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Holdfast: Nations At War 中文版
《Holdfast: Nations At War》是一个多人在线的游戏,是马耳他的一家独立游戏工作室Anvil的处女作。Holdfast: Nations At War故事背景架设在拿破仑时代,游戏中配有具时代标志性的武器,比如毛瑟枪、剑、加农炮等。同时海上也是游戏的一大特色。
它是:战团 - DLC拿破仑战争 制作组所制作的独立游戏。继承前作特点:玩家可以扮演乐手与鼓手,可以弹奏钢琴,新增加了拉小提琴的水手。
这是一款团队协作对抗类型的游戏,是一款排队枪毙爱好者必玩的游戏,是一款优秀的拿破仑战争游戏。如果你是散人游荡在各个服务器,我推荐你拉上你的朋友一起来玩或者加入一些线列组织才会体验到其中的乐趣。该游戏又有黑色艉流的风趣,又有排队枪毙的严肃,从正面看去人物模型 ,奔跑动作与被击杀而弹飞的动作显得非常。从背面来看,一条线列在军鼓短笛的伴奏下整齐缓慢的行走,从你肩头呼啸而过的炮弹差点命中你,听指挥官的指令排队,前进,横队,瞄准,。齐射造成浓浓的烟雾令人非常代入!这是黑火药的时代,枪与炮,纪律与秩序的时代,喜欢拿破仑的你,喜欢排队枪毙的你为何不来试试呢?
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名稱: Holdfast: Nations At War
發行日期: 2017 年 9 月 21 日
AWARD: 2017 Indie of the Year Top 10
&Early Access plays a key role in allowing us to remain independent. We are currently self-funding Holdfast: Nations At War to avoid any sort of outside influence to the development of the game and remain community oriented. We also want to create the game without the need for accepting donations or loans largely as part of our overall motivation and dedication to this project. Shaping the game together with the players has played a major role in ensuring it’s success. We have been gathering feedback since the very early stages of the game’s development and we will continue to do so. Early Access will enable all of our followers with a direct opportunity to provide us with feedback while we continue to improve, iterate as well as well as include new content within the game.
Be sure to join us on our forum if you wish to share any suggestions. There are boards which are solely dedicated to gathering your feedback whilst allowing the rest of our community to voice their opinion on the matter. .&
&Creating a multiplayer title with a small team is a very challenging process. We want to make sure that the product is polished and most importantly satisfactory before the full release. We expect the full release of the game to be ready somewhere within 12 months after the start of Early Access. In game development, it is very difficult to accurately guess how long work will take. For this reason, we are not yet ready to give a definitive date.
We will be able to gather feedback on a much larger scale during the Early Access period. This will better help us with shifting our priorities on the improvements, new features or content that the community wants most before going for the final release.&
&We have chosen the Napoleonic Era specifically because it offers us with almost endless possibilities for content. Holdfast: Nations At War is not just a single release for Anvil Game Studios. We have plans both for the game directly in terms of performance optimisations and additional content in patches but also for a Holdfast franchise.
We wish to build a community around this release, support it and keep new content coming so that it grows. This covers bug fixing in patches and later additions of planned content before then moving forwards into new regions, ships, factions, gameplay features and maybe even exploring new conflicts!&
&Holdfast: Nations At War is still under active development.This Alpha state means that some of its features and content are more polished than others. Improvements are ongoing for the core mechanics of the game such as the melee and naval combat along with player count optimisations. On that base, we also plan on the inclusion of new features such as cavalry, new factions and maps. We know what the community wants and we’re working on it!&
&There is a possibility that the price may change after Early Access but this has not been decided yet. Pricing for the final launch version of the game will be announced at a later stage.&
&We truly believe and understand that the community’s involvement in our development process is of the utmost importance for the competitive element of the game to strive and prosper. It also plays a crucial role in ensuring the overall success of the game.We have always welcomed feedback and always will. We would like to once again extend our invitation to join us on our forums where you can communicate your suggestions and thoughts with both the developers and the community. You’re more than welcome to get involved and help us shape the game.The development roadmap details a list of new features for all of the theatres of combat within the game as well as improvements to existing systems. We will be releasing this at the same time we release Holdfast: Nations At War on the 21st of September.The prioritisation of the game’s features visible in our roadmap as well as the inclusion of newer ones will be based on the suggestions and feedback we receive from our community. Visit the below board on our forums to get involved!&
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1 月 20 日
Holdfast: Nations At War has been updated. Things have been extremely busy here during the past few months setting up a new office space. With everything now back on track, we’re releasing one of the largest updates that Holdfast: NaW has ever seen! We’re bringing forth kilted men into the field of battle with the most recent addition of the Bagpiper Class, more line infantry units for both the British and French factions - The 92nd Gordon Highlanders and the Polish Legion, an entirely new class - The Grenadiers, four new maps - two of which are specifically designed to cater for organised gameplay, the start of our improvements on melee combat, five new tunes for the drummers and fifers, quality of life additions and more.Loud & Glorious. Bagpipers!Role: Support Against all odds, these kilted Scotsman marched gloriously into battle with their Pipes. Equipped with a sabre and a pistol, they can also be effective on the charge. You’ll most certainly be seeing a frequent occurrence of this class during matches - They’ll become the next big thing! What’s more impressive however is the selection of tunes available! A total of 22 bagpipe tunes were recorded in a studio, and have been introduced into the game in this update. Here’s the list of tunes.Bagpipe Tunes (British Empire)With a Hundred PipersWar or PeaceThe Standard on the Braes O’ MarThe Point of WarThe Garb of old GaulThe Black BearScotland The BraveMuckin’ O’ Geordie’s ByreMarch of the Cameron MenLochaber No MoreLads With the KiltHighland LaddieHey Johnnie CopeFlower of ScotlandCock O’ the NorthCampbells are ComingCabar FeidhBrose and ButterBonnie DundeeBlue BonnetBattle of WaterlooA Man's a ManA big thanks goes to everyone who brought this class to fruition. Calumn played the pipes, Joseph managed the recording session, Rejenorst edited the audio, Jackson took care of the art and Monroy which programmed the whole thing.That is not all we have today for the musician classes. Fifers and Drummers certainly shouldn’t go amiss! 5 new fife and drum tunes are present in this update.Fife & Drum (British Empire)The Girl I Left Behind MeThe Campbells Are Coming Fife & Drum (French Empire)FanchonLe 31 Du Mois D'Ao?tOn Vas Leur Percer Le FlancNew Class. Grenadiers!Role: Offense Chosen from the strongest and largest of soldiers, Grenadiers excel at killing other infantry units. With this we’ve continued adding to an already vast selection of classes but we won’t be stopping right here. Do look forward to future additions to both this class as well as others. French GrenadiersBritish GrenadiersTraitsBayonet Specialisation - Excels with using bayonets. Your melee damage when wielding a bayoneted musket is slightly increased. WeaponryMusket - Muzzle loaded firearms equipped with a pointy end. They’re your best bet at making quick work of your enemy if things get up close and personal.Historically grenadiers weren’t equipped with grenades, however these throwables were already present during the Napoleonic Era. As a future addition to this class, it would certainly be possible to consider including them in the game but the head’s up will need to be given by the community on this matter first. They will not have a large area of effect so their effectiveness against line formations will not be great, they’ll be operated through a fuse, available in limited numbers and server administrators can disable them directly through the config file.This question will be put forward to the community in a future poll. You will be the ones to decide.New Units. The 92nd Highlanders & Polish Legion!This will come as quite the surprise to some since we’ve never mentioned this particular addition to the game within our development roadmap. However, we’ve heard time and time again requests to introduce more units to the existing classes so we’ll be doing just that! Scotsmen! Play as the 92nd Gordon Highlanders in the British Army or fight for your emperor with the Polish Vistula Legion. Both of these new units are an additional variation to the existing Line Infantrymen class.Polish Vistula Legion (French Empire)92nd Gordon Highlanders (British Empire)Melee Combat Improvements!Now that most of the backend work is done we can start pushing improvements towards melee combat! In this update you will be able to go into melee combat whilst crouching. It’s an especially useful quality of life addition when you’re engaged in the heat of battle. Blocking will also be seeing a drastic improvement when it comes to responsiveness! It has since undergone a substantial rework towards this effort. From our preliminary testing, our testers have experienced little to no delay. Before the rework, blocking was highly dependent on latency so now players can expect a much more responsive defensive mechanic. There has also been a variety of other additions that both directly and indirectly contribute to melee combat from optimisations, fluidity between transitions and general responsiveness.These improvements have yet to be tested on high player count servers as we don’t have the in-house resources to do that. In the future, we may require some more volunteers for testing. We will be monitoring this throughout the coming weeks on our official servers and changes will commence accordingly. Joining a low latency server that correctly reflects your region is still highly recommended of course. We do understand that melee is a core mechanic of the game, and is at the heart of what the community wants! You’ll most certainly be seeing more improvements and new additions in future updates. This is only the beginning of our work on improving the melee.Be sure to forward us your suggestions and feedback so we can continue improving upon the system. Thank you for everything thus far!4 New Maps! Sharpton, Dutch Canals & Plains MapsWith this update, we’ll be introducing yet even more maps in Holdfast: Nations At War all featuring different scenarios and environments. They will also be plenty in number! A total of four new maps playable on a variety of different game modes are now being rotated on the official servers. Inspired by one of the most famous battles during the Napoleonic Wars, Sharpton features two farm houses that where pivotal towards turning the tide of the battle. In this map, both of these conflict points will see plenty of engagements. This map is playable on the Army Battlefield, Assault, Deathmatch and Siege game modes.SharptonDutch Canals is another map featuring plenty of space for open field engagements, farms surrounded by fences, windmills and a whole lot of flat terrain. This map is playable on the Army Battlefield, Assault and Deathmatch game modes.Dutch CanalsWe have been gathering feedback from various regiments (clans) and event hosts to improve on our current designs for line battle maps. Desert Plains and Grassy Plains II are specifically designed to cater for organised play. You’ll definitely be seeing more of these maps crop up as we progress through the development of the game.Desert PlainsGrassy Plains IIYou’re welcome to hop in and check them out yourself! If you’d like to host these maps on your Community server, further details are provided in the full changelog below.New Office Space. We’ve Grown The Team!Besides a few remaining aesthetics, the new office space is pretty much complete. It has been quite the endeavour to set everything up but we’re now in a position to continue growing the team. This is of the utmost necessity for the well-being of the game!We have been listening very closely as to what the community wants. Improvements upon melee combat, the introduction of cavalry, more naval mechanics or even a map editor all require a programmer’s skill set to be developed. We’re very pleased to announce our latest addition to the team, Dylan ‘Monroy’ Vassallo. Monroy is working closely with our lead programmer Andreas ‘Dreas’ Grech on a full time basis to bring new and improved gameplay oriented features to the game. He has only been with us for a couple of weeks but thanks to his skill and dedication he already started effectively contributing towards the project! He’s been taking care of integrating game levels, quality of life additions as well as the bagpiper class.Rohail ‘Austro’ Leghari, a 3D Artist has also joined the team! He’ll be there designing new models for game levels during the weekends. You can have a look at some of his work down below. He’s currently designing a set of Spanish themed destructible buildings.Please join us in welcoming both of these good chaps! We look forward to showing you more of their content. This is not all there is to this update! You can continue reading the full changelog below.Changelog 10 - Game Version 0.10.Bagpipers! A grand total of 22 tunes are available for this class. You can check them out by joining the British faction.5 new tunes for the fifer and drummer musician classes have been added into the game. 2 of those tunes are British and the remaining are French.A new map! Sharpton is now playable in game.>> Use the following parameter to host the map on your community server: map_name sharptonA new map! Dutch Canals is now playable in game.>> Use the following parameter to host the map on your community server: map_name dutchcanals2 new line battle maps! Grassy Plains II and Desert Plains are now playable in game.>> Use the following parameters to host these maps on your community server: map_name GrassyPlainsII or map_name DesertPlainsGrenadiers! Chosen from the strongest and largest of soldiers. They’re available to be played in both the British and French factions.2 new line infantry units! The 92nd Gordon Highlanders and Polish Vistula Legion.Melee combat improvements! You’ll be seeing more updates on this from us in future patches. This is only the beginning of our work on improving the melee. Here are more specifics. These changes have yet to be tested on high player count servers.>> Blocking will be seeing a drastic improvement when it comes to responsiveness, and is no longer highly dependent on latency.>> You are now able to go into melee combat whilst crouching. Your character will stand up so you can commence with melee combat. You can do so by pressing the ‘X’ key or striking or blocking with your melee weapon from a crouching position. >> A variety of other additions that both directly and indirectly contribute to melee combat from optimisations, fluidity between transitions and general responsiveness.Transitions when going from running to aiming and vice versa are now more fluid.You can now reload your firearm directly from melee mode. Once again this should add to the overall fluidity of combat!You can now cease reloading your firearm by jumping.You will now stop crouching if you jump.Reworked Arendan River’s Siege mode! This map has been re-designed with the intention to prevent players from losing to much reinforcement’s needlessly by attempting to defend an optional capture point.The scoreboard has been re-designed. The player IDs have been removed and are now visible in the Round Players panel instead. We’ve also changed the font to a more readable text.Free roam camera improvements! You can now see the names of other players irrespective of the faction you have joined. It’ll certainly come in handy for all those generous fellows who take up their precious time to host events.Fixed an issue which caused the free roam camera to collide with invisible walls.Spectator camera improvements! You can now view nameplates of other players by rotating your camera when spectating another player. This is yet another addition to aid with the administration of events.Server side optimisations. More to come in future updates.Additional work to improve game stability.You now have the option to listen to your microphone input when speaking through VoIP by enabling ‘Listen Locally’ from the ‘Audio’ settings.There’s now a very slight delay when you stop pressing the push to talk key for 3D VoIP.The list of official game servers displayed in the ‘Join Other Server’ panel that is accessed through a button on the server browser has been update. You can make use of this if you ever face issues with not being able to see servers in the lobby.Multiple language support! The game now supports Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Arabic languages. You can now make use of or see these characters being displayed for all the above mentioned languages in the game chat, player names, scoreboard, admin broadcast message as well as the round players panel. We’re now also supporting extra special characters that are especially useful for regimental tags.There has also been a variety of changes to fonts in a variety of other places including the main menu and settings options. Everything here was done in preparations for localisation. It’s going to be our next step after multiple language support to ensure that the game is widely available to everyone. More on this in future updates!Game tips and map information. We’re now displaying the map’s name, game mode and a variety of tips specific to the game mode being played on the map loading screen. We’ll be including more information in here as the game progresses.More line battle maps have been included in the official server map rotation. This was voted on by the community. You can see the results of the poll yourself here on our forums.>> Player joined notifications are no longer displayed when you hide the UI using the ‘Scroll Lock’ key.Canyon has been optimised even further.Improved the looks of the flora on Grassy Plains.We’ve also added more spawn locations on all maps to reduce the chance of players spawning on top of each other.Improved the looks of the snow particle effect.Improved and changed ambient sounds on a variety of maps.Organised the order of classes on the Palisade Arena map.Removed HTML tags from the game chat and administrator broadcast messages.Fixed a spelling mistake in one of the messages that get displayed when reinforcements are depleted.Fixed an issue on Spanish Farm which caused players to fling into the air and access the attic inside the two story house.Fixed several spots on the Desert Ruins map which were never intended to be accessible.Fixed issues with rain and snow accumulation on various maps.Fixed issues with collisions that made some stairs inaccessible on Arendan River.Fixed several issues with objects culling (disappearing at long distances) before they should on Arendan River.Fixed several errors that occurred whilst playing on the Grassy Plains map.Fixed an issue with grass being limited to a certain distance on Fort Christina.The official server map rotation has been changed to reduce the chance of night scenes and weather.The Join Game button in the main menu has been renamed to Play.Known IssuesSometimes, the leg movement of other players whilst holding a bagpipe doesn't look as intended. We'll be investigating the root cause.If you experience a graphical bug on Sharpton, kindly restart your game to solve the issue until we push forward a fix.If your 3D VoIP is not working, kindly take a look at the below. We'll be pushing a permanent fix to solve this issue in the upcoming update.>> Enable &Stereo Mix& (It's in the recording tab) from your PC's &Sound& settings.Whilst you’re all enjoying the latest update, we’ve already started our work on the next one. This time around we will be featuring new modes, maps and other additions focused on organised play. We want to give back to the regimental community which has been instrumental towards the success of the game!You'll also be pleased to hear that there has been plenty of progress on the Prussian faction. Keep a look out on our
and .Thank you very much for your support and as always, may good health be yours.- Anvil Game Studios
2017 年 12 月 21 日
Holdfast: Nations At War is now 25% off for a limited time during Steam's winter sale.Muskets with relatively long reload times, men marching into battle at the sound of drums, fifes and violins - Played by specific classes, Officers leading others to victory or to an inevitable death and mighty warships from the golden age of sail are some of the things that you’ll find in Holdfast: Nations At War. This all happens with over 150 players per server!Things have been extremely busy here at the office! Keep on reading the blog post as we have a few rather exciting announcements to make. Your help with spreading the word around about the sale would be greatly appreciated. We’re doing our very best to bring this genre of Musket Warfare games that we all love in the limelight.We’re Growing The Team!There’s going to be an instrumental addition to the team coming next month! We have been listening very closely as to what the community wants. Improvements upon melee combat, the introduction of cavalry, more naval mechanics or even a map editor all require a programmer’s skill set to be developed.As such, we are now embarking on a major investment towards the success of Holdfast: Nations At War - Another programmer will be joining the team! Dylan ‘Monroy’ Vassallo, will be working closely with our lead programmer Andreas ‘Dreas’ Grech to bring new and improved gameplay oriented features to the game.There’ll also be another 3D Artist working on the game. We’ll do an official introduction for both of these good fellows later on next month.Here’s a look at our progress on the new office space we mentioned in our previous blog post. We’re still awaiting the delivery of hardware but other than a few remaining aesthetics, everything’s pretty much done!More About The Next Game Update!The upcoming update is not ready just yet. We're working very hard towards its release! You’ll be seeing four new maps - two of which are specifically designed to cater for line battle gameplay, improvements to the free flight camera, the ability to go into melee combat while crouching, smoother transitions when going from running to aiming, other direct improvements towards melee combat and more.This will only be the beginning of our work on improving the melee - There’ll be a lot more to come after the next patch. There has also been ample progress on preparing the game so it can be translated into other languages. We want to make sure that the game is widely available to everyone. Let’s move forward with a few more sneak peaks, shall we? We have been gathering feedback from various regiments (clans) and event hosts to improve on our current designs for line battle maps. Desert Plains is another line battle map that will be available in the next patch.A new class! Chosen from the strongest and largest soldiers, Grenadiers will excel at killing other infantry units. More information about the Grenadier class will be made available in the patch notes.We won’t be revealing everything just yet! There’s more to the update than what we’ve shown above. In the spirit of this festive season, we’ll be providing you with another hint as to what you might be seeing get into the game relatively soon.Loud and glorious. They are coming! But what could it be?Join A Crew or Regiment! Clans.Interested in organised play, firing volleys in a formation and all that goodness? Join a crew or regiment of your choice by posting an application in one of the threads on our forums. These clans partake in events which brings the game to a whole new level. Thanks again for your support. Be sure to keep forwarding us your feedback and suggestions.There's a lot more in store for Holdfast: Nations At War in 2018! Stay tuned. From all of us here at Anvil Game Studios, we would like to wish you the best of holidays and as always, may good health be yours.Feel free to give us a follow on our
and .- Anvil Game Studios
Holdfast: Nations At War is an online multiplayer first and third person shooter focusing on a combination of teamwork and individual skill. Take part in historic clashes on land and at sea waged by the most powerful nations during the great Napoleonic Era. Charge into battle with over 150 players per server!Play the way you want!Command and crew historically inspired sailing vessels in powerful duels or within squadron operations where cooperation in running your vessels leads to victory. War at sea is an entirely different setting and these clashes will take place off the coast in a selection of beautiful arenas.Take the King’s shilling or fight for the Emperor in glorious Napoleonic field battles. Join the ranks and keep the line steady or provide support from the rear with cannon fire as you strive for dominance over the battlefield.Join the NavyExperience what it’s like to be a crew member on board a military sailing ship. Raise the sails, fire the cannons, test the water depths and cooperate to keep your vessel afloat!Enlist in the ArmyWork with your comrades to storm enemy fortifications or support the fight from the rear with artillery fire. Keep the line steady in open field battles and lead your men to victory!Play as a Captain, Sailor, Line Infantry and more! Every class comes with its own traits and roles which are crucial for your team’s survival.Holdfast: NaW’s order-based system allows for intuitive cooperative play where your ability to work as part of a team matters just as much as your personal skill.Whether you are manning a cannon, firing a musket or swinging a sword, Holdfast: NaW's combat mechanics are easy to learn but hard to master. The game rewards player skill via a precision and timing based directional melee system.There will be plenty of chances for you and your mates to take on other groups in tournaments and fierce competitive events. Hone your skills because you can be sure that your opponents will too!
最低配備:作業系統: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit處理器: 2 GHz Dual Core記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體顯示卡: Direct X 11 Compatible CardDirectX: 版本:11網路: 寬頻網際網路連線儲存空間: 8 GB 可用空間備註: An Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 card is capable of running the game at a low framerate when playing Army based game modes on minimum graphics settings.
建議配備:作業系統: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit處理器: 3 GHz Quad Core記憶體: 8 GB 記憶體顯示卡: Nvidia GTX 970DirectX: 版本:11網路: 寬頻網際網路連線儲存空間: 8 GB 可用空間
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