北欧神话火巨人 巨人Rymer中文该怎叫(不是铰刀)

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rymer英 ['ra?m?r] 美 ['ra?m?r] rymer 基本解释911查询·英语单词大全铰床,铰刀rymer 网络解释1. rymer1. 铰床 铰刀:ryetermsR.T. 裸麦条件 | rymer 铰床 铰刀 | ryotron 薄膜感应超导电装置rymer 双语例句1. 1. Mr Moreton, putting on a thick coat, for it was now blowing very hard, went off to Captain Rymer's house, which was close down to the bay, accompanied by Mrs Merryweather's servant, and greatly alarmed the family by asking for his son and Harry.&&&&莫尔顿先生穿上一件厚外套,因为现在外面的风刮得很凶,在梅里威瑟太太家仆人的陪伴下,他们赶到瑞莫尔船长的家,他们对于大卫和哈里下落的询问也让瑞莫尔一家大为吃惊。2. Captain Rymer and Mr Moreton had gone on board their vessels to get ready, and thus there was no one actually in command.&&&&瑞莫尔船长和莫尔顿先生已经回到了各自的游艇上,因此可以说没有一个真正意义上的指挥者。3. Thomas Rymer, for example, condemned Shakespeare for mixing the comic with the tragic.&&&&像托马斯·赖默批评莎士比亚将悲剧和喜剧掺杂在一起。4. danci.911cha.com4. For several decades, Rymer' but during the eighteenth century, critics began to respond to Shakespeare on his own terms and acclaim what they termed his natural genius.&&&&几十年来,赖默的观点占了上风。但是到了18世纪,评论家开始以莎士比亚自己的风格来评论他,并赞扬了他天生的才气。5. They retraced their steps to the highest part of the rock, and waved and shouted, even though they knew that their voices could not be heard, but the yachts stood on at some dist it should be remarked, Captain Rymer's leading.&&&&他们退回到礁石的最高点,虽然明明知道船上的人不可能听到距离这么远的声音,但他俩还是拼命地向游艇挥手和呼喊。6. Rymer chairs the advisory committee for an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) pilot project that offers independent science experts to judges.&&&&赖莫担任美国科学促进协会(AAAS)一项前导性计画的谘询委员会主席,目的在推荐独立的科学专家供法官谘询。rymer是什么意思,rymer在线翻译,rymer什么意思,rymer的意思,rymer的翻译,rymer的解释,rymer的发音,rymer的同义词,rymer的反义词,rymer的例句,rymer的相关词组,rymer意思是什么,rymer怎么翻译,单词rymer是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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n. 作诗者;打油诗人
n. 扩孔器;绞刀(等于reamer)
ry是哪个词首字母 ... ryegrass 黑麦草 rymer
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Captain Rymer and Mr Moreton had gone on board their vessels to get ready, and thus there was no one actually in command.
UK managing director Darcy Willson-Rymer said: "Our sales are still growing despite tough conditions on the high street and our financial position continues to improve.
In a paper called “The Dynamic Business Applications Imperative,” John R. Rymer, a senior analyst with Forrester, points to a fundamental shortcoming of today’s applications
在一篇名为《动态业务应用势在必行(The Dynamic Business Applications Imperative)》的论文中,Forrester的高级分析师John R. Rymer指出了当今应用的一个致命缺陷
The treadmill training is "an enormous advance" avows William Zev Rymer, director of research for the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.
Last year the race, believed to be the oldest in the world, claimed the lives of two American pilots, Richard Abruzzo, 47, and Carol Rymer Davis, 65.
It took until 1845, with the appearance of James Malcolm Rymer's serialized horror story "Varney the Vampire, " for the vampire's bite to become a properly rabid act of infection.
- 来自原声例句


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