
&&昨天看到路西法的妈妈是天狼星人,爸爸是猎户座人。&by Dan WinterMarch 2004Assembled and published by IMPLOSION GROUPfrom Zayra Website&Winter&s general urging has been that the continued insistence of Western historians to put their immature religion drugged ostrich heads in the sand rather than look at the ET origins of their DNA engineered genepool, is LIFE THREATENING to all here, if it continues.Yet: &YOU CANNOT STEER THE STARSHIP - UNTIL YOU BECOME THE STAR& - quote from Roland&s dream...The main index of Winter&s articles on Galactic Genetic History & ET Origins of DNA is at - Galactic Context/Genetic History & ET Origins of Religion -Thematic Index.Thematically summarized and embodied in story format in Winter&s 3rd book Return of Enki - /enkiWhen steering your starship - the guild navigator -&time lord& - &tron& - &timecop& knows that the slightest change in the center of gravity - means a major change in course direction. The fabrication of that center of gravity with the most responsive delicacy to properly STEER - is ultimately something ONLY biology can do. We understand how the fresh egg- and your heart&s EKG are fabricating voltage from gravity at the moment of implosion / bliss. This perfected compression is identical with the gravity making attractive electrical suction we call COMPASSION.&&See the self- similarity in the di-VINE (heart of GOLDen ratio) branching algorhyrhmn of the fractal nervous fibers where the heart is electrified. We constantly get closer to defining conscious as the perfection of non-destructive charge distribution (the origin of the SCION - in SCI-ence: meaning to BRANCH well).&&Applying this to economics defines abundance: perfected distribution=no storage. This is something only fractality can RAPTur
文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&
今天10700提的,不包牌,奸商开始给我报1W2,我说网上报价最贵也就1W多个几百,最终10700拿下,我不会砍价,应该还能更低拿车。抽奖中了500。大家看可以不。另外送的雨衣 头盔我没要,多送了两瓶1升豪爵的机油,说是全合成的,卖45一瓶。车子附属的有 尾箱 保险杠 报警器 工具包
图 渣像素 晚上下班拍的
发票开多少 发票可以少来点 少交点税
&江月&车床修理,技术过硬,价格公道,品质保证.车床修理,要找经验足,手艺好,责任强的厂家.那就致电: .
《阿努可敦》汉语字幕版 观影地址
点开下方原文阅读就可观看《阿努可敦》汉语字幕版 蹉跎一年,小编终于兑现当初承诺,完成了《阿努可敦》由蒙语到汉语的翻译,以及字幕的制作。为感谢大家一直以来的支持,所以第一时间分享到蒙古语角的公众平台。 小编乃鄂尔多斯人士,虽然都是蒙古语,但是鄂尔多斯蒙古语和喀尔喀蒙古语之间不管是语音还是词汇都有些许区别。而且这是小编第一次涉足字幕工作,难免有些疏漏,还请各位看官海涵。 曾经有人问小编为什么浪费自己的时间精力做这件事? 小编觉得我们明明会蒙古语,干嘛要等日文版出来,在等着做汉语字幕组从日语翻译到汉语呢?还不如这样磕磕绊绊先做着,权当抛砖引玉,估计骂小编做的字幕不好的人多起来的时候,好的蒙古语字幕组就会应运而生了吧。 以后有好的蒙古语电影,哪怕还是我这个只有一个人的字幕组,我还是依然会把它做出来,然后呈现给更多的人,让更多其他民族的人了解蒙古族电影。观影地址:/v_show/id_XOTA3Nzk5NDg4.html 翻译、时间轴、字幕:沙丽校对:乌云、阿达(感谢我至亲的家人为我把关)点开下方原文阅读就可观看《阿努可敦》汉语字幕版
分享给好友分享到微信朋友圈:第一步 打开微信底部扫一扫第二步 扫下面的文章二维码第三步 右上角点击转发下一篇:
<li class="w first">从历史的角度来看,2017年有可能会为一些重大变化的“起头”,但不要期待很快就会有结果。文 | 韩福东来源:<li class="w first">习声回响,原声放送!<li class="w first">雾霾严重时你所在的省市公交车免费吗?<li class="w first">人的正常寿命是多少岁?按照密宗讲,是120岁.近代的虚云长老活到了一百二十岁.上次我去漳州佛光寺,妙智老和尚成就肉身菩萨...<li class="w first">前天,有微友发微信向“律师来了”咨询:我今年27岁,是一个全职妈妈,家在杭州.老公比我大5岁,也是杭州人,但他被公司外派...<li class="w first">不要去骗一个对你好的人,因为他不是对人人都好;一辈子碰到一个这样的人不容易.错过一辆车,可以等,错过一个人,也许就是一...<li class="w first">迪士尼新作《奇幻森林》今天跟大家见面了评分相当不错!老规矩,探片小分队提前试深浅总体上,这部电影还是很值进影院观看的单...<li class="w first">一中国女士从英国回来探亲,顺便带着她的洋老公和洋婆婆到中国旅游.这位女士有两个孩子,一个5岁,一个3岁,都是由她自己当全...<li class="w first">昨天,杭州的陈大姐接到前几天请假的保姆张阿姨从老家建德打来的电话,说自己的儿媳妇生了个儿子. 陈大姐连忙道喜祝贺,可是电...<li class="w first">就是他!他在三鹿奶粉事件中被记过处分,罚酒三杯后不降反升,当上了国家食药监局副局长、药品安全总监.而三聚氰胺案爆料人蒋...魅力值13+1
性别:男 年龄:32岁身高:186厘米
身  高:186厘米
籍  贯:辽宁盘锦
体  型:匀称
吸  烟:不吸,很反感吸烟
收  入:
饮  酒:不喝
学  历:本科
职  业:上班族
违法信息举报:022-12 &【隐藏的史实】21个光明会家长&&&13蓝血家族
图先生博客 汇编
[隐藏的史实] 阿努的儿女.谁制造历史事件
[隐藏的史实] 苏茶花的世界 Sorcha Faal
[隐藏的史实] 教课书看不到的历史纪载
[隐藏的史实] 耶稣神话是如何被创造的
[隐藏的史实] 21个光明会家长 & 13蓝血家族
-- [2015重温经典-精读版] 蓝色的血液,真实的血液
[隐藏的史实] 2015邪恶摧毁者Ruiner: 真实的阿努纳奇
[隐藏的史实] 可萨黑道集团的邪恶秘史
[隐藏的史实] 邪恶的耶稣会
[隐藏的史实] 1776-Bavarian Illuminati 巴伐利亚光明会
[隐藏的史实] 苏茶花: 真实的耶稣会
[隐藏的史实] 阿努的地球王国
*光明会Illuminati-, 广义意思, 泛指地球政治幕后的秘密社团, 据说由21位家长,或[13蓝血家族]所控制。。
狭义意思, 是指1776年由亚当.威肖特Adam Weishaupt 建立的Bavarian Illuminati 巴伐利亚光明会。
我们当前的重点, 就是要发现和理解这股恶势力是如何运作的。
有一天, 连中国人都知道他们的运作机理, 于是主宰地球的邪惡秘密亦將瓦解, 地球终于迎来她解放的一天。现在离这天不远矣。
26000年前, 天龙星人与天琴人的后裔阿特兰提斯人(从一颗行星阿特兰而来的人),
都出现在地球上。 这是 26000年太阳大周期的开始, 玛雅历法 5125年 X5 =约25625年。 尼比鲁历法
3600年 x 7 =25200年。 800年左右的误差, 小意思。
其中一支天龙星人的首领集团, 称为 “阿努纳奇 “---他们是天龙人Dracos, 在地球也建立了龙之皇朝 Dragon
13000年前, 这是地球阿特兰提斯文明的顶峰时期, 传说也出现了一位救世主, 耶稣[阿特兰提斯耶稣],
距11000年前的大洪水 Great Flood(GF) 只有 2千年。 因为历史不断重覆着, 所以, 现在从耶稣/约书亚诞生
(公元前6年)至 公元2012年(太阳大周期结束) 也是刚好2千年。当时这位耶稣带来了 “ 一的法则 Law of Oneness”
13000年前, 从那时起, 阿努纳奇 开始建立 “家长制 Parents ritual”, 就是通过创建 “家长们”
而建立光明会 Illuminati这个组织 。 那一年, 有 2名 “光明会家长 Illuminati parents “
出现了。这些加入光明会的信徒, 被称为 “ 巴尔大神的孩子们Children of Baal”
最终, 巴尔的孩子们 和 基督的孩子们(凯西称之为`一的法则的孩子`)发生了最后的决战。 那时,
有一位中国(当时的MU大陆)的智者目睹了决战的整个过程。他叫蓝道大师(LT), 当时是一个萨满 shamman。 最后,
巴尔的孩子们取得了胜利。接着, 阿努纳奇大神,耶和华(雅威)发起了大洪水, 摧毁了地面上的一切。一些人逃往了地心, 建立了阿加森网络;
另一些人向北而逃, 来到今天的中欧地区, 后来又迁徙至 中东 2河流域,尼罗河流域,
印度河流域,黄河流域,以及中美洲一带。后来形成了这一轮的 "七千年文明"(LT是这样称呼的)。
历史一直重覆着, 并以精确的时间计算。今天, 那位蓝道大师已经回来了,他出现在中国,
你当然知道他是谁。他再次观看巴尔孩子们和基督孩子们 2大派别的决斗。接着, 阿努纳奇大神,耶和华(雅威)
在尼比鲁议会上和众大神达至共息, 发起地球事件, 之后地球正式进入2000年的黄金时代 &称为 Terra Nova
泰拉诺华时代。耶和华(雅威大神)的讯息, 通过 Linda Dillon琳达迪朗传播。
见琳达.迪朗-- 阿努纳奇与库玛拉专题(42)
[能写出银河神话的不只有西方, 中国也出大师。《三体》这本书不正是中国人写的吗, 并且于2015年八月获得雨果大赏。]
引子: {光明会的`家长` Illuminati Parents } 2015信息
[超经典2015.5月]一. 大卫威尔科克访谈 5月 25, 2015
最老的“家长”有13,000岁 [家长Parents ]
这一路追溯到这些人当中最年长的一位。显然他有13,000岁。 (LT: 据说, 有2个是
13000岁, 有一个是 12900岁。)
他们被指派去寻找那些赚最多钱并拥有最大权力的人,并引诱他们进他们的团体。那就是 “13个光明会血统” 的出处。
(LT: 请想一想比利叔叔的神话。 这些21个家长, 也許就是 `吉萨智能组织,
[Arus阿奴斯I,II, ---Jehovan 耶和风 --Jehav耶哈夫 --Arussem阿奴森
--Salem沙林和Ptaah普塔 ---Henn 啍王(又称Jehova 耶和华) --- Plejos 皮佐士
VS Kamagol I卡马高 ------ Kamagol
II.卡马高二代: 埃及吉萨的政权者, 他们开始称自己叫Bafath巴伏人, 也称为吉萨智能组织Gizeh
那项科技没有同光明会血统家族 (属下成员)一道分享。
(LT 这里可能的意思: 此時此刻,
Draco Federation Alliance 天龙联邦同盟, 要和21位家长分离,
也要和阴谋集团光明会/13家族分裂。天龙星人, 不再理会这些僕人了。
同时, 光明会的家长们(21人)也不再理会属下的 13家族, 他们也自行形成一个重新的联盟
这样, 将导至阴谋集团内部也已经出现分岐, 有不同的派别, F1,F2。 F1,
是指以欧洲为本的可萨败类.罗斯柴尔德家族为主的团体; F2 是美国以
4大恶人(老布什,基辛格,切尼和拉姆斯菲尔德)为首的团体。 )
{LT: 6D的管理者, seraphim 瑟拉芬們& 智天使cherubim基路伯們, 我们地球人向您们致敬!
请帮忙尽快赶走在这里的所有负性的天龙星人。 }
它们的肩膀有5英尺宽,重 3,000磅。
他们其中一句口头禅是:“给卢修斯他的露食!”(Give Lucius his
(LT: 路西法Lucifer, 巴尔Baal, 马杜克Marduk ,
堕落的耶洛因。 具体而言, 就是罗斯柴尔德,希特勒, 史太林, 这些人物的造型。
他们都具有 "路西法精神"。))
The Parents and their Covens
光明会家长及 盟约者
Posted by The Ruiner at 4/11/2015
作者: [阴谋破坏者the Ruiner] 日
are 21 Parents even though there are only 13 Main Bloodlines.
13 of the Parents focus on the 13 Main Bloodlines. The other
8 have more of a dual responsibility. There are other
Bloodlines respected as part of The Family who have been tangled up
with the 13, by way of marriage or other form of partnership.
The remaining 8 focus on these entangled Bloodlines. (How
many additional bloodlines make up the number of entangled
bloodlines your writer is unsure of) The Family Masters of
these 8 Parents' Covens are the main contact for multiple entangled
bloodlines. (Entangled Bloodlines are considered lesser than
the 13 Bluebloods or Pure Bloodlines.)
共有21位家长, 同时只是13个主要血族 [称13主要血统家族- 13蓝血] 。
因为有其他婚姻或其他形式的合作方式与这 13血统纠缠不清,于是有家庭的其他血统。这样, 这8位侧重于这些纠缠血统。
2. 要插一些好消息 - 家长们不是比 [我们的版本人类]更聪明。
(只是他们的基因结构不同, 但不表示比我们更聪明。)
他们仍然有自己的头脑/想法,以及作为一个个体,也有不同的(个人)欲望, 并不一切完全依于他们的主人。
4. They divide all of the required actions up between
them based on the skill-set of each Parent. The Draco set a
goal, they devise the plan of action with the aide of The Parents,
and The Parents then delegate the duties associated with
each goal down through the ranks of their Coven and related
天龙人划分所需的行动, 分配给每一个家长 --根据他们各自的技能。天龙人设定一个目标,他们与家长共同制定,
然后这些行动计划,再由家长安排给下级的 [盟约者Covens]和相关血族的下級委托人员。
5. 数千年的生活, 也会让家长们觉得无聊。有时家长们会採取长时间睡眠--一种特别技术,
睡200-700年, 期间什么知觉都没有。如有必要的时候, 这些下级的 [盟约者] 可以叫醒他们。
6. 最老的2位家长有13000岁, 其次的少100年至数千年, 最年轻的也有 7000岁。
(7千年前, 古苏美尔地区开始有人类散居...... 2河流域很美。)
7. LT告诉大家, 光明会幕后的一位大佬 写过一本小册子 :
Hidden Hand隐藏之手.
我看过了些, 读完后我有点觉得他们很值得尊敬。
同时, 恶棍始终是恶棍。 [阿努纳奇人]这个神话, 仍然没有人看懂。
8. 综述:他们做了所有非常不愉快的事情,他们追随者也滥用这种模式,
不同程度的恶性强度的方式。可怕的,不可原谅的。 他们这样做是有目的的, 就是为了极性的表现, 为了地球实验的完满进行,
9. 1 - They give their permission. 2 - The dictation
can be honest.
Contrary to popular belief even amongst members of this dark
family, The Parents are always in touch with various ET races or
civilizations both 'friendly' from the reader perspective and
'unfriendly' from the same perspective.
事实上, 家长们的作为, 1 - 他们是被许可的。 2 - 他们的言行计划可以是光明正大的。
从不同的角度看, 这些外星人是“友好的”,也是“不友好的”。
10. Draco exist in different versions all throughout
the game in this density.
创世的神话是, 天龙人存有,被要求在整个极性游戏,在这个密度有不同版本的存在模式。 (他们的行为是合理的.
11. 天龙星人Draco拥有了地球。而[光明会家长们]成为这地球财产的看管人。
12. "The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the
world he doesn't exist." “魔鬼行使的最大诀窍就是说服我们, 他根本并不存在于世界上。”
[英文版见最下。 眼疼,我不想翻译。]
{阴谋破坏者the Ruiner网站--
The Ruiner---Inside the Illuminati Mind
2015年 `阴谋破坏者the Ruiner, 他是一个内幕人士, 声称曾是光明会内部的人员。
现在2015年, 他以the Ruiner(阴谋破坏者)的名字开始揭开光明会的真相。中国前沿的翻译者们,
Illuminati -13 Parents光明会 - 13家长 /
作者: [阴谋破坏者the Ruiner] 2015年3月
What are They? 光明会-
The "Illuminati" is an order led by
'13 Parents'. Each 'Parent' represents the '13 Main Bloodlines'
that most know as the Illuminati.
What I call the Illuminati is the 13 Parents and their 'direct
followers' or "pupils".
“光明会”,是为首的由'13家长"管治。每一个“家长"代表了'13主要血族",多数称为光明会。 [13蓝血血统]
我所说的光明会是13家长和他们的“直接追随者/ 盟约者Covens”或“学生们”。
Each Parent can barely be considered
human. Each one, holds and protects knowledge of a specific method
for prolonging the like span of an organic life form. As well as
many other secrets. They know much more than the Cults and
Programs below them are aware of.
Each Parent could share this ability with what I am calling their
'direct followers'. This is what forms the various "cults"
associated with the Illuminati by most researchers and
每个家长可以勉强算是人类。每个人,保有具体的方法和知识,以为了延长有机生命体 (长寿)。以及许多其它的秘密。
他们比他们的下属知道更多的 [邪教程序]秘传。
每个家长可以分享这种能力, 给我呼吁他们“直接追随者”的。这是形成了光明会的各种形式“邪教”习俗 (cult.宗派祭祀)。
The Parents are the Illuminati when I
write moving forward. Please understand this and that I will
generalize all of the branches of their "cults" and "projects" and
"programs" under this name. These parents control the "cabal".
These Parents control the Secret and Public economy, military,
political systems, space programs, intelligence agencies, ect. in
every country on the entire planet.
这些家长们控制着“阴谋阴团Cabal”。这些家长控制的 `秘密的和公开的经济,军事,政治制度,太空计划,情报机构等。
在整个地球上每一个国家, 从古至今。
This Power to Control is not their own however. It belongs
to an ET race. You've all heard of them. The Draco.
Perhaps a little more than 13,000yrs
ago The Draco implemented a plan and the chess pieces in this game
would be the "Illuminati". (This is the name I am using because it
is the public name they gave themselves. This name, and the Cabal
name, and important characters in their End Game. )
The Draco require a focused post to break down their structure as
it impacts earth, which I may or may not choose to do, but not
或许,13,000yrs年前的 Draco天龙人实施的计划和棋子比赛游戏, 称作“光明会”。
(这是我使用的名字,因为这是他们给自己这个名字的,也是阴谋集团的名称,它是在 [终极游戏End Game]中的公共名称。
LT: 26000年来, 这是一场 [终极游戏End Game]。)
[在这个时间点], 天龙人需要一个重要的人,去解释一下,`光明会`的概念, 因为它深远的影响地球,
我(作者本人)可能是, 也可能不是被选择这样做,但现在我不是--- 作者认为天龙人会一个窗口发言人向大众说明
For now focus: The Draco control the Illuminati Parents. The
Illuminati Parents control the Illuminati. The Illuminati controls
overtly or covertly every program, project, cult, order, brother or
sisterhood, country/government you have ever read about or heard
现在重点: Draco天龙星人控制
光明会 控制 [耶稣会, 白色兄弟会, 神智学会, 维利会Vril,图勒Thule协会, 星光兄弟会, 苏茶花姐妹会,
北大清华同学会, 中华儿童园艺会, 和 人民体育全体大会。
`光明会 控制美国 CIA^NSA, 也控制 ACIO, WM, CM,NC, BM, AC, zeta议会,SSP
&Cobra 。…..
Draco龙之家族 = 红橙黄绿青蓝紫龙…. 七条大龙在26000年来,在地球大玩 party派对。00
黄龙指导了Cobra, 蓝龙指导了LT.; CM系列和楚雯所讲及的 `内巴顿宇宙
Nebadon`是2种不同的版本。七条大龙, 就有七个不同的版本故事….}
{蓝图先生 的主张: 银河的
堕落耶洛因, 是天龙人Draco, 是光明会。
艾洛希, 是天琴人及其后代, 是白色兄弟会。
西方只是事物的终结, 要明白真相, 地球要清醒, 需要东方的力量。
中国的 3000位光之战士, 是解放地球的终极力量。}
When The Draco leave this planet, and they will, the Illuminati
will take control for themselves. This happenstance had been spun
into disinfo in the form of an "overthrow" of the Draconian, Cabal
and Illuminati regime. The Draco will leave, almost completely, by
choice. The only Draco who will remain will be agents of the
Illuminati. The Illuminati will have full control in essence
absorbing the remaining Draco as Illuminati.
当 Draco天龙人离开这个星球,他们将会完全离开,于是,光明会将控制整个地球。这个事件, 被一种
`错误的信息disinfo`,使人们相信 已经“颠覆overthrow”了天龙星人, 阴谋集团, 及光明会政府。
[不久将来]天龙人会离开,几乎完全是这种选择。唯一留下来的天龙人, 会是光明会的代理人。光明会将有完全控制地球,
{作者的意思: 家长们会取代 天龙人, 完全管治整个地球;
这是天龙人作出的选择。 到时, 人们却以为,整个光明会/阴谋集团已经被取代了。事实是, 光明会全新已经管治了整个地球。
(算了, 我们不要太在意作者在说什么。一切都是戏剧。
我们只要跟着 LT 说计划的版本故事, 就可以了。}
At this point, their plan which started 13,000yrs ago and has seen
minor revisions to compensate for errors, will be unraveled.
It will appear fair, and be fowl. It will sound like what
you want enough that you will overlook that it is also what they
Most people of earth have been formed and shaped into wanting what
they want. So their Plan will sound Great to most when
这计划将会完满结束, 而大家都会觉得 `精彩Great!`。
LT: 家长和长老
黑色一方, `阴谋集团光明会`方面, 有 21位家长 Parents , 可以长生不死。
白色一方, `艾洛希的一方` :
星际兄弟会的 [12位长老 Elders] 住在喜玛拉雅山一个秘密的地下地点,
LT发现, 传授知识给 Cobra眼镜蛇的昴宿星人, 对于中国的神话非常熟悉, 知道西王母, 也知道斗姆女神。紅龙在中国,
白龙在日本。蓝龙在印度? 他們教导克里希那穆提Krishnamurti取得星际秩序之星。
[木星指挥部 Jupiter Command]是星际秩序和蓝龙家族背后的主要灵性力量。
至于传授知识给 楚雯 E.Trutwin的银河人类, 对于印度神话则非常熟悉, 知道各种往世书, 知道卡尔基K
知道 白度母White Tara & 绿度母 Green Tara.
(Tara塔拉, Rama罗摩)
LT: 我是一个萨满, 我是一个萨满, 我是一个萨满。
2.逆转能量体的熵的过程。这可以藉由内丹和外丹(inner/outer alchemy),通过男女极性的神圣结合而达至。
3.定期服用仙丹[elixir of life]支持这个过程。仙丹有两种,矿物仙丹比草药仙丹更有效和更强大。
星际兄弟会的 [12位长老] 住在喜玛拉雅山一个秘密的地下地点,过去26000年来他们维持着同一个物质躯体。
星际兄弟会把长生的知识通过他们的成员,炼金术士尼古拉斯.傅雷梅尔[Nicolas Flamel]传到西方。
在西方很多星际兄弟会的成员对峋山隐修会[Priory of
这本书和Achile Bocchi所写的Emblem Book《寓意画册》一起揭示了长生不老秘密的一些方面。
每一个月, 大致都有一个专题。
只有知道了真相, 我们才会自由。
Structure - The Parents 光明会家长
Posted by The Ruiner阴谋破坏者]
at <font COLOR="#FF/:00 PM
Your writer has been having an internal debate as to how to order
this information. Whether to start with the Bloodline and
work back to the Parents.
The only reason that approach would be used would be to take it
Fuck it. You are NOT children anymore.
The Parents:
~~The following information will go against a great deal of
research and drawn conclusions. With that said your writer is
confident that this will not matter in time~~
There are 21 Parents even though there are only 13 Main Bloodlines.
13 of the Parents focus on the 13 Main Bloodlines. The other
8 have more of a dual responsibility. There are other
Bloodlines respected as part of The Family who have been tangled up
with the 13, by way of marriage or other form of partnership.
The remaining 8 focus on these entangled Bloodlines. (How
many additional bloodlines make up the number of entangled
bloodlines your writer is unsure of) The Family Masters of
these 8 Parents' Covens are the main contact for multiple entangled
bloodlines. (Entangled Bloodlines are considered lesser than
the 13 Bluebloods or Pure Bloodlines.)
The Parents are not human like your writer or yourself are now.
Once they were Human, although they are different versions
of Human from us having been earlier genetic manipulations than we
are physically.
To sum this up quickly: Your history - the texts available
to the public - doesn't fully identify the different attempts to
create the version of human we are now, which is meant to be dumbed
down and metaphysically crippled. It required several
attempts to get us 'just right'.
~To interject some good news - They were not as clever as they
believed with our version of Humanity.~
The Parents are a slightly less manipulated version of Human from
us. Yes, they are a human variation. Not a Hybrid.
There is a difference that will be explained another
To reward the Parents for their loyalty The Draco taught each a
different trick. How to prolong their lives. They are
not immortal. They simply live longer due to enhanced
cellular regeneration. (This became their own collar and
They all hold knowledge of a different method for accomplishing
this. Yes, you are reading me correctly, 21 different ways
to prolong the life of an organic being. Unfortunately I
cannot share all of these methods and honestly only know a few and
others only in theory. These are deeply kept secrets shared
almost exclusively with the selected Coven Members of each
~~If you are reading between the lines I am telling you Vampires as
written in fiction do not exist, the stories originate from The
Parents and their Covens. This said, I am sure some may want to
turn this around. We all make choices.~~
The Parents interact directly with the Draco Royalty in charge of
this Planet. The Draco are their Superiors, their Masters.
They carry out the orders of the Draco as they are directed
to do, when they are directed to. Punishment takes on a
whole different meaning when your body is not easy to kill, so the
fear makes them obey. They are loyal despite having minds of
their own, and as a collective unit, (some) different desires than
their masters.
Draco Royalty make all the decisions and do not like to interact
with humans beyond the Parents and select others. The Draco
structure would require another post another time but for now, they
have a group they appoint as representatives for themselves when
they do wish to have face to face meetings with human groups beyond
the Parents and Covens. Their Soldiers and Hunters spend a
great deal of time interacting with humans inside Shadow Programs,
mainly related to military and space programs. They have
geneticists that are heavily involved with many of our human groups
as well, mostly related to Cloning, Regeneration and hybrid
For the most part, the furthering of agendas and programs is the
duty of the Parents. This is a big job as there is a lot to
They divide all of the required actions up between them based on
the skill-set of each Parent. The Draco set a goal, they
devise the plan of action with the aide of The Parents, and
The Parents then delegate the duties associated with each goal down
through the ranks of their Coven and related Bloodlines.
Living thousands of years is no picnic. Having met and
interacted with (some more than others) these Parents I can say
with reasonable certainty they do not have a pleasant existence and
many regret their choice to become as they are. Although
there are a few who embrace it fully and enjoy what they do, most
do not. The moral of the story kids, don't make deals with
At times the passing of vast amounts of time will break most of
them down and they will need to, literally, rest. This
results in what they call 'long sleeps'. Just as it sounds,
they will sleep for long periods of time, leaving behind for their
Covens detailed instructions, to act in their stead. The
Covens then carry out the assigned actions while The Parent
Some can just sleep. Literally, lay down and sleep.
Some require assistance either from an organic substance or
by means of technology. The technology is almost universally
called Stasis. "Just sleep", is no different than an animal
hibernating. The tech or substance induced sleep lasts much
longer than the hibernation. The tech can be set for
specific amount of time and can be interrupted at any time.
The sleep, takes a bit longer to wake up from and the Parent
must choose to awaken.
From what I have heard from these Parents the longest 'sleep' is
approximately 200 years. The longest induced sleep was 700
years. Fascinated by this your writer had to ask how
conscious they remain during these sleeps.
The technology method puts them into a dream-state where they are
only aware of the dreams within it. In case of emergency,
the Coven members are able to wake up The Parent.
The organic substance method sends them basically into a coma type
of state. They recall nothing, see nothing, feel nothing.
Time just goes missing for them. This method can be
reversed with a sort of antidote to the organic substance at a set
time or in case of emergency.
The hibernation seems the most intense. Those who use this
method claim they are in between awake and dreaming. Aware
of the events of the world to some extent telepathically absorbing
images and thoughts from the population. They are able to
communicate with other Parents or other telepathically adept
beings. In case of emergency the Coven can telepathically
request The Parent to awaken.
The Parents vary in age. The oldest two are about 13,000
years old, the next is only 100 younger and from there they are
randomly spaced apart in age, the youngest being 7000 year old
Although they all serve the same masters they are not all like
minded. They have some things in common, but also many
differences. Each has their own distinct personalities
encompassing different likes and dislikes and behaviors.
Your writer has jokingly called them The Abused Dogs of the Draco
because they often 'act out' like a traumatized dog might. Pissing
on the rug and biting the neighbors. The abuse that has occurred to
them they take out on others in various ways.
An example of this is their 'Hidden Hand Interrogation" ritual
(Likely where the author of "The Hidden Hand" material came up with
his name as this interrogation ritual is utilized by all levels and
orders/cults of Illuminati members - your writer has even stumbled
across pictures, possibly staged, possibly real, that show this
ritual, or ceremony if you will). Your writer does not feel
gruesome details will benefit you readers, so he will leave them in
silence. To sum up: They do some very unpleasant
things to their followers and this pattern of abuse echos all the
way down to the bottom levels with varying degrees of intensity.
Terrible, and inexcusable. Although your writer does
believe anything is forgivable - I will expand on this another time
I promise.
Some of them love their creation, some not so much. Some
have a wide variety of personal interests, some not so much.
Perhaps sometime I will tell some of their personal stories,
however your writer would need two things assured:
1 - They give their permission. 2 - The dictation can be
Contrary to popular belief even amongst members of this dark
family, The Parents are always in touch with various ET races or
civilizations both 'friendly' from the reader perspective and
'unfriendly' from the same perspective.
The world of exopolitics within the galactic community is mirrored
on earth much more than we may personally imagine or desire.
[insert broken record sound] We will return to this subject
another time in more detail.
Politics and compensation and ownership and many of the systems
given to us by the Draco exist in different versions all throughout
the game in this density. [insert bubble bursting noises,
followed by crickets]
The Parents operate as collective council who manage the property
of Earth - currently 'owned' by the Draco.
There is MUCH more to everything here than I am attempting to
explain at this moment as you can see, there is no mention of
anything beyond the material aspects of this game. Your
writer prefers as always to keep things simple. Yes, again
the broken record. My apologies, please try to become used to it.
All in due time.
The Parents have access to much more technology than anything your
writer has taken time to read, out in the public, has claimed.
They have had this access all along. More than 13,000
years. Despite all of the information leaks from members both
unintentional and intentional, they have managed to keep this much
at least from becoming common knowledge.
These beings coined the phrase, and live up to it - "The greatest
trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world he doesn't
exist." This unfortunate truth will cause as much cognitive
dissonance in a Bloodline member or Program member as someone
happily plugged into the matrix would if they were forced to visit
a ritual ceremony. As was said earlier, most members below
the Parents and Covens do not believe they even exist much less
that they are as involved as they are. Common knowledge is
the occultists have their cults and play with magic and wear
costumes, drowning in their own arrogance, filth and sucking on the
blood of the Human race. While all true, your writer
assures you it is much more as well.
This can all change.
The time they had to hide from you all is ending. Although
they are not a mythical creature who will vanish when seen. They
will be seen. They know they will and have shaped their plan
around this inevitability.


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