
世界上最幸运的人:七次大难不死 85岁中大奖【七台河吧】_百度贴吧
世界上最幸运的人:七次大难不死 85岁中大奖收藏
 A music teacher, Frane Selak, who was dubbed the world#39;s luckiest man after cheating death seven times before winning the lottery has now decided to give away his fortune.  Frane是一位音乐老师,他曾七难不死、然后又赢得了彩票大奖,堪称世界上最幸运的人。现在,他决定把自己彩票中奖的财富捐献出去。  The 85-year-old won £600,000 in the lottery in 2003, after earlier surviving plane and train crashes.  这位老人今年已经85岁了,他在2003年赢了奖金达60万英镑(约合人民币634万元)的彩票,此前他曾多次在空难和火车事故中大难不死。  Now the pensioner has decided that "money cannot buy happiness" and has decided to live a frugal life.  这位退休的老人认为“金钱不能买来幸福”,他现在打算把这些钱捐献出去,并决定回归简朴生活。  People were always telling him he was lucky to have survived so many disasters but he added: "I always think I was unlucky to have been in them in the first place."  人们总是说他躲过了诸多大难,简直是世界上最幸运的人。但老人却说:“我觉得我很不幸,因为一般人不会遇到像我经历这么多的灾难和事故。”  He had his first escape in 1962 when a train he was travelling on from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik jumped the rails and plunged into an icy river. Seventeen people drowned and he barely made it to the riverbank after suffering from hypothermia, shock, bruises and a broken arm.  Frane首次与死神擦肩而过是在1962年,当时他正乘坐一列从萨拉热窝开往杜布罗夫尼克旧城的火车,火车突然脱轨跌入冰河中,这次事故有17人溺亡,而Frane却熬过了体温过低、惊恐、擦伤和手臂受伤后游到了岸边。  A year later, he was thrown out of a plane on his first and only flight when a door flew open. This time 19 people died but he was thrown clear of the crash and landed in a haystack.  一年后,他第一次也是最后一次乘坐飞机。这次飞机机舱的一个机门开了,他被抛出了飞机。这次事故中有19人死亡,但是他被抛到一个干草堆上脱离险境。  Then in 1966, a bus he was on skidded into a river, drowning four. He swam to safety with just cuts and bruises.  接下来在1966年,他所乘坐的一辆公交车落入河中,淹死了4人。他游到了安全的地方,只是有些擦伤和挫伤。  Accident number four came in 1970 when his car caught fire as he drove along a motorway and he fled with seconds to spare before the fuel tank exploded.  第四次事故发生在1970年,当时他正沿着机动车道开车、突然汽车着火了,他马上跳离车子,随后汽车就爆炸了。  Three years later, he lost most of his hair when a faulty fuel pump spewed petrol over the hot engine of his car and blew flames through the air vents.  三年后,他的汽车燃油泵失灵,汽油泄漏在发热的发动机上,使汽车通风口着火了。这一次,他只是几乎烧光了头发。  Then in 1995 came his sixth accident when he was knocked down by a bus in Zagreb but walked away with minor injuries.  1995年,他第六次与死神擦身,他在萨格勒布被一辆公交车撞倒,但Frane仅仅受了一点轻伤,于是便起身走开了。  The following year, he was driving in the mountains when he turned a corner to see a truck coming straight for him. His car careered over the 300ft precipice. But he leapt clear at the last minute and sat in a tree as he watched his car hit the bottom and explode.  1996年,他正在盘山路上开车,在转弯处被迎面而来的卡车撞飞。他的汽车猛冲下300英尺(约91.44米)的悬崖,但他在最后一刻纵身一跃跳到了悬崖壁的一棵树上,然后看着自己的车坠落悬崖触底爆炸。  He then won £600,000 with his first ever lottery ticket and celebrated his fifth marriage saying: "I guess all the earlier marriages were disasters too."  后来他赢得了60万英镑大奖,那还是他第一次买彩票。他在庆祝自己的第五次婚姻时说:“我想此前的婚姻可能也是灾难吧。”
后来开飞机又出事了然后开公交 还是出事最后只能自己开车
幸运 + 敏捷的身手 + 冷静的头脑 + 坚强的意志 = 大难不死,必得后福。鉴定完毕
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额 。。。。。。。你比我还快
果断插楼 厉害
没死 就不错了 呵呵


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