WOW UZIeui战斗浮动文字关闭数字怎么关闭

1 【】【】【】  Uzi is phenomenal  uzi叼炸天了!  That Uzi kiting!  Such great games!  Sadly there's no double elimination, OMG looks like they could have gone far&  uzi那个风筝简直!  比赛太精彩了了!  可惜不是双淘汰制,OMG看上去还能走的更远的&&  Uzi is a fucking god. Just, god.  uzi特么的神了  Uzi's Vayne game 2 was crazy.  第二把uzi的VN太疯狂了。  Uzi one of the best adc in China and San the reverse for a reason&  uzi是中国最强ADC之一,而伞不知怎么退步了&  San still has a 10.4 KDA, Clearly he isn't that bad. Comparing Uzi to him is just unfair because the dudes a god.  伞依然有10.4的KDA,他显然没那么遭,只是拿他和uzi来对比就太不公平了,因为后者是神。  How did Uzi not die in that last fight. WOW!  uzi最后那里怎么会不死的,哇!  Uzi is the madlife of ADC!  uzi就是ADC里的madlife!  So, I'm a bit of a Royal Club fan now, I like their play, and I think tabe is awesome.  现在我都快成皇族的粉丝了,我喜欢他们的打法,tabe很棒。  Uzi is fucking beast. That vayne play at the end holy shit.  uzi特么的是个禽兽,最后那里的VN简直我了个草。  if you everthink san is good ad from OMG, he is actually considered to be the weaker adc in china, tier1: Uzi tier2: weixiao, namei tier3: rest  你们以为OMG的ADC伞很厉害吗,他其实在中国来说算是偏弱的,T1级:uzi,T2级:微笑、,T3级:剩下的。  Holy crap, I need to start watching more LPL.  我勒个去,我要开始更多关注LPL了。  Tabe + Wh1t3zZ are now NA's only hope O_O  (they use to play on NA server)  tabe和white现在是北美最后的希望了0_0  (他们曾经在美服玩)2 【】【】【】  I have a feeling Royal is going to 3-0 Fnatic. Those mechanics and team synergy is just too good.  我有种皇族会3:0完胜fnatic的预感,他们的技术和协作能力太好了。  Royal is really strong team but frankly OMG is not that good today like SKT's first day when lost OMG and hard game with LD  皇族真的很强,但坦白说OMG今天发挥的不是很好,有点像SKT第一天输给OMG后打LD都有点吃力的感觉。  chinese are so based i love them so fucking much. i always knew they were beasts. just look at the last 10 years of dota.  我特么爱死这些中国人了,我一直都知道他们很屌,看看这十年来的DOTA就知道了。  God damn. I've never been this hype for a
match before. I was actually standing and screaming while watching. That was such an intense game. Godlike teamfighting too. I don't think I can sleep tonight now since I'm way too hyped.  该死的,我从来没有因为一场比赛这么爽过,我基本就是站在那里尖叫着看完的。,紧张的过程,神级的团战,我觉得我已经爽到没法入睡了。  Uzi is a god. Move over Faker.  uzi就是神,faker一边儿去。  Uzi God  uzi上帝  (译注,类似短评不少,后面的就不重复搬了)  Royal played really well, they've upped their game a lot and all credit goes to them.  I'm sad about OMG not being able to advance, I know Cool looked devastated. I believe OMG will come back next season stronger than ever.  皇族打得真好,他们控制了节奏并得到了回报。  很伤心OMG没能晋级,我知道无状态看起来被震到了,我相信OMG会在下个赛季回来并变得更强。  Pink keyboard OP  粉色的键盘太OP了  Uze's Vayne should have a new dance/taunt &Can't touch this&  uzi的VN应该有个新的&Can't touch this&舞、嘲讽。  Good idea!  好主意!  best final ever, wait quarter-final? why not final? final is not gonna be as great as this.  有史以来最棒的决赛,什么,是四分之一决赛?为什么不是决赛?这么屌的比赛应该在决赛出现啊。3 【】【】【】  I think that the main point that has been made today, is that we want NO, we NEED more Chinese scene coverage next season. LPL is too closed, VODs are only in Chinese and after these so entertaining games, i think we all agree we want more.!  我想今天大家都有了一个共鸣:下赛季我们想要&不对,我们需要更多的中国战队登场。LPL太封闭了,这么屌的比赛只有在中国才有直播,大家都想看更多的中国比赛吧!  Uzi pink keyboard OP  uzi的粉色键盘太OP了  Move out of the way Doublelift, there is a new Vayne marksman in town.  Doublelift一边儿去,镇上有新的神枪手了。  Royal has repeatedly shown that even though if they lose top/mid and jungle as long as Tabe Uzi wins that lane they will win the game.  皇族已经反复的证明了,就算他们的上中野都崩了也没关系,只要tabe和uzi出山了,照样能赢。  Just wow! Awesome games. Royal's team-fighting ability is just insane. The amount of times they left with less than 15% of HP is just crazy. I also have to mention Uzi and his insane positioning and decision making.  吊到飞起的比赛。皇族的团战能力简直吓人,好多时候他们都只剩不到15%的血量,我也不得不提到uzi那变态的走位和决断力。  Uzi was incredible! MVP of the series! Seems like we have new god of ADCs.  uzi太让人难以置信了!MVP!看起来我们有新的ADC之神了。  Wow those games were fucking crazy. Uzi is a genius. SKT vs Royal is gonna be absurd. Not that I doubt that Fnatic/S it's just hard to picture these teams losing right now  这比赛太疯狂了,uzi是个天才。SKT对阵皇族将会很荒唐,我不是说fnatic和NJS赢不了,只是很难想象SKT和皇族会输而已。  This is probably the best match out of worlds so far. Shame that it was only a BO3, instead of BO5.  这大概是S3到目前为止最精彩的比赛了,很遗憾不是BO5。  Imagine if Vulcun has uzi.  想象一下如果vulcun有了uzi的话。  Oh My God!! I am sad that omg is out. At the same time, I was so impressed by the games between them. Totally entertaining! Chinese meta is just so fun to watch. Can't wait for the RC vs fanatic series!!  我的天啊,OMG的出局令人伤心,同时他们的这场比赛让人印象深刻,太好看了!中国队的比赛观赏性太强了,等不及看皇族打fnatic了!  &C9's jungler is one of the best junglers I have ever seen& - Tabe  &C9的打野是我见过的最好的打野之一&tabe如是说。  I always heard doublelift giving high praise and respect to Uzi and now I know why. Holy crap.  Also, this match had finals potential. Sucks that they had to draw each other.  我一直听说doublelift对uzi推崇备至,现在我知道为什么了,我去。  还有,这场比赛太有决赛范了,现在就让他们决胜负太操蛋了。  Uzi responsible for waking up my whole house  uzi要对我吵醒了全家人一事负责。  Tabe and Royal Club have earned themselves a lot of fans tonight, that's for sure, and well deserved.  tabe和皇族今晚赢得了大量的粉丝,理所当然的,理所应当的。  Game 2 felt like a 45 minute game with so much action but, it was only 25~mins?  第二把打得这么激烈紧张好像打了有45分钟,结果尼玛才25分钟?  WOW, Tabe has made me a big fan of Royal Club, I hope they win!  哇,tabe让我成了皇族的脑残粉了,希望他们能赢!  UZI so beast, only 16 years old my god  uzi简直禽兽,他才只有16岁我的天4 【】【】【】  They're so humble, holy&  他们如此谦逊,我了个&  Tabe is such a nice guy! And Wh1t3zZ falling of his chair was so adorably hilarious wtf.  tabe多好一个人啊!还有white从椅子上掉下来太欢乐了我去。   I know! Those Chinese dudes are really passionate yet humble  哈我看见了!那些中国哥儿们真的很热情又谦逊  I denounce Faker as god. The only true god is Uzi.  faker算哪门子的神,唯一的神是uzi。  The last time someone pissed off Faker, it didn't end well.  上一次对faker不敬的人,下场可不怎么样。  Tagged as &Faker nonbeliever.& You will pay.  标记为&不信我神faker者&,你会付出代价的。  Tagged as &Uzi nonbeliever.& You will pay.  标记为&不信我神uzi者&,你会付出代价的。  Uzi cleans up the enemy team during game, Tabe cleans up the crowd after the game. GG  uzi搞定了游戏中的敌人,tabe搞定了比赛的观众,GG  I am now a Royal Club fan. Uzi is a STUD and Tabe is so damn nice .  我现在是皇族粉丝了,uzi就是台柱啊,还有tabe也真特么好。  Tabe does some awesome interviews, answers the questions and comes off as honest and humble.  tabe的采访很赞,问题回答的既实诚又谦逊。  Tabe has me in tears! What a great guy. So nice to see international love.  tabe让我泪流满面!真是个好人,能见到国际大爱真好。  Tabe best interview NA  北美最强tabe采访(恶搞北美最强瑞文)  I'm glad people are finally on the Uzi bandwagon, he's generally been ignored by this sub-reddit. There was a 'best adc' poll on here not too long ago and he got 1% of the vote despite the fact that he was been dominating top tier chinese ad carries for 2 LPL seasons.  我很开心大家终于开始关注uzi了,他以前在reddit论坛上基本上都被忽略了,尽管uzi在LPL上横扫中国ADC,但之前不久这里的&最强adc&的投票中,他只有1%的支持率。  To be fair, namei is the chinese adc mvp and is pretty evenly matched with uzi  公平的说,是中国ADC中的MVP,而且他和uzi基本旗鼓相当。  Honestly, I wasn't very exposed to him, and had no idea he was so good. I'm sorry I ever doubted you Uzi xD  坦白讲,我根本没了解过uzi也不知道他有这么厉害,很抱歉我曾怀疑你的实力,uzi。  The Chinese teams have impressed me a lot more than the Koreans. The aggression and team fighting by both OMG and Royal were amazing.  中国的队伍要远比韩国队伍更让我印象深刻,皇族和OMG的侵略性和团战水平太让人惊奇了。  Good fucking luck, Fnatic.  fnatic,祝你们好运。  I think its safe to say Uzi lived up to the hype, his mechanics and reaction speed are truly astonishing.  我想现在可以说uzi达到预期的表现了,他的技术和反应速度真的让人惊讶。  Tabe has better English than most EU LCS players :D  tabe的英文比大部分的欧洲选手还要好啊  Tabe showed incredible sportsmanship, it's a shame Royal and OMG had to face each other.  tabe展现出了难以置信的体育精神,皇族和OMG抽到一起实在太可惜了。  Putting the Uzi hype train aside (I still agree that he's fucking insane), everyone on Royal played those teamfights amazingly. Great initiates from Tabe and peel from the entire team to enable Uzi to kite like crazy. Great games to watch with some nice teamfighting by both Chinese teams.  把对UZI的推崇先放一边(我也同意他很可怕),皇族所有人在团战中的表现都很惊人,tabe精妙的开团分割了整个阵型让uzi能疯狂的风筝。一场两只中国队伍精彩团战的比赛。  HOW FUCKING ADORABLE IS TABE  tabe真他娘滴的可爱。  Shout out to Tabe, so well spoken and humble after the games. Take notes people, that's how you interview.  为tabe尖叫,口才又好,赢了还这么谦逊。赶紧大家都用本子记下来,以后你接受采访就学着点。5 【】【】【】  I've never watched a Chinese LCS game. I might start now.  我从没看过中国LCS比赛,我可能要开始看了。  Called the LPL, bro. And welcome to the club &3  But not Royal Club. You'll find out why they don't have that many fans/why many Chinese fans feel strongly about them.  那边的是叫LPL,哥儿们,还有欢迎来到俱乐部,但不是皇族俱乐部,你会发现为什么他们在中国没多少粉丝,以及为什么很多中国粉丝对他们态度强硬。  Duly noted. As far as why they don't have that many fans, want to elaborate?  我会留意的,至于为什么他们没有多少粉丝,你能详加解释下吗?  Uzi, the Godlike ADC you saw, has a rather long history of being a pretty vicious rager in Solo Queue. (He's only 16 btw.)  That nickname of ''puppy'' has a double meaning. When he's fed, he can often times be a rapid dog in gameplay and in words.  uzi,如你所见的神级ADC,在单排时有着长久的喷子历史(顺便一说他只有16岁)  那个&小狗&的外号有着两重意思,他送人头的时候,不但游戏里速度快过狗,嘴里也不会闲着。  That's not the reason why they don't have a lot of fans. The reason is that Royal and OMG are rather new and WE has been way more successful untill early S3. It's like comparing TSM with Vulcun and C9. Some people may like the new teams but the majority is still going to cheer for the old guard.  那可不是他们没有很多粉丝的原因,真正的原因是皇族和OMG都是新兴战队,而且WE直到S3早期都是最成功的的战队,这就像TSM跟vulcun和C9的区别。有些人或许更喜欢新战队,但大多数人更中意老牌队伍。  What? Royal Club has so many haters in China it's not even funny. Their haters definitely outnumber their fans. It's not just because they're new that they have no fans.  啥,皇族俱乐部在中国有这么多黑子?这可不好玩。皇族黑的数量远远超过了皇族粉,可不只是因为他们是新战队。  let's just say Uzi has the reputation of Woong in China (besides being good)  这么说吧,UZI在中国的名声就跟woong在韩国差不多(除了好的一面)  Just out of curiosity, what did he 'allegedly' do (or did do)?  好奇的问一下,uzi到底干嘛了?  He just rages a lot  他就是经常喷人。  Royal Club forever!  They are just so talented and extremely fun to watch. while omg has been so strong in groupes, royal has the unpredictable element of godlike and whitezz. This is why all casters chose OMG instead.  if royal stays consistent, expect them to march on to the finals.  永远的皇族俱乐部!  他们的比赛是如此的才华横溢极其值得一看。当OMG在小组赛里表现得如此强大的时候,皇族却显得不可预知,结果所有的分析都看好OMG。如果皇族保持这样的状态,必将能进军决赛。  &we didn't want to be tourists& -tabe 2013  &我们不想成为旅游队&tabe如是说  Oh that makes so much more sense I thought he said terrorists  当时我以为他说的是不想成为恐怖分子,还以为有啥深意呢。(tourists发音近似terrorists)  same, haha  我也是,哈哈
ma leave that ass smoking like a Amsterdam tourist, manThese hoes, desertShe fell in love with the martianI said you too down to EarthMan, love WayneGot a bunch of diamondsThis shit is target practiceThat's chump changeAnd your b*tch is my gun rangeMy tongue is a UziMy duck is a AKMy tongue is a UziMy duck is a AKMy tongue go brrrrrr, until she tired,&#39!My duck go pow!Lay on that bedOpen your mouthThis pussy so cleanLike soap in your mouthI do my lil' danceHe scoping me outIf that d*ck like a treeWatch me build a treehouseOK, the baddest b*tch in this bitchGot the fattest clique in this bitchYou might drownYou better start doggy paddling in this b*tchI'm Trin Beam, nagga, queen, naggaSleep in this pussy, dream, naggaI stay on that dickLike a f*cking balance beam naggaHair pulled, neck grabbedDon't fuck with hoes that backstabDon't fuck with naggas that ain't got shitIf I fucked a nagga, that's my dickMy mouth a jacuzziMy pussy a safe placeFuck me till daybreakThen you can go skateTrina翻译:wowzers Lil韦恩我的舌头是乌兹我的鸭子是AK我的舌头是乌兹我的鸭子是AK我的舌头去brrrrrr!我的鸭子去战俘!我的舌头去brrrrrr!我的鸭子去战俘!婊子!躺在床上,打开那个小妞我的法国吻那只猫像“永远”;坐在我的脸上,m-u-a-h我在吃猫,我说,我的恩典女孩我比他更我不知道为什么你还跟他打那只猫,睡觉她得到了Tylenol PM他妈的那个婊子,直到她累了,直到她累了,就像一个环给她头上像一个边缘,它的味道很好,m-m-m小怪物在她的壁橱充满惊喜我给全身按摩我希望那只猫的气味像紫罗兰我希望那只猫比暖和卢克甜如高迪瓦吸了这鸭子和燕子,螺母就peniscolada抬起,迷你裙那是我的晚餐,沙漠她爱上了火星我说你太脚踏实地人,这些女人,爱韦恩有一堆硬币,那是小钱这便是目标的做法和你的婊子是我的枪系列我的舌头是乌兹我的鸭子是AK我的舌头是乌兹我的鸭子是AK我的舌头去brrrrrr!我的鸭子去战俘!我的舌头去brrrrrr!我的鸭子去战俘!我的舌头是乌兹我的D * CK是AK在这里等她暨像发薪日我希望这汁比烤蛋糕甜她说它对Tunechi她躺着脸但我想要吃得更健康所以我吃素食吸,猫我已经感觉好多了她说,"Tunechi慢”;和Tunechi就快了我的舌头是一个电机我的D * CK是纳斯卡奶油,猫迪克头,像一颗子弹如果她的头发真的我把它我希望她感觉屁股坐垫之类的我给她木时我们不我希望那只猫的味道像布丁然后我把锄头启动等等,让我把我的脚放在(Tunechi)有甜糖果猫我离开那个屁股抽像阿姆斯特丹旅游,人这些女人,爱韦恩有一批钻石这是目标的做法那是小钱和你的婊子是我的枪系列我的舌头是乌兹我的鸭子是AK我的舌头是乌兹我的鸭子是AK我的舌头去brrrrrr!我的鸭子去战俘!我的舌头去brrrrrr!我的鸭子去战俘!躺在床上张开你的嘴这猫很干净喜欢在你口中的肥皂我做我的小舞蹈他观察了我如果D * CK像一棵树看我建造一个树屋好的,坏的B*TCH这婊子在这个婊子有一团你会淹死你最好开始打包在这B*TCH划桨我是梁,娜迦族,皇后,娜迦族在这睡猫,梦想,娜迦族我留下来,迪克像他妈的平衡梁娜迦族拔毛,脖子抓住别他妈的锄头,背刺别他妈的naggas,就什么都不是如果我上过娜迦族,那是我的迪克我的嘴一个按摩浴缸我的猫一个安全的地方他妈的我直到天亮然后你可以去滑冰蒂娜!My tongue is a UziMy d*ck is a AKDown here waiting for her to cum like paydayI'm hoping this juiceIs sweeter than baked cakeShe say it's for TunechiShe lie with a straight faceBut I&#39, I say my graceGirl I&#39, that&#39, let me put my foot in (Tunechi)Got a sweet toothCandy and pussyI'm trying to eat healthierSo I ate a veggieSucked on that pussyI feel better alreadyShe said &quot!BitchWowzers-Lil WayneMy tongue is a UziMy duck is a AKMy tongue is a UziMy duck is a AKMy tongue go brrrrrr!Mma pull itI hope her ass feel like cushionI give her wood when we wouldn'tI hope that pussy tastes like puddingThen I give that hoe the bootHTil she tired like a rimGive her head like a brim, M-U-A-HBefore I eat that pussy!Lay on the bed, open that twatI french-kiss that pussyLike &muah&Ss my dinner,It tastes good, m-m-mPussy monster in her closetFull of surprisesI give full body massagesI hope that pussy smell like a violetI hope that pussy warmer than lukeAnd sweet as GodivaSuck this duck and swallow that nutAnd call it PeniscoladaLift up that mini-skirtThat'm nastier than himI don&#39!My tongue go brrrrrr!MTunechi go slower&And Tunechi went fasterMy tongue is a motorMy d*ck is a NASCARWhipped cream on that pussyDick head like a bulletIf her hair real I't know why you still with himBeat that pussy, go to sleepShe got that Tylenol PMFuck that b*s chump changeThis sh*t is target practiceAnd your b*tch is my gun rangeMy tongue is a UziMy duck is a AKMy tongue is a UziMy duck is a AKMy tongue go brrrrrr!My duck go pow, these hoes, love WayneGot a bunch of dimes!My duck go pow!My tongue go brrrrrr!My tongue go brrrrrr!My duck go pow
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