SNEAK IN DESTROY这个游戏有人饥荒 怎么玩出结局全结局吗

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日 来源:3dm论坛 编辑:小黑妹
& &&《:痛》的大地图中快速旅行?很多玩家不是很了解,下面为大家介绍的是玩家&nightelfweiwei&分享的游戏中大地图中快速旅行的方法及各种隐藏要素,一起来看看吧。
& & steam里前两天发的
& & 包含了很多一般不知道的东西,比如怎么传送、怎么戴帽子、水枪等等,我随便翻几个重要的
& & 审问主基地的人可以知道位置,都是M基佬,有时候还会来句 &boss 用劲点&
& & 地图上很多据点门口有个三角形的小牌子,把标签撕下来后钻到箱子里就可以被快递到地图上其他你撕过标签的据点,主基地里也有
& & idroid里可以听自己电脑里的音乐,扔到CustomSoundtrack文件夹里
& & 更多请自己看原文吧:
& & Recruit Hideo Kojima
& & After completing the Intel Operative Rescue mission in Ground Zeroes, import your save and a soldier named Hideo will volunteer for Mother Base. This will happen randomly after completing a mission. He has an S rating for intel and an A+ rating for R&D. Any other POWs or special soldiers you extracted will volunteer too.
& & Mini-map
& & Bring up the iDroid map, then press the action button (Y on an Xbox controller) and it ll shrink to the bottom-right corner of the screen. You can then move, either on foot, on D-Horse, or in a vehicle, and the mini-map will stay on the screen. This is ideal for exploring, quickly planning an escape route, or gathering plants.
& & Custom music
& & You can import your own tunes into The Phantom Pain on PC. In the game directory, look for the CustomSoundtrack folder. Any audio files you drop in here will appear in your iDroid s cassette tapes menu, and can even be set as your chopper music.
& & Cardboard box slide
& & Equip any cardboard box, then press the stance button to stand up. Sprint towards a downwards slope&the steeper the better&and if you hit the dive button you ll slide down it. This works especially well on the sand dunes in Afghanistan.
& & Recruit an interpreter
& & One of the first side o that unlocks is Extract Interpreter (Russian) and you should make it a top priority. Recruiting this soldier will allow you to interrogate captured Soviet guards and listen in on their conversations. Grabbing enemies and squeezing them for information is vital: they ll mark nearby comrades with high stats on your map, the locations of R&D blueprints, and reveal other useful intel.
& & Easy mine-clearing
& & There are a w mine-clearing side ops, which involve scouring a location for mines and detonating them. But if you want to save yourself the hassle, simply call in an airstrike in the centre of the marked mission area to destroy them all instantly.
& & Instantly return to the ACC
& & Don t bother calling in Pequod when you finish a mission and want to return to your ial base. This takes time and costs GMP. Instead, bring up the pause menu and select return to ACC and you ll be transported there immediately.
& & Secret cutscene
& & When you ve unlocked the medical platform for Mother Base and completed a side op that asks you to recover a wandering MSF soldier, head there and look for a door that automatically opens when you get close to it&on one of the top floors. We ll say no more, but it s something you should definitely see if you played Ground Zeroes.
& & Cassette tapes
& & You ll collect a LOT of cassette tapes as you play The Phantom Pain, which can be listened to using the iDroid&and you really should. The bulk of the game s story is found on them, and they give important context to your actions, settings, and characters. They re the equivalent of the codec conversations from previous games in the series, but are entirely optional.
& & Rough diamonds
& & You ll often see the telltale sparkle of a rough diamond as you explore. Always take the time to grab them, because while some are only worth around 0,000 GMP, some can net you a cool 100,000. There are dozens of rough diamonds scattered around Mother Base too, often in hidden or hard-to-reach areas. Sometimes your staff will reveal the locations of diamonds if you grab and interrogate them.
& & Save ammo
& & Sneak up behind a guard with your weapon drawn and you ll hold them up. Bring up the inction menu (left bumper on an Xbox controller) and some options will appear. Select get down and he ll lie on his belly and stay there permanently&unless another guard sees him or you trigger an alert phase. This is a good way to quietly incapacitate an enemy without wasting any of your precious tranquilizer rounds.
& & Fast travel
& & In most bases, camps, villages, etc. you ll see a yellow triangular sign with a delivery manifest attached to it that you can pick up. Equip your box and wait in the space next to the sign and you ll be delivered to any other point on the map whose manifest you ve collected. It s one of the quickest ways to get around the game s huge maps.
& & Tactical turds
& & Use D-Horse in missions and your bond with him will grow over time. When it reaches a certain level you ll unlock the Do it (defecate) command, which is self explanatory. It s not just for a cheap laugh, though: if an enemy vehicle drives over the stinky mess, they ll spin out and be knocked unconscious. Perfect for ambushes.
& & Marking enemies
& & Any enemies you mark with the binoculars will stay marked if you die or restart from a checkpoint. Upgrade them and you ll be able to scan enemy soldiers and see their stats before you decide if it s worth recruiting them for your Mother Base.
& & Birthday surprise
& & Early in the game you re asked to enter your name and date of birth. If you play The Phantom Pain on the date you entered, something special will happen. It s too good to spoil, but if your birthday s ages away and you can t wait, here s a video.
& & Photo gallery
& & When you re in the helicopter you ll notice photos pinned to the walls. These are mementos of important events, and more will appear as time goes on. To get a closer look, press the binoculars button to
to first-person.
& & Supply drops
& & If you re low on ammo or Fulton balloons, or your suppressor has worn out, use the iDroid to call in a supply drop. It s at the top of the Missions menu. Choose a drop point and a few seconds later a box will arrive with ammo for all your guns, fresh suppressors, and extra Fultons. This costs GMP, but not enough that it s ever a problem. If you drop a supply box directly onto an enemy s head, it ll knock them out.
& & Chicken hat
& & In the Game Settings menu you ll see an on/off toggle for a chicken hat. Enabling this lets you equip said poultry-themed headgear on the sortie prep screen, which makes you much harder to see, and in turn makes the game laughably easy. The catch&besides looking daft and stripping all the fun away&is never being able to get a mission rating higher than an A. But, hey, the option s there if you want it.
& & Disrupt communications
& & Look for blue lights in enemy bases. These are almost always attached to something you can destroy or deactivate to make your life easier. Disable power generators to turn off lights
destroy anti-air radar dishes to create a safe landing z or destroy a radio to stop the enemy calling for backup.
& & Phantom cigar
& & Before you use the phantom cigar to advance time, make sure you re hidden away somewhere safe. If you re on a road or near an outpost you ll probably emerge from your cigar-induced trance with soldiers pointing their guns at you.
& & Diamond Dog
& & At some point during your time in Afghanistan you ll hear a puppy whining. For me it was at the beginning of the Extract Interpreter (Russian) side op, but it might be a different one for you. There seems to be a random element to it. Find him and Fulton him immediately. He ll grow up to become one of the game s best buddy characters. Extract him as soon as you hear him, because you won t get another chance.
& & Take a shower
& & As you complete missions consecutively, Snake will get covered in blood and dirt. Eventually flies will start buzzing around his head. This reduces his mental well-being and shortens the length of your reflex ability. To wash the g away, look for a portable shower on Mother Base. Every platform has one.
& & Sell your resources
& & If you re short on GMP you can sell stuff to make a bit of extra money. This includes medicinal plants gathered in the field, resources you ve collected (fuel, metal, etc.), and any enemy hardware you ve extracted with the Fulton.
& & Free roam
& & On the Missions menu in the iDroid, flip along to the next tab and you ll be given the option to enter one of the game s mission areas, or Mother Base, without needing to start a mission. This is free roam mode, which gives you a chance to explore, gather resources, capture outposts, and complete side ops.
& & Combat unit
& & When you unlock the combat unit, which will happen at some point as you play through story missions, you can take staff assigned there on side ops instead of Snake. On the sortie prep screen, look for the Select Character option. Click on Character and a list of all the soldiers in your combat unit will appear. Taking staff on missions increases their stats, so it s worth doing to beef up your Mother Base.
& & Water pistol
& & One of the weapons your Mother Base can develop is a water pistol. As in, a toy gun that shoots water. Sounds pretty useless, right? Well, try squirting it on those communications devices with the blue lights we talked about earlier and get back to us. It has some other uses too, but we ll let you discover those for yourself.
& & Catch a bear
& & It ll take a while, but it s entirely possible to take out a bear with the Wu pistol. Wait for the beast to rush you, then dive out of the way at the last minute and get a few shots into its head. Repeat this and it ll eventually keel over and fall asleep, letting you attach a Fulton and extract it&providing you have the Cargo +1 upgrade.
& & Retro Snake
& & To play The Phantom Pain with the blocky Solid Snake character model from the original MGS, import a Ground Zeroes save in which you ve finished the D j Vu mission with every moment recreated and every quiz question answered correctly. It costs 100,000 GMP to develop and silences your footsteps when you move.
& & Magazine KO
& & In reflex mode, equip an empty magazine and throw it at the alerted enemy's head. If your throw is accurate you'll hear a satisfying TING sound and he'll be instantly knocked out. Another good use for magazines is if a guard is closing in on you, throw one behind him to make him turn around.
& & Posters
& & You'll find posters occasionally that can be picked up. These will earn you a small amount of GMP, but they have another use. While holding the inventory open with a cardboard box selected, press the indicated button (X on an Xbox controller) to cycle between the posters you've collected and attach them to it. For example, stick a poster of a saluting guard to your box and stand up, and from a distance a confused enemy will salute back, thinking it's one of his comrades.
& & 招募的小岛秀夫
& & 在完成地面零英特尔执行救援任务,导入你的保存和一个士兵名叫英夫将志愿者母亲基地。这将完成使命后随机发生。他有一个年代评级英特尔和研发的A +评级。任何其他战俘或特殊的士兵你提取也会志愿者。
& & 地图上
& & 弹出iDroid地图,然后按操作按钮(Y的Xbox控制器),它会收缩到屏幕的右下角。然后您可以移动,要么步行,D-Horse,或车辆,工具将保持在屏幕上。这是理想的,快速规划一条出路,或收集的植物。
& & 自定义音乐
& & 你可以将自己的音乐导入电脑上的幻痛。在游戏目录,寻找CustomSoundtrack文件夹。任何音频文件你将在这里将出现在你的iDroid年代磁带菜单,甚至可以设置为你的音乐。
& & 纸箱幻灯片
& & 装备任何纸箱,然后按立场按钮站起来。Sprint向倾斜陡峭的更好如果你点击潜水按钮你会滑下来。这作品尤其在阿富汗的沙丘。
& & 招聘一个翻译
& & 第一个方面行动,它是提取翻译(俄罗斯),你应该让它成为首要任务。招聘这名士兵将允许您询问了苏联的警卫和偷听他们的谈话。抓住敌人,挤压他们的信息是至关重要的:他们会马克附近的同志与高数据在地图上,研发蓝图的位置,揭示其他有用的英特尔。
& & 简单的扫雷
& & 有几个扫雷行动,涉及一个位置搜寻地雷引爆。但是如果你想保存自己麻烦,简单地调用在空袭的中心任务地区立即摧毁他们。
& & 立即返回ACC
& & 不要打扰打电话当你完成一个任务,想回到你的空中基地。这需要时间和成本GMP。相反,弹出暂停菜单并选择回到ACC,你会立即运送那里。
& & 秘密的动画
& & 当你已经解锁母亲的医疗平台基础,完成了一面op,要求你恢复一个的无国界医生组织士兵,头那里寻找一扇门自动打开,当你接近挥霍殆尽的地板。我们就不再多说了,但你应该看看你打地面零。
& & 盒式磁带
& & 你会收集很多录音带玩幻痛时,可使用iDroid-and你真的应该听。发现大部分的游戏年代的故事,他们给你的行为重要的上下文,设置,和人物。他们重新编解码器的对话从以前的游戏系列,但完全是可选的。
& & 粗糙的钻石
& & 你会经常看到的闪耀的一颗粗糙的钻石你探索。总是花时间去抓他们,因为有些只是价值约10000 GMP,一些可以净你酷100000。有很多粗糙的钻石散落在母亲基地也经常隐藏或偏远地区。有时你的员工会发现钻石的位置如果你抓住,询问他们。
& & 节省弹药
& & 溜到后卫身后,你的武器,你会让他们。弹出的交互菜单(左保险杠的Xbox控制器)和一些选项就会出现。选择下来,他会躺在他的腹部和呆在那里permanently-unless另一个保安看到他或者你触发警报阶段。这是一个好办法使敌人丧失抵抗静静地不浪费你的宝贵的镇定剂轮。
& & 快速旅行
& & 在大多数基地、营地、村庄等你会看到一个黄色的三角形标志附带送货清单,你可以选择。装备你的箱子和等待在旁边的空间标志,你会被送到其他任何点在地图上的清单你已经收集。这年代的一个最快捷的方法绕过游戏年代巨大的地图。
& & 战术的废品
& & 使用D-Horse任务和你的债券将随时间增加。当它达到一定程度后,你会打开(大便)命令,这是自说明的。不仅是一个廉价的笑,虽然:如果敌人车辆驱动臭混乱,他们会失去,失去。适合伏击。
& & 标记的敌人
& & 任何敌人你马克的望远镜将保持或重新启动标志着如果你死于一个检查点。升级,你可以扫描敌军士兵,在你决定里看到自己的统计数据如果年代值得招募他们为你的母亲。
& & 生日惊喜
& & 在游戏早期你要求输入你的名字和出生日期。如果你输入的日期上玩幻痛,会发生一些特别的。这年代太好破坏,但如果你的生日年龄,你不能等,下面是一个视频。
& & 相片画廊
& & 当你在直升飞机你会注意到照片钉在墙上。这些以及更多的是重要事件的纪念品,将随着时间的推移。更仔细的观察,按双筒望远镜按钮切换到。
& & 供应下降
& & 如果你低弹药或富尔顿气球,或者你的抑制有磨损,使用iDroid打电话给在供应下降。它年代顶部的任务菜单。选择一个落点,几秒钟后一盒会对你所有的枪支弹药,新鲜的抑制,和额外的富尔顿。这个成本GMP,但不够,这年代问题。如果你将供应盒子直接到敌人头上,它敲出来。
& & 鸡的帽子
& & 在游戏设置菜单中你会看到一个开/关开关一只鸡的帽子。启用这个允许你装备说poultry-themed首饰在出击准备屏幕上,使你很难看到,使得这个游戏太过简单。catch-besides看起来愚蠢和剥离所有的乐趣都从来没有能够得到一个任务等级高于a .但是,嘿,选择年代,如果你想要它。
& & 扰乱通讯
& & 寻找蓝光在敌人基地。这些几乎都是附加到你可以摧毁或禁用使你的生活更容易。禁用发电机关掉灯和安全摄像头,摧毁防空雷达天线来创建一个安全的为你的直升机着陆区;或摧毁一台收音机停止敌人要求备份。
& & 幻影雪茄
& & 你使用幻影雪茄来提高时间之前,确保你找个安全的地方藏起来。如果你在路上或接近一个前哨你从cigar-induced可能会出现恍惚士兵用枪指着你。
& & 钻石狗
& & 在你的时间在阿富汗你会听到小狗发牢骚。对我来说这是初提取解释器(俄罗斯)人事处,但这可能是一个不同的你。似乎有一个随机元素。富尔顿他立即找到他。他会成长成为一个游戏的年代最好的朋友的角色。提取他只要听到他,因为你不会得到另一个机会。
& & 冲个澡
& & 当您完成任务连续,蛇会满身是血和污垢。最终飞将开始在他的头嗡嗡地叫。这样可以减少他的心理健康和缩短的长度你的反射能力。洗污垢,寻找一个便携式淋浴母亲基地。每个平台都有一个。
& & 出售你的资源
& & 如果你缺乏GMP你可以卖东西一点额外的钱。这包括药用植物聚集在这一领域,你已经收集的资源(燃料、金属等),以及任何敌人的硬件你已经提取富尔顿。
& & 在任务菜单iDroid,翻到下一个标签,你会选择进入游戏年代任务的地区之一,或母亲基地,无需启动任务。这是自由漫游模式,它给你一个机会去探索,收集资源,捕捉前哨,完整的运维。
& & 作战单位
& & 当你开启单位,这将发生在某些时候你玩通过故事任务,你可以把员工分配在一边行动,而不是蛇。屏幕出击的准备,寻找选择字符选项。点击性格和列表中的所有士兵作战单元将会出现。采取员工任务增加他们的统计数据,所以加强年代值得做你的母亲。
& & 你的武器母亲基本可以开发一个水枪。如,玩具枪射水。听起来很没用,对吗?好吧,试着喷出的通信设备与我们之前所讨论的蓝光和回到我们。它还有其他的用途,但是我们会让你发现那些为自己。
& & 抓一只熊
& & 它会花上一段时间,但是它年代完全有可能与吴手枪取出一只熊。等待野兽冲你,然后潜水的在最后一刻得到了几张照片到它的头。重复这个和它最终会翻身入睡,让你附上富尔顿和提取它提供你货物+ 1升级。
& & 复古的蛇
& & 玩的幻痛块状固体蛇字符从原始mg模型,导入地面零保存你已经完成了D j Vu任务每一刻重新创建一个测试问题回答正确。它成本100000 GMP开发和沉默当你移动你的脚步。
& & 杂志KO
& & 在反射模式下,装备一个空杂志,把它扔在了敌人的头。如果你把准确的你会听到一个令人满意的铃的声音和他会立即。杂志的另一个很好的利用是如果一个警卫接近你,把一个身后让他转身。
& & 偶尔你会发现海报,可以捡起。这些将会获得你少量的GMP,但他们有另一个使用。同时打开库存纸箱选中,按指定的按钮(X的Xbox控制器)之间的循环你收集并附上他们的海报。例如,贴海报敬礼的保护盒,站起来,从远处,一个令人困惑的敌人将致敬,思考这是他的一个同志。
& &&《》大地图快速旅行方法及各种隐藏要素就为大家介绍到这里,希望对大家有帮助!
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备案编号:沪ICP备号-6【2月22日触手动画游戏新作】Alien Prisoner 被外星人囚禁的美少女[524MB/CT] - 黑丸のMUGEN同人格斗园 -
宠物级别: 世/
帖子738&积分1528& 经验值4320 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数98582 贯& 魅力值1632 点& 灵石1 颗& 神金82 个& 仙玉3 块&注册时间&最后登录&
所需阅读权限 20 【2月22日触手动画游戏新作】Alien Prisoner 被外星人囚禁的美少女[524MB/CT]
这,这才不是触手!这是调查用的精密仪器(( ̄_ ̄lll)骗鬼啊)!
本主题需向作者支付 2 金钱数
宠物级别: 世/
帖子309&积分395& 经验值1282 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数23 贯& 魅力值385 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物级别: 世/
帖子561&积分684& 经验值2126 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数9 贯& 魅力值733 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物级别: 世/
帖子383&积分459& 经验值1526 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数8 贯& 魅力值385 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物状态: 死亡
宠物级别: 世/ 0 转/ 1 级
HP: 109 / 109
MP: 0 / 0
SP: 0 / 5000
帖子564&积分809& 经验值2567 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数12 贯& 魅力值913 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物级别: 世/
帖子981&积分1160& 经验值3693 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数1 贯& 魅力值1127 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物状态: 死亡
宠物级别: 世/ 4 转/ 266 级
HP: 6975 / 6975
MP: 622 / 622
SP: 0 / 5000
帖子814&积分1006& 经验值3270 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数1 贯& 魅力值945 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物级别: 世/
帖子874&积分1073& 经验值3332 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数16 贯& 魅力值1159 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物级别: 世/
帖子173&积分199& 经验值619 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数497 贯& 魅力值183 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金2 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物状态: 生存
宠物级别: 世/ 10 转/ 511 级
HP: 17620 / 17620
MP: 3110 / 3110
SP: 5000 / 5000
帖子652&积分716& 经验值2256 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数333 贯& 魅力值672 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物状态: 死亡
宠物级别: 世/ 2 转/ 126 级
HP: 4133 / 4133
MP: 258 / 258
SP: 0 / 5000
帖子460&积分618& 经验值1942 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数0 贯& 魅力值688 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物状态: 生存
宠物级别: 世/ 0 转/ 11 级
HP: 359 / 359
MP: 20 / 25
SP: 5000 / 5000
帖子332&积分387& 经验值1267 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数271 贯& 魅力值336 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物级别: 世/
帖子19289&积分20528& 经验值62595 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数34057 贯& 魅力值20756 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物级别: 世/
帖子865&积分1163& 经验值3733 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数94 贯& 魅力值1217 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&
宠物级别: 世/
帖子1271&积分1378& 经验值4225 石& 威信度0 星& 金钱数514 贯& 魅力值1393 点& 灵石0 颗& 神金0 个& 仙玉0 块&注册时间&最后登录&


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