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加勒比扑克+有5卡加勒比海扑克+冷静!赌桌游戏规则打五张牌扑克玩家之间的&玩家& , &经销商& 。然而,加勒比海扑克+交手的房子,而不是对其他球员是没有唬人或其他欺骗。
游戏 Caribbean Poker+ has 5 card
Caribbean Poker+ cool!!! is a casino table game with rules of playing five cards of poker player between &Player& to &Dealer&. However Caribbean Poker+ is played against the house rather than against other players .There is no bluffing or other deception.
Caribbean Poker+ cool!!! has set of game tables that has
- Poker Ranking
- Card counting
- &ante& and &call&
- &Payout& and &Add-on Payout&
- Bonus Due in
- 5 Cards are allocated to &Player& and &Dealer& individually , right after &ante& bet is done by player ( using set of coins of denomination ) against &Dealer& when &deal& is done and after that 5 cards of &Player& is opened and &Poker Ranking& is done for &Player& and only one card &Dealer& . Then &call& , &fold& option is given to &Player&
- If the &Player& takes &call& , the remaining 4 cards of &Dealer& are opened and &Poker Ranking& is done for &Dealer&
- If the &Player& has high &Poker Ranking& after that he/she gets the &Payout& and &Add-on Payout& are given only when the &Player& win the game .
- If the &Player& has &Poker Ranking& and made &call& and lost the game against &Dealer& , even so he gets the &Add-on Payout&
- If the &Player& has &fold&ed then the &Player& gets no &Payout&
- Proper announcement will be made after every game and &winning chips& is shown clearly whenever &Player& wins.
此页面上的内容需要较新版本的 Adobe Flash Player。
--学生主页--华师一宣传连网上家园<option value=http://hsy级高一(27)班班级博客The Gavel模拟联合国协会
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学校地址:湖北省武汉市东湖高新技术开发区汤逊湖北路特1号 邮编:4302232017年小学毕业生招生网上信息采集:
此页面上的内容需要较新版本的 Adobe Flash Player。
--学生主页--华师一宣传连网上家园<option value=http://hsy级高一(27)班班级博客The Gavel模拟联合国协会
┋ 网站管理:信息中心 ┋管理员邮箱:(仅交流网站建设) 校长信箱:
学校地址:湖北省武汉市东湖高新技术开发区汤逊湖北路特1号 邮编:430223


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