sf scene getbytearrayelementss怎么弄出来

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I added some objects to ThreeJS scene (using scene.add(object)). I know the name of object and just want to fetch index of it from scene.children.
I tried to use scene.children.indexOf("objectName") but it returns -1 index. Can anybody suggest what can I do?
var object = scene.getObjectByName( "objectName" );
or to recursively search the scene graph
var object = scene.getObjectByName( "objectName", true );
Alternatively, you can search by ID.
var id = scene.getObjectById( 4, true );
three.js r.60
You got an alert text as undefined because you're getting back an object not a value/text.
You would need to alert something like scene.getObjectByName( "objectName" ).name or scene.getObjectByName( "objectName" ).id i believe.
I believe that something that can actually can answer your question is the following code that I use to clean the scene:
while (scene.children.length & 0) {
scene.remove(scene.children[scene.children.length - 1]);
this way I don't need to access an element by its name or id. The object are simply fetched from the array with an index, so it's like scene.children[i].
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledDiva Dance Song from The Fifth Element
By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .
The alien diva in - “The Fifth Element”
In the movie The Fifth Element 1997, there's a memorable scene of a crazy alien soprano singer. It is, the best part of that movie.
The Fifth Element, opera scene.
The first part of the song, the aria, is Act 3 scene 2 Oh, giusto cielo!…Il dolce suono (Oh, merciful heaven! … The sweet sound) (the Lucia Mad Scene), from Gaetano Donizetti's tragic opera Lucia di Lammermoor.
The second part, the dance, is called The Diva Dance song, composed by French composer . Parts of the vocal performance is computer enhanced, because no human can change pitch that fast, and that high in quality. In the movie, the song is composed to be sung by extraterrestrial.
The song in the movie is sung by Albanian soprano
(born 1963) (with help of computer enhancement on the Diva Dance part)
The actress playing the singer is .
The fictional alien character's name is Diva Plavalaguna.
What's “Mad Scene”?
The first part of the beautiful song, the Oh, giusto cielo!…Il dolce suono is known as Lucia's Mad Scene. A
A mad scene is an enactment of insanity in an opera or play. It was a popular convention of Italian and French opera in the early decades of the nineteenth century.
Mad scenes were often created as a way to offer star singers a chance to show off their abilities, though many of them are also very dramatic. The vocal writing is often exciting and highly demanding, requiring immense skill. Most mad scenes were composed for the soprano voice, but there are examples for the baritone and the tenor.
Full Scene of the Diva Dance Performance
Diva Dance Song, Full Dance Scene.
“Il dolce suono” Lyrics
Il dolce suono mi colpì di sua voce!
Ah, quella voce
M'è qui nel cor discesa!
Edgardo! Io ti son resa. Edgardo!
Ah! Edgardo, mio!
Si, ti son resa fuggita io son da' tuoi nemici.
Ah nemici!
Un gelo mi serpeggia nel sen!
Trema ogni fibra!
Vacilla il piè!
Presso la fonte meco t'assidi alquanto.
Si, presso la fonte meco t'assidi.
The sweet sound of his voice struck me!
O, that voice
Has entered my heart!
Edgardo! I am given back to you. Edgardo!
Oh! My Edgardo!
I have escaped from your enemies.
O your enemies!
A chill creeps into my breast!
Every fibre trembles!
My foot falters!
Sit down by the fountain with me for a while.
Sit down by the fountain with me.
It is a part of the whole tragic opera .
The story concerns the emotionally fragile Lucy Ashton (Lucia) who is caught in a feud between her own family and that of the Ravenswoods. The setting is the Lammermuir Hills of Scotland (Lammermoor) in the 17th century.
Act 3 Scene 1: The Wolf's Crag
Enrico visits Edgardo to challenge him to a duel. He tells him that Lucia is already enjoying her bridal bed. Edgardo agrees to fight him. They will meet later by the graveyard of the Ravenswoods, near the Wolf's Crag.
Act 3 Scene 2: A Hall in Lammermoor Castle
Raimondo interrupts the marriage celebrations to tell the guests that Lucia has gone mad and killed her bridegroom Arturo. Lucia enters. In the aria - “Il dolce suono” she imagines being with Edgardo, soon to be happily married. Enrico enters and at first threatens Lucia but later softens when he realizes her condition. Lucia collapses. Raimondo blames Normanno for precipitating the whole tragedy.
Human Performance of the Diva Dance Song
[官方版] Jane Zhang - The Diva Dance (from the Fifth Element) (張靚穎演繹第五元素神曲)
Jane Zhang is a Chinese pop singer.
Laura Workman McMurtrey sings the “Diva Dance”.
Music starts at 0:40.
Note: She is singing with the original performance playing in the background.
“Diva Dance Song” music sheet
Compare to .
Operatic Fantasy
∑XAH You Are Beautiful


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