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In order to make more efficient office fast, paperless office, electronic office, network office, co office, save office expenses, the reality of school circumstances linkage in the original information data management platform developed on the basis
1.1 Project objectives With the S the rapid development of provincial postal services market continues to expand, competition is increasingly fierce. To meet the daily office needs, increase productivity, protect the critical information in decision-
Now the development of OA development of my notes, and the OA is ready for OA, now just make changes in it. I use jad to decompile the files inside the Class, and most programs are written in JSP, so it is easy to do secondary development, but there'
宏天J2EE协同办公OA+进销存+客户管理+财务管理对企事单位开放源码 宏天软件是国内领先的政府协同办公应用解决方案供应商,专注JBPM工作流引擎应用开发,专业为政府部门.中小型企业等领域提供协同办公平台.工作流定制开发咨询.软件研发.实施.技术服务的高新技术企业. 宏天自主研发的J.Office OA.EST-BPM.JOffice-ENT均向企事单位开放源代码,使用用户能够灵活根据自己的实际情况进行二次开发.这些系列的产品均采用了最流行的SOA/MVC架构设计模式,具有科学的系统框架.体系的
宏天软件作为一个技术实力雄厚的软件技术公司,支持国内开源的工作,整合国际J2EE先进的开源技术,把公司自主研发的的J.Office OA平台开放源代码,使用用户能够看得见并根据自己的实际情况修改源代码使之为己所用,在如此激烈的竞争环境中,只有商业软件.开源软件以及服务为导向的软件等多种模式共享,并相互借鉴,甚至融合,才能有利于软件技术的创新,并能为企业带来高效的回报,而以宏天软件再做一次惊人之举,率先提出&向客户免费开放源代码&,在国内J2EE企业开发领域里,尚属首次,其勇气及魄力不得
OA办公系统行业抄袭成风,不管是功能也好,官网也罢,亦或是活动方案都可以信手捏来进行一番改头换面,便心安理得地推到市场上欺骗不了解内情的客户,像极了娱乐圈.在被成为&贵圈&的娱乐圈,大染缸一般的各种劲爆信息频出,只为求上位.宋慧乔.范冰冰.Angelababy都成了整容模板,在颜值受追捧的今天,为原装的点个赞,恰似原创的OA办公系统. OA办公系统行业十几年来在中国风生水起,时至今日依然没有一条明文规定可以有效的保护OA厂商的权益,也正是因为如此,OA办公系统行业的侵权案件屡见不鲜.作
&四德&一词见于&周礼 天官 内宰&,内宰是教导后宫妇女的官职,负责逐级教导后宫妇女&阴礼&.&妇职,其中较高职位的&九嫔&&掌妇学之法,以教九御妇德妇言.妇容.妇功.&本来是宫廷妇女教育门类,后来与&三从&连称,成为对妇女道德.行为.能力和修养的标准即&三从四德&.现如今,连最时尚的OA系统也开启了&四德&模式. &品&德-
企业需要什么样的OA系统,青睐什么样的OA系统?社会中实在是对一个人品行的评价,实在的OA系统是对OA厂商的产品和服务的评价.每个人都希望交到实在的朋友,企业也希望选择&最实在&的OA系统对OA上线和服务都有保障. OA系统面向的终端用户是企业中的各个部门.不同岗位的全体员工,因而使用OA系统的人IT水平是参差不齐的,非IT人员的用户接触到的OA系统必须是直白的.简洁的.易懂的.作为全员应用的基础管理软件,OA的页面布局应该逻辑清晰.层次分明,而不是为了追求差异化而刻意增加页面的复杂程
Workflow enterprises are essential to the development of an important component. With workflow, customer demand will greatly improve the speed of implementation, taking into account the development of efficiency, flexibility. Java has a number of sta
About the contents of the list box selection control, is a real project, is usually used as a control. You can search the web using Mootools technology development M2MSelector control, is a typical implementation. Impression that the Internet also ha
Choice about the list box control, is a real project, a control is usually used. Can search the web using Mootools technology development M2MSelector control is a typical implementation. Impression that the Internet is also used ExtJS technology of s
With the popularization of computers and the Internet's rapid development, more efficient, lower cost e-commerce has gradually become a new model for but because of the Internet e-commerce trading platform and the virtual anonymi
From the development of Close to a year, has been doing OA to commit, over the Society of the OA, Kingdee the OA (original Yee is soft), as did the development, so the pages of these products to see them, I generally the structure of the design was s
Fifth, dealing with rotation In many games can be found in a number of rotating objects. Collision with them a bit complicated. Wizard's standard practice is to rotate through a simple point of view, usually the interval [0,2 * PI]. Triangular matrix
SP recently did telecom service access test message, the current is not completely finished, still a little problem over there need to coordinate to find telecom gateway confirmation, idle today, while this little write access, telecommunications and
&! - Find more nothing to do, the worse the memory, multiplication remember something, and record to back up -& Following the article on the USN's exploration, we can be a simple operation USN, but the same basic things are not done - we can not get
Javascript variables Javascript in fact, the variable = object properties, because before the Javascript in the script will create a Global object, all the global variables are the Global object's attributes, execution of a function will create a Act
Enterprise mobile application market Traditionally, the enterprise software market and the mobile software market are two completely separate markets. Enterprise software developers (Enterprise ISV) face of enterprise customers and building IT system
&! - Find more nothing to do, the worse the memory, by remember something, record to back up -& Following the article on the USN's exploration, we can USN a simple operation, but the same basic things are not done - we can not get to the USN log fil
本文提供了JAVA求两直线交点.三角形外心.三角形内心的代码和算法讲解,大家可以参考使用 一.求两直线交点 class Point { public Point() { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; } } class Line { P P public Line() { this.a = new Point(); this.b = new Point(); } //求两直线的交点,斜率相同的话res=u.a
一个可关闭.可随意拖动位置的网页弹出层代码,美化的相当漂亮,简洁实用,还可拖动改变大小,通过八个方向改变大小,学习这类特效编写的网页设计者可参阅一下 javascript实现漂亮的拖动层,窗口拖拽特效 &!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN& &http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&& &ht
收集一些不多见的好用的自定义函数代码 计算字符长度的js函数 去字符中前后的空格的js函数 图片自适应大小函数代码 计算字符长度的js函数 function LEN(str){ var i,sum=0; for(i=0;i&str.i++){ if((str.charCodeAt(i)&=0) && (str.charCodeAt(i)&=255)) sum=sum+1; else sum=sum+2; } } 去字符中前后的空格的j
昨天看了妙味课堂的 分页视频教程,今天自己参照其思路,自己写了下,并且自己新增了一个显示页码个数的属性 showPageNum function setPage(opt){ if(!opt.pageDivId || opt.allPageNum & opt.curpageNum || opt.allPageNum & opt.showPageNum){return false}; var allPageNum = opt.allPageN //总的页数 var showPageNum =
针对OEM客户,微软曾经提供了Windows Vista商业版/旗舰版用户一个降级选项,用户可以通过一些手续把Windows Vista系统降级为Windows XP系统.现在,根据微软新公布的降级说明显示,微软将对Vista降级内容进行一些调整,同时允许Windows 7 专业版/旗舰版用户降级成Windows Vista商业版或者Windows XP专业版. 目前仅有Windows Vista商业版和旗舰版可以降级为Windows XP系统,而现在,微软将为用户提供更加便利的降级选项. 原始
如今,&信息化&一词已经被大多数中小企业主所认知.2008年年初,国家相关部委又联合发布了&关于强化服务,促进中小企业信息化的意见&,指出要全面推进信息化与工业化融合,促进中小企业信息化,提高我国中小企业生存.发展.创新和竞争能力.中小企业信息化的环境日益改善.目前,很多企业都先后实施了各式各样的业务系统,帮助企业解决业务管理中出现的各种问题,提高了企业的盈利能力.然而,各个业务系统的信息和数据都局限于各自系统内部. 企业经常面临诸如&管理过程中信息传递模糊不清.
在HTML中,常见的URL有多种表示方式: 相对URL: example.php demo/example.php ./example.php ../../example.php /example.php 绝对URL: http://dancewithnet.com/example.php http://dancewithnet.com:80/example.php https://dancewithnet.com/example.php 同时HTML中有大量的元素属性值为URL,一般利用Jav
本节内容: 1:简述组件设计的过程及思路及部分重点源码讲解 2:源码下载 3:扩展机制说明 附源码截图:等会看以下思路时,可以对照着看: 一:简述组件设计的过程及思路 1:为什么想到弄成组件? 当重复的代码或相似的事件&=2个时,我都会想一下,是否还可能有第3个,第4个相近的,如果有,就会统一处理,组件就是设计的再通用一些. 2:本人设计组件的原则? 2.1:让用户以最简单的方式使用或调用组件,编写代码量最小化: 2.2:所有的设计,都参考第2.1点. 3:本人组件设计的简单思路过程:(5行代码
在Android已经如日中天的时刻,在苹果的市值超过微软的时刻,微软已经意识到错过了未来,但是微软不会坐以待毙,犹如三国争霸的时代,云计算微软投入重兵,但是移动3G,微软会放弃吗? 微软的对抗战略如下 Windows 8 是由微软公司开发的,具有革命性变化的操作系统.该系统旨在让人们的日常电脑操作更加简单和快捷,为人们提供高效易行的工作环境.Windows8将支持来自Intel.AMD和ARM的芯片架构.也就是说,下一代Windows系统还将支持来自NVIDIA.高通和德州仪器等合作伙伴的ARM
###########各个包代表的意思################# com.lsf.common.* ##项目中公共类 com.lsf.common.oaConfig.java ##oa项目中的一些配置 com.lsf.oa.* ##一个oa项目 com.lsf.oa.controller.* ##oa项目下的控制器,在此包下面按照模块来再分包 com.lsf.oa.controller.systemManage.* ##控制器下面的系统管理模块 com.lsf.oa.controller
领导开始着手改造公司的组织架构和战略方针了. 如之前说的,公司之前是维护为大,开发外包.H总不想这样,他的方针是开发为主,维护为本,不局限于集团范围内的项目,还要做到市场上,成为行业领导者.接下来有不少大动作,譬如原维护部的经理被撤,原维护部的一名主管转移到开发部,新人招聘以开发人员为主,等等一系列措施,而我则被告之,转到开发部中. 除了调整,H总还跟我提了一个新的想法,他认为现在的定制化和个性化还不足够,现在只是对系统链接做了个性化,就是说用户可以根据自身工作岗位的特性,将经常要用到的系统链接
使用 μJavaActors(一个轻型 Java actor 库)现代化常见的并发模式 Barry A. Feigenbaum, Ph.D., 软件工程师, Dell 简介: Java(TM) 平台目前不支持 actor 并行性,但仍然可以在 Java 代码中使用 actor.在本文中,Barry Feigenbaum 将介绍 μJavaActors 库,这是一个轻型的.基于 Java 的 actor 包,用于在传统 Java 应用程序中实现高度并行的执行.本教程将介绍 μJavaActors 库的完
1 什么是 SSO? 今天我问老婆:你知道 SSO 吗?她给了两个字:求救! 哎!她说的应该是 SOS,她不搞 IT,不知者无罪.但对于我们而言,如果还不知道 SSO 是什么,那真应该赶紧去百度一下了. SSO 英文全称 Single Sign On,单点登录.SSO 是在多个应用系统中,用户只需要登录一次就可以访问所有相互信任的应用系统.它包括可以将这次主要的登录映射到其他应用中用于同一个用户的登录的机制.它是目前比较流行的企业业务整合的解决方案之一. 没错,SSO 就是 Single Sig
效果图 html结构 &table id=&cs_table& class=&datatable&&&/table& css样式 html,body{margin: 0;padding:0} a:focus {outline:} /* 通用表格显示 */ table, th, td {font: 12px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif,'宋体';margin: 0;padding: 0} table{bor
Jump conditions, that is, depending on the conditions of the approval process automatically determines the flow direction, it can greatly reduce the workload of the administrator process is set to achieve a fully automated management is an advanced w
The proposal from the beginning of OA, Oa becomes enterprise information, automatically if a benchmarking of the software. As long as talking about office automation, information technology people to mind two words would be flashed OA. Shows the prev
OA is equal to a high-performance + shared + collaboration + other, and a workflow software is equal to OA + hr + + to other processes in the making. From we can see that a very oa workflow with a collection of countless other features. Mathematicall
Chase planes in the OA by businesses to the peak in the interest of the workflow system (engine) as the core of the office automation software can also be slowly immersed in the field of automation. As information technology and increasingly fierce c
Recent want to integrate various technologies and do the office of an integrated OA system to be integrated into a variety of resources to use, close to the level of the market OA. Hope that through this once again to en The tech
OA System is to design several modules: Use of technology: Struts2 ExtJs Jquery pushlet etc. 1, the desktop module This module shows up in the form of portal to support the dynamic increase in the background, change the number of columns, the effect
Re-planning process reengineering is Logically, the focus on workflow and research process can be seen as important for business planning (BPR) as a deepening. Reengineering the document flow for the pure OA there is indeed difficult. But this techno
From the beginning of the study office automation, to the OA to the market, in the OA peak use in the enterprise can be said that the way song of victory, however now OA to aging, to meet the complex business scenarios OA Workflow software is replace
A vigorous enterprise information technology still in Ji Xu, OA's peripheral vision is still, enterprise information began a new journey, but yes this time the object is not only limited in the OA's Wendang Liu, Zhi Jin but Kuozhan to business become
As already mentioned, namely the workflow after the era of era of OA. So the workflow as a core enterprise information from the enterprise do? Generally there are three enterprise information content, namely decision-making, business layer, business
I. Background A well-known domestic oil should the requirements of informationization, developed a few years ago based on B / S Mode OA system meets the requirements of office, the staff daily office through this system, and OA servers deployed in th
Found that many people looking for OA system, give us today to share a how to quickly build a OA system, but to pay attention to what I am talking to the rapid development platform erected with the OA system, although the software is free but can not
Modern enterprise information construction no more than two directions, the first e-commerce site, is the company opened a window to the I The second is the management information system, which is the organization within the enterprise inform
Really universal common OA Office system? The so-called process definition and form definition to meet the ever-changing management requirements? The purpose of the implementation of office automation systems and value of what? Our energy and money i
Modern information technology enterprises there are two directions, the first e-commerce site, is the company opened a window to the I The second is the management information system, which is the organization within the enterprise informatio
Modern information technology enterprises there are two directions, the first e-commerce site, is the company opened a window to the I The second is the management information system, which is the organization within the enterprise informatio
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