
→ 暗黑2万能修改器UdieToo汉化版详细使用教程
类型:游戏其他大小:3.4M语言:中文 评分:4.1
UDie Tools是相当直观的修改器了,没有另一宽修改器能做到如次此,根本不用人教的。。。运行后直接读取存档,跟游戏界面一样,你只需在各项数值上单击一下然后修改就可以,这部分相当简单,不用多解释。除了可以改人物能力、技能、钱,还可以修改物品,打开“项目保存(CTRL+S)”,把需要的装备直接拖到行囊里。。很BT的。。后面很有N多套装,另外还可以复制物品,直接右键单击任意物品or武器or道具,出现Copy Items的选项,就是复制拉,然后将复制出来的物品放在空位里就OK。再也不用为好符文留给哪个装备发愁了。。。
WinXP, WinAll
最后记住一定要保存才能退出。这只是个人使用经验,里面有具体修改物品属性的功能,只要记下属性的代码和格式长度就一切OK了我也是自学的比如要在一件装备上加&所有技能+7&(最高加7)的属性就用右键点装备选编辑,然后在2进制代码里找到专署特殊属性的一块(靠近最后的一块地方,字用灰和白的,看英文就知道了)在里面添上&&(前9位是加所有技能等级属性的代码,后三位是加的等级)1。首先进入你的人物,把view菜单下item store调出,view菜单里还有其它选项意义和atma差不多,各位自己看吧。2。从item store里拿出一个small charm。3。右键选edit item,调出物品属性编辑页。4。首先把这个小福改成“超强的”,这样才能让它拥有魔法属性(普通白色的物品不能拥有魔法属性,否则存档出错;不改成篮色,黄色是因为这两种颜色的物品一般都有等级限制,不能让1级bb拿)。改为“超强”的方法是鼠标点一下下面蓝色的0100,然后上面就显示quanlity和2。点那个2即为编辑。5。把2改为3(1=劣质的,2=普通白色,3=超强的,4=蓝色的。。。。。等等)6。改为3以后,代码会错误,小福上显示红字terminate not found(每个物品都必须在结尾处有连续9个1作为terminate),没关系,按delete properties就可以修正。7。下面该给物品添加属性,从右面选取吧。8。刷到左面物品上.9。大多属性都不用改+多少,因为刷上就已经是最大了,但是有些属性还是要改的(如光环,必须改光环类型--技能代码--因为默认代码是511,一个根本不存在的技能),每个属性都有9位的属性代码(下图红框部分),和若干位的数值代码(下图绿框部分,数值代码有可能有多段,比如光环这个属性全部是:属性代码-技能代码-技能等级)。补充说明:1。help菜单下的dd都很有用,可以帮助你查看技能代码、怪物代码等等2。在刷属性时千万不能刷错,没有“删除属性”这项,一旦刷错,只能delete properties重来了。3。右面有些属性后面带nv后缀的表示并不在游戏里显示出来,但起作用。还有一些没有上面绿框部分的是玻璃渣还没编辑好呢,刷上也不起作用4.一个电脑只能用一个99级,不能同时存两个UdieToo教程方案二1、打开。首先确保你的机子上安装了《暗黑破坏神II》V1.10B14版本的!然后把下载好的修改器解压出来,放在任意位置,然后双击打开(+_+!这不是废话么)。2、进入。确保你的暗黑上有人物存档(就是新建的人物),选中、点右下角的OK。 3、人物属性的编辑。由于更新成110以后,人物的属性都有了上限。例如:生命法力上限是8191。基本属性(如力量)是1023。技能等级99(但最高能改20,我晕)。人物等级只能通过经验来修改,99的经验好象是。编辑方法:点击属性的数字,修改!这里特别注意一下:由于上限的限制!一旦你编辑的数值超过上限,游戏就会把你所添的数字重置为减去上限值。例如你把力量改成1300,进游戏后就会变成4、任务的编辑点击查看-&任务(快捷键Q)把下边的2进制编码全部改成1即可通关(注意只能是1或0)。全部改0即可变为未完成的任务。 5、传送点的编辑。将前边的方格点上即可激活。1、装备的生成。按快捷键S从里边拿出自己想要编辑的装备。 上边的红圈表示防具,前边那个是武器,绿圈是魔法和任务物品,最后的兰色的是套装。2。编辑物品。把光标放到装备上,右键-&编辑。这里是最关键的,由于游戏读取的是2进制编码,所以这里的修改就比较麻烦黄色框:属性的名字。绿色框:10进制数字(可修改)红色框:快捷键 黄色框:属性的名字。绿色框:10进制数字(可修改)红色框:快捷键 左1、清除物品的修饰词(即:装备的基础类型。例:黄色,暗金,绿色...)。左2、清除物品上的属性。左3、是否允许打孔。左4-8、未定义。右1、物品的属性。右2、神符之语物品。右3、魔法物品前缀词(蓝色)。右4、魔法物品后缀词(蓝色)。右5、魔法物品前缀词(金色)。右6、魔法物品后缀词(金色)。右7、暗金物品。 装备的修改21、属性的添加和去除。点击右边的一个属性,光标就会变成一个魔棒,然后再往装备上点一下,OK添加成功!如果不想要就点清除属性。或者把这项属性的值设置为0。2、属性值的修改。大家注意到左边的那些没有,那里其实就是修改属性的最主要部分。当添加一个属性的时候左边就会多出2-4个字段,一个是属性ID,另外1-3个是数值设置。下边给大家看看如何添加“力量”这个属性。 从右边的属性框里选取Strength这个属性点到装备上。然后在下边的2进制编码中查找。那个红色的表示属性ID,0就是力量。绿色的是具体数值。可以修改,修改方法为:点击上边绿框下边的那个0进行修改。3、物品的基础属性修改。想不想让自己的装备即是无形而又不被损坏呢?想不想给自己的物品个性化一个很酷的名字呢?这里然后是是否为无形物品。1为是,0为否就告诉你怎么改。首先是物品是否为辩识好的。1为辩识过的,0为未辩识接着是给装备加上一个自己定义的名字。1表示有名字,0表示没有。特别注意:当改成1的时候需要清理一下物品的属性(点第2个方格)因为他会添加一个字符串,影响到你物品上的属性,所以最好是先把物品的基础做好后再加入其他属性。最后是如何改成无法破坏的,方法有两个:1改耐久。2添加一个无法破坏属性。改耐久的方法:找到MAX Dur这个字段改成0就可以无法破坏了,注意也要清理一下属性!UdieToo中文属性对照表  Strength 增加力量Energy 增加精力Dexterity 增加敏捷Vitality 增加体力Stat Points 没用Skill Points 没用Life 没用Max Life 增加最大生命Mana 没用Max Mana 增加最大魔法stamina 没用Max Stamina 没用level 没用experience 没用gold 没用goldbank 没用Enhanced Defense % 防御增加百分比Enchanced Damage % 伤害增加百分比Enchanced Min Dmg % 增加最小伤害百分比Attack Rating 增加命中率Chance of Blocking % 增加格挡率Min 1-handed Dmg 增加单手最小伤害Max 1-handed Dmg 增加单手最大伤害Min 2-handed Dmg 增加双手最小伤害Max 2-handed Dmg 增加双手最大伤害Damage % nv 伤害增加百分比Regenerate Mana % nv 法力再生Regenerate Mana Plus % 法力再生(隐藏)Heal Stemina Plus % 耐力恢复lastexp 没用nextexp 没用Defense 增加防御Def vs Missile 增加对近战的防御Def vs Melee 增加对远程攻击的防御Damage Reduced By 伤害减少Magic Dmg Reduced By 魔法伤害减少Damage Reduced By % 伤害减少百分比Magic Resistance % 魔法抵抗百分比Max Magic Resistance % 百分比增加最大魔法抵抗的百分比Fire Resistance % 增加火抗的百分比Max Fire Resistance % 增加最大火抗的百分比Lightning Resistance % 增加电抗的百分比Max Lightning Resistance % 增加最大电抗的百分比Cold Resistance % 增加冰抗的百分比Max Cold Resistance % 增加最大冰抗的百分比Poison Resistance % 增加毒抗的百分比Max Poison Resistance % 增加最大毒抗的百分比damageaura 没用Fire Damage 增加火焰伤害Max Fire Damage 增加火焰伤害最大值Lightning Damage 增加闪电伤害Max Lightning Dmg 增加闪电伤害最大值Magic Damage 增加魔法伤害Max Magic Damage 增加魔法伤害最大值Cold Damage 增加寒冷伤害Max Cold Damage 增加寒冷伤害最大值Cold Length 冻结目标的时间Poison Damage 增加毒伤害Max Poison Dmg 增加毒伤害最大值Poison Length 目标中毒的持续时间Life Stolen Per Hit Min 没用Life Stolen Per Hit Max 偷取生命Mana Stolen Per Hit Min 没用Mana Stolen Per Hit Max 偷取法力Stamina Drain Min 没用Stamina Drain Max 没用Stun Length 使目标眩晕的时间Run/Walk Speed % nv 跑步速率增加百分比(隐藏)Attack Speed % nv 攻击速率增加百分比(隐藏)other_animrate 没用quantity 没用value 没用Durabilty 没用 Max Durability 增加装备耐久Replenish Life 自行恢复生命值Max Durability % 没用Life % 增加生命上限%Mana % 增加法力上限%Attacker Takes Damage Of 反伤Extra Gold From Monsters % 怪掉的钱增加Chance Of Getting Magic Items % 这个就是**Knock Back 击退Time Duration (未测试)Add Class Skill 加单人技能Unsentparam1 未知属性1Add experience 增加百分比得到的经验值Heal after kill 加X生命在杀死一只怪物后Reduced prices 降低商人价格%Double Herb Duration (未测试)Light Radius 增加光照范围Light Color nv 光照范围(隐藏)Requirements % 物品对基本属性的需求 Level Require 没用Increased Attack Speed 提升攻击速度%Level Require % 增加等级需求Last block frame 格挡有关Faster Run/Walk 提升跑步速度%Non Class skill 无职业限制技能state 特殊状态,比如头上永远顶个经验祭坛Faster Hit Recovery Rate 加快打击恢复Monster player count 没用Poison override 没用Faster Block Rate 快速格挡速度Bypass undead 没用Bypass demons 没用Faster Cast Rate 快速释法速度Bypass beasts 没用Single Skill 增加职业限制技能Rest in peace 杀死怪物后恢复平静Curse resistance 抗诅咒几率Poison Length Reduced By % 自己的中毒时间减少Damage 增加伤害Hit Causes Monster To Flee % 使怪物怪物会逃跑Hit Blinds Target 打中的敌人会失明Damage To Mana % 受损生命转化为提高法力Ignore Target Defense 无视目标防御Target Defense % 减少目标防御%Prevent Monster Heal 防止怪物回血Half Freeze Duration 自己的冰冻时间减半Bonus To Attack Rating % 增加百分比额外的命中率Reduce Monster Defense per Hit 每次打中都减少怪物的防御Damage To Demons % 增加对恶魔系怪物的伤害Damage To Undead % 增加对不死系怪物的伤害Attack Rating Against Demons 增加对恶魔系怪物的命中率Attack Rating Against Undead 增加最不死系怪物的命中率Throwable (未测试)Elemental Skill 增加火焰技能All Skill Levels 增加所有技能Attacker Takes Lightning Dmg Of 攻击者受到电伤害ironmaiden_level 没用lifetap_level 没用thorns_percent 没用bonearmor 没用bonearmormax 没用Attack Freezes Target 冻结目标Chance of Open Wounds 撕开伤口的几率Chance of Crushing Blow 压碎攻击的几率Kick Damage 增加脚踢伤害Mana After Each Kill 加法力在杀死一只怪物后Life After Each Demon Kill 加生命在杀死恶魔系怪物后 Extra Blood 没用Chance of Deadly Strike 致命攻击的几率Fire Absorbs % 火焰吸收%Fire Absorbs 火焰吸收Lightning Absorbs % 闪电吸收%Lightning Absorbs 闪电吸收Magic Absorbs % 魔法吸收%Magic Absorbs 魔法吸收Cold Absorbs % 冰冷吸收%Cold Absorbs 冰冷吸收Slows Target By % 使目标减缓%Aura 灵气赐予Indestructible 装备无法破坏Cannot be Frozen 不会被冻结Slower Stamina Drain % 没什么用ReAnimate 杀死怪物后复活为Pierce Attack % 穿透攻击Fire Magic Arrows or Bolts 射出魔法箭Fire Explosive Arrows or Bolts 射出爆炸箭Min Throw Dmg nv 增加百分比最小远程攻击Max Throw Dmg nv 增加百分比最大远程攻击UnCoded 未知属性UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded Attack Vs Monster 对特定怪物增加命中率Damage Vs Monster 对特定怪物增加伤害fade 身体透明化Armor override % 没用Unused183 …Unused184 …Unused185 …Unused186 …Unused187 …Add Skill Tab 加入单系技能Unused189 没用Unused190 …Unused191 …Unused192 …Unused193 … Increased Sockets 增加凹槽(需先激活)Skill On Attack 攻击时释放特定魔法Skill On Kill 杀死怪物时释放特定魔法Skill On Death 自己死亡时放特定魔法Skill On Hit 打中时释放特定魔法Skill On Levelup 升级时释放特定魔法Unused200 没用Skill On Get Hit 被打中时释放特定魔法Unused202 没用Unused203 …Charged Skill 特定聚气技能Unused205 没用…Unused206 …Unused207 …Unused208 …Unused209 …Unused210 ..Unused211 …Unused212 ..Unused213 …Defense (on Lvl) 按等级增加防御Enhanced Defense (on Lvl) 按等级提高防御Life (on Lvl) 按等级提高生命值Mana (on Lvl) 按等级提高魔法值Maximum Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高最大伤害Enhanced MaxDmg (on Lvl) 按等级提高最大伤害%Strength (on Lvl) 按等级增加力量Dexterity (on Lvl) 按等级增加敏捷Energy (on Lvl) 按等级增加精力Vitality (on Lvl) 按等级增加体力Att Rating (on Lvl) 按等级增加命中率Bonus to Att Rating % (on Lvl) 按等级提高额外的命中率Maximum Cold Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大寒冷伤害Maximum Fire Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大火伤害Maximum Lightning Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大闪电伤害Maximum Poison Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大毒伤害Cold Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比冰抗Fire Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比火抗Lightning Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比电抗Poison Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比毒抗Absorbs Cold Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高吸收寒冷伤害能力Absorbs Fire Damage (on Lvl) ……吸收火伤害能力Absorbs Lightning Damage (on Lvl) ……吸收闪电伤害能力Absorbs Poison (per lvl) &很诱惑的属性,不过没用&Attacker Takes Damage of (on Lvl) 按等级反伤Extra Gold From Monsters % (on Lvl)按等级提高怪掉的钱Chance of Getting Magic Items % (on Lvl) 按等级提高**几率Heal Stamina Plus % (on Lvl) 没用Maximum Stamina (on Lvl) 没用Damage to Demons % (on Lvl) 没用Damage to Undead % (on Lvl) 没用Att Rating against Demons (on Lvl) 没用Att Rating against Undead (on Lvl) 没用Chance of Crushing Blow (on Lvl) 按等级提高压碎攻击的几率Chance of Open Wounds (on Lvl) ……提高撕开伤口的几率Kick Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高踢伤害Chance of Deadly Strike (on Lvl) 按等级提高致命攻击几率Find Gems per level 没用Repair 1 Durability In Seconds 按时间恢复耐久Replenish 1 Quantity In Seconds 回复数量Increased Stack Size 增加数量UnCoded 没用UnCoded …UnCoded …UnCoded …UnCoded …UnCoded …UnCoded ..UnCoded …UnCoded .UnCoded ..UnCoded .UnCoded .UnCoded . Defense (by Time) [1] 以下为属性/时间Defense (by Time) [2] Life (by Time) Mana (by Time)Max Damage (by Time) [1]Max Damage (by Time) [2]Strength (by Time)Dexterity (by Time)Energy (by Time)Vitality (by Time)Attack Rating (by Time) [1]Attack Rating (by Time) [2]Max Cold Dmg (by Time)Max Fire Dmg (by Time)Max Lightning Dmg (by Time)Max Poison Dmg (by Time)Cold Resistance % (by Time)Fire Resistance % (by Time)Lightning Resistance % (by Time)Poison Resistance % (by Time)Absorbs Cold Damage (by Time)Absorbs Fire Damage (by Time)Absorbs Lightning Damage (by Time)Blessed AimGold From Monsters % (by Time)Find Magic Items % (by Time)Heal Stamina Plus % (by Time)Max Stamina (by Time)Damage vs Demon % (by Time)Damage vs Undead % (by Time)Attack Rating vs Demon (by Time)Attack Rating vs Undead (by Time)Chance of Crushing Blow (by Time)Chance of Open Wounds (by Time)Kick Damage (by Time)Chance of Deadly Strike (by Time) item_find_gems_bytime 没用item_pierce_cold 减少敌人对冰技能抵抗%item_pierce_fire 减少敌人对火技能抵抗%item_pierce_ltng ……对闪电技能抵抗%item_pierce_pois ……对毒素技能的抵抗% item_damage_vs_monster 没用item_damage_percent_vs_monster …item_tohit_vs_monster …item_tohit_percent_vs_monster …item_ac_vs_monster …item_ac_percent_vs_monster …firelength …burningmin …burningmax …progressive_damage …progressive_steal ..progressive_other ..progressive_fire …progressive_cold …progressive_lightning …item_extra_charges …progressive_tohit …poison_count …damage_framerate …pierce_idx …passive_fire_mastery 增加百分比火技能伤害passive_ltng_mastery ……闪电技能伤害passive_cold_mastery ……寒冷技能伤害passive_pois_mastery 百分比转为毒素伤害passive_fire_pierce 减敌人对火技能抗性(测试效果为增加元素伤害上限)passive_ltng_pierce ……对闪电技能抗性passive_cold_pierce ……对寒冷技能抗性passive_pois_pierce ……对毒素技能抗性passive_critical_strike 不清楚passive_dodge 三闪之一passive_avoid 三闪……passive_evade 三闪……passive_warmth 热情passive_mastery_melee_th 未测试passive_mastery_melee_dmg …passive_mastery_melee_crit …passive_mastery_throw_th …passive_mastery_throw_dmg …passive_mastery_throw_crit …passive_weaponblock …passive_summon_resist …modifierlist_skill 没用modifierlist_level 没用last_sent_hp_pct 没用 source_unit_type 没用source_unit_id 没用shortparami 未测试questitemdifficulty 未测试passive_mag_mastery 未测试passive_mag_pierce 未测试
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Switch Poemods Style
Tier前缀物品等级+3 最大生命 (全域)机率价格T9健壮之(Hale)1 3 to 91.75%3x T8健康的(Healthy)5 10 to 191.75%3x T7乐观的(Sanguine)11 20 to 291.75%3x 哈库 215 35 to 445x T6坚信的(Stalwart)18 30 to 391.75%3x T5粗壮的(Stout)24 40 to 491.75%3x 哈库 425 45 to 5410x T4健壮的(Robust)30 50 to 591.75%3x 哈库 635 55 to 644x T3丰腴的(Rotund)36 60 to 691.75%3x T2阳刚的(Virile)44 70 to 791.75%3x T1运动员的(Athlete's)54 80 to 891.75%3x iLvl: 1:
3 to 9 (健壮之(Hale))iLvl: 5:
10 to 19 (健康的(Healthy))iLvl: 11:
20 to 29 (乐观的(Sanguine))iLvl: 15:
35 to 44 (哈库 2)iLvl: 18:
30 to 39 (坚信的(Stalwart))iLvl: 24:
40 to 49 (粗壮的(Stout))iLvl: 25:
45 to 54 (哈库 4)iLvl: 30:
50 to 59 (健壮的(Robust))iLvl: 35:
55 to 64 (哈库 6)iLvl: 36:
60 to 69 (丰腴的(Rotund))iLvl: 44:
70 to 79 (阳刚的(Virile))iLvl: 54:
80 to 89 (运动员的(Athlete's))
Tier前缀物品等级+15 最大魔力 (全域)机率价格T12绿宝石的(Beryl)1 15 to 191.75%1x T11钴蓝的(Cobalt)11 20 to 241.75%1x T10湛蓝的(Azure)17 25 to 291.75%1x 卡塔莉娜 220 27 to 325x T9蓝宝石的(Sapphire)23 30 to 341.75%1x T8天蓝的(Cerulean)29 35 to 391.75%1x T7水星的(Aqua)35 40 to 441.75%1x 卡塔莉娜 735 35 to 4410x T6乳白色的(Opalescent)42 45 to 491.75%1x T5龙胆的(Gentian)51 50 to 541.75%1x T4靛蓝的(Chalybeous)60 55 to 591.75%1x T3深蓝的(Mazarine)69 60 to 641.75%1x T2纯蓝的(Blue)75 65 to 681.75%1x T1钴蓝的(Zaffre)81 69 to 731.75%1x iLvl: 1:
15 to 19 (绿宝石的(Beryl))iLvl: 11:
20 to 24 (钴蓝的(Cobalt))iLvl: 17:
25 to 29 (湛蓝的(Azure))iLvl: 20:
27 to 32 (卡塔莉娜 2)iLvl: 23:
30 to 34 (蓝宝石的(Sapphire))iLvl: 29:
35 to 39 (天蓝的(Cerulean))iLvl: 35:
40 to 44 (水星的(Aqua))iLvl: 35:
35 to 44 (卡塔莉娜 7)iLvl: 42:
45 to 49 (乳白色的(Opalescent))iLvl: 51:
50 to 54 (龙胆的(Gentian))iLvl: 60:
55 to 59 (靛蓝的(Chalybeous))iLvl: 69:
60 to 64 (深蓝的(Mazarine))iLvl: 75:
65 to 68 (纯蓝的(Blue))iLvl: 81:
69 to 73 (钴蓝的(Zaffre))
Tier前缀物品等级+3 最大能量护盾 (区域)机率价格T7发光的(Shining)3 3 to 51.75%3x T6微光的(Glimmering)11 6 to 111.75%3x T5闪闪发亮的(Glittering)17 12 to 161.75%3x 哈库 420 27 to 346x T4泛光的(Glowing)23 17 to 231.75%3x T3辐射的(Radiating)29 24 to 301.75%3x T2脉冲的(Pulsing)35 31 to 381.75%3x T1沸腾的(Seething)43 39 to 491.75%3x iLvl: 3:
3 to 5 (发光的(Shining))iLvl: 11:
6 to 11 (微光的(Glimmering))iLvl: 17:
12 to 16 (闪闪发亮的(Glittering))iLvl: 20:
27 to 34 (哈库 4)iLvl: 23:
17 to 23 (泛光的(Glowing))iLvl: 29:
24 to 30 (辐射的(Radiating))iLvl: 35:
31 to 38 (脉冲的(Pulsing))iLvl: 43:
39 to 49 (沸腾的(Seething))
Tier前缀物品等级攻击附加 1 -
基础物理伤害 (全域)攻击附加 2 -
基础物理伤害 (全域)机率价格T4反光的(Glinting)5 1 21.75%3x T3磨光的(Burnished)13 2 to 3 4 to 51.75%3x T2抛光的(Polished)19 3 to 4 6 to 71.75%3x T1硬索之(Honed)28 4 to 6 9 to 101.75%3x iLvl: 5:
2 (反光的(Glinting))iLvl: 13:
4 to 5 (磨光的(Burnished))iLvl: 19:
6 to 7 (抛光的(Polished))iLvl: 28:
9 to 10 (硬索之(Honed))
Tier前缀物品等级攻击附加 1 -
基础火焰伤害 (全域)攻击附加 2 -
基础火焰伤害 (全域)机率价格T4加热的(Heated)1 1 20.88%1x T3闷烧的(Smouldering)12 3 to 5 7 to 80.88%1x T2冒烟的(Smoking)20 5 to 7 11 to 130.88%1x T1燃烧的(Burning)28 7 to 10 15 to 180.88%1x iLvl: 1:
2 (加热的(Heated))iLvl: 12:
7 to 8 (闷烧的(Smouldering))iLvl: 20:
11 to 13 (冒烟的(Smoking))iLvl: 28:
15 to 18 (燃烧的(Burning))
Tier前缀物品等级攻击附加 1 -
基础冰霜伤害 (全域)攻击附加 2 -
基础冰霜伤害 (全域)机率价格T4结霜的(Frosted)2 1 20.88%1x T3冷冻的(Chilled)13 3 to 4 7 to 80.88%1x T2结冰的(Icy)21 5 to 7 10 to 120.88%1x T1寒风的(Frigid)29 6 to 9 13 to 160.88%1x iLvl: 2:
2 (结霜的(Frosted))iLvl: 13:
7 to 8 (冷冻的(Chilled))iLvl: 21:
10 to 12 (结冰的(Icy))iLvl: 29:
13 to 16 (寒风的(Frigid))
Tier前缀物品等级攻击附加 1 -
基础闪电伤害 (全域)攻击附加 5 -
基础闪电伤害 (全域)机率价格T4雷电之(Humming)3 1 50.88%1x T3嗡嗡的(Buzzing)13 1 14 to 150.88%1x T2捕捉的(Snapping)22 1 to 2 22 to 230.88%1x T1劈哩啪啦的(Crackling)28 1 to 2 27 to 280.88%1x iLvl: 3:
5 (雷电之(Humming))iLvl: 13:
14 to 15 (嗡嗡的(Buzzing))iLvl: 22:
22 to 23 (捕捉的(Snapping))iLvl: 28:
27 to 28 (劈哩啪啦的(Crackling))
Tier前缀物品等级0.2% 物理攻击伤害偷取生命 (全域)机率价格哈库 520 0.2 to 0.42x T1鲫鱼的(Remora's)50 0.2 to 0.41.75%3x iLvl: 20:
0.2 to 0.4 (哈库 5)iLvl: 50:
0.2 to 0.4 (鲫鱼的(Remora's))
Tier前缀物品等级该装备的能量护盾增加 11% (区域)机率价格T7保护的(Protective)3 11 to 281.75%3x T6意志坚强的(Strong-Willed)18 27 to 421.75%3x 哈库 220 38 to 555x T5坚决的(Resolute)30 43 to 551.75%3x 哈库 430 56 to 7410x T4无惧的(Fearless)44 56 to 671.75%3x T3无畏的(Dauntless)60 68 to 791.75%3x T2无法征服的(Indomitable)72 80 to 911.75%3x T1坚不可摧的(Unassailable)84 92 to 1001.75%3x iLvl: 3:
11 to 28 (保护的(Protective))iLvl: 18:
27 to 42 (意志坚强的(Strong-Willed))iLvl: 20:
38 to 55 (哈库 2)iLvl: 30:
43 to 55 (坚决的(Resolute))iLvl: 30:
56 to 74 (哈库 4)iLvl: 44:
56 to 67 (无惧的(Fearless))iLvl: 60:
68 to 79 (无畏的(Dauntless))iLvl: 72:
80 to 91 (无法征服的(Indomitable))iLvl: 84:
92 to 100 (坚不可摧的(Unassailable))
Tier前缀物品等级该装备的能量护盾增加 6% (区域)增加 6% 晕眩回复和格挡回复 (全域)机率价格T6妖精的(Pixie's)3 6 to 13 6 to 71.75%3x T5小魔怪的(Gremlin's)18 14 to 20 8 to 91.75%3x T4幻形怪的(Boggart's)30 21 to 26 10 to 111.75%3x T3纳迦的(Naga's)44 27 to 32 12 to 131.75%3x T2巨灵的(Djinn's)60 33 to 38 14 to 151.75%3x T1六翼天使的(Seraphim's)78 39 to 42 16 to 171.75%3x iLvl: 3:
6 to 7 (妖精的(Pixie's))iLvl: 18:
14 to 20 /
8 to 9 (小魔怪的(Gremlin's))iLvl: 30:
21 to 26 /
10 to 11 (幻形怪的(Boggart's))iLvl: 44:
27 to 32 /
12 to 13 (纳迦的(Naga's))iLvl: 60:
33 to 38 /
14 to 15 (巨灵的(Djinn's))iLvl: 78:
39 to 42 /
16 to 17 (六翼天使的(Seraphim's))
Tier前缀物品等级+8 最大能量护盾 (区域)+18 最大生命 (全域)机率价格T2实验的(Monk's)30 8 to 10 18 to 231.75%3x T1实验的(Prior's)46 11 to 15 24 to 281.75%3x iLvl: 30:
18 to 23 (实验的(Monk's))iLvl: 46:
11 to 15 /
24 to 28 (实验的(Prior's))
Tier前缀物品等级0.2% 物理攻击伤害偷取魔力 (全域)机率价格哈库 520 0.2 to 0.42x T1口渴的(Thirsty)50 0.2 to 0.41.75%5x iLvl: 20:
0.2 to 0.4 (哈库 5)iLvl: 50:
0.2 to 0.4 (口渴的(Thirsty))
Tier前缀物品等级增加 8% 物品稀有度 (全域)机率价格T2喜鹊的(Magpie's)20 8 to 121.75%2x T1海盗的(Pirate's)39 13 to 181.75%2x iLvl: 20:
8 to 12 (喜鹊的(Magpie's))iLvl: 39:
13 to 18 (海盗的(Pirate's))
Tier前缀物品等级该装备的护甲增加 38% (区域)机率价格哈库 220 38 to 555x 哈库 430 56 to 7410x iLvl: 20:
38 to 55 (哈库 2)iLvl: 30:
56 to 74 (哈库 4)
Tier前缀物品等级该装备的闪避值增加 38% (区域)机率价格哈库 220 38 to 555x 哈库 430 56 to 7410x iLvl: 20:
38 to 55 (哈库 2)iLvl: 30:
56 to 74 (哈库 4)
Tier前缀物品等级该装备的护甲与能量护盾增加 38% (区域)机率价格哈库 320 38 to 555x 哈库 530 56 to 7410x iLvl: 20:
38 to 55 (哈库 3)iLvl: 30:
56 to 74 (哈库 5)
Tier前缀物品等级该装备的护甲与闪避增加 38% (区域)机率价格哈库 320 38 to 555x 哈库 530 56 to 7410x iLvl: 20:
38 to 55 (哈库 3)iLvl: 30:
56 to 74 (哈库 5)
Tier前缀物品等级该装备的闪避与能量护盾增加 38% (区域)机率价格哈库 320 38 to 555x 哈库 530 56 to 7410x iLvl: 20:
38 to 55 (哈库 3)iLvl: 30:
56 to 74 (哈库 5)
Tier前缀物品等级该装备的护甲 +23 点 (区域)机率价格哈库 420 23 to 486x iLvl: 20:
23 to 48 (哈库 4)
Tier前缀物品等级该装备的闪避值 +23 点 (区域)机率价格哈库 420 23 to 486x iLvl: 20:
23 to 48 (哈库 4)
Tier前缀物品等级召唤生物的最大生命增加 10% (全域)机率价格卡塔莉娜 220 10 to 151x iLvl: 20:
10 to 15 (卡塔莉娜 2)
Tier前缀物品等级召唤生物的伤害增加 10% (全域)机率价格卡塔莉娜 435 10 to 152x iLvl: 35:
10 to 15 (卡塔莉娜 4)
Tier后缀物品等级+8 敏捷 (全域)机率价格T9猫鼬之(of the Mongoose)1 8 to 121.42%3x T8山猫之(of the Lynx)11 13 to 171.42%3x 哈库 215 20 to 254x T7狐狸之(of the Fox)22 18 to 221.42%3x 哈库 325 26 to 308x T6猎鹰之(of the Falcon)33 23 to 271.42%3x T5豹之(of the Panther)44 28 to 321.42%3x T4花豹之(of the Leopard)55 33 to 371.42%3x T3美洲豹之(of the Jaguar)66 38 to 421.42%3x T2幻影之(of the Phantom)74 43 to 501.42%3x T1风之(of the Wind)82 51 to 551.42%3x iLvl: 1:
8 to 12 (猫鼬之(of the Mongoose))iLvl: 11:
13 to 17 (山猫之(of the Lynx))iLvl: 15:
20 to 25 (哈库 2)iLvl: 22:
18 to 22 (狐狸之(of the Fox))iLvl: 25:
26 to 30 (哈库 3)iLvl: 33:
23 to 27 (猎鹰之(of the Falcon))iLvl: 44:
28 to 32 (豹之(of the Panther))iLvl: 55:
33 to 37 (花豹之(of the Leopard))iLvl: 66:
38 to 42 (美洲豹之(of the Jaguar))iLvl: 74:
43 to 50 (幻影之(of the Phantom))iLvl: 82:
51 to 55 (风之(of the Wind))
Tier后缀物品等级+8 智慧 (全域)机率价格T9瞳孔之(of the Pupil)1 8 to 121.42%3x T8学徒之(of the Student)11 13 to 171.42%3x 卡塔莉娜 215 20 to 254x T7奇才之(of the Prodigy)22 18 to 221.42%3x 卡塔莉娜 325 26 to 308x T6预言之(of the Augur)33 23 to 271.42%3x T5哲学家之(of the Philosopher)44 28 to 321.42%3x T4圣人之(of the Sage)55 33 to 371.42%3x T3大学者之(of the Savant)66 38 to 421.42%3x T2神技之(of the Virtuoso)74 43 to 501.42%3x T1天才之(of the Genius)82 51 to 551.42%3x iLvl: 1:
8 to 12 (瞳孔之(of the Pupil))iLvl: 11:
13 to 17 (学徒之(of the Student))iLvl: 15:
20 to 25 (卡塔莉娜 2)iLvl: 22:
18 to 22 (奇才之(of the Prodigy))iLvl: 25:
26 to 30 (卡塔莉娜 3)iLvl: 33:
23 to 27 (预言之(of the Augur))iLvl: 44:
28 to 32 (哲学家之(of the Philosopher))iLvl: 55:
33 to 37 (圣人之(of the Sage))iLvl: 66:
38 to 42 (大学者之(of the Savant))iLvl: 74:
43 to 50 (神技之(of the Virtuoso))iLvl: 82:
51 to 55 (天才之(of the Genius))
Tier后缀物品等级增加 6% 物品稀有度 (全域)机率价格T2掠夺的(of Plunder)3 6 to 101.42%2x T1扫荡的(of Raiding)30 11 to 141.42%2x iLvl: 3:
6 to 10 (掠夺的(of Plunder))iLvl: 30:
11 to 14 (扫荡的(of Raiding))
Tier后缀物品等级增加 5% 攻击速度 (全域)机率价格T4技巧之(of Skill)1 5 to 70.71%3x T3轻松之(of Ease)11 8 to 100.71%3x 哈库 720 9 to 123x T2成熟之(of Mastery)22 11 to 130.71%3x T1声望之(of Grandmastery)76 14 to 160.71%3x iLvl: 1:
5 to 7 (技巧之(of Skill))iLvl: 11:
8 to 10 (轻松之(of Ease))iLvl: 20:
9 to 12 (哈库 7)iLvl: 22:
11 to 13 (成熟之(of Mastery))iLvl: 76:
14 to 16 (声望之(of Grandmastery))
Tier后缀物品等级+5 命中值 (全域)机率价格T9平静之(of Calm)1 5 to 151.42%1x T8稳健之(of Steadiness)12 16 to 601.42%1x T7精准之(of Accuracy)20 61 to 1001.42%1x T6-精准(of Precision)26 101 to 1301.42%1x T5狙击手之(of the Sniper)33 131 to 1651.42%1x T4神射手之(of the Marksman)41 166 to 2001.42%1x T3鹰眼之(of the Deadeye)50 201 to 2501.42%1x T2游侠之(of the Ranger)63 251 to 3201.42%1x T1暗影之(of the Assassin)76 321 to 4001.42%1x iLvl: 1:
5 to 15 (平静之(of Calm))iLvl: 12:
16 to 60 (稳健之(of Steadiness))iLvl: 20:
61 to 100 (精准之(of Accuracy))iLvl: 26:
101 to 130 (-精准(of Precision))iLvl: 33:
131 to 165 (狙击手之(of the Sniper))iLvl: 41:
166 to 200 (神射手之(of the Marksman))iLvl: 50:
201 to 250 (鹰眼之(of the Deadeye))iLvl: 63:
251 to 320 (游侠之(of the Ranger))iLvl: 76:
321 to 400 (暗影之(of the Assassin))
Tier后缀物品等级1 每秒生命回复 (全域)机率价格T6蝾螈之(of the Newt)1 1 to 21.42%1x T5蜥蜴之(of the Lizard)18 2 to 31.42%1x T4海星之(of the Starfish)30 3 to 41.42%1x T3九头蛇之(of the Hydra)44 4 to 51.42%1x T2食人妖之(of the Troll)59 5 to 61.42%1x T1凤凰之(of the Phoenix)78 6 to 71.42%1x iLvl: 1:
1 to 2 (蝾螈之(of the Newt))iLvl: 18:
2 to 3 (蜥蜴之(of the Lizard))iLvl: 30:
3 to 4 (海星之(of the Starfish))iLvl: 44:
4 to 5 (九头蛇之(of the Hydra))iLvl: 59:
5 to 6 (食人妖之(of the Troll))iLvl: 78:
6 to 7 (凤凰之(of the Phoenix))
Tier后缀物品等级+6% 火焰抗性 (全域)机率价格T8幼龙之(of the Whelpling)1 6 to 111.42%1x T7火蜥蜴之(of the Salamander)12 12 to 171.42%1x 哈库 420 21 to 256x T6火龙之(of the Drake)24 18 to 231.42%1x 哈库 630 26 to 302x T5窑炉之(of the Kiln)36 24 to 291.42%1x T4炉火之(of the Furnace)48 30 to 351.42%1x T3火山之(of the Volcano)60 36 to 411.42%1x T2岩浆之(of the Magma)72 42 to 451.42%1x T1提耶须之(of Tzteosh)84 46 to 481.42%1x iLvl: 1:
6 to 11 (幼龙之(of the Whelpling))iLvl: 12:
12 to 17 (火蜥蜴之(of the Salamander))iLvl: 20:
21 to 25 (哈库 4)iLvl: 24:
18 to 23 (火龙之(of the Drake))iLvl: 30:
26 to 30 (哈库 6)iLvl: 36:
24 to 29 (窑炉之(of the Kiln))iLvl: 48:
30 to 35 (炉火之(of the Furnace))iLvl: 60:
36 to 41 (火山之(of the Volcano))iLvl: 72:
42 to 45 (岩浆之(of the Magma))iLvl: 84:
46 to 48 (提耶须之(of Tzteosh))
Tier后缀物品等级+6% 冰霜抗性 (全域)机率价格T8北方民族之(of the Inuit)1 6 to 111.42%1x T7海豹之(of the Seal)14 12 to 171.42%1x 哈库 420 21 to 256x T6企鹅之(of the Penguin)26 18 to 231.42%1x 哈库 630 26 to 302x T5雪人之(of the Yeti)38 24 to 291.42%1x T4海象之(of the Walrus)50 30 to 351.42%1x T3北极熊之(of the Polar Bear)60 36 to 411.42%1x T2冰之(of the Ice)72 42 to 451.42%1x T1哈斯特之(of Haast)84 46 to 481.42%1x iLvl: 1:
6 to 11 (北方民族之(of the Inuit))iLvl: 14:
12 to 17 (海豹之(of the Seal))iLvl: 20:
21 to 25 (哈库 4)iLvl: 26:
18 to 23 (企鹅之(of the Penguin))iLvl: 30:
26 to 30 (哈库 6)iLvl: 38:
24 to 29 (雪人之(of the Yeti))iLvl: 50:
30 to 35 (海象之(of the Walrus))iLvl: 60:
36 to 41 (北极熊之(of the Polar Bear))iLvl: 72:
42 to 45 (冰之(of the Ice))iLvl: 84:
46 to 48 (哈斯特之(of Haast))
Tier后缀物品等级+6% 闪电抗性 (全域)机率价格T8云朵之(of the Cloud)1 6 to 111.42%1x T7冰雹之(of the Squall)13 12 to 171.42%1x 哈库 420 21 to 256x T6带电之(of the Storm)25 18 to 231.42%1x 哈库 630 26 to 302x T5积雨云之(of the Thunderhead)37 24 to 291.42%1x T4暴风雨之(of the Tempest)49 30 to 351.42%1x T3台风之(of the Maelstrom)60 36 to 411.42%1x T2电之(of the Lightning)72 42 to 451.42%1x T1艾菲吉之(of Ephij)84 46 to 481.42%1x iLvl: 1:
6 to 11 (云朵之(of the Cloud))iLvl: 13:
12 to 17 (冰雹之(of the Squall))iLvl: 20:
21 to 25 (哈库 4)iLvl: 25:
18 to 23 (带电之(of the Storm))iLvl: 30:
26 to 30 (哈库 6)iLvl: 37:
24 to 29 (积雨云之(of the Thunderhead))iLvl: 49:
30 to 35 (暴风雨之(of the Tempest))iLvl: 60:
36 to 41 (台风之(of the Maelstrom))iLvl: 72:
42 to 45 (电之(of the Lightning))iLvl: 84:
46 to 48 (艾菲吉之(of Ephij))
Tier后缀物品等级+5% 混沌抗性 (全域)机率价格T6失落之(of the Lost)16 5 to 100.36%1x T5放逐之(of Banishment)30 11 to 150.36%1x T4驱逐之(of Eviction)44 16 to 200.36%1x T3出境之(of Expulsion)56 21 to 250.36%1x T2流亡之(of Exile)65 26 to 300.36%1x T1巴曼斯之(of Bameth)81 31 to 350.36%1x iLvl: 16:
5 to 10 (失落之(of the Lost))iLvl: 30:
11 to 15 (放逐之(of Banishment))iLvl: 44:
16 to 20 (驱逐之(of Eviction))iLvl: 56:
21 to 25 (出境之(of Expulsion))iLvl: 65:
26 to 30 (流亡之(of Exile))iLvl: 81:
31 to 35 (巴曼斯之(of Bameth))
Tier后缀物品等级攻击命中 +2 回复生命 (全域)机率价格T1回春之(of Rejuvenation)8 21.42%1x iLvl: 8:
2 (回春之(of Rejuvenation))
Tier后缀物品等级击败回复 +3 生命 (全域)机率价格T3成功之(of Success)1 3 to 61.42%1x T2胜利之(of Victory)23 7 to 101.42%1x T1凯旋之(of Triumph)40 11 to 141.42%1x iLvl: 1:
3 to 6 (成功之(of Success))iLvl: 23:
7 to 10 (胜利之(of Victory))iLvl: 40:
11 to 14 (凯旋之(of Triumph))
Tier后缀物品等级击败回复 +1 魔力 (全域)机率价格T3吸收之(of Absorption)1 11.42%1x T2逆渗透之(of Osmosis)24 2 to 31.42%1x T1消耗之(of Consumption)40 4 to 61.42%1x iLvl: 1:
1 (吸收之(of Absorption))iLvl: 24:
2 to 3 (逆渗透之(of Osmosis))iLvl: 40:
4 to 6 (消耗之(of Consumption))
Tier后缀物品等级减少 18% 能力值需求 (区域)机率价格T2值得之(of the Worthy)36 180.64%1x T1容易之(of the Apt)60 320.64%1x iLvl: 36:
18 (值得之(of the Worthy))iLvl: 60:
32 (容易之(of the Apt))
Tier后缀物品等级+20 力量 (全域)机率价格哈库 215 20 to 254x 哈库 325 26 to 308x iLvl: 15:
20 to 25 (哈库 2)iLvl: 25:
26 to 30 (哈库 3)
Tier后缀物品等级+11 全能力 (全域)机率价格哈库 620 11 to 143x iLvl: 20:
11 to 14 (哈库 6)
Tier后缀物品等级+8% 火焰与冰霜抗性 (全域)机率价格哈库 735 8 to 132x iLvl: 35:
8 to 13 (哈库 7)
Tier后缀物品等级+8% 冰霜与闪电抗性 (全域)机率价格哈库 735 8 to 132x iLvl: 35:
8 to 13 (哈库 7)
Tier后缀物品等级+8% 火焰与闪电抗性 (全域)机率价格哈库 735 8 to 132x iLvl: 35:
8 to 13 (哈库 7)
Tier后缀物品等级1% 额外攻击格挡率 (全域)机率价格哈库 730 1 to 22x iLvl: 30:
1 to 2 (哈库 7)
Tier后缀物品等级20% 几率避免被冰缓 (全域)机率价格里欧 520 20 to 252x iLvl: 20:
20 to 25 (里欧 5)
Tier后缀物品等级20% 几率避免被冰冻 (全域)机率价格里欧 620 20 to 252x iLvl: 20:
20 to 25 (里欧 6)
Tier后缀物品等级20% 几率避免被感电 (全域)机率价格里欧 720 20 to 252x iLvl: 20:
20 to 25 (里欧 7)
Tier后缀物品等级20% 几率避免被点燃 (全域)机率价格里欧 420 20 to 252x iLvl: 20:
20 to 25 (里欧 4)
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界面 中选择【物品显示过滤器】, 可以只显示重要的掉落物品.
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