
配置要求操作系统Win Xp/Win 7/Win Vista运行环境&=DirectX 9.0CPUIntel Core2 Duo E4600 @ 2.40Hz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+内存2 GB显卡GeForce 8800 GT / Radeon HD 3870硬盘4 GB《我的世界1.10.2工业2mod整合包》是一款由玩家基于《我的世界》系列游戏改编的带有冒险元素以及沙盒色彩的角色扮演类游戏。这款整合包中增加了众多全新的内容,新增了核能喷气背包、超高压变压器、液体贸易机等物品,并支持大多数工业2实验版附属mod,玩家们一定不要错过。
《Minecraft》是由Mojang AB和4J Studios开发的高自由度的沙盒游戏,于日发行。日,该游戏被微软收购。2016年网易取得了该游戏在中国的代理权。该作以每一个玩家在三维空间中自由地创造和破坏不同种类的方块为主题。玩家在游戏中可以在单人或多人模式中通过摧毁或创造方块以创造精妙绝伦的建筑物和艺术,或者收集物品探索地图以完成游戏的主线。2011年Minecraft获GT年度评选年度最佳创新奖。2017年3月,中国大陆代理商“网易”正式确定Minecraft中文名为《我的世界》。
Minecraft是一款沙盒游戏,所呈现的世界并不是华丽的画面与特效,而是注重在游戏性上面。整个游戏没有剧情,玩家在游戏中自由建设和破坏,透过像乐高一样的积木来组合与拼凑,轻而易举的就能制作出小木屋、城堡甚至城市,但是若再加上玩家的想象力,天空之城、地底都市都一样能够实现。玩家不仅可以创造房屋建筑,甚至可以创造属于自己的都市和世界,玩家可以通过自己创造的作品来体验上帝一般的感觉。在这款游戏里,不仅可以单人娱乐,还可以多人联机,玩家也可以安装一些模组来增加游戏趣味性。Minecraft着重于让玩家去探索,交互,并且改变一个由一立方米大小的方块动态生成的地图。除了方块以外,环境功能还包括植物、生物与物品。游戏里的一些活动包括采集矿石、与敌对生物战斗、合成新的方块与收集各种在游戏中找到的资源的工具。游戏中的无限制模式让玩家在各种多人游戏服务器或他们的单人模式中进行创造建筑物、作品与艺术创作。其他功能包括逻辑运算与远程动作的红石电路、矿车及轨道, 以及称之为&下界&的神秘世界。最终,可以选择前往一个叫做“末路之地”的维度旅行,并打倒末影龙。
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我的世界相关新手卡我的世界热门文章一周热门文章网络游戏排行榜Lots of Food Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4 - 9Minecraft.Net
>> Lots of Food Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4
Lots of Food Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4
1.10.2/1.9.4 adds more and more food, its french name is “Plus d’aliments”. It also allows you to farm red pepper and vine. Along with decorative items, farmable crops and a new randomly generated structure.
Lots of Food Mod Items:
Pepper seeds allow you to farm pepper, that grows on grass. It doesn’t need any water to grow. When the peppers are mature, break the crop and you will get 1 to 3 peppers. After that, you’ll be able to craft pepper seeds from pepper.
Eating a pepper gives you 2 food points, but sets you on fire for a few seconds.
It gives you back 3 food points.
Chili con carne:
It gives you back 6 food points. You can stack it by 32.
It gives you back 3 food points and it’s useful to many recipes.
Pepper chocolate:
It gives you back 5 food points.
White Chocolate:
It gives you back 3 food points.
White Chocolate Cookies:
They give you back 0.5 food point each.
Chocolate bread:
It gives you back 2 food points.
It gives you back 1.5 food points, and grants a 5 seconds random potion effect among the following: speed, haste, strength, jump boost, regeneration or night vision.
Chocolate block:
It can be useful to store chocolate, because you can reverse this craft (puting a block in the crafting grid gives you 3 chocolate bars). You can also craft chocolate fences and stairs.
Sugar bricks:
They can be useful to store sugar, because you can reverse this craft. You can also craft sugar fences and stairs.
It gives you back half a food point, but it’s useful to make other foods. You can stack it by 16.
To prevent recipe conflicts, the config file allows you to change the caramel smelting recipe, from sugar powder -& caramel to sugar bricks -& caramel block.
Caramel block:
The caramel block slows down any creature that walks on it (like soulsand), and it’s useful to make caramel ice creams, or to store caramel, because you can reverse this craft. You can also craft caramel fences and stairs.
Toffee apple:
It gives you back 4 food points.
You can stack it by 32.
Caramel pork:
It gives you back 6 food points.
Hard boiled egg:
It gives you back 1 food point.
You can stack it by 16.
Tomato seeds are found by breaking tall grass, like wheat seeds (but 10 times rarer). They can be planted on farmland.
Tomatoes give you back 1 food point and are useful ingredients.
Once you have tomatoes, you can use them to plant more:
Plain pasta give you back 4 food points.
Pepper pasta and pasta with tomato sauce give you back 6 food points.
Chicken pasta give you back 7 food points.
Mushrooms pasta give you back 8 food points.
Pasta carbonara give you back 9 food points.
You can stack them by 32.
Corn can be found in jungles. It can be farmed on grass, gives you back 1.5 food points and can substitute for wheat to make pasta and bread:
It gives you back 2.5 food points.
They give you back 1 food point. To toast them, put them on a stick and swing them in fire.
Toasted marshmallows give you back 2 food points.
Cactus soup gives you back 1 food point.
Pumpkin, fish and chicken soup give you back 3 food points.
Vegetable soup gives you back 3.5 food points.
You can stack them by 32.
Mashed potato:
It gives you back 6.5 food points.
You can stack it by 32.
Steak tartare:
It gives you back 3 food points.
It can be found in oceans, lakes and rivers. You can farm it underwater. Seaweed is not edible but it can be used to make foods.
It gives you back 2 food points. It can be crafted using any kind of fish.
Seaweed stew:
It gives you back 1.5 food points.
You can stack it by 32.
It gives you back 3.5 food points.
It gives you back 5.5 food points.
Steak and fries:
It gives you back 6 food points.
Fish and chips:
It gives you back 4 food points.
Purified meat:
It gives you back 2 food points, like rotten flesh, but you can’t get poisoned by eating it.
If you consider it to be too easy, this recipe can be disabled in the config file.
Raw bacon gives you back 0.5 food points, cooked 1.5.
You can get a bucket of cheese by cooking a bucket of milk. Then you will be able to craft cheese from it, and you’ll get your bucket back. A cheese piece gives you back 2 food points.
It gives you back 1.5 food points.
Slices of bread:
They give you back 1 food point and are useful to make sandwiches.
Cheese, ham and bacon sandwiches give you back 5 food points.
Chicken and fish sandwiches give you back 6 food points.
Beef sandwiches give you back 7 food points.
Fortune cookies:
They give you back 1 food point. Each fortune cookie contains a message.
You can sometimes get grape by killing a zombie (like carrots and potatoes). A grape gives you back 2 food points. It is farmable.
Bananas drop from jungle leaves, just like apples drop from oak leaves. They give you back 2 food points.
Cherries drop from birch leaves, just like apples drop from oak leaves. They give you back 1 food point.
You can find coconut palms on beaches. Breaking a coconut block will drop a coconut item, and sometimes a coconut palm sapling (you can plant it on sand). You can throw coconuts at mobs to hurt them. On impact, coconuts break and split into 2 halfs, that are edible and give you back 1 food point each.
Strawberry plants can be found in regular forests as well as roofed forests. Strawberries can be farmed on grass and give you back 1.5 food points.
You can get vanilla by breaking vines in a jungle. Vanilla is not edible but it’s useful to make other foods.
Coffee plants can be found in savanna biomes. They drop coffee beans, that you can replant on grass.
Fruit salad:
It gives you back 4 food points.
You can stack it by 32.
Glazed donut gives you back 3 food points.
Strawberry donut gives you back 4 food points.
Grape donut gives you back 4.5 food points.
Chocolate donut gives you back 5.5 food points.
Glasses and Mugs:
They can be used to make drinks and ice creams.
All the drinks in the mod are automatically compatible with Thirst Mod (this can be disabled in the config).
They give you back 2.5 food points, except cactus and tomato juices that give back 1.5 food points.
You can stack them by 32.
You can get wine and cider from grape and apple juice, rum from sugar cane, and vodka from wheat and potato.
Alcohols give you back 2.5 food and health points (3.5 points for vodka). In return, you get a 30 seconds confusion effect (40 seconds for vodka).
You can stack them by 32.
If Thirst Mod is installed, drinking alcohol will increase your thirst!
They give you back 4 food points.
You can stack them by 32.
Ice creams:
Strawberry and vanilla ice creams give you back 2.5 food points.
Dark chocolate, white chocolate and melon ice creams give you back 4 food points.
Caramel ice cream gives you back 5 food points.
All the other ice creams give you back 3 food points.
You can stack them by 32.
Ice creams and drinks machine:
This machine allows you to automatically craft ice creams and drinks. Just put the ingredients in the left slots and get what you want from the right slots. You can leave ingredients in the machine, they will be saved and remain inside.
Hot drinks:
Hot drinks can’t be crafted normally, they’re only made in the Ice creams and drinks machine. You can stack them by 32. They are listed below:
Hot Chocolate (mug + milk bucket + chocolate): gives you back 3 food points and grants a 40 seconds absorption effect.
Coffee (mug + water bucket + 3x coffee beans): gives you back 2 food points and grants a 40 seconds haste effect.
Green Tea (mug + water bucket + oak or jungle leaves): clears all active potion effects, then grants a 20 seconds resistance effect.
Black Tea (mug + water bucket + spruce or dark oak leaves): clears all active potion effects, then grants a 20 seconds water breathing effect.
White Tea (mug + water bucket + birch or acacia leaves): clears all active potion effects, then grants a 20 seconds fire resistance effect.
Banana split:
Made from chocolate, strawberry and vanilla ice cream, it gives you back 9 food points.
Plain crepes give you back 1 food point.
Sugar crepes give you back 1.5 food points.
Caramel crepes give you back 2 food points.
Cheese crepes give you back 4 food points.
Chocolate crepes give you back 5 food points.
They perfom like vanilla cakes, put them somewhere and use left or right click to eat a slice. A cake has 7 slices.
The chocolate cake, the cheesecake and the carrot cake give you back 1.5 food point per slice.
The other cakes give you back 2 food points per slice.
You can stack cakes by 16.
Normal cupcakes give you back 1 food point.
Chocolate cupcakes give you back 1.5 food points.
Strawberry cupcakes give you back 2 food points.
Horse meat:
You get 1 to 3 pieces of horse meat by killing a horse. It gives you back 1.5 food points when raw, and 4 food points when cooked.
Squid meat:
You get 1 or 2 pieces of squid meat by killing a squid. It gives you back 1 food point when raw, and 2 food points when cooked.
Meat brochettes:
They give you back 2.5 food points.
Hunger cake:
This cake takes away 6 points from your food bar. You can use it for unlimited eating!
You can get these new fishes by fishing: sea basses, hakes, soles, trouts and golden fishes (very rare!).
Sea bass and hake give you back 2 food points when raw, and 4 food points when cooked.
Trouts and soles give you back 1.5 food point when raw, and 3.5 food points when cooked.
Golden fish give you back all your food points, and even all your health when cooked.
You can’t use these fishes with ocelots/cats.
There is a config option to disable the new fishes.
Dog biscuit:
You can use it to tame a wolf straight off. If the wolf is already tamed, the biscuit gives him all his health back.
Plates allow you to display food. They work just like item frames.
Picnic Basket:
This item allows you to carry food around, with its 9 slots inventory. Only edible items can be put inside the basket!
Finally, the last item of the mod is an ornamental hat that you can wear during your culinary experiments!
Lots of Food Mod Environment:
Lots of Food Mod Showcase:
Lots of Food Mod Requires:
Lots of Food Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4 Download Links:
Previous versions:
For Minecraft 1.5.2
For Minecraft 1.6.2
For Minecraft 1.6.4
For Minecraft 1.7.2
For Minecraft 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.8.9
For Minecraft 1.9.4
For Minecraft 1.10.2
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