, core-level rewrites that added no usefulness to standard American Mac users.
— David Pogue, MacWorld Macintosh Secrets, 4th edition
New to 7.0 is the Fonts folder. This replaced the often time-consuming method of dragging fonts to and from the System file, introduced in System 7.0; it also replaced the
application from System 6, which could also be used with 7.0. 7.1 also included a lot of internal changes to support internationalization of dates, time, and numbers. It was also was the first version to support "Enablers", which removed the requirement to release a new version of the system software every time new hardware was released.
A set of specialized versions of 7.1, ranging from 7.1P1 to 7.1P6 (excluding 7.1P4) were created and included with various
models that were already available or were released after 7.1. These specialized versions included , Launcher, and some other changes that were integrated into later versions of the system software.
The first major upgrade was System 7.1.1, also known as "System 7 Pro". This release was a bundle of 7.1 with AppleScript tools,
(AOCE). While System 7 had some trouble running in slightly older machines due to memory footprint, System 7 Pro barely fit into any Macintosh computers at the time. It was most commonly used for its minor bug fixes rather than its new functionality.
Apple joined the
(Apple, IBM and Motorola) shortly after the release of System 7 in 1991, and started work on -based machines that later became the
family. Support for these machines resulted in System 7.1.2.
System 7.1.2 was never off it shipped with the first batches of the PowerPC Macs and a 68k version shipped with a small number of Quadra 600 series systems. Later shipments shipped with System 7.5 instead.
System 7.1.2P was the same as 7.1.2, and shipped with the
models that were released between July and November 1994.
The next major release was System 7.5, which included bug fixes from previous updates and added several new features including:
An updated startup screen featuring a progress bar
A new interactive help system called
A clock in the menu bar (based on the free "SuperClock" control panel by Steve Christensen)
An Apple menu item called
(formerly a third-party application called "PasteIt Notes") which provided virtual
, another former shareware control panel, provided the ability to condense a window down to its title bar. Introduced as a "minimize" feature to compete with Windows 95 as Mac OS had no taskbar or dock.
was bundled, enabling any Macintosh to connect to the
out of the box for the first time.
The Control Strip (a fast way to change the system volume, control the playback of audio CDs, manage file sharing and printers and change the monitor resolution and color depth) was enabled on desktop Macintosh models for the first time. It had previously only been included with the PowerBook series.
The Extensions Manager (enabling the user to turn extensions and contr also based on a formerly third-party control panel)
, a system-level email handling service and the originator of the
The Launcher, a
containing shortcut buttons for frequently used programs (in a manner akin to the
A hierarchal Apple menu (folders within the Apple Menu Items folder would expand into submenus showing their contents. Again, based on a third HAM by Microseeds publishing)
System-wide drag & drop for text and other data (selections could be simply dragged with the mouse and dropped to their new destination, bypassing the clipboard)
A scriptable Finder
, a 2-D graphics rendering and geometry engine
For the PowerPC only, an advanced, 3d , secretly developed at Apple by a former third party contractor
Support for
System 7.5 was codenamed "Capone", a reference to
and "Chicago", which was the code name for Microsoft's , and, in turn, the name of the default system font used in Mac OS until version 8.
System 7.5.1 was primarily a bug fix on 7.5, but also introduced a new "Mac OS" startup screen in preparation for .
System 7.5.2, released only for the first -based Power Macs, was notable for introducing Apple's new networking architecture, .
System 7.5.3, a major bug-fix update that also included
for other PowerPC-based machines as well as some 68k-based machines. 7.5.3 also made several improvements to the 68k emulator, and added translucent dragging support to the Drag Manager. It was also the first version of
for all Macs. This was also the first version of Mac OS to support . (9500/MP)
System 7.5.3 Revision 2 included: perf better reliability for PowerBooks using the third-party RAM D improved reliability for PowerBook 500, 2300, and 5300 series computers with the PowerPC Upgrade C improved reliability when using the Startup D and improved reliability when copying files to 1 GB hard disks.
System 7.5.3 Revision 2.1 was shipped with the Performa
and ; this particular release was specific to these machines as there were stability problems with System 7.5.3 Release 2 on the new hardware, especially with the video card and transferring files over LocalTalk.
System 7.5.4 was pulled due to a mistake at Apple, in which some components were not included in the installer.
System 7.5.5 included significant performance improvements for virtual memory and memory management on PowerPC-based Macs, including the elimination of one type 11 error. Also included were a number of reliability improvements, such as fixes for Macs using floppy disks equipped with a DOS compatibility card, improved hard disk access for PowerPC PowerBooks and Performa 5400 through 9500 computers, fixes for Macs that included an Apple TV Tuner or Macintosh TV Remote Control, improvements to LocalTalk and networking (especially for the Performa 5400 and 6400), fixes to system startup for the faster 180 MHz Macs (which included PowerPC 604 or 604e processors), improved reliability when using sound intensive applications on Quadra or Centris computers that contained the PowerPC upgrade card, and improved stability when using multiple background applications and shared printers on a network. System 7.5.5 is also the last System 7 release that can run on 68000-based Macs such as the Macintosh Plus and 24-bit addressing only ROMs such as . 7.6 and later required a 68030 processor and 32-bit addressing capable ROM and will automatically turn on 32-bit addressing on boot.
Mac OS 7.6 (codenamed "Harmony") was the last major update, released in 1997. With 7.6, the operating system was officially called "Mac OS" instead of "System". New features include a revamped Extensions Manager, more native PowerPC code for Power Macs, more bundled Internet tools and utilities, and a more stable Finder with increased memory allocation. In this version, the PowerTalk feature added in 7.5 was removed due to poor application support, and support for a large number of older Macintosh models was dropped.
The minor update to Mac OS 7.6.1 finally ported the 68k exception handling routines to PowerPC, turning type 11 errors into less harmful errors (type 1, 2 or 3, usually) as crashing applications would more often terminate safely instead of crashing the operating system.
Through this period, Apple had been attempting to release a completely new "modern" operating system, named . When the Copland project was abandoned in 1996, Apple announced plans to release an OS update every six months until
(which would by 2001 evolve into what was released as ) shipped. Two more releases were shipped, now officially branded as "Mac OS" — Mac OS 7.6 and the minor bug fix 7.6.1. Future versions were released as
Version Number
Release Date
October 21, 1991
// and some others
March 23, 1992
August 3, 1992
January 1993
Macintosh Performa 410
7.1.1 (Pro)
October 21, 1993
October 21, 1993
March 14, 1994
July 15, 1994
September 12, 1994
March 23, 1995
Power Macintosh 6200
June 19, 1995
Power Macintosh 9500
January 1, 1996
Power Macintosh 5400
7.5.3 Revision 2
May 1, 1996
7.5.3 Revision 2.1
August 7, 1996
7.5.3 Revision 2.2
August 7, 1996
/200, Performa 6360
September 27, 1996
Power Macintosh 5500
January 7, 1997
PowerBook 3400c
April 7, 1997
PowerBook 2400c
Apple created and published an "Older Software Downloads" page on their AppleCare Support website on July 17, 2001. Since then, diskette images to install System 7.0, System 7.0.1, and System 7.5.3 as well as the System 7.5.5 Update have been available as free downloads for legacy Macintosh users, as well as for those who wish to use the software through
of 68k and PowerPC Macintosh hardware. In addition to System 7, related downloads are also
downloads and
updates. All of the diskette image files are in
format and are accompanied by a descriptive
Other sources put the date in 1987, but System 6 was released in 1988.
Carlton, pg. 96
Carlton, pg. 96-98
Singh, pg. 2
Carlton, pg. 167
Carlton, pg. 169
Linzmayer, Owen. "Code Names Uncovered". . No Starch Press. p. 56.  .
Pogue, David (January 1997).
(PDF). p. 235.
Hoffman, Ilene (). . Archived from
technote 1096
Jim Carlton, , Times Business/Random House, 1997.  
Amit Singh, , Addison-Wesley, 2007.
Harry McQuillen, 10 Minute Guide to System 7 (1991),  
Stuple, S. J., Macintosh System 7.5 For Dummies Quick Reference (1994),  
Bob Levitus, Macintosh System 7.5 for Dummies (November 1994),  
(archived October 4, 2003) from apple.com
(archived August 4, 2001) from apple.com
(archived April 29, 2004) from apple.com
(archived June 28, 2004) from apple.com
(archived August 24, 2004) from apple.com
(archived June 27, 2004) from apple.com
(archived December 7, 2003) from apple.com
(archived December 8, 2003) from apple.com
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