
Uber再遭微信封号 马化腾回应:对违规营销一视同仁
央广网北京12月7日消息 据经济之声《天下公司》报道,临近年底,对打车软件来说,又到了搞活动做营销的旺季。不过,就在12月3号晚间,Uber多个城市微信公众号遭遇集体永久封号,涉及上海、广州等十多个城市。
扫描关注 这里是美国微信公众号
今日搜狐热点被Uber莫名其妙的封号之后怎么在9天内被解封?真实经历共享,老 - 生活_【北京联盟】
/ 作者:admin
下一篇: 。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 网友回复: expandable 话说...楼主在大约是三四周之前被Uber神奇的封号了....实际上楼主发现自己被封号前两个小时刚从车上下来,然后中间的gap楼主一直没动手机....然后,楼主动用了前所未有的"聪明才智"跟斗
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~网友回复: expandable
免责声明:本站文章除注明来源“北京联盟”外的文章均来自网络和网友投稿,著作权归原作者所有。北京联盟不承担任何连带责任!话说...&br&&br&楼主在大约是三四周之前被Uber神奇的封号了....实际上楼主发现自己被封号前两个小时刚从车上下来,然后中间的gap楼主一直没动手机....然后,楼主动用了前所未有的&聪明才智&跟斗智斗勇,然后终于在被封两周之后成功的解封了。现在楼主把经验分享给诸位难友,希望有所帮助。&br&&br&楼主觉着跟讨论问题,一定要用英语,而且不需要太注重语法之类的不可食用的东西。楼主曾经试过,同样的一个比较简单的问题中文客服会拖很久而且不太会给解决,相反用英语的话一份邮件就可以搞定。另外,认准这个邮箱,其他的城市对应的客服,比如北京的,并没有什么卵用。&br&&br&嗯,废话少说...楼主现在就把楼主和Uber斗智斗勇的所有邮件共享出来...(语法错误自行忽略....还有楼主在复制过来的时候省略了一些隐私信息)&br&&br&CK是楼主的网用呼号。之一....Dai是Uber负责处理我这个案例的员工。&br&&br&&p&&strong&Caroline Kwok&/strong&&/p&&p&5月18日 04:32&/p&&br&&p&Uber:&/p&&p&It is so interesting that i found have been banned again when seconds (about 19:20 18 May, 2016 CST) ago i try to order for a trip. did i cheat? NO! did i refused to pay you my trip expenses? NO! so what is you excuse this time??? if there is a driver tell you i am a cheating account, so please give me your evidence, and prove it!&/p&&p&i am so angry that you banned my account times and times but do not ask me for proves and explanations! it must be ridiculous if you do not give me a good reason!&/p&&p&looking for response soon.&/p&&br&&p&(Uber)&/p&&p&5月24日 03:02&/p&&br&&p&Greetings,&/p&&p&Thanks for reaching out. Glad to look into this for you.&/p&&p&I've checked your account, it appears that your account has been suspended for abnormal activities. If you've violated Uber Terms, we'll be unable to confirm the account can be recoverred. You may visit &a href=&///?target=https%3A///legal/usa/terms& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Terms and Conditions&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&.&/p&&p&If you have any other concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know.&/p&&p&Best regards.&/p&&br&&p&&strong&Caroline Kwok&/strong&&/p&&p&5月24日 03:13&/p&&br&&p&Uber:&/p&&p&I have carefully reviewed your Terms and Conditions, considering what I have done with my Uber account, I do not believe I have any thing which violated your terms. If your system record really shows that my account have some abnormal activities which against your terms, it must not under my authorized and my account might be stollen. If it is possible, I would like to know what &abnormal activity& is contained in my account.&/p&&p&Looking for reply.&/p&&br&&p&(Uber)&/p&&p&5月25日 02:55&/p&&br&&p&Greetings,&/p&&p&Thanks for reaching out. Glad to look into this for you.&/p&&p&After double checking, we find that because there is abnormal activity in your account, the system suspended your account. For the security reason, I'm not able to tell the details, and since the suspending is made by system automatically, we are sorry to make any manual changes to your account, please understand this.&/p&&p&If you have any other questions, let me know and I’ll be happy to clarify further.&/p&&p&Best regards,&/p&&br&&p&&strong&Caroline Kwok&/strong&&/p&&p&5月25日 03:06&/p&&br&&p&Considering reasons you provided above, I do not really understand and hardly agree with you. As I still strongly believe I did not do anything against with your rules and terms and conditions, so please provide a possible solution for me to continue using your service.&/p&&br&&p&(Uber)&/p&&p&5月25日 04:01&/p&&br&&p&Greetings,&/p&&p&If you need to use Uber again, I suggest you to change a new device and add new payment method.&/p&&p&Gentle reminder: Uber works best when an individual only has one unique account associated with one unique device, for your account safety, if not necessary please don't share your payment method with others.&/p&&p&If you have any other questions, let me know and I’ll be happy to clarify further.&/p&&p&Best regards.&/p&&br&&p&&strong&Caroline Kwok&/strong&&/p&&p&5月25日 10:36&/p&&br&&p&Hi Dai with Uber:&/p&&p&Thanks for your suggestion! But I still have a question that must I change my Apple ID which is going to be used for active my new iPhone, as my Apple ID using now had logged on a iPad and the iPad contains a Uber App logged with this Uber account. And, is this times's suspend has a time limit?&/p&&p&The following part is not about my explanations and tries to reactive my account, it is only my emotional experience.&/p&&p&I do not know whether you really understand my situation and my feeling. But I believe Uber System suspend people's account without checking whether they really cheated or broke your rule, and do not care about people's explanation is really rude, and really hurts people's felling. You might do not know how I love Uber. I recommend Uber to lots of my colleagues, my friends, my families and even my customs, cuz I believe Uber is a great product and benefits and simplified people's life a lot. But what I received with all my recommends and my love to Uber? I was disabled without any notifications and warnings, under the situation of I really do not know what I have done. Do you know what it is like? It just like your girlfriend broke up with you suddenly and accidentally: it is really hurt.&/p&&p&I am willing to see Uber's progress and changes to better when next time I use Uber, if I still have the chance.&/p&&p&Thanks you Dai.&/p&&br&&p&(Uber)&/p&&p&5月26日 03:43&/p&&br&&p&Greetings,&/p&&p&Thanks for the reply. Appreciated for your feedback, maybe as you mentioned, there are some problem with our system when suspending customers accounts, and I also believe you are not the only one who is suffering this. It is definitely not appropriate for our customers, especially for those as loyal as you.&/p&&p&I have forward this to concerned team, they have checked and reinstate your device iPad. Also you mentioned in another mail that your card is not accepted, so would you please provide which card you are referring to so I will also check?&/p&&p&I would like to know our team will check our system and see how to improve so such things will be less. We are constantly working to improve the Uber experience and your input is crucial to doing so. Hope we could get more suggestion from customers so we could update system and services accordingly, to bring better experience.&/p&&p&Thank you for your support, we are happy to help whenever you need.&/p&&p&Best regards,&/p&&br&&p&&strong&Caroline Kwok&/strong&&/p&&p&5月26日 04:12&/p&&br&&p&Hello Dai,&/p&&p&It is so good you write to me again. Thanks a lot on you helping me deal with this case, and you are really helpful.&/p&&p&I am not sure whether the &another mail& you mentioned is one with the title &Problems about my payment method&. If so, the cards info with problems is listed below:&/p&&p&1. ICBC Visa Credit Card end with 9623&br&2. ICBC Visa Debit Card end with 2094&br&3. Alipay Account: 183 **** 9617&/p&&p&I am very happy to see Uber would like accept custom's feedback, and I make sure I will support Uber as what I was in the future.&/p&&p&Thank you Dai, thanks again.&/p&&br&&p&(Uber)&/p&&p&5月27日 03:56&/p&&br&&p&Greetings,&/p&&p&Thanks for the reply. I have verified and reinstate your cards 9623 and 2094, now they should be working properly. but for alipay, it only allows users with a Chinese national ID to connect their accounts with Uber for now. At the moment, foreigners can not use these with Uber accounts due to their rules/settings, they can only use all major international credit/debit card to sign up on Uber (Amex, Visa and Master Card). Sorry for the inconvenience caused.&/p&&p&We're making efforts to provide the most satisfactory customer experience, and we need customers' all kinds of suggestions. Quite appreciated your feedback on the payment method. We'll see what we can do in the next, considering foreign customers' needs. And I'd like to tell you that we are making representation with bank to let foreigner can use other payment methods on Uber in the future.&/p&&p&Best regards,&/p&&br&&p&(知道这里,我被封的号已经完全能用了,历时9天,后面继续的基本可以总结为唠嗑...)&/p&&br&&p&(Uber)&/p&&p&5月29日 18:30&/p&&br&&p&Greetings,&/p&&p&Thanks for the reaching out, sorry for late reply.&/p&&p&I have checked, as for suystem there are some problem with your phone device, I need to to know the information of your android phone, so could you tell me the brand and model of your android phone? I definitely want to make this right for you and I would appreciate understanding all of the details, looking forward to your replies&/p&&p&Best regards,&/p&&br&&p&&strong&Caroline Kwok&/strong&&/p&&p&5月29日 22:14&/p&&br&&p&Hello&/p&&p&Thank you for your reply. After two day usage of Uber on my previous Android device, I believe all the problems had already been solved, at least up to now. Thank you for you help and your patient on this case. I am sure I will be get in touch with you in future if I face any problem again. At the end of this case, I would like you help me to check whether I need to anything before I travel to another country with Uber.&/p&&p&Thank you again and looking for reply.&br&Yibo&/p&&br&&p&(Uber)&/p&&p&5月30日 04:31&/p&&br&&p&Greetings,&/p&&p&Happy to hear that your problem is solved, very glad to help whenever you need.&/p&&p&Now your account is in good standing, so I don't think there is anything need for your travelling abroad, please be assured.&/p&&p&Thank your for your support, Hope you will enjoy our service in the future.&/p&&p&Best regards,&/p&&br&&p&到这里,这个案子所有的邮件往来算是结束了。大概的中文是这个样子的....&br&&/p&&br&&p&我:这很有趣因为我看起来被封号了。我并没有诈骗也没有拒付车费。我很生气。这看起来很可笑除非你们有很好的解释。&/p&&p&Uber:谢谢邮件,你违规了。&/p&&p&我:我仔细地看了条件和条款,我并没有违规。&/p&&p&Uber:你就是违规了....出于安保理由我不知道具体违反了什么。系统封的,我解不了。&/p&&p&我:这真是有趣,有趣的令我难以接受和认可。好吧你来告诉我我怎么继续用Uber。&/p&&p&Uber:你重新注册吧,用一个新手机和一张新信用卡。&/p&&p&我:那我是不是需要用一个新的Apple ID(原来的手机上的Apple ID关联了这个Uber账户)。(然后是一通小女子有多么爱你)&/p&&p&Uber:谢谢你的反馈,看起来我们的系统有问题。我很理解,而且我相信不止你一个人在承受这些。我把这封邮件转发给了有关部门,他们已经解封了你的iPad。&/p&&p&(实际上这个时候我的账号已经被解封了。)&/p&&p&我:谢谢,看起来我的卡有问题。&/p&&p&Uber:卡号发来我看看&/p&&p&我:(两张卡一个支付宝)&/p&&p&Uber:我解冻了你的卡,但是我不能解冻上面的支付宝账户用因为你没有提供中国公民身份。&/p&&p&我:谢谢。这么看来是不是我可以正常用了。&/p&&p&Uber:把你之前的设备发过来我看下。&/p&&p&我:我发现正常了,不用了谢谢。&/p&&p&Uber:我很开心帮到了你。&/p&&br&&p&希望我的经历对诸位难友能有帮助。&/p&
话说... 楼主在大约是三四周之前被Uber神奇的封号了....实际上楼主发现自己被封号前两个小时刚从车上下来,然后中间的gap楼主一直没动手机....然后,楼主动用了前所未有的"聪明才智"跟斗智斗勇,然后终于在被封两周之后成功的解封了。现在…
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18435 爱卡币
来自: 广东省|深圳市
然后多次发信息,要求解锁!基本都是上面回复,系统判定,人工无法干预!好多人可能看到这里就觉得没戏了!多次沟通之后依然无效!但是咱确实没干什么违法 的事对吧!凭啥给咱直接封禁了!
[ 本帖最后由 农家油小二 于
13:56 编辑 ]
8925 爱卡币
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760) {this.resized= this.width=760; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>760) {this.resized= this.width=760; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {} else {window.open('.cn/attachments/a/day_a3b32lV4CCORgmpQV.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
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71184 爱卡币
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18435 爱卡币
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你真牛,非要用它, 还在摇号,摇一年了没摇到!
175849 爱卡币
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1939 爱卡币
来自: 广东省|深圳市
wccc, 我注册一次还没用就给禁了, 那难倒非得这么吗
1914 爱卡币
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67556 爱卡币
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760) {this.resized= this.width=760; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>760) {this.resized= this.width=760; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {} else {window.open('.cn/attachments/a/day_cc19b665msm0340OPLxD.gif');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
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