
★我的世界★《籽岷的模组专题 懒人系列模组 VI》
嗨~大家好~我是极游网的籽岷~今天给大家带来懒人系列模组专题~本系列为新的尝试~主要介绍一些懒人模组~即自动化程度较高的模组~本集为第六集~介绍1.7.10的一个超级自动建筑模组~希望大家喜欢~下载地址:国外原地址Forgehttp://files.minecraftforge.net/Instant Structures Mod/mod/instant-structures-mod-ism/籽岷百度网盘Forge 1277/s/1nt5eGq9Instant Structures Mod 5.0.0(1.7.10)/s/1qW4s8H2模组安装小教室/v_show/id_XNzQ2NDI0NjY0.html
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《我的世界0.15.6.0版本》游戏截图正式版已经发布,很多玩家对于新的新版本中出现的红石系统和炫酷的光影特色材质包感到兴奋莫名,希望可以在虚拟世界寻找到属于自己的真实存在感,下面给大家提供0.15.6.0正式版游戏下载。游戏介绍:Minecraft是Android平台一款沙盒,玩家可以在一个三维世界里用各种方块建造建筑物。最初由马库斯‧ 诺奇 ‧佩尔松单独开发,现已成立Mojang来开发此游戏。这是一款3D的第一人称沙盘游戏,所呈现的世界并不是华丽的画面与特效,而是注重在游戏性上面。玩家在游戏中做着「建设」与「破坏」两件事,但是透过像乐高一样的积木来组合与拼凑,轻而易举的就能制作出小木屋、城堡甚至城市,但是若再加上玩家的想像力,空中之城、地底都市都一样能够实现。按照你想象的那样去创造一个世界!《我的世界》是一款第一人称沙盘游戏,所呈现的世界并不是华丽的画面与特效,而是注重在游戏性上面。玩家在游戏中做着建设与破坏两件事。【游戏玩法】这是一款非常独特的不是游戏的游戏,说它不是游戏,是因为它并没有什么特定的玩法,也没有游戏情节,也没有游戏规则,说它是游戏,因为同样能够消磨你的时间,让你体验到无穷的乐趣。在《我的世界》中需要玩家充分发挥自己的想象力和创造力,像玩乐高积木一样组合与拼凑,建造出小木屋、城堡甚至城市!【游戏系统】游戏的核心体验是无限的自由,随意的建造。你手头能得到的,就是36种形态各异的砖块,以及其他的一些装饰要素,比如火把、花、蘑菇等等。你可以用手头的这些道具,建造出你心目中所想的任何东西,你甚至还可以通过本地网络同朋友共同建造。Tweaks:调整:Adjusted the levitation amplifier parameters when using the '/effect' command调整了使用“/ effect”命令时悬浮放大器的参数Bug Fixes:Bug修复:Saved worlds, previously added servers & any installed Add-Ons now appear again保存的世界、之前添加的服务器和安装的Addons现在再次出现了Villagers no longer pick up your items when you die当你死了的时候村民不再捡起你的物品了Mobs spawned with eggs will no longer get stuck inside blocks用生成蛋生成的生物不再卡在方块里了Players can no longer enter blocks and suffocate after swimming with Elytra玩家佩戴鞘翅时游泳不再卡进方块并窒息了The touch screen will no longer get stuck continuing to drop items from the first hotbar slot第一个物品栏持续丢弃物品时触屏不会再卡住了Fixed a crash relating to structures when updating a world from 1.0.3修复了从1.0.3升级世界时结构问题的崩溃Fixed 'Clear' arguments resetting 'Times' values when using the '/title' command修复了'clear'参数在使用'/ title'命令时会重置'Times'的值Previous output will no longer show any information for new Command Blocks以前的输出将不再显示新命令方块的任何信息Using &/clear @p &item_name&& clears one instead of all specified items from the Inventory使用“/ clear @p &item_name&”时从物品栏中清除一个而不是所有指定的项目Fixed '/effect' being unable to remove specific effect by providing duration 0修复了'/effect'通过设置持续时间0但无法消除特定的效果的问题An error message will now state that 0 items were removed after using '/clear' command with a block that was not present in the inventory如果使用'/ clear'命令清除不存在的方块,现在错误消息会说明已删除0个项目The '/effect clear' command will no longer output a redstone signal from a Command Block if it fails如果命令失败,'/ effect clear'将不再从命令方块输出一个红石信号Fixed an invalid syntax error when using '/spreadplayers' command修复了使用'/ spreadplayers'命令时无效的语法错误Items with data tags besides 0 will now be properly removed with the '/clear' command除了0以外具有数据标签的物品现在可以使用'/ clear'命令正确删除'Entity' can now be auto-completed in the chat window when using the '/replaceitem' command当使用 '/replaceitem' 命令时'Entity'可以在聊天窗口自动完成了Chat will no longer flicker when the touch keyboard is opened触摸键盘打开时,聊天将不再闪烁Villagers will no longer throw bread like they were baseball pitchers村民现在不会和棒球选手那样投掷面包了When copying an Item with [CTRL]+[MMB], an additional copy will now be placed in the hotbar当使用 [CTRL]+[MMB]复制物品时,一个额外复制将放置在快捷键中Skin picker works again on Android versions less than 6.0皮肤选择器在安卓6.0以下的版本重新可用了Canceling the download of a Resource Pack will now allow for re-downloading the pack现在取消下载资源包后允许重新下载资源包了Always active repeating Command Blocks will now run their commands after being run in impulse always active mode始终活动的命令方块运行其命令在以脉冲总是活动模式运行后将Passing through an Activator Rail will no longer eject the player on top of Rails激活铁轨激活时将不会弹开铁轨顶部的玩家Many commands now show better result messages when executed现在一些命令执行后有更好的结果信息了Fixed a crash when dying from Wither or instant damage effects triggered by commands修复了当被凋灵杀死或者受到瞬间伤害死亡时发生的崩溃Using 0 as [maxCount] in the /clear command now gives the item count instead of removing it在/ clear命令中使用0作为[maxCount],现在给出物品数量了Fixed the spawn time of Mob Spawners to be randomized instead of constant生物的生存时间是随机的了Mob Spawners will no longer always spawn the maximum number of mobs生物将不再生成最大数量的生物了Items can no longer be duplicated using item frames物品不能再使用物品展示框复制了
同类排行榜[1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2][SSP/SMP][永久更新] 超级自动建筑mod Instant Structures&-&Minecraft(我的世界)中文论坛 -
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[1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2][SSP/SMP][永久更新] 超级自动建筑mod Instant Structures
Instant Structures
15:59 编辑
& && & 非常适合与懒人
& && && && &&&有好几十种自动建筑所以就搬运过来了
& && && && &我又回来了我今天把mod版本更新到了6.9.1废话不多说,先放地址[diamond_sword][diamond_sword][diamond_sword]【1.7x与1.8x通用】原帖下载地址:籽岷的视频:【建议大家看一看】
有空我就会更新!请大家不要催更!楼主的废话:请大家多给人气 还有一些功能但不实用,如果想知道大家自己看原帖吧
不做伸手党,不要逼我回复可见楼主更新日志: 21:11:50发布此帖
17:51 把mod版本更新到6.9.1作者更新日志【慎入】: Update #109 : 08/02/:17 pm8/02/15The second update for the new ISM
-the 14 largest structures can now be downloaded thus less .jar size
-fixed: Java heap space exception when placing a very large structure (over 1,000,000 blocks) out of world
-overworked: placing a structure out of the world is now way more efficient
-added a buttons that opens & to send your structures to the welcome and scan structure window
-fixed: update all blocks quantities of the structure items and their size
-fixed: over-worked all item structure names
-YouTube videos are now open on &&?
-placing very larger structures is now a bit more efficient and need less RAM
-some smaller improvements
The great update : 07/31/:33 pm7/31/15The Instant Structures Mod (ISM) is back
The update is the greatest and most epic ISM update of all time. It contains so many new features...
But first I have to apologize
& & for weeks and months don't making new updates
& & for don't fixing the huge amount of bugs the last version have
& & for don't reply to all your comments, mails and bug reports
& & for don't even read them,
& & for disappointing so many of you.
Sorry for that. I just want to focus on this update.
But while I was absent, I still worked a lot on ISM. I spend a lot of time in learning to create a own website.
The Website () has many advantages. As an example it contains contact forms to send new structures to add them to the mod and to send bug reports. It makes it easier to create good tutorials about the mod.
Furthermore I spend days in learning new Java functions and understand packages.
But why the whole?
ISM needed a update that changes the way it works entirely. The way it registers structure items, it handles them. The way it saves (FETT) structures, the way it loads (FETT) them. The last-mentioned points make this update as epic.
ISM uses now a new file type to save structures. It's called &.structures&. New structure files take up to 4 times less space than old ISM structures files. (large structures) But as a minimum 2 times less space for very small structures. The file size is comparable to &.schematic& files.
In addition, it takes less time to scan structures. ISM write structures XY times faster to files than before.
Do you know what?
Placing new structures is more efficient too. How quickly large structures are placed depends on the PC, mainly by the processor.
My computer has a 6-core processor running at 3.50 giga heart, places a structure (the Samurai Temple by Alecdent) (LINK ZUM YOUTUBE VIDEO) with 350,000 blocks in 10 seconds. Previously, it took about 90 seconds.
To flatten an area with 5,000,000 blocks takes about additional 10 seconds.
World Edit crashes while I was trying to place the Samurai Temple as a schematic. To my knowledge it is not possible to place such large structures with schematics. Right?
This all sounds so great. But there is still a lot of work ahead of me. ISM cann't read nor place NBT tags. NBT tags save chest, hopper..., signs contents. This version has probably many bugs because almost the whole code is changed. If you place big structures you will still own the world Reload otherwise crashes Minecraft.
What else is new?
-ISM loads images faster and doesn't have to unpack them. Thereby, there are fewer sources of error. ISM files are not unzipped too.
-The search function of the structures window is more than 10 times faster.
-The tool function can now replace blocks again and it contains a search function for blocks.
-structure Files can save mod blocks and all blocks with all metas.
-Furthermore this update contains many improvements that have little visible impact but saves resources of your PC.
-The Reader tool opens much faster especially when it has to display many structures
-Added a converter to update old &ism-structure& files to &structure& files
very small improvements (some of these version are released with the next update)
-added the new ISM icon as a window icon
-update crafting recipes and tutorials
-structure files are saved in the folder &.minecraft/mods/ism/structures/&
-After placing the red or green block to create a bounding box a colored chat message appears that indicates what to do next
-after you click on a text field the default text disappears
-ISM warns you if a structure has already the same name
-You can use the bounding box in combination with the Tool item (added in one of the next versions)
-Tool: displays the number of placed blocks in the chat
-add around 30 unblished structures that are created by users (next bigger update)
-add a Russian and German translation of ISM (next bigger update)
-removed the second window while placing a structure - bounding boxes can be created with a button in the first window
Probably I forget a few new features or improvements.
Thank you for reading this very long announcement and update log.
-Marc Schmidt developer of ISM
Update #107 : 06/26/:01 am6/26/15-added 8 new structure that were build by ISM users
-fixed a bug that crashes the game when using huge, giant or insane structures that have to be downloaded
Announcement: At the moment I working on the biggest update for all time. It will change almost everything!
Update #106 : 06/07/:42 am6/07/15-added 10 structures from people who use ISM. They're awesome!
-fixed a bug that sometimes caused a crash of the game while starting
Update #105 : 06/05/:13 am6/05/15-added the new tutorial that describes how to scan structures to the mod
-added the new tutorial that describes how to place structures to the mod
-over-worked both video icons
-added 4 new structures that were scanned by ISM users
-added the Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer
-corrected the bounding box of 2 structures
-added the new bounding box to the structures that are placed
-fixed a bug: can't places structures without flatten the area
-the bounding box that are placed before users create a structure is now placed with a thread
the function that items of the ism-structures files that are in the
myStructures-folder were created because it contains too much bugs.
Update #104 : 05/29/:31 am5/29/15-over-worked the easier way to scan structures --& now it's much easier than it was in the last update
-you can scan structures by doing the steps that are described in the update log before and:
1. left-click with the &Bounding Box Item& to set the red block
2. right-click to set the green block
the order is equal
a picture of the crafting recipe will follow the next days
-new: place your structures, structures of ISM and large structures of ISM in the air --& you haven't to right-click on the ground to place a structure
-different smaller bugfixes
-different code optimations
Update #103 : 05/24/:23 am5/24/15This update adds a new and more easier way to scan structures.
-Now you can structures by placing only two blocks
1. place the green block in one corner and the red block in the diagonal corner of your structures
2. a bounding box appears that indicates the area that will be scanned
3. click on the red or green block
4. a window appears add all information that are needed to scan your structures
5. finished
-blocks that are on the same coordinate as the &indicator-line& will be scanned too
a tutorial that explains the new function in detailed will uploaded tomorrow on my YouTube channel
-the bounding box disappears and will replace with the blocks when you log out of your world
-added the name of the remove structure item
-fixed a bug that crashes your minecraft when you remove a structure out of the ISM structure folder and open the reader item
-removed: fix point block, writer item, different older tools that aren't needed since the last &tool& and scanner update
-over-worked the way creative tabs are registered
Update #102 : 05/22/:56 am5/22/15This update is only for 1.8 version of ISM.
It contains a bunch of fixes:
-update function doesn't work corectly
-update function prohibited to start minecraft when the internet connection doesn't work corectly
-downloaded extra structures can't be placed
-downloaded extra structures-files can't be deleted after use
-added around 50 structures to the mod directly
-added more cool features to the &builder tool&
-now you can place cones in more directions and tilted
-added a sphere to the tool
-added the option to tilt and turn more geometrical shapes (and fixed bugs that prohibit to place them corectly)
-over-worked the list of blocks that can be used to create these shape
-added the option to place blocks with meta datas
Update #101 : 05/17/:55 am5/17/15-added a new cool function: you can place cuboids, circles, cylinders, cones, squares, pyramides and ovals with a variable width, depth, height, alignment, position and blocks.
This feature isn't finished completly now but I works pretty well.
by , auf Flickr
by , auf Flickr
by , auf Flickr
by , auf Flickr
by , auf Flickr
by , auf Flickr
Update #100 : 05/15/:45 am5/15/15-added YouTube videos that explain how to scan and place structures and one that present the most important features with ISM
-fixed a bug on macs that effect all windows are grey --& thereby mac users couldn't use ISM
-added a German translation of all 260 item names
-renamed a few items
Update #99 : 05/10/:14 am5/10/15-added 10 new structures:
WarshipGalleyFlying Steampunk Island with MansionBeach ResortHessian BannerSkyscraper House 1Thunder HawkEgyptian TempleSmall Egyptian TempleLarge Egyptian House 2
Update #98 : 05/08/:59 am5/08/15-added 10 new structures:
Roman TheaterSmall Warrior StatueRoman VillaSteampunk HelicopterSteampunk JetSteampunk AirshipSteampunk Airship 2Angel Warrior StatueAngel Warrior Statue 2Fantasy Palace
Update #97 : 05/03/:37 am5/03/15-fixed a bug that doesn't delete ISM files after placing them
-fixed a bug that doesn't allow players to place insane structures and structures that have to download extarnal
-new: players can add tags to their scanned structures thereby these structure can be found by the search function of the ingame wiki
-fixed: the window that appears before you place a structure doesn't show all structure information correctly
-smaller fixes with the &placing window&
-fixed: yellow/black bounding box doesn't disappear when a player abbort the placing structure-process
a short statement:
Sometimes people ask me why I have to do so much improvements or why ISM contains so much bugs. If you consider ISM from the view of a programmer, it is one of the most complex mods. Normal mods add new items, blocks with special abilities to your game. Sometimes new dimensions or mobs. But ISM has to handle read and write files and illustrate a GUI. One more reason is that I have never learned to program this before I program it for the ISM. All I know about Java I taught myself. Every few weeks I found a better way to solve a task/problem and I recode some parts of the code. As an example I changed the static GUI to a dynamic and much more complex one.
Today ISM was downloaded 300.000 times from this forum. Thank you for playing my Mod.
Update #96 : 05/01/:40 am5/01/15Added a new function that allows players to favorite structures and displays them in a seperate frame. Thereby players find the structures they like or use more often than others more easily.
fixed: a bug that don't change the caption of the creator-combobox in the structure frame
new: show dialog when search failed
Update #95 : 04/24/:25 am4/24/15-added the last announced changes and new features (like the search bar, sort structures by creator)
-a bunch of bug fixes
-unfortunately I forgot a lot of the changes
Update #94 : 04/19/:29 am4/19/15-10 new structures
-ISM contains now more than 200 structures
-Currently I'm working on large GUI changes, like
-a searchbar for structures
-a system to favorite structures
-sort structures by creators and genres instead of only by genres
-a better GUI performance
because the new GUI still contains a bunch of bugs I don't published it official but you can download a pre-release
Update #93 : 04/12/:50 pm4/12/15-10 new structures
-can scan sign content and display
-The last few days I worked on classes to make the GUI o lot more dynamic.
Update #92 : 04/10/:37 am4/10/15-new scan trapchest, flower pot and brewing stand content like item and blocks
-bug fixes
Update #91 : 04/05/:48 am4/05/15-enhanced the bounding box that indictes the needed area for the structure
-new can scan hopper and dropper content
-1.8 can scan chest content
-smaller fixes
Update #90 : 04/03/:08 am4/03/15-fixed a lot of bugs
-new: 1.7.10 ism-structures files can scan chest content now
Update #89 : 03/29/:03 am3/29/15-added a link to a YouTube tutorial that explains how to scan structures to the &writer/scanner& window
-all check box contains now the text thereby the area to click on them is larger
-1.8 own structures have no item texture
- 10 new structures
-added info to the option remove blocks in the &scanner/writer& window
changes... : 03/27/:01 pm3/27/15-10 new structures
-the wiki doesn't drops anymore after loading a world when one wiki item is in the inventory
-improved download structure function
-structures that must download seperately are emphasized with a special item texture
-and contains a download icon in the structure wiki
-improvements and smaller fixes
Update #87 : 03/22/:50 pm3/22/15-added 5 new structures
-working on a version with more than 50 extra structures
Update #86 : 03/20/:19 pm3/20/15-added 5 new structures for 1.7.10 and 1.8
-like the Titanic
Update #85 : 03/07/:01 am3/07/15-added 10 new structures
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哦 ,明白了
自从用了这个mod 妈妈再也不担心我家电脑不.
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