rpg rpgmakermv input:哪些建

RPGMAKER was born to fulfill the desire of creating an original RPG without programming knowledge. Four years have passed since the release of the previous RPGMAKER, VX Ace. The landscape of gaming, especially for RPGs, has changed greatly. So did the needs of our users. With the latest installment, RPGMAKER MV allows the dreams of many of its fans to come true! RPGMAKER can now create RPGs for MacOSX, Android and iPhone!
* Your purchase will include: Stand-alone version of RPG Maker MV for Windows, complimentary Steam key for RPG Maker MV for Windows/Mac/Linux, free bonus materials.
Sample Data Included
To help everyone create a game easily, we included some sample datas that you can easily use! We have over 100 Sample Maps, Character Generator Parts and more! RTP is now integrated in the engine to save the users trouble.
Javascript to create complex games
RPG Maker MV uses the well known JavaScript, in combination with HTML5 export. By mastering Javascript, you will be able to change the game to your liking, from Battles to Menu UIs. This feature is oriented to experienced developers. You now have the ability to control all parts of the game. No more hidden classes!
Multiplatform Distribution & Mac Support
You can now create your own RPG Maker games on Macintosh. It will be released at the same time as the Windows version. RPG Maker MV users will be able to build games for the following platforms:
HTML 5 for Web Browsers
Mouse & Touch Input Support
Tired of doing all actions via the keyboard? You can now play your RPG with your finger on touch devices, and mouse on computers.
Large Database
Support for twice as many items as VX Ace for a grand total of 2,000!
Battle System Modes
With a tick of a checkbox, you can switch from the classic Front View Battle to Side View.
Three Map Layers
RPG Maker MV has an automated upper layer to make it easy to create and edit elaborate maps!
Higher Screen Resolution
The previous RPG Maker's screen resolution was 544x416 pixels. RPG Maker MV's screen resolution is now 816x624 pixels. The size of all graphical assets (including animations) are now 1.5 times the previous versions of RPG Maker. For example, characters used to be 32x32, and now they are 48x48.
Introducing Plugin Manager
By adding js files in the project's plugin folder, you will be able to select the plugin in the Plugin Manager. You can see script details, script parameters and the ability to set it ON and OFF. Using Plugin Manager will be much easier to use than the old format. Allowing minimal user interference to prevent errors and easily order the scripts than the previous makers.
Event Searcher
One of the missed functions from RPG Maker 2003, The Event Search function is back! The bigger your game gets, the more Variables, Switches and Events you'll use. It quickly becomes harder to manage and find specific parameters. Using the Event Search tool will allow you to save time and quickly see all instances of a particular variable or switch!
System Requirements
Windows (standalone/Steam)
Mac (Steam)
Linux (Steam)
WindowsR 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit)
Mac OS X 10.10 or better
Ubuntu 14.04 or Steam OS 2.0 (64 bit)
Intel Core2 Duo or better
2GB or more
Installation needs over 2GB
DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
Download (Windows trial)
To download the windows trial version just enter your name and email and click on the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button.
What you can expect from us
Secure payments, secure information.
Product key delivered immediately by email.
Support for sales as well as technical issues.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and PayPal accepted.
The Mac OSX version of RPG Maker MV uses Valve's Steam platform as DRM. When you purchase from this site, you'll receive a key that will activate the Steam version of RPG Maker MV.
* Your purchase will include: Stand-alone version of RPG Maker MV for Windows, complementary Steam key for RPG Maker MV for Windows/Mac, free bonus materials.
Make your own Role-Playing Gamesrpg maker 教程
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RPG Maker XP 人物仓库 脚本
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# ■ 人物仓库ver1.02正式版
# 修改了Game_Party
# 功能:
# 用来存放角色的仓库……
# 召唤画面用$scene = Chaochao_Scene_Party.new
# 其它使用说明在代码里已经备注。
class Chaochao_Window_PartyLeft & Window_Selectable
&&def initialize
& & super(0, 0, 320, 224)
& & self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
& & self.index = 0
& & refresh
&&def actor
& & return @actors[self.index]
&&def refresh
& & if self.contents != nil
& && &self.contents.dispose
& && &self.contents = nil
& & end
& & @actors = []
& & for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
& && &@actors.push($game_party.actors[i])
& & end
& &
& & @item_max = 4
& & if @item_max & 0
& && &self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, (row_max+1) * 32)
& && &for i in 0...@item_max
& && &&&draw_item(i)
& && &end
& & end
&&def draw_item(index)
& & if @actors[index] != nil
& && &actor = @actors[index]
& && &text = @actors[index].name
& && &lv = @actors[index].level.to_s + & &
& && &if $game_party.chaochao.include?(actor.id) or $game_party.actors.size &= 1
& && &&&self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 0, 0) #不能被移动的颜色
& && &else
& && &&&self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0, 255, 0) #可以被移动的颜色
& && &end
& && &self.contents.draw_text(4, index * 32 + 32, 288, 32, text)
& && &self.contents.font.color = normal_color
& && &self.contents.font.size = 16
& && &self.contents.draw_text(4, index * 32 + 36, 288, 32,&&&Level:& &&, 2)
& && &colorx = [255.0000 - 255.0000/60 * @actors[index].level,0].max
& && &colory = [255.0000 / 60 * @actors[index].level,255].min
& && &self.contents.font.color = Color.new(colorx, colory, 0)
& && &self.contents.draw_text(4, index * 32 + 36, 288, 32,&&lv, 2)
& && &self.contents.font.color = normal_color
& && &self.contents.font.size = 22
& & else
& && &self.contents.draw_text(4, index * 32 + 32, 288, 32,&&&米有人物!&)
& & end
&&def update_cursor_rect
& & if @index & 0
& && &self.cursor_rect.empty
& && &return
& & end
& & row = @index / @column_max
& & if row & self.top_row
& && &self.top_row = row
& & end
& & if row & self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
& && &self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)
& & end
& & cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 32
& & x = @index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)
& & y = @index / @column_max * 32 - self.oy + 32
& & self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, cursor_width, 32)
&&def item_max
& & return @item_max
&&def actor?(index)
& & return @actors[index] == nil ? false : true
&&def set_index(x)
& & @index = x
class Chaochao_Window_PartyRight & Window_Selectable
&&def initialize
& & super(320, 0, 320, 224)
& & self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
& & self.index = -1
& & refresh
&&def actor
& & return @actors[self.index]
&&def refresh
& & if self.contents != nil
& && &self.contents.dispose
& && &self.contents = nil
& & end
& & @actors = []
& & for i in 0...$game_party.actors2.size
& && &@actors.push($game_party.actors2[i])
& & end
& &
& & @item_max = $game_party.actors2.size
& & if @item_max & 0
& && &self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, row_max * 32)
& && &for i in 0...@item_max
& && &&&draw_item(i)
& && &end
& & elsif @item_max == 0
& && &
& & end
&&def draw_item(index)
& & actor = @actors[index]
& & text = @actors[index].name
& & lv = @actors[index].level.to_s + & &
& & if $game_party.chaochao2.include?(actor.id) or $game_party.actors.size &= 4
& && &&&self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 0, 0) #不能被移动的颜色
& && &else
& && &&&self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0, 255, 0) #可以被移动的颜色
& && &end
& & self.contents.draw_text(4, index * 32, 288, 32, text)
& & self.contents.font.color = normal_color
& & self.contents.font.size = 16
& & self.contents.draw_text(4, index * 32 + 4, 288, 32,&&&Level:& &&, 2)
& & colorx = [255.0000 - 255.0000/60 * @actors[index].level,0].max
& & colory = [255.0000 / 60 * @actors[index].level,255].min
& & self.contents.font.color = Color.new(colorx, colory, 0)
& & self.contents.draw_text(4, index * 32 + 4, 288, 32,&&lv, 2)
& & self.contents.font.color = normal_color
& & self.contents.font.size = 22
&&def update_cursor_rect
& & if @index & 0
& && &self.cursor_rect.empty
& && &return
& & end
& & row = @index / @column_max
& & if row & self.top_row
& && &self.top_row = row
& & end
& & if row & self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
& && &self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)
& & end
& & cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 32
& & x = @index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)
& & y = @index / @column_max * 32 - self.oy
& & self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, cursor_width, 32)
&&def item_max
& & return @item_max
&&def actor?(index)
& & return @actors[index] == nil ? false : true
&&def set_index(x)
& & @index = x
class Chaochao_Window_PartyData & Window_Base
&&def initialize
& & super(0, 224, 640, 256)
& & self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
& & @actor = nil
&&def set_actor(actor)
& & self.contents.clear
& & draw_actor_name(actor, 4, 0)
& & draw_actor_state(actor, 140, 0)
& & draw_actor_hp(actor, 284, 0)
& & draw_actor_sp(actor, 460, 0)
& & @actor = actor
& & self.visible = true
&&def clear
& & self.contents.clear
class Game_Party
&&attr_reader& &:actors2
&&attr_reader& &:chaochao#不能从队伍向备用角色移动的角色ID
&&attr_reader& &:chaochao2#不能从备用角色向队伍移动的角色ID
&&def initialize
& & @actors = []
& & @gold = 0
& & @steps = 0
& & @items = {}
& & @weapons = {}
& & @armors = {}
& & @actors2 = []
& & @chaochao = []
& & @chaochao2 = []
&&def add_actor(actor_id,type=1)#type为1是向队伍中添加,为2则相反。
& & case type
& & when 1
& && &if $game_actors[actor_id] != nil
& && &&&actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
& && &&&#如果队伍没有满和队伍中没有此角色
& && &&&if @actors.size & 4 and not @actors.include?(actor) and not @actors2.include?(actor)
& && && & @actors.push(actor)
& && && & $game_player.refresh
& && &&&end
& && &end
& & when 2
& && &if $game_actors[actor_id] != nil
& && &&&actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
& && &&&#如果角色不在队伍中和不在备用角色队伍中的情况下
& && &&&#向备用角色中添加角色
& && &&&if not @actors.include?(actor) and not @actors2.include?(actor)
& && && & @actors2.push(actor)
& && && & $game_player.refresh
& && &&&end
& && &end
& & end
&&def huanren(index,type=1)#type为1是从备用角色向队伍中移动,为2则相反。
& & actor = $game_actors[index]
& & case type
& & when 1
& && &if @actors.size & 4 and @actors2.include?(actor) and not @chaochao2.include?(index) and not @actors.include?(actor)
& && &&&@actors.push(actor)
& && &&&@actors2.delete(actor)
& && &&&$game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
& && &&&$game_player.refresh
& && &end
& & when 2
& && &if @actors.include?(actor) and not @chaochao.include?(index) and not @actors2.include?(actor)
& && &&&@actors2.push(actor)
& && &&&@actors.delete(actor)
& && &&&$game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
& && &&&$game_player.refresh
& && &end
& & end
&&def yidong(actor_id,type1,type2=1)
& & case type2
& & when 1
& && &case type1
& && &when 1
& && &&&@chaochao.push(actor_id)
& && &when 2
& && &&&@chaochao2.push(actor_id)
& && &end
& & when 2
& && &case type1
& && &when 1
& && &&&@chaochao.delete(actor_id)
& && &when 2
& && &&&@chaochao2.delete(actor_id)
& && &end
& & end
&&def remove_actor(actor_id,type=1)
& & actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
& & case type
& & when 1
& && &@actors.delete(actor)
& && &$game_player.refresh
& & when 2
& && &@actors2.delete(actor)
& && &$game_player.refresh
& & when 3
& && &@actors.delete(actor)
& && &@actors2.delete(actor)
& && &$game_player.refresh
& & end
&&def refresh
& & new_actors = []
& & new_actors2 = []
& & for i in [url=mailto:0...@actors.size]0...@actors.size[/url]
& && &if $data_actors[@actors[i].id] != nil
& && &&&new_actors.push($game_actors[@actors[i].id])
& && &end
& & end
& & @actors = new_actors
& & for i in [url=mailto:0...@actors2.size]0...@actors2.size[/url]
& && &if $data_actors[@actors2[i].id] != nil
& && &&&new_actors2.push($game_actors[@actors2[i].id])
& && &end
& & end
& & @actors2 = new_actors2
class Chaochao_Scene_Party
&&def main
& & @left_temp_command = 0
& & @right_temp_command = 0
& & @temp = 0
& & @left_window = Chaochao_Window_PartyLeft.new
& & @left_window.active = true
& & @right_window = Chaochao_Window_PartyRight.new
& & @right_window.active = false
& & @data_window = Chaochao_Window_PartyData.new
& & update_data
& & Graphics.transition
& & loop do
& && &Graphics.update
& && &Input.update
& && &update
& && &if $scene != self
& && &&&break
& && &end
& & end
& & Graphics.freeze
& & @left_window.dispose
& & @right_window.dispose
& & @data_window.dispose
&&def update
& & @left_window.update
& & @right_window.update
& & @data_window.update
& & update_command
& & update_data
&&def update_command
& & if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
& && &$game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se)
& && &#画面切换
& && &$scene = Scene_Map.new
& && &return
& & end
& & if @left_window.active
& && &update_left
& && &return
& & end
& & if @right_window.active
& && &update_right
& && &return
& & end
&&def update_left
& & if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
& && &if @right_window.item_max & 0
& && &&&@left_temp_command = @left_window.index
& && &&&@left_window.set_index(-1)
& && &&&$game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
& && &&&@left_window.active = false
& && &&&@right_window.active = true
& && &&&@left_window.refresh
& && &&&@right_window.refresh
& && &&&@right_window.set_index(@right_temp_command)
& && &&&return
& && &else
& && &&&$game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
& && &&&return
& && &end
& & end
& & if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
& && &if @left_window.active and @left_window.actor?(@left_window.index) and $game_party.actors.size & 1 and not $game_party.chaochao.include?($game_party.actors[@left_window.index].id)
& && &&&$game_party.huanren($game_party.actors[@left_window.index].id,2)#type为1是从备用角色向队伍中移动,为2则相反。
& && &&&@left_window.refresh
& && &&&@right_window.refresh
& && &else
& && &&&$game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
& && &end
& & end
& & return
&&def update_right
& & if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
& && &if @left_window.item_max & 0
& && &&&@right_temp_command = @right_window.index
& && &&&@right_window.set_index(-1)
& && &&&$game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
& && &&&@left_window.active = true
& && &&&@right_window.active = false
& && &&&@left_window.refresh
& && &&&@right_window.refresh
& && &&&@left_window.set_index(@left_temp_command)
& && &&&return
& && &else
& && &&&$game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
& && &&&return
& && &end
& & end
& & if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
& && &if $game_party.actors.size &= 4
& && &&&$game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
& && &&&return
& && &end
& && &if @right_window.active and @right_window.actor?(@right_window.index) and not $game_party.chaochao2.include?($game_party.actors2[@right_window.index].id)
& && &&&$game_party.huanren($game_party.actors2[@right_window.index].id,1)#type为1是从备用角色向队伍中移动,为2则相反。
& && &&&if $game_party.actors2.size == 0
& && && & @right_temp_command = @right_window.index
& && && & @right_window.set_index(-1)
& && && & $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
& && && & @left_window.active = true
& && && & @right_window.active = false
& && && & @left_window.refresh
& && && & @right_window.refresh
& && && & @left_window.set_index(@left_temp_command)
& && &&&end
& && &&&if @right_window.index & 0
& && && & @right_window.set_index(@right_window.index-1)
& && &&&end
& && &&&@left_window.refresh
& && &&&@right_window.refresh
& && &else
& && &&&$game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
& && &end
& & end
& & return
&&def update_data
& & if @left_window.active
& && &if $game_party.actors[@left_window.index] != nil
& && &&&@data_window.set_actor($game_party.actors[@left_window.index])
& && &else
& && &&&@data_window.clear
& && &end
& && &return
& & end
& & if @right_window.active
& && &if $game_party.actors2[@right_window.index] != nil
& && &&&@data_window.set_actor($game_party.actors2[@right_window.index])
& && &else
& && &&&@data_window.clear
& && &end
& && &return
& & end
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