奔驰sls amg gt3售价赛车多少钱

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极度蛮横-奔驰SLS AMG GT3赛车版
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6.2L 自然吸气 571马力
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6.2L 自然吸气 571马力
7挡双离合 前置后驱
6.2L 自然吸气 571马力
7挡双离合 中置后驱
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橙黄色梅赛德斯-奔驰SLS AMG GT3
奔驰推出的这款SLS AMG GT3赛车,引擎舱盖、前扰流唇、辅助小翼、侧裙、后尾翼、后扩散器均使用碳纤维材质制成,采用石墨消光涂装的AMG锻造轮圈,搭载600hp 的6.2L V8自然吸气引擎。
2010年面世的梅赛德斯-SLS 让车坛惊艳了好一阵,车迷记住了它那优雅的鸥翼式车门,以及嘶哑的引擎声浪。但很多人似乎都忽略了一点,这款挂着三叉星的超跑是在AMG部门进行设计和生产。跟当年的SLR 类似,后面的英文已经说出它们的故事,不过SLR是梅赛德斯和双方合作研发的。在面世后的第二年,2011年奔驰便推出SLS AMG GT3赛车,以参加 GT赛事和各大耐力赛,并取得不俗的成绩。而奔驰推出的这款SLS AMG GT3赛车,乃是目前为止首款奔驰橙黄色厂车。此车的引擎舱盖、前扰流唇、辅助小翼、、后、后均使用碳纤维材质制成,除了减轻车重,这些黑色的碳纤维部件还起到色彩点缀的作用。行走部件也非常夺目,采用石墨消光涂装的AMG,色泽与碳纤维车身部件相称。动力方面,搭载的是6.2L V8自然吸气引擎,600hp的输出对于一款赛车来说不算过份。
图:橙黄色涂装的SLS AMG GT3赛车,更璀璨夺目。
图:鸥翼式车门是SLS AMG的亮点。
图:驾驶舱内可以看到“SLS AMG GT3 - 1 OF 1”的铭牌,足以证明其珍贵程度。
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就像路上的车,只有一点都不奔驰的GT3赛车开始在相同的辛德芬根工厂生活街道将奔驰AMG GT和GT的。在白色的身体然后运到哪里阿法尔特巴赫,AMG完成赛车符合FIA GT3规则。所有的车身面板,包括大量的挡泥板,增加车的宽度由4.4英寸到80.7,制成碳纤维增强塑料。悬挂组件制作和焊接钢,只携带部分前上控制臂。小的消费模型的郁郁葱葱的内饰依然可辨,除了基本的仪表板和控制台的形状,一个或两个圆形通风口,和雨刷槽,这将起到至关重要的作用,对于我们今天在米萨诺。AMG邀请记者在这里开车前两GT3s曾经建造原型1和2。乙烯基包裹在扁平的灰色和体育大竖条格栅,他们看起来非常险恶的在休息,在侧管开始咆哮。这是令人印象深刻的这些车是多么干净,里面和外面。许多赛车,甚至在GT3的水平,有车身大得足以吞下你的指关节之间的差距。不是这一个。紧张的,甚至几乎是生产汽车面板配合完美。奔驰AMG销售这些汽车的客户团队,为EUR372000笔(约420000美元),因此最大限度地减少初始成本和经营成本是关键。这是为什么,根据AMG厂司机托马斯J?GER,汽车使用旧的自然吸气6.2升V-8而不是生产模型的涡轮增压4.0升装置。涡轮增压发动机增加了复杂程度,增加了长期成本。问他是否短移在耐力赛保护引擎,J?GER回应道,“没有一点。发动机是防弹的。”AMG肯定是这么想的:建议工厂改造每12750英里,距离J?GER说可能需要一些球队比赛季节的积累。变速箱,与一六速变速器hewland开发有限公司,是一个不同的故事,需要重建6200英里的间隔。客户参与SCCA认可的倍耐力世界挑战赛在美国,以及在欧洲,亚洲,和南美洲的系列。GT3赛车今天最好的部分是制造商们为代表的宽测绘带。在倍耐力系列,这使得FIA GT3汽车自2014以来,参与者包括奔驰AMG,宝马,奥迪,凯迪拉克,阿斯顿马丁、讴歌、道奇、保时捷、日产、迈凯轮、兰博基尼、法拉利。本赛季的11场比赛日程包括显著的赛车场地横跨美国北部,经常支持Verizon IndyCar或WeatherTech跑车锦标赛。各管理机构在世界各地都有自己的进气节流和最小重量规则保持赛车的竞争力。目前,世界面临的挑战仍然是建立汽车AMGs前SLS,这几个得分前十名但2015没有登上领奖台。希望是提高了记录的球队搬到新GT3。AMG已经在全球销售超过40册,其中一半已经交付。 让我们的脚湿跑五圈在米萨诺熟悉街道级的503马力的GT S在进入赛车亮点车可以上下班在你的主要区别可以加速到60英里每小时在三秒在1.05和其武器的兄弟姐妹的角落。GT3的座位,真的更开放的空隙,不动;相反,泡沫插入以适合每个司机。踏板箱调整前后用漂亮的切换控制台的驱动程序访问。保持座椅位置固定的限制底盘平衡的变化,当司机交换工作在耐力赛。转向装置,称之为“车轮”似乎是错误的因为它不是一轮调整前和到达和覆盖在按钮,比赛日用品。六点式安全带着司机在没有限制可在控制台中的所有控件,包括制动跑偏的调整,对ABS和牵引力控制系统编程,和危险信号灯。在这辆车的离合器踏板,但它故意隐藏,因为赛车用它来让车运动。在制动踏板的左边缘唇保持左脚滑落,无意中发现离合器搭接。变化是执行的桨无离合器操作。如果你曾经权力转移是底特律最优秀的肌肉车,换档顺序跨类似冲拳,只是它发生的速度更快、无机械滥用的焦虑。6.2升V-8可能是德国人,但听起来像意大利当绕出其7500转红线。与36毫米进气节流的地方,它使大约550马力,但是GT3不觉得像涡轮增压街模式一样快,至少在最初阶段。这该是撞倒在地,你坐的太低了,长发动机罩使速度感。很快,虽然我们知道赛车速度更快,用更少的时间覆盖之间轮流地。与同系的重量为2833磅,超过800磅的GT3比公路车轻。以上50英里左右,航空设备进场。有一个巨大的尾翼,前端和潜水飞机,和地板下的扩散,所有工作将车推到停机坪,增加对每个轮胎的负荷,从而控制。你注意到大多数制动时压力。速度从130英里/小时,甚至在雨中,是戏剧的自由,除非它是一个严格的角落(米萨诺的电路的16圈中有三钗的尖角)。低于阈值和抓地力航空突然消失。这不是戏剧性的当你打黑色的冰在冬天,但它是一个类似的感觉。刹车踏板感觉比赛调整ABS工程擦洗速度模。它也不会超过几圈学习刹车的情况,证明了系统的反馈和灵敏度。 转向反应在初始转手术精确。GT3抢定半径转弯立即,但把手脱落在严密的角落。感觉就像在轨道或路面变化超过我们可以归咎于汽车或潮湿的天气倍耐力赛车轮胎抓地力点低。(我们开车湿线的地方。交叉滑橡胶点)发动机也产生大量的低端扭矩(AMG保持实际峰值数字本身)与线性传递。我们需要仔细地在雨加油门,但汽车给人的印象是你几乎可以上它和忘记它在干旱条件下,缓解了我们预驱动张力小。在高速弯角,气动辅助GT3棍棒像靶心飞镖。轮到11米萨诺是敞开的,第五个齿轮(也许第六在干)扭结,GT3哼没有从后端的摆动太多。这是恐吓,因为以前的角落就像一个溜冰场。我们慢慢建立信心之前保持右脚固定在130英里每小时的刮去。当AMG人波格子旗我们已经学到的跟踪和真正感觉舒适。AMG不奇怪的反应来输入和灌输更多的信心,每圈。这些练习都是当时文士想事情足以给硬件带来风险,如果不是自己。赛跑的团队需要一个预算多次汽车的近50万美元的价格购买。我们忍不住开始储蓄,虽然,因为你不能把感情当预驱动焦虑过渡到正轨的兴奋的价格。我们只是想要这车在干燥条件下,一个更多的裂缝在。First Drive ReviewStrapping into a new race car at an unfamiliar track generates stress, not dissimilar to when you’re awaiting blood-test results after a questionable social encounter. (We imagine it’s like that, anyway.) But once you crawl into the seat and buckle in, there is no turning back. Even the klank-klank-klank ringing from the rear as the limited-slip differential fights a full-lock exit from the garage sounds like some imminent disaster. A legitimate race car requires your full attention. No daydreaming. Adding rain to the mix elevates anxiety far beyond the Pfizer-could-fix-this mark.That’s exactly our situation in the pit lane at Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli outside of Rimini, Italy, as we flex our fingers to avoid death-gripping the steering wheel of the new Mercedes-AMG GT3 racer. Misano, on the Adriatic coast east of the microstate of San Marino, is best known a this season will mark the 10th year in a row that it will host a MotoGP round. There’s little change in track camber and zero change in elevation around the 2.6-mile circuit. From the garages we can see some hills, leaving the impression something dramatic may happen, but it turns out they are there only for picnicking race fans. The track is as flat as many 15th-century Italians thought the world was, and water is pooling on the pavement. Just Like the Road Car, Only Not At AllMercedes’ GT3 racer starts life in the same Sindelfingen factory as the street-going Mercedes-AMG GT and GT S. The body-in-white is then shipped over to Affalterbach, where AMG completes the race car to meet FIA GT3 regulations. All the body panels, including the massive fenders that swell the car’s width by 4.4 inches to 80.7, are crafted from carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic. Suspension components are fabricated and welded in steel, the only carryover parts being the front upper control arms. Little of the consumer model’s lush interior remains identifiable, save for the basic dash and console shape, a circular vent or two, and the wiper stalk, which will play a critical role for us at Misano today.AMG invited journalists here to drive the first two GT3s it ever built: Prototypes 1 and 2. Vinyl-wrapped in flat gray and sporting a big vertical-bar grille, they look absolutely menacing at rest, before the side pipes start growling. It’s impressive how clean these cars are, inside and out. Many race cars, even at the GT3 level, have gaps between body panels big enough to swallow your knuckles. Not this one. The tight, even panel fits are nearly production-car perfect.Mercedes-AMG sells these cars to customer teams, for the princely sum of EUR372,000 (about $420,000), so minimizing initial and operating costs is critical. This is why, according to AMG factory driver Thomas J?ger, the cars use the older naturally aspirated 6.2-liter V-8 rather than the production model’s turbocharged 4.0-liter unit. A turbocharged engine adds a level of complexity that increases cost in the long run. Asked if he ever short-shifts to preserve the engine in an endurance race, J?ger responds, “There’s no point. The engine is bulletproof.” AMG sure seems to think so: It recommends a factory rebuild only every 12,750 miles, a distance J?ger says might take some teams two racing seasons to accumulate. The gearbox, a six-speed transaxle co-developed with Hewland, is a different story, requiring a rebuild at 6200-mile intervals.Customers participate in the SCCA-sanctioned Pirelli World Challenge in the U.S., as well as in several European, Asian, and South American series. The best part of GT3 racing today is the wide swath of manufacturers that are represented. In the Pirelli series, which has allowed FIA GT3 cars since 2014, players include Mercedes-AMG, BMW, Audi, Cadillac, Aston Martin, Acura, Dodge, Porsche, Nissan, McLaren, Lamborghini, and Ferrari. This season’s 11-race schedule includes significant road-racing venues across North America, often supporting Verizon IndyCar or WeatherTech SportsCar Championship events. Each of the various governing bodies around the world employs its own intake-restrictor and minimum-weight rules to keep the racing competitive. Currently, World Challenge AMGs are still the former SLS-based cars, which scored several top-10 finishes but no podiums in 2015. Hopes are to improve that record as teams move to the new GT3. AMG has sold 40 copies worldwide, half of which have already been delivered. Getting Our Feet WetRunning five familiarization laps of Misano in a street-grade 503-hp GT S before moving into the race car highlights the major differences between a car you could commute in—albeit one that can accelerate to 60 mph in three seconds flat and corner at 1.05 g—and its weaponized sibling. The GT3’s seat, really more an open void, instead, foam inserts are made to fit each driver. The pedal box adjusts fore-and-aft using a nifty toggle on the console that’s accessible to the driver. Keeping the seat location fixed limits chassis-balance changes when drivers swap stints during endurance races. The steering device—to call it a “wheel” seems wrong because it’s not round—adjusts for rake and reach and is covered in buttons for race-day necessities. Six-point belts hold the driver in place without limiting accessibility to all the controls on the console, including adjustments to brake bias, programming of the ABS and traction control, and the hazard lights.There is a clutch pedal in this car, but it’s deliberately hidden because racers use it only to get the car moving. A lip on the left edge of the brake pedal keeps your left foot from sliding off and accidently finding the clutch mid-lap. Shifts are executed with paddles sans clutch operation. If you’ve ever power-shifted one of Detroit’s finest muscle cars, shifting a sequential trans resembles those thrust punches, only it happens faster and without the anxiety of mechanical abuse.The 6.2-liter V-8 may be German, but it sounds Italian when winding out to its 7500-rpm redline. With the 36-millimeter intake restrictor in place, it makes about 550 horsepower, but the GT3 doesn’t feel as quick as the turbocharged street model, at least initially. This AMG is slammed to the ground and you sit so low that the long hood dulls the sense of speed. Quickly, though, we learn that the race car is much quicker, covering the ground between turns in significantly less time.With a homologated weight of 2833 pounds, the GT3 is more than 800 pounds lighter than the road car. Above 50 mph or so, the aero devices come into play. There’s a giant rear wing, a front splitter and dive planes, and an underfloor diffuser, all working to push the car down onto the tarmac, increasing the load on each tire, and thus grip. You notice the downforce most when braking. Slowing from 130 mph, even in the rain, is drama-free, unless it is for one of Misano’s tighter corners (there are three hairpin-sharp corners among the circuit’s 16 turns). Drop below the aero threshold and the grip disappears rather abruptly. It’s not as dramatic as when you hit black ice in winter, but it’s a similar feeling. The brake-pedal feel dies as the race-tuned ABS works to scrub speed. It didn’t take more than a couple of laps to learn the particulars of the brakes, a testament to the system’s great feedback and sensitivity. Steering response at initial turn-in is surgically precise. The GT3 grabs constant-radius turns immediately, but grip falls off halfway through the tightest corners. It feels like a low-grip spot on the track or a pavement change more than something we can blame on the car or the wet-weather Pirelli racing tires. (We’re driving the wet line, crossing slippery rubbery spots in places.) The engine also produces plenty of low-end torque (AMG keeps the actual peak figure to itself) with a linear delivery. We need to carefully add throttle in the rain, but the car gives the impression you could almost floor it and forget it in dry conditions, easing our pre-drive tension a little.In the faster corners, the aero-aided GT3 sticks like a dart in a bull’s-eye. Misano’s Turn 11 is a wide-open, fifth-gear (maybe sixth in the dry) kink that the GT3 hums through without so much as a wiggle from the back end. It’s intimidating because the previous corner feels like a skating rink. We slowly build confidence before keeping the right foot pinned at 130 mph with the wipers going.By the time the AMG folks wave the checkered flag we have just about learned the track and genuinely feel comfortable. The AMG never reacted strangely to inputs and instilled more confidence with every lap. These exercises typically end just about the time the scribes figure things out enough to pose a risk to the hardware, if not themselves.Running a race team requires a budget multiple times the car’s near-half-million-dollar purchase price. We’re tempted to start saving, though, because you can’t put a price on the feeling when pre-drive anxiety transitions to on-track euphoria. Really, we just want one more crack at this car—in dry conditions.


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