
FAQ - Game - War Thunder
General Questions
War Thunder is a cross-platform MMO combat game for PC, Mac and PS4 dedicated to military aviation, armoured vehicles, and Naval ships used in the time period that includes WWII and the cold war. The Naval part will be implemented in the future.
No, the game is completely free to download and play without any restrictions or fees.
No, you need a permanent internet connection in order to play War Thunder.
War Thunder has both PVE and PVP content with different difficulty options available. In PVE you can select Dynamic Campaigns and separate missions to play solo or with up to 4 players co-op. But War Thunder is primarily about PVP action. Players can experience a huge diversity of different mission types in different modes with prefered difficulty settings for any taste. In “Random Battles” players fight each other and compete tasks like capture and hold of positions, elimination or protection of certain targets.
There are three main difficulty levels in the game: “Arcade” “Realistic battles” and “Simulator battles”.
You can check the “Events” menu, where you can participate in battles with unique conditions, including reconstruction of real historical battles in the player vs player mode.
We also have “User created missions”, where you can download directly from live.warthunder.com, and also “Custom Missions” - an editor where you can create mission conditions with your favorite game parameters.
In most game modes, the maps are designed for 32 players split into two teams.
Players are free to choose between the military aircraft of seven main nations: USA, Germany, USSR, Great Britain, Japan, Italy and France, which also have aircraft of other nations included in them, like Australia and others. We have fighters, attackers, light and heavy bombers and ship-based aircraft in our game. You can see the current list of available aircraft on our wiki-page:
For ground forces we currently have five nations: USSR, Germany, USA, Britain, France and Japan. Light and heavy tanks, Self-propelled artillery guns and anti-air vehicles. You can see the current list of available ground forces vehicles on our wiki-page:
Currently there are over 1,000 highly detailed aircraft, tanks, warships and other combat vehicles crafted carefully from historical documents and surviving sources and more are added with each major update. Approximately 9,000 different aircraft and ground vehicles fought in WWII – that’s the ideal number we are aiming for!
There are separate maps for aircraft versus aircraft, tanks vs tanks and mixed battles.
We have one global account server. Users within the game can choose to play on any or all of our EU, US, SEA or RU clusters, so the players can communicate with the world as well as in their native languages.
No, you can’t! There is no way to get any advantage in battle by spending real money.
You can buy Golden Eagles – special in-game currency which you can use to train your crews faster and unlock new vehicles and upgrades for them earlier. But you’ll be fighting against more experienced and better equipped users, who didn’t spend anything.
You can also can buy a premium account with Golden Eagles, which lets you earn more Silver Lions and Research Points for each battle, and this also allows you to unlock new vehicles and upgrades for them earlier.
Lastly, with Golden Eagles you can buy “premium” planes and tanks, which come prepackaged with all upgrades. But they aren’t any better than regular vehicles – these are just rare models, like Australian aircraft in the UK research-tree.
Of course! The game supports many gaming devices including different gamepads, joysticks, head-tracking and VR-systems such as Oculus Rift and many more.
To make controls comfortable for players we created a “Mouse Aim” control mode. In this mode a Virtual Instructor will help the player to perform the majority of combat maneuvers with a mouse only. Its not available in simulator mode and we recommend to use joystick or gamepad for this mode, but with enough practice it possible to fly with a mouse even there - there is a control scheme which simulate joystick movements with a mouse.
You can see the War Thunder system requirements for supported operating systems on this page -
Currently the game is available in English, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Turkish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese. You can change the language in the game launcher.
War Thunder version for PlayStation(R) 4
No, you can download the game from the PS Store for free and play it without any restrictions.
Yes, PS Plus owners get a 40% Research Points and 75% Silver Lion Booster for 10 battles each month, plus a unique P-36 aircraft variant and another unique decal for decorating their vehicles.
Yes, all PS4 players will get a unique decal for decorating their planes and they can also purchase an exclusive “Invader” Advanced Pack which includes US attack aircraft A-26C-45-DT Invader and other bonuses.
Yes, you are playing on the same server and even can form squads (up to 4 people) to play together regardless of user’s platform.
You have to create a new account for PS4 and can’t use your existing account.
You have to create a new NA PSN-account and can’t use your existing account.
You can use any USB-compatible device - just plug-in them into system.
Yes, it is used for head tracking so the player can look around in-game without using the controller. It can be enabled in game options and works only in cockpit view for planes.
You can purchase Golden Eagles and Advanced Packs through PS Store - use the “Store” button in the upper right corner of hangar screen.
Partner system Revenue Share
Revenue Share - is a support program for user generated content, created in the War Thunder CDK. A player will get rewarded for his or her input into the game development if it is created by them and the content has been used in War Thunder
An award will be payed at 25% of the income, which the Company will get in a set period of time or in a one-time payment. If content is distributed as a premium proposition (for example, as an advanced pack), when content from other authors is included inside it, the award will be calculated proportionally. For example, the Company decided to pay the author for an aircraft model, which is included in a pack with 5 aircraft (4 of which were made by other authors or developers). If Company got $1000 income, then the authors share will be
of the income * 25% (award amount) and will be $50.
The first award will be paid no sooner than 180 days after content was added to the game. After that, an award will be paid during 30 days from the end of the calendar quarter at which Company received the income from the distribution of said content. The amount of the one-time payment shouldn’t be less than $500. If during the accounting reference period the amount of the award is less than $500, then payment is transferred to the next accounting reference period or (only by the Company decision) until the amount of the total award will not reach $500 or more.
The award is paid by bank transfer, cheque or any other method, not excluding WebMoney, at the discretion of the Company.
Assistance agreement:
Account security and forbidden game modifications
We can officially state that the players database has never been compromised and any rumours of such are false. Users’ login data is not grouped in any kind of ‘database’, so the breach of any database is not possible.
User authorization in War Thunder is a subject to a secure salted hash algorithm, these are near impossible to breach even if a malicious individual could even access any player database.
Unfortunately, some of our players still use the same or similar logins and passwords to access different systems, which gives an attacker the best opportunity to steal information from unsecured sources and use it to compromise careless players’ accounts.
We advise you to use a unique complex password for your War T it will greatly improve your personal data security. You are also able to enable a .
To increase the protection of your account from hacking and stealing attempts, we have implemented a two-step authorisation system utilizing the Google Authenticator service. This system has been introduced to protect your account in any case, even if a malefactor would be able to get your password. To use the , the only thing you will need is a smartphone based on either the iOs, Android or BlackBerry operating system. However, unofficial applications for Windows phone and desktop computers also exist.
To enable the two-step authorisation, you will need to login at the general login page located at: .
All movements and player interactions like collisions, damage etc. are calculated on the server side. It means that even if corresponding parameters are modified on the client side, the cheater will not actually gain any advantages like invulnerability, increased damage or anything similar. Anyone pretending to distribute software that gives such advantages is probably a fraudster looking to steal your money or compromise your personal data.
Finding and identifying targets is an essential part of the Simulation battle mode and players are, theoretically, able to modify game files to see target markers on much greater distances than intended (thus violating EULA and becoming susceptible to permanent ban). Calculating visibility on the server side is an option, but it will raise the connection quality requi players will need zero packet loss with a latency of 50ms or lower. Higher latency values will cause players to appear and disappear in plain sight. Our game is not so demanding to a player’s internet connection, basically allowing play on any server from anywhere in the world. One of the consequences is that enemy aircraft visibility is only calculated in a set radius around the player.
Nevertheless, visibility “cheats” do not give any noticeable advantage in duels, because markers are always displayed at distances allowing a reliable hit on a target anyway. Our tests show that enabling lead indicators for one of the teams does not give it any significant advantage. On the contrary, tactics, communication and skill always determined the outcome of battles.
But we still continue working on identifying illegal game modifications and banning players that use such modifications because we believe that cheating breaks the spirit of sportsmanship even if it doesn’t give a big advantage.
The term originates from First Person Shooters, since in the majority of shooters it is enough to move mouse cursor to a certain point and press “fire”; huge part of gameplay is to match crosshair with a target.
In War Thunder in “aiming mode” a player controls not the direction of fire but the desired direction of a aircraft flight or turret aim instead. AI and predictive calculations manage aircraft and turret controls controls and they try to adjust to the intended course as soon as possible. Also it is never possible to change the flight path or turret aim immediately unlike in the FPS games. Enemy is usually a considerable distance away so you need to lead your target while firing and shoot the point where you expect your enemy to be when the bullets reach it.
We have conducted multiple tests and they show that “ideal” auto-aim-bot (which is hard to achieve without
a possibility to modify both server’s and client’s code at the same time) shows results similar to those of an average player in arcade battle mode, even worse in realistic battles and (simulator battles do not have mouse-aim). In duels such an “ideal” aim-bot (still impossible without modifications on server) will more likely weaken the player.
Online games, like any other programs, may contain errors that users can exploit to gain some benefits. We do our best to fix such exploits as fast as possible, but sometimes new ones appear. If you find a potentially exploitable game bug, you should immediately report it to one of our moderators or administrators on the forums or via a private message. Using them to obtain any advantages is strictly prohibited by the
and may cause permanent blockage of your War Thunder account.
War Thunder version for Linux
You can download the Linux version from . You can also download Linux Launcher from our website or on
You can download the Linux version by following this . Please note that only 64-bit systems are supported. You can also download and launch the Linux client via Steam.
By following the download link you will receive the ‘wt_launcher_linux_x.x.x.x.tar.gz’ file. You then must do the following:
Unzip the ‘wt_launcher_linux_x.x.x.x.tar.gz’ file in the folder where you want to install War Thunder.
In the folder where you unpacked the archive select file “run” and launch it.
The game launcher will start.
Yes. You can continue using the Wine version of the game even if you installed a native client within the same folder.
You need the most recent proprietary drivers for your videocard.
If something's gone wrong, and the game is not launching at all because of invalid settings, you can always try to run it using the minimum possible settings. To do so, just go to the War Thunder folder (i.e. ~/Games/WarThunder) and run:
./aces -safe -mode:windowed -resolution:
-safe - will run the game with "minimum" settings
-mode:windowed - will run in windowed mode
-mode:fullscreen - will run in full screen mode
-resolution:WidthxHeight - will run the game with specific valid resolutions where WidthxHeight is needed resolution, i.e.
War Thunder version for NVIDIA Shield
At the moment, War Thunder is playable only on devices with Android 5.x and Tegra X1 processor. We are working on other devices support.
You can use an account registered on PC, Mac or Linux, to play on the NVIDIA SHIELD version. You can also use an account registered on NVIDIA SHIELD to play on PC, Mac or Linux.
Absolutely! War Thunder is a cross-platform game and you will be playing with (and against) users from PC, PlayStation(R) 4, Mac and Linux on the same server.
This is an Open Beta version of the game specifically designed for the Android OS and we're doing our best to deliver the same experience as on other platforms, so everything is subject to change. At the moment, only Air Arcade and Air Realistic Battles are available on NVIDIA SHIELD.
You will see your ground vehicles in their slots, but you can only replace them with aircraft. To get them back, you will have to log in on PC, Mac or Linux.
At the moment, you can’t. But the purchases made under your account in any web-browser at
will be applied to the NVIDIA SHIELD version as well.ps4战争雷霆在不切换psn的情况下怎么切换账户_百度知道
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