求一个游戏Emulithrape of the dead游戏Magic Valley 2 或者告诉我这个游戏中文译名,谢谢

各种景色历历在目,令人神往。这个配置在今天相信大多数的玩家的机器都不会有问题。机器配高,这是本人最喜欢的大作之一啦,你会发现它的剧情也是很曲折感人的。这款游戏的战斗风格总是令我想起日本TGL公司的《神奇传说》系列。两者都是以45度视角俯瞰战场。这款游戏最让人称道的是其极其出色的美工,作战时人物出招,大招的动画还没有结束敌人就倒了,各种华丽的必杀技令人眩目。这也是这款游戏最初吸引我的地方。而当你逐步深入到游戏中后,这个游戏没多大。看得出在这方面弘煜科技很下了一番功夫。这个游戏对硬件要求并不高,不到100MB吧.回合制的,该游戏中角色的一举一动同《大富翁4》中的人物形象倒很有点相象,但是要精细得多。游戏中每一关的地图都有其独特之处.//.html" target="_blank">http,之魔岛圣战、32M内存(undeadking:本人第一次玩的时候只有8M内存,结果放大招时、施法的动画效果都直接在作战地图上表现,没有画面切换://lib。这是一个Windows 95/98/2000下的中文游戏(XP系统没做测试),弘煜科技对游戏的建议配置是奔腾133:////.html介绍,十分直观。只是《风色幻想》中的人物与背景都是立体的、森林城镇、云海星空:《魔导圣战-风色幻想》是台湾弘煜科技出品的一部SRPG游戏,风格大气。背景中的群山峡谷,漂亮的画面让人眼睛一亮。说起来.<a href="http我敢肯定的说是风色幻想1,汗)还要有能显示16位真彩的VGA卡、大约80M的硬盘空间
貌似 很好玩的样子 ..
收藏的兽争霸3:冰封王座(Warcraft III) 下载地址冒险岛 下载地址暴力机车(Jacked) 下载地址冲突:越南(Conflict:Vietnam) 下载地址三角洲特种部队:黑鹰坠落 下载地址百战天虫3D(Worms 3D) 下载地址世界摩托大奖赛2006(MotoGP2006) 下载地址雷神之锤4(Quake4) 下载地址领土战争:入侵纽约(TerraWars:New York Invasion) 下载地址猎杀潜航2 下载地址文明城市:罗马(CivCity:Rome) 下载地址红色警戒2尤里的复仇 下载地址大唐豪侠 下载地址重返狼穴3:悍马攻击(Humvee Assault) 下载地址极品醉车(Juiced) 下载地址英雄萨姆(Serious Sam) 下载地址奇迹MU 下载地址职业足球经理2006(Professional Manager 2006) 下载地址碧雪情天 下载地址帝国时代2(Age of Empires II) 下载地址彩虹骑士 下载地址科林麦考雷拉力4(Colin McRae Rally 4) 下载地址侠盗猎车:罪恶都市(Grand Theft Aut Vice City) 下载地址特洛伊战争(Battle for Troy) 下载地址重返狼穴2:血战太平洋(Deadly Dozen 2acific Theater) 下载地址绵羊传奇(Sheep) 下载地址射鸡英雄传2(Chicken Shoot 2) 下载地址犯罪现场调查:谋杀的三维(CSI 3 Dimensions of Murder) 下载地址冬季运动专业版2006(Winter Challenge) 下载地址街头赛车联盟(SRS Street Racing Syndicate) 下载地址反恐精英(CS) 下载地址机器人历险记(Robots) 下载地址魔法飞球2 下载地址三角洲特种部队2 (Delta Force 2) 下载地址疯狂熊猫足球(Crazy of Kicker) 下载地址Game淘 下载地址侠盗猎魔(Manhunt) 下载地址霍伊尔纸牌游戏2007(Hoyle Card Games 2007) 下载地址猎人MM 下载地址半条命(Half-life) 下载地址欢乐奇兵 下载地址真封神 下载地址反恐精英(CS) 下载地址虚拟人生2 下载地址变异风暴(Mutant Storm) 下载地址将军娃娃 下载地址摩托英豪(Moto Racer) 下载地址街头篮球 下载地址极品摩托2(Moto GP II) 下载地址格兰匹治大赛4(Grand Prix 4) 下载地址FIFA 下载地址梅赛德斯奔驰卡车赛(Mercedes-Benz Truck Racing) 下载地址盟军敢死队 下载地址极品摩托(MOTO GP) 下载地址梦幻群侠传之龙在天涯 下载地址星际家园 下载地址极品飞车(Need For Speed) 下载地址玩具兵大战(Army Men:RTS) 下载地址救火先锋(Wildfire) 下载地址三国志9 下载地址命运II 下载地址合金弹头 下载地址星球大战:星际战士(Star Wars:Starfighter) 下载地址FIFA 下载地址桌球俱乐部(CueClub) 下载地址地球文明 下载地址哈利波特2:消失的密室(Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets) 下载地址欧战之翼:冷战升温(Wings Over Europe - Cold War Gone Hot) 下载地址主题医院(Theme Hospital) 下载地址NBA Live 下载地址极品飞车(Need For Speed) 下载地址疯狂赛车 下载地址百战天虫4:伤害(Worms 4: Mayhem) 下载地址新倚天 下载地址龙人德里克传奇(Drake of the 99 Dragons) 下载地址盛大富翁 下载地址装载卡车竞赛2(Rig Racer 2) 下载地址多浪迪警官(Torrente) 下载地址美女卡丁车(Action Girlz Racing) 下载地址极品飞车(Need For Speed) 下载地址乱武天下 下载地址跑跑卡丁车 下载地址要塞(Stronghold) 下载地址三国群英传2 下载地址雷曼竞技场(Rayman M) 下载地址星际争霸(Starcraft) 下载地址足球经理(Football Manager) 2006 下载地址整蛊邻居(Neighbours From Hell) 下载地址极品飞车2(Need For Speed II) 下载地址上帝也疯狂3(Popvlovs:The Beginning) 下载地址汽车总动员(Cars-PLEX) 下载地址大富翁 下载地址IGS经典游戏大合集 下载地址雷神之锤2(QUAKE2) 下载地址格兰匹治传奇(Grand Prix Legends) 下载地址都市极限飚车(Urban Extreme) 下载地址圣斗士星矢 下载地址饿狼传说(Mark of the Wolves) 下载地址爱心宠物猫(Kitty Luv) 下载地址珍珠港 下载地址壮志凌云(Jets n Guns) 下载地址3D魂斗罗 下载地址抢滩登陆战 下载地址阿帕奇杀戮战场 下载地址雷电超激版(Ultra Assault) 下载地址生化危机2(Resident Evil 2) 下载地址星际狂人(Star Fury) 下载地址龙虎门Online 下载地址热血躲避球2 下载地址梦幻麻将馆 下载地址祖鲁宝石(Zulu Gems) 下载地址玩具军人3(Army Men 3) 下载地址三国战纪2代(群雄争霸) 下载地址山谷冒险(Out from Boneville) 下载地址中国游戏中心 下载地址MAME32K 下载地址边城英烈传(The Alamo) 下载地址墨西哥飞车帮(Mexican Motor Mafia) 下载地址游戏大亨(Game Tycoon) 下载地址警探派克(BeTrapped) 下载地址F16战斗机(F-16 Multirole Fighter) 下载地址百战天虫之泡泡虫(Worms Blast) 下载地址虚拟船长2(Virtual Skipper 2) 下载地址黄金岛 下载地址彩京1945 下载地址恋爱物语(Eberouge) 下载地址玩具军人2(Army Men 2) 下载地址疯狂水果机(Fruit Machine Mania) 下载地址梦幻战争 下载地址梦想网球比赛(Dream Match Tennis) 下载地址围棋助手 下载地址旋转城堡俄罗斯(Tower of the Ancients) 下载地址F22战斗机 下载地址平衡球(Ballance) 下载地址摩托车场地障碍赛(Trials Construction Yard) 下载地址飘羽失忆天使 下载地址超级坦克大战(Tank-O-Box) 下载地址拳皇(The King of Fighters) 下载地址肯尼海底大冒险(Scuba in Aruba) 下载地址孤单枪手+双资料篇(Alien Shooter+Fight For Life+The Experiment) 下载地址咻咻大作战 下载地址美女沙滩排球(Beach Volley Hot Sports) 下载地址M1坦克排2(M1 Tank Platoon II) 下载地址跳跳小狐狸(Foxy Jumper) 下载地址疯狂机器3之新实验(Crazy Machines-News out of the laboratory) 下载地址连锁反应汉化版(Chain Reaction) 下载地址肥猪运动会(Fette Sau) 下载地址飞龙武士(ExZeus) 下载地址遥控赛车(Revolt) 下载地址帝国时代(Age of Empires) 下载地址怪鸡西部枪手(Moorhuhn Wanted XXL) 下载地址黑暗史诗(Fate) 下载地址雨球魔法(Balloon Rain) 下载地址虎克船长(Captain Claw) 下载地址银河勇士(Protothea) 下载地址激光兔2(Jazz Jackrabbit 2) 下载地址卡通叛乱(Balls of Steel) 下载地址怪鸡飞碟入侵(Moorhuhn Invasion) 下载地址拳皇(The King of Fighters) 下载地址锤锤Online 下载地址反恐炸弹人 下载地址拳皇(The King of Fighters) 下载地址半条命横版过关(Codename Gordon) 下载地址三国战纪 下载地址QQ堂 下载地址爱心宠物狗(Puppy Luv:A New Breed) 下载地址爆弹小子2(Bomberic 2) 下载地址疯狂能量盘(Crazy Power Disc) 下载地址疯狂坦克2 下载地址云-中文版(Cloud) 下载地址名将(Captain Commando) 下载地址模型拼盘(Shape Shifter) 下载地址三个奇迹(Three Wonders) 下载地址傻瓜殿下麻雀游记(Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki) 下载地址终极俄罗斯方块(Tetris 4000) 下载地址彩虹砖块(Blasterball 2) 下载地址波特Q精灵(Q-bert) 下载地址鼹鼠单词(Word Whomp) 下载地址阿拉丁传说(Legend of Alladin) 下载地址龙王战士(The King of Dragons) 下载地址圆桌骑士(Knights of the Round) 下载地址围棋实战训练 下载地址射苹果(Pipiru The Archer) 下载地址Frank Zapper Deathmatch Contest 下载地址Pixie Power Swapper 下载地址圣剑英雄传-英雄救美 下载地址糖果排排站(Super Candy Cruncher) 下载地址BrainsBreaker 下载地址出击飞龙(Strider) 下载地址5star Free Lines 下载地址雪崩球(Avalanche) 下载地址快乐转盘(Spin & Play) 下载地址街头篮球(Street Hoop) 下载地址恐龙蛋(Dynomite) 下载地址全能战士:十锤(Full Spectrum Warrior Ten Hammers) 下载地址智狐超级游戏集 下载地址天空之火(Sky Fire) 下载地址五子连珠 下载地址超级俄罗斯方块(Super Rumble Cube) 下载地址岛屿之战2(Island Wars 2) 下载地址失落的世界(Forgotten Worlds) 下载地址水果派(TipTop) 下载地址海底泡泡(Aqua POP) 下载地址笑脸找不同(Smileyville) 下载地址泽波的梦幻世界(Zep’s Dreamland) 下载地址魔法旋涡(Trials Of Werlin) 下载地址凌云四国军棋 下载地址数独(SUDUKU) 下载地址HLSW 下载地址水晶守护神 下载地址属相分析大师 下载地址围棋攻防手筋 下载地址大魔界村(Ghouls’n Ghosts) 下载地址中华灯谜 下载地址石头剪刀布(Cycles) 下载地址小拳王(Legend of Success Joe) 下载地址Advanced Tetric 下载地址魔法气泡3(Pang!3) 下载地址威虎战机-雷雨行动(Varth - Operation Thunderstorm) 下载地址拉力赛车(Thrash Rally) 下载地址3D Mini-Aquabike 迷你水上摩托车 下载地址魔法之剑(Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy) 下载地址雌虎战机(Carrier Air Wing) 下载地址金山网游加速器 下载地址Planetoid Pack 下载地址美国队长-上尉密令(Final Fight(World)) 下载地址1941反击战(1941 - Counter Attack) 下载地址字符炼金术(Alchemy) 下载地址联众台球圣手 下载地址梦幻冒险Nemo(World) 下载地址ATS专业心理测验大全 下载地址情人节礼物(Valentines Gift) 下载地址战区88(U.N.Squadron) 下载地址矿工乔伊(Gold Miner Joe) 下载地址易歆大六壬 下载地址3D Live Pool 下载地址联众球皇-联众台球瞄准器 下载地址1st Free Solitaire 扑克牌益智游戏 下载地址Nebula 下载地址法老方块(Brickshooter Egypt) 下载地址ECOLOTO 下载地址水晶贪吃蛇 下载地址超级玛莉奥兄弟 下载地址俄罗斯方块BlockGame 下载地址开心斗地主 下载地址楚汉棋缘 下载地址联众青苹果之游戏马算牌器 下载地址百科知识竞赛 下载地址活力机器人 下载地址智力拼图 下载地址游戏修改器(Quick Memory Editor) 下载地址怪物飞船射击 下载地址超可爱大家来找碴 下载地址Puzzled方块(Puzzled) 下载地址ZD Soft Game Recorder 下载地址精科电脑算命 下载地址魂斗罗 下载地址Funny Creatures 下载地址梦幻天堂(Gururin) 下载地址中国象棋网络版 下载地址B-Jigsaw 拼图游戏 下载地址茶苑双扣智能记牌器 下载地址挖地先生(Diggerman) 下载地址疯狂五子连珠 下载地址台湾麻将 下载地址玄奥天文占星 下载地址连连看 下载地址易吉八字算命 下载地址ClrMamePro 下载地址Cubes Galaxy 下载地址街机迷宫(Norbyte Downfall) 下载地址Flash Jigsaw Producer 拼图游戏 下载地址Cool Balls Light 下载地址奇门遁甲演义CASR 下载地址美眉拖拉机 下载地址开心对对碰 下载地址魔术七巧板(TaMiGoN) 下载地址禅宗花园(Zen Puzzle Garden) 下载地址动物连连看 下载地址玄奥八字 下载地址口算超人 完全版 下载地址中游球皇-中游台球瞄准器类专业外挂 下载地址弹珠跳棋(Chinese Checkers) 下载地址Nestopia 下载地址佩格棋(PegIt) 下载地址搞怪碰碰球 下载地址半仙算命 下载地址经典台球游戏 下载地址时空游侠 下载地址BoXiKoN 下载地址3D-Analyze 下载地址十字绣(Cross Image) 下载地址长天游戏加速器SpeedUp 下载地址Snes9X 下载地址非爱不可 下载地址超级玛丽 下载地址七彩连珠 下载地址VisualBoy Advance 下载地址扑克麻将必胜秘籍 下载地址围棋定式详解 下载地址超级玛丽兄弟(采蘑菇) 2006 下载地址彩珠连线(linklines) 下载地址Q宠保姆Pro(VC版) 下载地址天涯QQ连连看助手 下载地址联众升级记牌器 下载地址潜艇大战 下载地址
回答问题,赢新手礼包&#xe6b9;外国网友们,看了这个视频,都很惊讶!我挑选了一些有意思的评论,省略了很多纯惊讶的评论。It's like the old saying goes... Whatever you attempt to do in life, just be aware that there is always an Asian out there who has perfected it.  就像那句老话,无论你在人生中尝试做什么,要知道,总有亚洲人比你做得更完美。  urbanrootz 9 个月前 56
回复   These guys should open a window cleaning company.  这些小伙子应该开一家窗户保洁公司  Holy Toledo. Simply SENSATIONAL. Can anyone tell me the name of the team/troupe? And, what is the translation of the title? UPLOAD SOME MORE OF THEIR VIDEOS!!!  ayuliuli 2 周前  RealEstatebyErwin 3 周前  太好了,只管轰动吧。谁能告诉我这个杂技团的名字?还有标题翻译过来是什么意思?请上传更多他们的视频!!!    This proves it. Cartman was right. The Chinese WILL take over the world.  这证明了一点:卡特曼是正确的,中国人将接管世界。  this is what gold farmers do when games are patching  这就是网游打钱一族们在游戏更新时所做的事情。(gold farmers 是对中国职业网游玩家的戏称)  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  holy shiiiiiiz! i can't even do 1 backflip! that was amazing!..  too bad they cant see my comment back in china :(  狗屎!!!我甚至不能做一个后空翻! 这是了不起的!  太可惜了,他们回中国后不能看到我的评论。  Three Chinese boys died during the training for this production. May they rest in peace.  三名中国男孩死于训练中,愿他们安息!  lol I love the audience's expressions, like it's just another day in China...  笑,我喜欢看观众的表情,似乎在说:这又是一天罢了。(意思是观众表情很淡定)  Unbelievable is probably the word made for the performance.  可能“难以置信”这个词才适合这个表演。  What the f**k did I just watch. I can't even walk up the stair with a basket on laundry.  我刚看的是他妈的什么?甚至不能让我拿着衣物篮去楼上的洗衣房。    Power Ranger training exhibition.  这是恐龙战队培训展示  
  WTF  You can do this but not put together a decent football/soccer team  什么玩意,他们能做得到这些,却不能组成一个像样的足球队。  lmao i'm chinese, and i approve of this message  笑,我是中国人,但我赞同你这么说。  I guess I'm asking if the chinese would win at football if they were allowed 22 players and an extra ball only they could kick?  我想如果允许中国队有22个队员和一个额外的只准他们踢的足球,他们才有可能赢。      *GULP* I for one welcome our new gymnastic Asian overlords.  额,我个人欢迎我们新的亚洲体操霸主。  
  my god. If you didn't think that asians would take over the world before, it has now been confirmed. there will be no stopping these child assasins. no man or machine can stop them. Im giving up now. balls of steel.  我的天。如果你之前不相信亚洲人接管世界,现在应该信了吧。没有什么能阻止这些小刺客(assasins原指暗杀十字军的msl极端教派)。没有任何人或机器能阻止他们,现在我打定主意放弃了。    Fucking outstanding.  太TM牛叉了。  After watching this video it's clear: America does not have talent.  看过这个视频更明显了:美国没有天才。  once upon a time these guys were ninjas. They gave it up for dancing.  以前这些人是忍者。他们为了表演放弃了当忍者。    They are still ninjas. This is their disguise.  他们仍然是忍者。这是他们的假面目。  
  brought to you by the chinese government, where kids are forced to do this.  这些中国政府给你看的,都是强迫孩子表演的。  everybody in the addience is like.  Mh...ive seen better.  观众们似乎在说:这没啥…我看过更好看的  So where do I have to go to get those pants?  那么,我要上哪找这身行头?    humans are awesome  人类真牛逼    what the fuck just happened?    刚才他妈的发生了什么?    I got to 2:35 and my balls could take no more.   到2:35时,我就惊呆了。    Are they tossing around children?  他们是这么折腾小孩的?  The discipline that went into achieving this is staggering.  完成这次表演的训练是惊人的  
  It wouldn't look THAT gay, except the boys are actually wearing mascara.  Make up aside, GREAT performance and I think it's really cool. I could never do something like that.  看起来不算很GAY,
除了男孩们带了假睫毛,  除了化妆,这是一场伟大的表演,我认为这真的很酷。我永远做不到这些。    the worst comments I've seen on youtube. this is nothing less but awesome, and for some reason you're all being jerks.  Wow.. Cartman was right,,    哇,卡特曼说对了。    Do these people not have genitalia?  这些人木有小jj吗?    the audience are like &these kids have a long way to go. i can do that. just don't wanna.&    观众的表情似乎在说:“这些孩子有很长的路走,我也能做到,只是不想罢了”    Nobody in the crowd seemed impressed afterward...  看过之后,似乎没有在人群之中留下深刻印象….  
  The two guys that made a mistake that none of us noticed will be executed tomorrow afternoon.  有两个孩子犯了一个我们没有注意到的错误,他们将于明天下午被处决。
    Wow, epic. Seriously, only Asians could pull something like that off. I mean, is that racist? Is it still racist if its true?  Asians are beasts at gymnastics and group coordination. I don't see any white or black people pulling something like this off, this is on a different level.  哇,很精彩。说真的,只有亚洲佬才能做到这些。额,这算种族主义吗?  亚洲人胜在体操和团队合作。我没有看过白人或黑人搞过这些,完全不是一个层次。    Hey look, 18 people missed the like button.  嘿,看,18个人点错了“顶”按钮。(截至目前为止,该视频播放次数为1,391,143次,2,819 人顶了此视频,39 人踩了此视频)    What the shit is even happening at 2:30?  2:30是他妈怎么做到的?    This doesn't do the Asian stereotype much good.  这对改变亚洲的刻板印象没有什么作用  
  I feel so sorry for thier asses.  我真担心他们的屁股。    The Chinese army is starting to scare me!  中国军队开始吓到我        everyone in the audience is golf clapping like that s**t happens every day over there....  观众里的每一个人鼓掌就像每天都要拉屎一样。      Cirque du Soleil performers are crying right now  太阳马戏团的表演者此刻泪流满面。    These girls are fearless.  这些孩子都无所畏惧。    Amazing. I bet none of these kids had any childhoods though.  太神奇了,我敢打赌这些孩子都没有童年。    its world of goo with humans  这是一个人类掌权的世界。  
  Most inventive way to tell your parents you're gay ever.  (如果你喜欢看这个),这将是告诉父母你是同性恋的最有创意的方式。     You don't need to - your parents are the ones that sent you there.  你不需要了,你的父母曾经把你送到那儿。    But can they run crysis?  但是他们能运行孤岛危机吗?(意思是人类再牛逼也比不上电脑)    Boys or girls? 14years old or 24 years old?  男孩还是女孩?14岁还是24岁?    fucking chinese,
&ok, that was good, NEXT!&  TMD的中国观众们好像在说:“恩,还行,下一组!”    Chinese are top in world in defying gravity..!! Amazing and mind blowing.. hats off to this performance.!! Thanks for uploading..  在藐视地球引力方面,中国人走在了世界的前列。这是令人惊讶和兴奋的。为这场表演脱帽致敬!谢谢上传!  
  This event (Chinese:春节联欢晚会) is held by Chinese National Television(CCTV) for celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year (13th Feb 2010) in Beijing China. According to the Chinese subtitle, this acrobatics has been awarded the Golden Clown Prize in &Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain& Montreal, Canada.    这是为了庆祝农历新年,中国国家电视台举办的晚会。根据中文字幕,这个杂技团获得2010年度摩纳哥蒙特卡洛的金小丑奖。       Please change the tags so that this video can be easily searched  为了该视频更容易被搜索到,请修改一些关键词。    Gravity must work different in China.  万有引力定律在中国一定以不同的方式运作。    OMG my chin fell on the table!  哦卖糕,我的下巴掉到桌子上了。    are they faking chinese? ;//D  这些中国人作假了吗?开玩笑    They didnt even get a standing ovation?  他们甚至没有受到全体起立鼓掌?    Of course not, it's China. XD  当然没有,这就是中国。XD    chinese cirque de soleil ?  中国的太阳马戏团?  
  UNBELIEVABLE......SIMPLY SUPERB...chinese have gone crazy  不可置信……简直太完美了…..中国人开始疯狂    Who said America and Britain...only got talent.....its china..Best of ever... absolutely Amazing.  谁说只有美国人和英国人牛逼?这是中国..有史以来,绝对最惊人的    If you look closely at 0:03, you can see the snipers in the balconies ready to shoot down any performer that makes a mistake. the audience is made up of their relatives who are hoping that they don't shame their family.  如果你仔细看看0:03,你可以看到狙击手已经在阳台上准备好狙击任何犯错的表演者。观众们都是表演者的亲人,他们不希望孩子们使家族蒙羞。    The audienc The audience's reaction: &that was cute. I wonder what's next.   观众的反应:“这有点趣。但是我更好奇接下来会有什么节目。一个童话也许不错”    Wow, this looks fantastic, you have to give them credit they are good but I do wonder living under communist rule if they do it because they love it or as most gymnasts in China they are under strict guidance, in other words they are forced to do it or face the secret police. You have to wonder.  哇,这看起来棒极了,不得不称赞他们,在gcd的统治下,我很好奇他们做这些是否因为自己喜欢,就像中国的体操运动员一样,他们接受严格的指导,换句话说他们被强迫了,否则将有秘密警察找上门。你不得不怀疑。    
  春晚杂技是什么 我没印象了
  You can do this but not put together a decent football/soccer team    什么玩意,他们能做得到这些,却不能组成一个像样的足球队    ---------------    喷了这个。。。     brought to you by the chinese government, where kids are forced to do this.    这些中国政府给你看的,都是强迫孩子表演的。  -----------------------  国外就不缺这种人。。政府阴谋论
  @濂琤  21:24:00  ……这说的是哪个杂技呢  -----------------------------  是2010年的春晚《试比天高》
  I guess I'm asking if the chinese would win at football if they were allowed 22 players and an extra ball only they could kick?    我想如果允许中国队有22个队员和一个额外的只准他们踢的足球,他们才有可能赢。  太有才了!
  If you look closely at 0:03, you can see the snipers in the balconies ready to shoot down any performer that makes a mistake. the audience is made up of their relatives who are hoping that they don't shame their family.    如果你仔细看看0:03,你可以看到狙击手已经在阳台上准备好狙击任何犯错的表演者。观众们都是表演者的亲人,他们不希望孩子们使家族蒙羞。  -------------------------  好有想象力。。。。    看到他们觉得中国观众很镇定也很搞。。=,=
  Most inventive way to tell your parents you're gay ever.    (如果你喜欢看这个),这将是告诉父母你是同性恋的最有创意的方式。  ==================================================  这个是最好笑的^_^
  @妖瞳in_sz  21:27:34  If you look closely at 0:03, you can see the snipers in the balconies ready to shoot down any performer that makes a mistake. the audience is made up of their relatives who are hoping that they don'.....  -----------------------------  他们把中国当CX了吧?哈哈
  完全没有印象……  话说,那些神经大条的白种人确实不能理解亚洲人为啥都那么会玩杂技……
  its world of goo with humans  这是一个人类掌权的世界。    这个应该翻成:  这是“粘粘世界”的真人版。    粘粘世界是一款由2D Boy开发的益智类游戏。在游戏中,玩家要使用一种叫粘豆包的粘性小球来搭建庞大复杂的结构。
  @bernieforsaken  21:43:26  its world of goo with humans  这是一个人类掌权的世界。  这个应该翻成:  这是“粘粘世界”的真人版。  粘粘世界是一款由2D Boy开发的益智类游戏。在游戏中,玩家要使用一种叫粘豆包的粘性小球来搭建庞大复杂的结构。  -----------------------------  恩恩,我玩过粘粘世界,狂汗,竟然不知道其英文名
  If you look closely at 0:03, you can see the snipers in the balconies ready to shoot down any performer that makes a mistake. the audience is made up of their relatives who are hoping that they don't shame their family.    如果你仔细看看0:03,你可以看到狙击手已经在阳台上准备好狙击任何犯错的表演者。观众们都是表演者的亲人,他们不希望孩子们使家族蒙羞。      -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  这位至于吗。。。。
    back in china 在中国就好了嘛 为什么要回去中国。。    某些外国人真是刻板
。。殊不知中国人是个多么喜感的民族。。    我常常跟他们说 不是我们过于淡定 是你们过于无知于这个华人世界。。
  fucking chinese,
&ok, that was good, NEXT!&    TMD的中国观众们好像在说:“恩,还行,下一组!”    =================================================  他们不知道中国观众已经看了很多这种杂技了,麻木了
  @楚云潇  21:33:40  我昨天在爬山虎网首页上也发布了一篇翻译贴,《中国的人口普查,越老越聪明?》,欢迎大家去看看,大家的评论是我们这些译者的动力!!!  -----------------------------  这篇译文我看了,质量很高,大家不要光看帖子不回,这样翻译者会很灰心的
  once upon a time these guys were ninjas. They gave it up for dancing.    以前这些人是忍者。他们为了表演放弃了当忍者。        They are still ninjas. This is their disguise.    他们仍然是忍者。这是他们的假面目。      笑死了
  yes but we have william hung.    很好,但是我们有孔庆翔(因美国偶像走红)        Obviously fake.    很明显作假了    fake your fucking balls    作假尼玛呀        they would do better with a better attire    换一身行头他们会做的更好。            So it's just like an elaborate trust-fall exercise. I get it. Used to do that in scouts.    这就像trust-fall 游戏,我明白了,童军活动时做过这些。    (trust-fall是一个游戏,这游戏一定要有两个人,你问对方你是否会保护我。一会儿之后把自己的重心往后,自然往后倾倒。如果你可以考虑得最少就倒下的话,那个人必定是你最信任的人。)  
  4:44 minutes of dancing about or a lifetime of impotency?  4:44时的舞蹈可能会导致终身阳痿    their balls must hurt a lot  他们应该很蛋疼吧        Pushing the human limits to the max, time, commitment, training, discipline, and other factors, and this is one of the many results.  时间、承诺、训练、纪律,加上其他因素,使人类达到最大极限,这只是众多成果之一。    OK - the Chinese must have a secret base on the moon which has only 1/6 the gravity of Earth - right?  好吧,中国人应该在月球上有一个秘密基地,对不?    I used to think that video game moves were impossible. This video proved me wrong.  我以前认为那些游戏中才有的动作是不可能的,这个视频证明我错鸟。    never seen anything like it  从没看过像这样的  
  Amazing considering all the Chinese I've seen don't have the strength to cover their mouth when they cough while in the grocery line.  同样很神奇的事:所有我见过的中国人在杂货店咳嗽时甚至没有力气捂住他们的嘴。      these guys dont have shit on the north koreans...  but yeah, pretty amazing athletes. shame about the outfits.  还好这些小伙子没有在北朝鲜拉过屎。很了不起的运动员!鄙视全套服装。      UNBELIEVEABLE!!! The Chibese are so driven & their training regime is impeccable....but I look at this vidoe & all I can think of is they better be wearing some serious protection!!!  不可思议!!!中国人很有动力,他们的训练制度是无可挑剔的….但是看过这个视频,我还是觉得做一些防护更好。      where is this performed? Does anyone know if it is somewhere in Los Angeles or n Las Vegas?  这在哪里表演的?有人知道它在洛杉矶或拉斯维加斯什么地方?    
  that is insane. i would probably break my ankle again if i did this  这太疯狂了!如果我做这些可能再次打破的脚踝。    I'm sure Issac Newton will change the theory of gravity if he see this video..lol..  我肯定牛顿看了这个视频肯定得改改万有引力定律,哈哈。    And we've got Phillip Grimmer from Britain's Got Talent.  我们有英国达人秀的Phillip Grimmer      No doubt chinese has small d**ks and hardly hanging Nuts.... just kidding... Excellent Performance!!!!!!!!!!!!  毫无疑问中国人jj很小,很难挂小坚果………开个玩笑…………完美的表演!!!!!!!!  
  mind blowing. Aboslutely no words. &Team Work.&  令人兴奋的,无话可说。这是“团队的力量”    my balls hurt  我蛋疼了    Probably doing 12-16 hour days of forced acrobatics since they were 5. Poor guys  可能从五岁开始每天12-16个小时的强迫训练,可怜的孩子们。      OK. Now I want to see pretty chinese girls  好了。现在我想看漂亮的中国女孩。    ThIS is fking insane, how do they do it.  这他妈的疯了,他们是如何做到这些的。  magnets, lol  磁铁,哈哈  
  So that's what Ninja's do when there not killing people  这就是忍者无聊时所做的事。    lol how the chinese people in the audience arent even smiling  god i fucking hate asians  哈哈,这些中国观众甚至没有微笑,上帝,我恨他妈的亚洲人!    superheroes?  超人?    They are all afraid for their lives. If they make a mistake, they have to work in a factory until they commit suicide.  他们平时战战兢兢。如果犯了一个错误,他们必须在一个工厂工作直到他们自杀。    Chinese culture is really odd considering it's all 'show' for people in power.  At least that's what I've seen from other vids :s  中国文化总是奇怪的给人以震撼的感觉。至少我看过的视频都是这样。    
  什么玩意,他们能做得到这些,却不能组成一个像样的足球队。  =============  严重顶这句话
  有两个孩子犯了一个我们没有注意到的错误,他们将于明天下午被处决。   =========================  这人有病
  disney is just amazing  迪士尼震精了    Of course they will do well. They will be shot by the communists if they miss a step on stage.  The whole China is a huge slave labor camp ran by the commies.  当然,他们做的很好。如果他们在舞台上错了一步,将会被射杀。整个中国就是一个巨大的由党棍掌控的奴隶营。    And they only makes $20 USD per month.  他们每个月仅有20美元。    CCTV2010 → Crazy Communists Television 2010    I do that on a lazy Sunday  我在慵懒的星期天做这些。    
  Incredible. But can they make the outfits more gay looking ? ;-)  BTW, &Chinamen& is a derogatory term.  dave0328 10 个月前  不可思议。他们穿的服装还能再gay一点吗?  顺便说一句,“中国佬”是一个贬义词  @dave0328 Btw, &gay& is a derogatory term.  TheThomaswastaken 10 个月前  顺便说一句,“gay”也是一个贬义词。      This is only the first part of their ninja training, just wait until they dance their way to assasinate our world leaders.  这是忍者训练的第一步,等着他们来暗杀我们的世界领袖吧!  
他们说的是哪个杂技表演?   好多年没有看春晚的人捂脸飘过
  Iron Man 2 is like 100 times more entertaining than this.  钢铁侠2比这好看100倍    FAke Fake Fakety Fake fake. This the most incredulous thing I have ever seen in my whole life. I know it's real, but I hardly believe it.  假假假!!这是我看过的最不可思议的事。我知道这是真的,只是不敢相信。    this whole thing is photoshopped!!!  这整个是PS过的!!      I could hear my spine crack at 2:47...  2:47我能听到我的脊柱断裂了  
  感觉老外比中国人更喜欢上纲上线!    动不动就说亚洲称霸啊~中国走在世界前列啊~中国小孩对比美国小孩啊之类的~    
  If they fail, they are shot.  The average lifespan of a Chinese acrobat is eight years.  如果他们失败了,他们将被枪杀,  一个中国杂技演员的平均寿命是8年      What planet are they from?  他们从哪个星球来的?      I do not understand why the West has banned the use of slaves, they get things done and put on a good show.  我不知道西方为什么废奴,他们能做事,以及带来好看的表演。      fake, they would of used CGI  假的,他们用了电脑合成。    i'm stunned. they have no balls.  我被震惊了,他们没有蛋蛋吗  
  This is one new reason why i have nothing against gay people...  but seriously... i didn't know that THIS was even possible!!  这就是我反对同性恋的又一原因。  但是说真的……..我甚至不知道这是可能的      I didn't see Asian picking their nose...THAT I find truly amazing.
  我没看到亚洲人挖鼻孔…….这真的很神奇………..    best acrobatics move I ever seen wonderful i almost cry hhaha  我看过的最好看的杂技表演,我差点哭了,哈哈。      The costumes and the music are crappy, but the performance is really good.  服装和音乐是蹩脚的,但是表演真的很好。  
          对于很多外国人来说,也许毕生接触到的中国人,就是在中餐馆和杂技团吧。    我自己从小不喜欢看杂技,无理由。          
  This video is a great example for the phrase &NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE& for humans...!!!  Really it is an inspiring video...!!!  这是“一切皆有可能”的最好例子。视频确实鼓舞人心。    =======================================  完      爬山虎首页上也有,欢迎大家去围观,大家的评论是译者们最大的动力。
  往回翻才看到主楼有视频名字。。。  立马去看看这个视频有多让人目瞪口呆!
  @樱花已凋零  15:29:20  其实俺想问问
他们说的是哪个杂技表演?  好多年没有看春晚的人捂脸飘过  -----------------------------  这是2010年春晚《试比天高》,就是叠罗汉叠很高吧,网上搜一下
  感觉大多外国人  把日本、韩国、朝鲜、中国的印象都混起来了
  If you look closely at 0:03, you can see the snipers in the balconies ready to shoot down any performer that makes a mistake. the audience is made up of their relatives who are hoping that they don't shame their family.    如果你仔细看看0:03,你可以看到狙击手已经在阳台上准备好狙击任何犯错的表演者。观众们都是表演者的亲人,他们不希望孩子们使家族蒙羞。  ------------------------------------------  哈哈哈哈,这位的想像力惊人啊.
  They are all afraid for their lives. If they make a mistake, they have to work in a factory until they commit suicide.    他们平时战战兢兢。如果犯了一个错误,他们必须在一个工厂工作直到他们自杀。  -----------------------------  是说富士康吗?
  @楚云潇  21:23:16  UNBELIEVABLE......SIMPLY SUPERB...chinese have gone crazy  不可置信……简直太完美了…..中国人开始疯狂  Who said America and Britain...only got talent.....its china..Best of ever... absolutely Amazing.  谁说只有美国人和英国人牛逼?这是中国............  -----------------------------  @毛茸茸地狐狸  15:38:49  我真好奇写出最后两条的人是怎样的思维。。。。。为毛他们会觉得演员们错了要被枪毙啊。。。又是为毛他们会觉得这些演员不上春晚要被警局约谈。。。。。。
  -----------------------------  以前北朝鲜是这样的,北朝鲜足球输给韩国,输给美国回国就是挖矿到死。(可以问问你们的父母《卖花姑娘》女主演最后咋样了)还有伊拉克也是输给美国回国就挨鞭子,久而久之他们觉得中国也这样了呗,别以为外国老农就能分清亚洲国家。
  @樱花已凋零  15:29:20  其实俺想问问 他们说的是哪个杂技表演?  好多年没有看春晚的人捂脸飘过  -----------------------------  @楚云潇  15:44:51  这是2010年春晚《试比天高》,就是叠罗汉叠很高吧,网上搜一下
  -----------------------------  呃 我们可以跟他们讲 这些都是中国功夫~   
  我不是种族主义者,但是很多白人,黑人更多,真的只能用蠢来形容,科技发达的今天又有网络,就是觉得亚洲很落后,他们甚至分不清基本的几个国家,天天觉得亚洲是黑暗落后的,我都怀疑西方国家的政府才天天给他们洗脑,净出250  ps:我可不是随便说的,至少我在国外5.6年遇到好多这种人,甚至有人问我你们有电视吗?问我的居然还尼玛的是个东南亚人(具体国家没问看人种)只不过他生长在国外,服了
  this is what? gold farmers do when games are patching    这就是网游打钱族们在游戏更新时所做的事情。(gold farmers 是对中国职业网游玩家的戏称)    ===============================================    笑,原来中国游戏玩家在国外是这么一个形象,gold farmers,哈哈
  这只是山东省杂技团一个不知名的表演节目,竟然也拿过蒙特卡洛的金小丑奖  只能说中国杂技太牛逼了
  外国人真没见识   从一个杂技表演看中国男人的那个地方  他们那个地方难道很大??无非是av带来的视觉假象而已  
  怎么对这杂技完全没印象      不过春晚的时候
哎&#183;&#183;&#183;      其实真的该给他们好好鼓掌
  So that's what Ninja's do when there not killing people    这就是忍者无聊时所做的事。  =========================================  这个也很好笑,\(^o^)/~
  They are all afraid for their lives. If they make a mistake, they have to work in a factory until they commit suicide.  他们平时战战兢兢。如果犯了一个错误,他们必须在一个工厂工作直到他们自杀。  -----------------------------  @楼高18层  15:57:51  是说富士康吗?  -----------------------------  哈哈哈 笑死
这个帖子应该值1块吧?    /watch?v=0AXWLwf4K_s    这是你图片上 视频的原帖地址吧 为毛 你翻译的评论 很多都找不到呢?    看你的翻译 好像外国佬都没看过杂技表演似的!
  @北伐先锋队  18:05:14  网评员辛苦了
这个帖子应该值1块吧?  /watch?v=0AXWLwf4K_s  这是你图片上 视频的原帖地址吧 为毛 你翻译的评论 很多都找不到呢?  看你的翻译 好像外国佬都没看过杂技表演似的!  -----------------------------  你好,我前面已经说明,省略了很多纯Amazing的评论。评论很多,我选了其中一些。还有如果你能指出哪个评论无中生有,我当场像你道歉。并要求斑竹删除该贴子。
    随便列举 几句 造假的评论
这个翻译贴 半真半假 真假参半
真是辛苦了         ============================    If they fail, they are shot.    The average lifespan of a Chinese acrobat is eight years.    如果他们失败了,他们将被枪杀,    一个中国杂技演员的平均寿命是8年  =============================    FAke Fake Fakety Fake fake. This the most incredulous thing I have ever seen in my whole life. I know it's real, but I hardly believe it.    假假假!!这是我看过的最不可思议的事。我知道这是真的,只是不敢相信。  =============================    this whole thing is photoshopped!!!    这整个是PS过的!!  ============================    lol how the chinese people in the audience arent even smiling    god i fucking hate asians    哈哈,这些中国观众甚至没有微笑,上帝,我恨他妈的亚洲人!  ============================    The audienc The audience's reaction: &that was cute. I wonder what's next.     观众的反应:“这有点趣。但是我更好奇接下来会有什么节目。一个童话也许不错”    
  @北伐先锋队  18:16:17  随便列举 几句 造假的评论
这个翻译贴 半真半假 真假参半
真是辛苦了  ============================  If they fail, they are shot.  The average lifespan of a Chinese acrobat is eight years.......  -----------------------------  这些评论并不是按照顺序摘选的,绝对都有。请不要信口开河,请全部查证。  
  @北伐先锋队  18:05:14  网评员辛苦了 这个帖子应该值1块吧?  /watch?v=0AXWLwf4K_s  这是你图片上 视频的原帖地址吧 为毛 你翻译的评论 很多都找不到呢?  看你的翻译 好像外国佬都没看过杂技表演似的!  -----------------------------  @楚云潇  18:15:51  你好,我前面已经说明,省略了很多纯Amazing的评论。评论很多,我选了其中一些。还有如果你能指出哪个评论无中生有,我当场像你道歉。并要求斑竹删除该贴子。   -----------------------------    我随便找了几条 劳烦你核对一下 我错了
我给你道歉 你造假 你就分我一半 这个帖子的收入  
  @北伐先锋队  18:16:17  随便列举 几句 造假的评论 这些评论在原帖中都没有出现过 这个翻译贴 半真半假 真假参半 真是辛苦了  ============================  If they fail, they are shot.  The average lifespan of a Chinese acrobat is eight years.......  -----------------------------  @楚云潇  18:19:16  这些评论并不是按照顺序摘选的,绝对都有。请不要信口开河,请全部查证。  -----------------------------    我查的很清楚
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yuqian退出  搜索    
  【CCTV2010春节联欢晚会】22.杂技《试比天高》  4:47  添加时间: 1 年前  上传者: siwayvideo  观看次数: 1,391,930  按时间排序 | 按主题排序(测试版)  查看所有评论  所有评论 (685)    无聊? 浪费人生 小孩从小就这么训练    iank41 1 分钟前  他们是人吗???????    ayuliuli 2 周前  gayness?    RealEstatebyErwin 3 周前  it? amazing    gnnaidu49 4 周前  that was fantastic...? wow!!!    romainno1 1 月前  Who needs? a football team in Asia and for what ?    aabhise 1 月前  FANT&#225;STICO!? GRACIOSO! BELO!    36antoniobraga 2 个月前  Excellent? !!    ash143est 3 个月前  Amazing!!! ? What a skill!!!    sarmakgk    sarmakgk 3 个月前  Nuss mto foda!!    Very very? nice!!    jaimepktd 4 个月前  WOOOOW!!!!?    Englishneo2k 4 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   TheTimeline21 4 个月前  ITS REALY COOL VIDEO, BUT ITS NOT LIVE....EVERYTHN IS NOT IN ONE GO...ITS BEEN? EDITED    TheTimeline21 4 个月前  amazing? videos    boopathy1225 5 个月前  YEAH? MAN    Neponenwhines 5 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   slipshodcoqbgg 5 个月前  remarkable ?    abiehakhawaja 5 个月前  What it must be like? to live in a body like that ~ Hard to imagine, for me.    caroleleon 5 个月前  Le pouvoir? de la concentration!!!Spectaculaire.    maria17757 5 个月前  just amazing, simply outstanding !!!! WOW Performance...? Unbelievable !!!!    Stunning !!!    asimjust4u 6 个月前  Wow, this looks fantastic, you? have to give them credit they are good but I do wonder living under communist rule if they do it because they love it or as most gymnasts in China they are under strict guidance, in other words they are forced to do it or face the secret police. You have to wonder.    myfeeling4you 6 个月前  @myfeeling4you I lived in China for 16 yrs, there's no such thing happened in there.. i mean, China is like north Korea, dont trip to much? dude.    DaFaulk 3 个月前  @DaFaulk If no such thing then why do they try to claim asylum whenever they come to Australia, and if China is like North Korea then? what are you talkin bout man.Keep it real, more young Chinese people seek a new in another country then anyone else in the world.    myfeeling4you 3 个月前  Bloody Fantastic!!?    02limes 6 个月前  Excellent! One of the best things I have seen in youtube! :) those? guys rock!    shanku2cool 6 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   lavernedi 6 个月前  Fantastic!!!?    fintajo 7 个月前  Impressive discipline!    Pay no attention to some of the comments here, not all? Americans are ignorant racists.    OrodesIII 7 个月前  Or,... there's a fool? born every minute.    errolfan 7 个月前  maybe there is something to eating dog give's you an extra umph in your togetherness skills ....bam blaow? you all get a taste of a the mean pie today    adrianeaglrck 7 个月前  该评论收到的反对票过多
显示  Abraxsis2001 7 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   Superkanolebooster 7 个月前  in life nothing is? impossible, all it needs is practice.    chanduramse22 7 个月前  These guys should open a window? cleaning company.    JoJo72X 7 个月前 3
  Dude, gay ninjas.?    ABull241 8 个月前  lol? Fags.    Freddyphelp 8 个月前  wooooow........Great...!!?    afsalmpm 8 个月前  out of the world...just? amazing.. :)    chughj 8 个月前  whoever &not likes& this video is? a douchebag    JBenn007 8 个月前  it is? extraordinary    sudheer8045 8 个月前  superb....?    irfanullakhan1 8 个月前  ABSOLUTELY? FANTASTIC    grammys65 8 个月前  If you look closely at 0:03, you can? see the snipers in the balconies ready to shoot down any performer that makes a mistake. the audience is made up of their relatives who are hoping that they don't shame their family.    aznxkigga 8 个月前  this is like so cool!?    yorkiepuppylover1 8 个月前  woah they are seriously good ^_^?    ToomasKedrov 8 个月前  fucking? chinese bastards    kloiq 8 个月前  @kloiq Jealous??    meemaw9534 8 个月前  @meemaw9534 ? no, just sincere. i hate china and chinese people    kloiq 8 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   meemaw9534 8 个月前  balle? oye tere aadio,,,, oye zee tv te a jo,,, fantastic talent super,,in Chinese i can say dat 它太善,美    mandybhullar1 8 个月前  Unbeliavable performance....nvr seen b4:)?    raj2luv009 8 个月前  i cant believe it O.O it's? so incredible!!!!    Estefania94 8 个月前  I see so many? racks in these mens' past... I imagine they just remove their testicles preemptively.    makenna88 9 个月前  This performance simply? left me speachless!!! Its amazing what humans body can do with some training...    joinpavan 9 个月前  Holy Toledo. Simply SENSATIONAL. Can anyone tell me the name of the team/troupe? And, what is the translation of the title? UPLOAD SOME? MORE OF THEIR VIDEOS!!!    gpx897 9 个月前 2
  No Words,,,simply amazing. Never? saw this one before. We H-)    just4van 9 个月前  REMARKABLE AND AMAZING PERFORMANCE HATS OFF TO THE? ARTISTS    vedasrims 9 个月前  What the? hell!    Amazing. :O    AliG4life 9 个月前  no? way this is real rofl    infinitesaint 9 个月前  can i book tickets to see? these? what's the act called?    salvadorthedragon 9 个月前  Like wth happens between 2:32 and? 2:40?    luddeblaha 9 个月前  @luddeblaha ...nothing human? :s    noisework 9 个月前  It's like? the old saying goes... Whatever you attempt to do in life, just be aware that there is always an Asian out there who has perfected it.    urbanrootz 9 个月前 56
  @urbanrootz I have to admit , this is? not Ed Sullivan.    errolfan 7 个月前  this looks like the opening? act to a rocking talent show..    LoHvesiang 9 个月前  This proves it. Cartman was right.? The Chinese WILL take over the world.    piratebuns 9 个月前 3
  @piratebuns?    true that    phooy1 9 个月前  Wonder how many misplaced kicks to the nad's were suffered during? practice.    Eyessetonthehorizon 9 个月前  This is one new? reason why i have nothing against gay people...    but seriously... i didn't know that THIS was even possible!!    Weednamemese 9 个月前  WTF    You can do this but not put together a decent football/soccer team?    pixelbind 10 个月前 21
  @pixelbind lmao i'm chinese, and i approve of this message?    rhodric 9 个月前  @pixelbind They should put these guys in a football pitch.    All jumping and human-pyramiding accross the pitch. The before you know it, bam! back? of the net    They'd probably make a human-cannon and fire the ball out of it.    youtard1 6 个月前  @pixelbind seems like a metaphor for something about the? limitations of a rigid inflexible system designed to do one thing perfectly that fails when thrust into a dynamic environment with few rules and an element of chaos. Give it another 100 years and we'll see if change and creativity with less resources trumps rigidity and stasis with more.    I guess I'm asking if the chinese would win at football if they were allowed 22 players and an extra ball only they could kick?    Dopplershift 5 个月前  @pixelbind haha. They just don't? care about the sports we do.    pilo0024x 5 个月前  @pixelbind? hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah a soooo true!    TyTyGuitar 4 个月前  That? was boderline gay but amazing!    thearaban 10 个月前  awesome!!!?    iamanoptimist 10 个月前  China? wins.    RoneciDesade 10 个月前  What kind of asians are those??    dannyyyyj 10 个月前  @dannyyyyj? Jumping Jacks    TheNetRoamer 10 个月前  @TheNetRoamer? hahaha    dannyyyyj 10 个月前  start? watching at 2:30. lol at the eyeliner gahahhhahaa    mieruKai 10 个月前  Still want to? try and say China isn't the next great super power?    barfsoncommand 10 个月前  front of this our india is waste ................for doing this it eill take so many days? that we all wil become grandfather ha ha haha    sowrabganguly 10 个月前  I would have been more impressed ( and entertained )? if it was a bunch of blindfolded, naked chicks doing all that jumping and stuff.    Kaegro 10 个月前  this is what? gold farmers do when games are patching    fardinqwert 10 个月前 3
  It's CGI?    lockyuk2000 10 个月前  Wow.?    Fortego 10 个月前  &The Emperor loved our performance, can we please have some food and see our families now!?!&, &NO! you have twelve more shows to do and if you mess up you will never see your precious families again! HA HA HA HA!!!!& ?    borninak 10 个月前  Not Comparison in? this world    samfromggn 10 个月前  Awesome! Nope, cheerleaders have got nothing on these guys! ? And so nice not to be distracted by lack of clothing. They look like little superheroes! I am duly impressed.    kzcamp 10 个月前  speachless?    Bounceyeah 10 个月前  This is a more advanced form? of what high school cheerleaders across the US do on a daily basis...    warc8us 10 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   RoneciDesade 10 个月前  Holy? Frickin' Shit. O_O    MegaShiny 10 个月前 2
  That's pretty amazing. It's obviously the result? of genetically modified humans and 18 hrs a day, 7 days a week training for 15 years non-stop. Nonetheless incredibly impressive.    Aussiemarco 10 个月前  i'm stunned. they have no balls.?    urfriendthepessimist 10 个月前  holy crap, i can do some of this stuff, but this is just insane!! :O?    JEKKforever 10 个月前  fantastic?    CYI3ERPUNK 10 个月前  So, this is what happens? to Ninjas when they come out of the closet...    knifemonkey 10 个月前  2:32-2:40 WTF!!?    GAYESTnickEVER 10 个月前  @GAYESTnickEVER lol? that's prety hardcore    LEEJIMM 10 个月前  holy shiiiiiiz! i can't even do 1 backflip! that was amazing!..    too bad they cant see my? comment back in china :(    in808 10 个月前 2
  asssiiiIAAAANNNN? POWAH!!    PikachuAndNaruto 10 个月前  Oops at 4:11 :)?    DekonR 10 个月前  BEST THING? EVER    Perfection7tv 10 个月前  Three Chinese boys died during the training for this? production. May they rest in peace.    Politico37 10 个月前 3
  damn commies! how the hell did they figure out how? to break the laws of physics an gravity before us?    robotkiller98 10 个月前  @robotkiller98?    Haha, great. xD    AliG4life 9 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   bryceeeeeee 10 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   bryceeeeeee 10 个月前  fake. They would of? used CGI    bryceeeeeee 10 个月前  @bryceeeeeee this shit aint american...thats why they dont need to use? CGI    majesticmaniac 7 个月前  Really? Superb ..    prataptv11 10 个月前  freaking? awesome    Latvianman101 10 个月前  @SKBaneTek Mao's crappy? policies killed tens of millions of people due to starvation, but he didn't order anyone killed. Plus, these were all Chinese citizens, not some other nation, as you propose.    ferretburger 10 个月前  BLOODY? HELL!    Emzz9 10 个月前  wonderfull?    pjmahabaleshwara 10 个月前  if that group that won britains got talent saw this they would? never perform again    davidmccarthy94 10 个月前  Final Fantasy? Dance Ninja....amazing!!!    DomAlexander1 10 个月前  HOLY SHIT?    tr0n001 10 个月前  its really amazing , its great team? work    yuvas1000 10 个月前  a regular troupe of fuckin wizards right there?    ebonyflesh69 10 个月前  Kaylin-----Lots? and lots of spotters!    karebear1956 10 个月前  Kaylin-----Lots and lots? of spotters!    karebear1956 10 个月前  I really like the performance, and if they really are ninjas, they? are pretty gay ones.    plazticstudios 10 个月前  How the crap do you practice something like this??    KaylinBoehme 10 个月前  High? fucking fives that was awesome    mdavidson434 10 个月前  I do not understand why the West has banned the use of slaves,? they get things done and put on a good show.    sopps 10 个月前  @sopps so true?    tuebalt 10 个月前  @sopps so? true    tuebalt 10 个月前  lol I? love the audience's expressions, like it's just another day in China...    arewethereyet 10 个月前 34
显示   mandybhullar1 8 个月前  That's? unpossible    nycirishkid 10 个月前  Unbelievable is probably the word made for the performance.?    aruddharaj 10 个月前 2
  FUCKING INSANE?    ilovepears 10 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   nm1187 10 个月前  该评论已删除  nm1187 10 个月前  Impressive.?    GodsWordFirst 10 个月前  What the f**k did I just watch. I? can't even walk up the stair with a basket on laundry.    sconst71 10 个月前 4
  Power? Ranger training exhibition.    mikaris01 10 个月前 2
  Do they wear the? cup?    LtEvangel 10 个月前  ninjas?    dnbmanjakk 10 个月前  ninjas?    dnbmanjakk 10 个月前  Imagine the time it took to practice.    Naturally these guys are? like 5,3 and 120 libs. Still...    spiritos22 10 个月前  *GULP* I for one welcome our new? gymnastic Asian overlords.    joshuame505 10 个月前 62
  @joshuame505 yea, they probably get whipped for not doing it right.?    CorAguila76 10 个月前  What's the big deal,? every politician can do a balancing act!    jimreed1157 10 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   ivanCeras 10 个月前  good lord.?    EhsanHabib 10 个月前  mind=blown    pants=jizzed?    DiscipleOfBaha 10 个月前  So thats like everyday of my life.?    scottchagottcha 10 个月前  fucking,? WOW.    WHATTYEAHH 10 个月前  Lmfao little tiny? asians...itty bitty nuts ohh yea!    Cking289 10 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   asteroceras 10 个月前  @asteroceras really well I rather die fast then a slow poisoning of the? environment in china. And thats what you call population control.    rabbitsib 10 个月前  @asteroceras? i dont know if that is real or not, but i lol'd    bloodwrage 10 个月前  @SKBaneTek The most popular and the official authority book on Mao in the US is Mao the unknown story, and yet one chapter title is a quote by Mao that basically says, Millions of? people will die through this kind of development. That's what they use as the title of the chapter, and yet the real quote is Millions of people will die through this kind of development, because it is much too fast, and that is why we should not use it. That's the example of the kind of scholarship on Mao.    scylla24 10 个月前  @SKBaneTek its funny you say that, because people who live outside of China, especially in the west, are completely brainwashed? in the other way. Western academia and western journalism have done everything possible to make it sound like Mao was a monster, so really they are just as brainwashed if not more so than anyone in China.    scylla24 10 个月前  my god. If you didn't think that asians would take over the world before, it has now been confirmed. there will be no stopping? these child assasins. no man or machine can stop them. Im giving up now. balls of steel.    thespegs 10 个月前 4
  Fucking outstanding.?    Aidensapro 10 个月前 2
  no? fucking way. shits baller    eKriZZLe 10 个月前  Simply? Breath Taking Peformance    thunderbird3808 10 个月前  but? why    rumbleb 10 个月前  @rumbleb because they can?    LowCostVideo 10 个月前  @rumbleb because it's? *cool*    Xylen 10 个月前  @SKBaneTek Woooo - I never said the Americans had brought democracy to any country - I said they masacred people in the name of 'democracy'. Mascaring people does NOT bring democracy - it never has and it never will. My point is that? true democratic countries don't go round invading and killing people.    katyt11 10 个月前  I could hear my spine? crack at 2:47...    Grapppppe 10 个月前  After watching this video it's clear:? America does not have talent.    bob10marley 10 个月前 6
  this? whole thing is photoshopped!!!    hyphens 10 个月前  @SKBaneTek WHAT? Who have the Chinese killed? You need? to study history, dude.    ferretburger 10 个月前  hoooooolllllleeeeee shittttttt....... ooooooooooo amazing?    bboy3ilosias 10 个月前  Not? impressed.    iamtjm 10 个月前  once upon a time these guys were ninjas. They gave it? up for dancing.    justopenupthething 10 个月前 54
  @justopenupthething    They are still ninjas. This? is their disguise.    agfwhite 10 个月前  @justopenupthething ? gl seeing a ninja do that.    MaceAce64 10 个月前  该评论已删除  dogginabox 10 个月前  @justopenupthething fuck killing people? ........ i just wanna dance    thamapleboi 10 个月前  this is goddamn? amazing    Loofles 10 个月前 2
  I concure with dimsumftw ... ho? - le - shiate ... (ps .. does the ftw stand for Fort Worth?)    ragingmouse 10 个月前  @ragingmouse For the? win =FTW    InsaneCowPosse 10 个月前  It's so sad people need to make this performance about race. Just? accept it for what it is, utterly brilliant!    rudigerf 10 个月前 5
显示   katyt11 10 个月前  该评论已删除  katyt11 10 个月前  此评论已被标记为垃圾评论
显示   chanrakter4ever 10 个月前  @SKBaneTek I think croutonicus was trying to avoid stating the obvious - so let me do it slowly so that you might understand. 'Peral' Harbour is not a small country near China that the Chinese invaded. Pearl Harbour is in Hawaii and was invaded by Japanese. Stalin, Mao or Hitler are not small countries either. They were people and? China did not invade them. Are you starting to get it?    katyt11 10 个月前  Futuristicsmurfsondrugs = awesome!?    Realxenomorph 10 个月前  3:56 I think I found? a new way to clean those hard to reach windows.    Jackass922 10 个月前  (ASIANS)?    IKlinkerI 10 个月前  FAke Fake Fakety Fake fake. This the most incredulous thing? I have ever seen in my whole life. I know it's real, but I hardly believe it.    juicebowl 10 个月前  WOW! That is nothing short of absolutely amazing!    I wonder how long they had to? train for that...    hakachukai 10 个月前  Iron Man 2 is like 100 times more entertaining? than this.    aybeeceeboi 10 个月前  @aybeeceeboi Relevance fail?    JessMenu 10 个月前  I don't like spandex,? never did, never will.    netwurked 10 个月前  Oh china?    gakirin 10 个月前  @gakirin U so cra-z-e!?    i1killed2god3 10 个月前  @SKBaneTek They need to invent? a new word to fully describe how stupid you are.    croutonicus 10 个月前  wow?    bbryans21 10 个月前  Fuck me,? that's impressive    mrcuddles100 10 个月前  brought to you by? the chinese government, where kids are forced to do this.    GobBluth1 10 个月前 2
显示   smiger77 10 个月前  get the fuck? outta here    gatorowns 10 个月前  @SKBaneTek The Chinese mildly amuse the countries around them? Wow. Good for them.?    jimjam154 10 个月前  everybody in? the addience is like.    Mh...ive seen better.    Adulation187 10 个月前  omg?    Nam8Macs 10 个月前  @SKBaneTek No actually I was thinking more of Guatemala, Dominican Republic ,? Grenada, Korea , Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia , Panama, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Honduras, Nicaragua, Iraq and those other shining examples of American conversion to ‘democracy’. We in Europe have grown up a little and we stick to using democratic methods to promote democracy.    katyt11 10 个月前  So where do? I have to go to get those pants?    djPqbd 10 个月前 2
  wow.?    herbapet 10 个月前  This is only the first part of their ninja training, just wait? until they dance their way to assasinate our world leaders.    fapnoob 10 个月前  The Chinese are mildly amused.?    jimjam154 10 个月前 2
  Omg? - I hope you are not American! Otherwise you would use the excuse that 2 Chinese people made a mistake even though nobody else in the world saw it - to invade China and massacare hundreds of thousands of people!    katyt11 10 个月前  This is, of course, part of the reason all us Americans will be trounced into the dirt when the Chinese? come to collect their due.    jerkwallace 10 个月前  The? gear is Heat rox.    BEATSFeelFabe 10 个月前  wow?    777john 10 个月前  HOLY SHIT? BALLS!!!    vfrl7r 10 个月前  outfits are a little strange, but hey, its? japan. or china or wherever these guys are from    other than that, this was the crazies/coolest thing ive seen in a while.    supersteubie 10 个月前  hory shit! that's? fucking amazing!    geogenetic 10 个月前  The audience's reaction: &that was cute. I wonder what's next. A fairy tale play? would be nice.&    strider911 10 个月前  damn those cabbage patch kids look? real!    inderpalwig 10 个月前  humans are awesome?    naturalunnatural 10 个月前 4
  That shit is? nuts !    SpOcKZaStAr1127 10 个月前  Holy crap, whatever that show? was, i hope they won it.    Androly 10 个月前  Incredible. But can they make the outfits more? gay looking ? ;-)    BTW, &Chinamen& is a derogatory term.    dave0328 10 个月前  @dave0328 Btw, &gay& is? a derogatory term.    TheThomaswastaken 10 个月前  I? do that on a lazy sunday    Frusherful 10 个月前  what the fuck just? happened?    redsbleeding2003 10 个月前 12
  die?    kikoff101 10 个月前  该评论收到的反对票过多
显示  dudeguy707 10 个月前  EPIC?    DarkEgg11 10 个月前  CCTV2010 → Crazy Communists? Television 2010    SlawaHB 10 个月前  该评论已删除  SlawaHB 10 个月前  And they only makes? $20 USD per month.    serenityff 10 个月前  What the balls?!?    REAListicoptim1ST 10 个月前  Wow, that's freaking? ridiculous.    astrobombastic 10 个月前  Thats the most amazing thing I? have ever seen.    MrJustGivR 10 个月前  Go Chinamen? go    KooturKoot 10 个月前  WOW just WOW!!!?    spartin215 10 个月前  aaaaaaaaa so great?    bigtoecrew 10 个月前  hi? digg    rsingh87 10 个月前  crazy? communists    pixelr0 10 个月前  HOLE LEE? SHIT    dimsumftw 10 个月前 49
  @dimsumftw HOREY SHEET!?    skycibul 10 个月前  I? got to 2:35 and my balls could take no more.    KeyserSozeJr 10 个月前 24
  wow?    22Thalantas 10 个月前  Are they tossing? around children?    RedRobster 10 个月前 2
  The discipline that went into? achieving this is staggering.    VanBurenBoi 10 个月前 5
  some of that shit, humans just shouldn't physically be? able to do    amade183 10 个月前 4
  @amade183 They're? all obviously super-powered cyborgs.    Shiftykirby 10 个月前  It wouldn't look THAT gay, except the boys are actually wearing mascara.    Make up aside, GREAT performance and I think it's really cool. I could never do something like that.?    BojikArc 10 个月前 2
  That is the most amazing thing I've ever seen!?    chrisssy1 10 个月前  23 people who took? the effort to &thumbs down& this video wished they were half as athletically capable as the performers.    kald0rei 10 个月前  @kald0rei    haters gonna hate?    Muscatt 10 个月前  @Muscatt you gotta? skate.    laughingtulkas 10 个月前  the worst comments I've seen on youtube. this is nothing less but? awesome, and for some reason you're all being jerks.    silfiriel 10 个月前 3
  @silfiriel    You? haven't been on youtube long enough then, it gets MUCH worse.    mikaris01 10 个月前  gay?    wakawang 10 个月前  Pretty cool... if you like a bunch of dudes playing grab-ass.    That being said, this proves that men do just about everything better than? women.    brochill86 10 个月前  @brochill86 Yeah the the best thing being assholes just like you?    Starrypla 10 个月前  @brochill86?    i loled    Travisdjtg 10 个月前  该评论收到的反对票过多
显示  Y0ts0 10 个月前  Wow.. Cartman was right,,?    I4mANON 10 个月前 2
  Britain's got talent:? ?v=k8KgpOnPcx4    Oh wait    04RTH 10 个月前  Do these people not? have genitalia?    hedphux 10 个月前 5
  Well shall I be? the first to be unfashionably derogative and say that was seriously impressive.    happyidiottalk 10 个月前 3
  omg that was soooooooooooooooo? amazing.    moosestandard102 10 个月前 2
  freakin s****!?    emagotis 10 个月前  I? didn't know buddhist monks could be gay...    blackchrisp 10 个月前  the audience? are like &these kids have a long way to go. i can do that. just don't wanna.&    JamaJuice46 10 个月前 4
  Simpsons did it!?    nullendean336 10 个月前  a bit repetitive but stil? GOOD    LustX 10 个月前  If any of them messes up, they'd? be shot and replaced instantly    KracknCorn 10 个月前  I like the way they implement spotters without? it ruining the experience.    CanOfSpam 10 个月前 5
  futuristic asian? smurfs    laydeezman217 10 个月前  Nobody in the? crowd seemed impressed afterward...    DannelDoo 10 个月前 4
  That was cool but also amazingly? gay.    ryffie 10 个月前 3
  hahah these poor? guys get kicked in the junk like 100 times each    00fucktard00 10 个月前  Well they? trumped spelbound...    tobygibsonakalanki 10 个月前  O_O? Holt fucking dismount Batman!    hcoll 10 个月前  You have to wonder how much pain they're muscles are in after something? like this?    allaunjsilverfox1 10 个月前  The two guys? that made a mistake that none of us noticed will be executed tomorrow afternoon.    elseby 10 个月前 70
  @elseby LMAO?    AveEnd 10 个月前  I'm pretty sure? these are guys?    chickensandbeandip 10 个月前  Wow, epic. Seriously, only Asians could pull something like that off. I mean, is that racist? Is it still racist if its true?    Asians are beasts? at gymnastics and group coordination. I don't see any white or black people pulling something like this off, this is on a different level.    JustSayEffit 10 个月前 2
  @JustSayEffit Yes, it's still racists even? if it's true. Even positive stereotype can be hurtful.    shoegazer666 10 个月前  @JustSayEffit    watch the circ de soleil dumbass, full of? white people pulling off stunts like this and some even more impressive.    hogo1 10 个月前  @hogo1 I've seen circ de soleil? and they use a lot of preps for the stunts, there not as awesome


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