求lol漫画 the wolf and ritathe fox

<img STYLE="WiDTH: 384 HeiGHT: 230px" NAME="il_fi" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/5dde8653bf4daff004f202" WIDTH="420" HEIGHT="230"
TITLE="The&Wolf&and&the&Fox&(狼和狐狸)" />
Once upon a time&a fox was talking
to&a wolf about the strength of man, how no animal
could withstand him , and how all were obliged to employ cunning in
order to protect themselves from him.The wolf answered : If I could
see a man just once, I would attack him
“I can help you to do that,”and the fox took
him out to the path which the huntsman
used every day.First an old discharged soldier came
by.“Is that a man?”asked
the&wolf.“No,”answered the
fox.“He has been
Afterwards came a little
boy on his way to school.“Is that a man?”No,he
will& become one.”
huntsman came by with his double-barreled gun on his back,and a
sword at his side.The fox said to the wolf,“Look,there comes a
man.He is the one you must attack,but I am going back to my
The wolf then
charged at the man.When the huntsman saw
him he said,“Too bad that I have not loaded with a
bullet.”Then he aimed and fired a load of shot into
his face.The wolf pulled an awful
face, but did not let himself be frightened and attacked him
again,on which the huntsman gave him the second
barrel.The wolf swallowed
his pain and charged at the huntsman again, who in turn drew out
his naked sword,and gave him a few blows with it left and right, so
that,bleeding all over,he ran howling back to the fox
.Well,”Brother Wolf, said the fox,”how did you get along
Oh,”replied the
wolf,”I never imagined the strength of man to be what it is
.First,he took a stick from his shoulder,and blew into it,and then
something flew into my face which tickled me terribly.Then he
breathed once more into the stick,and it flew up my nose like lightning and
hail. Then when I got next to him,he drew a naked rib out of his
body, and he beat me so with it that he almost killed
me.”See what a
braggart you are,”said
the fox.“You throw your hatchet so far that you cannot get it back
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The Fox And The Wolf
求The rabbit and the wolf的英语故事急呀,要参加比赛的!
Rabbit:oh,it’s a sunny day today.Let’s play together.Hello,friends,e here!Animals:hello rabbit.Hello rabbit!Rabbit:let’s play hide and seek,ok?Animals :ok ,ok.Wolf:hi,rabbit!Rabbit:aha,aha….Wolf:Oh,rabbit.Don’t be afraid.I won’t eat you.I don't like meat now.I’ve changed my taste.You are bellygod.Can you tell me what food is nice and healthy?I am losing my weigh.Rabbit:is it?Wolf:yes,I won’t cheat you.Look ,I am so thin.I didn’t eat meat for months.Now,I am going to be a good wolf.I will never eat animals.I want make friends with you.I won’t be alone again.Rabbit:that’s quite good.Wolf,eat my carrot.Carrot is very nice and healthy.Eat,eat.Wolf.Wolf:ok,thanks.Mmm,yummy,yummy.Rabbit:friends,come,come here.Rabbit:tell you a piece of good news,look ,the wolf ,he doesn’t like to eat animals any more,He won’t eat us .and he is going to be our friends.Animals:really?Wolf:yes,I’ve changed.I want to make friends with you.Sheep:wolf,eat my grass.Deer:wolf ,eat my fruit.Cat:wolf,eat my fish.Cow:wolf,eat my green grass.Wolf:thank you.Thank you very much..Rabbit:friends,the wolf has really changed,let’s say,wolf,wolf ,wish you happy.Animals:wolf wolf ,wish you happy.Rabbit:wolf wolf,wish you healthy.Animals:wolf wolf wish you healthy
求The rabbit and the wolf的英语故事,


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