
從測試階段就招來許多爭議的變態殺人魔模擬遊戲《Party Hard》終於要正式發布,預計夏天登上遊戲平台與iOS、Android系統!遊戲主角是一位因為鄰居開派對而被吵到火大的傢伙,玩家要潛入派對大肆搗亂,但並不是砸爛幾件家具就了事,而是要一個不剩殺光所有參加者,甚至還能夠誤導警察辦案,讓警察抓走無辜的參加者!!!當個變態殺人魔還嫁禍給別人真是太爽啦~~
就跟大部分的虛擬創作一樣,警察在虛擬世界總是廢到極點,《Party Hard》的警察也不例外,他們會隨便將一位參加者視為殺人兇手抓回去……
目前開發團隊只宣布《Party Hard》會在夏天正式亮相,詳細時間還不明,想體驗大屠殺的玩家還得再耐心等一等,不要真的在現實世界實行呀!!!
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参照:中文Minecraft Wiki
您同时可以参考: ,这是一种利用怪物天然生成的机制的怪物农场。
准备好怪物生成区。特别注意,怪物生成区域是以刷怪箱为中心的9x9的水平区域,要把这一块区域完整地留空。在竖直方向上,需要留空的生成区域还包括刷怪箱的上一层和下一层的9x9的区域,所以你要把原本的圆石和苔石地面挖掉,如果有需要,你还可以在比原本的地板低一层的地方建造一层新的地板。 向前延伸,同时向延伸方向向下挖一格;并在原来的地板上铺上水 让水流能够将怪物和掉落物品冲进新挖掘的坑道中.
最重要的是水流系统,运输怪物和其它到前面.如果你已经成功开凿了所有有效刷怪面积(9x9),你可以用水流铺满整个空间,这将推动他们向前,一直推动到水流的尽头 如果任有怪物被困在角落里,你可能需要采取一个粘性活塞将其推到水流中,从而让其随着水流前进
骷髅最麻烦了:只要一有角度,他们可以从即便很微小的缝隙射你。为了干掉他们,你将需要将门或者栅栏放置在与他们的眼睛齐平的高度上,这样一来他们将无法射你,以及在栅栏的下方挖出一排空挡,这将作为你攻击的空间。如果你直接站在栅栏外,他们往往会迎到前面来,此时你便可以攻击了。在栅栏外围最近的一行可以作为一道沟壑,你可以站到那里,在房间里的攻击范围可以更远一些 but then they will occasionally get an arrow or two under the fences.
A classic water floor for normal dungeons
Redstone lamps controlling a spawner
Containing cave spiders
A more elaborate farm, using water to wash them forward
Drowning traps employ
to drown the hostile mobs. Mobs float in water and items drop, which allows easy separation.
In this example, the dungeon is a 5×5 zombie spawner.
Capture the spawner and place water in one of the corners. The opposite corner should have one dry block.
Dig a small hole in the dry corner. This is where the items will drop and a water channel is recommended.
Place two signs in the corners and one in the hole. Water considers signs to be solid blocks.
When water is placed in the corner, it will be held in place, even though it will look like it is flowing backwards.
Place glass panes (any block works, but this is a cheap material and allows easy access while filling up the drowning chamber).
Fill the chamber with water to the ceiling.
Close up the chamber.
Place a collection stream below the drowning chamber. Remove the torches and close up the dungeon walls.
Take out the torches and enclose the dungeon. This was designed for tall mobs, but can be modified for spiders by making the drowning chamber larger. Use signs to hold up water.
Capture spawner
Place water in one corner. Dig a hole in opposite corner.
Place signs
First source in drowning chamber
Glass panes
Fill the rest of the drowning chamber
Enclose drowning trap.
Collection stream
Please note that this video shows the incorrect process. You must fill up the column using source blocks, not just one at the top.
This trap is highly recommended. It's effective and safe on all mobs, except blazes, since you need water. Disable the spawner, and then make an 10×10 room around the spawner. On one side, place water on every other block. On the opposite side, make a one block deep trench extending along the side opposite the water. Light up the trench well. If you want, you can add a pool for fish and get a fishing rod to fish. Then, make a wall with a line of air at eye level to look through and strike. The holes have to be next to water. Now, get plenty of food, a few chests, and two or three swords. Now, remove the torches and let mobs spawn. The water will bring them and the drops to you, and you can shoot them and hit them. Also, make a room to eat and heal in safety, just in case you didn't build the trap thouroghly. With this trap, You can go for hours in one go, and gain hundreds of experience levels and items at minimum risk. The trap system is built in a way where you can easily leave when you want, with almost no creepers or non-spawner mobs popping up.
If the spawner is a spider, make these adjustments:
Add iron doors with levers to control mob flooding and possible death.
Bring milk.
This precaution is for cave spiders.
Add an on/off lighting system.
Bring bows to help control mob flooding and possible death.
This type only applies to
mob spawners. Sunlight based traps are made by placing water below a spawner. This water will flow from one side to another. Where the water stops, dig a pit a few levels down. This will drop the mobs into the pit. To finish, make sure that the pit is open to sunlight. This sunlight will burn the mobs alive.
This is a fairly expensive and hard to make trap, so it's not recommended.
First: Light up the room to prevent mobs from spawning.
Second: On top, dig out 2 blocks from the spawner room top without breaking the spawner roof
Third: Place the wires and dispensers like shown:
X - Roof Block
D - Dispenser looking in the spawner room
L - Lever, button or even a redstone clock, whatever you want to power
the dispensers up!
Fourth: Put inside the dispensers:
HARMING POTIONS: Used to damage spiders.
HEALING POTIONS: Used to damage skeletons and zombies.
POISON POTIONS: Used to weaken any mob that is not undead.
Fifth and last, but not least: Take the lights out, get up, and when you hear the roars, push the lever/activate clock/ whatever you used to power it up.
Again, it's expensive, so it's a lot better to use water or lava traps until you got a blaze trap, a lot of patience and potions, or just playing Creative/Having TooManyItems, or you can use witch to let witch throw potions to the trap filled with mobs, but it'll despawn if you're going too far away from them, and witches don't throw healing potions, so it's only usable for any mob that is not u
The following cactus trap is designed for spiders. It has a chance of destroying the items, but this is an inherent issue with cacti. (This can also incorporate a small cactus farm by placing a block 2 blocks above the cacti.)
Dig the main channel. The spider spawner is left in the wall forcing spiders to spawn on the small dry patch.
Dig two blocks down and one block in just before the cacti. These two holes will hold the collection water sources.
Place three ladders on the far side of the collection output. Place one on either piece of sand. Place the two water sources in the holes.
Place the main water in the two openings. The block between them makes the water flow towards the gap in the cacti, slightly improving the collection rate of string.
Cover the entire trap and remove all lights.
First make a room high above the ground and move at least 2 villagers to it.
Now put at least nine doors in it.
Next change one of the one wall in the room to glass.
Attach another room to the side that the glass wall is on.
Mine a hole in the floor of the empty room.
Line the hole with open trap doors (if your hole is 2 by 2 you will need 4 trap doors)
Directly under the hole, make a room without a roof on the ground.
This trap only works with zombies
Both rooms that are in the sky must be very dark
The zombies will try to get the villagers, they will fall through the hole, and if the room was high enough kill themselves in doing so and drop some awesome stuff!
Main channel, dry
Collection channel, dry
Collection channel, water and ladder placement
Main channel, water flow
Both channels. Front view.
Since it is impossible to obtain water in
for a drowning trap, this trap takes advantage of blazes' weakness to . To create this trap, one must disable the blaze spawner and fence a
into a nook in a wall. Once the spawner is re-enabled, the snow golem will shoot snowballs at the blaze until it dies. Alternately, one may create a redstone mechanism that brings out
or turns on redstone lights
to prevent the blazes from spawning until the mechanism is switched. Fenced access to a snow golem's nook can allow the player to construct a new one should the blaze defeat it. However, in Minecraft version 1.2, Snow Golems die in the Nether, making this trap need a potion of fire resistance.
Another way to make a blaze farm is to box in the spawner so that the blazes can't fly away. leave a space at the blazes foot level and stand so that your eye level is at that space. That way the blazes can't hit you (mostly) but you can hit them. This is also a pretty good experience farm since each blaze is worth 10 xp. Be warned however that sometimes blazes will spawn outside the box so it is advised that one box themselves in as well.
However, if you are playing on the Xbox 360 edition (This no longer works due to recent updates.), you can make a MUCH easier trap using ice, cobblestone/nether brick, and light sources. First, make an 8×8×3 space around the spawner (recommended you do this on peaceful and creative as you could be killed by blazes, fall in lava, or the spawner may be destroyed by ghast fireballs, as well as ice not being available in survival). This will require destroying the fences around the spawner. Next, place ice in a row along the back of the trap and place a light source above it (recommended glowstone) so that the ice will melt. Once the ice melts, you can destroy the light source above it. Repeat this step until you get flowing water to the front of the trap. Afterwards make a place where you will sit and wait for the blazes to spawn so you can kill them (The water alone will kill them, but you will not get any loot or xp.) Make a hole as wide as the trap's insides and one block high. If you let water flow into the area, you will not catch on fire if you are hit by a fireball (though you will take impact damage), at the cost of being faster to get to the loot, so make a platform out of the water to move around.
Then, get your Looting sword (preferably diamond with Sharpness and no Knockback, as Knockback will send the blaze into still water caused by the ice, which will keep it from flowing toward you) and beat the blaze rods and glowstone dust out of them!
Lava can quickly kill mobs and can be suspended on either a ladder or a sign. To suspend the lava, create a 3-long channel then put a sign or ladder on the last block. Lava spreads three blocks away from the source, so the last section of the lava will be left suspended on the sign or ladder.
Lava generates light, which can lower the spawn rate in the dungeon un however the increased turnover of mobs may compensate for this. (Only one trial - lava 'blade' is approximately 7 blocks away from spawner. Significantly increased rate with lava closer as opposed to having a dark spawn room with lava further away.)
This is when you have peaceful mobs spawn and are burned to death which cooks the dropped meat. First you cause peaceful animal mobs to spawn. Then you cause them to fall into lava that is one block high with a sign below it. This prevents the lava from flowing. Below the signs you put a block of cobweb. This causes mobs that have been caught on fire by the fire to burn and die without losing the drops.
Just have a way to collect the fallen meat, and you have an Auto Meat Cooker. You can also make a chicken trap by making a big pit of fire and then go high up and put a spawner. The chickens will fall into the fire and drop cooked chicken.
A working Auto-Pork Cooker
Traps that use unusual methods, such as huge pits, fall into this category.
Note: Using a half slab of cobble, planks, or sandstone in murder holes will prevent creepers and skeletons from seeing you, then you can retrieve items without breaking blocks, place the half slab on top of where the mobs would usually stand.
For this method, you must dig a pit that reaches far under the dungeon. Depending on the height (at least 23 blocks), the
will die on impact, as long as there aren't any blocks of water at the bottom. However, this method takes a long time to make and only works for spawners near or above the surface. Alternatively, , and then drop them 23 or more blocks in order to kill them (or you can do 22 blocks if being used for an XP farm).
For this trap, you need to dig a large pit 22 blocks deep under the dungeon, or make a water elevator taking them upwards so you can stay near the monster spawner. Go to the bottom of the pit and place water in a fashion so that it should flow towards a wall. Then make a room where the water is flowing. This is where you will stay while finishing off the mobs. Make the room so that it has a one-block hole where you can see the mob drop zone. Hopefully, mobs should spawn, fall down the pit and survive with half a heart, get pushed towards you by the water current, and get killed by a single hit. If you like, you can bring food along as your hunger will deplete over time. This should provide normal as well as rare mob drops and experience levels, making it quite useful. Another technique is to leave your player by the dungeon for a couple of hours, overnight is suggested, and there will be at least a hundred monsters waiting to be harvested. There is a possibility of the number of monsters causing large lag spikes, glitches, and maybe even crashing on weaker computers.
*Note, all dimensions are given the format: Horizontal x Vertical. This method is an indirect hybrid of the aforementioned traps, utilizing both fall damage and mob control with water. In the mob spawning room, dig 1 block down so that the spawner is at eye level, and place water blocks at two adjacent corners. On the wall opposite of the two water blocks, dig a 1×2 hole for three blocks in the middle of the wall (allowing mobs to pass through).
Begin digging upwards in a 1×2 fashion for 26 blocks. To get up, place signs on the long-faced wall (your left/right) in a zig-zag pattern going up while placing water blocks in between the signs. The first sign should be placed as furthest, lowest space possible. Stop placing signs after the 23rd level. The last water block should be against the wall furthest away from the mob spawner on the 24th level.
On the 25-24 block levels, dig a 1×2 hole for seven blocks in the direction the mob spawner. On the seventh block in, dig one block downwards. Dig in the forward direction for eight more blocks (again, 1×2). You should notice the water block placed on the 24th level should stop where the path drops by one block. Place a water block against the wall of the drop. Notice how this water block stops 1 block short of the path.
Dig further for two block and begin to dig downwards in a 1×1 fashion for 22 blocks. Face the direction of the mob spawner and dig another 1×2 hole one block deep. Dig down one and fill the top level with one block so that you can only see through one block of the pit you just created. (If you are using a skeleton spawner, you will need to stand one block away from this hole so that the skeletons cannot shoot you.) You are now standing at the loot point. Now that the almost-dead mobs are depositing into your 1×1 hole, simply attack them with any item to gain their loot and experience! You may use TNT + water to do splash damage to kill all mobs at once at the risk of lag spikes. Splash potions of Healing will also work, as they do damage to most hostile mobs.
note: you must have 2 block tall non-exploding mobs to do this or the mob will either destroy or get out of the trap
Useful tips on this design by Duck//Marvin: When you make the opening in the spawn chamber for the mobs to exit, make it 3 blocks high and place a sign or half slab
at the top.
This lets the mobs into the elevator more easily and prevents water spillage from the elevator.
Also making the transport corridors at the top 3 blocks tall instead of 2 allows the mobs to be transported faster as they will not hit the ceiling when they try to swim and get stuck.
As you can see in the picture above, there are 2 spawning rooms for the hostile mobs to spawn. This is very useful if you can silk-touch mine mob spawners.
Anyhow, the dimensions for the room are 5 across, 13 down, and 9 long. The picture is slightly deceiving, because you can't see behind the wood. To construct the spawning room(s), you will need a very durable pickaxe, or several pickaxes. You shall dig out the full room, and make a redstone lighting system to control when the mobs can and cannot spawn. You will then make a 2×7 water elevator, bringing the mobs up 5 levels above where you will hit them. You shall then make a 1×2 area to hit the mobs, and if room allows, a spot where water may flow to bring mob drops to you. You will be able to pick up most mob drops without this, but there are still few you won't be able to.
An alternative layout with a smaller footprint takes advantage of the fact that a player must be within 16 blocks of a spawner for it to activate, but that spawners only check 9 blocks vertically for spawned mobs. Build the trap as above, except instead of being off to the side, the killing floor is 4-16 squares directly above the monster spawner. This requires less materials, less x,z space and less precision in construction, though is 3-15 blocks taller.
To construct the trap this way, build a 9×5×9 room around the monster spawner with flowing water leading the mobs into a corner.
Build a water ladder in this corner going 26-38 blocks upwards as measured from the top of the monster spawner. At the top of the ladder, direct the mobs a couple blocks in any direction with water, and into a 22 block drop chute. At the bottom of the drop chute, create a platform 1 block lower, with a 1x1 "window" into the chute through which you can strike the mobs safely from the platform.
Firstly it should be noted that this was made with a zombie spawner in mind. Basically you just make a balcony of sorts and wail on the zombies as they approach you while being unable to hit you.
Seal the zombie spawner in a 5×5×5 chamber, naturally you want it to stay in the center of the chamber at the lowest height. Outside of the chamber make a platform that is 2 blocks high that surrounds the outer wall, and while standing on this platform, punch a wide hole in the corner of the chamber 1 block above the platform. Remove the corner block so you can stand in the corner while the zombies practically funnel toward you. They'll be able to push you but not hit you at all, so you're free to smack them on the head with your weapon of choice.
Naturally the rotten meat they drop will remain inside the chamber but the experience points will hover toward you. If for some reason the points end up too far just walk around the chamber to their nearest corner.
Optional: lead some tamed wolves into the chamber before sealing it!
Place torches to turn off spawner
Place water in two corners
Make a hole where the water ends
Make a 3×2 path until the water ends
Make it so mobs will stop at the end.
Recollect the torch and stand where the end of the tunnel is.
If done correctly you can slay the mobs and get experience and rare drops from mobs.
This type of spawner is made for Humanoid type monster spawners (skeletons, zombies, and in some cases zombie pigmen), but can be modified for a spider spawner. First disable the monster spawner and areas around it with Torches so Mobs do not spawn and disrupt the creation of the trap. Now make a room 17 blocks wide by 9 blocks long and anywhere from 4-7 blocks high, with the spawner being in the rough center and 1-2 blocks above the ground. Now dig out the bottom row 1 down everywhere except the center, which should be dug down around 7 blocks. Place a water source block on each end of this dug out area and it should stop just before the center. Now place water source blocks at the top so that it should stop before running into the dug out area. Remove the torches so that the mobs start spawning, and go down so that you are at eye level with where the center area was dug down 7 blocks. Make it so you can only see the mobs feet on one side, and on the other use a slab to make it so you can just see the top of its head. This allows good use of both swords And bows (Also, some servers give bonus damage for Headshots). *Screenshots Coming Soon*
This type of trap allows a one-hit kill on z however, the drops and the experience are farther away.
Expand the floor so that there are two blocks of air below the spawner, and the walls so that the room is 9×9. Dig four blocks down on the block directly below the spawner and place water source blocks in each corner.
Dig one block north and two blocks south (three blocks tall for each direction), then go towards the south end, and make an access shaft. At the north end, dig a shaft, 30 blocks deep, and three pointing west. At the bottom, make a small room and light it up. Place ladders on the west end, and make an access shaft to the top of the ladders. Place blocks to the east of the ladders, except for the bottom few.
Place two bottom slabs on the block south to that directly below the spawner, and place trapdoors liberally (zombies and skeletons can climb ladders). Optionally, place hoppers at the bottom of the collection room.
To maintain maximum efficiency a trap must take on an increased complexity in keeping mobs separated or moving quickly when dealing with multiple spawners of the same species.
Minecraft first checks within the 17 wide by 17 long by 9 high area with the spawner in the center (or 8×8×4 radius from the spawner) for mobs of the same species as the spawner.
If there are fewer than 6 mobs of the same species in the checking zone, it will spawn a mob within half the distance of the checking radius.
This means that with two spawners of the same species near to each other, there will be a zone that mobs will count for both spawners and severely impact the spawn rates.
It would be a wise idea to work out where these checking zones overlap and ensure that mobs being funneled to the trap do not enter that zone and/or leave the overlapped / checking area as quickly as possible to maintain peak monster spawner output.


