
我的世界LambdaCraft 1.8.0MOD下载(2)
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您所在的位置:&>&&>& > 我的世界1.6.4[LI]LambdaCraft官方简单整合
本懒人整合包由 游戏网于网络搜集整理,仅提供作为用户交流使用,如有侵犯您的版权,请联系我们,本站将立即改正。
中文名称: LambdaCraft 官方简单整合
适用版本: 1.6.4
来源: 原创
包含内容: LambdaCraft 小地图 光影 NEI 其他辅助Mod
语言支持: 依赖于预先设置的字段语言 简体中文
Mod名称 文件名 版本号
装备耐久数显HUD [1.6.4]ArmorStatusHUD_1.15.zip 1.15
bspkrs核心 [1.6.4]bspkrsCore_5.3.zip 5.3
CodeChicken核心 [1.6.4]CodeChickenCore_0.9.0.9_cn.jar
血量数显 [1.6.4]Damage_Indicators_2.9.1.1_cn.zip
LambdaCraft [1.6.4]LambdaCraft_1.7.8.3_cn.zip
Optifine高清修复 [1.6.4]Optifine_HD_U_C8_cn.jar HD_U_C8
Buff数显HUD [1.6.4]StatusEffectHUD_1.19.zip 1.19
Zan的小地图 [1.6.4]Zan's_Minimap_1.6.4_cn.zip 1.6.4
多语言输入修复 [1.6.x]InputFix_4.jar v4
GLSL渲染器 [1.6.4]ShadersModCore_2.2.1_cn.jar 2.2.1
NEI作弊器 [1.6.4]NotEnoughItems_1.6.1.9_cn.jar
NEIAddons[NEI扩展] [1.6.4]NEIAddons_1.10.4.64_cn.jar
NEI插件扩展 [1.6.4]NEIPlugins_1.1.0.6_cn.jar
Waila[NEI扩展] [1.6.4]Waila_1.5.1a_cn.zip 1.5.1a
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热门游戏推荐[1.7.10]LambdaCraft : Minecraft Half-Life Expansion [v1.9] - Minecraft Mods - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum
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As for Half-Life, it's unique weapons gives players lots of awesome expriences. Now all the weapons in Half-Life 1 has been re-made into Minecraft in LambdaCraft. Most of the weapons use techne model and can use both left&right mouse to shoot, without interrupting running and sprinting. Hope you'll find what you felt in HL in LambdaCraft ^^
2.Tools and Euqipments
In Half-Life, you must have a deep impression about the H.E.V. suit that Gordon Freeman wears. In LambdaCraft, we also added lots of stuffs about H.E.V into it, including the suit itself, health charger, armor charger......As for the suit, it can absorb large amounts of damage, and some attachments can be attached to it( Ammo managing, Longjump, Defense upgrade, ... ).Also, the head-up display is what you must exprience...
3、Mobs and XEN dimension!!!
The unique monsters in Half-Life must be impressing on first play. So how about seeing and fighting against it in minecraft?
The xen dimension is currently still under developing and didn't release it's full potentional...Got any ideas?
Mod Review by XerainGaming:
*Recipe page is being reconstructed. Wait just a moment please^^
Current Mod Version: 1.8
Minecraft Version: 1.7.2
Required API: MinecraftForge , LIUtils1.7.2.321
Other stuffs:LambdaCraft includes IC2API for internal Energy Net support, so it may be incompatible with some version of IC2exp. Recommended version: 2.1.484
Notice that we the new version of LC has LIUtils as its dependency.
【Make sure you have read the words above arefully】
Please always choose the main link if it works, we appreciate your little support^^
Quick Link for PlayerAPI: [Used in all versions between 1.0.0-&1.7.1] for MC1.6.4
[API Requirement: MinecraftForge]
1.7.7 for MC1.6.4:
[API Requirement:MinecraftForge]
1.7.6 for Minecraft 1.6.4:
[API Requirements: Forge]
1.7.1 for Minecraft 1.6.4:
[API Requirements: PlayerAPI, MinecraftForge]
1.7.0 for Minecraft 1.6.2:
[API Requirements:PlayerAPI, MinecraftForge]
The music disk soundtrack applies for all versions between 1.0.0 and
1.6.0beta for Minecraft 1.6.2:
【API Requirements: PlayerAPI, Forge】 for Minecraft 1.5.2:
【API Requirements: PlayerAPI, Forge】 fo Minecraft 1.5.2:
【API Requirements: PlayerAPI,Forge】
0.9.5Beta for Minecraft 1.4.7:
【API Requirements: Forge】
Install instruction:
Make sure you have
the dependencies mentioned above installed.
If your Minecraft version is above 1.6.0 : Put the .zip file into your .minecraft/versions/[VERSION TO INSTALL]/mods folder. DO NOT Extract the file.Otherwise :put the .zip file into your .minecraft/mods/ folder. DO NOT Extract the file.Open the game and enjoy!Server:
Make sure you have
installed in your minecraft.jar, and have other dependencies installed.MCPC++ is supported.
Put the .zip file into /mods folder.
Regenerate the world if you want for new ores.
Enjoy the mod!Others:
Any Crashes about "Do not find CBCPlayer" is because you didn't install PlayerAPI correctly. Make sure you HAVE PLAYERAPI INSTALLED ! Do not come up with this kind of crash reports please T^T
-Adapted MC version: 1.6.4 -& 1.7.2
-Updated filling method of uranium ammo, crossbow ammo, 9mmHandgun magazine and 9mmAR magazine to crafting
-Added key settings for block using(default F) and reloading(default R)
-Binded a new hotkey for longjump starting (default V)
-Changed filling method of medkit to crafting
-Rewritten weapon crafter
-Magazines now show their remaining ammo
-Fixed headcrab client bug
-Added bio material recipes
-Fixed houndeye shockwaves and snarks crashing the world
-made LIUtils and WeaponMod independent, which enables modularized update
-Reconstructed weapon system and weapons
-Added&modified terrains in Xen
-Fixed potential bug of electric system
-Merged two CreativeTabs
-Weapons now have aiming actions!!
-Various bugfixes
-Minor functional improvements
-.....A lot more
Other information
LambdaCraft has its own website
Also we established a
about mod information. Unfortunately, experienced wiki writers are not quite easy to found. Feel free to contribute, also if you are interested in writing the wiki, contact me. (See Modding Team)
Lambdacraft is also open-source. github page:
Modding Team: Proud of being the team leader of
Core Contributers:
WeAthFolD(Team Leader/Lead Programming)
Rikka(Programming) Ice Box(Website/Video)
KSkun(Website/Wiki) NightCat(Artist)
GreenTea(Lead Artist)
Kelas(Texture Artist)
了望的猪(Texture Artist)
sabo970(Model/Texture Artist)
Yakumo Ran(Testing)
Also we established a
for mod informations, unfortunately experienced wiki writers are not quite easy to find, especially in the state that the mod contributers are not very good at English. Feel free to contribute, also if you are interested in writing the Wiki, contact me please XD.
If you are interested in the project and want to join in us to work together on the project,
OR you have any question about the mod,
OR you want to be a tester of the mod,
OR anything else,
CONTACT WeAthFolD at :
is the mod finished,if not,it should go in the "wip mods" sections
It IS finished, although more elements are continuing to be added.
It IS finished, although more elements are continuing to be added.
ok,so it's just thee op that is unfinished
edit : just saw that you have completed it,so now,I can say that it's in the good section,nice job
ok,so it's just thee op that is unfinished
edit : just saw that you have completed it,so now,I can say that it's in the good section,nice job
Thanks a lot
i refuse to use this mod cause of forge i hate forge
so you simply refuse to add any mods to your minecraft
if you refuse forge,here's a tip for you : stay in vanilla
Is it possible for you to change or add a different way of getting the refined steel? The current way conflicts with
I'm afraid...
Also would the Uranium ore work with
under the ore dictionary meaning we could use IC2's Uranium ore to make your refined Uranium? Sorry if this is a silly question!
EDIT: Under the Mod Elements it says "IndustrialCraft 2 support" and under the Version History it says "Added IndustrialCraft 2 compatibility." What does this entail exactly? I tried looking here and on the wiki but I can't find anything on this...
The refined steel and uranium ore in the mod was added to Forge's oreDictionary and is fully compatible with IC2,
also for "support" I mean that the machines within the mod, such as H.E.V. charger and Health Charger, supports IC2 electricity.
P.S. when you install IC2, the mod's generator recipe are disabled.
Hope this help you
if the colors in my posts don't make sense don't worry about it
also you should check out
So do we need jre8 for this, lol.
What makes you think like that, lol.
The refined steel and uranium ore in the mod was added to Forge's oreDictionary and is fully compatible with IC2,
also for "support" I mean that the machines within the mod, such as H.E.V. charger and Health Charger, supports IC2 electricity.
P.S. when you install IC2, the mod's generator recipe are disabled.
Hope this help you
Awesome! Thank you for the quick answer, I am going to be testing this in my world then!!
This + iChun's Gravity Gun + Someone recreating HL, HL2 etc. etc. = Half-Life with destructible terrain!! XD
iChun will not allow his mods for public modpacks.
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