
ChemInform Abstract: Concise Synthesis of the C3&C14-Fragment of the Antitumor Agent Laulimalide. Application of Jacobsen&s HKR Reaction. - Dorling - 2001 - ChemInform - Wiley Online Library
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Studies on the homograft reaction in Rana pipiens utilizing C14 labeled glycine
Hartung, E.W., 1961: Studies on the homograft reaction in Rana pipiens utilizing C14 labeled glycine. American Zoologist, 1: 452
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Fragment of a [301] hydrogen-bonded chain in the crystal of (IV). [Symmetry codes: (i) x − ,  − y, z − ; (ii) x − 3, y, z − 1.] All H atoms except H5 have been omitted for clarity.
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