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重新安装浏览器,或使用别的浏览器73被浏览54,398分享邀请回答rainbowsix.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Operators 。额外感谢该reddit讨论组提供的更多更详细的干员台词:
。好了进入正题,以下大多为搬运内容,但会附上一些个人翻译(GSG9起就没翻译了,实在翻不动了啊喂。。)Here We Gooooo!!!阵营 /英国-SAS/SLEDGE (大锤)Spawning (出生时说的话):"Let's take them fast and clean.""The hunt is on.""Who needs explosives(谁需要爆破炸药)?"Remember, I take the doors.""All checks are done, waiting on your signal.""Alright lads(大伙), keep your heads cool.""Get your heads in the game.(专心一点)!"Reloading (换弹时):"Cover me, reloading!"Under friendly fire (受到友军攻击时):"Cease fire(停火)! Cease fire!"THATCHER (EMP):Operator Video (干员视频CG里说的话):"GPS satellites(卫星), unmanned drones(无人机), fookin’ laser sights(镭射瞄具), The more crutches(寄托/支持物) you have, the more it hurts when they're kicked out from under ya. If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that a six inch blade never loses reception. Spawning (出生时):"I know what I have to do, I hope the same can be said for you.""Here we go again.""Is this a special ops team or a daycare. (这算是个特勤队还是幼儿园辅导班)?""Follow my lead.""I've been doing this longer than you have been alive.""We have a job to do.""I've been doing this longer then you have been alive.(我这行干的比你活的还久!顺便一提emp今年56…)""Keep quiet and do your jobs.""I know the drill (我可经历过演习).""This isn't my first mission."Using EMP Grenade (扔emp雷时):"Devices going dark.""Lights out.""Tossing(丢) EMP grenade."Using Breach(破坏) Charge(贴姨妈巾时):"Breach Charge going up."Using Stun Grenade (丢闪光弹时):"Flashbang out."Using Claymore (放置地雷时):"Claymore mine deployed(部署)."Reloading (换弹时):"Cover me(掩护我), reloading!""Swapping(交换) mags(全称是magazine,弹匣的意思)!" (换弹!)Reviving (救助倒地的队友时):"On your feet!"(大概就是我来帮你恢复正常的意思)"Stay focused on the mission!"Getting Hostage (救到人质时):"Do what I say, when I say it.""I have the package.""Package secured. ""We're moving out."Moving Hostage (携带人质时):"Get moving.""Hurry!""Move!""Move, quickly.""Over there."Dropping Hostage (放下人质时):"Don't move from this spot.""Stay right there.""Stay where you are.""Stop right there.""Stop and freeze! (冻住,不许走!)"SMOKE (臭屁哥):Operator Video (干员视频):"I know what you're wondering. "What's in the canister(罐子)?" I could tell ya, but then I'd have to kill you. Hehe. I'm only mucking about (muck about:固定词组搭配,可以在此译作瞎扯淡,跟mess around差不多一个意思), relax. As for what's in the canister, it's best you don't ask." (讲了一堆屁话,其实就是罐子里是什么都关你屁事的意思)Spawning (出生时):"Clear off or get snookered(阻挠;骗取).""I hope my nest is alright.""I'm easy.(我从容自若)""I'm not looking to get snookered.""What's your poison?""You are a right barmy(疯癫的) bastard(杂种/混蛋).""I'm easy, as long as my beauties get to play.""Knock up, we've got work to do.""Don't get wonky. Sure way to end up brown bread."Setting Remote(remote:可远程遥控的) Gas Grenade (放置毒气弹时):"Babes(宝贝) in position!""Gas ready to knock up!""Laying down some smoke!"“My beauties are in place!""My toxic babes are in position!""Nest of beauty's in position!"Set'in a gas!"Detonating(detonate:引爆) Remote Gas Grenade (引爆毒气弹时):"Setting off a charge! (毒气弹要被引爆辣!)""Watch ya-self!""Smoke incoming!"Using Barbed Wire (放置铁丝网时):"Razor wire(刀片刺网) ready, anyone need a shave(谁想来刮一刮毛)?"Reinforcing (加固墙面时):"Wall is fortified(筑防/强化)!""Wall is secured!"Barricading (封木板时):"Boarding the door!""Securing the door!""So much for the view!""The window is blocked!"Reloading (换弹时):"Loading new magazine!""Mags empty!""Reloading!"Reviving (救助队友时):"Awww, does it hurt?""I got you mate. No need to worry.""Patch you up in no time mate (马上就帮你弄起来)!"Friendly Fire (被友军打中时):"Cease fire! Cease fire!""Friendly! Cease fire you muppet(布偶)!""Friendly! For fuck's sake, don't shoot!"Locations (扫描到敌人时报点):"Delivery Area!""Garage(他们在地下库)!""Master bedroom(在主卧)."MUTE (wifi男)Spawning (出生时):"I think you've said quite enough.""I'm easy.""PNATTMBTC (?Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain).""We're doing a bit more than scrumping(偷窃?) here.""What are they chattering on(闲聊) about?""Don't be crufty(别当个讨厌鬼).""Don't go wonky on me, now. We're sorted.""I'm brill."Using Signal Disruptor (放置干扰装置时):"Activating jammer(干扰器).""Deploying jammer.""Initiating jammer.""Jammer activated.""Jammer deployed.""Jammer down.""Jammer initiated.""Jammer ready.""Jammer ready to activate."Placing Nitro Cell (丢C4时):"Deploying C4! (部署C4中!)"Detonating Nitro Cell (引爆C4时):"Activating nitro!""C4 activated!""Detonating nitro!""Setting C4!"Using Deployable Shield (放置盾牌时):"Mobile cover!"Reloading (换弹时):"Swapping mags!""Loading mag!"Reviving (协助队友时):"It's not that bad.""Medic(军医来了)."Reinforcing (加固墙壁时):"Fortified the wall!""Reinforcing the wall!""Wall reinforced!""Wall secured!"Barricading (封木板时):"Door blocked!""Door secured!"Scanning Enemies (扫到敌人时):"Located target!"Friendly Fire (被友军打中时):"Friendly, don't shoot!"阵营 /美国-FBI SWAT/ASH 姐姐~Operator Video (干员视频):"When I was little, my savta taught me that 'Silence was a women's best garment' (我的祖母常常教诲我道:“女人最美丽的服饰是沉默”). But, I have to admit, I never really took her advice to heart (但老娘不听)."Spawning (出生时):"Get your gamefaces on.""Let's get our head in the game (让我们投入到工♀作当中吧!).""Work as a team.""Just like we practiced.""Got your backs.""I got your six.""I've got you covered."Using Breach Charge (使用贴片炸药时):"Breach Charge ready!"Reloading (换弹时):"Reloading!""Swapping mags!"THERMITE (铝热哥)Operator Video (干员视频):"When you mix fuel, metal oxide(金属氧化物) and metal powder in just the right way, it burns at 2000 degrees Celsius. Hot enough to cut through nearly any barrier known to man. Throw some C4 into the mix, and you've got one hell of a combination."Spawning (出生时)"Confirm your targets.""Don't forget to breathe(可别忘了呼吸哟).""Focus on the op (operation的简写).""I'll take point.""Stay away from the blast.""Let's have a clean op.""I've got your six.""We don't need heroes(这个世界不需要英雄).""Where there's a wall, there's a way(有墙就有路!)."Using Exothermic Charge (使用铝热炸药时):"A really big fucking hole coming right up!(一个超级大洞要出现了哟!)""Look out! It's live!""Special charge! Stay clear!""Some serious drywall work coming up!""Time to make a new door(芝麻开门)!"Using Claymore (放置地雷时):"Claymore deployed!"Using Drone (使用小车时):"Drone up!"Reloading (换弹时):"I'm dry(我被榨♂干了)!"CASTLE (黑哥哥):Operator Video (干员视频):"Amateurs(真是一群外行/菜鸟)."Spawning (出生时):"Cut the chatter(闭嘴高清重制版).""Everybody stay focused.""The best offense is a bulletproof defense(防弹板就是最好的防御!!).""Keep it nice and smooth, just like we practiced.""I want a clean op. In and out.""Smooth, and by the numbers."Using Armor Panel (使用龙鳞板时):"Barricade up!"Reinforcing (加固时):"Wall fortified!""Wall reinforced!"PULSE (心跳男):Operator Video (干员视频):"In a life threatening situation, the average person's heartbeat can be upwards of 175 beats per minute. A well trained tango(tango:目标,军方用语) is able to stay cool, keep calm. Their heart rates can be 70 to 100 beats per minute. But by the time I'm done, that number goes down to zero."Spawning (出生时):"I see I've got your heart racing.""We don't need heroes.""On days like this, it's good to remember when you fall in line.""I got your six (我在你身边你会很安全的)."Using Heartbeat Sensor (使用心跳探测器时):"Heartbeat Sensor activated!""Heartbeat Sensor deployed!""Deploying Heartbeat Sensor!""Deploying Sensor!""Sensor deployed.""Scanning.""Surveying(侦查中)."Heartbeat Sensor Disabled (心跳探测器因被干扰而失效时):"Something's wrong, I can't get the signal."Reloading (换弹时):"I'm dry(没子弹了)!"阵营 /法国-GIGN/Twitch (电车):Operator Video (干员视频):"If you have a few spare hours, I'd love to share the details of how this device is a masterpiece of design. Quadruple(四重) independent gear boxes enabling zero to twenty in under four seconds, ten kilometers of internal wiring, eleven hundred expertly machined hand-assembled components(零件), flawless control at over 300 meters... But all my team needs to know is, 'Does it do the job, or doesn't it?' And let me tell you right now - it does the job."Spawning (出生时):"Heh, you always say that.""If you say so.""Ok guys, it's time to go.""Ok seniors, check your pacemakers.""Stop complaining. It's just electricity.""Want me to slow down so you can catch up?""Do try to keep up this time.""Need me to slow down so you can catch up? Just ask.""Let's watch each other's backs out there.""You always say that.""Let's get to it.""Okay, okay, that's enough."Using Shock Drone (使用电车时):"Deploying Shock Drone.""Shock Drone going live(无人电车摇滚起来啦!)."Reloading (换弹时):"Reloading!"Montagne (大盾):Spawning (出生时):"Be ready for anything.""I'll take point!""Stay calm, I'll be there.""Whatever happens, I'll handle it.""Stay close to me, I'll cover you.""Keep your heads cool.""You can count on me(你可以指靠我).""I'm ready for this.""I'll be where you need me."Using Extendable Shield (进入全盾模式时):"Let's proceed(前进) slowly!""Stay close behind me!""Let's push forward!""Stay behind me!"Doc (医生):Operator Video (干员视频):"I've learned from experience that the place to save lives is in the field, not an office(受经验所赐,我明白了救人得去战场而不是在办公室). And sometimes the only way to save a life, is to take one(然而有时杀戮才是救命的唯一方法)."Spawning (出生时):"Call me if you need a hand(要用♂手就叫我一声哦).""Let's be safe out there.""Try not to get yourselves hurt.""I'll be here if you need help.""Stay on the lookout for friendlies.""Meds(急救用品) at the ready.""Ready to go." "I got your backs.""Always a pleasure."Reinforcing (加固时):"The wall's been reinforced."Reviving (救治倒地队友时):"I'll take care of you!""Stay still, you'll be fine in no time.""You'll be okay in no time!""I've got you, you'll be alright."Reloading (换弹时):"Cover me, reloading!""Reloading, cover me!""Swapping mags!"Locations (报点):"CEO's Office.""Dining Room""Locker Room.""Vault."Rook (盒饭男):Operator Video (干员视频):"I trust that the ceramic trauma plate(陶瓷防弹板) I'm wearing will stop a .357 Magnum(马格南) round(子弹) traveling at four-hundred and ninety meters per second. I trust myself not to move, not to flinch(战栗/畏缩). I trust my team mates and they trust me."Spawning (出生时):"I won't let you down(我不会让你失望的).""There's no reason to be nervous, right?""This is what we've trained for.""Success is the only option here.""Is there... sarcasm in this(这其中是有反讽的意味么)?""We'll do as required.""Lead by example, we'll follow.""I know exactly what I must do(我知道我该做什么)."Using Armor Pack (发盒饭时):"Pass those plates around!""Take some trauma plates!""Time to armor up!""Time for some serious protection!"Using Barricade (封木板时):"Door barricaded!""Door fortified!"Reinforcing (加固时):"Wall fortification complete!""Wall fortified!""Wall is reinforced!"Using Deployable Shield (放下盾牌时):"Shield is up!"Reviving (救治队友时):"You are alright now, mon ami(我的朋友)."阵营 /俄罗斯-Spetsnaz/Glaz (狙击手):Operator Video (干员视频):"Do you know what an artist and a sniper have in common? Details (对细节的重视是我们狙击手和艺术家的共同点). Like when a touch of color is out of place. When a shadow does not match with its surroundings. Or when a shape is not where it is supposed to be(任何颜色上的不自然,不融洽于背景的影子,抑或是看上去不和谐的形状 没有一个能逃过我们的眼睛) .The only difference is the stakes. Mine are higher(我们之间的的唯一区别就是其中的风险,我的更高)."Spawning (出生时):"Bullets are better than words(用子弹来替我们发言).""Ne trat'te vashi puli.""One shot, one kill (一枪,一个。).""Shoot straight.""Stay on target.""Double tap when you can (尽量多开几枪。).""Less talking, more action.""Confirm your targets.""Double-tap when you can.""Enough talk.""Talk is cheap(谁都会说话)."Using Drone (使用小车时):"I'm deploying a drone.""Drone activated."Scanning Enemies (扫到敌人时):"Tango located (目标已锁定!)."Fuze (人质专业救援导师):Spawning (出生时):"Enough talk. Now we act(说话不如行动).""Focus on the task!""Focus on the task at hand.""In and out, two minutes(进出只要两分钟).""Remember our objectives.""Enough waiting. Now we act.""Remember our objective.""At your command(随时待命)."If you say so.""Lower your voice.""Remain silent.""Ugh...Placing Cluster Charge (放置霰射炸药时):"Deploying Cluster Charge!""Cluster Charge activated!""Matryoshka gotov poruchit.""Placing Cluster Charge."Using Drone (用小车时):"Drone is a-go!"Kapkan(卡普空233):Operator Video (干员视频):"These soldiers think their training will keep them alive. They break down doors and come through windows, weapons drawn. But it's too late. They forgot the first rule of survival. A real hunter always watches where he steps."(猎人的第一生存法则:看在当下)."Spawning (出生时):"Mind your step.""Remain on target at all times.""Whatever happens, stay calm.""You do your job, I'll do mine.""Stay alert, don't underestimate the enemy.""Understood, let's move.""Stay focused.""Enough talking, we move out.Using Entry Denial Device (安装EDD时):Ambush set! Stay clear!""Device primed, keep an eye on door!""EDD deployed! Stand clear of window!""EDD mounted! Let them come!""EDD primed! Stand clear!""Rappelling hostiles are in for a surprise!"Scanning Enemies (扫到敌人时):"Target detected!"Lord Tachanka (机枪哥):Spawning (出生时):"Rely on your senses, not your tech (第六感可要比科技更加值得信赖).”"Try not to get killed, yes(别被杀了哦)?""We are not out of the woods bratan.""Vesomyy argument gotov.""Let me know if you meet heavy resistance.""Just don't play hero(别装大英雄). Never works."Yes, yes, I know.""Whatever you say."Deploying Mounted LMG (安放机枪时):"D-28, loaded and ready!""DP-28, mounted and loaded!""DP-28, mounted and ready!"DP-28 Up! Lock and loaded!""Gun mounted! Good to go!""Let them come!""LMG, mounted and loaded!""LMG, mounted and ready!""Killing zone deployed!""Time to get serious!"Picking Up Mounted LMG (收起机枪时):"Going mobile!""Going mobile again!""LMG no longer mounted!""My work is done!""Packing up!""Picking up LMG!""Time to move!""Time to pack it up!""Time to push forward!"Deploying Deployable Shield (放置盾牌时):"Ballistic Shield (防弹的) deployed!""Mobile cover deployed!""Shield is up!"Reinforcing: (加固时):"Floor is reinforced!""Floor reinforcement complete!""I've reinforced the wall!""Wall can withstand assault!""Wall fortification complete!""Wall reinforcement in place!"Barricading (封木板时):"Barrier up!"Reloading (换弹时):"Emptied mag, swapping!""I'm out!""Out of ammo (弹匣的简称)!""Out of ammunition!""Reloading!""Swapping mag!""Swapping mags!"Reviving (救助队友时)"I won't let you die.""On your feet!""Stay with me, bratukha (???)."Scanning Enemies (扫到敌人时):"Enemy position detected!""Hostile is detected."Other (其他):"Hostiles are reloading!"阵营 /德国-GSG9/ (翻不动了。。)BLITZ (闪光盾)Spawning"Am I going to have to save all of your asses again?""Do you think I have time to use the bathroom?""I hope I don't have to save all your asses again.""If anybody needs to sneeze, do it now!""Let's look alive out here.""Oh good. More waiting around.""Remember. Point your gun at the bad guys!""Stick behind me and your ugly mug just might live to see another day!""Should we go get the bad guys, maybe? Just a suggestion.""Stay behind me.""Dammit! Did anyone remember to bring the ammo?""Don't make me laugh.""Everything will be fine! Using Drone"Drone's ready."Setting Breach Charge"Breach Charge is hot.""Breach Charge set."Reloading"Cover me, reloading!""Loading new mag!""Reloading!""Reloading, cover me!"Reviving"Looks like you've sprung a leak!""Let's do something about that boo boo!""Let's heal that boo boo!""Let's patch you up."Moving with Hostage"Come freund, we need to move.""Move it out!""Move out! Quickly!""Moving out. I've got you."Scanning Enemies"Bad guys in our way.""Targets in sight!"Other"Targets changing mags!""Targets reloading!""Targets swapping mags!"IQ(智商姐)Spawning"Focus on the objectives.""Rely on your whole team, not just your tech.""Stay alert. Don't miss a thing.""We're not going in blind.""You will know if I see anything.""I'll keep an eye out.""I'll be watchful, as ever.""Stay on top of things.""You'll know if I see anything.""Let's do this by the book.""Come on, let's do this."Using Electronics Detector"Deploying Electronic Sensor. If it runs on batteries, I'll see it.""Scanning for electronic devices.""RED scanning! Sweeping perimeter!"Reloading"I'm out!""Swapping mags!"Other"Targets are reloading!"JAGER(我耶格今天要...)Operator Video"They said it could not be done. They said it was designed for tanks. They said I could not make it smaller and more accurate. They were wrong."Spawning"Before we start, does anyone want to bail out?""Expect a smooth ride from us.""I expect you to perform like a well-tuned engine!""Is there sarcasm in this?""Just let me know when grenades start flying.""Remember, I can't fix you like I fix your cars.""Stay alert and watch for trouble, yes?""Your plan is as good as your intel!""A plan is only as good as the intel it was based on. Be ready for anything.""Do not hesitate to improvise if the stitch warrants it.""Sure, we can do that too.""That will probably work.""I wouldn't have said it like that, but... that's cool."Setting Active Defense System"ADS deployed and ready to go!""Deploying ADS.""Stay clear of ADS line of fire!""You can stop worrying about grenades now!"Placing down Deployable Shield"Ballistic Shield is up!""Shield is ready!"Reinforcing"Floor reinforcement is ongoing!""Playing carpenter on that wall!""Reinforcement is in place!""The wall's been reinforced!""Wall is done!"Barricading"Barricading door!""One less entry point to worry about!""Window's secured!"Reloading"Cover me, reloading!""I'm out of ammo!""Loading mag!""Out of ammo!""Reloading, cover me!""Swapping mags!"Reviving"I'm an engineer, not a medic!""I'll fix you right up, ja?""Let's fix that, shall we?""What a mess, let me help!"Scanning Enemies"Target in sight.""Target in the open!"Locations"Break Room.""Cafeteria.""Casino.""CEO's Office.""Classroom.""Conference Room.""Detention Room.""Engine Room.""Garage.""Hangar Bay.""Laundry Room.""Library.""Map Room.""Master Bedroom.""North Side.""Pool Room.""Presidential Bedroom.""Server Room.""Supply Room.""Stairs.""Stock Room.""West Side."Other"Target reloading!"BANDIT(班迪)Operator Video"I used to be undercover. I did time. I had to deal drugs. I even had to kill. And I was so good at it that, it got me a promotion."Spawning"Brave, smart, or lucky - you will still die.""Enough talk, get to work.""It's not time to lose focus.""Keep quiet and do your jobs.""Remember, nothing is ever really dead.""Today we are a team, tomorrow - who knows.""Your gear come with that polish?""You look like Scheisse today.""Stay focused.""You are all very unbalanced individuals.""Don't be an idiot."Placing down Shock Wire"Device activated!""Device in position!""Device positioned!""Device placed!""Device set!"Reinforcing"Fortified floor!""Fortifed wall!""Wall secured!"Barricading"Boarded window!"Using Barbed Wire"Barbed Wire set!"Setting Nitro Cell"Nitro!""Nitro deployed!"Reloading"I'm out!""Mag's empty!""Reloading mag!"Reviving"I'll help you.""Stay calm, I'll fix you."Friendly Fire"Cease fire!"Scanning Enemies"Hostiles found!"Locations"Armory.""Bedroom.""Balcony.""Consule's Office.""Church""Delivery Area.""Garage.""Kitchen.""Large Server Room.""Laundry Room.""Library.""Living Room.""Lobby.""Maintenance Area.""Map Room.""Master Bedroom.""Stairs.""Third Floor."White Masks Reloading"Enemy reload!""Fire now!"阵营 /加拿大-JTF2/Buck(雄鹿)Spawning"Just don't forget that we are the hunters.""Just stick to the plan and everything will be okay.""Remember the plan, but be ready to adapt.""Remember: we are the hunters... they are the prey.""As they say, the game is afoot.""I've got this all planned out.""Just stick to the plan.""The hunt is on. La chasse est ouverte.""It's second nature.""Pffff... N'importe quoi." (french: "Whatever.")Using Stun Grenade"Throwing flashbang!"Using Frag Grenade"Frag Grenade out!""Frag out!"Reloading"Loading new mag!""Need to reload!""Reload!""Reloading!""Swapping mags!"Reviving"Easy, I've got you.""I've got you.""You're going to be okay."FROST(扶她)Spawning"Always have a plan, and always have a backup plan for when it goes wrong.""We need to outthink them, as well as outshoot them.""Be ready to anticipate your enemy."Time for all the planning to pay off."Using Welcome Mat"Deploying.""Laying down the Welcome Mat.""Ready for company.""Setting up Welcome Mat.""Welcome Mat deployed.""We're ready for company."Reinforcing"Reinforcing the floor!""Wall secured!"Reloading"Changing mags!""Loading new mag!""Reload!"阵营
/美国-Navy SEALs/Blackbeard (黑胡子)Spawning"Don't forget, we have a job to do.""Don't lose your cool, no matter what happens.""I'm with you.""It's time to work.""Keep it simple, no need to be flashy.""Keep it together.""Stay in control at all times.""High speed, low drag.""Enough chatter."Using Rifle Shield"Deploying Ballistics Shield!""Deploying Rifle Shield!""Get behind me!""Mounting Rifle Shield!""Rifle Shield deployed!""Taking point!"Using Breach Charge"Breach Charge deployed!""Charge in position!""Breach Charge is set!"Using Drone"Activating Drone!"Reloading"Loading mag!""Reloading!"Reviving"On your feet.""You're going to be okay."Getting Hostage"Asset secured.""Package secured.""Retrieved the asset.""Securing the package."Moving Hostage"Move it!""Pick it up.""Run!""Run, now!""Stay close.""Stay with me.""This way."Dropping Hostage"Don't move.""Hold it.""Stay here.""Stay put."Valkyrie(女武神)Spawning"We've got this.""Just remember: only two people in the world can get this job done. I'm one of them.""Wait for my signal. We don't wanna go in blind.""You ready to earn your trident?""Stay focused."Using Black Eye"Activating camera!""Camera activated!""Camera in position!""New camera feed up and running!""New feed active!""New feed up and running!"Reinforcing"Wall secured!"Placing Nitro Cell"Nitro Cell set!""Setting off the C4!"Reloading"Reloading!""Swapping mags!"阵营 /巴西-BOPE/Capit?o (巴西烤肉男)Spawning"N?o recue diante a adversidade.""Skulls never quit.""Get in line, or get out of my way.""Keep it together.""Vitoria sobre a morte e a nossa gloria prometida." (portuguese: "Victory over death is our glory promised.")Using Tactical Crossbow"Loading glass!""Out of ammo!"Using Frag Grenade"Frag grenade!""Frag out!""Throwing frag grenade!"Using Drone"Activating Drone!"Reloading"Changing mags!""Loading new mag!""Loading new magazine!""Reload!""Reloading!"Reviving"I've got you."Getting Hostage"Got the hostage.""Hostage secured.""Retrieved the hostage.""Secured the hostage."Moving Hostage"Come on.""Keep up.""Let's go.""Move.""Stay close."Dropping Hostage"Don't move.""I need you to stay here.""Stay here.""Wait here."Caveira (女鬼)Spawning"Vitoria sobre a morte e a nossa gloria prometida." (portuguese: "Victory over death is our glory promised.")"This is my favorite part.""Skulls never quit.""What are you waiting for? Move out!""What are we waiting for? Let's go!""Never quit. Never back down."During Interrogation"Can't hide from me now!""Talk to me.""Last chance.""It's just you and me now.""Spill it!""Where are they?""Where are the rest of you?""You're all mine, seu miserável!""Talk, desgra?ado!"After Interrogation"Breaking your ally wasn't very challenging, but I found ways to have fun.""Breaking your ally was too easy. I still enjoyed it, though.""Caveira's coming for you!""I'll give you a taste of what I can do!""They always get so talkative before they bleed out.""They love to talk to me.""You can run, but you can't hide!"Using Impact Grenade"Throwing frag!"Using Barbed Wire"Razor wire in position!"Reloading"Loading new mag!""Out of ammo!""Reloading!""Swapping mags!"Reviving"Aiding friendly.""Aiding injured friendly."Scanning Enemies"Fourth floor.""Hostile in sight!""Hostile located."Friendly Fire"Hold your fire!"阵营 /日本-SAT/HIBANA (火花)Spawning"As a good friend of mine would say: 'Stay away from the blast.'""Use the field against them.""Stay together and follow my lead.""This is going to be a tough op. But then that's why you were chosen.""Settle in, we have work to do.""Be patient in there. They'll come to us.""Check your gear.""Remember: it's not over until I blow up the place. And even then."Using X-Kairos"Clear.""Knock, knock!""See you on the other side."Deploying Claymore"Mine set."Reloading"Changing mags!""Reloading!""Swapping mags!"ECHO ( 日式肥宅)Spawning"No comment.""Don't forget your gun.""Do you smell smoke?""Don't follow me.""If anything comes up, scream. Maybe I'll be around."Using Yokai"Deploying Yokai!""Enough prancing around. Time to take them down.""I'll just relax here, and let Yokai do the rest.""I'm going to drone this part.""I'm going to lie down for a bit. Yokai can take care of them.""I'm just going to drone this.""Remember folks: Efficiency is clever laziness.""Time to be efficient, and kinda lazy.""What a drag, Yokai can handle this.""Why do it yourself when robots do it better.""Yokai can handle this."Reinforcing"Wall reinforced!""Wall secure!"Barricading"Barricade set!"Using Barbed Wire"Razor wire in position."Reloading"Loading new magazine!""Reload!""Reloading!""Swapping mags!"Reviving"I got you."阵营 /西班牙-GEO/JACKAL(跟踪狂大叔)Spawning"Every trail leads to death. So is yours.""My brother used to say: 'Among the blind, the One-Eyed Man is king'.""Someone is watching us.""There is someone else here. But they cannot hide from me.""The steed, the night, and the desert all know me. Now, you do too.""You remind me of my brother.""You ever get the feeling that these operations are getting a bit too... comfortable?""First rule of hunting: become your prey, then hunt yourself.""Did you hear that?"You remind me of my brother.""Impressive.""Nothing compares to a hunt.""You will see.""It's second nature."Using Eyenox"And what do we have here?""Let me see what hides in the dark.""I caught something.""I see you lurking.""Scanning.""They always leave something behind.""This will do.""We have a clean trail.""What do we have here?""Well, well, well."After Scanning"Better meet Death, than be hunted by its shadow.""Better meet Death, than dread its shadow.""Clean tracks, I have a trail.""Clean trail, I'm on course.""Don't worry, it will all be over soon.""I'm on the hunt.""Darkness betrayed you.""It will be all over soon.""I won't let this one slip away.""Never trust the naked eye.""Nothing compares to a hunt.""Tracks are clean, I have a trail.""The darkness has failed you.""Stay still now, I'll be there shortly.""You better start running."Killing the Scan"Better dead than sorry.""End of journey.""Finished.""I finished.""Never let them slip away.""Not sorry.""Patience is bitter, but its fruits are sweet.""Reached the finish line.""So predictable.""Sorry, not sorry.""Target was put down.""Target was caught and put down.""The target was put down.""The target was caught and put down!""The trail has come to a close."Setting Breach Charge"Breach Charge primed.""Setting Charge."Detonating Breach Charge"Brace for Charge."Using Drone"Deploying drone."Reloading"Reloading!""Loading fresh magazine!"Reviving"Aiding friendly.""Friendly injured.""I got you.""On your feet."Getting Hostage"Hostage recoevered.""Hostage retrieved.""Hostage secured.""We have the hostage."Moving Hostage"Keep moving.""Keep running.""Let's go.""Move.""Run!""Sígueme.""We have to go."Dropping Hostage"Be perfectly still.""Be still.""Don't move.""Keep quiet.""Stop."Other"No choice."MIRA(米拉)Spawning"For most people I’m a relief. But for you, I’ll be a nightmare.""I'd let you finish, but I really don't want to.""Whatever happens, I'm not waiting for you.""These sightlines are terrible. I'll fix that.""What's your favorite car?""Do as I say. Can't go wrong with that.""Do you watch rugby?""You better hurry the hell up in there.""Why me.""Uuuh, I'd let you finish, but I really don't want to."Using Black Mirror"Calibrating air compression... All set.""Gotta love the view.""Let me have a look at you capullos.""Now you see me, now you won't.""Time for some home improvement."Breaking Air Pressure"Get ready, I'm taking it down."Using Nitro Cell"Deploying Nitro Cell!"Reloading"Changing mags!""Loading full magazine!"阵营 /香港-SDU/ LESION (刘醒/伤害)Spawning"Do you box?""I have this bet with Porter. You want in?""Have you met Porter yet?""Don't let them play with your head. Stay sharp."Placing Gu Mines(放置蛊时)"All set to jam their jīngluò.(经络?)""Giving them a shot.""It'll sting a lot.""Needles set.""Needles out.""Planting toxins.""Prepping needles.""Setting needle candy.""Toxins set."YING(莹)Spawning"And then there was light.""Been there, lit that.""If you can't keep up with me, you're dead weight.""Ever saw the Symphony of Lights? I do it better."Using Candela (使用烛光弹时)"Flash incoming.""Lights on.""Lighten up.""Put your shades on.""Rolling out.""Throwing lights."阵营 /波兰-GROM/ELA(波兰小姐姐)Operator Video (干员视频):"It's a brutal, dangerous world out there, but I've found my way. Chaos is my home, and I'll make sure you never escape it." (外面的世界-危险,残忍,令人胆寒。但我找到了我的道路。混沌与无序服从于我,它们可绝对不会放过你。)Spawning"Stay away from Zo.""So you're a big shot, huh?""I don't want to hear it.""Whatever happens, I won't wait for you.""Don't wanna talk about it.""Don't make me punch you."Placing Grzmot Mine (放置棉花糖时)"Adding mine.""Flying out.""Gumming it.""Here's a forgive-me-not.""Here's a memento.""Here's a treat.""I was here.""Mine flying out.""No time to waste.""Stick around.""Sticking it.""That will slow them down.""This will be fun.""Tossing it."20254 条评论分享收藏感谢收起


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