
之前17173曝光了国服商城贩卖的道具及价格 ,多数同学表示价钱好贵,那以点卡+道具双向收费的韩服(韩服月卡约合128RMB)的道具商城又是如何呢,一起来一探究竟吧。
水月平原箱子(适合37~45级) 售价约16 RMB
万魂灵妖的精气 30个(可以在转盘出抽奖,奖品有八卦牌,时装,武器等)
冬虫夏草恢复药 100个 (10s恢复6000生命)
鹿肉药膳素面 50个 (16秒恢复12360生命,恢复+123,暴击+138,持续30分钟)
钨铁修理工具 20个 (修理武器)
紧急钨铁修理工具 10个 (随时修理武器)
钨铁解封符 30个 (解除装备封印)
水月平原副本逃脱符 50个 (脱离副本)
银钥匙 50个(开启水月平原区域副本的宝箱,箱子必出一个宝石)
灵石 50个(生活技能重要消耗品)
水月平原龙凤汤 5个(30分钟打怪经验增加50%)
大漠箱子(适合21~36级)售价约11 RMB
黄沙领主的精气 30个(可以在转盘出抽奖,奖品有八卦牌,时装,武器等)
人参恢复药 100个(10s恢复3960生命)
药膳野鸡炒面 50个(16秒恢复7896生命,恢复+73,暴击+90,持续30分钟)
十炼精钢修理工具 20个(修理武器)
紧急十炼精钢修理工具 20个(随时修理武器)
铁钥匙 30个(开启大漠区域副本的宝箱,箱子必出一个宝石)
支持键盘 ← 和 → 分页
  special mount and clothes will be added on China server in version 3.1 (self.ffxiv)
  PinkPajamaPenguin 17 指標 1 天前
  I still want this Korean exclusive dress.
  [–]Ayane Tsukino - CerberusErinKatzee 3 指標 1 天前
  [–]?Soylentee 8 指標 1 天前
  want that dress :&
  [–]Alysse Hart on Faerieeissof 7 指標 1 天前
  I am officially jealous.
  [–]CaesarSacier[S] 5 指標 1 天前*
  Chinese New Year is coming soon, 8th & 9th of February 2016. \(^v^)/
  The female outfit is based on the Cheongsam.
  The mount is based on the Nian &年&, which according to legend is the monster that started the tradition of lighting firecrackers.
  EDIT: I later noticed this line that said:
  It mentions that there will be an event for CNY. &激萌宠物& means Minion, I think. If so, they will be rewarded with the &喜鹊& minion which is an Eurasian magpie.
  EDIT2: After watching the recording of their live-stream, they said they will be unveiling the male attire at a later date. This is around the 107:50 mark.
  I wonder if the minion will be the same as Korea:
  Edit: Isn't that mount the same Behemoth reskin China had at last years CNY event as FATE boss?
  Morvant 1 指標 1 天前
  I would never use a different minion if I had this bird.
  Kastoli 41 指標 1 天前
  I really do despise when developers release region specific content...
  yayachan 22 指標 1 天前
  China is its own closed server so they can pretty much do what they want really. The mount looks to be a reskin of behemoth and the qipao makes me feel like its their censored version of thav dress. Like they combined the two assets of the top and dress and made it censored to fit the qipao look... It sucks I want it... But since korea and china are independent from the world server.. I doubt Yoshi p and his team were able to decide for china. Most likely the company was talking to someone in SE saying we have a way to make money, let us do this.
  没法,中国服不对外开放,所以差不多他们想怎么弄都行,年兽看起来就是贝爷改的,然后旗袍看起来就像河蟹过的萨维奈舞裙,把上衣和下装拼起来凑 成旗袍的样子,弱爆了,但还是想要。但因为中国服和韩服都不对外开放,所以我怀疑这是不是吉田老贼自己决定的,估计是他们的代理跑到SE一起商量着怎么坑 玩家钱吧
  Ephier 5 指標 1 天前
  Fail to understand how people do not get this. China and Korea have free reign on special gear.
  colorofsakura 12 指標 1 天前
  You do realize that this is because their servers are closed servers (same with Korea), the fact that their games are run by different companies, and the fact that they had content cut from their versions of the game in order to meet censorship laws, right?
  Them getting a couple special items isn't them getting stuff we don't have - it's them getting stuff that they wouldn't be getting otherwise (because its likely that content is cut from the game.)
  GinalCelah 9 指標 1 天前
  Yeah, I'm aware of this, and honestly, I'm not sure I care. These asian-region exclusive outfits are amazing, and I would be willing to pay for them. But, I'm just a glamour-whore with an opinion.
  Casmir_Chevalier 6 指標 1 天前
  I do as well. It is almost like we are punished because they cannot have content like the gold Saucer because it is against their laws. Content can be taken away but they shouldn't be given special content because of their local laws.
  Infinite_Justice 1 指標 1 天前
  they have gold saucer, all of it
  TakaBear 1 指標 1 天前
  China almost always gets exclusive stuff, also i think the korean launch of the game gave koreans special stuff too
  Nestama-Eynfoetsyn -2 指標 1 天前
  It's just a (Behemoth) mount and virtual clothing (which is sort of similar to the MNK AF, with slight alterations), though...
  GGnerd 7 指標 1 天前
  That's a fantastic looking behemoth tho
  Nestama-Eynfoetsyn -3 指標 1 天前
  It's still just a reskin, though.
  bohabu 7 指標 1 天前
  Let me introduce you to the white and red magitek mount reskins that people willingly threw money at.
  Nestama-Eynfoetsyn 1 指標 1 天前
  I honestly don't understand why people would, though. Only difference is that it plays Steel Reason, right?
  lestye 4 指標 1 天前
  I don't see how that's relevant. People buy dyes and get different type of reskins and recolors depending on their preference.
  ShinVerus 2 指標 1 天前
  I bought my White Magitek armor.
  Being a reskin doesn't make it look less cool.
  SKyKlaws 4 指標 1 天前
  Clothes? WANT!
  衣服? 想要!
  agneslynd 5 指標 1 天前
  Well I want that cheongsam, or actually chenogsam of any kind.
  Mirellea 5 指標 1 天前
  I'm not going to lie. I'm legit salty over this. I've been wanting a 'casual' version of the Monk AF gear for ages, and seeing it region locked? Urgh. :( I know we have no right of whining about it, but I'd love to have this for us western scrubs as well.
  ExtraHP 7 指標 1 天前
  I leveled MNK over a year ago. Ever since then all I've ever wanted was a Cheongsam glamour.
  I will pay any amount of money for this. Yoshi pls.
  LaNmower 13 指標 1 天前
  What New Years? What do we give everyone?
  Ah yes 3 helmets with butts on them.
  What Chinese New Years? What do we give them?
  2 sets of clothing and a unique mount. And only to them!
  angelar_ 8 指標 1 天前
  don't talk shit about my andross hat
  嘿~别这么说我的andross hat(这是啥道具啊有谁知道的告诉我)
  Grandorg22 -2 指標 1 天前
  yeah better give us Stuff we never use.
  alvisto 3 指標 1 天前
  Interesting facts from the link posted. 1. First A4S clear group win logitech mouse & some gaming keyboard 2. First group clear on each floor will enter hall of fame. 3. First group clear on each server will be displayed on system server message for 2 weeks.
  Hrmm... I wonder how will they fare against A3S & A4S.
  verislie 4 指標 1 天前
  Those are actually pretty cool raid rewards. At least the whole hall of fame and system message thing
  chillman88 1 指標 1 天前
  One of the things from WoW and the Sword Art Online show that I thought was cool, is in game areas to view big achievements like that. In Cata, the first group to down Deathwing had that big monument, I believe (did it say the group? that cleared?) and in SAO there was that big wall with groups on it that made clear for each floor.
  verislie 1 指標 1 天前
  I never played wow, but I have seen sword art online and log horizon. I remember for log horizon, they had a giant stone tablet that raises itself from the raid room and had the party's names etched into it. (Maybe sword art online was something similar? I haven't watched that show since they pushed the last season) Something like that would be pretty cool. I would never be on it, haha, but it would really show a lot of appreciation towards the player.
  CaesarSacier[S] 1 指標 1 天前
  about 1/3 china mainland players who play international server also play china server, and some of them are even great FC leaders there. they and some of the members all have cleared A4S for months. they know how to do, the only problem i guess is their ilv.
  GrandmasterGrant 3 指標 1 天前
  Oh my god I want that dress SO BAD it hurts, and that mount looks so good too... So they wanted to give China exclusive content... but did they REALLY have to make said content x10 better than what we've been getting the last few updates?
  SE I will throw money at you for this, please give us some kind of version of it...
  unaki 1 指標 1 天前
  Chinese censorship laws and the company that implements these things. SE isn't actually the company designing aesthetic content and most of it is outsourced.
  GinalCelah 3 指標 1 天前
  I've been thinking.
  I understand that there are reasons of censorship behind giving the Chinese and Korean markets exclusive things, and since there are pieces of the game these players will never see, I can see it being fair to give them something like a simple outfit to make up for it.
  On the other hand, no player region is responsible for any other region not having all content available. It seems that it's also unfair to the regions that do not get these outfits.
  Here's the solution I could offer: every region gets all the content they can in accordance with their laws. If any version must suffer from censorship, they can get pretty outfit for free as a make up gesture. Other regions should then be allowed to purchase these items from the Mog Station. So we can get the outfits too, just not for free since we already have the entirety of the game available.
  我一直在想啊,中国和韩国玩家因为审查阉割的关系,有些游戏内容是无法体验到了,我觉得给他们点专属道具作为补偿也算扯平。另一方面,他们玩阉 割版的锅也不应该甩到我们身上啊。这么做不觉得对国际服玩家有点不公平啊。所以我想的解决办法是,玩阉割版的玩家免费拿专属道具,我们国际服的玩家可以掏 钱买不知道行不行
  Infinite_Justice 3 指標 1 天前
  Let's just see how many ppl don't know China server also got Gold Saucer.
  King_Kappa_Prime 2 指標 1 天前
  What's our exclusives for EU/NA/JP?
  [–]Hikari_Netto 2 指標 1 天前
  One of them is the entirety of the Gold Saucer. It doesn't exist in the Chinese version due to laws regarding the depiction of gambling.
  [–]Xystel Unaki (Leviathan Goober)unaki 1 指標 1 天前
  Our exclusives are a lot of content that we have now. Not only is China behind on patches (With it being a completely different version with a different pay model as well) but they don't have a lot of shit we have in the game.
  verislie 2 指標 1 天前
  That qipao looks amazing, I now need this for my monk for some Ranma glam
  notasinglenamegiven 1 指標 1 天前
  Is China one patch behind or did I miss something?
  CaesarSacier[S] 2 指標 1 天前
  yep, they are going to launch 3.05 on Jan. 13
  notasinglenamegiven 0 指標 1 天前
  No, seriously now? They are actually, unironically a patch behind? Wot?
  Meryl-D 2 指標 1 天前*
  That's pretty common. A few Korean games launching later on NA/EU do this as well to offer some progression in content. It was the case with Archeage for instance, NA/EU were a few patches behind when it launched there.
  FFXIV launched about 15 months ago there, they had more content than us on release and got everything up to 3.05 in those 15 months. Some players apparently even complained about content being released too fast, a bit ironic considering the mood here since HW. The game is handled by another company there and they even use a Pay Per Hour system instead of Per Month.
  很正常吧,有不少韩国MMORPG在欧美发行的时候也会保持版本进度上的差距,比如上古世纪,在欧美发型的时候就落后几个版本,FF14中 国服在15个月前上线的,当初就比我们体验的内容要多,然后他们用了15个月追到了3.05版本,有些玩家都开始抱怨版本更新太快了,对比我们这边现在抱 怨更新太慢的情况是不是有点讽刺啊(毛线我看到的全是嫌更新慢的),中国服由别的公司代理商是,而且人家除了月卡之外还有点卡制
  Myusha123 1 指標 1 天前
  Question. How is the PpH versus PpM system? Is it more expensive by the hour or?
  Meryl-D 1 指標 1 天前
  I believe it's like $0.1 an hour. So they need to play about 150 hours (assuming US price is 15 bucks, I'm form the EU myself so not sure) a month for it to become more expensive than our system.
  Myusha123 1 指標 1 天前
  Sounds like they get a week's worth of game time if they actually use it wisely before they reach US/EU price then.
  Give or take a few hours.
  CaesarSacier[S] 1 指標 1 天前
  fastfood consumption on game play ← so the agent have to accelerate the update speed or they will lose players (i think...
  empty_moon 1 指標 1 天前*
  Looks like Street Fighter crossover.
  Banelingz 1 指標 1 天前
  Qipao, man, I want it so bad :(
  ErinKatzee 1 指標 1 天前
  Screaming i want that cheongsam so bad brb moving to china &&
  Arabian_Wolf 1 指標 1 天前
  What about the male cloth silouette?
  My english is bad.
  CaesarSacier[S] 3 指標 1 天前
  the male outfit hasn‘t yet been shown, but as a chinese myself I think the silhouette looks kinda like this one → (second one from left )
  btw i'm not a native speaker, my English is poor too lol
  ErinKatzee 1 指標 1 天前
  omg i love it
  DanyaHerald 0 指標 1 天前
  Wait... why is SE giving region locked gear only to the latecomer servers?
  NA/EU/JP saved the game, some of us have been loyal players since beta, or earlier, and we get jack.
  Unfair, Yoshi, unfair.
  LadySax 1 指標 1 天前
  The Chinese and Korean versions of the game are controlled by a different company.
  DanyaHerald 3 指標 1 天前
  SE can't translate the content over though?
  Seems a bit odd.
  LadySax 1 指標 2 天前
  It's not that, it's that those countries have strict censorship laws. So, the version they have of the game is an extremely watered down version of the game we have.
  To make up for their lack of content they add stuff like this. SE may decide to add something like this in the future but the artwork used to the Chinese version is probably under some copyright or registered trademark so we won't have exactly that.
  Arikaen -6 指標 2 天前
  So they get their own private server. Their own clothes, their own mounts and we still have to deal with their stupid broken ass English rmt tells? This is bullshit.
  haseo2299 2 指標 2 天前
  china server is pay by the minute and there content comes a few months late due to they have to either remake or remove stuff from game due to law. i wouldnt really call it a private server.
  nivora 2 指標 2 天前
  you know why? Because there are lots of idiots that buy that shit on the servers.
  angelar_ -4 指標 2 天前
  where's our NA exclusive content
  give us an NA culture infusion here
  Cimyr 8 指標 2 天前
  Monster Truck Mount
  With Gatling Guns on top.
  And it can fly like the Kobold mount by being strapped to four Bald Eagles.
  And it leaves a trail of fireworks and explosions in its wake.
  Soveriegn 1 指標 2 天前
  I'd spend $25 on that before I would a reskinned magitek mount
  PinkPajamaPenguin 4 指標 2 天前
  It doesn't fit the theming of the game, but I'd laugh and totally love a pair of blue jeans, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. Maybe even a sweat suit, white tank top, and flip flops.
  Zayplus 3 指標 2 天前*
  I'd better get to work on my new glamour right now.
  Nestama-Eynfoetsyn 7 指標 2 天前
  NA exclusive stuff? They're often listening to the insane ideas players come up with (flying turtle and flying Fenrir, for example. I'm sure players could be thanked for some QoL additions, too). They spoil us and yet we still complain when China and Korea get their own stuff glamour, mounts and minions.
  Scorpiour 0 指標 16小時前
  As a chinese server player, Lemme say some about that.
  First, Chinese Server has EXACTLY the same content of Gold Saucer: nothing different from others in Japan or US.
  Second, Version 3.05 is just opened on 13th January, 2016. And till now, that least 1 team has passed A3S, and no less than 3 teams has passed A2S as well.
  JoolzMG -26 指標 2 天前
  For me, the more often they do this makes my decision to unsub easier and easier. I'm already going to lose housing that I wouldn't have bothered with except for a lie.
  Region specific glamour is just another nail in the coffin.
  dreamendDischarger 8 指標 2 天前
  What server are you on and when was your last login? Our FC needs a house. ;)
  Banelingz 1 指標 2 天前
  Damn, two region specific items, sky is literally falling.


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