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注意: 汇率仅作为参考。2018新西兰招聘整合,速来0收藏分享举报{&debug&:false,&apiRoot&:&&,&paySDK&:&https:\u002F\u002Fpay.zhihu.com\u002Fapi\u002Fjs&,&wechatConfigAPI&:&\u002Fapi\u002Fwechat\u002Fjssdkconfig&,&name&:&production&,&instance&:&column&,&tokens&:{&X-XSRF-TOKEN&:null,&X-UDID&:null,&Authorization&:&oauth c3cef7c66aa9e6a1e3160e20&}}{&database&:{&Post&:{&&:{&isPending&:false,&contributes&:[],&title&:&NZ Time|
2018新西兰招聘整合,速来&,&author&:&mei-xin-jia-ao&,&content&:&\u003Cp\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cfigure\u003E\u003Cnoscript\u003E\u003Cimg src=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-b9fb1d329b529b023a7f6e4129cdeae1_b.gif\& data-caption=\&\& data-size=\&normal\& data-rawwidth=\&750\& data-rawheight=\&422\& data-thumbnail=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-b9fb1d329b529b023a7f6e4129cdeae1_b.jpg\& class=\&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb\& width=\&750\& data-original=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-b9fb1d329b529b023a7f6e4129cdeae1_r.gif\&\u003E\u003C\u002Fnoscript\u003E\u003Cimg src=\&data:image\u002Fsvg+utf8,&svg%20xmlns='http:\u002F\u002Fwww.w3.org\u002FFsvg'%20width='750'%20height='422'&&\u002Fsvg&\& data-caption=\&\& data-size=\&normal\& data-rawwidth=\&750\& data-rawheight=\&422\& data-thumbnail=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-b9fb1d329b529b023a7f6e4129cdeae1_b.jpg\& class=\&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb lazy\& width=\&750\& data-original=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-b9fb1d329b529b023a7f6e4129cdeae1_r.gif\& data-actualsrc=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-b9fb1d329b529b023a7f6e4129cdeae1_b.gif\&\u003E\u003C\u002Ffigure\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E新西兰招聘岗位更新了!\u003C\u002Fb\u003E \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E心动的人请举起你们的双手~\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E01\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E新西兰正宗川味火锅店招聘中餐厨师一名\u003C\u002Fb\u003E \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E一定川籍!川籍!川籍!(重要的事情说三遍!)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E
四川的小伙伴,你们在哪里?\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E老板说四川人才能了解川菜的灵魂!!!\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cfigure\u003E\u003Cnoscript\u003E\u003Cimg src=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic4.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-d869be57eefe13_b.gif\& data-caption=\&\& data-size=\&normal\& data-rawwidth=\&600\& data-rawheight=\&337\& data-thumbnail=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic4.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-d869be57eefe13_b.jpg\& class=\&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb\& width=\&600\& data-original=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic4.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-d869be57eefe13_r.gif\&\u003E\u003C\u002Fnoscript\u003E\u003Cimg src=\&data:image\u002Fsvg+utf8,&svg%20xmlns='http:\u002F\u002Fwww.w3.org\u002FFsvg'%20width='600'%20height='337'&&\u002Fsvg&\& data-caption=\&\& data-size=\&normal\& data-rawwidth=\&600\& data-rawheight=\&337\& data-thumbnail=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic4.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-d869be57eefe13_b.jpg\& class=\&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb lazy\& width=\&600\& data-original=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic4.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-d869be57eefe13_r.gif\& data-actualsrc=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic4.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-d869be57eefe13_b.gif\&\u003E\u003C\u002Ffigure\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E(移民局有海外特殊工签配额,三年雇主工签,可办身份)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E1.三级厨师资格证书(或三级以上厨师资格证书:如一级、特级)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E2.国内从事厨师或有海外工作经验满5年(连锁酒店、中餐企业开具的在职证明)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E3.国内满5年从事中餐厨师工作社保记录(如XXX酒店为其缴纳社保多少个月)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E4.国内的工资卡银行流水\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E5.个人中文简历及热炒视频(3个拿手川菜含切配)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E02\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E新西兰奥克兰最火量贩KTV招聘中餐厨师一名\u003C\u002Fb\u003E \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E(薪资待遇为每周800纽币,第一个工签到期后可担保WTR办身份)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cfigure\u003E\u003Cnoscript\u003E\u003Cimg src=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-399f384bd2cae62211ec_b.jpg\& data-caption=\&\& data-size=\&normal\& data-rawwidth=\&630\& data-rawheight=\&420\& class=\&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb\& width=\&630\& data-original=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-399f384bd2cae62211ec_r.jpg\&\u003E\u003C\u002Fnoscript\u003E\u003Cimg src=\&data:image\u002Fsvg+utf8,&svg%20xmlns='http:\u002F\u002Fwww.w3.org\u002FFsvg'%20width='630'%20height='420'&&\u002Fsvg&\& data-caption=\&\& data-size=\&normal\& data-rawwidth=\&630\& data-rawheight=\&420\& class=\&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb lazy\& width=\&630\& data-original=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-399f384bd2cae62211ec_r.jpg\& data-actualsrc=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-399f384bd2cae62211ec_b.jpg\&\u003E\u003C\u002Ffigure\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E1.三级厨师资格证书(或三级以上厨师资格证书:如一级、特级等),高级面点师资格证\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E2.国内从事厨师或有海外工作经验5年(连锁酒店、中餐企业开具的在职证明)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E3.国内至少5年从事厨师、面点师工作社保记录(如XXX酒店为其缴纳社保多少个月)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E4.国内的工资银行流水\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E03\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E新西兰奥克兰华人木地板销售公司急需木工一名\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E(薪资待遇为每周800纽币,有政府工签配额和移民机会)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cfigure\u003E\u003Cnoscript\u003E\u003Cimg src=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic2.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-685cba2dddba8b43c58ef7be84f63f5c_b.jpg\& data-caption=\&\& data-size=\&normal\& data-rawwidth=\&1024\& data-rawheight=\&682\& class=\&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb\& width=\&1024\& data-original=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic2.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-685cba2dddba8b43c58ef7be84f63f5c_r.jpg\&\u003E\u003C\u002Fnoscript\u003E\u003Cimg src=\&data:image\u002Fsvg+utf8,&svg%20xmlns='http:\u002F\u002Fwww.w3.org\u002FFsvg'%20width='1024'%20height='682'&&\u002Fsvg&\& data-caption=\&\& data-size=\&normal\& data-rawwidth=\&1024\& data-rawheight=\&682\& class=\&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb lazy\& width=\&1024\& data-original=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic2.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-685cba2dddba8b43c58ef7be84f63f5c_r.jpg\& data-actualsrc=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic2.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-685cba2dddba8b43c58ef7be84f63f5c_b.jpg\&\u003E\u003C\u002Ffigure\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E1.国内从事木工工作经验证明(3-5年)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E2.国内从事木工的社保记录证明\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003E3.国内从事木工的工资流水证明\u003C\u002Fb\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E&,&updated&:new Date(&T09:57:24.000Z&),&canComment&:false,&commentPermission&:&anyone&,&commentCount&:0,&collapsedCount&:0,&likeCount&:0,&state&:&published&,&isLiked&:false,&slug&:&&,&isTitleImageFullScreen&:false,&rating&:&none&,&titleImage&:&&,&links&:{&comments&:&\u002Fapi\u002Fposts\u002F2Fcomments&},&reviewers&:[],&topics&:[{&url&:&https:\u002F\u002Fwww.zhihu.com\u002Ftopic\u002F&,&id&:&&,&name&:&新西兰&},{&url&:&https:\u002F\u002Fwww.zhihu.com\u002Ftopic\u002F&,&id&:&&,&name&:&招聘&}],&adminClosedComment&:false,&titleImageSize&:{&width&:0,&height&:0},&href&:&\u002Fapi\u002Fposts\u002F&,&excerptTitle&:&&,&tipjarState&:&closed&,&annotationAction&:[],&sourceUrl&:&&,&pageCommentsCount&:0,&hasPublishingDraft&:false,&snapshotUrl&:&&,&publishedTime&:&T17:57:24+08:00&,&url&:&\u002Fp\u002F&,&lastestLikers&:[],&summary&:&\u003Cimg src=\&http:\u002F\u002Fpic2.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-b9fb1d329b529b023a7f6e4129cdeae1_200x112.jpg\& data-caption=\&\& data-size=\&normal\& data-rawwidth=\&750\& data-rawheight=\&422\& data-thumbnail=\&https:\u002F\u002Fpic3.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-b9fb1d329b529b023a7f6e4129cdeae1_b.jpg\& class=\&origin_image inline-img zh-lightbox-thumb\& data-original=\&http:\u002F\u002Fpic2.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-b9fb1d329b529b023a7f6e4129cdeae1_r.jpg\&\u003E\u003Cb\u003E新西兰招聘岗位更新了!\u003C\u002Fb\u003E \u003Cb\u003E心动的人请举起你们的双手~\u003C\u002Fb\u003E 01\u003Cb\u003E新西兰正宗川味火锅店招聘中餐厨师一名\u003C\u002Fb\u003E \u003Cb\u003E一定川籍!川籍!川籍!(重要的事情说三遍!)\u003C\u002Fb\u003E 四川的小伙伴,你们在哪里?\u003Cb\u003E老板说四川人才能了解川菜的灵魂!!!\u003C\u002Fb\u003E \u003Cb\u003E(移民局有海外特殊工签配额,三年雇主工签,…\u003C\u002Fb\u003E&,&reviewingCommentsCount&:0,&meta&:{&previous&:null,&next&:null},&annotationDetail&:null,&commentsCount&:0,&likesCount&:0,&FULLINFO&:true}},&User&:{&mei-xin-jia-ao&:{&isFollowed&:false,&name&:&美新加澳留学移民&,&headline&:&&,&avatarUrl&:&https:\u002F\u002Fpic4.zhimg.com\u002Fv2-ae47d3edc2_s.jpg&,&isFollowing&:false,&type&:&people&,&slug&:&mei-xin-jia-ao&,&bio&:&留学移民咨询顾问&,&hash&:&bdbff7aed8de446e60f1a8&,&uid&:220100,&isOrg&:false,&description&:&&,&badge&:{&identity&:null,&bestAnswerer&:null},&profileUrl&:&https:\u002F\u002Fwww.zhihu.com\u002Fpeople\u002Fmei-xin-jia-ao&,&avatar&:{&id&:&v2-ae47d3edc2&,&template&:&https:\u002F\u002Fpic4.zhimg.com\u002F{id}_{size}.jpg&},&isOrgWhiteList&:false,&isBanned&:false}},&Comment&:{},&favlists&:{}},&me&:{},&global&:{&experimentFeatures&:{&ge3&:&ge3_9&,&ge2&:&ge2_1&,&androidPassThroughPush&:&all&,&nwebQAGrowth&:&experiment&,&qawebRelatedReadingsContentControl&:&open&,&marketTabBanner&:&market_tab_banner_show&,&liveStore&:&ls_a2_b2_c1_f2&,&qawebThumbnailAbtest&:&new&,&nwebSearch&:&nweb_search_heifetz&,&searchHybridTabs&:&without-tabs&,&enableVoteDownReasonMenu&:&enable&,&showVideoUploadAttention&:&true&,&isOffice&:&false&,&enableTtsPlay&:&post&,&newQuestionDiversion&:&true&,&wechatShareModal&:&wechat_share_modal_show&,&newLiveFeedMediacard&:&old&,&hybridZhmoreVideo&:&no&,&nwebGrowthPeople&:&default&,&nwebSearchSuggest&:&default&,&qrcodeLogin&:&qrcode&,&androidDbFollowRecommendHide&:&open&,&isShowUnicomFreeEntry&:&unicom_free_entry_off&,&newMobileColumnAppheader&:&new_header&,&androidDbCommentWithRepinRecord&:&open&,&feedHybridTopicRecomButtonIcon&:&yes&,&androidDbRecommendAction&:&open&,&zcmLighting&:&zcm&,&androidDbFeedHashTagStyle&:&button&,&appStoreRateDialog&:&close&,&topWeightSearch&:&new_top_search&,&default&:&None&,&isNewNotiPanel&:&no&,&androidDbRepinSelection&:&open&,&growthBanner&:&default&,&androidProfilePanel&:&panel_b&}},&columns&:{&next&:{}},&columnPosts&:{},&columnSettings&:{&colomnAuthor&:[],&uploadAvatarDetails&:&&,&contributeRequests&:[],&contributeRequestsTotalCount&:0,&inviteAuthor&:&&},&postComments&:{},&postReviewComments&:{&comments&:[],&newComments&:[],&hasMore&:true},&favlistsByUser&:{},&favlistRelations&:{},&promotions&:{},&switches&:{&couldSetPoster&:false},&draft&:{&titleImage&:&&,&titleImageSize&:{},&isTitleImageFullScreen&:false,&canTitleImageFullScreen&:false,&title&:&&,&titleImageUploading&:false,&error&:&&,&content&:&&,&draftLoading&:false,&globalLoading&:false,&pendingVideo&:{&resource&:null,&error&:null}},&drafts&:{&draftsList&:[],&next&:{}},&config&:{&userNotBindPhoneTipString&:{}},&recommendPosts&:{&articleRecommendations&:[],&columnRecommendations&:[]},&env&:{&edition&:{&baidu&:false,&yidianzixun&:false,&qqnews&:false},&isAppView&:false,&appViewConfig&:{&content_padding_top&:128,&content_padding_bottom&:56,&content_padding_left&:16,&content_padding_right&:16,&title_font_size&:22,&body_font_size&:16,&is_dark_theme&:false,&can_auto_load_image&:true,&app_info&:&OS=iOS&},&isApp&:false,&userAgent&:{&ua&:&Mozilla\u002F5.0 (compatible, MSIE 11, Windows NT 6.3; Trident\u002F7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko&,&browser&:{&name&:&IE&,&version&:&11&,&major&:&11&},&engine&:{&version&:&7.0&,&name&:&Trident&},&os&:{&name&:&Windows&,&version&:&8.1&},&device&:{},&cpu&:{}}},&message&:{&newCount&:0},&pushNotification&:{&newCount&:0}}GPS - Time NZ & A
The Global Positioning System (GPS) maintains extremely accurate
system clocks and communicates this to all receivers.& GPS
receivers internally keep
time better than nanoseconds and the time output at the 1 PPS dedicated
time port is typically better than 1 microsecond.& (NOTE, however:
the LCD display on& & generally does not
show the precise time& - see below).& Excellent background
information on the GPS system
can be found on Samuel Wormley's site& GPS Resources&
and a more technical web site by& Sam Storm van
The GPS system as a source of time has the
following advantages:
&-& Extremely good accuracy and
&-& Available reliably anywhere
in the world, 24 hours per day,
&-& Provision of positional
information as well,
&-& Expected to be stable for many
decades to come.
For the new user, a real problem is that& at present, the availability of GPS timing equipment
with output directly suitable for astronomical timing is extremely
limited& -& and often quite expensive.&&
However, some groups are now working to remedy this situation - see the
discussion below of the & design
from New Zealand.
As many scientific observations are made using video recordings
a growing interest in
which add time
information to a video signal stream.& A number of
active individuals have developed low cost time inserters and much
technical information is available from the respective web sites and
on-going discussion can be found in the& IOTA Occultations email
group.& Please follow &&
lower on this page.
A special word of thanks to Geoff Hitchcox in Christchurch,
New Zealand for his technical advice to the RASNZ Occultation Section
on GPS Timing applications.&&& However, this web page
was put together by Alfred Kruijshoop, who is fully responsible for any
errors and omissions.
A lot of discussion on GPS timing techniques is accessible
through the IOTA Occultations email group:&&&& http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IOTAoccultations/
It has been found by many users in the USA, New Zealand and
Australia that the LCD time display on navigation type GPS receivers
(Garmin, Magellan, etc.) is often "pretty good", but& can be
early or late by as much as 1 or 2 seconds.& This can
readily shown by comparing the LCD display on a handheld GPS receiver
another source of known accurate time.& This discrepancy &is
probably caused by the relative priorities of the computing tasks
by the microprocessor in the unit, which gives highest priority to
position and velocity.& The time discrepancy for any one receiver
is not necessarily constant but may vary with the internal computing
of the device, e.g. the number of satellites tracked at the time.
some models it has been shown to also depend on the power mode
Save', 'WAAS', or 'Normal').&
It is important to only consider using the display on these
receivers once they have a full 'lock' and advise that they are
receiving signals from enough satellites for navigation. &Note
that before the GPS receiver
achieves lock, the 'display' simply reads an internal crystal clock,
using a time setting left over from the last time it was turned on.
&Only upon
achieving lock is the internal clock synchronised with the GPS data,
even then there is a possibility of the above mentioned 1 or 2 second
Therefore, the LCD display on a
handheld GPS receiver should not automatically be accepted as being
&You have to get to know the characteristics of your particular
and do so in a range of different circumstances. &On the other
its long term stability over
extended periods is excellent, because even after many years it will
still be within that same +/- approx. 2 sec range.
The Japanese 'MICON-GHS'
One of the first published (2001)
successful GPS based timing devices for remote field use is the&
Japanese 'MICON-GHS Clock'& developed by Geshiro Hiroyuki (Oishikohgen
Observatory), Hayamizu
Tsutomu (Sendai Uchukan), and Soma
Mitsuru (National Astronomical Observatory) in Japan (initials G, H, S).& This is a well
engineered GPS time receiver with a microprocessor, visual display,
electrical and audio outputs, very suitable for occultation
applications, and a number have been produced in Japan.& Refer to
in the IOTA occultations email group.
More recently, Mitsuru Soma advised in 2004 that Tsutomu
Hayamizu made a versatile GPS clock using a more readily available GPS
(Garmin 15H-W).&& The web site:& http://uchukan.satsumasendai.jp/data/occult-e/gpsclock-15h.html&&
gives circuit diagrams and explains how to synchronize the internal
clocks of your PCs and how to get the geodetic coordinates
using Takashi Setoguchi's free software "Satk".&& Related
information can be found at&&& http://uchukan.satsumasendai.jp/data/occult-e/miconghs-e.html&& A number of these units have been built and used
extensively by Japanese observers in the field.
Full credit is given to these
Japanese groups for demonstrating at an early stage what 'can be
achieved with
this technology'.&
For timing purposes, a
GPS receiver (board) should have:
(a)& A separate dedicated 1 PPS (pulse
per second) time output on the receiver& AND& the receiver
specifications needs to state explicitly that this is synchronised to
UTC and is continually updated as the receiver is running.&
The leading edge of the pulse on this 1 PPS output is typically aligned
with the beginning of the UTC second to better than 1
microsecond.& Such a 1 PPS output is present on many GPS circuit boards (including some that are
inside consumer handheld units); HOWEVER, the handheld units do NOT
normally give us access to the 1 PPS port - although we have been
advised that they do exist.& Therefore (regrettably) the most
commonly available handheld units can NOT be used for timing.
If any readers know of
affordable handheld GPS receivers with a 1 PPS output port (in addition
to the usual serial port) please advise us through the email address on
(b)& A serial port on the GPS receiver to
output the identifier data string.& This is a common
feature of all receivers and commercial (consumer) units.& Note,
however, that in most GPS units this 'serial' port is not identical to
the common PC serial port, and will require one chip conversion from
CMOS/TTL before connecting to a PC.& But the serial port by itself
is not enough to acquire accurate time - the 1 PPS port is also
required.& The receiver can be instructed to transmit each
second over this serial port a
data string that contains selected information, including position,
number of satellites tracked, etc. and the full date and time
identifier of the preceding
second pulse that came from the 1 PPS port.& However, the start of
data string itself is not
aligned with UTC, but often half a second late, depending on the
Sources of OEM GPS
Receiver Boards
GPS OEM (original equipment manufacturer) receiver modules with 1
PPS output
and an active antenna can be purchased new from a range of
suppliers.& Do check that the specifications cover the 1 PPS time
output port.& In Australia, there are several manufacturers /
wholesalers, including & in Fyshwick, ACT,&& Rojone& in Sydney,& and
Tasmania.& It is always wise to also check prices in the very
competitive US market (see below).& A useful source of GPS
Antennas and associated hardware is&& Gilsson
Technologies&& - also check their home page with
further links.
An interesting source of Rockwell
Jupiter GPS modules and a complete "Do it Yourself Kit"&
can be found at&& http://www.gpskit.nl/index-en.htm&&&
This site gives full technical information and prices and advises that
this module and the kit circuit do have the necessary 1 PPS time output
the NMEA sentences.& These modules are unused, still up-to-date,
receivers with respectable specs.
Also the VNG Users Consortium
in Canberra, ACT, Australia, is considering some form of 'bulk purchase' to obtain a larger number
of current production GPS modules at wholesale cost with low shipping
overheads.& However, the fire at Mount Stromlo Observatory has
caused considerable delay in this.
Low Cost OEM GPS
Receiver Boards
Occasionally, a batch of lower cost 'recovered' (used) or
'overstocked' (new) GPS modules becomes available in the USA, and some
of these have highly respectable credentials as time generators (e.g.
the Motorola Oncore series).& Prices in this 'bargains' paragraph
are in US Dollars.
From mid 2002&& && has been selling& Trimble SV6& boards
(used) with& 1 PPS output priced
as low as US$ 25 for a complete system including active antenna.&
of late 2002,& small numbers of these SV6 modules with active
antenna appear to become available at unpredictable times at
BG.&& BG provides very prompt service and charges low
shipping costs to the South Pacific (e.g.: US$13.50 for one SV6 by
airmail to Sydney).& Geoff Hitchcox has developed a special SV6 version of
software because the Trimble SV6 module works better in the native
TAIP protocol than in 'standard' NMEA.& This "SV6 version" of KIWI
is probably also preferred for other Trimble GPS units that use the
An alternative source (thanks to Jim Vail for his advice) of these
Trimble SV6 modules is& Rodax&
whose price of US$50 includes shipping within the US.& Overseas
shipping charges and arrangements are not known.
also sell a very low cost Motorola GT Oncore module with 1 PPS timing
for US$15, but this is without a matching active antenna, which the
user has to source from elsewhere (e.g. see Synergy Systems, below who
sell antennas with matching OSX / MCX connectors).& Only very few
years ago, this GT Oncore was regarded as a superior GPS module in the
industry.& Full details can be found in
the&&&& BG Micro GT Quick Start
Guide .& This Motorola module will work very well with the
Motorola option of the& NMEA version
of& KIWI .
A useful US source of Motorola OEM boards is& Synergy Systems&&
Check out their "Excess Inventory" li and their
prices are also quite good, although their 'quoted' shipping and
charges appear higher than BG.& Recent 'specials' on VP Oncore
with 1 PPS are listed for US$ 25 -50 for the receiver plus another US$
15 - 25 for the active antenna (Motorola or& M/A-COM ), with postage and
handling additional.& Synergy also make available an excellent
detailed& & and the .& When you consider buying these
specials please confirm
that the supply voltage and connector type on the antenna
cable match those of the receiver (at these high frequencies, changing
a connector is not a trivial matter).& Whatever you do, make sure
you can download or borrow the& manual
the particular brand and type of module& (also see
An interesting source of Rockwell
Jupiter GPS modules and a complete "Do it Yourself Kit"&
can be found at&& http://www.gpskit.nl/index-en.htm&&&&
This site gives full technical information and prices and advises that
this module and the kit circuit do have the necessary 1 PPS time output
the NMEA sentences.& These modules are unused, still up-to-date,
receivers with respectable specs.
If you are interested in following this route, please monitor
developments in the& IOTA
Occultations Yahoo! Email Group&& with discussion on
these matters, where from time to time members alert each other to the
availability of
low cost GPS modules and their interfacing requirements.
The capable, low cost 'KIWI' GPS to PC Interface
The OEM GPS board described above has
to communicate with a computer or microprocessor using (fast) software
extract correct time (and positional) Information, in order to identify
the seconds received from the 1 PPS port.& The following web site
describes the KIWI& software package developed by Geoff Hitchcox
New Zealand:
KIWI System Photographs courtesy David Gault
On the KIWI web site is a full description of the hardware and
software functionality.& For Trimble SV6 users, there is a link to
a "mirror" page about the version of KIWI that uses the Trimble TAIP
protocol.& Further, there are detailed construction notes, circuit
diagrams and circuit lay-out photographs from Don
Oliver and Geoff Hitchcox,
with references to earlier work by George
KIWI is a freeware program that uses a PC
and GPS (with 1 PPS) to timestamp an event to millisecond accuracy to
UTC, and also generates time signals (sound and sight) in a format
similar to WWV.& The program uses the GPS to firstly
calibrate the PC
timing and then every 5 seconds resynchs the PC timing to the GPS (to
thermal changes in the PC quartz crystal).& This method enables
old PC to be used to timestamp an event over long periods (days or
months even) and yet retain the 1 millisecond accuracy to UTC.&
The event to be timestamped can trigger KIWI via a logic signal or by a
manually operated switch connected to the PC printer port.& For
astronomical events using video, a LED (optional) is flashed for 50 ms
to ident the video at the time of the "trigger" for subsequent
field/frame accuracy determination.& The PC timing acts as a
"flywheel" to the GPS 1 pulse per second drumbeat.& Even if the
GPS briefly loses synch with the satellites, the software will retain
(for some time) its accuracy, although a warning is displayed on the
screen.&& The software continually analyses the 1 PPS and
serial data for Integrity.& Any change to the 1 PPS is detected
and an Integrity Fault report is made, giving the date, time, error,
and various GPS status conditions.& The Integrity
Monitoring ability gives the user confidence of using the
GPS "anywhere" as well as the
ability to choose the best place to use a GPS to avoid multipath
effects, etc.
In addition to giving access to accurate
time, KIWI also displays the normal GPS type information: latitude and
longitude (in WGS84), altitude, number of satellites tracked, etc. etc.
At the above sites can be seen that the hardware issues are very
straightforward:& a small interface circuit needs to be built with
two ICs for a total component cost of around $25.& The programs
run on a standard IBM compatible PC, which can be any old 486, 386, 286
('AT') or even the ancient 'PC'.& A number of KIWI systems have
been assembled by observers in New Zealand, the USA and
Australia.& An excellent example is the SV6 based KIWI
Receiver system built by Dave Gault in New South Wales.
The KIWI program has been tested by Art Lucas of IOTA (US) against
local traceable time sources (see the Review of
the Performance of KIWI& on the above KIWI site), where it
was found that the program performs well and matches stated
specifications.& Again, it was demonstrated in July 2002 by Geoff
Hitchcox to a small group of experienced occultation observers near
Christchurch, New Zealand.& Used for this were a Motorola GT
Oncore module, KIWI interface and a slow 386 computer.& The
program ran off a bootable floppy disk so there
was no need to modify the PC in any way (but of course it can be
on a hard disk if preferred).& During this demonstration the
equipment worked exactly as planned, so that time (or positional)
information was
available on demand.& It was also noted and demonstrated by moving
or covering the antenna that the software is designed to prevent the
of erroneous output.& KIWI will not start until a satisfactory
is received from the GPS, and during a run it alerts the user e.g. when
the number of tracked satellites drops below a minimum set level.&
Clearly, a low cost KIWI system is a reliable source of time at the
millisecond level& - this was a very convincing 'proof of
Garmin GPS 18 LVC as NTP stratum-0 on Linux 2.6
In early 2008 we received the following email advising another low cost
Using a Garmin GPS 18 LVC as NTP
stratum-0 on Linux 2.6
My first foray into this subject lead
me to the following pages:
&&&&& http://time.qnan.org/
The former page actually refers to the latter.& They both discuss
using the Garmin GPS 18 LVC as a source.& I have found that these
are available at as low as $68US including shipping within the US if
you search the Internet.& The lowest price I found currently is
located at Provantage, but shipment down under would un-doubtably take
that price up and might allow a more local site to provide a cheaper
price.& These units are weather-proof and simple electronics
discussed on the above mentioned websites will permit connection to
computers for time server functionality.& I don't know much about
the electronics you discuss on your site, but this may well work with
them as well.& My research has also revealed that Garmin offers
another unit, GPS 17 (available in a low or high voltage package) which
also provides PPS.& These units are originally designed for marine
use, so they are certainly weather resistant.& The lowest cost I
have found for delivery to the US is just over $100US.
I plan to experiment with these units over the coming summer and hope
to have a design for a unit that is solar powered and connects to a
computer to provide a stratum 1 time source.& My hope is to build
the unit for about $100US total.&& This will likely use the
GPS 18 as it has been tried before and is cheaper.&&&
Then again, should I find a GPS 17 unit on EBay cheap . .
.&&& Both of the above noted units list 1 micro-second
(+/-) accuracy for the rising edge of the PPS signal.&&&
Hope this information is useful.
The need for GPS
Receiver documentation
To use OEM GPS modules we need access to
the Specifications
and the essential input and output chapters of the Manual.& This
is needed to correctly interface and 'initialise' the module.
You will need to download or borrow or copy the manual for the particular type and firmware version of
Some manuals are available on manufacturer's web sites, or from user
but others may need to be purchased.& Because the cost of the
can be very high (some are US$50), access to
essential documentation needs to be considered before placing an
For new users: another point that must be kept in mind (also see Art
Lucas' notes)& is that it is probably necessary for the OEM GPS
module to be 'Initialised' to:
(i)&& 'Enable' the sending of the 1 PPS data on the 1 PPS
(ii)&& Set the 'option' to send its serial port output data
strings (sentences) in the data format expected by the version of KIWI
- often NMEA, but for Trimble modules TAIP.
(iii)&& Instruct the receiver to only send short sentences to
ensure they can be read and processed in well under a second.&
The 'default' sentence may be too long, so that there is a distinct
that the identification of the supposedly preceding second could be
attributed to the wrong second.& To do this you need access to the
Manual for this particular type of GPS module, or know someone who is
familiar with it.
Some helpful notes from Geoff Hitchcox on
this:& "Most GPS receivers can output all sorts of data
sentences on standard RS232 serial format (that can be read by any
PC).& If your system uses NMEA standard (at 4800 baud) then there
are many (or all) sentences that can be requested from the GPS.&
If the GPS receiver has been requested to output either all or too many
data sentences, then there is not enough time each second for the GPS
receiver to transmit all the data requested, so you get data "leaking"
from one second to the following second.& This may explain "whole
1 or 2 second" errors in the identification of
the second = the time shown.& If the above scenario is what is
happening, then the time display "sometimes" may be reasonably correct
and at other times a few seconds "slow".& This situation can be
easily fixed by requesting a "single" time sentence containing only the
required information, and is further improved if the serial "speed" can
be increased to the maximum the GPS can use."
Because, "as received, default" the OEM modules may not always do
this, a small "instruction" session is required where the computer
tells the OEM module what to do, using software that is often available
on the manufacturer's web site.& This "instruction" uses the same
serial port connection that is later used to output the NMEA
data.& These settings need to be retained in the receiver until
the next time it is used.& It is therefore important to ensure
that the module has continuous (battery) backup power to maintain its
on-board memory containing these ('instructed') settings.& If no
backup power is provided, the settings will be lost and the
initialisation will need to be redone each time the unit is used.
It was also suggested that for certain types of field use we could
investigate the option of not using the full KIWI program suite, but
perform only limited essential tasks using a small self contained
industrial microprocessor (microcontroller) module.& This is the
approach followed by the & and the& &
group - see the references above.& Numerous varieties of these
cheap processors exist (PIC, AVR, Stamp, NEC, etc.) but it is necessary
to know (or find someone who knows) how to program and interface
them.& One type of microprocessor often used by hobbyists is the
'PIC', a small single chip computer with programmable ROM and I/O on
board.&& For field GPS based timing units such a chip could
(in principle) read the time identification data string and generate
the output pip sequences.& The cost of PIC chips (in local
currency in New Zealand and Australia) is around $10 -
$20, and a 'programming and test' interface board in 'kit' form costs
$50.& In New Zealand and Australia these are advertised in
magazines and available from electronic component centres like Jaycar
and Dick Smith.& These magazines regularly publish PIC projects
advertise programming manuals.& Once programmed the chip will run
on its own (will need regulated power and a local clock crystal).&
Making this work will cost very little but involves a PIC learning
Some software is available on the web.
Tom Clark's
"Totally Accurate Clock"
An earlier very interesting "kit" on the
market, first published in 1995, was Tom Clark's "Totally
Accurate Clock"& and you may wish to check out this
site for more background on GPS and on how it can be used for
timing.& It consists of an OEM GPS module, a specific 'TAC'
interface board, using a computer for processing and display.& In
some ways an early version of the KIWI approach.& Note that the
most of the published documentation is a few years old, although the
group is still active.& Some components used in its original
version are no longer available, but alternatives can be used by those
with the right expertise.& Note that the device is complex,
requires specific components, skilled assembly and is rather
expensive.& However, at least one version of this put out 'WWV'
style audio time pips.& Considering the
early start of this project (1995) this was an impressive piece of work.
As many scientific observations are now made using video recordings
there is a growing interest in "Video Time Inserters" which
add time information to a video signal stream.&&& A
of active individuals have developed very low cost video time inserters
and useful technical information is available from the respective web
and on-going discussion can be found in the& IOTA Occultations
group:&& http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IOTAoccultations/
VERY USEFUL& Video Time Inserter references
Hitchcox'& "KIWI& OSD" Project&&& This
has developed into the highly recommended
commercial& KIWI-OSD system, designed in New Zealand, and built in
the US.& It time stamps each field in
the video stream. It is simply inserted between the video camera and
the recorder. For full details see the&&&&& &&
&& (not sure if still active?)
BlackBoxCamera Company 'STV Astro'
There was a commercial video time Inserter on the market made
by the&& BlackBoxCamera
Company Ltd. in the UK.&& For some years they
manufactured a range of Video Time (Overlay) Inserters, one version of
which derives its timing from a GPS Time Receiver.& This should
address the problem of acquiring time together with the application
that requires this time information.& A number of US astronomical
observers use these units and discuss their
experiences in the& IOTA
Occultations Yahoo! Email Group&& where these devices
are commonly referred to as "STV" or "STV Astro".&& However, in 2004 the company web site advised that
production was halted (pending an increase in orders) so that this item
may no longer be available.& Anyone interested should contact the
company direct.& Some technical information on the product is
still present at the web site.
There are many things that can generate unexpected (temporary)
incorrect time output from GPS based devices.& The problem with
(navigational) handheld units was referred to earlier.&
Another recently detected 'hiccup' was&& reported by Oliver Kloes in Germany&&
and relates to the operation of a GPS receiver when stored backup
almanac data have been lost, e.g. after an idle period.&&
Upon re-starting the GPS unit, for an unknown period of time (which can
be considerable.....!), some units may display "GPS Time" instead of
UTC.&& This lasts until such time that the full almanac data
have again been downloaded from the satellites to the receiver.&
As of 1 January 2006 (the most recent insertion of a UTC 'Leap
Second')& GPS Time-UTC (BIPM) = 13 seconds.& Please note,
however, that & .
Again, this can only be detected, recognised by using an
independent second source of time, such as WWV or in some cases even a
good watch. Therefore, a full understanding
of your technology is essential and your work should preferably use a
second system (based on different principles) as a 'sanity
check'.&& It is unwise to automatically accept any GPS time
output / display (or any other technology, for that matter) as being
'correct' &just because it is derived from the GPS system.


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