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全球化通常被看成是全球的西方化。从这个意义上说,不论是全球化的拥护者还是它的反对者都同意这种观点。那些对全球化持乐观态度的人把它看成是西方文明对全人类的巨大贡献。欧洲大发展的过程是一段有着非常精确轨迹的历史:首先是文艺复兴,其次是启蒙运动和工业革命,这些运动大幅度地提高了西方世界的生活标准。现在,西方取得的巨大成就开始传播到世界各地。从这个角度来说,全球化不仅是一个好事,而且也是西方世界送给全人类的礼物。然而那些赞同对这段历史这样解读的人感到很难过,因为这个伟大的善行被忘恩负义的世界看作是一个祸根,而且还竭力蔑视它、谴责它。   从这种反面的观点,可以看出西方的统治——有时被当成是西方帝国主义的延续——是一个魔鬼。依照这种看法,当代的资本主义受到贪得无厌的欧洲和北美国家引导和驱使,创设了一系列的贸易和商业规则,但没有照顾到世界上穷人们的利益。各种各样的非西方身份——宗教(如伊斯兰原教旨主义),地区(如亚洲价值的拥护者)。或者文化(如颂扬儒家文化圈)的复兴——会进一步激起和西方的对抗。   全球化真的是一个新的西方祸根吗?事实上,它既不是新的,也不是必然就是西方的;更不是一个祸根。几千年以来,通过不断的旅行、贸易、移民、文化交流的扩张、以及知识和理性的传播(包括科学和技术),在许多国家的发展过程中,这些全球性的相互联系起到了建设性的作用。这些国家也没有必要走西方国家发展的老路。事实上,全球化的行动主体常常是那些远离西方文明的偏远地区。   譬如让我们来审视一下上个千年初期而不是末期的世界。公元1000年左右,全球范围的科学、技术和数学的发展改变了以往世界的本质,但是在某种程度上,这些知识传播的方向与我们今天看到的情况是截然相反的。在公元1000年的世界里,高科技主要包括造纸、印刷机、弩、火药、铁链制的吊桥、风筝、罗盘、手推车和旋转扇等。在公元1000年以前,中国已经广泛地使用这些东西了——而其他地方对此几乎一无所知。正是全球化把这些东西传播到包括欧洲在内的全世界各地的。   东方世界对西方世界数学发展的影响是一个相似的过程。从公元2世纪到6世纪之间,印度人就发明了十进制,并熟练应用了这种方法。随后阿拉伯的数学家们也掌握了这一方法。主要是在公元十世纪最后25年,那些数学上的革新传播到了欧洲,这既冲击了上个千年初期的欧洲社会,又在科技革命中扮演了重要的角色,促进了整个欧洲的转型。全球化的主体既不是欧洲人也不仅仅是西方人,更不一定就和西方统治联系在一起。事实上,那时如果欧洲拒绝了全球化带来的数学、科学和技术的传播,那么将会陷入经济、文化和科学的贫困。今天,这是一个同样的过程,尽管方向是相反的(从西方到东方)。因为它代表了西方影响和帝国主义就拒绝接受全球化的科学和技术,这不仅意味着忽视了全人类的共同贡献——吸收了世界不同地区的成果,而且在实践上也是一个十分愚蠢的决定。   在否认全球化本质上是一种来自西方的现象的判断时,我们不但要质疑反西方的花言巧语,而且还要反对许多当代作品表现出来的亲西方的沙文主义。当然,文艺复兴、启蒙运动和工业革命这些伟大成就——主要发生在欧洲,后来传播到了美国。然而许多重大的进步也吸收了世界其他地方的知识和技能,而不是局限在零散的西方文明的藩篱内。我们的全球文明是一笔全人类的遗产。      全球的相互依赖和运动      我们必须驳斥对全球化的认识和实践的这样一个误解,即可怕的西方化在殖民的和后殖民的世界中扮演了反动的角色。这种见解激起了地方的褊狭化倾向,并且破坏了科学和知识的客观性。它不仅会对全球相互依赖的历史过程产生破坏作用,也会使非西方社会“搬起石头砸自己的脚”,即使他们的脚还在自己宝贵的文化遗产中。   让我们来分析一下印度拒绝使用西方自然科学和数学的思想和观念的情况。在19世纪,这种矛盾准确地描述了西方和印度本土教育之间的对抗过程。这些“西方派”,如著名的托马斯·巴宾顿·麦考利(Thomas Babington Macaulay),漠视印度传统的任何优点。他公然声称:“我从没有见过他们(印度传统文化的提倡者)中有人拒绝任何一架欧洲一流图书馆的书,这些书对于印度和阿拉伯半岛的本土作品来说是十分有价值的。”部分地出于对这种论调的回击,本土教育的提倡者抵制西方的所有东西。双方都理所当然地接受了两种迥异文明完全对立的两分法。   欧洲的数学,例如正弦概念的应用,被当成一个纯粹从西方传到印度的舶来品。事实上公元5世纪,具体来说是公元499年印度数学家阿耶波多(Aryabhata)在他的一本关于天文学和数学的经典著作中已经论述过正弦概念,梵语称为弦一半(jya-ardha)(字面意思是半弦(haft-chord))。这个词,梵语的简写是jya,然后转
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把握中印战略合作新机遇——在印度世界事务委员会的演讲Seize the New Opportunities in China-India Strategic Cooperation
中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强Speech by H.E. Li KeqiangPremier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China(2013年5月21日,新德里)At the Indian Council of World AffairsNew Delhi, 21 May 2013& &
& & 尊敬的胡尔希德外长、杜阿代表、比尔拉副主席,女士们、先生们:
& && &&&Honorable Sidharth Birla, Vice President of the Federation of Indian&&
& && &&&Chambers of Commerce and Industry,
& && &&&Ladies and Gentlemen,
& & 那莫斯代(大家好)!
& && &&&Namaste (Good day)!
& & 我很高兴来到这里,与关心中印友好的各界朋友见面和交流。感谢印度世界事务委员会热情周到的安排。27年前,我作为中国青年组织负责人访问印度,对贵国广袤的大地、灿烂的文化、智慧的人民,留下了深刻印象。这次印度之行,故地重来,倍感亲切。借此机会,我代表中国政府和人民,向伟大的印度人民致以崇高敬意!
& & It is my great pleasure to come here and meet with friends from various sectors who care about friendly relations between China and India. I wish to thank the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) for the warm reception and thoughtful arrangements. Twenty-seven years ago, I visited India as a leader of China's youth organization. During the visit, I was deeply impressed by India's vast territory, splendid civilization and talented people. Returning to India after so many years has brought back to me many fond memories. So let me take this opportunity to express, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, our deep respect to the great people of India!
& & 这两天,我同辛格总理等印度领导人进行了多次友好、坦诚、富有成效的会谈会见,双方都很满意,国际舆论也给予积极评价。我们一致认为,中印作为世界上人口最多、市场潜力最大的两个邻国,是天然的合作伙伴,应把对方的发展视为己方的重大机遇。两国共同利益远大于分歧。中印两国携手共同发展,是亚洲之幸、世界之福。双方表示要一起努力,共同掀开两国关系新篇章,培育亚洲合作新亮点,打造世界经济新引擎。
& & Over the last two days, I have had friendly, candid and fruitful talks and meetings with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and other Indian leaders. Both sides are very satisfied with the visit and there are positive commentaries in international media. We both agree that as neighboring countries with the largest populations and greatest market potential, China and India are natural partners of cooperation and we should see each other's development as an important opportunity for ourselves. Our two countries have far more common interests than differences. If we can achieve common development, it will be a true blessing for Asia and the world. Both sides have expressed a determination to open up a new chapter in the bilateral relations, and foster new bright spots of Asian cooperation and new engines for the global economy.
& & 最重要的是,中印作为战略合作伙伴,达成了许多战略共识,增强了战略互信。对历史遗留的边界问题,我们没有回避,一致同意继续推进边界问题谈判进程。双方共同认为,中印两个文明古国有足够的聪明智慧,找到彼此能够接受、公平合理的解决方案。在此之前,要完善处理边境事务的相关机制,提高工作效率,妥善管控分歧,共同维护边境地区的和平与安宁。这符合两国的共同利益。中方理解印方在跨境河流问题上的关切,一直从中印关系大局和人道主义精神出发,在汛期水文资料和应急事件处置方面向印方提供协助。我们愿进一步加强这方面的合作,并在跨境河流的开发利用和环境保护方面与印方加强沟通。针对印方关切的贸易逆差问题,中方愿看到更多有竞争优势的印度产品进入中国市场,并为此提供便利。我们不刻意追求贸易顺差,动态的贸易平衡才是可持续的。中方支持本国企业加大对印投资,鼓励企业间扩大服务贸易,通过多种途径弥补两国间货物贸易不平衡的缺口。我们还共同探讨了地区安全问题。双方希望南亚地区和平安宁,主张通过对话协商解决有关问题。我们之所以把相互关切的问题放到桌面上敞开来来谈,说明双方都有真诚交往的意愿,有处理问题的智慧。只要我们面向未来,增进互信,着眼化解问题,着力深化合作,就一定能够推动两国关系迈上一个新台阶。
& & Most importantly, as strategic partners, China and India have reached extensive strategic consensus and increased strategic trust. Rather than shying away from the boundary question which has been left over from history, we have agreed to advance the boundary negotiations. We both believe that as two ancient civilizations, China and India have the wisdom to find a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution. Before the boundary question is resolved, we will improve the relevant mechanisms on border affairs and increase their efficiency, properly manage differences, and jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas. This serves the common interests of both countries. With regard to the issue of trans-border river, the Chinese side understands India's concerns. In the larger interest of China-India relations as well as the humanitarian spirit, we have been providing assistance to the Indian side in terms of sharing flood-season hydrological information and managing emergency situations. We are ready to enhance cooperation with India in this regard, and strengthen communication on the utilization and protection of trans-border rivers. As for the Indian side's concern about the bilateral trade deficit, let me say that we would like to see more competitive Indian products enter the Chinese market and stand ready to provide facilitation. It has never been China's intention to seek a trade surplus. Only a dynamic trade balance is sustainable. So China supports its enterprises to increase investment in India and encourages Chinese companies to expand trade in services. Through these and other ways, we can narrow the trade gap in goods. During this visit, the two sides also discussed regional security issues. We both hope to see peace and tranquility in South Asia and encourage dialogue as the way to resolve the relevant issues. The fact that we are able to put issues of mutual concern on the table and have open and honest discussions about them shows that both sides have the sincerity for exchanges and the wisdom for solving problems. As long as we look to the future, increase mutual trust and focus energy on resolving problems and deepening cooperation, we will succeed in taking China-India relations to a new high.
& & 这次访问,中印还就发展两国面向和平与繁荣的战略合作伙伴关系达成了一系列新的务实成果:一是启动了两个快速发展的邻邦全面合作的新议程。双方发表了联合声明,在政治、经贸、人文和国际事务等诸多领域,搭建了未来合作的战略性框架,开启了中印关系上升的新起点。双方确认互为重要合作伙伴,而非竞争对手,共同发展需要签署一批全面合作的协议,这次有了个好的开头。二是明确了两个潜力最大市场对接互补的新途径。双方探讨了贸易和投资便利化事项,确定要开展产业园区和铁路等方面大项目合作,推动双边贸易动态平衡和经贸合作规模持续扩大。三是探索了两个新兴经济体互联互通的新方式。双方愿共同倡议建设孟中印缅经济走廊,加强边境贸易,推动形成更大的市场和发展合力。四是拓展了两个古老民族人文交流的新领域。双方决定深化两国在文化、青年等领域的交流,确定2014年为“中印友好交流年”,增进相互了解与友好。今天我们播下友谊的种子,相信在不久的将来一定会结出硕果。五是加强两国在国际和地区事务中的沟通与协调。双方认为,发展中大国在国际组织中的话语权和代表性应该增强。我们愿意看到印度在世界上发挥更为重要的建设性作用。
& & During my visit, the two sides have agreed some new, practical outcomes for the purpose of growing our Strategic and Cooperative Partnership for Peace and Prosperity. First, we have launched a new agenda for all-round cooperation between our two fast growing neighboring countries. The Joint Statement issued by the two sides provides the strategic framework for furthering cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, people-to-people, international and other arenas. It will be a new launch pad for China-India relations. The two sides have confirmed that China and India are important partners rather than competitors. To achieve common development, China and India need to sign a number of agreements for all-round cooperation. During this visit, we have made a good start. Second, we have established new ways for connecting and drawing on the complementarity of our two most promising markets. The two sides have discussed trade and investment facilitation, and agreed to promote large cooperation projects including industrial zones and railways, and work for a dynamic balance in bilateral trade and a larger scale of economic cooperation between China and India. Third, we have explored new ways for increasing connectivity between our two emerging economies. We are ready to jointly initiate the development of a BCIM Economic Corridor, promote border trade and create a bigger market and greater synergy for development. Fourth, we have identified new areas of people-to-people and cultural exchanges between our two time-honored nations. The two sides have decided to deepen cultural and youth exchanges, and designated 2014 as the Year of China-India Friendly Exchanges to increase mutual understanding and friendship. I am confident that it will not take long to harvest rich fruits from the seeds of friendship we have sown today. Fifth, we have agreed to strengthen communication and coordination in international and regional affairs. Both sides would like to see better representation and greater voice for major developing countries in international organizations. China would like to see India play a more important and constructive role in the world.
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& & 女士们,先生们!
& & Ladies and Gentlemen,
& & 我们生活在一个变革的时代,但总有一些思想和精神经久不衰,焕发出新的生机与活力。印度就是这样一个古老而年轻的国家。过去几千年,印度在人类文明史上谱写了绚丽多彩的篇章。今天,印度成为世界上经济增长最快的国家之一,综合国力和国际地位不断提升,世界性大国作用日益突出。作为友好邻邦,我们对印度发展取得的巨大成就表示由衷祝贺!
& & We live in an age of change, but there are always certain things that are enduring and full of vigor and vitality. India is such a nation, as young as it is old. For thousands of years, India has written magnificent chapters in human history. Today, it is one of the fastest growing economies of the world. India has seen a steady rise in its national strength and international standing and it is playing an increasingly notable role as a major country in the world. As India's friendly neighbor, China offers hearty congratulations on its enormous achievements.
& & 中国和印度山水相连,友好交往源远流长。两个东方文明古国曾创造令人惊叹的辉煌历史,过去几百年也都有一段受压迫、受冲击的经历。现在,两国都走上推进现代化的伟大征程,近10年来中国和印度经济平均增长率都在7%以上。双方关系也走上了健康、成熟的发展轨道。中印人口相加超过全球的1/3,两国的振兴和互动必然会吸引世人的目光,中印关系无疑是21世纪世界上最重要的双边关系之一。
& & China and India are connected by common
our friendly exchanges date back to ancient times. Our two time-honored Oriental nations have both written an amazing history. In the past few centuries, both countries suffered foreign oppression and external shocks. Now we are both on a great journey towards modernization and we have both registered an annual growth rate of over 7% in the last decade. And our relations have entered a track of sound and mature growth. With a combined population of over one-third of the world's total, our rejuvenation and interaction attract the attention of the world. Without a doubt, China-India relations are one of the most important bilateral relationships in the 21st century world.
& & 当今世界,政治多极化与经济全球化并行发展,共同性和多样性相伴而生。尽管一些地方还存在局部冲突,但和平、发展、合作的潮流不可阻挡,新兴经济体和发展中国家日益崛起,中印两国合作发展的空间十分广阔。我们要立足当前,面向未来,牢牢把握中印战略合作的新机遇。
& & Today, political globalization and economic globalization are moving commonalities coexist with diversity. It is true that there are pockets of conflict in some parts of the world, but the trend of peace, development and cooperation is clear and irreversible. Many emerging markets and developing countries are on the rise, and China and India have tremendous room for expanding cooperation.Building on what we have achieved and looking ahead to the future, we must firmly seize the new opportunities in strategic cooperation between China and India.
& & ——两大文明交融互鉴将焕发新的时代活力。中华文明和印度文明各具特色,交相辉映,汇集了历史的精华,是人类智慧的结晶。印度文化中和谐包容、精神超然、希冀未来的人生理念,中华文化中以和为贵、刚健自强、厚德载物的处世哲学,对于解决人类面临的深层问题和妥善应对各种挑战,都具有重要启示。只要我们继续秉持包容的精神,互学互鉴,就可以超越差异,凝聚共识,使两大文明焕发生机、再创辉煌。
& & - Cultural interflow and mutual learning between our two great civilizations will generate fresh vitality in the new era. China and India each boasts a distinct civilization that adds radiance to the other. They both are the cream of history and the crystallization of human wisdom. The Indian culture emphasizes harmony, inclusiveness, spiritual transcendence and
the Chinese culture values peace, perseverance, self-discipline and social commitment. All are useful guidelines for tackling the deep-seated problems and challenges facing mankind today. As long as we follow the principle of inclusiveness and mutual learning, we will be able to rise above differences and build consensus so that our two great civilizations will brim with fresh vitality and create new splendors.
& & ——两大市场互补对接将释放新的发展潜能。中印两国的市场同为极具潜力的市场,总人口超过25亿,如果每人换1部手机,全球IT制造商的订单就会爆满。两国产业的互补性也很强,印度在信息软件、生物制药等方面具有优势,中国在机电轻纺、新兴产业等领域发展较快;印度正在推进基础设施建设,中国在这方面经验丰富。中印两大市场的对接可以产生“1+1>2”的叠加效应,既有利于两国经济持续发展,也能为全球经济注入新的动力。
& & - The complementarity and connection of our two big markets will unleash new potential for development. China and India are two markets with great potential. If every one of our combined 2.5 billion population buys a new mobile phone, it will blow up the orders list of all IT manufacturers in the world. Our industrial structures are highly complementary. India has a competitive edge in IT, software and biomedicine, while China is seeing rapid expansion of its machinery, textile and emerging industries. India is in a major drive to improve infrastructure, an area where China has rich experience. Our two markets, if connected, will be greater than the mere sum of the parts. Such a strategy will help to sustain economic growth in both countries and inject new dynamism into the global economy.
& & ——两大邻国共同发展将开创新的合作格局。对于任何一个国家来说,邻国是无法选择的,但远亲不如近邻,中印合作不用舍近求远。新世纪以来,两国合作的新发展,给双方人民带来了实实在在的利益。当前,中印都面临发展经济、改善民生、振兴国家的重任,推进睦邻友好、共同发展,既惠及两国人民,也将为亚洲其他国家提供新的机遇。
& & - The common development of our two big neighboring countries will create a new paradigm of cooperation. No country can choose its neighbors, and a distant relative may not be as helpful as a near neighbor. China and India should not seek cooperation from afar with a ready partner at hand. Since the dawn of the 21st century, progress in our cooperation has brought tangible benefits to our two peoples. At present, China and India both face the heavy tasks of developing the economy, improving people's lives and reinvigorating the country. In seeking good-neighborly relations and common development, we will not just benefit our own peoples, but also create new opportunities for other Asian countries.
& & ——两大发展中国家和平共处具有世界意义。60年前中印共同倡导的和平共处五项原则,已成为国际关系的基本准则。两国都坚持独立自主的外交政策,都奉行互利共赢的开放战略,都秉持世界多极化和文明多样化理念,都看重对方在国际和地区事务中发挥更大的建设性作用。中印加强密切协作,不仅有助于维护双方利益,而且有助于提升发展中国家和新兴经济体的影响力,推动实现国际社会的公平与正义。
& & - Peaceful coexistence between our two major developing countries will be of global significance. Sixty years ago, China and India jointly initiated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which have become basic norms governing international relations. Our two countries both pursue an independent foreign policy and a win-win strategy of opening-up. We both stand for a multi-polar world and diversity of civilizations. We attach great importance to each other's playing a greater and constructive role in regional and international affairs. Closer coordination and cooperation between China and India will help to safeguard our interests and, more importantly, enhance the influence of developing countries and emerging markets and promote fairness and justice in the global community.
& & 女士们,先生们!
& & Ladies and Gentlemen,
& & 中国实行改革开放以来,经济持续发展,社会繁荣进步,民生不断改善。但今天的中国仍是一个发展中国家,人均国内生产总值刚刚达到中等收入水平,城乡和区域差距依然较大。中国要建成现代化国家,还有很长的路要走。我们将集中精力把自己的事情办好,实施好扩大内需、创新驱动、转型发展等战略,更加注重改善民生,更加注重提高发展质量,打造中国经济升级版。我们将坚持市场化改革基本取向,实行更加积极主动的开放战略,激发社会的创造活力,形成内生发展的强大动力。尤其是我们以向西开放推动西部大开发,在西部建设一批特殊经济区、开发开放实验区,构筑对外开放的门户,这有利于中国西部地区发展,也会给周边接壤国家带来更多机会。
& & Since the launch of reform and opening-up more than 30 years ago, China has enjoyed continuous economic growth and social progress and delivered increasingly better lives to the people. Nevertheless, China remains a developing country whose per capita GDP has just reached the level of middle-income countries and where significant gaps exist between urban and rural areas as well as different regions in China. We still have a long way to go before completing the building of a modern country. We therefore need to devote all our energy to running our own affairs well. To upgrade the Chinese economy, we will implement the strategies of boosting domestic demand, seeking innovation-driven development and realizing economic transformation and pay more attention to improving people's lives and raising the quality of development. We will adhere to the basic direction of pursuing market-oriented reforms, adopt a more proactive strategy of opening-up, arouse the creativity of the whole society and create greater impetus for self-generated development. Very importantly, we will promote the development of China's western region through the country's westward opening by building special economic zones, pilot open-development zones and gateways. This will not just boost the development of China's western region, but also create more opportunities for China's immediate neighborhood.
& & 30多年来中国的发展进步,得益于坚持走和平发展道路。未来中国要实现新的发展,仍要坚定不移地走和平发展道路。无论现在还是将来,中国永远是世界和平的坚定维护者。“己所不欲,勿施于人”。这是我们从本国历史经验中得出的深刻体会。中国作为亚洲的一员,坚定维护亚洲和平稳定,愿与印度等南亚各国一起,为实现地区和平与发展发挥应有作用,使横跨中国和印度的亚洲大陆成为和平、发展、合作的热土。
& & China owes its development and progress in the last 30 years and more to the path of peaceful development. To achieve more development, we will remain firmly committed to this path. Both now and in the future, we will always be a staunch defender of world peace. One deep insight that we have drawn from our own history is not to do unto others what we would not want others to do unto us. As a member of the Asian family, China will continue to stand firm for peace and stability in Asia. We would like to work with India and other South Asian countries to play our due role for regional peace and development, so that the Asian continent that both China and India belong to will be a land of peace, development and cooperation.
& & 女士们,先生们!
& & Ladies and Gentlemen,
& & 中印友好是中国长期坚持的战略方针。这次访问印度,是我出任总理后的首访、首站,体现了中国政府对印度的高度重视。访问中,我也感受到了印度政府和人民与中国深化友谊、密切合作的真诚愿望。
& & China is committed to the strategy of developing friendly relations with India. I have made India the first stop of my first overseas visit as China's Premier to demonstrate the high importance the Chinese government attaches to India. During this visit, I have felt the sincere wish of the government and people of India to deepen friendship and intensify cooperation with China.
& & 政治互信是双方友好合作的前提。圣雄甘地曾说:“中国和印度是同舟共济、患难与共的同路人。”中印要发展永恒的友谊,做真诚的朋友。这是大方向。当然,两国关系由于历史、文化、社会等差异,难免出现一些波澜。但天空中的几朵云,遮不住中印友好的灿烂阳光。双方应始终从战略和全局高度看待中印关系,牢固树立中印互不威胁、互不遏制、互为合作伙伴、互为发展机遇的观念,保持高层密切交往,推动政府包括地方政府、立法机构、政党之间扩大交流,加强理解,增信释疑,筑牢战略和政治互信的基础。
& & Political trust is the precondition for friendship and cooperation. Mahatma Gandhi once observed that China and India are fellow travelers sharing weal and woe in a common journey. China and India should forge lasting friendship and be sincere friends. This is the general direction we must stick to. Admittedly, due to our different histories, cultures and social systems, there are inevitably some problems in our relationship. But a few clouds in the sky cannot shut out the brilliant sunrays of our friendship. The two sides should always proceed from the strategic and overall interests in developing the bilateral relations. We should always remember that we are not a threat to each other, nor will we eve instead, we stand as each other's cooperation partner and development opportunity. We should maintain frequent high-level exchanges and encourage more interactions between governments, including at the sub-national level, and between legislatures and political parties in order to enhance mutual understanding, dispel misgivings and solidify the foundation of our strategic and political trust.
& & 两国关系最具潜力的领域在务实合作。2012年,双边贸易额达到665亿美元,但与两国的经济发展水平和经济规模还很不相称,要在动态平衡中扩大经贸合作规模。中印都制定了“十二五”规划,应把中国向西开放和印度“东向政策”有机联系起来,促进双方在信息、能源资源、基础设施、科技、农业等领域合作,使两国贸易再上新台阶。我们愿启动中印区域贸易安排的谈判,愿与印方共同抵制保护主义,为扩大合作创造更好条件。
& & Practical cooperation offers the greatest potential in boosting bilateral relations. Our two-way trade, totaling US$66.5 billion in 2012, is still incompatible with the development level and size of the two economies. We must strive for dynamic balance in our trade in the course of expanding business cooperation. Both China and India have adopted the 12th five-year plan. We should connect China's westward opening-up strategy with India's Look East policy. The two sides should step up cooperation in a wide range of areas, including IT, energy and resources, infrastructure, science and technology and agriculture, with a view to expanding our bilateral trade still further. China wishes to launch negotiations with India on a China-India regional trading arrangement (RTA). We will work with India to oppose protectionism to help create conditions for greater cooperation.
& & 中印人文交流生生不息。绵延险峻的高山隔不断两国人民内心对彼此灿烂文化的倾慕和向往。北京大学一位老师,毕生研究和传承古印度文化,曾花10年时间翻译《罗摩衍那》,印度总统授予他“莲花奖”。现在,印度歌舞和瑜伽深受中国人喜爱,中国美食和中国功夫在印度广受欢迎。我们应继续推动两国在人员交往、文化传媒等各个层面的人文合作,厚植中印关系的民意和青年基础,让中印友好关系世代传承。
& & There has been an endless flow of cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and India. The towering and meandering mountains cannot stop people of the two countries from admiring each other's splendid culture. A late professor in Peking University had devoted his entire life to the study and promotion of ancient Indian culture. In fact, he had spent a decade translating Ramayana into Chinese. In recognition of his many contributions, the President of India awarded him the Padma Bhushan. Today, Indian songs, dances and yoga are very popular in China, while Chinese food and kung fu are well liked in India. We should encourage more cooperation at all levels in such areas as people-to-people exchange, culture and media to cement public support, especially the support of the young people, for good bilateral relations so that our friendship will be handed down from generation to generation.
& & 女士们,先生们!
& & Ladies and Gentlemen,
& & 我了解到,印度世界事务委员会成立已经整整70年了,一直致力于国际和外交事务的研究,成果丰富。中国视印度为国际事务中重要的合作伙伴。没有中印的携手合作与共同发展,就没有亚洲之强、世界之大。我们理解并支持印度在联合国包括安理会发挥更大作用的愿望。双方应继续在联合国、二十国集团和金砖国家等框架下协商立场,维护发展中国家共同利益。只要中国和印度发出共同的声音,世界就会倾听。
& & In its 70-year history, the ICWA has conducted productive studies on international issues and diplomacy. China regards India as an important partner in international affairs. Without cooperation and common development between China and India, there will not be a strong Asia or a better future for the world. We understand and support India's aspirations to play a greater role in the United Nations, including in its Security Council. The two sides should continue to coordinate positions and uphold the common interests of developing countries in the UN, G20, BRICS and other mechanisms. When China and India speak with one voice, the world will listen.
& & 大自然的天造地设,使中印两国人民各自生活在喜马拉雅山的两侧,但整个山脉是不能分开的。如果仅从自己的一侧就不能看到全貌。我们需要跨越喜马拉雅山的握手,需要站在更高层次上展望全局。我相信,只要中印两国把握大局,面向未来,携手前行,就一定能够开创中印、亚洲和世界繁荣发展的美好明天!
& & Nature has placed the people of China and India each on one side of the Himalayas, yet the mountain itself stands as an integral whole. From the foot of either side, one could not see the whole mountain range. What we need is a handshake across the Himalayas. And we need to stand higher and see the larger picture. I am convinced that as long as we do so, look far into the future and work together, we will create a bright future of development and prosperity for our two countries, Asia and the world at large!
& & 谢谢大家。
& & Thank you!
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