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备案编号:沪ICP备号-96月17日DOTA2更新 万众瞩目的Ti7不朽珍藏2推出
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TI5不朽2珍藏迟迟未发 玩家怒喷V社效率低
  最近,关于TI5小金本的第二个不朽珍藏奖励迟迟未发的话题在网上吵的沸沸扬扬,大家对于V社这种效率低下的问题表示十分愤慨。  TI5奖金都超过850W美元了,但是不朽二迟迟没做出来,难怪玩家们如此愤怒!   飞龙信使目标都快到了,700W目标的不朽二还没做出来。  然而,才拖这么长时间你就着急的话,说明你还不够耐心,还有更离谱的在后面。相信大家还记得前段时间在中国举行的亚洲邀请赛吧!当时也是出了个互动指南,名为小红本!   小红本也为玩家准备多种丰富奖励,随着互动指南等级的提升,将获得额外的不朽珍藏、载入画面、全新游戏特效等多种奖励。   时间已经过去了几个月,互动指南当中最后的奖励&&聊天表情还是没有发放,难道V社把这个事情给忘了?这到底是谁的锅还不得而知,不过反正网友们不开心了。  我们来看看reddit论坛外国水友的吐槽  It's been 97days since DAC and still no emoticons  DAC已经结束97天了可我们还是没拿到聊天表情  So you couldn't have waited 3 days for the prime &100 days since dac and no emoticons& thread?  你就不能等个三天然后来发一个已经100天了我们还是没拿到聊天表情的帖子么?  Email Valve. Knowing their superb customer support this will be resolved with haste。  写信给V社。他们的客服很棒,这事会被急速解决的。  Haste got nerfed just a few minutes ago  急速刚刚被砍了  to make it more realistic - they changed it to valve speed  为了能有更加真实的体验,他们将神符调整到了V社速度  6.85  Haste rune can now go to Hawaii even during teamfight  6.85改动  即使是在团战中,现在急速神符也会使你立刻到达夏威夷  It reduces speed to 322  会将你的移速降低到322  It amazes me how a company the size of valve can have such shitty customer service。  When I bought a ticket for the XMG captain's draft 2.0 tournament I never received the ticket (money was still deducted though)。  Took them a solid 2 weeks until the issues was resolved - by which time the tournament was almost over。  我很惊讶像V社这样规模的公司客服居然跟翔一样。  有一次我买了XM2.0的门票但是扣了钱却没发货。他们花了两个星期才给我解决这个问题,比赛已经基本上打完了。  Even those dickheads over at EA have better customer support then valve。  就算是EA那群无面者的客服也比V社强。  The size of valve ? Valve is not a big company, and has plenty of customers so I don't see why you are so surprised。  V社的规模?V社不是个大公司但是顾客千千万,所以我不知道你有什么好惊讶的。  just because they don't have a lot of staff doesn't mean they're not a big company. They still make stupid amounts of money and are therefore &big& by revenue。  就因为他们员工少就不算大公司了。他们赚的票子可一点不比大公司少。  Valve doesn't really have a customer support Team, because everyone in the company can do everything he Or she wants. You can imagine customer support isn't the most popular job。  V社是没有客服团队的,因为每个人都做想做的事。肯定没什么人愿意做客服。  No one ever points out that it is such a shit philosophy for a company. Great for the worker, horrible for the consumer  一直没有人指出来这代币公司理念的弊端,员工开心了,遭殃的是消费者  DAC was made by Perfect World, not Valve  DAC是完美弄的,不是V社的锅  yeah they have like 300 employees +
isint the only game they host -___- but yeah valve needs to hurry on those immortals!  V社有大约300个员工,DotA又不是他们唯一的游戏&&不过V社得赶紧做他们的不朽了!  We should remember that everything DAC-related is on Perfect World's responsibility, and Valve themselves are not responsible for them  DAC的每件事都是完美负责的,跟V社无关  wow, I literally totally forgot about them  我完全把这茬给忘了  As well as we should get +points for the three final predictions. We didn't get them yet.  还有三项决赛预测的积分。我们也还没拿到  10 days since 7,000,000 m still no immortals 2  700万已经十天了可还是没有不朽2  inb4 they release them around the end of the month  他们应该会在月底之前发出来  I don't care about the emoticons and i even bought the compendium for DAC. It wasn't actually a good purchase.  我不在乎表情图标尽管我也买了DAC的互动指南。不过这确实不是笔好买卖  that's fine and I'm sure plenty of people feel the same way but if they promised them and the stretch goal was reached (or whatever it was, I didn't purchase one) they need to deliver on that  我觉得大多数人会觉得还好,可是既然承诺的挑战目标达到了就应该去兑现  To think they are likely to be hosting one of the Majors  想想他们应该还要举办其中一届DMC就醉了  release emoticons to save esports  万人请愿放出表情图标来拯救  I bought that compendium.。.  FUCKING PERFECT WORLD, I DONT EVEN PLAY ON YOUR SERVERS AND YOU STILL FUCK ME  我买了互动指南。  真是日乐购了我都不玩完美世界那破服务器但还是被他们做宝搞  From what I heard they also haven&t payed the players yet. Is dac just super greedy or?  我听说选手的奖金也都还没有发,DAC是不是过分了点?  According to Charlie, EG manager, they are trying to find a way to get the money to the players without getting taxed twice  据EG的经理讲,他们在努力让选手拿到的奖金不用扣两次税  at least in February, Newbee still havn't got their
money, except for xiao8, who opened up an american bank account  直到二月的时候,NB全队除了xiao8都还没拿到TI4的钱,因为只有他在美国银行开了户  AND WHERE IS MY IMMORTAL TREASURE 2  我的不朽2呢  who cares about your pixelated emoticons? where is muh iimertel 2  谁在乎聊天表情图标?说好的一大堆不朽2呢  Don't get your hopes up with anything from Chinese organizations holy. They got their money why should they care。  老实说别对中国的组织者抱希望了。他们钱都到手了谁还管你  DED GAME  DEADGAME  Sad part is that for next year's DAC, the Compendium will still sell millions。  但是明年DAC,互动指南还是会卖出几百万  You can BUY ti5 compendium for emoticons. They are already done :@  你可以买小金本。表情图标已经发了  welp PPD said he didnt get the money what r emoticons compared to that?  比起PPD他们还没拿到奖金,表情图标算个毛?  TI4 just ended. Give them time  TI4毕竟才刚刚结束。给他们点时间  Well, it took Valve one year to barely change the void's model  V社可是花了一年时间来重做虚空的模型  You call that a remodel?  兄弟啊你管这叫重做?


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