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阅读,只需一秒。精彩,尽在掌握!Spy Agencies Scour Phone Apps for Personal DataBy JAME
Spy Agencies Scour Phone Apps for Personal DataBy&JAMES GLANZ,&JEFF LARSON&and&ANDREW W. LEHREN&January 30, 2014&英美间谍利用“愤怒的小鸟”收集个人信息JAMES GLANZ,&JEFF LARSON,&ANDREW W. LEHREN&日When a smartphone user opens Angry Birds, the popular game application, and starts slinging birds at chortling green pigs, spies may be lurking in the background to snatch data revealing the player’s location, age, sex and other personal information, according to secret British intelligence documents.当一位智能手机用户打开流行的游戏应用“愤怒的小鸟”(Angry Birds),开始向哈哈大笑的绿色小猪发射小鸟时,间谍可能正藏在后台某处抓取信息,据机密的英国情报文件显示,这些信息能够泄露玩家的方位、年龄、性别和其他个人信息。In their globe-spanning surveillance for terrorism suspects and other targets, the National Security Agency and its British counterpart have been trying to exploit a basic byproduct of modern telecommunications: With each new generation of mobile phone technology, ever greater amounts of personal data pour onto networks where spies can pick it up.美国国家安全局(National Security Agency,简称NSA)和与其对应的英国情报机构为了在全球范围内监控恐怖主义嫌疑人和其他目标,一直在努力利用一种基本的现代通信副产品:随着一代代新的移动电话技术的诞生,越来越多的个人数据涌现在网络上,间谍可以随手拿来。According to dozens of previously undisclosed classifieddocuments, among the most valuable of those unintended intelligence tools are so-called leaky apps that spew everything from users’ smartphone identification codes to where they have been that day.几十份此前从未披露的机密文件显示,在所有这些无意中被当作间谍工具的程序中,最有价值的包括那些所谓的易泄密应用,它们会泄露从用户智能手机身份识别码到用户当天去过那些地方等各种数据。The N.S.A. and Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters were working together on how to collect and store data from dozens of smartphone apps by 2007, according to the documents, provided by Edward J. Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor. Since then, the agencies have traded recipes for grabbing location and planning data when a target uses Google Maps, and for vacuuming up address books, buddy lists, phone logs and the geographic data embedded in photos when someone sends a post to the mobile versions of Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter and other services.这些由NSA前承包商雇员爱德华J斯诺登(Edward J. Snowden)提供的文件显示,到2007年,NSA和英国的政府通信总部(Government Communications Headquarters)合作研究,如何从几十种智能手机应用中收集和存储数据。自那以后,这两家情报机构就开展了一系列的技术交流:如何在目标使用谷歌地图(Google Maps)时抓取位置信息和规划数据;在某人使用移动版的Facebook、Flickr、LinkedIn、Twitter等服务发送帖子时,完整地获取地址簿、好友列表、通话记录,以及照片中嵌入的地理位置信息。The eavesdroppers’ pursuit of mobile networks has been outlined in earlier reports, but the secret documents, shared by The New York Times,&The Guardian&and&ProPublica, offer far more details of their ambitions for smartphones and the apps that run on them. The efforts were part of an initiative called “the mobile surge,” according to a 2011 British&document, an analogy to the troop surges in Iraq and Afghanistan. One N.S.A. analyst’s enthusiasm was evident in the breathless title
“Golden Nugget!”
given to one slide for a top-secret 2010 talk describing iPhones and Android phones as rich resources, one document notes.窃听者对移动网络的兴趣在此前的报告中已有大致的描述,但是这些由《纽约时报》、《卫报》(The Guardian)和ProPublica共享的机密文件所提供的细节则要多得多,描述了他们对智能手机和上面运行的应用的勃勃野心。一份2011年的英国文件显示,这些举措是一项名为“移动增兵”的行动的部分内容,类比向伊拉克和阿富汗做出的增兵。一份文件指出,在2010年一场高度机密的会议中,一位NSA分析师展示了一部描述iPhone和Android手机是丰富资源的幻灯片,该部幻灯片令人窒息的名字就明确无误地显示了此人对移动网络的热情金块!(Golden Nugget!)。The scale and the specifics of the data haul are not clear. The documents show that the N.S.A. and the British agency routinely obtain information from certain apps, particularly some of those introduced earliest to cellphones. With some newer apps, including Angry Birds, the agencies have a similar capability, the documents show, but they do not make explicit whether the spies have put that into practice. Some personal data, developed in profiles by advertising companies, could be particularly sensitive: A secret 2012 British intelligence document says that spies can scrub smartphone apps that contain details like a user’s “political alignment” and sexual orientation.这种数据攫取的规模和细节尚不清楚。但这些文件显示,NSA和英国的情报机构定期从特定的应用中获取数据,特别是一些早期推出的手机应用。文件显示,对于“愤怒的小鸟”等较新的应用,这些情报机构也有类似的数据攫取能力,但文件并未明确显示,情报人员是否针对这些应用实施了操作。一些由广告公司开发的个人资料中包含的数据尤为敏感:一份2012年的英国情报机构文件表明,间谍能够彻底检索包含用户“政治立场”和性倾向等细节的智能手机应用。President Obama&announced new restrictions&this month to better protect the privacy of ordinary Americans and foreigners from government surveillance, including limits on how the N.S.A. can view “metadata” of Americans’ phone calls
the routing information, time stamps and other data associated with calls. But he did not address the avalanche of information that the intelligence agencies get from leaky apps and other smartphone functions.为了更好地保护普通的美国人和外国人的隐私不会受到政府监控,奥巴马总统本月宣布了新的限制措施,包括对NSA如何查看美国人电话的“元数据”作出限制,即路由信息、时间戳以及其他与通话相关的数据。但他并没有提及NSA从易泄密应用和其他智能手机功能锁获取的大量信息。And while he expressed concern about advertising companies that collect information on people to send tailored ads to their mobile phones, he offered no hint that American spies routinely seize that data. Nothing in the secret reports indicates that the companies cooperate with the spy agencies to s the topic is not addressed.虽然对于广告公司收集用户信息,向他们的手机发送定制广告的做法,他表示了担忧,但却丝毫没有提到美国间谍定期取得这些数据的做法。机密报告里没有任何内容显示,这些广告公司与情报机构进行合作,并分享信息;总统完全没有提及这一话题。The agencies have long been intercepting earlier generations of cellphone traffic like text messages and metadata from nearly every segment of the mobile network
and, more recently, computer traffic running on Internet pipelines. Because those same networks carry the rush of data from leaky apps, the agencies have a ready-made way to collect and store this new resource. The documents do not address how many users might be affected, whether they include Americans, or how often, with so much information collected automatically, analysts would see personal data.期以来,这些情报机构会从移动网络中的方方面面截取短信息与元数据等早期手机数据,并在近些年截取英特网通道上的计算机通信。因为这些网络还携带了来自易泄密应用的大量数据,情报机构拥有现成的手段来收集和存储这些新数据。相关文件没有表明,有多少用户受影响,其中是否包括美国人,或者说有了这么多自动收集的数据,分析师看到个人信息的频率有多高。“N.S.A. does not profile everyday Americans as it carries out its foreign intelligence mission,” the agency said in a written response to questions about the program. “Because some data of U.S. persons may at times be incidentally collected in N.S.A.'s lawful foreign intelligence mission, privacy protections for U.S. persons exist across the entire process.” Similar protections, the agency said, are in place for “innocent foreign citizens.”NSA在一份针对该项目问题的书面回答中说,“NSA在执行外国情报任务时并不会查看普通美国人的信息。因为在NSA执行合法的外国情报任务时,有时会附带收集到美国公民的一些数据,对美国公民的隐私保护会贯穿整个过程。”NSA表示,针对“无辜外国公民”也有着相似的保护机制。The British spy agency declined to comment on any specific program, but said all its activities complied with British law.英国政府通信总部拒绝对任何具体项目加以评论,但表示它所有的行动都符合英国法律。Detailed Profiles具体的个人资料Smartphones almost seem to make things too easy. Functioning as phones
making calls and sending texts
and as computers
surfing the web and sending emails
they generate and also rely on data. One secret report shows that just by updating Android software, a user sent more than 500 lines of data about the phone’s history and use onto the network.智能手机看起来几乎让一切变得太过容易。它既能作为电话使用,可以打电话、发短信,又能作为电脑使用,去浏览网页、发邮件,它们会产生出数据,也依赖数据。一份机密报告显示,仅仅是更新Android软件,一位用户就会向网络发送出500行电话的历史与使用信息。Such information helps mobile ad companies, for example, create detailed profiles of people based on how they use their mobile device, where they travel, what apps and websites they open, and other factors. Advertising firms might triangulate web shopping data and browsing history to guess whether someone is wealthy or has children, for example.这样的信息对移动广告公司是有帮助的,比如它们可以根据一个人使用移动设备的方式、去哪里旅行、打开过什么应用和网站等因素,建起这个人的详尽资料。广告公司可以对网购数据和网络浏览历史进行三角测算,猜出一个人是否富有,或有没有孩子等等。The N.S.A. and the British agency busily scoop up this data, mining it for new information and comparing it with their lists of intelligence targets.NSA和英国的情报机构对这种数据的采集非常积极,将挖掘来的新信息和它们罗列的情报目标进行比对。One secret 2010 British document suggests that the agencies collect such a huge volume of “cookies”
the digital traces left on a mobile device or a computer when a target visits a website
that classified computers were having trouble storing it all.从一份2010年的英国机密文件上看,情报机构收集的“网络饼干”(cookies)数据量极其巨大,以至于机密电脑在存储方面遇到了困难。网络饼干是目标访问一个网站时在他的移动设备或电脑上留下的数码痕迹。“They are gathered in bulk, and are currently our single largest type of events,” the document says.这份文件说,“数据是批量收集的,这是我们当前规模最大的一类活动。”The two agencies displayed a particular interest in Google Maps, which is accurate to within a few yards or better in some locations. Intelligence agencies collect so much data from the app that “you’ll be able to clone Google’s database” of global searches for directions, according to a top-secret N.S.A. report from 2007.两家机构对谷歌地图格外感兴趣,这种服务可以精确到几米内,在个别地点还要更理想。据NSA一份2007年的绝密报告,情报机构从谷歌地图应用收集到的数据多到“可以克隆出一个”谷歌全球路径搜索数据库。“It effectively means that anyone using Google Maps on a smartphone is working in support of a G.C.H.Q. system,” a secret 2008 report by the British agency says.英国情报机构的一份2008年的机密报告说,“实际上这意味着任何人在使用谷歌地图时都等于在支持一个政府通讯总部系统。”In December, The Washington Post, citing the Snowden documents,&reported&that the N.S.A. was using metadata to track cellphone locations outside the United States and was using ad cookies to connect Internet addresses with physical locations.)(《华盛顿邮报》[Washington Post]在12月援引斯诺登文件称,NSA在美国以外的地方使用元数据追踪手机定位,还通过广告饼干数据将互联网地址和实体地址联系起来。)In another example, a secret 20-page British report dated 2012 includes the computer code needed for plucking the profiles generated when Android users play Angry Birds. The app was created by Rovio Entertainment, of Finland, and has been downloaded more than a billion times, the company has said.2012年的一份长20页的英国机密报告给出了另一个例子,其中提到了一些电脑代码,可以用于提取Android用户玩“愤怒的小鸟”时留下的资料。这款应用的制作者芬兰Rovio娱乐公司称它的下载量已经超过10亿次。Rovio drew public criticism in 2012 when researchers claimed that the app was tracking users’ locations and gathering other data and passing it to mobile ad companies. In a&statement&on its website, Rovio says that it may collect its users’ personal data, but that it abides by some restrictions. For example, the statement says, “Rovio does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age.”2012年有研究人员称,“愤怒的小鸟”在跟踪用户的定位,还收集了其他一些数据传送给移动广告公司,Rovio也因此遭到了公开的批评。在一则公布在网站上的声明中,Rovio说它的确收集了用户的个人数据,但那是要遵守一些限制的。比如,声明说“Rovio不会有意收集13岁以下儿童的个人信息”。The secret report noted that the profiles vary depending on which of the ad companies
which include Burstly and Google’s ad services, two of the largest online advertising businesses
compiles them. Most profiles contain a string of characters that identifies the phone, along with basic data on the user like age, sex and location. One profile notes whether the user is currently listening to music or making a call, and another has an entry for household income.机密报告指出,这些资料的内容取决于是什么广告公司在编辑,其中包括两家最大的在线广告机构Burstly和谷歌的广告服务部。多数的个人资料包括一串用来识别手机身份的字符,还有一些用户基本数据,比如年龄、性别和位置。有一份资料显示了用户当前在听音乐还是打电话,还有一份包含了家庭收入这样的数据项。Google declined to comment for this article, and Burstly did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Saara Bergstrom, a Rovio spokeswoman, said that the company had no knowledge of the intelligence programs. “Nor do we have any involvement with the organizations you mentioned,” Ms. Bergstrom said, referring to the N.S.A. and the British spy agency.谷歌拒绝就本文置评,Burstly更是没有回应多次的置评请求。Rovio女发言人萨拉博格斯特罗姆(Saara Bergstrom)说公司对情报项目一无所知。“我们也没有和你提到的机构有任何接触,”博格斯特罗姆说,其中的机构指的是NSA和上述英国间谍机构。Another ad company creates far more intrusive profiles that the agencies can retrieve, the report says. The apps that generate those profiles are not identified, but the company is named as Millennial Media, which has its headquarters in Baltimore.报告称,还有一家广告公司创建了更具侵犯性的资料,并被情报机构获取。报告没有明确是哪些应用生成了这种资料,但公司名叫千年媒体(Millennial Media),总部设在巴尔的摩。Unwieldy Heaps不好处理的数据堆The agencies have had occasional success
at least by their own reckoning
when they start with something closer to a traditional investigative tip or lead. The spies say that tracking smartphone traffic helped break up a bomb plot by Al Qaeda in Germany in 2007, and the N.S.A. bragged that to crack the plot, it wove together mobile data with emails, log-ins and web traffic. Similarly, mining smartphone data helped lead to arrests of members of a drug cartel hit squad for the 2010 murder of an employee of an American Consulate in Mexico.起初在从一些更接近传统调查的消息或线索入手时,情报机构偶尔能取得一些成功至少它们自己这么认为。间谍们称,对智能手机数据往来的跟踪帮助他们在2007年瓦解了基地组织(Al Qaeda)在德国的一次炸弹阴谋。NSA夸耀说,为了瓦解这个阴谋,他们把电子邮件、用户登入和网站数据交换等移动数据整合了起来。2010年一名驻墨西哥的美国领馆雇员被谋杀后,智能手机数据挖掘起到了类似的作用,最终协助调查人员逮捕了某贩毒集团杀手组织的一些成员。But the data, whose volume is soaring as mobile devices have begun to dominate the technological landscape, is a crushing amount of information for the spies to sift through. As smartphone data builds up in N.S.A. and British databases, the agencies sometimes seem a bit at a loss on what to do with it all, the documents show. A few isolated experiments provide hints as to how unwieldy it can be.然而,随着移动设备开始成为技术领域的主导,数据的规模大幅增加,对间谍来说,如此巨量的数据筛查起来非常困难。从文件中可以看出,智能手机数据在NSA和英国人的数据库里日益累积,情报机构有时会感到茫然,不知道能用它来做什么。一些个别的实验让我们得以窥见其数据库有多么难以掌控。In 2009, the American and British spy agencies each undertook a brute-force analysis of a tiny sliver of their cellphone databases. Crunching just one month of N.S.A. cellphone data, a secret report said, required 120 computers and turned up 8,615,650 “actors”
apparently callers of interest. A similar run using three months of British data came up with 24,760,289 actors.2009年,英美两国间谍机构对它们的手机数据库中的一小片数据进行了穷举分析。一份机密报告说,仅对一个月的NSA手机数据进行筛查,就需要120台电脑,得到8,615,650个“参与者”结果显然指的是值得留意的电话通话人。在英国机构的三个月数据中进行类似的筛查,会得到24,760,289个参与者。“Not necessarily straightforward,” the report said of the analysis. The agencies’ extensive computer operations had trouble sorting through the slice of data. Analysts were “dealing with immaturity,” the report said, encountering computer memory and processing problems. The report made no mention of anything suspicious in the enormous lumps of data.报告称,分析“不见得一定是直截了当的”。情报机构的大规模电脑运算不足以对局部数据进行检索整理。报告说,分析人员要“面对不成熟性”,对付电脑存储和处理方面的问题。报告中没有提到在那些海量数据中是否发现了可疑的东西。
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