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Battle Chasers: Nightwar经典回合制RPG,发售日期:
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《战神黑夜战争Battle Chasers: Nightwar》是由THQ Nordic制作发行的角色扮演游戏,THQ Nordic是曾经打造《暗黑血统》系列的著名团队,游戏采用常见回合制的对战玩法,玩家将同时操作多个英雄角色进行战斗,相互配合争取胜利,如果你也喜欢这个类型的游戏,喜欢这款游戏的玩家赶快下载吧!游戏特色:传统JRPG风的作品采用回合制战斗系统利用多名不同特色的英雄展开战斗Roguelike元素,随机生成的迷宫游戏配置:操作系统: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 32 or 64 bit&处理器: 2.0 GHz CPU&内存: 2 GB RAM&图形: DirectX compatible graphic card with 512 MB RAM&DirectX 版本: 11&存储空间: 需要 5 GB 可用空间&声卡: DirectX compatible&附注事项: These are preliminary system specs that can and will change!使用说明:1.解2.开始游戏
战神黑夜战争Battle Chasers: Nightwar 简体中文硬盘版
下载帮助西西破解版软件均来自互联网, 如有侵犯您的版权, 请与我们联系。BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR - Gully animation by poojipoo on DeviantArt
Man,,, do you ever go around offering your work?&Because i'm sure as hell want to offer these for willing company.
This is absolutely amazing!!!
She looks so cool and nice animation!
I'm super excited to share with you guys some of the work I've had the pleasure of doing on the Battle Chasers: Nightwar game, which currently has a Kickstarter campaign going!! &You can check out the Kickstarter page here: &Me and the rest of the team at Powerhouse Animation have had a blast working with Joe Mad and the talented team at Airship Syndicate, and would like nothing more than to continue doing awesome action animation for those guys. &Please help spread the word about their Kickstarter, and help us continue working on something we love!!This is the complete Gully sequence from the Kickstarter video, but all put together. &In this case, we only had time to complete rough animation, and one shot of fully cleaned-up work for the end of their Kickstarter, but I hope you guys like it!
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This fantastic animation brings together a great understanding of movement in a 2-dimensional environment with incredible characters.& by
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i love this sm
I'm so excited about this. Not only do we get the game (with a donation) but a continuation of the comic (also with donation).
Holy mother of God! That's freaking amazing!&
Wow amazing work there
wow!! this is awesome!!&It will be incredible if you create a video tutorial explain us how you made this shot
i would love to know what animation program you used
I primarily work in Adobe F pretty much any version will do. & &I have also dabbled in Toon Boom and TVP both also excellent programs.
Just amazing man! thanks for sharing
words cannot descoribe how hard im fangurling right now! It's like watching this kid grow up to be a huge video game star after all those years of comc bokary and I just- I just~
THIS IS AMAZING!& The animation is smooth.& I would totally watch this.
woah... that was cool&&&&&&
love the part aty the end
Man,,, do you ever go around offering your work?&Because i'm sure as hell want to offer these for willing company.
I think I just love you.
Great action! Congrats on the DD!
Ah! Amazing!
Great work!!
Congratulations on your DD! !
This was awesome!
Could you teach me how to do this stuff? I.E. how to get Photoshop to cooperate. (I know, not a usual animation program, but it's all I've got besides Pivot, and everyone knows Pivot is just for fun, and also unavailable now.) I don't feel like getting some subscription / one-time big payment thing until I know I'm comfortable. (I know that latest Photoshop versions are subscription only. I have, like, CS2.)
Dat explosion doh...
Well done! Congrats on the DD
Absolutely awesome.&
Congrats on the DD! Have a nice day!
Wow, that looked like link with power fists.
I'd like to see this as anime series!
WOW ! Thats pvery impressing great job, you must have put a lot of work in this
This is amazing! *^*
Congrats , looks great!
BrAvoOOOoo pour La DD !!!!
dude.....this is so beyond epic! aw man i wish this was longer~
awesome animation!!!!
Amazing. Looks epic
Wow, incredible! How do you do that? O.O
It's funny you should ask! &My studio just put out a video giving a high-level explanation of how stuff like this is made! &You can check it out here: &
Sweet, thanks!
Beast mode....Dope shit!
awesome work
whoa whoa whoa!!!!!
superb! lovely motion and stoyline!
that was just fantastic.
Awesome animation, well actually all your animations are awesome
Good job on this man!
Freakin AWESOME! Great Composition and Timing! xD More Please!
OOOooO Got goosebumps *_*&
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