精灵耳朵里面带的eyelash glueviz有什么用?

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Eyelash Glue: China Suppliers - 324016
Home Made Liquid Fragrant Dispergator Eyelash Adhesive
Eyelash Glue
eyelash glue will make you more nartual and charming, create a sensual , sexy, three-dimensional chaming eyes for you
1.The gule is used to stick the eyelash to your natural one and it is very popular in each big cosmetology rofession ,so became the new generation female&s favor.&2.the gule has a very good bonding,dry fast and could keep using for a long time,nontoxic, no irritant to eye,body and nose.for its ultra strong waterproof character, it would not peel off in 1month&3.even when you swimming and washing face.&4.Package&&50 bottles/box,
24 Box/Boxes
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