dominance war游戏攻略

发表: 14:39:39来源:99游戏编辑:
游戏有些像系列,结合了角色扮演和这两类游戏。游戏有2个模式,New Game为自定义游戏,玩家可以自行建立人物,选择国家等。而Campaign为剧情模式,进入系统制定好的游戏。游戏需要玩家占领地图上的资源,在城市中建造建筑生产强力的兵种。
游戏中人物,地表,建筑等做得比较精致。战斗场景的制作也不错,但是在攻击与法术时没有华丽的特效。   战斗画面中没有华丽的攻击特效,只是简单的挥砍,然后被攻击的对象身上出现白光。   有些法术施放之后没有法术特效,角色只是做了个姿势然后敌方少血。
资源篇:要进行下去游戏必然得获得足够资源,游戏里有以下几种。1,食物。 食物的取得必须依靠在特定地形上建立建筑,包括fertilized field,Oasis,fruit forest等。食物无法累积,产量决定你某系建筑的上限,如小屋。2,material。 material的取得来自于特定地形,stone quarry,clay pit,ancient forest等,以及每个种族的基础建筑,如labor pit,work place。建筑和装备单位时消耗。3,metal,仅来源于两种地形metal mine和另一种更高级的mine。用来制造铁制装备。4,金钱。来源于地形gold mine,以及商业建筑。5,worldy knowledge。 知识是最重要的资源,来源于地形library和关于lore的基础建筑6,arcane knowledge。来自于相应基础建筑。7,crystal。研究科技后在相应地形上建造。用于高端单位。8,prestige。数值决定人口提升速度,后期重要。可建造建筑提升。9,某种需求很少的element词根的矿物。10, population,关系到城镇的升级。升级后可以建立高级建筑,并且较有看相。 当人口达到升级所需数目自动升级。11,影响力。即是指的黑框,限定你的建筑范围。有的种族有专门的建筑可以提升影响力。12,政治资本。外交时换好处和签条约。
游戏里可以收到能每天提供主要资源的随从,而且enchanted 类魔法里有三个可以分别加食物知识和material。
注意:specialization很重要,specialization是指城镇里修建的可以提升生产效率的建筑。一座城里的该类建筑只能影响到该城的资源建筑。因为每种资源只能修建一座基础建筑所以修建该类建筑是提升经济的唯一方法。 举例说明什么是最有效率的城市。只有一座首都,尽量扩大influence把更多的地形资源纳入版图,然后修建specialization的建筑即可将产量提升数倍。
研究篇:每轮的研究点越多研究的越快。研究点就是资源worldy knowledge。虽然每一个种族的研究内容不同,但大体还是五类。1,提升经济。specialization类建筑在此研究。2生产装备,队列,集群,防御建筑。3收集水晶,升级魔法使用和研究。4,冒险,dominance,等。 这一个很特别差别能很大。主要是获得特殊的装备和资源。比方说新出现的地形资源和任务。我就发现过morrigan的老巢。5,外交。生命种族可以和龙结盟而死亡种族可以研究出生产恶魔和石头狼等的地形资源.
魔法篇:只有你的主角可以施法,或者让主角把施法的能力imbue给某单位。分为伤害性的如连环闪电等和持续性的如召唤魔法。花费arcane knowledge可以做两件事。1学习你选中的魔法。2研究更多的魔法供你在1中选择。 施法消耗主角自己的魔法值。每天回一点。因此持续性的较实用。举例,召唤类的魔法是永久了,但每种只能召唤一个。
英雄篇:能力值对战斗数据计算方式:举例,11的力量对攻击加成为11\10*武器攻击力。13点则是乘以1.3。 英雄头像下的剑盾图标可以装备英雄。骑马或狼可以提升地图和战斗中的移动速度但无其他好处。任意选择一等级低于你的异性英雄,点propose即可结婚,生下的小孩长大后就会加入游戏而且天生能够施法和自己恢复血魔。
异星探险家是以太空探索玩法为主要内容的一款沙盒游戏,是由System Era Softworks开发制作完成。游戏中玩家将驾驶飞船深入太空探索冒险。微信:doyo_game
秘籍 国家的崛起:崛起传奇
/cheat mana 英雄的名字 +数量 =给制定英雄加力量
/cheat mana 英雄的名字 -数量 =减去英雄力量
/cheat resource 你的名字 资源种类 +数量 =加钱
/cheat resource 你的名字 资源种类 -数量 =减钱
/cheat safe=在基地旁边加蒸气轰炸机和超级大坦克
/cheat explore normal或者explored或者all =改变地图探索方式"ALL"就是全开
/cheat finish =选中的建筑立刻完成建造
/cheat mapgen =生成一个新地图???
/cheat dominance - Give desired dominance
/cheat add 数量 名称 =在指针的地方加房子或者单位
/cheat tech 你的名字 tech on =全部科技
/cheat reveal =地图全开
/cheat ally或者peace或者war =你的名字 强制和一个玩加结盟/敌对
/cheat victory =获得胜利
单位/cheat add指令
KING =工业国机械大蜘蛛(BOSS级)
DOOM =工业国大超级炮(只有在作战里面才可以,故事模式不能发射。BOOS+级别)
PUZZLE BOX 或者 HOLY ARK =不同的两个补给单位(加攻击力)
以下是修正补充的单位/cheat add指令
giant =蜘蛛女王(BOSS级)
queen =喷火蜥蜴女王(BOSS级)
elder =野生万年喷火蜥蜴(HIGH级)
land =陆地海蛇(次等机械大蜘蛛BOOS-级别)
rock =蒸汽大炮
tank =攻击飞艇
air =蒸汽战斗机
city =一个城市
moon =月神艾克斯(BOOS级)
sun cannon =太阳加农炮
magic =艾灵圣盒(运输机类)
gun =枪炮飞船
high =大祭司
sun =太阳猎犬
can =死亡加农炮(故事模式也可使用,对一切建筑及敌对单位造成灭绝级伤害。BOOS+级别)
work =矿工
power =发电厂(加速单位制造)
temp =神殿
destroy =毁灭运输机(结合运输机和蒸汽战斗机的所有功能)
发布时间: 17:51:28
competitive play(from
Testosterone(from lostgarden)
《Mario Party》便是一款高度依赖运气因素的竞争性游戏。游戏随意并且疯狂地给玩家提供各种奖励,许多游戏最终的结局是,最后一名玩家因为刚好到达适当的方格而获得了胜利。因为运气成分,输家会认为其他人获胜无关紧要。游戏过程几乎不会改变玩家间的相对地位。
共享需要某些交流形式。诸如《Mario Kart》和《Carcasonne》之类桌游等在卧室中玩的游戏里,玩家交流的机会很多。在PC游戏中,文字是常见的交流渠道。在主机游戏中,聊天满足了这个目标。游戏机制也可以用作游戏内交流的形式。《反恐精英》中的标记就是个绝佳的范例,这项游戏机制可用来显示状态或分享社交关系。
《Unreal Tournament》之类游戏的机制对陌生人或朋友来说基本相同,玩家在游戏中移动并射击。但是,游戏体验却完全不同。结果表明,游戏中存在的社交关系和周围交流方式和关卡设计以及子弹一样,也是游戏的一部分。我经常看到设计师构建游戏,同开发团队中的同事一起玩。团队成员彼此都很熟悉,因此可以因胜利而大喊大叫,最终都会从游戏中获得大量的乐趣。随后,同样的游戏发布到网络上,陌生人间瞬间开始有了胜负之分,创造出带有侵略性的环境。测试玩家的社交图表与真正的玩家并不相同。所以,游戏的测试结果可能产生谬误。
Testosterone(from lostgarden)
让我们回到《Mario Party》这款游戏中来。为何会有人玩这种基于运气成分而且只为胜利提供些许奖励的竞争性游戏呢?线索之一是,《Mario Party》常常是人们坐在同一张沙发上玩。这是款可以改善友谊的社交游戏,玩家的目标并不是打败其他人。因为游戏是由玩家个体在玩,所以玩家间有着大量的交流,而几乎所有交流关注的都是分享体验。游戏玩法主要关注的是社交趣味性,而不是硬性趣味性。
创造共同的苦恼或娱乐体验:在《Eve Online》中,玩家可以参与到大范围的毁灭性战争中。即便惨遭各种失败,同伴之间仍然很团结,因为这种失败给他们提供了加强他们友谊的共同体验。
Testosterone and Competitive Play
Lately I’ve been digging into research on testosterone. Over the past decade, scientists have been placing players in competitive situations and then measuring how their testosterone fluctuations predict future behavior. What you find from looking at the studies is that both winners and losers will leave your game if they are placed in a set of predictable situations involving dominance, luck, and friendship.
There are four points that have experimental support:
How playing with friends affects the testosterone in winning and losing players
How playing with strangers affects the testosterone in winning in losing players
How perception of the role of luck or skill in the outcome affects the testosterone of players.
How players differ by pro-social or pro-dominance inclination.
1. How playing with strangers affects the testosterone in winners and losers
When strangers play a competitive game based off skill, the results fit the common sense understanding of winning and losing.
Winner testosterone increases. Dominance and/or aggressive behavior increases. Dominance is defined as behaviors that are intended to “gain or maintain high status” (ref) Physical energy increases (and in some cases men become aroused.) Winning is exciting.
Loser testosterone decreases. The losing player attempts to avoid fighting the same opponent, even in situations challenges unrelated.
This is the classic description of winners and losers in a competitive game. The winners get a huge rush from beating the strangers and the losers are sent home with their tail between their legs, humiliated and subdued.
The upside
Beating strangers is a guaranteed source of entertainment. If you want a highly reliable, inexpensive means of making your game fun, toss some strangers together in a game of skill (it barely matters what sort). To boost the emotion even further, place the winners on a high status pedestal. Voila, instant fun, at least for the winners.
Typically designers look for ‘fun’ in a game and then build the game around what we find. The hard fun or fiero is easily detectable on the faces of the victors and acts as a clarion signal of fun. This overt signal has driven designers to create hundreds of competitive games between strangers. “Hark! Here be fun!” and we flock like moths to the flame. Our fun finding, hill climbing algorithm is predisposed to overemphasize competitive play due to the strength of the delight exhibited by winners.
The downside
Yet there are clear tradeoffs that occur when we go down this design path. Losers leave. First, they know that they cannot gain status by pursuing the game, especially against the winning players. Second, if there is some way for winners to communicate, losers are subjected to degrading displays of status. Losers may react in turn with defensive behaviors if they feel they cannot escape. Especially in games where only a few people can be winners, your player retention will suffer.
The result is an intriguing purification of the community. Only the elite winners stay around. This elite community creates an even more competitive environment that in turn creates and drives out more losers. New players attempting to enter into the community are inevitably of low skill compared to the hardened veterans and are immediately classified as losers. They also leave. Competitive games slowly boil their community down to an elitist core that actively resists and inhibits audience growth.
2. How perception of the role of luck or skill in the outcome affects players
Notice that the above case applied only to games where the loser felt that they were participating in a game of skill. The testosterone response changes when players feel they are playing in a game of luck.
Winner testosterone does not increase: Winners feel that their victory was not a true demonstration of superiority.
Loser testosterone does not decrease: Losers feel like they still have a chance of winning.
Luck is another name for an unexpected environmental factors outside the control of the player. If humans were to fall into a funk every time they lost due to the weather or an unexpected mishap, we would not have survived very long as a species. Luck turns a loss into a lesson about the environment or game mechanics, not a lesson about which player is superior to another player. As such, our innate social dominance systems fail to kick in and the social penalties from losing are avoided.
The upside
By introducing luck into a game, you can mitigate the ill effects of losing. Losers are often willing to give the game another shot. The fact that humans are notoriously poor at judging their probability of success plays out in the game designer’s favor, since even poor players will think they still have a chance of winning.
The downside
Winners fail to feel the rush of victory. Strangers playing against one another in a game of luck will often complain that the game is ‘cheap’ or ‘not a real test of skill’. Many highly competitive players will consciously avoid competitive games involving a high amount of luck since such systems reduce the psychological benefit of winning. What is the point of playing against strangers if you can’t beat them into a pulp and demonstrate your dominance?
Pure competitive games of luck between strangers are rare beasts and for good reason. They manage to keep losers around, but the games hardly ever considered fun. Some gambling games may qualify (such as horse betting), yet it is telling that the vast majority of players lose.
An example
Mario Party is an example of a high luck competitive game. The game awards crazy bonuses that appear arbitrary and many games end up with the person in last place winning because they happened to have landed (randomly) on the correct square. Due to the high degree of luck is easy for losers to claim that the victory doesn’t matter. The relative status of players barely changes over the course of the game.
3. How playing with friends affects the testosterone in winners and losers
So far, the the previous two studies of competition shouldn’t be of much surprise to folks that have designed competitive games. However, the response of players is quite different if they consider one another to be friends. The following is what occurs if friends face off in a competitive game.
Winners testosterone decreases. In essence, dominance behavior dips sharply if you win in front of friends. Friends are generally are people you need to get along with in order to live your life. Imagine for a moment, if you were to win a game and then yelled at them to lick your boots (and you meant it). They probably wouldn’t be your friends for very long. Our innate social response is to repress our instinctual dominance urge so as not to damage our friendships.
Loser’s testosterone briefly falls and then recovers: The loser is under threat of being put in a low status position. However, once they receive signals that their trust in their friend is justified, they have no reason to fear a loss of status.
If dominance responses are missing, where is the fun? In general, you see both winners and losers focusing on bonding activities after a competitive game.
They discuss the great shared moments in the game. Shared experiences create a common ground between players that they can reference in the future.
They compliment one another. Compliments are often reciprocated, creating an opportunity to build mutual respect and indebtedness.
The winner claims they got lucky. This defuses the notion that the winner is in some way dominant or higher status. They frame the game as one of luck which makes the loser feel much better.
Typically, the winner does everything they can to avoid rubbing their victory in the face of the other player. And the loser does everything they can to not dwell on their loss of status. We even have names for friends that engage in inappropriate dominance behaviors. We call them ‘poor winners’ or ‘poor losers’. Players that behave in a manner conducive to bonding are called ‘good winners’. It is rare that you hear the term ‘good loser’ since the loser is the victim to be consoled.
Mutual smack talk is a form of bonding: This can be confusing for the untrained observer, because good friends will often act like they are engaging in dominance behavior by using smack talk. Yet this is just for show. The moment the smack talk actually infringes upon existing expectations of status, the mood of players will change abruptly. You’ll often see accusations of one player ‘taking it too seriously.’ It is a good demonstration of trust to play at dominance, but to actually assert dominance between friends is considered out of bounds.
Bonding requires some form of communication channel. In a game played in a living room such as Mario Kart or a board game like Carcasonne, there are plenty of ambient opportunities. In PC games, text is the common channel. In console games, chat serves this purpose. Game mechanics can also be used as a form of in game communication. Tagging in Counterstrike is a good example of a game mechanic used to demonstrate status or shared affiliation.
The upside
With the increased popularity of couch gaming on the Wii and social gaming between friends on platforms such as Facebook, understanding the dynamics of competition between friends is critical to creating a successful game.
The most important realization is that typical form of ‘fun’ that we associate with competitive games is either reduced or turned into a negative experience. Competitive game play with friends becomes less about winning and more about shared experiences. This is a very different emotion. The ability to tell player stories, communicate, discuss and joke with one another are all features that enable the core delivery of value to the player. In some sense, the actual competition is secondary to the bonding that occurs around the activity. The ‘fun’ that comes from playing with friends is completely different than the ‘fun’ associated when playing with strangers.
The downside
Again, you can’t rely on ‘hard fun’ to deliver the same jolt as you would in a competition between strangers. The simple switch from playing with strangers to playing with friends results in such a shift in player psychology that you now need to rethink your reward and communication mechanisms.
It is easy to be fooled. The mechanics of the game like Unreal Tournament when played with strangers or friends are
you shoot and you move. Yet the experience ends up being radically different. It turns out that existing social relationships and ambient communication methods are as much a part of the game as is the level design and the bullet physics. All too often I see designers building a game that they play with their buddies on the dev team. The group knows one another, can yell out in victory and ends up having an immense amount of fun. Then that same game is released online and immediately strangers begin griefing one another and creating an actively offensive elitist environment. The social graph of the playtesters is not the same as that of the actual players. As a result, the playtest sample is massively flawed.
Here’s a little chart to keep it all straight:
An example
Let’s return to Mario Party. Why would anyone play a luck based competitive game that provides poor rewards for winning? One clue is that Mario Party is always played with people sitting together on a couch. It is a social game about improving your friendship, not about beating the snot out of someone. Due to the game being played in person, there is immense communication between players and almost all communication is focused on bonding over a shared experience. The key gameplay yields is social fun, not hard fun.
It is perhaps not surprising that Nintendo multiplayer franchises have been slow to move into the online world. Most Nintendo games are designed to be played with friends. Due to low concurrency, synchronous play models and a lack of scheduling, most console gaming services are populated by strangers playing with strangers. Changing the dominant type of fun that forms the core of your game changes your value proposition to the player. This is a major brand mismatch that likely needs an entirely new franchise (such as Halo), not a minor design tweak.
4. How players differ by pro-social or pro-dominance inclination
To complicate matters, there are in fact two distinct populations of players in all these studies. The first are pro-dominance players who are predisposed to react to situations in a dominant fashion. They tend to have a higher base level of testosterone in their system and their level rise or fall more strongly in situations where they win or lose.
The second group are pro-social players who are predisposed to react to competitive situations with a focus on relationship building. In general, they have a lower base level of testosterone. Intriguingly, they do not experience the same misery of failure. In some sense, they aren’t playing to win so they don’t mind losing. In fact, some studies suggest they even experience increased stress and reduced performance on complex cognitive tasks when they are thrust into a high status position. Winning is a punishment.
Age may also be a factor. Testosterone peaks in the late twenties and drop steadily after age 30. By age 40, 19 to 47% of males fall into the low testosterone category, depending on the accepted cut off.
The downside
From a game design perspective, this split in your population has some interesting implications. When you create a game that rewards players by winning alone, there are two groups that you fail to address. The first is of course, the losers. The second however, are pro-social players that are motivated more by forming relationships than by demonstrating status. You can give them opportunities to ‘be the winner’, but these rewards will fall flat.
These patterns of competition give designers some useful tools.
Note 1: Your design should explicitly differentiate between friends and strangers
You need to differentiate up front between friends and strangers in your design. If you fail to separate these two populations, you’ll end up creating system that inevitably alienate multiple segments of your player base. Many of the problems stem from how communication channels are used by each group.
If you create a game for friends:
Winning strangers will use the communication channels intended for building reporte to instead act out their dominance and aggression urges. Teabagging is an example of a humiliation behavior that tends to encourage losers to leave.
Losing strangers will use the communication channels to denigrate the winners or claim luck or environmental issues were at work. This makes the winners more likely to leave since this is not the ‘good job!’ pat on the back they were hoping for. Instead of bowing and fame, they are greeted with yells of ‘cheaters’ and ‘lucky’.
If you create a game targeted exclusively at strangers
Due to lack of communication channels, winning friends will have no way to reduce the bite of their victory. There is the risk of permanently damaging your relationship with the loser.
By separating friends from strangers, you can offer each population rewards and game mechanics appropriate to their desires. Winning strangers can be complimented in isolation. Losing strangers can be given feedback that emphasizes the luck of the situation and their increased future chance of victory. Friends can be given communication tools that allow them to bond.
Note 2: Games that focus on playing with friends result in stronger retention across a broader audience.
Friends encourage other friends to join since they want to share the experience with them in order to increase their bond.
Friends tend to encourage existing players to play more since they want to deeper their bond.
There is only one class of player that is alienated by bonding oriented play: pro-dominance players that are not able or willing to play amicably with friends. This is arguably a big group (upwards of ~50% of males age 14 to 39) Yet this is distinct minority in comparison to the broader population.
This insight gives some indication why asynchronous social network games grow so rapidly. People typically play with friends and are predisposed to communicate their game experiences and feel social pressure to repeat them. In contrast, competitive activities between strangers tend to result in a steady decline in player populations.
Note 3: Test with strangers and friends separately
As tempting as it is to test your multiplayer game with the readily available team playing within shouting distance, understand that you are fatally polluting your data. Larger scale online tests that allow strangers to interact and figure out how to dominate and insult one another will yield a much more realistic understanding of the culture that will evolve out of many competitive multi player game systems.
Note 4: If you must include communication channels in your online game, create a design that turns strangers into friends.
If you include rich communication channels in a competitive game, strangers will use them to exert their dominance. The way around this is to explicitly create groups where people act as friends. This leads to bubbles of cooperation even within a competitive game.
Assign players to a common affiliation. Counterstrike does this by having sides that you join from the start of each mission.
Create a common goal: Horde mode in Gears of War does this by giving players the goal of surviving the onslaught together.
Create a common experience of suffering or joy: In Eve Online, players partake in vast highly destructive battles. Even after vicious losses, companies still stick together since the suffering gives them a visceral common experience that strengthens their bonds.
Offer opportunities for reciprocation: In Left 4 Dead, players can help one another if they are in trouble.
Provide channels of communication: In Farmville, players can send messages to one another in game and via Facebook notifications. This helps players negotiate group norms and bond over shared experiences.
Allow individual choice: In WoW guilds, players actively choose to participate in a particular group. Players that allowed to choose freely will have a greater affiliation than players that are forced to rely on other players. I find designs were performance is improved with other players works better than ones where players are punished if they do not cooperate.
When we design a game, we are constantly on the lookout for ‘fun’. However our ability to identify and augment fun is only as good as our mental model of what fun looks like. Our commonsense models of competition overvalues the delight expressed by winners and undervalues the reactions of other player populations. By adopting a more sophisticated model of how winners and losers react in various situations, a designer has a much better chance of knowing why their design fails and how they might fix it.
The data I’ve covered is not complete for all populations. For example, there are fewer studies looking at how testosterone changes in women. Though we commonly think of it as a ‘male hormone’, testosterone is actively produced by both sexes and appears to serve similar purposes in regards to dominance. However, not all behaviors found in men have been reliably produced in studies involving women. Nor have all the studies been validated on older populations, different cultures or children. Scientists have a tendency to use male college students because they are readily available and it is much easier to measure their testosterone. This can skew the results. The solution is to use these guidelines as a starting point and then continually test your hypothesis about competitive play. Put your game designs in front of a diverse group of players and see if they react as you expect. By looking through the lens of a richer mental model, your informed experiments will guide your game in the right direction.
My personal take on these studies is that there is vast potential for new pro-social competitive games. The market took an odd turn for a short while:
Early consoles involved 2 to 4 players gathered around the TV. Play was primarily social.
We lost the focus on playing with friends with the advent of online play and low concurrency platforms. Since we were playing with strangers, the primary class of fun switched to games of dominance.
The advent of social networks again allows us to target online multiplayer games at audiences guaranteed to be friends.
Now we have a fresh opportunity to design friendly competitive games that build relationships instead of breaking them down. ()
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