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Emergent Gameplay
When a game is developed, its designers come up with some core gameplay mechanics. As players play these games, however, they come up with new strategies and ideas resulting from putting individual mechanics together.
This article (of necessity) will only list notable examples, such as ones that have been given names by players.
Unlike (but closely related to) , emergent gameplay features are generally seen as positive developments. May result from , but bugs are not necessary.
of competitive games are examples of emergent gameplay.
are also examples, as are
when not tied to the actual plot. The
genre puts emergent gameplay on the forefront of its game design.
&&&&open/close all folders&
&&&& Action Adventure&
: The maze-like structure and open-endedness of the first game was very interesting to , since it allowed them to devise and test alternative routes, intended , through the game. Its third installment, Super Metroid, continues to be a widely-appreciated game, with
still being discovered that allow new speed tricks. Furthermore, said openness helped give rise to the
&&&& Fighting Game&
started out as this. Players were never intended to be able string multiple attacks together in the original , however once the players figured out how to do them, the developers
them, as did every other fighting game developer at the time. Even today, majority of the combos in these games are things that the players themselves create. In fact, it's generally acknowledged that one of the marks of a good fighting game is how much freedom it provides the player in terms of developing combos.
Released as a fun, random, chaotic party game, Super Smash Bros. 64 and Melee have garnered much competitive attention for their astonishing, completely accidental technical depth.
doesn't even begin to explain.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl was a
to close the gaping chasm between skill levels in Melee, by slowing the overall pace and streamlining most high level techniques out. Opinions on
most competitive players will point out that Melee was still a perfectly functional party game for people who didn't care to learn to wavedash, and casual players openly appreciate a larger character roster, stage selection and item list. All the same, competitive play developed, a new metagame arose and the skill gap opened anew.
One of the major things they were trying to get rid of were a lot of so-called "technical skills" - that is to say, very difficult to execute in-game commands which require a lot of practice to perform. Mechanics like wavedashing (which more or less replaced normal movement in Super Smash Bros. Melee) and L-cancelling (which was simply a case of bad design - there's never any reason not to l-cancel every move ever, so why is it the game in the first place?) were deliberately removed in order to simplify the controls. They largely succeeded at that, but the more people practice a fighting game, the more emergent gameplay tends to come out.
is based around a six button/key control scheme, with a very advanced set of actions, even when four of those buttons are directional buttons.
&&&& First Person Shooter&
Originally, Starsiege
was a tactical FPS, based on vehicles, and teamwork with massive open maps that would be nigh-impossible to practically cross on foot. And then players discovered that by "Hopping" using their jetpacks, they could essentially disable friction for their character, letting them "Ski" down slopes at immense speeds, and use the built up momentum to hurl themselves across the map. Soon players were using client-side macros to automate skiing at the ideal rate, superseding vehicles as the favored form of transportation. By Tribes 2, , and the game's largely projectile-based arsenal would lead to a game of speed, trajectory prediction, and reflexes, with the well-earned title of "World's fastest shooter".
The idea for
came about when Turtle Rock Studios (who developed L4D) were developing the bots for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and decided to play game where there were a ton of bots, players versus bots, and the bots on very hard with knives only. The result is very similar to the Horde Zerg rushing at times in L4D.
Online free-to-play shooter : The Duel began as a fairly standard shooter, albeit with wall-jumping and other feats of badassery. Then, the playerbase discove these days, it's difficult to compete if you aren't proficient in the styles of play known as K-style, D-Style, or E-Style.
&&&& MMORPG&
In , the ninja job was introduced with the intention that players would use it as a damage dealer that would use magical ninjutsu to supplement physical damage. However, players discovered that the Utsusemi ninjutsu, which would nullify attacks for a few times, coupled with the ninja's great evasion stats, made it a great choice for a tank. Eventually, developers began producing gear for ninjas that complemented this play style instead.
&&&& Pinball&
machine to save an otherwise doomed ball has become an allowed maneuver in competitions. The technique of banging the bottom of the table to knock the ball over a divider and back into play, on the other hand, remains universally banned. As long as you don't tilt.
&&&& Real Time Strategy&
: being able to tell where a (competitive) opponent's base is by how long it takes their scout to find you.
&&&& Role Playing Game&
: the entire metagame idea of "tiers" is an emergent gameplay feature.
&&&& Simulation Game&
: Due to the game's
nature and , quite a few people find ways to have fun with the game without launching rockets into space at all, or by finding unusual uses for game parts.
, a fully aquatic base on Laythe,note& is one of the less outlandish examples.
: By sheer weight of the amount of simulations such as weather, erosion, and population density (among other things), there is quite a bit of emergent gameplay. One of the most important concepts to know to create a running fortress in less than a few days of gameplay are pump stacks, which are clusters of pumps that allow for instant transportation of water or magma from any lower z-level to the top of the stack.
&&&& Stealth Game&
In some installments of the
Players were able to figure out that throwing a wooden crate onto a ledge and then shooting a rope arrow into it was one way of being able to use rope arrows in a space that otherwise seemed unsuitable to them (as they can only stick into wood or soil). The
The Dark Mod actually notes and briefly touches upon utilising the crate-roping method in its tutorial mission.
Then there are the occassional cases of players tricking various, mutually hostile NPCs into fighting each other.
&&&& TTRPG&
Starting in
3rd edition, the codifying of rules that were previously
combined with the rise of the internet (and with it the ability to easily share information) led to optimization. Among the most well-known (and controversial) outcomes of this optimization were , and , a wizard playstyle that eschews traditionally-popular spells like Fireball to instead prepare spells that buff party members, debuff enemies, control the battlefield, perform utility tasks, or instantly kill/render helpless enemies.
&&&& Web Game&
: Spies (people signing up accounts on opposing teams), Special Forces (people who make their moves late in the turn so as to prevent spies from being effective), and Swaps ("trading" territories between allied teams to give both teams conquer bonuses).
: As a Risk-like online indie game, there is little context provided and hard rules are only combat-oriented, yet players have come up with diplomatic games and scenarios with made-up rules. Those tend to provide pretty good roleplay.
&&&& Wide Open Sandbox&
: The Hellevator (a vertical tunnel stretching from the surface down to Hell) and the Skybridge (a bridge in mid-air, used to traverse the upper part of the map and for quick horizontal travel). Also several methods to exploit
to generate lava.
: The game as a whole has a lot of this, but one of the most notable examples is the redstone system of which a wide manner of contraptions have been made, including 16-bit computers.
&&&& Other&
isn't a game itself but the building tools allow for the construction of games and there are many. There's also the ongoing game between
and player-run anti-griefer security. Played
Recent reviews by A Simple Pigeon
7.2 hrs on record
I can't tell you what a good feeling it was to find out I wasn't the only person who loved this game as a kid. I feel like my 'childhood games' are always too obscure to be considered classics. But finding out that people not only remembered, but cared enough about Ty to port it to pc was amazing! It's a great port - the controls are about as good as you could get on a keyboard and it's certainly optimized better than an emulator. Even if you never played the original it's a pretty good example of the kind of gamecube/ps2-era 3D platformers that don't really exist anymore these days. If you like games like spyro and banjo kazooie, this is that same genre, but with a really fun and surprisingly dedicated australian theme. It's not a masterpiece by any means, but it's still enjoyable if you're fond of these types of games.
Posted 12 May.
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1.5 hrs on record
Not all that long or difficult, which are good qualities for a horror game, especially if you're easily spooked like me. Also not an fnaf clone at all, it has original - and well-designed - gameplay and exploits the same niche of nostalgia uncanny valley, and it does it well. The story doesn't aspire to be any bigger than the game, leaves enough unexplained to keep the unsettling atmosphere intact, and it definitely pays off in the end. Worth five bucks!
Posted 28 December, 2016.
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0.5 hrs on record
Really good, especially for a free game! if I'd paid one or two bucks for this I wouldn't have felt cheated. Great visuals, great sound design, and interesting and well-told story make for a great relaxing little exploration game. great great great. that's all I can say about it.
Posted 4 August, 2016.
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0.6 hrs on record
This game isn't bad at all. But it isn't worth $10. I went in completely blind and wandered around wonder-struck and organically discovered the supposedly &hidden& gameplay and had a great time with all the pretty visuals, but then I looked up the major events realized I'd blown through 80% of the game's content in 30 minutes and all I had left were some lackluster random events and limited assets.Either wait for a good sale or play it for a half hour to experience the bulk of the exploration and then refund it, like I did.
Posted 20 June, 2016.
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45.3 hrs on record
I want to make sure everyone knows how amazing this game is but I also want to keep it (relatively) short. basically dragon's dogma is the greatest fantasy rpg of all time. dark arisen is the 'definitive edition' of the original console game with all the original dlc and expansions present.Also I didn't think this review would get so popular so I'm taking this opportunity to tell everyone who buys this game to start as a strider because it's the best and most fun class k thnxFirst and foremost the character creator has yet to be topped by any other game I've played, and YES, that includes black desert online. There's no sliders and instead you pick from a huge huge list of features, giving you just as much freedom as other games but ensuring that you always end up with an actual human face that you don't destroy with tiny changes you can't see until you're in real lighting conditions. You can edit every aspect of your body - you can be anything from a 10 year old boy to a fat middle aged black woman, you can choose your height and arm types and torso types, it's JUST SO GOOD. Also your player's age/body type does not impact the game at all with the exception of weight giving you an advantage in windy enviroments. Yes, being fat is the only thing that will give you an advantage in this world.And of course the combat is so fluid and fun and there's so many different kinds of skills with different effects, and the boss fights are always a joy because every boss monster has a different strategy or weakness and they all feel natural to discover on your own. I'm not very articulate when it comes to describing things like this but the best I can say is that it just feels so free compared to combat syst you have to actually jump up to slash harpies out of the sky and you can shoot individual armor plates off of cyclopes and things like that. All the skills are very open-ended when it comes to their usage, and there's so many different mechanics to play around with, like taking advantage of a sleeping arrow to make a boss monster stagger off the edge of a cliff. Also it's fair to mention the monster hunter-like roaming boss fights that always keep exploration from getting boring. Let me tell you, nothing will wake you up faster than hearing your pawn spot a griffon.The romance system, admittedly, is weird and difficult to understand unless you look it up elsewhere, but it more than makes up for its lack of explanation with the total freedom it gives you. There are a number of npcs that are obviously groomed to be potential love interests, but you can romance absoltutely any npc in the game that doesn't die as a result of the plot. Any random guard, any particularly attractive quest npc, the blacksmith assistant girl who has one line of dialogue, you can marry anyone of any gender and they're all treated as equally important once you pick em. I can't talk too much about the plot because it is something that can be spoiled, but I will say this: don't be so quick to judge this game based on how it presents itself. This game is very self-aware and it IS setting you up for a bait and switch. So if you enjoy the gameplay but find the plot boring you, just press on. It'll be worth it.The multiplayer aspect is, of course, the best kind of multiplayer, the kind where you never have to actually interact with another human being. When you create your character, you also create one main party member, and that party member is able to be hired by other players online while you're not playing, allowing them to come back with gifts and knowledge about quests and enemies you might not have encountered yet. They also get rated based on how pretty they are, so you'll know whether to step your fashion game up. There's also another particular piece of endgame multiplayer content that I don't want to spoil, but I will say it's a pretty interesting and creative use of online functionality.This is the very rare kind of game that happens when people like Capcom try to tackle a genre they're not familiar with. They're not as experienced with it but they're also not entrenched in the conventions of the genre, and there's a lot of little things in the gameplay that feel different and foreign and new.At the end of the day, when so many fantasy rpgs feel the same, there really is no game quite like dragon's dogma, and I think it's something that every rpg player should experience, just to see the kind of creativity that comes from someone who has never been told what this kind of game is supposed to be.
Posted 9 June, 2016.
Last edited 4 July, 2016.
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4.0 hrs on record
do yourself a favor and disable sticky keys
Posted 6 May, 2016.
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1.0 hrs on record
Simple, satisfying, and no mechanic feels like it overstays its welcome. You get exactly as much as you pay for. The only thing stopping this from being a phone app is that some of the levels are too dense to work well on a touchscreen.
Posted 29 March, 2016.
Last edited 29 March, 2016.
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12.6 hrs on record
This is hands-down the best fan-game I've ever played. The puzzles are absolutely nightmarish, so don't expect a forgiving difficulty curve, they recently added an additional &story mode& route with much easier versions of the original puzzles, so you don't even have to worry about the difficulty anymore if you're not up to the challenge. Either way, I'd say there's about as much content in here as in the original portal.The voice acting is above average for what you'd expect out of a mod, and they certainly do a pretty good cave johnson impersonation. The original characters feel like they fit in well with the tone and writing style of the original game, and I was impressed at how much they drew from cut characters and concept art when crafting their setting, instead of trying to make up something completely original that might not have meshed with the portal universe so well. What I liked most of all, however, was the dedication to detail and the amount of easter eggs and secrets hidden throughout the levels. And not just &hidden& things that are super obviously pointed out because the designers don't want you to miss their hard work, these are things that you genuinely might not find and really feel rewarding when you do. I personally love getting achievements for stupid little things like dying in ridiculous ways or finding certain puzzle exploits, so I'm thrilled that there's so many of those in this game.Overall, 8/10 as a game, but 2056/10 as a free mod.
Posted 5 February, 2016.
Last edited 10 March, 2016.
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30.5 hrs on record
Surprisingly immersive and addicting! If you're not put off by text-based interfaces it's a lot of fun and it's aged pretty well, recalling the classic hacker aesthetic of the early internet. Even though the &company& has to &delete your account& whenever you get caught, the skills, tricks, and shortcuts that you learn as a player ensure that you can quickly get back to where you were a lot faster than it took you the first time. Every part of the gameplay is contextualized within the in-game universe, so if you want to believe that this game is actually a program that anonymously connects you to an international hacking ring via a proxy computer, the game will never contradict you.
Posted 27 December, 2015.
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8.4 hrs on record
Pros:Fantastic and unique art styleFantastic soundtrackWitty banter of the highest caliberTakes the ace attorney gameplay formula and twists it into something unique, where some choices have consequences that extend beyond simple trial-and-error, and more emphasis is put on the player's actual skill and dilliegence in investigating and gathering evidence.Cons:The birds have human hands and this upsets me
Posted 26 December, 2015.
Last edited 5 February, 2016.
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