
> → 《巫师3》熊学派完整套装怎么获得?巫师3各套装升级及100%暴击药水入手方法
时间: 10:30:44来源:作者:lhy(0)
狮鹫兽钢剑与银剑这个比较简单,接任务后去对应的地方就行了,路牌“孤岩”这里不能直接进去,先从旁边下去探索魔力点,然后读日记,之后会更新入口,在附近潜下去找到进去的路。唯一需要注意的是这两把剑需要短工等级的工艺,推荐在诺维格瑞路牌“主教 广 场”这里,往下走来到鱼市,这边有个做剑的。(如果你都是狮鹫兽一套的话还能拿个奖杯)
第二套猫学派装备(推荐等级17级,14级就可装备)首先去如图这个点探索“寡妇石窟”,这地方和屠龙洞窟一样也有个专门的路牌,然后往对岸看能看见一个很大的船体残害,搞个小船过去。干掉小BOSS探索后获得“猫之十字弓”(好像这小BOSS也可以无视……),同时可以开启第二套猫学派装备的任务。然后按照提示去收集吧,海底洞窟在选民广 场那个路牌,后面有条小路能下到海滩。
推荐2把有暴击加成的剑仲裁者――钢剑,153-187 附加10%失衡 10%肢解 50%额外暴击伤害,找个短工做
寇X之剑――银剑,抱歉那字不知道怎么读233,215-263 附加60%额外暴击伤害,第三块区域某个岛上的铁匠有卖。
PS:◆8级左右的强力钢剑与银剑分支任务“牛奶与黑暗”可以拿到一把奶酪剑(钢剑),性能不错。有把叫亚丹?戴兹的银剑,好像是在剧情到“呢喃山丘”,在水潭里拿的,不确定。(以上2个8级左右就可以去了,都是3个孔的剑,我是hard难度,其实在以后的任务里这种剑很多,多到撑爆你负重。)◆70马袋的位置就在主教 广 场下面的鱼市场剑铁匠那边卖,100马袋的位置在剧情“找到乞丐王”这里,先跟踪小偷,守卫没收武器进门,然后左侧房间的商人处买。◆其实大家不用在意那些遗物装备,这些都是按照你拿到手之前的等级算的,后期会拿到一样的装备,只是数值会高一点而已。所以能力差的就卖了或者拆解了吧。◆一个比较有用的战斗心得,在对付那些大型怪时,你可以骑马进去,然后把马停在它身边,会吸引一点火力的。◆瞬间恢复药剂,材料是长叶车前,矮人烈酒,孽鬼之心巫师3里的最强护甲与武器
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt contains multiple weapons to pick
up after killing bandits, opening chests and crafting with diagrams
scattered across the land. Usually you end up selling most of the
weapons and armor you collect from the battlefield, but the trick
involves knowing where to find the diagrams that lead to the best
weapons and armor. The Griffin, Feline and Ursine armor and weapon
sets are primarily composed of diagrams hidden in chests.
Thankfully we're here to tell you how to find each one, so all you
need is to gather the materials, then visit a blacksmith or
weaponsmith to craft your new
Griffin Set
Griffin Steel
Sword& 狮鹫刚剑
Base Damage: 97
Location: Head to the Hindhold fast travel location in
Velen. There's a harpy nest nearby alongside a structure. Inside
the building is a corpse near a treasure chest that contains a
diagram for the sword and the location of the other base Griffin
Enhanced Griffin Steel
Base Damage: 153&
Location: Go to the Refugee's Camp fast travel location in
western Velen. Head southwest to find the diagram in a chest at a
bandit camp.&&
Superior Griffin Steel
Base Damage: 209&
Location: Northwest of the Urialla Harbor in An Skellig is
a village. There's a shrine on the north side with some bandits
guarding the location. Search the back of the shrine for a chest
with the diagram.&&
Mastercrafted Griffin Steel
Base Damage: 281&
Location: Head to the ruins of Boxholm in Ard Skellig. On
the east side is a chest that holds the
Griffin Silver Sword&
Base Damage: 180&
Location: In western Velen, go to the castle in Lornruk
near a Place of Power. Here you'll find an underwater entrance into
the castle. Inside the castle, head for the wooden gate and use the
ladders to reach the upper area to find a chest with a
Enhanced Griffin Silver
Base Damage: 250&
Location: Head to the Crossroads fast travel location in
southeast Velen, west of the Nilfgaardian camp. Go east to a cave
to find a chest at the end containing a
Superior Griffin Silver
Base Damage: 330&
Location: In south Ard Skellig, find a cave east of the
Elverum Lighthouse inhabited by bears. Go inside and look left to
find a chest and the
Mastercrafted Griffin Silver
Base Damage: 410&
Location: Head to the lake near Fornhala In Ard Skellig.
Go inside the tower across the lake to find the chest with the
Griffin Armor Set&
Location: The diagrams for the Griffin armor set are
located in the Dragonslayer’s Grotto, west of Reardon
Enhanced Griffin Boots&
Location: Go southwest from Novigrad to Mudplough Island
to find a few Forktail enemies near a chest. You need to be at
least level 14 or 15 to take them down, or carefully approach the
chest to avoid confrontation and collect the
Enhanced Griffin
Location: Head east of the Crow's Perch fast travel
location in Velen to find the Burned Ruins. There's a chest in the
wood beams of the burned down ruins that holds the
Enhanced Griffin
Location: Fast travel to Frischlow in southern Velen.
Continue south to a cave and use Aard Sign Magic to clear the
entrance and find a chest inside with the
Enhanced Griffin Armor&
Location: Just west of Oxenfurt is a Rock Troll guarding a
chest with the diagram.&
Superior Griffin Armor
Location: Head to the bandit camp at Giant's Toes in
northeast Ard Skellig. You'll have trouble with the bandits if
you're not at least level 20. Head left at the stone arch to find a
chest in the boat with the
Mastercrafted Armor
Location: In Ard Skellig, look for an abandoned fort
located northeast of Redgill. A Cyclops guards the place, but you
don't need to fight it. Go inside and head left, then up to the
second floor to find a few chests with the
Feline Set
Note: Most of the diagrams for the Feline armor and
weapons set require you to complete the main quest, Wandering in
the Dark to obtain the Eye of Nehaleni
Feline Steel Sword&
Base Damage: 153&
Location: Go to Drahim Castle south of Novigrad. Inside
the basement of the tower is a
Enhanced Feline Steel
Base Damage: 193&
Location: Find the cave between the fast travel locations
of Reardon Manor and Toderas. Go left once you're inside to find a
chest with the diagram.&
Superior Feline Steel
Base Damage: 241&
Location: Head to the cave northeast of Novigrad. There's
a Golem guarding the place that will give you trouble if you're not
at least level 15. Kill the Golem to find some treasure and the
Mastercrafted Feline Steel
Base Damage: 281&
Location: Go to Kaer Gelen (on Ard Skellig) and head left
at the gate to find an entrance off to the side. Take out the
Wraiths and go downstairs into the side room to find a chest with
the diagram.&&
Feline Silver Sword&
Base Damage: 240&
Location: East of Novigrad are the ruins of Est Tayiar.
Drop down into the ruins and use Aard Sign Magic to break through
the wall to the right. Loot the dead body here and read Gloger's
notes for the location of the next
Enhanced Feline Silver
Base Damage: 300&
Location: In a house north of the Oxenfurt Gate in
Novigad, use ladders to reach the upper level and find a chest with
the diagram.&
Superior Feline Silver
Base Damage: 360&
Location: Go to the Ursten fast travel location south of
Novigrad to find a cave to the east. Head right until you reach a
cracked wall. Use Aard Sign Magic to break down the wall and find a
chest with the
Mastercrafted Feline Silver
Base Damage: 410&
Location: In Faroe, search for a cave east of Harviken.
There's a chest in the back of the cave with the
Feline Armor Set&
Location: Find the cave in northwest Novigrad, then
continue left into a room with statues. Pull the lever to turn the
statues toward the center of the room to find a hidden path. Dive
into the water and loot the corpse to find a Laboratory Key. Head
out of the room and continue left to the laboratory door. Kill the
Mad Kiyan inside and loot the body to find the
Enhanced Feline Boots&
Location: Head over to the Toderas fast travel point near
the eastern coastline of Velen. Go inside the cave here to find a
chest on the right with the
Enhanced Feline
Location: Head to the cave west of Oxenfurt around
Codger's Quarry. The diagram can be found just inside the
Enhanced Feline
Location: Go to a structure on the southeastern side of
the largest island in Oxenfurt. Head down to the basement and use
Witcher Senses to examine a brick. This unlocks a hidden passage
with the diagram just beyond.&
Enhanced Feline Armor&
Location: Head east of the Aeramas' Abandoned Manor fast
travel location in Oxenfurtto find a red brick house. Loot the
chest near the bookcase to find the
Superior Feline Armor
Location: From the Downwarren fast travel location, head
west to the lake and search the ruins to find a chest with the
diagram. There's an Earth Elemental patrolling the area, so be on
the lookout.&
Mastercrafted Feline Armor
Location: South of Trottheim is a group of sirens around a
cave. Clear the enemies, then go inside and head straight to find a
pillar. Behind the pillar is a chest with the
Ursine Set
Ursine Steel Sword&
Base Damage: 161&
Location: On the south side of Ard Skellig, head to the
Ruined Inn and clear the nearby monster nest. Go into the building
and use Aard Sign Magic to clear a path into the basement. Take
care of the enemies down there, then open the chest to find the
Enhanced Ursine Steel
Base Damage: 209&
Location: Head to Prison Island in Kaer Almhult, then take
the main path to the fort and continue up the stairs to the right
to find a chest near some fallen debris. The diagram is inside the
Superior Ursine Steel
Base Damage: 249&
Location: Make your way to the Ruined Tower, northeast of
Crookback Bog. Kill the Earth Elemental guarding the area, then
open the chest in the corner of the ruins to find the
Mastercrafted Ursine Steel
Base Damage: 282&
Location: Head to the cave northwest of Blackbough and
look for the entrance on the side of a cliff. Go inside and follow
the right wall until you reach the chest behind a pillar. Loot the
chest to find the
Ursine Silver Sword&
Base Damage: 270&
Location: Go to the ruins of Fort Etnir, located north of
Rogne on Ard Skellig. Defeat the two Gargoyles and the Ice
Elemental guarding the area, then loot the nearby corpse to find
the diagram.&
Enhanced Ursine Silver
Base Damage: 320&
Location: Head to the castle northeast of Kaer Gelen on
Ard Skellig. Go down into the basement and kill the Ghouls here.
Continue down the corridor to find the chest with the diagram near
the end of the path.&&
Superior Ursine Silver
Base Damage: 370&
Location: With the main quest Wandering in the Dark
completed, travel to Crookback Bog in Velen. Head southwest to a
cave and remove the illusion blocking the entrance. Continue inside
and look right to see the chest with the
Mastercrafted Ursine Silver
Base Damage: 415&
Location: Head to the island northwest of the Road To Bald
Mountain. Go to the small portion of land between Bald Mountain and
Olena’s Grove and then head north to encounter some Drowners.
Search behind a large boulder nearby to find the chest with the
Ursine Armor Set&
Location: Go to the large building just north of Urialla
Harbor on An Skellig. Continue onward to Yngvar’s Fang, then down
the path to the building. Head inside and down the stairs to the
left. Kill the Wraiths and pull the lever on the far side to reveal
a hole in the ground. Head down the hole, then to the right, but
don't attack the Wraiths here. Run to the stairs and over the rocks
to find a chest next to the throne. Loot the chest to obtain the
Enhanced Ursine
Location: Head to the tower in Ard Skellig, northeast of
Rogne. Kill the Wraiths nearby if you arrive at night, then go
inside and up the stairs to find the
Enhanced Ursine
Location: Make your way to the island northeast of Marlin
Coast on Undvik. Head into the cave here using Aard Sign Magic to
clear the entrance. There's a chest inside with the
Enhanced Ursine Boots&
Location: Head to the Wild Shore on Ard Skellig, then go
southeast to find a cave. Kill the Trolls guarding the area, then
open the chests near the campfire for the
Enhanced Ursine Chest
Location: Head to the Grotto cave in southeast Ard
Skellig. Make your way to the end of the cave to find the Grossbart
brothers. Kill them and search in far left corner to find the chest
with the diagram.&&
Superior Ursine Armor
Location: Fast travel to the Hanged Man's Tree in Velen,
then head northwest to a cave. Follow the left wall to reach a
group of chests that contain the
Mastercrafted Ursine Armor
Location: Go to the tower at the Destroyed Bastion
signpost, just southwest of the Crossroads. Take out the Cyclops
patrolling the area or sneak around it if you want to avoid a
fight. Head inside the tower to find a group of chests with the
diagrams. &
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