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UID4402488主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分666金钱6593 荣誉8 人气474 在线时间2020 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 666, 距离下一级还需 334 积分
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本帖最后由 c_major 于
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01:05:44 上传
《The Sims 4 生儿育女》扩充包现已在Origin推出PC版和Mac版,而我们也已谈论过作为好(或坏)父母如何影响品格值,以及育儿技能和您可能需要惩罚的新问题。 今天,我们将要谈到一些不一定会影响到这些方面,但纯粹为表面上的一种乐趣的项目。
01:31:00 上传
直至目前为止,在《The Sims 4 生儿育女》里最精彩的,甚至是我们做过最酷的项目:专题作业。 孩子和青少年会从学校带着全新的专题作业回家。它们是家庭作业以外的加分题。专题作业其中包括建筑桥梁、甚至是一支后院火箭。不止如此,范围甚至涉猎得更广泛,包括模拟火山喷发或壮观的自制二级火箭。
01:30:57 上传
《The Sims 4 生儿育女》充满家庭生活与活动。当您的模拟市民不在教导他们的孩子如何成为一个有为市民,或忽略多数令人反感的措举时,他们可以旁观孩子从玩具熊上学习同理心或从积木上学会新创意技能。
《The Sims 4 生儿育女》是一场视觉盛宴,而其中有太多丰富内容让您慢慢去探索。我们迫不及待地想看到您将会使用这个新内容创造出怎样的故事。
*需搭配《The Sims 4》主游戏(另售)并安装所有游戏更新才能玩。
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UID4402488主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分666金钱6593 荣誉8 人气474 在线时间2020 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 666, 距离下一级还需 334 积分
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本帖最后由 c_major 于
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UID4402488主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分666金钱6593 荣誉8 人气474 在线时间2020 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 666, 距离下一级还需 334 积分
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UID8430115主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分385金钱4620 荣誉0 人气22 在线时间2574 小时评议0
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UID4985947主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分92金钱2568 荣誉0 人气4 在线时间905 小时评议0
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UID4402488主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分666金钱6593 荣誉8 人气474 在线时间2020 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 666, 距离下一级还需 334 积分
帖子精华0积分666金钱6593 荣誉8 人气474 评议0
anfeitaming2010 发表于
挂科学上网器橘子也只有30K下载速度的人真的好累 ...
UID8430115主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分385金钱4620 荣誉0 人气22 在线时间2574 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 385, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
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c_major 发表于
UID8467255主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分249金钱1667 荣誉0 人气32 在线时间1710 小时评议0
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UID主题阅读权限80帖子精华0积分2181金钱1069 荣誉19 人气810 在线时间3270 小时评议0
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? 【 喵的微信公众号】——喵喵的日常实用杂货铺(ID:nyaenjoy)
? 本人房屋外观作品01 ? ——&
? 本人房屋外观作品02 ? ——&
UID3458147主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分267金钱2920 荣誉0 人气32 在线时间2287 小时评议0
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Powered by& 可以在水槽上做饭了,这是这次的升级还是BUG啊??? ...
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UID4703232主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1223金钱4700 荣誉1 人气114 在线时间3904 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1223, 距离下一级还需 777 积分
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11:29:21 上传
Sense the World‘s Beauty『战略游戏区』SIMS七彩天使+海纳百川
UID9252551主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3551金钱15525 荣誉10 人气1090 在线时间6408 小时评议8
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UID4703232主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1223金钱4700 荣誉1 人气114 在线时间3904 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1223, 距离下一级还需 777 积分
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小老虎3018 发表于
Sense the World‘s Beauty『战略游戏区』SIMS七彩天使+海纳百川
UID9252551主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3551金钱15525 荣誉10 人气1090 在线时间6408 小时评议8
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芥末吐司 发表于
基本确认又是个猎奇Bug 2333
UID2401119主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分343金钱2378 荣誉0 人气105 在线时间5263 小时评议0
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我也出现这个问题← ←
UID4027172主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分595金钱1078 荣誉0 人气136 在线时间2409 小时评议0
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我的小人经常端着碗,跑到厕所坐马桶上吃饭。 我只能叹声。。溅,人
UID989333主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分600金钱5649 荣誉0 人气14 在线时间1483 小时评议0
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xtdk 发表于
我的小人经常端着碗,跑到厕所坐马桶上吃饭。 我只能叹声。。溅,人
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Powered by& 《模拟人生4》Sims 4 Studio 新Mesh制作工具与教程搬运v ...
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UID7229734主题阅读权限150帖子精华1积分5731金钱29930 荣誉64 人气1648 在线时间21827 小时评议31
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本帖最后由 rudor 于
17:00 编辑
感谢 Sims 4 Group 团队开发此工具造福所有Sims玩家
原站工具下载:Sims 4 Studio 2.4 [OPEN BETA]
This tutorial will show you how to make a clone of an EA object and then replace the original mesh with your own mesh. It assumes you know how to create, map, texture, and recolor a mesh and will not go over those steps.&&The tutorial uses a mapped mesh in .obj format but the same basic method will work whether you use an existing .obj, create/map your new mesh in Blender, or import the mapped mesh using some other format that Blender has addons for.&&The .obj used in this tutorial was previously meshed in Blender and mapped in Milkshape but you can use any 3D editor to create and map your item.
What you will need
(1) Sims 4 Studio (Love) or above
Sims4Studio_v2.5.0.7 (Joy).7z&&()
Sims4Studio_v2.4.1.9 (Love).7z (s4s官网不再提供 Love版本,请改用(Joy))
(2) Blender 2.70
Blender 2.70:
NOTE: The new Studio requires the
(x86 version) from Microsoft in order to work correctly. This is automatically included with the Installer version now. If you're using the 7-zip version and get an error please download & install this file. If the error persists please report it.
(3) A 2D editor
A. Cloning the object
1. Open Studio and enter your creator name if you haven't done so.&&Then select Create 3D Mesh under the Object button.
2. Click the Object button.
20:23:34 上传
3. You can use the search bar to enter a keyword or object name to search by or just browse the thumbnail list.&&When you see the item you want to clone click on it.
4. Click the Next button.&&A popup box will appear and allow you to name and save your .package.
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5. After saving, the .package will open in the model viewer page.&&Give your item a name, a catalog description, and change the price if you want.
6. Click the Mesh tab.&&On the Mesh page LOD 0 (High) is selected by default.&&Click the Export Mesh button.&&A popup will appear allowing you to name & save the .blend.
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20:23:34 上传
B. Components of an EA object mesh
Upon opening the .blend in Blender click the small inverted triangle:
The Vertex Groups list will show you all the joints associated with the mesh. If transformBone is the only joint in the list you can ignore the joints for this item because Studio will automatically assign your mesh to this joint if you don't make any joint assignments.&&Multiple joint assignments will be covered in a separate tutorial.
There will most likely be 2 UV maps.&&EA uses a different second UV in cases where the bump (normal) map is mapped differently from the diffuse map and for items without this feature they include a second UV that is identical to the first.&&Take a look at both and, if they are identical as most are for EA's items, you can ignore the second because Studio will duplicate the first UV map for you if you do not make a second UV map yourself.
Vertex Colors - EA occasionally uses vertex paint to supply the game with additional information about the object.&&For example, lamps have vertex paint and the game uses the information to determine how much light shows on various parts of the object.&&If the item has no vertex colors you can ignore this because Studio will give your object white vertex paint by default unless you specify otherwise by vertex painting the mesh.
Vertex painting an object will be covered in a separate tutorial.
20:23:34 上传
Next click the Scene button to the left of the small globe. Locate the S4Studio CAS Tools menu and right click the shadow mesh to select it. You will notice a Type and a Cut number appear. Your shadow mesh must have the same Type and Cut number in order to replace EA's shadow mesh because this number is what allows you to tell Studio which mesh you want to replace EA's mesh.
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Now right click the main mesh.&&You will note a change in the cut number.&&Your main mesh must have the same Type and Cut number in order to replace EA's main mesh.
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C. Replacing EA's mesh with your new mesh
7. Click File in the upper right corner.&&Choose Import from the drop down menu.&&Select Wavefront (.obj) from the next drop down menu.&&Navigate to your .obj and select it.&&Alternatively, you can create your new mesh in Blender, you can append a mesh you previously made in Blender, or you can import your mesh in some other file type that Blender has an addon for.
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8. Select your mesh by right clicking on it.&&Hold down the Shift key and right click the shadow mesh to select that too.
9. Click the g key on your keyboard to &grab& your item (Blender's term for moving the item).&&You can constrain motion to any direction by following the g selection with a letter corresponding to the direction you want to move in.&&Clicking g followed by x will constrain motion in a left to right direction, following the g with y will constrain motion in a forward and backward direction, and following the g with z will constrain motion in the up and down direction.&&Move your meshes until they are positioned how you want them using EA's original item as your guide for placement.
20:23:34 上传
10. Click the a key on your keyboard to deselect all selected items.&&Then right mouse click the EA mesh and, holding down the Shift key, right click the EA shadow.&&Again click the g key to grab the selected EA meshes and move them away from your meshes.
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11. Click a again to deselect EA's meshes.&&Right mouse click your shadow mesh and give it the same Type and Cut number that EA's shadow mesh had.&&If you do not provide this number Studio will be unable to recognize that you want this mesh to be imported into the .package and it will ignore your mesh.&&If you put the wrong number in your meshes will not replace the correct EA mesh.
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12. Right click your main mesh and enter the Type and cut number EA's main mesh has.
13. Right click EA's shadow mesh and click the x key on your keyboard.&&When the box pops up click OK to delete EA's shadow mesh.
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14.&&Repeat step 13 but select EA's main mesh this time.&&Delete EA's main mesh.
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D. If you want to check your maps - you can skip this section if you're certain your maps are right.
When Studio exports the EA mesh it automatically exports the images associated with the mesh including the shadow blob sheet.&&If you want to see how your shadow map will fit on EA's shadow image right click your shadow mesh and then switch to Edit Mode.&&Click the a key on your keyboard to select all the vertices of your shadow mesh.&&Click the small whitish square to the right of the word UV and select EA's shadow blob sheet from the list as shown below.
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The UV/Image editor will then show you your shadow map superimposed over the EA shadow blob sheet (the image used to determine indoor floor and wall shadows).&&I made this object for Sims 3 which used the same blob sheet for shadows so it is already mapped appropriately for Sims 4.
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You can perform the same check of how your main mesh map will look on the EA diffuse map.&&This is, most likely, not the image you will use of course.
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E. One last detail and then Save/Import
15. Click the inverted triangle again and make sure that you do not have leftover EA UV maps in your list of UV maps.&&Studio will take the first ones on the list so if EA's are there this is going to be a problem.&&If you joined your meshes to EA's meshes instead of swapping them as shown in this tutorial EA's mesh UV maps will still be on the list.&&You can select these unwanted maps and click the minus sign to the right of the list box to delete them.
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16. Click File in the upper left corner and choose Save or Save As.&&I usually choose Save As and give my .blend a new name so I don't overwrite the first one.&&That way if I made a mistake I still have the original to work with.&&I do this while I'm making meshes too so I don't overwrite something and later regret it.
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17. Back in Studio make sure you have LOD 0 (High) selected and then click the Import Mesh button.&&Navigate to the .blend you just saved and import it.&&Your mesh will appear in the model viewer box.&&It will have an odd texture because it still has EA's diffuse, bump, and specular images applied to it.
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F. Creating your LOD 0 shadow mesh
18. EA uses a second mesh that is invisible in the game but acts to cast a shadow for your object if it is outdoors in the sun.&&The first step to making this new shadow mesh is to return to your item in Blender and selecting your mesh's shadow mesh by right clicking it.
19. Once it's selected click x on your keyboard and delete it.
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20. Change the Cut number to 0 since your main mesh is now the only mesh remaining in this .blend.
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21. Save your shadow mesh with a name different than you used for the main LOD 0 mesh.
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22. Back in Studio click the drop down menu and select Shadow LOD 0 (High)
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23. Click the Import Mesh button and navigate to where you saved the shadow mesh you just made.&&Import it into the .package.&&It will appear as a shiny grey colored mesh in the model viewer indicating it is a shadow mesh.
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24. Select LOD 1 (Medium) from the drop down.&&Repeat the same steps that you performed for LOD 0 and import your lower poly LOD 1 mesh.&&This is the mesh players will see when they are zoomed away from your item in the game so you can reduce the poly count a decent amount.&&Once you've done that use that mesh to make your LOD 1 Shadow (Medium) mesh.&&Repeat for LOD 2 and its shadow and Save your work.
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25. Now click the Texture tab and recolor your item as usual.&&If you have unwanted image artifacts from EA's bump (normal) or specular images you can easily edit those using the Warehouse tab.
When you're finished click Save again and check your new mesh in the game.
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This is my object which I converted from one I made for Sims 3.&&I edited the slots using Studio so they are in the same place as the ones for my object in Sims 3.&&I plan to write a tutorial showing how to edit slots for Sims 4 too
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&&&&&&&&&&&& ★*★*模拟人生荣耀之证★*★*
&&& &&& ←牧场物语
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UID6303705主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 在线时间12912 小时评议23
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Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4
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我开任何版本都出现这个楼上的问题 请问怎么解决啊!求楼主帮我一下啊!
UID8938031主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分7金钱168 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
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帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 评议23
THEXINstary 发表于
UID2112485主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分231金钱168 荣誉0 人气27 在线时间1058 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 231, 距离下一级还需 269 积分
帖子精华0积分231金钱168 荣誉0 人气27 评议0
Safari。 发表于
UID6303705主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 在线时间12912 小时评议23
帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 评议23
ivy098 发表于
在CAS分类下选择create new mesh即可。
UID5704971主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分186金钱2300 荣誉0 人气23 在线时间2010 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 186, 距离下一级还需 14 积分
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UID6303705主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 在线时间12912 小时评议23
帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 评议23
e680hdct 发表于
进S4S,在object选项下面勾选create recolor,然后选择你想改的画,导出dds,进PS编辑,最后导入保存就可以。
UID5704971主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分186金钱2300 荣誉0 人气23 在线时间2010 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 186, 距离下一级还需 14 积分
帖子精华0积分186金钱2300 荣誉0 人气23 评议0
Safari。 发表于
进S4S,在object选项下面 ...
& &&&难者不会,会者不难。兄弟说的原理我清楚了,就是具体操作不会,因为错一个指今就出不来,能否详细一点,谢谢!
UID5704971主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分186金钱2300 荣誉0 人气23 在线时间2010 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 186, 距离下一级还需 14 积分
帖子精华0积分186金钱2300 荣誉0 人气23 评议0
Safari。 发表于
进S4S,在object选项下面 ...
00:38:30 上传
UID7977115主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分18金钱207 荣誉0 人气2 在线时间24 小时评议0
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帖子精华0积分18金钱207 荣誉0 人气2 评议0
UID7977115主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分18金钱207 荣誉0 人气2 在线时间24 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 18, 距离下一级还需 182 积分
帖子精华0积分18金钱207 荣誉0 人气2 评议0
在CAS分类下选择create new mesh之后程序老是出错。。
UID6303705主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 在线时间12912 小时评议23
帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 评议23
francisjeao 发表于
在CAS分类下选择create new mesh之后程序老是出错。。
UID2112485主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分231金钱168 荣誉0 人气27 在线时间1058 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 231, 距离下一级还需 269 积分
帖子精华0积分231金钱168 荣誉0 人气27 评议0
Safari。 发表于
在CAS分类下选择create new mesh即可。
22:21:17 上传
22:21:17 上传
UID6303705主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 在线时间12912 小时评议23
帖子精华0积分3844金钱8826 荣誉57 人气1669 评议23
ivy098 发表于
UID8142385主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分707金钱1207 荣誉0 人气179 在线时间2055 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 707, 距离下一级还需 293 积分
帖子精华0积分707金钱1207 荣誉0 人气179 评议0
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UID7229734主题阅读权限150帖子精华1积分5731金钱29930 荣誉64 人气1648 在线时间21827 小时评议31
帖子精华1积分5731金钱29930 荣誉64 人气1648 评议31
小同君 发表于
&&&&&&&&&&&& ★*★*模拟人生荣耀之证★*★*
&&& &&& ←牧场物语
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